Visiting the filming site of "Drop and Run Love", Ren Xianqi was exposed to torturing Shu Qi

??1905电影网讯 除了唱歌、演戏,如今的任贤齐又多了一个新身份——导演,没错!他在自己导演的电影处女作《落跑吧,爱情》中自导自演,与舒淇上演了一场浪漫爱情喜剧。据悉,女神舒淇在片中还惨遭新手导演小齐的折磨,不论是落水暴晒,还是削刀削面,全部都得亲自上阵。


任贤齐成电影圈新劳模 唱歌、跳舞、浮潜……任拍任采无怨言





Second stop: the sea bridge

Necessary skills: I jump, I jump, I jump, I jump.

??On this sea-crossing bridge that spans Baisha Island and Yuweng Island, Ren Xianqi’s "tour guide" is possessed. Xiao Qi can tell all the history and short stories about this bridge. Without looking at his face, you really think he is a senior tour guide.

Ren Xianqi jumped up without saying a word. Unexpectedly, the media came to their senses, and all kinds of posture requirements emerged in an endless stream, just like "I jump, I jump, I jump".

The third stop: Baisha Township "Penghu Bay Homestay"

Necessary Skills: Play and Sing

    This white two-story building is the main scene of "Fall, Run, Love". The story of Ren Xianqi and Shu Qi starts here, and there are many ironic things that happen here. Ren Xianqi believes that no details in the movie can be sloppy, so the crew not only invested more than 4 million yuan to build a wooden house, but also hired a prop master to make the whole bed and breakfast old. Interestingly, this seemingly awesome sea view house is actually very sturdy. Ren Xianqi said, "For environmental protection, we can’t drill deep piles or pour cement, so every time the sea water ebbs, the house feels a little inclined, and of course we will quickly replenish sand to reinforce it."

??Sitting on the steps of the cabin, accompanied by the sound of the sea breeze and waves, Ren Xianqi played and sang the new songs "Falling in Love with Summer" and "Grandma’s Penghu Bay", giving people a feeling of love and nostalgia. It is reported that Ren Xianqi has tailor-made a number of new songs for his film debut "Falling in Love". The newly released "Falling in Love with Summer" MV shows movie clips in the form of dramas. Ren Xianqi performs a triple role in the MV. In addition to starring and singers, he also enjoys his own works in theaters as a director.

Fourth stop: Qimei Island Double Heart Stone Shanghai

Nirvana: snorkeling + acting cute

??The Double Heart Stone has a history of more than 700 years. It was originally a fishing tool used in the tidal zone. Due to its shape resembling two "hearts" together, it has now become a symbol of love. It is said that if a person can put a stone into the "heart", the love wish will come true. In "Drop and Run Love", there is also this scene. At that time, Shu Qi kept trying to throw a stone, but unexpectedly the stone hit Ren Xianqi who was swimming, which made people laugh.

??In Shuangxin Shihu, Ren Xianqi kept playing POSE act cute, and all kinds of gestures expressing love were used by Ren Xianqi again, which was really cute. Finally, Xiao Qi also used the strongest trump card – snorkeling. Ren Xianqi, who is proficient in water, is like a free fish in the water, which is not only handsome and pressing, but also makes people feel a kind of dynamic and casual beauty.

Shu Qi was madly tortured by Ren Xianqi, got wet and played with noodles, and was tanned in 2 colors

??It is rare to see an artist who can work so hard. How about it, did Xiao Qi’s must-kill skills also move you? Closer to home, Ren Xianqi, who has been a good tour guide in China, has returned to being a good director in China, revealing the unknown shooting story in "Drop and Run Love". You know, Muse Shu Qi was tortured by the novice director Xiao Qi in the film. What crazy exposure, climbing high and falling into the water, even cutting knives and noodles is such a dangerous job, Shu Qi himself goes into battle.

??Ren Xianqi even broke the news that Muse was tanned as "black face" in the end. Xiao Qi said, "Thank you very much Shu Qi for participating, she is a very dedicated actress, this play Shu Qi has worked very hard to shoot, because the sun in Penghu is too strong, we basically shoot at the beach again, and she has to fall into the water. I think she has been tanned at least 2 times, and even my photographer said to me, ‘Director, I can’t let Shu Qi be black anymore, it’s a little bit out of touch’!" Ren Xianqi smiled and said, "I don’t need to say it, now the skin tone is the same as black coal."

??In the play, Ren Xianqi and Shu Qi stage an adventurous love journey; outside the play, Xiao Qi has long been a son and daughter, but unfortunately the heroine Shu Qi is still alone. As a good friend and neighbor, Ren Xianqi is also anxious about Muse’s life-long affairs. He shouts to good boys all over the world, hoping that someone can quickly stand up and take good care of Shu Qi. Ren Xianqi said, "Shu Qi cultivates both inside and outside, and people are more beautiful. As for the issue of feelings, it seems that the actresses I have worked with, including Liu Ruoying, Gigi Liang, Big S, etc., have all had a good marriage after working with me. I also hope that good boys can take good care of Shu Qi."

Ren Xianqi lamented that it is not easy to be a director. The 30-minute test film turned the audience into a good laugh

??Speaking of being a director for the first time, Ren Xianqi considered himself handy, and he attributed it to the professional staff and his many years of acting experience. At the same time, Xiao Qi also lamented that it was too difficult to be a director. "My starting point for making’Drop Off Love ‘was very simple. First, the song’Grandma’s Penghu Bay’ and the story of the movie moved me; second, I wanted to fulfill a director’s dream. In fact, a director told me before that I must not be a director. I didn’t understand it at the time. I didn’t expect that being a director was so hard and had a good ability to resist pressure. Now I feel that being an actor is so happy!" Ren Xianqi said with a smile, "If I act again in the future, I will never give the director bad ideas again."

??In addition, "Love" also made a special test film in Penghu. Although the film was only screened for 30 minutes, although it was only similar to the nature of the super-long trailer, the effect was still good, and the live laughter was continuous. The style of the film is fresh, but it does not follow the traditional Taiwanese literary romance line. The feeling of "Love" is closer to "Summer Tea", with love and beauty, jokes and touching materials.

New Kia K5 unveiled at 2024 new york Auto Show.

??? Recently, learned from relevant channels that the new Kia K5 was officially unveiled at the 2024 new york Auto Show. As a mid-term redesigned model, the new car is mainly adjusted for details, and the sense of grade has been significantly improved. In terms of power, the new car will provide a variety of options such as 2.0L naturally aspirated, 1.6T engine, 2.0LPI LPG engine and 2.0L hybrid system.

??? In terms of appearance, the overall new car has not changed much, and it still adopts the classic family-style design. The roaring air intake grille on the front face is matched with the sharp lamp group shape on both sides, and the visual effect is quite fashionable. The new car is mainly adjusted for the front surround, further highlighting the sense of movement of the whole car.

??? In addition, the new car also provides a variety of brand-new rims for different models to meet consumers’ personalized needs. The tail is mainly adjusted for the taillights, and the overall style is more stereoscopic.

??? Compared with the appearance, the interior has changed greatly, and the screen with the old big frame has been changed into a more scientific and fashionable floating double screen. At the same time, the air outlet of the upper air conditioner is changed to a hidden design, and the air conditioning panel is reshaped, making the operation more convenient.

??? In terms of power, the new car will provide a 2.0L naturally aspirated engine with a maximum horsepower of 160Ps;; The maximum horsepower of 1.6T engine is 180Ps;; The maximum horsepower of 2.0LPI LPG engine is 146Ps;; The maximum horsepower of the 2.0L hybrid system engine is 152Ps. For more news about the new car, the car quality network will continue to pay attention to and report.

Have you ever cancelled an order by an online ride-hailing driver? Undercover investigation to reveal the "secret" behind it

  "Hello, I’m sorry, my car broke down, can you cancel the order?" "Hello, my car encountered a traffic accident on the road just now, and I can’t come to pick you up. Can you cancel the order?"… Are you familiar with this? Have you ever heard of it? When you cancel an order, have you ever felt like crying but not crying? The appearance of online car-hailing has greatly improved the convenience of people taking a taxi. Drivers can no longer "pick customers" and "pick orders". We no longer have to beckon for half an hour in the rain on a rainy day, but we can’t get a taxi. But then there are some small new problems. For example, a car that is easy to get, but is told by the driver that it can’t come. At this time, can you only cancel the order helplessly? Not necessarily. After a few days of undercover investigation, the Yangzi Evening News reporter will "reveal the secret" behind the cancellation of the order for you, and "advise" for you – how should we deal with such a situation. 

  Passenger complaints: Early rush to send children to school, orders are often cancelled

  Mr. Liu, a citizen, reported to his child about the kindergarten near the unit: "I can basically pick up and drop off children every day, but during this time I happened to be on a business trip for a week, so I called my mother a car and asked her to pick it up." What made Mr. Liu depressed was that it was not easy to take a taxi during the morning rush hour, but it often took about ten minutes to get a car, but it was inexplicably cancelled.

  "From Hexi to Qinhuai, the road is a bit congested, but it’s not as congested as Xinjiekou, so it won’t be cancelled so often, right?" Mr. Liu told reporters that sometimes the driver would tell him that the car was broken and there was nothing to come. "In such a situation, my heart is really broken, but I can’t help it, and people can’t come, so I can only cancel it." There are many passengers like Mr. Liu. Some waited for half an hour in the umbrella under the guard box at the entrance of the park with their children, and finally got a car, but it was cancelled; some were in a hurry to catch a meeting or a dinner, but because of a cancellation, they had to wait again. And when the order was cancelled, most people chose "forget it".

  Reporter’s visit: The driver said his car was blocked, but it wasn’t

  In the morning rush hour, the reporter took an online taxi in Hexi. The order showed that there were still 5 minutes before the reporter, but the reporter waited for 10 minutes at the boarding point. The location showed that the driver was still in place and did not drive over. The driver called to say that his car was in a certain community and was blocked by another car.

  The reporter told the driver that he could cancel, but he would report the matter to the customer service. He also asked the driver to leave evidence for the customer service to check. After the reporter cancelled the order, he reported to the platform customer service and informed the platform that he just wanted to know if the car was blocked. After a period of time, the platform informed the reporter that the car was not blocked on the road, but did not want to take the reporter’s order. The platform has punished the driver.

  Last weekend, the reporter took a taxi to Hexi at a shopping mall in Yuhuatai District, Nanjing. It stands to reason that there is no evening rush hour at 4 or 5 pm on Saturday, but after waiting for more than ten minutes, the driver said that his car had collided with another car, and he had to deal with the dispute and could not pick it up. After the reporter told the driver that he would report to the platform, the driver actually said that he could pick it up. However, the reporter later checked with the platform to see if the car had collided, but the result was that there was no situation as the driver said.

  Unannounced visit

  The driver said that there are at least five ways to cancel the order

  During the unannounced visit, many drivers told reporters that there are many ways to cancel passenger orders. An online ride-hailing driver with more than a decade of experience told reporters that there are at least five ways to cancel passenger orders.

  "The first option is for the driver to drive to the destination, wait for five minutes, and then cancel without responsibility." So the driver can drive nearby, the passenger can’t find the car, and the driver can’t "find" the passenger. After five minutes of delay, it is automatically cancelled.

  "The second is that many platforms will have free cancellation opportunities for drivers to take orders. For example, cancel once a day without responsibility, drunk passengers can not pick up, passengers who do not wear masks during the epidemic can not pick up, etc." Then after receiving an unwanted order, the driver can click on the passenger "drunk" or other options to cancel without responsibility.

  "This cancellation method requires uploading a photo. The passenger is clearly wearing a mask. How can you upload a photo to prove that he is not wearing it?" The reporter asked.

  "It’s simple, just take a few pictures of passengers who don’t wear masks on the road. Or take a few drunk people at the entrance of the hotel for backup." The driver replied.

  Then, the reporter learned that the third way is to arrive near the appointment location, the driver can turn on the mobile phone "flight mode", stop in front of the passenger, drive away directly, and turn on the mobile phone after driving for five minutes. If the passenger is late, it is not responsible for cancellation. If the platform asks, it can be said that the mobile phone has no signal or there is a problem with the platform; the fourth way is to make up some reasons why the passenger cannot refuse to tell the passenger "can’t come", such as "the car is broken", which is also the best way to use, because the passenger cancels, the driver is not responsible; the fifth way is to use some plug-ins, but this way is in case the platform finds out, there is a risk of banning the number.

  2 Drivers have "difficulties" in "picking orders", and the platform said it will strengthen supervision

  "Drivers usually pick up orders from 7:00-9:00 in the morning peak and 4:30-7:00 in the evening peak." Industry insiders told reporters that there are generally several situations for drivers to "pick up orders". "Generally, I take a taxi at the airport, and no one delivers it to Lishui and Lukou towns. Because Lishui is in the opposite direction from the urban area, once I go there, it is likely to be empty for 20 kilometers back to the airport. Drivers often wait for three or four hours at the airport. With the parking fee and waiting time, everyone wants to pick up an order to the urban area, Pukou or Xianlin."

  "In addition, the driver’s pick order is also related to the rules of the platform. For example, the platform recently stipulates that you have to run 8 orders in the morning to get a reward, so everyone will want to take some short-distance orders and collect enough 8 orders to get a reward." However, industry insiders also admit that there are also many drivers who are particularly "pick" now, and do not accept orders that are blocked a little bit, and want passengers to cancel the order for various reasons. "In fact, you will only know after working in this industry for a long time. In the end, the ones who can make money are all practical sports cars. The platform will not always push you bad orders. If you receive a bad order this time, the platform will push you a good order next time. If you have high praise, the platform will increase the chance of pushing you a good order. The more you play with those little thoughts, the more money you will find in the end. "

  The reporter learned that many platforms in Nanjing have also revised the rules in response to the problem of canceling orders, such as canceling the content that "drunk passengers" are not responsible for canceling. In addition, the platforms said in interviews that if the order needs to be cancelled, they can communicate with the platform customer service, and the platform will retrieve audio and video recordings for verification. If the driver induces the passenger to cancel the order, the platform will punish the driver and compensate the passenger. Platforms also said that they will strengthen supervision.