Have you ever cancelled an order by an online ride-hailing driver? Undercover investigation to reveal the "secret" behind it

  "Hello, I’m sorry, my car broke down, can you cancel the order?" "Hello, my car encountered a traffic accident on the road just now, and I can’t come to pick you up. Can you cancel the order?"… Are you familiar with this? Have you ever heard of it? When you cancel an order, have you ever felt like crying but not crying? The appearance of online car-hailing has greatly improved the convenience of people taking a taxi. Drivers can no longer "pick customers" and "pick orders". We no longer have to beckon for half an hour in the rain on a rainy day, but we can’t get a taxi. But then there are some small new problems. For example, a car that is easy to get, but is told by the driver that it can’t come. At this time, can you only cancel the order helplessly? Not necessarily. After a few days of undercover investigation, the Yangzi Evening News reporter will "reveal the secret" behind the cancellation of the order for you, and "advise" for you – how should we deal with such a situation. 

  Passenger complaints: Early rush to send children to school, orders are often cancelled

  Mr. Liu, a citizen, reported to his child about the kindergarten near the unit: "I can basically pick up and drop off children every day, but during this time I happened to be on a business trip for a week, so I called my mother a car and asked her to pick it up." What made Mr. Liu depressed was that it was not easy to take a taxi during the morning rush hour, but it often took about ten minutes to get a car, but it was inexplicably cancelled.

  "From Hexi to Qinhuai, the road is a bit congested, but it’s not as congested as Xinjiekou, so it won’t be cancelled so often, right?" Mr. Liu told reporters that sometimes the driver would tell him that the car was broken and there was nothing to come. "In such a situation, my heart is really broken, but I can’t help it, and people can’t come, so I can only cancel it." There are many passengers like Mr. Liu. Some waited for half an hour in the umbrella under the guard box at the entrance of the park with their children, and finally got a car, but it was cancelled; some were in a hurry to catch a meeting or a dinner, but because of a cancellation, they had to wait again. And when the order was cancelled, most people chose "forget it".

  Reporter’s visit: The driver said his car was blocked, but it wasn’t

  In the morning rush hour, the reporter took an online taxi in Hexi. The order showed that there were still 5 minutes before the reporter, but the reporter waited for 10 minutes at the boarding point. The location showed that the driver was still in place and did not drive over. The driver called to say that his car was in a certain community and was blocked by another car.

  The reporter told the driver that he could cancel, but he would report the matter to the customer service. He also asked the driver to leave evidence for the customer service to check. After the reporter cancelled the order, he reported to the platform customer service and informed the platform that he just wanted to know if the car was blocked. After a period of time, the platform informed the reporter that the car was not blocked on the road, but did not want to take the reporter’s order. The platform has punished the driver.

  Last weekend, the reporter took a taxi to Hexi at a shopping mall in Yuhuatai District, Nanjing. It stands to reason that there is no evening rush hour at 4 or 5 pm on Saturday, but after waiting for more than ten minutes, the driver said that his car had collided with another car, and he had to deal with the dispute and could not pick it up. After the reporter told the driver that he would report to the platform, the driver actually said that he could pick it up. However, the reporter later checked with the platform to see if the car had collided, but the result was that there was no situation as the driver said.

  Unannounced visit

  The driver said that there are at least five ways to cancel the order

  During the unannounced visit, many drivers told reporters that there are many ways to cancel passenger orders. An online ride-hailing driver with more than a decade of experience told reporters that there are at least five ways to cancel passenger orders.

  "The first option is for the driver to drive to the destination, wait for five minutes, and then cancel without responsibility." So the driver can drive nearby, the passenger can’t find the car, and the driver can’t "find" the passenger. After five minutes of delay, it is automatically cancelled.

  "The second is that many platforms will have free cancellation opportunities for drivers to take orders. For example, cancel once a day without responsibility, drunk passengers can not pick up, passengers who do not wear masks during the epidemic can not pick up, etc." Then after receiving an unwanted order, the driver can click on the passenger "drunk" or other options to cancel without responsibility.

  "This cancellation method requires uploading a photo. The passenger is clearly wearing a mask. How can you upload a photo to prove that he is not wearing it?" The reporter asked.

  "It’s simple, just take a few pictures of passengers who don’t wear masks on the road. Or take a few drunk people at the entrance of the hotel for backup." The driver replied.

  Then, the reporter learned that the third way is to arrive near the appointment location, the driver can turn on the mobile phone "flight mode", stop in front of the passenger, drive away directly, and turn on the mobile phone after driving for five minutes. If the passenger is late, it is not responsible for cancellation. If the platform asks, it can be said that the mobile phone has no signal or there is a problem with the platform; the fourth way is to make up some reasons why the passenger cannot refuse to tell the passenger "can’t come", such as "the car is broken", which is also the best way to use, because the passenger cancels, the driver is not responsible; the fifth way is to use some plug-ins, but this way is in case the platform finds out, there is a risk of banning the number.

  2 Drivers have "difficulties" in "picking orders", and the platform said it will strengthen supervision

  "Drivers usually pick up orders from 7:00-9:00 in the morning peak and 4:30-7:00 in the evening peak." Industry insiders told reporters that there are generally several situations for drivers to "pick up orders". "Generally, I take a taxi at the airport, and no one delivers it to Lishui and Lukou towns. Because Lishui is in the opposite direction from the urban area, once I go there, it is likely to be empty for 20 kilometers back to the airport. Drivers often wait for three or four hours at the airport. With the parking fee and waiting time, everyone wants to pick up an order to the urban area, Pukou or Xianlin."

  "In addition, the driver’s pick order is also related to the rules of the platform. For example, the platform recently stipulates that you have to run 8 orders in the morning to get a reward, so everyone will want to take some short-distance orders and collect enough 8 orders to get a reward." However, industry insiders also admit that there are also many drivers who are particularly "pick" now, and do not accept orders that are blocked a little bit, and want passengers to cancel the order for various reasons. "In fact, you will only know after working in this industry for a long time. In the end, the ones who can make money are all practical sports cars. The platform will not always push you bad orders. If you receive a bad order this time, the platform will push you a good order next time. If you have high praise, the platform will increase the chance of pushing you a good order. The more you play with those little thoughts, the more money you will find in the end. "

  The reporter learned that many platforms in Nanjing have also revised the rules in response to the problem of canceling orders, such as canceling the content that "drunk passengers" are not responsible for canceling. In addition, the platforms said in interviews that if the order needs to be cancelled, they can communicate with the platform customer service, and the platform will retrieve audio and video recordings for verification. If the driver induces the passenger to cancel the order, the platform will punish the driver and compensate the passenger. Platforms also said that they will strengthen supervision.

Andy Lau can’t save "Hot Blood Choir", forcibly sensational characters are pale

Andy Lau starred in the inspirational film "Blood Choir", originally the most talked about this weekend’s new film, the first day of release on Friday accounted for 20.6% of the top, but only got 6.94 million yuan at the box office. On the second day of release, the single-day box office quickly fell to fifth place, Douban only 4.8 points, the row fell sharply, and Andy Lau could not save its box office and word-of-mouth.

This film is produced and starring Andy Lau, and starring two famous musicians, Lu Guanting and Lei Songde, with the help of Li Lizhen, Xie Junhao, Guan Lijie and many other old Hong Kong actors. The cast and story synopsis sound good, but the market performance is so bad, it is surprising: what is the problem?

"Hot Blood Choir" tells the story of Yan Zilang, a Chinese-American conductor played by Andy Lau, who accepts the invitation of his mentor played by Lu Guanting to return to China, participates in the "Hot Blood Choir Experimental Program" aimed at educating and saving poor students, and acts as the conductor of the Hot Blood Choir. He leads a group of students who are considered useless in the eyes, overcomes various difficulties and setbacks, heals each other, and finally achieves good results in the chorus competition and finds the value of life.

This kind of story framework suddenly reminds people of the French classic film "Spring in the Cattle Herding Class". Since it stands on the shoulders of the classic, as long as the screenwriter puts more effort into the script and the director shoots better, it will be a warm and touching film even if it does not reach the classic level.

However, the director and screenwriter have the enthusiasm to express the educational concept of "education without discrimination", but they do not have the ability to tell a good story. As a result, the entire plot is almost only a conceptual skeleton and didactic slogans, and lacks the support of real and credible flesh and detail. It is like stretching a 5-minute MV short film to 97 minutes, but there are still only MV-style thin stories and pale characters. What should be explained to the audience is not explained clearly, but a lot is said in various ways.

For example, the film is too unclear about the reasons and specific implementation plan for the formation of the hot-blooded choir played by the principal played by Lu Guanting. It is not enough to just tell the audience that this is a "teaching without discrimination" teaching experimental plan. Other teaching methods can also reflect the educational concept of "teaching without discrimination". Why is it necessary to establish a choir?

Moreover, these "bad" students in the eyes of the people were selected from several ordinary schools. The students should still be in their respective schools, and they don’t have much time to learn to sing in the choir. Why is there almost no expression of these students’ usual school life in the film?

The film begins with a chorus of champions at a major middle school practicing singing under the arrogant spectacle conductor played by Ray Songde, and a skirmish with the "useless" students of the hot-blooded choir. It was expected that the two conductors and the two student choirs with very different identities would have a more intense dramatic conflict in the later story, but this story line did not come to an end, which is a pity.

The biggest problem with the film is the paleness and thinness of the characters, and there is hardly a character that can stand up.

Although there are many scenes of Yan Zilang, the conductor played by Andy Lau, there is very little account of his personality description and character background, so much so that at the end he suddenly confessed to the students that he came to Hong Kong after a hit-and-run in the United States, which is very surprising. It also does not match the image of his upright and instructive character in the whole film. It seems to be a deliberate plot added in order to achieve the theme of mutual healing and redemption between teachers and students under the cultivation of music.

In contrast, it is also a portrayal of frustrated teachers and students, "Spring in the Cattle Cattle Class" is much more clever and natural, especially the shaping of several key students, which is more similar to "Hot Blood Choir".

"Hot Blood Choir" focuses on three problem students such as Feng Xinxi and a rich second-generation student who volunteers to join the choir. Among them, there are teenagers who become impulsive and fight because their bastard father (played by Guan Lijie) often beats their mother (played by Li Lizhen). There are girls who yearn to be cared for because their father loves alcoholism and always urges her to work and earn money. There are single-parent children who develop the habit of theft due to poor family…

However, the director and screenwriter’s description of each student and their family is like a MV, and more importantly, there is a lack of preparation for the sudden change of their parents, and the ending forcibly makes them move for their children, forcibly sensational, and unreasonable, resulting in the lack of room for outstanding actors such as Xie Junhao, Guan Lijie, and Li Lizhen to create characters and become symbolic characters in the film.

The child in the film who loved to play the harmonica, who had a habit of stealing, later went to return the stolen goods and bought them at double the price. Why did Wu Dairong, the exclusive director of the Hot Blood Choir, insist on using Plan B regardless of Yan Zilang’s pleading, and also fire Yan Zilang, who was pleading in the rain? At the end, inexplicably, the children of the Hot Blood Choir were allowed to perform on stage.

At the end, the hot-blooded choir performed a climax play, and all the actors were very involved. Andy Lau’s play directed by the mobile phone screen was impressive, but such forceful sensationalization was more about touching themselves, because it was difficult to resonate with the audience due to the lack of true and credible stories and characters.

The biggest highlight of "Hot Blood Choir" is the beautiful song at the end of the film. When I went home and checked the Internet, I found that the name of the song was "Who Can Understand Me", written by Zheng Guojiang, composed by Lin Zixiang, and sung by Andy Lau.

Chery Tiggo 8 Glory Edition went on sale from RMB 109,900.

  [car home new car listed] On October 10th, (|) Glory Edition was officially listed.The new car has launched two models.The price range is 109,900-119,900 yuan.The new car also offers a five-fold car purchase courtesy, a replacement subsidy of 20,000 yuan cash-filled red envelopes or 30,000 yuan, a free upgrade of seven-seat models (customers who buy cars before November 30, 2023, and the replacement subsidy will be one of two), and the first non-operating owner will enjoy the lifetime warranty of the whole car and lifetime free road rescue.

Chery tiggo 8 glory edition Guiding price car make and model Price (ten thousand yuan) 230TCI Manual Advanced Edition 10.99 230TCI Automatic Excellence Edition 11.99

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Chery tiggo 8 2023 230TCI manual advanced edition

Chery tiggo 8 2023 230TCI manual advanced edition

Note: Some pictures are advanced version of 230TCI.

  As a new model, the overall configuration of Chery Tiggo 8 Glory Edition is basically the same as the 230TCI Advanced Edition currently on sale, except that the body color has been adjusted, and four body colors will be provided: pearl white, quantum gray, cloud trace gray and obsidian black. At the same time, the appearance has also been upgraded with new elements such as blackened headlights and black painted electroplated grille.

Chery tiggo 8 2023 230TCI manual advanced edition

Chery Automobile Tiggo 8 2022 1.5TCI automatic respect edition 7 seats

Chery Automobile Tiggo 8 2022 1.5TCI automatic respect edition 7 seats

  The car is still equipped with a 10.25-inch central control screen, equipped with mobile phone mapping and 360-degree panoramic image function. In terms of safety configuration, the whole system will be equipped with intelligent ramp start, steep slope descent, cruise control, front double airbags and side air curtains as standard.

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  In terms of power, the new car will be equipped with a 1.5T engine with a maximum power of 156 HP and a maximum torque of 230 Nm. The transmission system will provide a 6-speed manual or 6-speed wet dual-clutch gearbox, and the chassis structure will be a front McPherson and a rear multi-link independent suspension. (Text/car home Guo Chen)

Lishui Extreme Krypton 007 Hot Promotion! The discount is 10 thousand, and the discount waits for no one

[car home Lishui Preferential Promotion Channel] Good news, preferential activities are under way! Now, you can buy this popular model at a lower price in Lishui. The discount range is very large, up to 10,000 yuan. The minimum starting price is 229,900 yuan. If you are interested in this model, don’t miss this excellent opportunity to buy a car. Please click "Check the car price" in the quotation form to get a higher discount.


Extreme Krypton 007 is a futuristic SUV with a unique front face design. The air intake grille adopts a streamlined design, and with the unique lamp shape, the whole vehicle looks very dynamic. The overall style of Krypton 007 is fashionable and steady, with smooth lines and strong sense of lines, and the whole car is impressive. At the same time, Krypton 007 also uses a unique car paint color, making it more prominent and eye-catching. In short, the design of Krypton 007 is one of its highlights, and people can recognize its unique style at a glance.


Extreme Krypton 007 is a medium and large SUV, with a body length, width and height of 4,865 mm * 1,900 mm * 1,450 mm, a wheelbase of 2928mm, a front tread of 1635mm and a rear tread of 1650mm respectively. The side lines of the car body are smooth, creating a dynamic and steady visual effect. Extreme Krypton 007 is equipped with 245/45 R19 front and rear tires, and the rim style is fashionable and atmospheric, which enhances the sense of movement of the whole vehicle.


The interior design of Krypton 007 is exquisite, and high-quality materials are used to create a sense of luxury and technology. The steering wheel is made of leather, which feels comfortable, and the position can be adjusted electrically up and down and back and forth, which is convenient for drivers to find the driving posture that suits them best. The 15.05-inch central control screen has a large size and clear display effect, and supports the voice recognition control system of multimedia, navigation, telephone and air conditioning, making it easy to use. The front row and the rear row are equipped with two Type-C interfaces and two USB interfaces, which are convenient for passengers to charge. The front row also has mobile phone wireless charging function. The seat is made of imitation leather and genuine leather. The main and co-pilot seats can be adjusted in various ways, such as front and rear adjustment, backrest adjustment, height adjustment, leg rest adjustment and lumbar support. The driver’s seat and co-pilot seat also have electric seat memory function. The backrest of the second row of seats can be adjusted, and the rear seats can be laid down in proportion, so that passengers can get a more comfortable riding experience during the journey.

Extreme Krypton 007 is equipped with a powerful engine with a maximum power of 310kW and a maximum torque of 440 N m. This engine can provide excellent power performance for the vehicle and make the driver feel strong acceleration and passion while driving. At the same time, Krypton 007 also adopts advanced power system adjustment, which enables the engine to operate efficiently in all kinds of road conditions, bringing drivers a more comfortable and stable driving experience. Whether it is daily commuting or long-distance travel, Krypton 007 can meet the driver’s demand for power and driving pleasure.

Thanks to car home car owners for their evaluation and sharing of Krypton 007. From his evaluation, it can be seen that the design of Krypton 007 is fashionable and durable, and the shapes of the front and rear are excellent, especially the water ripples at the rear after power-on. In addition, the body work is hard, but the steel material also ensures the safety performance of the vehicle. Although it is a pity that the body is made of all-steel material, it is also for better body strength and safety performance. On the whole, Krypton 007 has excellent appearance and safety performance, and it is a model worthy of recommendation.

Can Volvo make a leap by EX90?

  [car home Industry] Perhaps from the perspective of some traditional aristocrats, it is not an exaggeration to call the arrival of the electrification era "the ritual collapse and the bad music". The luxury and high-end previously defined by the number of engine cylinders and horsepower are no longer an insurmountable threshold in the electrification era. How should luxury be interpreted in today’s era? Some enterprises may not have thought about this question, or they may have thought about it but could not get the answer. Therefore, after the market electrification scale began to appear, their hearts were a little stunned.

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  Take the medium and large SUV market as an example. In the past era of fuel vehicles, it was almost luxury brands that could survive in this field and achieve a certain sales scale. Even the price that is more close to the people is dominated by strong overseas brands such as Volkswagen. In today’s era of electrification, the market structure has already changed. Sales champions are basically monopolized by ideals, and traditional luxury brands can’t get a share.

  From the price point of view, the boundaries between brand attributes have long been lost among various models. Strong overseas brand products can be sold more cheaply than China brands, and the price difference between luxury brands and products of the same level can be hundreds of thousands.

  This kind of "ritual collapse and bad music" will be a severe test for some brands, but for others, it can also be called an opportunity for brand transition. Since Wei Xiaoli can take this opportunity to become a high-end brand, it is also an opportunity for some changing second-tier luxury brands to break the BBA monopoly on the new track and become a first-line brand.

  Obviously, Volvo is trying to seize this opportunity. The (|), which was first launched in China not long ago, can be regarded as a signal flare for the brand to achieve class transition.

Volvo’s Transformation Logic

  The growth process of a high-end new energy brand can be roughly divided into two routes. The first one is for new players, such as Tesla and Weilai. These companies are good at holding high first and then hitting low in the process from zero to one, that is, launching flagship models first, and launching models with relatively close prices after brands gain a foothold in the high-end field, harvesting sales and doing large-scale.

  For traditional luxury brands, there will be another one before the above path-testing the water. Although in the early years, when traditional luxury brands launched the first batch of pure electric vehicles such as Mercedes-Benz EQC, BMW iX3 and Audi e-tron, they were always named "Tesla Killer" by the outside world.

  However, it is obvious that BBAs themselves don’t think so. The original intention of releasing these models is to blow the horn of electrification transformation, so that consumers can intuitively feel and gradually accept the existence of pure electric products of these brands, not to compete directly with Tesla.

Volvo Asia Pacific Volvo XC40 New Energy 2023 Long Life Edition

"Volvo XC40 New Energy"

  Under the above demands, these car companies often build models from the starting point of seeking stability, such as adding pure electric versions on the basis of mature fuel vehicles. Volvo has done this before. The XC40 RECHARGE, the brand’s first pure electric vehicle, was launched during the 2020 Beijing Auto Show, and it was endowed with an iCPU intelligent interconnection system that better meets the needs of China consumers.

  In the years since then, the sales volume of XC40 RECHARGE has gradually increased, with 848 vehicles sold in 2021, 1,836 vehicles sold in 2022 and 1,417 vehicles sold in the first four months of 2023, which can be regarded as a good completion of the water test. Volvo has also used this model for electric preheating in advance in the fields of production, supply chain, sales and after-sales.

  After this step, for the traditional luxury brands in transition, the second step is to set a benchmark, that is, to integrate their understanding of electrification and intelligence into a model as much as possible to create a real flagship. Obviously, Volvo EX90 is such a brand flagship in the era of smart electric vehicles.

Volvo Asia Pacific Volvo EX90 2023 Basic Model

Volvo EX90』

  Since it is the flagship of the new era, there are at least two tasks on Volvo EX90: brand and market. That is, we should not only pass on the brand concept in the era of intelligent electric vehicles, but also make this concept accepted by the market.

  As mentioned earlier, the medium and large pure electric SUV market where Volvo EX90 is located is already a market where the traditional boundary has been subverted. Traditional luxury brands and new forces compete on the same stage, and the former does not seem to have an advantage at present. If you want to stand out in such a market, you still have to achieve "people have me, people have me", that is, products conform to the trend of smart electric vehicles, and at the same time find their own labels to achieve differentiated competition.

The Volvo EX90 Metropolis of the New Power Club?

  Before the opening of the Shanghai Auto Show, on April 16th, the words of Qin Peiji, president of Volvo Car Greater China Sales Company, really made the Volvo brand and the Volvo EX90 a hit. At that time, at the press conference of "VOLVO TECH DAY and EX90 China First Show", Qin Peiji said that "the new forces will, and we learned it in three years; We will, and the new forces will not learn in ten years. "

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  Since then, Qin Peiji has also explained this "malicious words" to many media. He said that the most essential thing Volvo learned from the new forces is how to face consumers. Previously, many traditional car companies were prone to step into a misunderstanding in the process of transformation. They paid too much attention to electric vehicles and cars, but ignored intelligence, and even ignored the needs of consumers in China in the era of intelligent electric vehicles. Therefore, when the models that are as luxurious, comfortable and have a sense of control as those in the traditional era appear, they often fail to achieve the expected results.

  Fortunately, under the advantage of backwardness, Volvo saw the mistakes made by its predecessor and made corrections. So on the Volvo EX90, you can clearly feel that this is a truly intelligent electric car.

  First of all, from the electric dimension, the CLTC cruising range of the Volvo EX90 under comprehensive working conditions is 650 kilometers, and the acceleration time of 0-100 km/h is 4.9 seconds. As a medium and large pure electric SUV, it meets the mainstream standards of high-end products. From the point of view of intelligence, Volvo EX90 is obviously stronger than the products launched by traditional luxury brands, more like a new force model.

Volvo Asia Pacific Volvo EX90 2023 Basic Model

Volvo EX90』

  This car is equipped with NVIDIA DRIVE Orin chip, and its computing power can reach 254 TOPS (trillions of operations per second). In contrast, BMW iX, the same level product, is equipped with MobileyeEQ5H chip with a computing power of 24Tops;; The upcoming Mercedes-Benz EQE SUV has not announced what kind of autopilot chip it uses, but from EQE’s point of view, its computing power performance is probably not as good as BMW iX. In addition, the same is true for Audi Q5 e-tron, LYRIQ Ruige and other models.

  Although the level of intelligence can not be evaluated simply by the level of computing power, it can be used as the brain of a smart car. The computing power of the autopilot chip will directly determine the upper limit and plasticity of this car. And for consumers, chip computing power may be the only objective data dimension that can tell whether a car is smart or not. Coupled with the computing power of 254TOPS and the central electronic and electrical architecture, Volvo EX90 can continue to grow through the future OTA. You know, since 2021, the total number of Volvo OTA has exceeded 1 million times.

  In the aspect of assisted driving software matching with the computing power of autopilot chip, the assisted driving system algorithm of Volvo EX90 comes from Zenseact, a 100% wholly-owned subsidiary of Volvo Cars. Thanks to this subsidiary of Volvo Autopilot Project, Volvo is the only traditional luxury brand that realizes full-stack self-developed algorithm. It is reported that in the next step, the brand will take the lead in launching navigation assistance functions based on high-precision maps in China according to the needs of users in China market.

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  In the intelligent cockpit, in addition to the "smart car standard" such as Qualcomm 8155 cockpit chip and large-size central control panel, Volvo EX90 is special in that it is equipped with DUS driver perception system with dual cameras in the car, which is the only one in the production car in the industry at present.

  Compared with the single-camera scheme, the dual-camera DUS system monitors 60 frames of eye movements per second, which greatly reduces the false alarm rate and judges the driver’s state more accurately. With a capacitive steering wheel that can sense the contact area between the driver’s hand and the steering wheel, it will be difficult to deceive the system by means of self-deception such as hanging water bottles, oranges and "getting rid of artifacts".

Identify differentiated competitive labels

  There are always people who say that the transformation of traditional car companies is unfavorable because of the so-called "burden". Indeed, due to the long-term solidification of brand image and the solidification of automobile understanding, many products created by traditional brands seem to be less "extreme" than those created by new forces, which also leads to a natural disadvantage in terms of attractiveness when electric vehicle consumers are mainly early adopters in the market.

  But from another point of view, if these brands’ stubbornness and persistence in cars can be displayed in the situation of "smart electric", supplemented by the strong brand power and market appeal of these brands, the opportunities will come after the market segment users gradually change from "early adopters" to "mainstream groups".

  In this regard, Volvo EX90 did just that. In an era when labels are king, this car not only chooses luxury labels that everyone wants to interpret but lacks objective support, but also adds safety labels that Volvo has always been good at and widely recognized. However, unlike what was emphasized in the era of fuel vehicles, the safety labels on Volvo EX90 are all presented in the language of smart electric, whether in the fields of active safety, passive safety or battery safety.

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  In terms of active safety, the industry has always regarded lidar as a stepping stone to achieve high-level assisted driving, even "automatic driving", but in fact, the Luminar lidar carried by Volvo EX90 wants to convey not the above-mentioned "futures", but real safety. It is reported that the detection distance of this lidar can reach 600 meters, and the sensitivity can even be 7.5 seconds in advance when the black vehicle 250 meters away is equivalent to 120 km/h at night. And has the ability to detect small objects ahead of the industry.

  Its resolution is 0.08°x0.06°, and its imaging level is 4 times better than that of the mainstream 905nm wavelength lidar. What is more detailed is that it uses a groundbreaking wavelength of 1550nm, which will not cause damage to the retina of traffic participants outside the car.

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  In the most important battery field of new energy vehicle safety, Volvo may be the only brand of full-stack self-developed BMS among traditional luxury brands. The BMS system of Volvo EX90 adopts intelligent electromagnetic fuse, which can quickly cut off power within 3 milliseconds under the condition of high current. In addition, Volvo has done a lot of homework to ensure the safety of the battery system. For example, the sensors are connected by hardware to resist electromagnetic interference and avoid the risk of thermal runaway caused by signal loss. For example, the upper cover of the battery pack is covered with boron steel, which can achieve zero deformation when colliding at 60km/h, and so on.

  In the field of passive safety, Volvo EX90 has developed its traditional advantages to the fullest. In this car, Volvo has come up with a new generation of cage body specially built for electric vehicles. The overall body structure uses a 19% lightweight aluminum alloy frame to reduce weight and absorb energy. Compared with XC90, the overall torsional stiffness of Volvo EX90 is increased by 50%, and the collision energy absorption capacity is increased by 20%.

Write it at the end

  It is reported that Volvo EX90 will be listed domestically in Chengdu factory in 2024, and some people in the industry speculate that its price will be decentralized to the range of 500,000 yuan. If the above price is guaranteed, and considering the configuration and positioning factors, the competition space of this car will be great. BMW iX, Mercedes-Benz EQE SUV, Weilai ES8, and even Cadillac LYRIQ Ruige with a price of 400,000 yuan will become its competitors. Compared with traditional luxury brand products, Volvo EX90 will become its most powerful competitiveness in intelligence. Compared with the new power models, it will be the best way to seize the market to equalize the safety and brand power after intelligence.

  For the new forces and other China brands, lane-changing overtaking in the era of intelligent electric power makes it possible for them to compete with the traditional strongmen. For Volvo, isn’t this an excellent opportunity to catch up with BBA and become a first-line luxury brand in the new era? (Text/car home Industry Commentator Nancheng Back Garden)

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Xiaomi SU7 price forecast, 199,900 yuan is very likely?

The "Xiaomi Automobile Technology Conference" lasted for three hours, but looking back at the whole conference, it is no exaggeration to describe it as full of dry goods. At the press conference, Xiaomi took out cutting-edge technologies such as ultra-high-speed motor, inverted battery, ultra-large die casting and zoom BEV, which was a show of its own technical reserves. In addition, the highly anticipated Xiaomi SU7, the first model of Xiaomi, also appeared simultaneously, and announced various parameters, except the most critical price!

As the first model of the brand, Xiaomi’s cautious attitude towards pricing is understandable. First announce the technology and parameters of the model, then look at the market feedback, and finally combine the competing products for comprehensive pricing. This set of gameplay is actually a routine operation in the mobile phone circle. Although there is no exact price of Xiaomi SU7, it is not difficult to infer from Lei’s description of the model at the press conference that the car has a high probability of not winning with the ultimate cost performance, but taking the route of "high price and high quality".

At the press conference, Mr. Lei made it clear that "Xiaomi SU7 is a little expensive, but it is reasonably expensive". Let’s talk about the positioning of the whole vehicle first. The circumference of Xiaomi SU7 is 4997*1963*1455mm, and the wheelbase is 3000mm, which is a circle larger than the common Tesla Model 3. The official said that the car is a C-class car against the BMW 5 Series. You know, the price of BMW 5 Series is more than 400,000 yuan. Does Xiaomi SU7 want to price it at 400,000?

Judging from the current super-volume market structure, it is unlikely that Xiaomi SU7 will be priced at 400,000. In fact, by looking at the same type of new energy vehicles, we can roughly infer the price range of Xiaomi SU7. Only a little smaller in size, but the technology is not bad at all, the price is 0.2 million/200 thousand; The official starting price of Zhijie S7 with Huawei’s blessing is 249,800 yuan. It is not difficult to speculate that the reasonable pricing of Xiaomi SU7 main sales model is about 250,000 yuan, and the high-performance version will go to the range of 350,000-400,000 yuan.

However, in the mobile phone circle, Mr. Lei has always had a "tradition" of "persuading executives overnight". Since it is ok to make a mobile phone, it makes no sense to build a car. At this conference, Mr. Lei directly rejected the prices of 99,000 yuan and 149,000 yuan, but the high-pitched 199,900 yuan did not express his position. It’s not impossible to get a starting right, and it’s not impossible for the entry version to directly achieve 199,900 yuan. It’s also a tribute to the first generation of Xiaomi mobile phone and a wave of feelings!

Judging from the information published so far, Xiaomi SU7 has given enough sincerity in terms of technology, configuration and intelligence. I hope this sincerity can continue to the pricing level. If the BMW 5 Series is priced at 400,000 yuan, I can only say that my courage is commendable; However, if it is really sold at a price of 199,900 yuan, it is entirely possible to become a phenomenal model. So what do you think of Xiaomi SU7 pricing? Welcome to leave a message for discussion!

[Night reading] Have big dreams, but also have small goals.


  CCTV News:School begins! Have you set a goal for yourself in the new school year? To succeed, instead of talking about big dreams every day, it is better to implement "small goals" in a down-to-earth manner. Small goals are like stops in your dream journey. They are not as far away as the destination. Every time you reach one, it indicates that you are closer to success. Tonight, let’s talk about how to achieve big dreams by achieving "small goals".

  Achieving the goal by stages

  Excerpt from "Yu Minhong talks about entrepreneurship"

  Have a goal.

  You won’t hesitate, shake or get confused.

  "Why can you succeed?" He said nine words: "Have a goal, hold your horses, and do it quietly."

  A reporter once asked Lu Guanqiu, a famous entrepreneur in China and Wanxiang Group, "Why did you succeed?" He said nine words: "Have a goal, hold your horses, and do it quietly." He is an entrepreneur from a pure peasant background, and he is also the only entrepreneur of that generation who has not failed for more than 30 years. He started as a small company and later became Wanxiang Group, and he used these nine words to describe all the successful methods.

  Having a goal means having a dream in your heart and wanting to realize it. If you can’t find a job, start looking for a job tomorrow. This is happiness, because there are goals to pursue. If you have a job, you want to become a department manager, vice president and president of the company, which is also the goal; If you want to start a business and do great things by yourself, these are all goals. With a goal, you won’t hesitate, shake or get confused. Every day, you wake up and feel that you have something to do.


  Have big dreams

  There must be practical "small goals"

  Step by step

  You will succeed in the end.

  A person wants to be Bill Gates from the beginning, and a philosophy student wants to surpass Hegel from the beginning. Such a person may eventually accomplish nothing.

  In reality, the reason why people do things halfway is often not because it is difficult, but because they feel that success is too far away. Many enterprises go out of business, not because their goals are too big to be achieved, but because they don’t set phased goals for themselves.


  Divide the long-term goal into several easy-to-achieve stage goals. Every time you reach a stage goal, you will experience a "feeling of success". This "feeling" will strengthen the self-confidence of entrepreneurs and promote entrepreneurs to steadily tap their potential to achieve the next goal.

  A person’s dream is the same, it can be realized in two years or ten years, and there is no essential difference between two years and ten years. When there is such a goal there, what we have to do is to make a calculation of myself, how far I am from that goal and how long it will take me to get to … …

  However, many people’s consistency and analysis between themselves and their goals are very insufficient, and the result of this insufficiency is that this goal can never be achieved.

  A person wants to be Bill Gates from the beginning, and a philosophy student wants to surpass Hegel from the beginning. Such a person may eventually accomplish nothing.


  People should constantly create a sense of accomplishment for themselves, and they can have this sense of accomplishment by setting stage goals.

  Once you have a goal, you should achieve it in stages. If your goal is to climb Mount Everest, if you climb it now, you will fall down when you climb to 6000 meters, and you must die. You need to climb step by step. You have to go through three to four years of climbing training, starting with climbing 2000 meters, then climbing higher mountains, first climbing empty-handed, then climbing with a backpack, and finally climbing Mount Everest. Wang Shi climbed many snow-capped mountains. He climbed all the snow-capped mountains on several continents before climbing Mount Everest.

  Yu Minhong believes that people should constantly create a sense of accomplishment for themselves, and they can have this sense of accomplishment by setting phased goals. After the failure of studying abroad, Yu Minhong re-determined a realistic small goal, that is, to earn some money to support his family.


  "The goal of making money is very ordinary, but the key is to see what you think about making money. For example, some people want to make a lot of money when they come up without any ability, and they want to make a big career without any foundation. It will definitely not work and will not succeed. Therefore, it is very important to treat your ability correctly.

  My goal at that time was very simple, that is, to earn 30 yuan a day, because I had a class once a day, and a class was 30 yuan at that time. But when I reached the goal of earning 30 yuan a day, I began to think of higher goals. Later, I took classes twice a day and earned 60 yuan a day. Later, I saw someone else running a training class and earning 600 yuan a day, so I thought whether I should try it, because my ability seemed to be no worse than others, so I also started my own training class. This is the spirit of progress day by day, and this is the spirit of ants moving Mount Tai. I would be scared to death if I were allowed to start a new Oriental school at the present scale from the beginning. "


  Do anything, no matter how difficult, as long as you do it in a few steps, you will succeed.

  Any high goal can be divided into many small goals to achieve. Even if you can’t achieve the highest goal at once, you can finally achieve it by moving forward step by step. The realization of every goal is to prepare for your next higher goal.

  Do anything, no matter how difficult, as long as you do it in a few steps, you will succeed.

  Yu Minhong said: "People should have this grand ideal, but more importantly, they should know how to do every step to realize this ideal."

  "Every step I make can be realized, whether it is three years or two years. Usually, I can think clearly about these steps and do them step by step … …”


  This article is excerpted from Yu Minhong’s Talk about Entrepreneurship (author Yang Chenshuo, press: Haitian Publishing House), Part I, Breaking down Big Goals into Small Goals and Realizing Goals by Stages, with pictures from the Internet.

  Have you ever

  Have set many small goals.

  But because you are lazy, you can’t finish it?

  With the goal, how to ensure the implementation in place?


  The goal is simple and clear, and it is refined into daily fixed actions.


  A goal is more likely to become a reality if it can be transformed into a fixed action that can be completed every day.


  Don’t underestimate your laziness, find a small partner to supervise you.


  Sharing a plan with others is easier to stick to, and the degree of peer support will affect the success rate of the plan. Find a small partner to supervise or carry out the plan with you.

  Change the environment in which the plan is implemented and remove the obstacles that hinder your action.


  In order to achieve the goal, it is necessary to create a suitable environment. Adjust part of the daily environment to support the formation of new habits.

  Focus on one goal and do only one thing at a time.


  Try to concentrate on one thing, concentrate on one thing at a time, and think deeply about the solution, and you will find that things become very simple.

  Old and new habits are bound together, and new habits can be developed quickly.


  If you want to cultivate new habits, you might as well try to bind new habits with old ones, which can help new habits develop faster.


  Give the new plan a 30-day probation period to get rid of inadaptability and imperfection.


  Not all the plans made are perfect. Give yourself a 30-day probation period, try to get used to it and adjust your goals, which will make it easier to complete the plan.


  Encourage yourself with the results and imagine the moment of completion.


  If you can’t keep your motivation, focus on what you will achieve in the end. After losing weight, you will be admired for your off the charts or your guitar skills … … When you are lazy, use these beautiful results to motivate yourself to achieve your goals.

  Force yourself to remind yourself to stay away from all excuses.


  If you are afraid that you will forget your plan next week, set a message on your mobile phone to remind yourself, or write down your goal with a pen on the bathroom mirror without giving yourself any chance to make excuses or relax.

  Let’s move now!


  Set a goal, act immediately, and start working towards it now!

  (This part is entirely from the Internet, and the illustrations are from the artist Mohan Khare.)

Where is the ceiling of the spy war drama? "Latency" is closely linked, and "Pretender" is hard to understand.

This year, there are endless tribute dramas, not only The Awakeing Age and Glory and Dream, but also the MV, the promotion song of the film The Pioneer, met the audience on June 22nd. Throughout these red tribute dramas, all the well-received works have made great efforts in the plot, and the same phenomenon has also appeared in the field of domestic spy films.

Sneak plot

In 2006, a spy TV series "Assassination" adapted from Mai Jia’s novel of the same name came out, which tells the little-known legendary story of a group of special intelligence workers in China.With the confusing plot, gripping, exquisitely set suspense and unexpected plot development, the domestic spy war drama-watching craze has risen instantly since the broadcast of "Assassination".

Although "Assassination" now has such a high evaluation, in fact, it was faced with the fate of being killed in the first instance. It is not easy for Liu Yunlong to become the godfather of spy war, because it has become popular in the ratings and has been widely acclaimed. Background music is essential in the atmosphere rendering and emotional promotion of a film and television drama, and the music processing of the whole plot against me is in place, especially when the Internationale rings, the emotions that have been brewing for a long time in the audience come to mind.

Before dawn

In 2009, when director Liu Jiang only saw the story outline and six episodes of the script, he made up his mind to shoot Before Dawn. The drama mainly tells the story of Liu Xinjie, the undercover of the Chinese Communist Party, working closely with the underground party organization led by Duan Haiping, a sailor, and fighting with the agents of the Kuomintang Eighth Intelligence Bureau led by Tan Zhongshu in 1948.

Different from previous spy films, this drama adds a lot of worldly plots, which magnifies the realism of the film.At the same time, "Before Dawn" multiple clues cross, the story tells the audience who is undercover at the beginning, but it is fascinating and can’t stop, and the ending is desperate.


If there is a TV series that feels afraid to breathe, it is the Latency starring Sun Honglei and Yao Chen. The story tells the story of War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression’s late period, when the Chinese Communist Party rebelled against the Kuomintang intelligence officers Yu Zecheng and Cui Ping, posing as husband and wife, secretly lurked in tianjin railway station, the Military Security Bureau.

In this work, the setting of each character has a proper beauty, and the characters are distinctive and flesh-and-blood, and a series of character behaviors under typical characteristics have grown up smoothly. The rhythm of the whole play is relaxed, and coupled with the interlocking plot, it must be said that this is a masterpiece.


"Kite" takes the life and emotional experience of "Kite" of Communist party member, which lurks inside the military junta, as the main line, and tells the story of a communist party intelligence agent who sticks to his faith.

Kite and Assassination both belong to Liu Yunlong’s works. The reputation of this drama has declined, mainly because of the obvious separation of plot. Before the founding of the People’s Republic of China, it was a spy war drama, and then it turned into a black historical drama.Fortunately, this black historical drama in the back is brilliant enough, and the operation of scheming and playing tricks conforms to the spirit of the dark times at that time.


"Red" tells the story that Xu Tian, a little person, grew up from an ordinary small accountant with color blindness to an underground party member during the war of aggression against China, and his fate has changed dramatically. "Red" is an original script. The script is powerful and long-lived, and many close-ups are very delicate. The plot absolutely crushes the domestic dramas with the same theme or various themes in the past decade.


"The Pretender" is one of the best spy films in recent years. It recreates the turbulent and war-torn era that hangs by a thread, peeps at the miniature of the times through the small windows of the four brothers and sisters of the Ming family, and is mixed with some teacher-student feelings and love, so that the work is no longer cold and has a human touch.

In the same way, the play also has some "meaning is difficult to be flat" settings, which increase the sense of reality. For example, Yi Song’s role "Yu Manli" is too tearful, and he has been sad all his life, and he has never been completely loved.


This year, Zhang Yimou’s "Above the Cliff" was released, which aroused extensive discussion among the audience. This film has too many similarities with the previous TV series "The Cliff".

In order to obtain important information, communist party sent Zhou Yi and Gu Qiuyan to pretend to be husband and wife, and sneaked into the Special Service Department of Harbin Police Department. The underground work was dangerous, and they would lose their lives if they were not careful. However, for the common ideal, they have to suppress all kinds of emotions in their hearts and work together in this dark corridor, just for the bright light ahead.

In particular, Zhang Jiayi’s interpretation of Zhou Yi is in place. When he saw his daughter Sasha before his execution, his expression was no longer calm, but full of infinite guilt for his daughter, which was moving.

Peace Hotel

The high-energy brain-burning spy war drama "Peace Hotel" starring Chen Shu, Lei Jiayin and Li Guangjie is exciting, which tells the story of a group of mysterious guests being blocked in a luxury hotel called "Peace Hotel" and playing a life-and-death game for 10 days and 240 hours, and the whole process is full of ignition.

The good thing is that the drama is not only the glory of the positive characters, but also the flash of the relatively negative characters. The characters are not one-sided and thin, which is quite interesting.

No War in Peiping

"No War in Peiping" is a spy war drama co-directed by Kong Sheng and Li Xue, starring Liu Ye, Chen Baoguo and other actors. It tells the story of Fang Meng ‘ao, an underground member of the Chinese Communist Party who was lurking in the air force of the Kuomintang in China in 1948, making a difficult choice for the peaceful liberation of Peiping and the happiness and tranquility of the people at a critical moment.

"No War in Peiping" took seven years to prepare, with an investment of over 100 million yuan, and assembled seven filmmakers to regard the emperor as the emperor, which can be described as a masterpiece.In addition to the superb acting skills of a group of powerful actors, there is also a plot of Chinese studies that permeates the whole play, all of which are the reasons for the drama’s attention.


"The Blade" tells the story of a thrilling and gripping spy war that took place in the chaotic Tianjin Concession in the 1930s.

From the beginning, I was looking for a mole, and I have been going through all kinds of thrilling temptations, as if it were a real thing. The surface was calm, and suddenly an unremarkable thing would be exposed, which would lead to fatal disaster. The drama attracts the audience’s attention with its ups and downs and complicated struggles, and the mysterious identity attached to almost every character makes the plot suspenseful.

The above ten films are masterpieces of domestic spy films in recent years. You may wish to watch the classics in your spare time and understand the charm of red film and television works.

The fastest in history! Harbin International Auto Show was stopped after only one morning.

Harbin international auto show.

Harbin international auto show.

  Cctv news(Reporter Li Wenxue) Due to the need of epidemic prevention and control, on August 3, the 24th Harbin International Auto Show in 2021, which opened only one morning, was called the fastest auto show in history.

  On the evening of August 2nd, the Harbin Municipal Command for Dealing with Pneumonia in novel coronavirus issued the 25th Announcement, temporarily closing and stopping some places and activities that are easy to cause the spread of the epidemic. Sun Zhe, mayor of Harbin, also stressed at the meeting of the leading group for the city’s response to the COVID-19 epidemic that it was unnecessary not to hold large-scale meetings, forums, trainings, performances, exhibitions and promotions.

  The Harbin Auto Show, originally scheduled to be held at Harbin International Convention and Exhibition Center from August 3 to 9, opened as scheduled.

  Harbin International Auto Show, called Harbin International Automobile Industry Exhibition, is sponsored by China Automobile Industry Association, China Automobile Engineering Association, Harbin Municipal People’s Government and Harbin Great Wall International Exhibition Co., Ltd., which brings together 892 latest models from 12 countries and regions, with an exhibition area of 125,000 square meters, divided into 2 main venues, 12 exhibition areas, 7 exhibition halls, 4 outdoor exhibition areas and 3 activity areas.

  Due to the need of epidemic prevention and control, the 24th Harbin International Auto Show in 2021 was stopped after only one morning, and will be postponed.

The official response is that the football field is used for the fair: the temporary use damage during the Spring Festival has been repaired.

  BEIJING, Feb. 20 (Bian Liqun) On the 20th, a news that a football field in duyun city, Guizhou Province was damaged due to being used for the fair triggered a heated discussion among netizens. In response, the duyun city Municipal Bureau of Culture, Sports, Radio, Film and Television and Tourism responded on the evening of 20th that in order to meet the needs of the masses during the Spring Festival, this area was temporarily used as a fair area with restrictions. At present, the damaged artificial lawn in the football field has been repaired, and it is clear that this area will no longer be used as a fair area.

  Some netizens said through social platforms on the 20th that a professional football field in duyun city was used for the fair. According to the videos and photos circulating on the Internet, there are many sheds for selling goods on the court, and the venue is also damaged to some extent.

  In this regard, many netizens expressed their incomprehension: "We can’t find a stadium or the stadium is expensive, so you can take it to the market! Will there be hope for China football? " "China can’t play football well, and this kind of thing is the root cause."

  Screenshot of social media

  In response to outside questions, the duyun city Municipal Bureau of Culture, Sports, Radio, Film and Television and Tourism issued an announcement on the evening of the 20th, saying: "The people in Maojian Town where the football field is located have the habit of going to the market before and after the Spring Festival. In order to alleviate the intensive pressure on farmers’ markets during the epidemic and meet the needs of people going to the market during the Spring Festival, this area is temporarily used as a market area with restrictions."

  The stadium after the shed was removed. Photo courtesy of duyun city Sports, Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism Bureau

  The announcement also said that at present, the damaged artificial lawn in the football field has been repaired, and it is clear that the area will no longer be used as a market area for special use.

  Official response screenshot

  The reporter from Zhongxin. com learned from the relevant personnel of duyun city Municipal Bureau of Culture, Sports, Radio, Film and Television that the five-a-side football stadium was included in the first batch of central budget investment plans for the popularization of public sports in Guizhou Province in 2020. It was completed in October last year and opened to the public free of charge after it was put into use in January this year. (End)