The Beidou satellite ground-based enhancement system for the Yangtze River trunk line has been officially put into operation, and the accuracy of ship navigation can reach sub-meter level

  Xinhua News Agency, Wuhan, June 1 (Reporter Li Siyuan) According to the Yangtze River Communications Administration of the Ministry of Transport, the Beidou satellite foundation enhancement system project of the Yangtze River trunk line undertaken by the bureau has recently passed the completion and acceptance of the Ministry of Transport, and has been officially put into operation and external service since the 1st. With the help of this system, the navigation accuracy of Yangtze River ships can be improved to sub-meter level.

  The Beidou Satellite Ground Enhancement System Project on the Yangtze River Trunk Line is the Beidou service system with the largest scale, the widest coverage, the most complex network structure and the highest service performance requirements for inland river shipping in China. It started in November 2018. The total investment of the project is 107 million yuan, starting from Yunnan Shuifu in the west and about 2800 kilometers long and 30 kilometers wide in the east to the Yangtze River Estuary. The construction of 106 reference stations, 56 ship automatic identification system broadcasting stations, 154 network channels, 12 new computer rooms, and 2 data centers has realized the full coverage of the Beidou satellite ground enhancement signal on the Yangtze River.

  Shen Jianjun, deputy director of the Yangtze River Communications Administration, said that as an important infrastructure for the information construction of the Yangtze River, the Beidou ground-based enhancement system of the Yangtze River trunk line can provide sub-meter navigation accuracy for ships, and centimeter-level and millimeter-level mapping accuracy services for surveying and surveying. At the same time, by empowering shipping elements in depth, accurate perception, accurate analysis, fine management and careful service, the capabilities of integrated traffic management, maritime safety supervision, and water traffic safety emergency command in the Yangtze River have been comprehensively improved.

  According to the introduction, the Beidou ground-based enhancement service system of the Yangtze River trunk line will also encrypt the existing meteorological station observation network to further enhance the resolution of the Yangtze River meteorological monitoring.

  Shen Jianjun said that in the next step, the Yangtze River Communications Administration will continue to carry out the application research and promotion of Beidou technology in Yangtze River shipping, and gradually realize the synergistic integration with 5G, artificial intelligence and data centers in key shipping elements such as key waters, important hubs, ports and logistics parks.

Luoyang Municipal Party Committee Secretary Jiang Ling and Wanda Group Chairperson Wang Jianlin held working talks

  On the 23rd, Jiang Ling, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, held a working meeting with Wang Jianlin, Chairperson of Wanda Group, who visited Luoyang, and jointly participated in the signing ceremony of the strategic cooperation framework agreement between Luoyang Cultural Tourism Group and Wanda Group.

  Jiang Ling welcomed Wang Jianlin and his party to visit Luoyang and expressed his gratitude to Wanda Group for its support to Luoyang’s development. He said that entering the new development stage, the development mode, operation content and business model of the cultural tourism industry have undergone new changes. "Subversive creativity, immersive experience and young consumption" are leading the new trend. The integration of culture, sports, leisure, film and television, hotels and other factors is becoming a new trend. Asset-light operation is becoming the core competitiveness of cultural tourism enterprises. Luoyang is rich in historical and cultural resources. It has many scarce resources in inheriting and carrying forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture. It has unique advantages in the development of immersive cultural tourism industry. It is hoped that Wanda Group will give full play to its comprehensive advantages in planning, operation, and platform, focus on Luoyang’s characteristic cultural tourism IP, and plan an immersive experience project with the theme of Tang Dynasty culture in Luoyang, so as to help Luoyang build a new high ground for the development of the national immersive cultural tourism industry and make greater contributions to strengthening cultural self-confidence.

  Wang Jianlin introduced Wanda Group’s recent efforts to promote the development of industries such as commerce, cultural tourism, sports, film and television, and children. He said that the current cultural tourism industry is accelerating the transformation from quantitative growth to quality growth. Luoyang is a famous historical capital and a strong tourism city. Relying on good cultural heritage, tourism resources, and ecological advantages, the development space and potential of the cultural tourism industry are huge. Wanda Group will take this cooperation as an opportunity to better give play to its experience advantages and industrial advantages, fully tap Luoyang’s cultural resources and natural endowments, and promote the construction of Longmen tourist resort and other cooperative projects with high standards, so as to promote the leapfrog development of Luoyang’s cultural and tourism industry. At the same time, it will rely on its own international resources to actively develop international A-class sports events in Luoyang, and promote the integrated development of cultural and sports tourism in Luoyang. Wanda Group is confident in its investment in Luoyang and will make every effort to accelerate the construction and early operation of cooperation projects, so as to provide a wonderful answer for the ancient capital Luoyang.

  According to the agreement, Wanda Group will carry out in-depth cooperation with Luoyang Cultural Tourism Group in projects such as Longmen Tourism Resort, Wan’an Mountain Tourism Resort, Xintang Street, and Heshizhou Tourism Resort to help Luoyang build a national cultural tourism merchandise highland and an international cultural tourism destination; carry out extensive cooperation in the development of business, sports, and service industries to help Luoyang Cultural Tourism Group build a national first-class cultural tourism industry state-owned capital investment and operation company.

  Wanda Group Chief Vice President Liu Haibo, Wanda Culture Group Vice President and Sports Group Vice President, China President Gao Yimin, city leaders Xu Yixian, Wang Jun, Zhang Yujie, Yang Shaochun, Wei Xianfeng attended the talks.

City leaders investigate the holiday travel market and consumption work.

Holiday holiday is an important time node for people to spend their leisure time shopping. On October 1st and 2nd, Xu Liyi, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, and Wang Xinwei, deputy governor and mayor, respectively led a team to investigate the market operation and consumption promotion of holiday cultural tourism, and got a field understanding of market supply and safety supervision.

Xu Liyi visited the comprehensive coordination and dispatching center of the Municipal Bureau of Culture, Tourism and Tourism, Fangte Tourism Resort, Zhenghongcheng Shopping Center, etc. to observe the situation of creating consumption scenes, safety management of scenic spots and amusement facilities, and commercial services to promote consumption, and listen to relevant work reports.

Xu Liyi pointed out that it is necessary to accurately grasp the new development pattern of dual-cycle mutual promotion, take the domestic macro-cycle as the main body, base on expanding domestic demand, and take developing cultural tourism and promoting consumption growth as important tasks. It is necessary to adhere to the globalization and globalization of tourism, consider urban construction, economic development and cultural tourism as a whole, strengthen project planning, product planning, tour organization, publicity and promotion, and do a good job in integrating cultural tourism. It is necessary to adhere to the government’s leadership, accelerate the construction of Shang Dynasty Wangcheng Ruins Park, Erqi Square, Ersha Wenchuang Park, Yellow River Beach Park and other projects, actively promote the healthy development of boutique hotels and quality hotels, gather fists and plan practical things, and create new highlights of urban tourism consumption. It is necessary to study and improve the system and mechanism for the development and operation of scenic spots, further standardize services, and improve the level of safety management and health protection. It is necessary to give full play to the main role of local enterprises in the market, encourage the creation of rich and diverse consumption scenarios, improve consumption quality, and effectively promote the upgrading of urban consumption.

Xu Liyi stressed that it is necessary to pay special attention to the supervision, management and service guarantee of tourist attractions and consumer places in combination with the characteristics of festivals. Continue to strengthen safety supervision, strictly implement management measures, actively use new technologies to strengthen real-time supervision of special equipment, and make emergency preparations to ensure the safety of tourists. It is necessary to do a good job in traffic organization and security around key tourism and consumption places, so that the people can come and enjoy themselves. Departments in charge of tourism, consumption and other industries should strengthen operation and dispatch, be on duty, handle complaints from the masses in a timely manner, respond to their concerns, and constantly improve people’s sense of gain and satisfaction.

Wang Xinwei and his party inspected Zhongyuan Futa Group Auto Show in Economic Development Zone, Vivian Dawson International Textile City Fashion Week in Erqi District, Wanda Shopping Mall in Zhongyuan District, etc., and got a detailed understanding of the consumption promotion plan, market material supply and demand, fire safety emergency and other work. He stressed that it is necessary to seize the opportunity of holiday consumption, take various measures to promote consumption, make efforts to lead the innovation of consumption supply with consumption upgrading, actively promote the deep integration of "online+offline", create a number of new consumption scenes that closely meet the needs of the masses, and create a clean, tidy, orderly and convenient consumption environment for the masses, so as to effectively make the masses want to consume, be willing to consume and be able to consume. We should always tighten the string of safe production, improve the dual prevention system, do a good job in risk classification and emergency plan, increase the investigation of hidden dangers in public places, crowded places and crowded areas, and find out the hidden dangers of epidemic prevention, fire fighting and other risks in time, that is, the investigation will be changed immediately, closed-loop management will be carried out, and the responsibility will be assigned to people, and the occurrence of serious accidents will be resolutely curbed. We should make every effort to ensure the smooth operation of the market, take a highly responsible attitude towards the people, do a good job of "rice bags" and "vegetable baskets" to ensure stable supply and prices, and make efforts to keep the source, production, circulation, quality and consumption at ease through multi-channel organization of supply, deployment of government reserve materials and increased food safety supervision.

Niu Weiguo, Wan Zhengfeng, Sun Xiaohong and Wu Fumin participated in the survey.

Running to lose weight, these new skills make you more relaxed.

Every year, many people choose running as a weapon to lose weight. However, the situation that they can’t cope with the results is everywhere, the effect is not obvious, and then they are discouraged and give up. This failure history is constantly staged.

Andrew Ka Stoll, a running coach in Lake Mamos, California, USA, gave you a new solution. He put forward the exercise plan is:Shorter time, higher intensity, five times a week, each time within 20 minutes.

This program can not only help you lose those excess weights, but also effectively reduce the risk of cholesterol and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and help maintain the elasticity of your skin.

Step out of the right running rhythm

Many people misunderstand running and regard it as a pure strength challenge, madly improving speed and running distance, but in fact,Stability and rhythm are the essence of running..

At first, we should give priority to comfort and relaxation, and every step should be strong and stable. Once you are short of breath and your heart beats rapidly, it means that you have crossed your comfort zone.

Although this kind of high-intensity running may consume more calories in a short time, it will have a negative impact on the endurance of the body in the long run, causing you to feel tired and even lose your interest and motivation in running.

The gradual rhythm can paint an ideal running picture, and the wind in your ear and the rhythm of breathing find harmony in this stable rhythm.

Beginners should be patient and not driven by short-term benefits. The correct running rhythm will take you to the other side of health.

Speed and terrain: dual elements of running

Running can’t be static. If you always run at the same speed and terrain, the human body will soon adapt to it, and the weight loss effect will gradually decrease.

Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to the change of speed and terrain to maintain running efficiency.

Through different speed training, it can help the energy in the body run smoothly like a small mountain stream.More conducive to burning fat.

Changing the choice of running terrain, such as changing from flat to climbing, can undoubtedly increase the load on the body and consume more calories.

Changing the speed and terrain can not only challenge yourself and improve running endurance, but more importantly, it can stimulate muscles, accelerate metabolism and improve the long-term weight loss effect of running.

At the same time, such changes can also improve the fun of running, break the routine and make the exercise process no longer dull.

Diet regulation: the other side of losing weight

In the process of losing weight, many people tend to have a misunderstanding, that is, they are full of determination and anxiety to lose weight, but they ignore the adjustment of diet intake.

On the contrary, in fact, scientific diet control is one of the key rules for success in the process of losing weight.

For example, after heavy running training, people often feel extremely hungry.

However, if you choose to eat too much, regardless of controlling your appetite, it is likely that all the calories you run will be replenished in the end, and your efforts to lose weight will become stillborn.

Then, in the process of running to lose weight, how should we scientifically adjust the diet?

The first thing to make sure isOn the premise of ensuring basic nutrition, formulate and adjust the diet structure in a timely manner..

For example, after tired running, our body needs rich nutrition to recover. At this time, we can choose to eat carbohydrates contained in vegetables, fruits and staple foods. These are good at helping to restore physical strength, and at the same time, we will not introduce too many extra calories.

Of course, the change of eating habits does not mean that we should deliberately suppress our appetite. After all, physical and mental pleasure is also an important factor in maintaining exercise motivation.

Secondly, we should learnGrasp the intake time of dietAvoid eating too much before running or eating immediately after running, which is likely to burden the gastrointestinal tract and affect the running effect.

Generally speaking, a good energy supply and recovery can be ensured by eating one to two hours before running, and supplementing enough protein and carbohydrates, as well as proper amount of fat, within the next day.

Therefore, when we run to lose weight, we should not only pay attention to speed and time, but also consider many factors such as terrain and food intake, so as to achieve the ideal weight loss effect.

As long as we carry out this plan persistently, I believe it is only a matter of time before we reach the goal of losing weight.