Deng Chao’s recent situation! 23 days off from psychotherapy? Sun Li’s distressed post moved thousands of fans!

This time, people were surprised and worried by her cousin’s revelation. She claimed that Deng Chao was in a bad state, had been depressed for a long time, and even needed psychological treatment. The authenticity of this news puzzled people, because Deng Chao has always shown a cheerful and sunny image. How could he have fallen into such a predicament?

At first, many netizens were skeptical of the news. They thought that Deng Chao was a lively and cheerful person, how could he suffer from depression? However, when someone went to Deng Chao’s social account to leave a message, the surprising discovery made these skeptics start to think again. It has been more than 23 days since Deng Chao last posted a post, which is quite unusual for a star who is active on social media. Moreover, Deng Chao’s last post was to help friends promote the movie, and there was almost no content related to himself after that. In this case, it is impossible to avoid worrying and wondering.

Whether Deng Chao is really in a psychological dilemma and needs psychological treatment still needs further confirmation and understanding. But in any case, we should keep an eye on and care about this news. In this era of information explosion, although celebrities sometimes seem far away from us, they are also ordinary people and face various pressures and troubles. They need our support and help.

Sending this message through video, my cousin hopes that the majority of netizens can provide solutions to help Deng Chao get through this hurdle. This is a good appeal, and it is also an inspiration and encouragement to Deng Chao’s friends and fans. We should unite, send strength and warmth to Deng Chao, and lend a helping hand when he needs it.

During the concert held in Luhan, Chen He personally went to the scene to support, and repeatedly expressed on social platforms that he would also go to the scene to watch. However, the absence of Deng Chao each time made fans doubt his commitment. The three had a good relationship, and what was the reason for Deng Chao’s absence? This question once puzzled everyone.

Sun Li, Deng Chao’s wife, suddenly posted an article inviting everyone to exercise together, along with a yoga video. She said that as long as she followed the video every day, her body would definitely improve. This move also attracted the attention and controversy of many fans.

For a moment, many netizens began to speculate whether Deng Chao’s mental state was not very good. Sun Li recorded the same exercise video, hoping to practice yoga with Deng Chao to relieve physical and mental stress. After all, yoga is widely regarded as a way to relax the body and mind. On the other hand, some netizens believe that Sun Li just wants to share her exercise experience with fans, and hopes that more fans can join the ranks of exercise and pursue a healthy life together.

What the truth is, only the parties involved can know. Whether Deng Chao really has any troubles, or Sun Li simply wants to share her sports experience, we should treat it with understanding and support. Stars are ordinary people, and they also have their own troubles and troubles. Sports can not only improve physical fitness, but also an effective way to release stress.

Whether it was Deng Chao, Chen He or Lu Han, they were all much-loved celebrities, and their friendship was also a topic of much concern. I hope they can make up and achieve more brilliant results in their respective careers.

As a high-profile star, Deng Chao’s every move has attracted much attention. His sudden suspension has caused concern among fans, who have left messages expressing their concern and wishes for him. Many netizens hope that Deng Chao can recover as soon as possible and bring more and better works and variety shows to his fans.

In the end, I still want to say that regardless of whether Deng Chao is sick or not, I hope he can take care of his health and bring more and better works and variety shows to fans. As a star, he carries the expectations and love of fans, and I hope he can recover as soon as possible and continue to bring happiness and touch to everyone.