Getting started is not enough? LaVida’s new time limit is 79,900 "freezing point price", which breaks the entry threshold.

  To meet the scorching summer, LaVida Xinrui, the "new national quality family car" of SAIC Volkswagen, will launch the summer freezing point price from now on. Before August 31, 2023, it will be reduced by 20,000 yuan and 79,900 yuan within a limited time, and on the basis of the original "entry is high", the threshold will be further lowered and it will become the king of cost performance that no one in its class can match.

Getting started is not enough? LaVida's cutting-edge limited time is 79,900 "freezing point price", which breaks the entry threshold _fororder_image001

  Buy "new" and not buy the old one for less than 80 thousand, and you can have Volkswagen’s latest boutique sedan.

  In recent years, there are few new faces in the entry-level sedan market, and LaVida Xinrui, as a brand-new product, just went on the market in June this year. LaVida Xinrui is based on the brand-new MQB platform of Volkswagen Group, and adopts brand-new young design, adopting the same starry front face design of LaVida family, lattice energy star drilling lower grille and penetrating dynamic upper grille, which satisfies users’ pursuit of high value. LaVida Xinrui also launched a brand-new body color, such as "dopamine color" such as turquoise blue and cat’s eye blue. After going out of the street, the rate of turning back is extremely high, which easily captures the hearts of young people.

Getting started is not enough? LaVida's cutting-edge limited time is 79,900 "freezing point price", which breaks the entry threshold _fororder_image002

  Getting started is not enough? 79,900 "freezing point price" lowered the entry threshold again.

  In addition to the attractive appearance, LaVida’s cutting-edge entry model is also fully equipped, which can be called "entry is high", and then superimposed this time, it will drop by 20,000 yuan, which will bring users a sense of value directly.

  LaVida is not only equipped with LED headlights as standard, but also equipped with an 8-inch LCD instrument and an 8-inch central control panel, which is very scientific and technological; Users can also use wireless CarPlay to maximize the use habits of smart phones; Digital parking radar, ramp assist system, cruise control and other practical driving assistance functions make driving easier.

Getting started is not enough? LaVida's new time limit is 79,900 "freezing point price", which breaks the entry threshold _fororder_image003

  In terms of safety, LaVida Xinrui not only adopts a high-rigidity safety body, but also comes standard with 6 airbags, IQ. Drive intelligent driving butler and other active and passive safety systems. The standard AEB automatic emergency braking system can improve the overall driving safety.

Getting started is not enough? LaVida's cutting-edge limited time is 79,900 "freezing point price", which breaks the entry threshold _fororder_image004

  Superimposed high-value repurchase daily car cost is less than a cup of milk tea.

  Now, if you buy LaVida Xinrui, you can not only buy it at a price of less than 80,000 yuan, but also enjoy a high-value repurchase of 15% for two years/20% for three years *, an increase/replacement subsidy of 3,000 yuan for old customers, and a loan policy of 0 interest rate for up to two years. The average daily car cost (about 15 yuan) is less than a cup of milk tea. After three years, you can exchange it for a new SAIC Volkswagen car at an affordable price. How to calculate it is very cost-effective.

Getting started is not enough? LaVida's cutting-edge limited time is 79,900 "freezing point price", which breaks the entry threshold _fororder_image005

  LaVida Xinrui inherits the excellent DNA of the LaVida family, and has a brand-new face value, leapfrog configuration and comprehensive safety guarantee. It was originally a rare high-quality all-round family sedan in the 100,000 yuan class, but now it allows users to start with 79,900, which is really a big surprise in summer freezing point. (Photo: provided by SAIC Volkswagen)

"Students" and "mothers" became new protest forces, and Abe’s security bill was denounced by the whole people.

Among the protesters, the "mothers" and "students" are the most concerned. Oriental IC diagram

In the drizzle in Tokyo, mothers hold their children’s hands and stand on the street in front of the National Assembly.

On August 30, 2015, about 120,000 people in Tokyo, the capital of Japan, gathered in front of the National Assembly Hall to oppose Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and his security bill.

This demonstration included all Japanese citizens of all ages, from babies in the arms of their mothers, students in school uniforms to white-haired old people, and there were also family forms of dragging their children with their daughters. Among the protesters, the "mothers" and "students" are the most concerned. These two groups of people, who usually pay little attention to politics, have now become emerging forces against Shinzo Abe and the security bill.

In addition to ordinary Japanese nationals, men, women and children, there are also many voices of opposition in Japanese politics. Five former prime ministers have collectively voiced their voices a few days ago, criticizing Abe and its security law. Representatives of the four major opposition parties also strongly condemned the Abe government in the protests on the 30 th.

It is reported that the protest on the 30th spread over more than 300 places in Japan, which was the largest organized and planned civil street protest against the government in Japanese history.

The Awakening of "Mother Family" and "Student Family"

On August 30, in the drizzle in Tokyo, mothers stood on the street in front of the National Assembly holding their children’s hands to protest against the security bill that may be passed by the Senate in September. According to this bill, the constitution will be reinterpreted to expand the role of the Japanese Self-Defense Force.

Some of the demonstrators held anti-war slogans in their hands, while young students chanted slogans against Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and his national defense policy along with the drums. In addition to holding the usual slogans such as "opposing the war", "protecting the Constitution" and "no collective self-defense" and shouting slogans, they also appeared the big-character theme slogan "Abe steps down".

According to the Associated Press, in the past, most people who participated in protests in Japan were trade union members or white-haired leftists. But many new faces have appeared in the recent protests. Among the Tokyo citizens who participated in the "Great Action of Surrounding the National Assembly" on the 30th, many were ethnic groups who had not participated in the protests in the past.

The Associated Press said that Japanese people usually do not express their political positions in public places. As early as 1960s, Japanese college students held many demonstrations, some of which turned into violent incidents. Since then, the street rally protests of Japanese students have been greatly reduced.

After the Fukushima nuclear accident in 2011, a large number of people took to the streets in Japan to oppose nuclear weapons, including many "mothers". The Associated Press said that at least some of these anti-nuclear demonstrators now seem to have turned their focus to the debate on the security law.

Japan’s "Anti-war Mothers" organization was established last month, which quickly attracted many supporters through international social networking sites. At present, 20,000 people have jointly signed against the security law. On August 28, the organization tried to hand over the joint signature to Abe’s office, but failed.

Etsuko Matsuda, a 40-year-old member of "Anti-war Mothers", told the Associated Press without any worries that she had seen too many things going in the wrong direction, including the Fukushima nuclear disaster and the recent restart of nuclear power plants in Japan.

"I think there are more and more people like me, and we know that under the administration of Abe’s government, our life will only get worse." "I hope more people are interested in politics and can stand up and speak freely."

Japanese "mothers" and "students" who are usually not interested in politics have now taken to the streets. With the addition of new groups and the help of online social media, the street political movement in Japan has gradually changed more.

However, it is still unknown whether these growing and expanding demonstration groups can lead to significant social changes. A few days ago, the anti-nuclear demonstrations have gradually subsided, and once the security bill is formally passed by the Senate in September, whether the demonstrations and assemblies against the security law will also suffer the same fate has attracted a lot of attention.

Former Japanese Prime Minister and opposition party collectively voiced Abe.

Japan’s "Daily News" reported on August 30th that five former Japanese Prime Ministers, Hosokawa Morihiro, Tsutomu Hata, Tomiichi Murayama, Yukio Hatoyama and Naoto Kan, voiced their voices one after another a few days ago, criticizing Abe for ignoring national demands, undermining Japanese constitutionalism and amending the "right to collective self-defense" and demanding that he immediately withdraw the security bill.

A group of 50 old Japanese journalists held a press conference to publicize the suggestions made by five former Japanese prime ministers to Shinzo Abe.

Hosokawa Morihiro, the former prime minister, said that Abe’s government’s lifting of the ban on collective self-defense by amending the constitutional interpretation showed its "lack of respect for constitutionalism" and demanded the withdrawal of the security bill.

Former Prime Minister Tsutomu Hata said, "The right of collective self-defense is absolutely not allowed, and Article 9 of the Constitution is a promise made by Japan to the international community that it will not go the wrong way again".

Former Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama criticized Abe, saying that "it is necessary to strengthen the provisions limiting the implementation of the right of collective self-defense in the Constitution". Lushan also asked Abe to make a correct decision, from "building a war country" to "building a peaceful country."

Tomiichi Murayama, the former prime minister, criticized Abe for "unforgivable attitude of forcibly passing the bill by dint of large numbers and despising the people" and called for "saving Japan from Abe".

Naoto Kan, the former Prime Minister of the Democratic Party, criticized Abe for giving priority to the future of Japanese nationals in realizing his grandfather’s will, accusing Abe of "violating constitutionalism and being unqualified to be the prime minister of a democratic country" and demanding Abe’s resignation.

According to South Korea’s "Chosun Ilbo" report, in addition to the five former prime ministers, Japan’s four major opposition parties also collectively voiced their condemnation of Abe and its security laws.

At the rally on 30th, Katsuya Okada, representative of the Democratic Party of Japan, shii kazuo, chairman of communist party, Tadashi Yoshida, leader of the Social Democratic Party, Ichiro Ozawa, representative of Life Party and Tar? Yamamoto and their partners, delivered speeches at the rally respectively. Four opposition party representatives once again criticized the security bill and called for unity to overthrow the Abe regime and withdraw the security bill.

In addition, Ryuichi Sakamoto, a Japanese composer, and other famous people also delivered speeches saying, "This is an important period to regain democracy" and encouraged the demonstration team.

The demonstration participant, 73-year-old Masanobu Matsuda, said loudly, "The government should know the anger of the people."

According to the BBC report, the "Great Action of Surrounding the National Assembly" on the 30th attracted about 120,000 people to gather in front of the Tokyo National Assembly Hall, exceeding their original target of 100,000 people. More than 300 places in major cities such as Osaka, Nagoya and Fukuoka also held rallies at the same time. However, the number of people counted by the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department is "more than 30,000".

With regard to future planning, the General Action Implementation Committee, which is in charge of demonstrations, told BBC reporters that "in the future, not only protests will last until September 25th every weekend, but also lectures, concerts, photo exhibitions and other activities will be held in various places. We also hope to take advantage of the public’s awareness that it is an important political choice period after the war, and continue to advocate peace, anti-nuclear and other related activities."

According to a survey conducted by Asahi TV on August 22nd and 23rd, 22% of the respondents were in favor of the security bill and 55% were against it, while 60% of the respondents thought it was unnecessary to set it up in this session of Congress. With the rise of public opinion against the security bill, the major Japanese polls have one thing in common: the support rate of the Abe regime continues to fall.

[Night reading] Have big dreams, but also have small goals.


  CCTV News:School begins! Have you set a goal for yourself in the new school year? To succeed, instead of talking about big dreams every day, it is better to implement "small goals" in a down-to-earth manner. Small goals are like stops in your dream journey. They are not as far away as the destination. Every time you reach one, it indicates that you are closer to success. Tonight, let’s talk about how to achieve big dreams by achieving "small goals".

  Achieving the goal by stages

  Excerpt from "Yu Minhong talks about entrepreneurship"

  Have a goal.

  You won’t hesitate, shake or get confused.

  "Why can you succeed?" He said nine words: "Have a goal, hold your horses, and do it quietly."

  A reporter once asked Lu Guanqiu, a famous entrepreneur in China and Wanxiang Group, "Why did you succeed?" He said nine words: "Have a goal, hold your horses, and do it quietly." He is an entrepreneur from a pure peasant background, and he is also the only entrepreneur of that generation who has not failed for more than 30 years. He started as a small company and later became Wanxiang Group, and he used these nine words to describe all the successful methods.

  Having a goal means having a dream in your heart and wanting to realize it. If you can’t find a job, start looking for a job tomorrow. This is happiness, because there are goals to pursue. If you have a job, you want to become a department manager, vice president and president of the company, which is also the goal; If you want to start a business and do great things by yourself, these are all goals. With a goal, you won’t hesitate, shake or get confused. Every day, you wake up and feel that you have something to do.


  Have big dreams

  There must be practical "small goals"

  Step by step

  You will succeed in the end.

  A person wants to be Bill Gates from the beginning, and a philosophy student wants to surpass Hegel from the beginning. Such a person may eventually accomplish nothing.

  In reality, the reason why people do things halfway is often not because it is difficult, but because they feel that success is too far away. Many enterprises go out of business, not because their goals are too big to be achieved, but because they don’t set phased goals for themselves.


  Divide the long-term goal into several easy-to-achieve stage goals. Every time you reach a stage goal, you will experience a "feeling of success". This "feeling" will strengthen the self-confidence of entrepreneurs and promote entrepreneurs to steadily tap their potential to achieve the next goal.

  A person’s dream is the same, it can be realized in two years or ten years, and there is no essential difference between two years and ten years. When there is such a goal there, what we have to do is to make a calculation of myself, how far I am from that goal and how long it will take me to get to … …

  However, many people’s consistency and analysis between themselves and their goals are very insufficient, and the result of this insufficiency is that this goal can never be achieved.

  A person wants to be Bill Gates from the beginning, and a philosophy student wants to surpass Hegel from the beginning. Such a person may eventually accomplish nothing.


  People should constantly create a sense of accomplishment for themselves, and they can have this sense of accomplishment by setting stage goals.

  Once you have a goal, you should achieve it in stages. If your goal is to climb Mount Everest, if you climb it now, you will fall down when you climb to 6000 meters, and you must die. You need to climb step by step. You have to go through three to four years of climbing training, starting with climbing 2000 meters, then climbing higher mountains, first climbing empty-handed, then climbing with a backpack, and finally climbing Mount Everest. Wang Shi climbed many snow-capped mountains. He climbed all the snow-capped mountains on several continents before climbing Mount Everest.

  Yu Minhong believes that people should constantly create a sense of accomplishment for themselves, and they can have this sense of accomplishment by setting phased goals. After the failure of studying abroad, Yu Minhong re-determined a realistic small goal, that is, to earn some money to support his family.


  "The goal of making money is very ordinary, but the key is to see what you think about making money. For example, some people want to make a lot of money when they come up without any ability, and they want to make a big career without any foundation. It will definitely not work and will not succeed. Therefore, it is very important to treat your ability correctly.

  My goal at that time was very simple, that is, to earn 30 yuan a day, because I had a class once a day, and a class was 30 yuan at that time. But when I reached the goal of earning 30 yuan a day, I began to think of higher goals. Later, I took classes twice a day and earned 60 yuan a day. Later, I saw someone else running a training class and earning 600 yuan a day, so I thought whether I should try it, because my ability seemed to be no worse than others, so I also started my own training class. This is the spirit of progress day by day, and this is the spirit of ants moving Mount Tai. I would be scared to death if I were allowed to start a new Oriental school at the present scale from the beginning. "


  Do anything, no matter how difficult, as long as you do it in a few steps, you will succeed.

  Any high goal can be divided into many small goals to achieve. Even if you can’t achieve the highest goal at once, you can finally achieve it by moving forward step by step. The realization of every goal is to prepare for your next higher goal.

  Do anything, no matter how difficult, as long as you do it in a few steps, you will succeed.

  Yu Minhong said: "People should have this grand ideal, but more importantly, they should know how to do every step to realize this ideal."

  "Every step I make can be realized, whether it is three years or two years. Usually, I can think clearly about these steps and do them step by step … …”


  This article is excerpted from Yu Minhong’s Talk about Entrepreneurship (author Yang Chenshuo, press: Haitian Publishing House), Part I, Breaking down Big Goals into Small Goals and Realizing Goals by Stages, with pictures from the Internet.

  Have you ever

  Have set many small goals.

  But because you are lazy, you can’t finish it?

  With the goal, how to ensure the implementation in place?


  The goal is simple and clear, and it is refined into daily fixed actions.


  A goal is more likely to become a reality if it can be transformed into a fixed action that can be completed every day.


  Don’t underestimate your laziness, find a small partner to supervise you.


  Sharing a plan with others is easier to stick to, and the degree of peer support will affect the success rate of the plan. Find a small partner to supervise or carry out the plan with you.

  Change the environment in which the plan is implemented and remove the obstacles that hinder your action.


  In order to achieve the goal, it is necessary to create a suitable environment. Adjust part of the daily environment to support the formation of new habits.

  Focus on one goal and do only one thing at a time.


  Try to concentrate on one thing, concentrate on one thing at a time, and think deeply about the solution, and you will find that things become very simple.

  Old and new habits are bound together, and new habits can be developed quickly.


  If you want to cultivate new habits, you might as well try to bind new habits with old ones, which can help new habits develop faster.


  Give the new plan a 30-day probation period to get rid of inadaptability and imperfection.


  Not all the plans made are perfect. Give yourself a 30-day probation period, try to get used to it and adjust your goals, which will make it easier to complete the plan.


  Encourage yourself with the results and imagine the moment of completion.


  If you can’t keep your motivation, focus on what you will achieve in the end. After losing weight, you will be admired for your off the charts or your guitar skills … … When you are lazy, use these beautiful results to motivate yourself to achieve your goals.

  Force yourself to remind yourself to stay away from all excuses.


  If you are afraid that you will forget your plan next week, set a message on your mobile phone to remind yourself, or write down your goal with a pen on the bathroom mirror without giving yourself any chance to make excuses or relax.

  Let’s move now!


  Set a goal, act immediately, and start working towards it now!

  (This part is entirely from the Internet, and the illustrations are from the artist Mohan Khare.)

The road of animation, the national wind is very busy! The winter vacation film list of the movie channel was released wonderfully.

Special feature of 1905 film network The winter vacation is getting closer and closer, and the "God beast" will be released soon. Are you ready? There are resident animation stars such as Pleasant Goat, Big Big Wolf, Xiong Da and Xiong Er waiting for the Lunar New Year in the cinema, and they also need to be accompanied by animation stars at home, so that the "beasts" can have a happy and fulfilling holiday.

In recent years, animated films based on traditional cultural elements have continued to be hot. It is better to follow our topic "Animation Road, National Style is Busy" and have an open aesthetic education class with my family to reserve spiritual food for my children during the winter vacation.

At that time, a national craze was set off;Win favor with hand-drawn animation;Broaden the boundary of animation theme with alternative painting style;Break the ceiling of animated film box office;Deconstructing the story of deity with grand narrative … …

On the animation road, Guofeng is very busy. When the strong Chinese style keeps blowing into the animation lens, the dazzling chapter of the animation story of China’s national style has just begun … …

Ink age

Chinese-style animated films reflect the regional characteristics of China and are the expression style of China culture. Just a few minutes of animation has both the extension of China elements and the connotation of traditional culture.

From 1941, when China introduced the first Chinese-style animation, to the emergence of a large number of Chinese-style animation, Chinese-style animation films had a large number of excellent works in the early prosperity stage.

Make a scene in heaven

During this period, ink animation occupied a large proportion. Shanghai Animation Film Studio’s classic ink animation, such as Mu Di and Shan Shui Qing, is a famous sign in history of animation, China.

At that time, Japanese animated film director Gao Tianxun also mentioned in an interview that "China’s ink and wash cartoons amazed us. It can be said that our works with more blank space are influenced by it. "

With "Little Tadpole Looking for Mom" winning international awards (special award for short film in the 4th Angxi International Animation Festival in France, honorary award in the 4th Cannes International Film Festival, etc.), ink and wash animation, an animation type full of strong Chinese style, has gained international reputation.

In addition to ink painting, Shanghai Animation Film Studio also created many animation types such as paper-cutting, puppet and origami. Together with ink painting animation, they created a moderns in history of animation, China.

It can be seen that the Chinese style animation at that time was still in the extension stage closely combined with China elements, and the picture style of ink animation "emphasizing artistic conception and neglecting narrative" was also difficult to adapt to the rapidly developing market demand.

In the 1990s, when high-quality ink animation was lacking, many overseas animation brands such as Disney and Ghibli continued to develop, and a large number of foreign animations flooded into China, and domestic animation gradually lost its own language. This period was defined by Qian Jianping, director of the American Film Factory as "the transition period for China animation to start again".

The rise of national wind

Compared with the technical experience and talent accumulation required by live-action movies, the rise of animated movies needs more detailed and long efforts.

In 1999, animated films became the last swan song of China traditional fine arts films. This film exhausted the domestic gold lineup at that time, trying to help domestic animation turn the tide.

However, this well-made work, based on China’s classical mythology, failed to conceal the reality of the decline of the industry at that time. The box office record of "Lotus Lantern" of 20 million RMB actually lasted for ten years.It is precisely because of this that the Return of the Great Sage of Journey to the West released in 2015 rekindled the enthusiasm inside and outside the animation industry in China.

The box office of 956 million RMB, full of national flavor, not only makes the animation industry regroup, but also makes people re-examine the significance of Chinese style to animation.

After success, some business giants began to step into the strategic layout of animated film production.There are those who choose Sino-foreign joint ventures and introduce foreign advanced technology animation teams, such as Chinese enterprises and American DreamWorks Animation.eastDreamWorks launched a co-production in 2016.;

Some people choose to start their own businesses independently. For example, Wei Wang, the founder of Tudou, set up "light-chasing animation" and launched many national animation works since 2014.

Some people choose to integrate resources. For example, Light Film "Striped House" invested in many animation studios scattered all over the country to jointly create the "China Myth Series" animation film universe.

In addition, Internet giants such as Alibaba Pictures and Iqiyi Pictures have also begun to make plans for animated film production. With the change of the general environment, Chinese style animation has also begun to usher in a stage of constantly bringing surprises to the audience.The Big Fish Begonia, released in 2016, won the audience’s favor with hand-painted animation with unique Chinese style and won 560 million yuan at the box office.

In 2017, the "Great Protector" with a fierce style and a different style of painting added a unique color to Guofeng animation.

In 2019, Guofeng animation ushered in an outbreak, and Ne Zha lifted the ceiling of animated film box office to an unprecedented height.

White Snake: The Origin tells a traditional story in a modern way.

Reproduce the unique original thinking of China’s two-dimensional animation.

Most importantly, young animation creators have summed up a truth from the ensuing praise: a good story is the most important criterion to judge whether a national animation is excellent or not.

Like the stars

In 2020, the film market was greatly impacted by the sudden epidemic, and Legend of Deification changed files successively. When the film industry resumed, these two national style animations met the audience again.

Although the two films have different reputations, it is undeniable that Legend of Deification showed the super-high level of China’s animation technology with extremely exquisite painting style.

"Mr Miao" broadens the expression boundary and ideological depth of national style animation with unique painting style. China’s animated films not only show better production quality, but also gradually form a cultural character with oriental characteristics.

In the vast universe to be explored, some "stars" have already revealed their light. The unreleased film list is like a small nebula, which is the next direction of Guofeng animation.One of Legend of Deification’s ending eggsDeep seaWith the mysterious underwater world as the story background, the painting style is soft, but it is a sci-fi suspense type work;

It is a subversive remolding of Nezha’s story to take the time background after three thousand years of trouble in the sea;

Created by the original crew of The Return of the Great Sage to the Journey to the West, the story line is still a brand-new interpretation of the story of the Journey to the West before the sequel;

Also released a poster full of ink and wash style, intended to subvert the fate of the previous series … …

It can be seen that these national style animations strive for breakthroughs in both animation style exploration and technical production level. Fortunately, China animation has found a suitable way, and only needs to complete each creation with peace of mind in the passage of time.Starting from this week, WeChat official account, a movie channel, will recommend a weekly list of films for you in winter vacation. I wish you a happy winter vacation in advance!

Today’s football: Paris Saint-Germain vs Montpellier Jiafu Fenglin vs Kumamoto Crimson.

Paris saint germain vs Montpellier

Recent situation of Paris Saint-Germain:Paris Saint-Germain scored 6 wins, 3 draws and 1 loss in 10 rounds this season, with 21 points temporarily ranked second. Paris Saint-Germain tied for the most goals and conceded the second least in the first 10 rounds of Ligue 1 this season. The two sides have played in Ligue 1 for nearly 10 times, and Paris Saint-Germain has scored 9 wins and 1 loss. Recently, it has scored 8 consecutive games and scored at least 2 goals per game.

Last season, we won Paris Saint-Germain with a score of 5-2 at home. In the last round of Ligue 1, we won the middle and lower reaches team brest with a score of 3-2 away. We scored four consecutive goals in all competitions and scored three goals in each game. Previously, all the competitions scored four consecutive points at home, and conceded 12-0, including Ligue 1 winning Marseille 4-0.

Recent situation in Montpellier:Montpellier has scored 4 wins, 3 draws and 3 losses in 10 rounds of this season, ranking sixth with 15 points. Montpellier scored the third most goals in the first 10 rounds of Ligue 1 this season, averaging 1.9 goals per game. Montpellier striker Adams scored 7 goals in 10 appearances in Ligue 1 this season, ranking second in the top spot. Montpellier won Toulouse, the middle and lower reaches team, with a score of 3-0 at home in the last round of Ligue 1. While winning 3 wins and 1 loss in the last four rounds, Montpellier won 3 wins and 2 draws in the last six rounds, but failed to win only one game. Montpellier scored at least three goals in three times in the last four rounds of Ligue 1, but his opponents were generally not strong. Montpellier lost 0-2 to Nantes, the middle and lower reaches team, in the last Ligue 1 away game, and failed to win the tournament for the first time in nearly three away games.

This game: At the home of Paris Saint-Germain, the team has scored consecutive points against Paris Saint-Germain in the last three times. Personally, I think Paris Saint-Germain is expected to score all three points.

Jiafu fenglin vs Kumamoto crimson

Recent situation of Jiafu Fenglin:Jiafu Fenglin failed to win only one of the last 11 races, but as many as six games were tied. Jiafu Fenglin’s ability to have the ball at home in the first half has improved a lot, with as many as 9 games at home in nearly 10 races. In recent years, Jiafu Fenglin failed to win Kumamoto Crimson in only one of the 10 meetings, and achieved 5 wins and 4 draws in the rest. Jiafu Fenglin failed to win only one of the last 10 events, and the rest achieved 4 wins and 5 draws. Jiafu Fenglin’s recent ball path is too small, and he has played a small ball with his opponent for three consecutive games. Jiafu Fenglin’s home defense lags behind a lot. Only one of the last 10 matches won the game at home, and the home conceded goal rate of 1.6 per game is very high in Japan.

Recent situation of Kumamoto crimson:Kumamoto’s crimson ability has improved obviously, and all the league games have scored goals in the past 10 games. Kumamoto Crimson’s recent away performance has improved a lot. In the past four leagues, he won three away games, while the previous six away games failed to win the games. Kumamoto Crimson’s recent ball path is too big, and he has played a big ball with his opponent for three consecutive games. Kumamoto Crimson failed to win 6 of the last 10 events, and achieved 1 draw and 5 losses. Kumamoto Crimson’s away game against Jiafu Fenglin is at a great disadvantage. In the history, the eight leagues only scored 2 draws and 6 losses, and the team failed to win the game.

This field: Personally, I think Kumamoto Crimson has great hope of winning this round of competition.