Zhao Youting and Ke Jiayan on-screen couples gather again to congratulate Ruan Jingtian generously

Zhao Youting

Ke Jiayan

Screen lovers reunite

    On October 12, Zhao Youting (Mark) and Ke Jiayan, a screen couple, renewed their relationship and attended a well-known ring brand event in Japan. Ke Jiayan appeared in an elegant beige dress, and Zhao Youting was also dressed in a white suit. It was just that when the two of them who starred in "Mengka" with Ruan Jingtian (Xiao Tian) learned that Xiao Tian was shortlisted, Zhao Youting generously called to congratulate, and Ke Jiayan said with a smile: "I wish him well in my heart at the moment!" 

    Ke Jiayan didn’t know that Mark would show up beforehand, and when Zhao Youting came out with the diamond ring, Ke Jiayan’s face was really surprised. For an old friend he hadn’t seen for a long time, Ke Jiayan directly called out, "It’s very unreal, it feels like it’s still in the movie’Monga ‘!" It’s just that both of them also performed in "Monga" with Ruan Jingtian, but only Ruan Jingtian was nominated for the cast part. Zhao Youting also emphasized that "It’s really good to be disappointed, and I’m very happy that Xiaotian is shortlisted!" Ke Jiayan said that as long as he is shortlisted, he is sure, "Of course it’s best to win the award"!

    However, after learning that Ruan Jingtian was shortlisted for Best Actor for the first time, Zhao Youting said that he called Xiao Tian as soon as possible, "the details are just as Xiao Tian said before." But looking at Ke Jiayan, she smiled and said: "I didn’t call him, but I am very happy for him in my heart!" Zhao Youting, who is currently busy with the movie version of "Ruffian Hero", is also actively doing weight training for the movie, but when asked for more details of the movie, he only revealed: "It is very certain that **** [Chen Yihan] and I will star, and there are still many things that are uncertain, but I think the director will be able to make it clear to everyone soon."

Avita’s strength is obvious to all. Sales continued to break through in September, and the brand developed upward

  When Avita was established, it branded itself as a high-end SEV brand, hoping to become "the embodiment of wisdom that understands you". Therefore, in the process of development, Avita has been focusing on human-friendly travel technology, hoping to create an emotional and intelligent travel experience for users. In September, Avita sold 3,083 units, and such outstanding results have also handed over a satisfactory answer to everyone.

  Behind the steady growth of Avita’s sales and the sharp rise in smart driving data is the all-round leading product strength. Avita 11 is equipped with Huawei’s high-end intelligent driving assistance system as standard, which can cover urban areas, high-speed and parking scenarios, and the actual experience is unique. Up to now, Avita 11’s smart driving function has been fully trusted and used by users. The accumulated mileage of smart driving has exceeded 17 million kilometers, an increase of more than 50% month-on-month, making it the car brand with the highest proportion of smart driving mileage.

  On October 25th, the evaluation results of the third batch of models of the IVISTA China Smart Car Index in 2023 were announced. The Avita 11 won the five-star smart star rating and became the first model to receive "G" (excellent) evaluation in all five smart test items. At the same time, it also refreshed the highest score in the history of the navigation intelligent driving evaluation (NP test), scoring G + (excellent) evaluation with 96.10 points, winning the first place in the ranking.

  The navigation intelligent driving evaluation tests the scene coverage ability and emergency avoidance ability of Avita 11’s intelligent driving pilot assistance (NCA) through vehicle safety performance and functional completion. When Avita 11 activates the intelligent driving pilot assistance state, it can resolve potential crises with "accurate perception and bold decision-making" in the face of situations such as sudden cut-out of the front car, stationary car in front of the curve, and cone and barrel encroachment lane. In addition, when faced with ramp entry and exit and the reduction of lanes in front, it will select lanes in advance and choose the opportunity to change lanes with the optimal driving strategy to ensure efficient and safe traffic capacity.

  In terms of intelligent interaction, Avita 11 performs well in the experience evaluation of voice interaction, fluency and function richness; in terms of intelligent energy consumption, it is equipped with Ningde Times CTP high-density ternary lithium battery and 750V fast charging technology, and has a TMS thermal management system that operates efficiently in the full temperature range and excellent energy consumption control level of the whole vehicle. It can effectively optimize the battery life decay rate and improve the energy compensation efficiency. Under WLTC conditions, for extremely cold and high temperature environments in the range of -7 ° C to 35 ° C, Avita 11 has excellent measured battery life decay rate control, reflecting the solid battery life of "what you see is what you get".

  In the era of smart electric vehicles, the rapid iteration of products and the continuous upgrading of services are the core values of a car company, and future sales of Avita are expected to further break through.

Salary, social security, holidays … are related to your money bag in 2019!























































Looking at the mountains and rivers, going to the distance together, the documentary "Asking about the Mountains and Rivers" was launched.

On September 27th, the documentary "Wondering about Mountains and Rivers" was officially launched. The first season consists of four episodes. Zhang Chenliang (Infinitely Xiaoliang), director of chinese national geography Media Center and deputy editor of Natural History, is invited to lead the audience into the breathtaking China National Park, go deep into nobody’s land, explore novel species, and explore the stories of man and nature all the way.

Ask the way to the corner of the sea, go to the source of the Three Rivers, and visit natural creatures with Infinite Xiaoliang.

In Quest for Mountains and Rivers, Infinite Xiaoliang drives AITO Quest for M7, and invites local natural experts to walk into the two national parks at the Horn of the Sea and Tianya to visit the mystery and grandeur of life. Hainan Rainforest National Park and Sanjiangyuan National Park are located in the southeast and northwest of China respectively, with great differences in latitude and environment.

Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park, located in the corner of the sea, is the most complete and diverse continental island tropical rain forest in China, and is also an important part of the world tropical rain forest, with extremely rich animal and plant resources. In the warm and humid foggy forest, dripping water becomes rain. Infinitely bright light will lead the audience to meet ephemera, explore tree frogs, observe the mountains and rivers and listen to the sounds of apes.

Sanjiangyuan National Park is a completely different scene. Sanjiangyuan is the source catchment area of the Yangtze River, the Yellow River and the Lancang River. It is located in the hinterland of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. It is not only the "water tower of China" but also the birthplace of Chinese civilization, involving the jurisdiction of Zhiduo, Qumalai, Maduo and Zaduo counties and the Hoh Xil Nature Reserve. The Tibetan antelope jumps and the snow leopard crawls. This "China’s greatest wilderness" is full of rough and vigorous vitality in generate.

Infinite Xiaoliang used his humorous popular science style to stage a series of wonderful and interesting "forest adventures" with experts and guests in the film, visited the secluded places, and led the audience to understand the stories of exotic animals and plants and related protection measures in simple terms. Infinitely Xiaoliang said: "Each of us is faced with a lot of uncertainties and a lot of troubles and questions. At this time, when we go into nature and observe the original world, we may be able to answer many of our questions. "

Protect the environment and ecology and show the unique features of China’s national parks.

Environmental protection and ecological protection have always been China’s basic national policies. In this context, "Asking for Mountains and Rivers" took the lead in aiming at the national parks in China.

China’s unique three-step landform has created rich and diverse ecosystems and natural landscapes. The first-step Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is vast and magnificent, with continuous glaciers, scattered lakes and abundant aquatic plants. The second step plateau is interlaced with the basin, and the mountains and lakes show the beauty of the secret realm; The third step plain is intertwined with hills, and lakes and wetlands are criss-crossed with waters; There are also long coastlines and beautiful islands. Rich biodiversity, many endemic species and natural wonders make China have the natural conditions to build a world-class national park system. From the vast land in the western border of China to the southernmost plant paradise, the two first-time national parks selected by the film crew have representatively displayed the unique features of China’s ecological environment.

Ask the mountains, rivers and rivers to create the strongest nature exploration documentary IP.

In the field of domestic documentaries, there is still room for deep cultivation of nature exploration documentaries from the perspective of popular science, and the appearance of "Asking about Mountains and Rivers" is undoubtedly eye-catching. At a time when green development and biodiversity conservation have become "the bright spots in China", Tencent News shoulders the banner of social responsibility of natural science popularization, and with the innovative perspective of experts leading a team to visit national parks, it goes deep into the magnificent uninhabited land, conveys warm and in-depth humanistic ideas through strong visual impact, and shows the world the colorful natural ecological beauty of China. At the same time, lead the audience into the animistic and beautiful nature, and deeply feel the breath of the forest, the rhythm of creatures and the true nature of life-just as Infinite Xiaoliang stated in the program: "From the home next to you to the distant world; From a grass and a tree to a natural way. Some things go to nature and naturally understand. "

In recent years, the creative side has deeply laid out the content field, continuously provided users with valuable content oases, and bred a number of phenomenal depth columns, such as Thirteen Invitations, My Bronze Age and Talking to Strangers. This time, the top talents in the professional field were assembled to form the main creative team of "Quest for Mountains and Rivers". In the early stage, the main creative team completed a lot of careful and meticulous preparations. When shooting, it traveled all day and night just to capture the beautiful shots, and the frame-by-frame editing presented the necessary professionalism and interest of the documentary, combining beauty with knowledge to show the "scientific softness".

Is the queue in online celebrity Store a support or a real fire? Nearly 3 adults are willing to line up for 2 hours.

  Recently, the data released by the survey organization shows that nearly 30% of the consumers interviewed are willing to queue up for online celebrity drinks for two hours. There is also an endless debate about whether these are really queuing or hiring people to gather popularity. Beijing Youth Daily reporter found that hiring people to queue has long been a "primary means". online celebrity stores use the environment, products and marketing methods to make passers-by become queuing customers, which is behind the quiet change of consumers’ consumption concept.


  "Punch in" the first online celebrity store in the New Year

  Queue for an hour to buy milk tea

  Liujing, who finally returned to Beijing from his hometown to work after the Spring Festival holiday, rushed to do two things before he came to tidy up his cabin — — Shooting snow scenes in the Forbidden City and punching in the online celebrity coffee shop in the Forbidden City.

  Although there is "coffee" in its name, it is more like a online celebrity tea shop than a traditional coffee shop. The commodities, such as Kangxi’s favorite chocolate, milk tea with 3,000 beauties, smiling when riding a princess in the world of mortals, our palace’s delightful rolls and nourishing rolls, as well as the external packaging and the environment inside and outside the store, are the reasons why liujing, a young man, is in great demand.

  In order to punch in and take photos, liujing not only braved the wind and snow to plunge into the Forbidden City from the East Fifth Ring Road, but also queued for nearly an hour in the cafe to get the unique gold-bottomed paper cups of the Forbidden City and the red cup sets with the patterns of the Forbidden City printed on them.

  When liujing got the milk tea, the first thing he did was not to taste the drink in the cup, but to take a circle of photos in the store with the cup, and then go to a position where he could take a panoramic view of the turret, use this cup as a foreground and take a group of photos, and then he began to make friends circle while drinking with satisfaction.

  From going out to finishing the circle of friends, after more than three hours of tossing and turning, drinking milk tea that has cooled somewhat, liujing felt glad you came. In fact, in the coffee shop in the corner building of the Forbidden City, many customers are like liujing. Although some people think that the quality of the drinks in this store is average, people who come to taste it are still in an endless stream. Some netizens called this place "the first online celebrity store in 2019".


  Customers take more meals than order.

  Outside the store, the price of "yellow cattle" doubled

  Although some netizens complained because they waited for nearly an hour to enter the "online celebrity Store" of the coffee in the corner building of the Forbidden City. But at present, no one has linked this popularity with "hiring people to queue up". But another online celebrity store was once caught in this storm. In 2018, two stores of Xicha were opened in Beijing, but they were frequently on the news and hot search because there were too many people waiting in line. Because there were too many people waiting in line, Xicha was once exposed as "hiring people to queue up". For this problem, its founder said that the store was too busy to open takeout, and Xicha wanted to solve not the number of customers, but how to improve productivity.

  In order to verify whether the queue is for childcare or customers, Beijing Youth Daily reporters visited five tea shops in Beijing at different times in the past half month. In one hour, the number of drinks sold by different tea shops and at different times varies, ranging from 130 cups to 210 cups. The reporter of Beiqing Daily noticed that there were almost no people who lined up repeatedly during this period.

  During the visit time of reporters of Beiqing Daily, the number of take-out in Xicha Store in the office area once exceeded the number of stores currently on sale. In the stores with large sales volume, customers waiting for meals were once more than those waiting in line.

  At Joy City Store, the number of customers waiting for drinks in the surrounding area during the visit time of Beiqing Daily reporter was once twice as much as that of people waiting in line. In Changying Tianjie store, it takes less than 10 minutes to order food and more than 15 minutes to pick it up.

  In addition, in the vicinity of Sanlitun stores, there are even people selling queuing places.

  "It’s lined up inside. It’ll be there soon. Anything you want will do." A woman told the reporter of Beiqing Daily. A drink of more than 20 yuan, bid to 50 yuan. And she also took the small ticket that had been paid, saying that if she added some money, she could take the meal directly with this small ticket. The receipt shows a drink and a fruit tea that are the store’s signature. "Don’t worry about not selling, I want to buy a lot." When the reporter of Beiqing Daily asked how to deal with the failure to sell the meal receipt, the lady said.

  Chu Xian, a marketing insider, said that hiring people to queue up is a means for some emerging small brands to create momentum, which is relatively primary and suitable for the brand’s creation period, but it can’t last long. Once the brand image is established, hiring people to queue up is not only unhelpful, but also may cause brand damage. For hi-tea and Forbidden City Corner Coffee, this relatively low-end marketing method is not needed.


  Create the illusion that demand exceeds supply.

  Let consumers "wait reasonably"

  "It’s all here. I just want to try it. Anyway, it’s nothing." In the interview of the reporter of Beiqing Daily, this statement has the highest "voice".

  Customers who have this idea are also the means of "hunger marketing" by businesses. Marketers say that waiting in line is the time cost consumers pay for their favorite drinks. How to enlarge this time cost within a reasonable range and create a scene of "demand exceeds supply" requires the planning of merchants.

  In the eyes of some marketers, these tea shops in online celebrity are full of hints that "it is worthwhile to pay time and cost" to dilute the purpose of "hunger marketing". Take 1: 00 as an example. As a representative of the street tea shop, 1: 00 doesn’t have any place to sit in the shop, but the operating cabinet area in the shop is bigger and longer than that of the ordinary street tea shop. The clerk always needs to take materials from one end of the counter and then run to the other end to seal them, in order to complete the production of all milk tea. This lengthens the time of making milk tea, objectively makes customers wait longer, leading to queuing, but also makes the waiting customers clearly see the whole process of making milk tea. This technique has also been imitated by many online celebrity stores and carried forward.

  Marketers said that although they couldn’t feel the service of online celebrity store in the queue, these value-added experiences weakened the attribute of "manufacturing" and emphasized the store service, with Xixian tea featuring strong brand and strong operation and Naixue tea focusing on social scenes as typical representatives.

  Among the online celebrity stores that have survived for more than one year, hi-tea is quite the essence of this method. Not only the production area is fully displayed, but also a large number of people make it inside. On the one hand, this move improves efficiency, on the other hand, it is to highlight the value of its products and make consumers feel that "it makes sense to wait". In addition, hi-tea, Naixue-の tea and inWE-flavored tea leave a large number of seats in the store and decorate the store in a high-end and fashionable way, at the expense of the business area in the store to increase decoration.

  Wang Hao, a food and beverage analyst at Mintel, said that opening a online celebrity tea shop with exquisite decoration and novel layout in the shopping center can help improve the consumption experience and relieve the anxiety of consumers waiting in line for a long time.

  However, the queuing or full situation in the store makes passers-by curious about going to online celebrity store, which leads to concerns and potential customers. In an interview with reporters of Beiqing Daily, nearly 60% of those who didn’t take part in the queue said that if online celebrity stores didn’t queue up, they would like to buy their products and try them. There are also a few customers who hold the attitude of "optimistic about many people buying and wanting to taste how delicious it is".


  The rise of "scene consumption"

  Customers are willing to pay for added value.

  "For a cup of milk tea, as for this queue?" This may be a question that many consumers who pass through Sanlitun Xicha feel when they look at the customers who are lined up in sections.

  The data survey reflects customers’ tolerant attitude towards online celebrity stores. Mintel, a research organization, recently released a report saying that its research shows that 28% of consumers think it is worthwhile to queue up for two hours to buy online celebrity tea. In the report of another survey agency, Ai Media Consulting, 74.5% of consumers surveyed can accept queuing for milk tea for less than half an hour.

  According to Mintel data, the market growth of tea shops in China reached its peak in 2017-2018, with a compound annual growth rate of 14% increasing to 48.5 billion yuan. In some shopping centers in Beijing, the number of tea shops even exceeds the number of fast food restaurants. With so many choices, many consumers are still willing to queue up for a cup of milk tea for about half an hour. Analysts say and the change of consumption concept — — The transition from experience consumption to scene consumption is closely related.

  Zhu Danpeng, a food industry analyst in China, said that people are demanding higher and higher quality of life. Eating is not only for satiety, but also for freshness, health, feeling and even personality. In online celebrity restaurants, there are not only novel products, but also scene consumption, with more services and brand added value. Consumers are willing to pay for this part of the scene, not just for the goods themselves, or even pay a high premium or time cost, which is itself a manifestation of consumption upgrading. This is just like some white-collar workers were more willing to go to Starbucks for consumption. In fact, they didn’t just like drinking coffee, but more recognized the lifestyle represented by Starbucks. Today’s online celebrity store also represents a lifestyle and consumption values recognized by young people, and is a vivid annotation of the new trend of consumption.

  Text/reporter zhangxin

Direct hit recovery pain point lead battery utilization has a target responsibility system.

  China is a big producer and user of lead-acid batteries, and the output of lead-acid batteries accounts for more than 40% of the world’s total output. At present, despite the rapid development of lithium batteries and hydrogen batteries, lead-acid batteries are still widely used in transportation, communication, energy storage, logistics and other industries because of their stable performance, safe use and high cost performance. Zhang Tianren, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Tianneng Group, told the Science and Technology Daily reporter that with the improvement of environmental protection and industry access, at present, the pollution source of lead-acid batteries has shifted from production to recycling and regeneration.

  The Interim Measures for the Management of Lead-acid Battery Recycling (Draft for Comment) (hereinafter referred to as the "Measures") drafted by the National Development and Reform Commission, etc., is precisely to grasp the weakest link in the prevention and control of lead-acid battery pollution throughout its life cycle, and requires that the standardized recovery rate should reach over 60% by the end of 2025.

  "Underground industrial chain" recycling accounts for 70%

  With the continuous exploitation of lead ore resources in China, there are not many primary lead reserves, which can no longer meet the domestic industrial demand for lead. The data shows that in 2018, China’s refined lead production was about 5.25 million tons, accounting for about 44% of the global lead production. Among them, there are about 3 million tons of primary lead and 2.25 million tons of recycled lead. At this development rate, China’s lead ore resources will be basically mined after 10 years. If the recycling of waste lead-acid batteries and lead-containing wastes is not accelerated, there will be a serious shortage of lead resources in China.

  Zhang Tianren said that the environmental pollution of lead-acid batteries in the manufacturing process can be prevented, cured and controlled, but the pollution situation in illegal recycling and disposal is serious. Some small business hawkers buy illegally in the streets and lanes. After simple crushing, they sell lead plates to unqualified small workshops and small smelters. Small smelters lack or even have no environmental protection facilities, and they can be smelted with just one pot; Batteries are disassembled at will, acid liquid is dumped at will, lead dust is discharged at will, and lead slag is disposed at will.

  According to incomplete statistics, about 198 million lead-acid batteries weighing more than 5 million tons are scrapped every year, of which only 30% are recycled through formal channels and standardized smelting, while 70% are recycled through "underground industrial chain". In China, more than 300,000 tons of lead-containing waste acid are directly dumped due to illegal recycling every year, which seriously pollutes the environment.

  In order to solve the problem of illegal purchase by small traders and hawkers, the Measures put forward the "ledger system and big data management", that is, the electronic ledger system for key nodes in the whole life cycle of lead-acid batteries is implemented, and lead-acid battery production (import), sales, collection, storage, transportation and resource utilization enterprises should establish ledgers as required to record the types, quantities, flow directions and other information of waste lead-acid batteries; Enterprises such as lead battery production (import), sales and resource utilization record electronic ledger information, and upload the last quarter ledger information to the lead battery life cycle management information system within the first 15 days of each quarter.

  Zheng Qiuhua, general manager of Guangdong Lvxun Energy Technology Co., Ltd., said that this enables the collection of each waste lead-acid battery to achieve the purpose of "traceability, quantity and responsibility", thus improving the standardized recovery rate of waste lead-acid batteries and reducing the risk of environmental pollution.

  Solve "difficulties" such as trans-provincial transshipment and network construction.

  "Supporting large-scale backbone lead-acid battery manufacturers to establish a standardized recycling system and bringing the recycling and disposal of used batteries into a standardized track will help protect the ecological environment." Zhang Tianren explained that there are three main difficulties in building a recycling system. First of all, it is difficult to transport lead-acid batteries across provinces. As waste lead-acid batteries are classified as hazardous waste, a hazardous waste transfer form must be filled in when transferring them across provinces. Generally speaking, even if the approval procedures are smooth, it will take about 3 months; Secondly, it is difficult to build outlets. According to the requirements of relevant national laws and regulations, it takes more than half a year to engage in the recycling business of used lead-acid batteries, and the procedures are complicated. It is also necessary to build a standardized recycling company in each prefecture-level city, which is costly. There is also a shortcoming in finance and taxation. Recycling enterprises disperse recycling from individuals or outlets. It is impossible for individuals to issue VAT invoices to recycling enterprises. However, when selling waste batteries to regular recycling enterprises, 17% VAT invoices are required, which is too expensive. Small business hawkers sell to small smelters through invoice-free transactions, and the cost is greatly reduced. "This is the main reason why regular enterprises can’t collect used batteries or buy them at a loss."

  The "Measures" propose that the undamaged waste lead batteries with intact tamper-proof labels should be conditionally exempted from hazardous waste management in collection, temporary storage, storage and transportation; If there is no tamper-proof mark, the tamper-proof mark is incomplete or damaged, it shall be managed as hazardous waste.

  "In the past, even the waste lead-acid batteries with complete packaging and no damage had to be transported by special vehicles for hazardous chemicals logistics, and the price of special vehicles for hazardous chemicals logistics was more than twice that of ordinary logistics transport vehicles." Zhang Tianren said that the differentiated management of the Measures has greatly reduced various procedures for formal recycling enterprises, reduced their operating costs and improved their market competitiveness.

  The Measures also put forward "joint recycling", that is, encourage lead battery manufacturers, sales enterprises, standardized recycling enterprises, resource utilization enterprises and harmless disposal enterprises to strengthen cooperation and jointly build a recycling network system for waste lead batteries; Encourage production enterprises to establish a reverse recovery network system of used lead batteries by relying on motor vehicle maintenance outlets and battery sales networks, and encourage production enterprises to adopt business strategies such as "trade-in" and "sell one for another" to improve the reverse recovery rate.

  Zheng Qiuhua said that countries such as Europe and the United States have started collecting and utilizing waste lead-acid batteries earlier, and have more standardized recycling systems and policies. If the United States implements the deposit system, users need to add a high recovery deposit when purchasing lead-acid batteries, forcing users to hand over scrapped lead-acid batteries to designated recovery points for recycling, otherwise the deposit will not be refunded; German law requires manufacturers of lead-acid batteries to sell and collect waste lead-acid batteries in a "one-for-one" way, otherwise the sales of lead-acid batteries will be prohibited. The "Measures" also absorbed foreign advanced experience and narrowed the gap between domestic and foreign countries in regulating recycling and recycling.

  Improve the punishment mechanism to prevent "resurgence"

  Waste lead batteries contain 65% lead plate, 20% sulfuric acid, 15% plastic and other auxiliary materials. The lead recovery rate of waste lead storage batteries in developed countries is over 98%, and that of large-scale recycled lead enterprises in China is generally over 90%, and some recycled lead enterprises adopting international technology and equipment even reach 99.9%. However, the process of small workshops and smelters is backward, and the lead recovery rate is less than 70%. Even if the recovery rate is 90%, the annual lead loss caused by small smelters is about 700,000 tons. Moreover, the cost of obtaining resources through regeneration is much lower than the cost of obtaining resources directly from smelting and processing of ores and raw materials.

  In order to combat and put an end to illegal recycling and recycling, the Measures stipulate that units and individuals engaged in the sale, collection, storage, transportation and resource utilization of lead-acid batteries without obtaining industrial and commercial business licenses shall be punished; Those who sell waste lead-acid batteries to non-compliant enterprises shall be ordered to make rectification within a time limit and other relatively perfect "punishment mechanisms".

  In this regard, Zhang Tianren said that small recycled lead refineries built without environmental protection approval should be resolutely banned, joint law enforcement should be strengthened, a high-pressure situation should be maintained, and a long-term mechanism should be established to prevent "resurgence"; Those responsible for causing environmental pollution shall be severely punished and held jointly and severally liable; Give play to the role of public supervision, set up a reward mechanism for reporting, and investigate and deal with reports together; Increase consumer education, so that the whole people can establish the concept of saving resources and protecting the environment, and consciously resist the pollution in the process of disposal and regeneration of waste lead batteries.

  Including the planning and tightening of lead storage battery recycling management, the threshold of lead storage battery industry is being further improved. For example, at the beginning of July this year, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology punished seven lead battery manufacturers, including Jiangsu Jinchangxing Power Supply Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen Xiongtao Power Technology Co., Ltd., which did not meet the "Lead Battery Industry Specification Conditions (2015 Edition)" and "Lead Battery Industry Announcement Management Measures (2015 Edition)". (Reporter Li He)

"Research" must be done! The postgraduate adjustment system will open this strategy on the 22nd to help you succeed.

2021 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Adjustment Service SystemOpen today.

Candidates want to take part in the postgraduate entrance examination.

What should I pay attention to?question?

What are the postgraduate adjustments?step?

What should I do well in the second examination of postgraduate entrance examination?prepare?

This guide is for you, best wishes.success!

  Remember!Adjust the specific time

  The 2021 national postgraduate enrollment adjustment service system has been implemented inMarch 22ndOpen.

  According to the requirements of the "Regulations on the Administration of National Postgraduate Admissions in 2021", the time for candidates to adjust their volunteers is set by the admissions unit.No more than 36 hours.; Duration of each opening of the adjustment system by the enrollment unitNot less than 12 hours..

  Confirm!Basic conditions of adjustment

  Please pay attention to the qualification of postgraduate adjustment:Must meet the requirements of the national preliminary test results in the transferred areas, commonly known as "crossing the national line."

  △ Basic conditions for candidates to adjust

  Tips:Candidates can useI bind my own Xuexin account on WeChat., receive the adjustment notification reminder.

  △ Candidates can bind Xuexin.com account through WeChat.   

  Explain in detail!Operation steps of postgraduate adjustment

  I. Query the planned balance information

  Candidates are required to log in to the National Postgraduate Enrollment Adjustment Service System (https://yz.chsi.com.cn/yztj/) and inquire about the planned balance information of each enrollment unit through "accurate inquiry" or "fuzzy inquiry".


  1. Candidates applying for transfer should meet the transfer conditions determined by the regulations on enrollment management.

  2. Candidates who do not meet the requirements for transferring to professional disciplines, preliminary test subjects or transfer application conditions of enrollment units,You will not be able to fill in the corresponding volunteers.

  3. Enrollment units and majorsFill in at least one item..

  4. Candidates’ scores should meet the basic requirements of the initial test scores of candidates who participated in the national unified examination in accordance with the first and second districts formulated and announced by the Ministry of Education.

  Zone 1Including Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shanxi, Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Fujian, Jiangxi, Shandong, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Chongqing, Sichuan, Shaanxi and other 21 provinces (cities);

  Zone 2Including Inner Mongolia, Guangxi, Hainan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Tibet, Gansu, Qinghai, Ningxia, Xinjiang and other 10 provinces (regions).

  5. If there is no specific figure for the planned balance, you can consult the relevant enrollment units and departments.

  Second, apply for adjustment

  Candidates enter the application transfer page.Candidates who participate in the swap can fill in three parallel swap volunteers at a time.The submitted transfer volunteers are not allowed to be modified within the time set by the enrollment unit (no more than 36 hours) (each volunteer is timed separately). After the lock time arrives, candidates can continue to fill in other volunteers.

  △ Adjustment Volunteer Reporting Interface

  If you need to modify the adjustment volunteer,You can click the "Modify" button to enter the "Modify and Adjust Volunteer" page for modification, and then click the "Submit" button after modification.

  △ Modify the interface of voluntary adjustment.

  Third, participate in the second interview

  Please log in to the adjustment system in time after submitting the adjustment volunteer.If you receive the notice of re-examination, you should confirm the reply through the adjustment system within the time specified by the enrollment unit, and go through the relevant formalities according to the requirements of the enrollment unit.

  Candidates who fail the re-examination can still continue to fill in other adjustment volunteers.

  △ Re-examination Notice Receiving Page

  Fourth, wait for the admission notice

  After the second interview is passed, the admissions unit will send a notice of waiting for admission to the candidates through the adjustment system. Candidates who receive the "notice of waiting for admission" should log in to the adjustment system for confirmation within the time specified by the admissions unit, otherwise the admissions unit can cancel the notice of waiting for admission.

  Candidates can only accept one transfer volunteer to be admitted. Once they accept the notice to be admitted, it means that the transfer is completed, and they will no longer be able to fill in the transfer volunteer, accept the second interview or the notice to be admitted. Please choose carefully!

  TipsDue to the constant adjustment and changes in various aspects, the actual admission of candidates to departments and departments is subject to the actual admission of enrollment units.

  In case of online re-examination, pay attention to these details!

  1.Confirm in advanceVideo equipment and environment available

  2. Ensure that the power is sufficient, the storage space of the equipment is sufficient, the Wi-Fi does not delay the jam, and the alarm clock is turned off.

  3. When using the camera, don’t unplug the shooting equipment.

  4. Test the ambient light in advanceNon-backlight

  5. Sit upright during the exam.Facing the camera

  Adjust the operation of postgraduate entrance examination. Anyone who doesn’t understand can ask ↓

  01. Is the dispensing system started in the early morning of 22nd or in the morning?

  It will open in the early morning of the 22nd, but don’t wait to stay up late! It is most important to have a good rest and meet the information war with full spirit!

  02. Are the R&D network adjustment system and college adjustment started simultaneously?

  That’s not true. The official transfer system was opened on the 22nd, and the institutions decided when to open it according to the enrollment situation of their own institutions before the official transfer system was closed.

  03. When will the dispensing system be closed?

  Generally at the end of April each year.

  04. How long is the swap volunteer locked? And how long is it locked?

  When the transfer application is submitted, the transfer will be locked. Candidates’ voluntary lock-in time for adjustment shall be set by each enrollment unit independently, and the longest time shall not exceed 36 hours. After the lock-up time arrives, if the admissions unit does not clearly accept the opinions, the lock-up will be lifted, and candidates can continue to fill in other volunteers.

  05. How to fill in the three volunteer transfers? What is the difference?

  After the official opening of the dispensing system, you can fill in three parallel volunteer at the same time, and the three volunteers have no order. After filling in and submitting the transfer volunteers, all three volunteers will be locked, and the minimum locking time of the transfer volunteers will not exceed 36 hours.

  Judging from the adjustment information in previous years, the locking time varies from 7 hours, 8 hours, 12 hours, 24 hours and 36 hours. The specific time will be announced in the official adjustment announcement. If it is not found, you can only wait patiently. Once these three volunteers are locked, they are not eligible to fill in other institutions.

  Therefore, it is suggested that students fill in one or two volunteer peaks first. If they meet a favorite and qualified institution later, they will have the opportunity to fill in the report, so as not to miss the opportunity.

  06. Is the voluntary lock-in time for each swap counted separately?

  Yes The time when the volunteer is locked is determined by the institution. If the institution feels that it does not meet the adjustment conditions, it will be rejected and its adjustment volunteer will be unlocked.

  07. Will the corresponding three schools see the three volunteer transfers? Will other schools see it?

  After the application for volunteer transfer is submitted, the reporting institution and other institutions will see the progress of their three volunteers and the progress record of the previous re-examination. But don’t worry, transfer is a two-way choice. Colleges hope to have high-quality students, and students also hope to find their favorite colleges. Teachers understand.

  08. Will you remind yourself if the school transfer vacancy is full?

  Will not prompt. However, the dispensing system requires that the dispensing system of each school be open for no less than 12 hours.

  09. If you are selected by a school, but the second interview fails, or the volunteer for adjustment is rejected, can you adjust again?

  Yes, you can. No matter whether the re-examination fails or the voluntary adjustment is rejected, the adjustment can be continued. As long as three volunteers are not locked and have not accepted the admission notice, they can continue until the end of the system opening.

  10. Will there be a situation in which one person participates in the re-examination of three schools in the first transfer?

  This will happen, but it is very unlikely. As long as the second interview time is in time and there is no conflict, you can participate.

  11. Do I have to fill in the contact information when filling in the transfer volunteer?

  That’s right. When filling in the transfer volunteers, the contact information is an important way for the enrollment unit to contact the candidates actively. Please fill in the form carefully and make sure the phone is open.

  12. What should I do if my mobile phone number is wrong?

  If you fill in the wrong mobile phone number when volunteering, you need to wait until the volunteer can be modified before you can modify the filled mobile phone number. If the volunteer has been locked, please contact the admissions unit to solve it.

  13. I have confirmed the notice of waiting for admission. How to cancel it?

  If you give up the admission notice, you must obtain the permission of the unit to be admitted, and you need the enrollment unit to cancel the admission notice, and the candidates can continue to fill in the adjustment volunteer, accept the second interview or the notice to be admitted after logging in to the adjustment system for confirmation.

  14. Should the three volunteers be filled in together or one by one?

  After filling in the first volunteer, the second and third volunteers can fill in at any time. The three voluntary transfers are parallel, with no priority and no influence on each other. Three volunteers fill in the wrong peak, the first volunteer must be the school you want to go to most, and the filling time should be as early as possible. Because the earlier you fill in, the earlier it will be unlocked. If the college doesn’t send a notice, the school may unlock your application in advance. For the second and third volunteers, you can stagger the time a little.

  15. What are the contents of the application form? What do you need to prepare in advance?

  In general, it includes "candidate number, candidate’s name, gender, ID number, final education, application category, graduation institution, graduation major, entrusted training unit (to be filled in by candidates entrusted to apply for training), my contact telephone number and email address, the name of a volunteer application unit, the code and name of a volunteer application major, entrance examination results, and the code and name of the professional field to apply for adjustment" and so on.

The number of postgraduate students has reached this year.3.77 million people,

Every successful graduate student,

Have experienced many hardships that ordinary people have never experienced.

Initial test, second test and adjustment … …

We can’t give up the hope of struggle until the last moment.

I wish every postgraduate party a successful postgraduate entrance examination!

May your pen have a beautiful world,

May you write a brilliant picture,

To be no.1, thank you!

  Producer Tang Yi

  The producer is gentle.

  Planning Zheng Liheng

  Editor Chen Zhuoran