A new force on university campus: the "post-00" schoolmasters attack.

  At present, colleges and universities have started classes one after another. This year’s freshmen are mostly children born in 1997 and 1998, and in addition, there are a few "post-00" figures. This group of "primary school tyrants" broke into the campus and took the lead in competing with the "post-90 s". Some of them entered school at the age of 4, some attended middle school at the age of 7, and some were repeat students in ideal universities. Immature face, shy smile, curious eyes … … All reveal their full expectations for future college life!

  The most independent "after 00":

  I hope to be a big tree at home

  Freshmen from the School of Chemical Engineering of Northwest University in pucheng county — — Dang Ming Fei, a 16-year-old boy, came to report for duty alone. Considering that his parents were busy taking care of the farmland, he decided to report to the school alone. "However, an elder sister from Xida University who met online and went to the same school in high school helped me a lot and took me through the first busy day of reporting."

  Dang Ming Fei’s parents couldn’t spare more time to take care of him because of the busy farming. Xiaoming Fei was sent to primary school at the age of 4. "My parents let me do farm work since I was a child, and let me taste the hard work of eating by labor." Dang Ming Fei said that it was this that inspired him to study hard, get into a good university and get out of the countryside. My brother and sister at home are also very disappointing and set an example for him — — The twin brother has just been admitted to China Shiyou University (East China) this year, and the elder sister has just graduated from university.

  Asked about his initial impression of Xida University, Dang Ming Fei described the quaint North Campus as "full of atmosphere", and he was particularly satisfied with the newly renovated dormitory.

  As one of the 16 "post-00 generation" among the 3380 freshmen of West University, Dang Ming Fei feels very lucky. In his understanding, the "advantage" of age gives him more time to work hard, grow up and become a big tree at home as soon as possible.

  Minimum "after 00":

  Become a knowledgeable person

  He is 1.7 meters tall, wears a pair of black-rimmed glasses, speaks slowly, and has a serious look … When his peers are about to face the senior high school entrance examination, Fu Yao, born in 2002, has been standing on the university playground for military training. It is understood that among the more than 5,200 freshmen of 2016 in Northwest A&F University, there are 34 "post-00" college students, the youngest of whom is Fu Yao, who is 14 years old.

  It took only one and a half years for Fuyao Primary School to pass the exam and enter junior high school at the age of seven. Last year, at the age of 13, he took the college entrance examination for the first time and scored 502 points, 22 points higher than the first line; I got 553 points in the second college entrance examination this year and was admitted to the Forestry Engineering Department of Forestry College of Northwest A&F University.

  Fu Yao’s roommate said that he only saw a 14-year-old boy go to college on the news before, but I didn’t expect to live in a dormitory with such a "prodigy" now. I really admire him. These days, everyone talked about games and cartoons together and got along very well.

  Fu Yao, who is undergoing military training, said that military training is very hard, but he will try his best to overcome the difficulties, and he will not relax his requirements because of his young age. He will also perform military boxing at the ceremony and adapt to college life from military training.

  For the university life in the next four years, Fu Yao intends to study professional courses well, strive for the number of postgraduate places in the college, continue his studies, and become a knowledgeable person.

  The most cute "after 00":

  Determined to be a high-end scientific and technological talent

  A month ago, Kang Ximeng, who had just celebrated her 15th birthday, received the admission notice from the School of Life Sciences of Northwest University as she wished. Kang Ximeng, with short hair and a cute baby face, looks very cute. Kang Ximeng said that she started primary school at the age of 4, so she finished high school at the age of 15. Knowing that he was the youngest student admitted to West University this year, Kang Ximeng said that he didn’t want to make everyone feel different because of his age.

  Kang Ximeng said that the seeds of her fate with Xida have already been planted. When she was five or six years old, her mother once took a photo of Xiao Ximeng at the gate of Taibai Campus of Xida University, which is still kept at home. Ten years later, the slim girl took another photo in the same place, but she was still watching her big brothers and sisters go in and out. This time it was her own school.

  Unlike most freshmen, she has a clear plan for her future at a young age — — Graduate school. "I like biology in middle school and dream of being a scientist. I am very lucky to be admitted to the School of Life Sciences as I wish. " Kang Ximeng said that he had known his major before, and he studied many subjects and had heavy schoolwork. If he wanted to learn English well, he had to put in a lot of energy and hard work, and he also needed to cultivate a solid spirit of research and exploration, as well as the ability to analyze and solve problems and exercise his hands-on ability. "If you want to be a senior scientific talent in this field, you must further study, so I will study hard in these four years and strive for graduate school and doctoral studies." (Reporter Jiang Wei Intern Lu Weijia)

Dong Yuhui brushed the screen! Yu Minhong and Sun Dongxu apologized; Dong Mingzhu denounced Meng Yutong; Weilai started a new round of layoffs? Li Bin responds to the dynamics of big companies.

[technology circle]

Lenovo Wang Chuandong: Lenovo AI PC will take the lead in carrying a personal model next year.

On December 14th, Wang Chuandong, vice president of Lenovo Group and chief marketing officer of China District, said that in the AI era, AI PC will become the preferred terminal of AI Pratt & Whitney, and Lenovo AI PC will take the lead in carrying personal big model next year to realize the mixed deployment of personal big model and cloud public big model. (Securities Times)

The first batch of vivo S18 series mobile phones are equipped with AI blue heart model.

On the evening of December 14th, vivo officially released S18 series mobile phones, all of which were equipped with the AI blue heart model developed by vivo, and joined the ranks of the first batch of AI large model mobile phones in the world.


Bilibili will lay off all its game research and development businesses? Here comes the response.

Bilibili will lay off all its game research and development businesses. In response, bilibili responded: "The relevant information is not true, and only some projects have been adjusted." (CSI Taurus)

PICO cancels PICO 5 R&D and turns to new projects? Insider: The "Swan" project has always been

Today, it is reported that PICO, a VR headset company owned by ByteDance, will cancel the original research and development plan of PICO 5, and instead develop a high-end MR headset code-named "Swan" to benchmark Apple Vision Pro. In addition, the news further pointed out that more than 400 employees were dismissed, more than 600 employees were transferred to ByteDance Central Taiwan, and PICO was reduced from more than 1,800 employees at the beginning of this year to more than 800 employees. In this regard, I asked PICO for verification. At present, PICO has not responded to the abandonment of PICO 5 R&D and layoffs. However, a person familiar with the matter revealed that "the Swan project has always existed and is promoting research and development." According to the news, the Swan project is currently in the experimental and conceptual stage, and it is not clear whether it can be commercialized in the end. (Sina Technology)

Big consumption]

Oriental selection is caught in the public opinion storm of "small composition" Yu Minhong and Sun Dongxu apologized.

Recently, the Oriental selection caused a storm because of who wrote the anchor Dong Yuhui’s "small composition". The wave swept the company, with fans losing nearly 100,000 yuan and the stock price plummeting. On 14th, Yu Minhong, the founder of New Oriental, posted a video statement on social platform, responding to the recent essay dispute. Yu Minhong said that what was originally an internal trivial matter turned into a surging network public opinion because of improper handling, and there was a big loophole in the management of the company, so he apologized to Yuhui. As for the controversial "rice circle culture", Yu Minhong doesn’t think there is any "rice circle culture" in the selection of the East, but also resolutely resists it. Sun Dongxu, CEO of Oriental Selection, Weibo sent a message to apologize to netizens, saying that "netizens and fans are our parents, and we will definitely work harder to provide better services for everyone".

Dong Mingzhu angered Meng Yutong: Turning Gree into online celebrity can no longer tolerate her in Gree.

According to the short video circulating on the Internet, Dong Mingzhu mentioned Meng Yutong again at the induction ceremony of the class of 2023 in Gree Electric on December 13th. Dong Mingzhu said that Meng Yutong was very diligent at that time, hoping that she could grow up, so she was asked to be a secretary around, but she couldn’t even write an article, and she became a online celebrity with the help of Gree platform, so she couldn’t stand being in Gree any longer.

Wuliangye dealers say that the contract will be reduced by 20% next year.

On December 14th, the reporter learned from Wuliangye dealers in Shanghai that the annual contract in 2024 has been signed, and each dealer in the new contract has been cut off by 20% of the "Puwu" contract volume. The dealer said that on November 25th of each year, the contract volume of the current year will end, and then a contract for the next year will need to be signed. Wuliangye insiders also confirmed the above news, saying that the reason for the shrinkage is that the eighth generation of Puwu is relatively scarce, and the company’s planned volume has been reduced, and there will be other arrangements in the future. (The Paper)

[Car ring]

The press conference of the M9 and Huawei Winter Scene will be held on December 26th.

According to the official micro-announcement of Yu Chengdong, the release conference of the whole scene of the winter of the M9 and Huawei will be held at 14:30 on December 26th, 2023.

Cyrus: About 40,000 new M9 cars have been booked.

On December 14th, the relevant person of Sailis confirmed to the reporter that nearly 40,000 new M9 cars have been booked. At the same time, Sailis’ factory in Chongqing is stepping up production and has started the production mode of two shifts a day. (SSE)

Weilai started a new round of layoffs? Li Bin responded: Nothing, but it will continue to optimize organization and efficiency.

In today’s 2023 Weilai media face-to-face, Li Bin, chairman of Weilai, once again responded that there is no need for a new round of layoffs, but Weilai will continue to optimize its organization and efficiency, which is something that needs to be done continuously. In November this year, in an internal letter, Li Bin announced a plan to reduce about 10% of jobs. Recently, it has been reported that Weilai may expand the original layoff ratio to 20% to 30%. Weilai responded that it was false news and there was no further layoff plan, and it will continue to make "dynamic adjustment" in the market it operates. (Sina Technology)

Nike settled in Pinduoduo? Official response: the information is not true

Today, some media reported that the Nike brand has settled in Pinduoduo. The official reply of Nike: The information about the Nike brand involved in the report or whether it will settle in Pinduoduo is untrue and has nothing to do with Nike. (36Kr)

The cumulative delivery in LI exceeded 600,000 vehicles.

According to LI official micro-news, the cumulative delivery of LI exceeded 600,000 vehicles, which took 48 months, making it the first new force vehicle enterprise in China to deliver 600,000 vehicles.

Xpeng Motors: Starting from now on, the second batch of 27 cities will be open for public beta.

Xpeng Motors’s official WeChat official account announced that it has no plans to drive the second batch of 27 cities to open public beta. From now on, the company will open the public beta of Xmart OS 4.5.0 to the users of Xiaopeng G9 and Tucki P7i, and Tucki G6 will also open the public beta on December 18th. The 27 cities opened this time are: Tianjin, Chengdu, Xi ‘an, Wuhan, Changsha, Xiamen, Fuzhou, Quanzhou, Jinjiang, shishi city, Nanjing, Zhenjiang, Taizhou, Yangzhou, Huai ‘an, Yancheng, Nantong, Yixing, Haining, Yiwu, Taizhou, Zhoushan, Huizhou and Zhuhai.

Zotye Automobile Manufacturing Company’s 1.2 billion shares were frozen.

Tianyancha App shows that recently, Yongkang Zhongtai Automobile Co., Ltd. added a piece of information about stock right freezing. The amount of the frozen stock right was 1.268 billion RMB, and the company whose stock right was executed was Zhejiang Zhongtai Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd., and the freezing period was from December 8, 2023 to December 7, 2026.

The expected delivery date of Tesla Model3/Y is shortened to 2-6 weeks.

According to Tesla official website, the expected delivery date of Model3/Y is shortened to 2-6 weeks, compared with 6-9 weeks.

[new energy]

Krypton released the first self-developed battery "BRIC battery", which will be launched on Krypton 007.

On December 14th, Krypton released the first self-developed battery "BRIC battery". The battery is a mass-produced ultra-fast rechargeable lithium iron phosphate battery, which will be first launched on Krypton 007, and its battery life will increase by more than 500 kilometers after 15 minutes of charging.

Real estate]

Country Garden sold Zhuhai Wanda stock right.

On the morning of December 14th, Country Garden announced on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange that on December 13th, 2023, Country Garden, Wanda Commercial Management Group and Zhuhai Wanying entered into an agreement, and Jinyi Global conditionally agreed to sell to Zhuhai Wanying or Wanda, who agreed to buy 1.79% equity of the target company from Jinyi Global at a consideration of 3.068 billion yuan. After the completion of the sale, Country Garden will no longer have any interests in Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management.

Gree real estate: At present, the debt repayment is good, and the operation and capital turnover are normal.

Gree real estate said on the interactive platform that the company’s current debt repayment situation is good, and its operation and capital turnover are normal. This time, the Company purchased 100% equity of Zhuhai Duty Free Group by issuing shares and paying cash. The cash consideration will be paid by raising matching funds, and the part that cannot be paid by raising matching funds will be made up by the Company with self-raised funds. At present, the company and intermediary agencies are actively promoting the relevant work of applying for the review of reorganization.

Kaisa Group was forced to execute 100 million yuan.

Tianyancha App shows that recently, Kaisa Group (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries Dalian Shizhan Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. and Kaisa Real Estate (Liaoning) Co., Ltd. added a piece of information about the person to be executed, with an execution target of more than 100 million yuan, involving financial loan contract disputes. The enforcement court is Shenyang Intermediate People’s Court.

(Editor: Gao Lishan)

More exciting content, all in the first financial APP.

[Gathering Beautiful Anhui in the Net, Decisively Fighting Poverty] "The girl with the emblem of goods" brings a prosperous day.

  Zhongan Online and Zhongan News Client News In the Ming Dynasty, Wang Zhiluo, a Huizhou merchant, invested in the construction of the Shiban Road from Fucheng, Huizhou to Kaihua County, Zhejiang Province. This road is called Huikai Ancient Road. After thousands of years of rain, snow, wind and frost, the ancient road is still intact. In recent years, this charming ancient road has attracted the attention of many travelers, and with the rapid increase of the number of tourists, it has brought quiet changes to Lingjiao Village, Yucun Township, Xiuning County.

  The "prostitute" with goods is well known.

  Cheng Cailing, a villager, opened a farm house in Lingjiao in the village. Travelers who go hiking on the ancient Huikai Road usually choose this as the starting point for hiking. After a long time, the simple Cheng Cailing became friends with many donkey friends, who often asked her to help bring some authentic mountain products. Over time, Cheng Cailing became a famous "girl with a badge" in the local area. On September 24, the reporter came to Lingjiao Farmhouse, and happened to meet aunt Wang Qiaoxian and brother Wang Jiafeng, poor households, who came to the store with dried prunes and yam powder to ask Cheng Cailing to help with the goods.

  "Daughter", with a cordial address, 68-year-old Aunt Wang Qiaoxian talked with Cheng Cailing in the local dialect. After weighing, Cheng Cailing took out the account book and wrote it down. Looking through the account book, each piece of information represents each record of "taking goods". It can be said that this is a "diary of taking goods". It is understood that Aunt Wang Qiaoxian had undergone skull surgery and could not do heavy work. On weekdays, she planted some mountain products. Originally, there was no sales channel in the village, so she had to go a long way to the county to sell it, and sometimes it didn’t sell. Now, with Cheng Cailing’s help, we can not only sell it at home, but also sell it at a good price.

  The market price of ordinary vermicelli is around 7 yuan. The two kilograms of sweet potato vermicelli brought by Wang Jiafeng were sold by Cheng Cailing at the price of one kilogram of 25 yuan, and the demand was in short supply. The loofah made from three loofah vines at the door of poor households has sold for more than 800 yuan a year through Cheng Cailing. Since the delivery of goods in 2016, Cheng Cailing’s accumulated sales have reached more than 1.6 million yuan, driving poor households to increase their income by more than 200,000 yuan.

  On the first floor of Lingjiao Farmhouse, there is also a "selling point for agricultural products of poor households". On the counter, there are local specialties such as sweet potato vermicelli, dried bracken, dried bamboo shoots and ham, and on the ground, there are seasonal vegetables such as white gourd, loofah and farm pepper, which are sold to poor households for free.

  Take precautions and March into the live broadcast.

  Recently, Cheng Cailing often falls asleep at 1 o’clock at night. She told reporters that she has been learning and making progress in order to keep up with the times. "Look, this kudzu powder is brewed with 100-degree boiling water. After stirring, it will become a cool food with a little honey." A column of circular lights and three connected mobile phones, Cheng Cailing is doing a live broadcast of e-commerce.

  Guo Mibao, a sister-in-law, has been working outside the home. The year before last, she went back to her hometown to help her sister-in-law manage the agency in Wechat business. "My family opened a fan processing factory two years ago to help the villagers do OEM work." Although Cheng Cailing’s shop sells on behalf of others, everything that goes out through the shop is signed by the villagers, which is equivalent to a "quality guarantee form". If there is a quality complaint in the future, let the signer compensate the customer. "We must be responsible to the customer, and we must never be short of weight and ensure the quality."

  The things in the mountains are good, and it is even more important for the leaders to get rich to keep up with the times in time. "I am now helping my sister-in-law to do live broadcast, and also helping her to handle online orders. From June to September this year, the online e-commerce part has sales of 230,000. "

  Guo Mibao’s online order refers to the online trading platform for agricultural products built by Xiuning County itself. Li Xingbiao, the first secretary of the Party branch of Lingjiao Village and the captain of the poverty alleviation team, told the reporter, "This service center was built with 200,000 special funds for poverty alleviation in our village. If Cheng Cailing’s annual acquisition and sales can reach 1 million, it can be used free of rent." Next, Cheng Cailing plans to register her own sweet potato fan brand. "With the support of the local government, we will make our fan industry more standardized."

  Voluntary assistance to agriculture makes good people.

  Helping poor households to bring goods free of charge, strictly controlling quality and being honest, Cheng Cailing herself has successively won the honorary titles of "Top Ten Entrepreneurship Stars" in Xiuning County, "Women’s meritorious pacesetter" in Huangshan City, "Women’s meritorious pacesetter" in Anhui Province, "Good People in Huangshan Mountain", "Five Good Families in China" and "March 8th Red Flag Bearer" in Anhui Province.

  "I have a heavier responsibility on my shoulders now." Cheng Cailing told reporters that in order to improve her ability, she constantly tried new forms of e-commerce live broadcast. Due to the large amount of goods, Lingjiao Village, which was originally not available for express delivery, also settled in several express delivery sites.

  With the help of the government, Cheng Cailing expanded the scale. "The government supports me so much, and the villagers trust me so much. I can’t slack off. I must keep working hard to sell more high-quality agricultural products for the villagers." (Reporter Zhang Yizhen, Liu Yuxin, Wang Binbin)

Products sold by Cheng Cailing

Cheng Cai ling de happy farmhouse

Cheng Cailing is bringing goods live.

Three loofah vines in front of Cheng Qumin’s house

Aunt Wang Qiaoxian and Brother Wang Jiafeng, poor households, asked Cheng Cailing to help with the goods.

A-share opening express | Shanghai index opened flat property and real estate stocks were active.

The Shanghai Composite Index opened 0.00% lower, the Shenzhen Component Index opened 0.04% lower, the Growth Enterprise Market Index opened 0.28% lower, and the REITs, property and real estate indices were among the top gainers.

Haide Control (3 boards), the market focus stock, opened 8.26% lower, Cosco (3 boards) in the digital economy sector opened 9.29% higher, hals (3 boards) opened 8.61% higher, the photovoltaic stock Aowei Communication (3 boards in 4 days) opened 4.03% lower, the lithium battery sector Shangtai Technology (2 boards) opened 3.91% lower, and Meiliyun (2 boards in 3 days) opened 2 boards.

1. The property market is heavy! The down payment ratio and the first set of interest rates should be lowered, and the central bank and other departments will jointly make good profits.

On the evening of January 5th, the People’s Bank of China and China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission established the first dynamic adjustment mechanism of housing loan interest rate policy. In cities where the sales price of newly-built commercial housing has decreased month-on-month and year-on-year for three consecutive months, the lower limit of the local first home loan interest rate policy can be maintained, lowered or cancelled in stages.

At the same time, Ni Hong, Minister of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, pointed out that those who buy the first house should be strongly supported. The down payment ratio and the first set of interest rates should be lowered. For the purchase of a second house, we should give reasonable support. Trade-in the old for the new, trade-in the small for the big, and give policy support to families with many children. For the purchase of more than three sets of housing, it is not supported in principle, that is, it does not leave room for speculative real estate speculators to re-enter the market.

Six departments, including Shenzhen Housing and Construction Bureau, issued the Work Plan for Promoting the "Transfer with Mortgage" Mode of Second-hand Housing in Shenzhen to promote the "Transfer with Mortgage" mode of second-hand housing and reduce the transaction cost of second-hand housing.

Tencent’s stock selection statistics show that the main funds have flowed into the top real estate stocks in the past week for readers’ reference only. The data shows that in the past week, China Merchants Shekou ranked first with a net inflow of 200 million yuan, followed by Vanke A, Digital Source Technology and Binjiang Group with a net inflow of more than 100 million yuan.

2. In 2023, the "construction drawing" of state-owned enterprise reform was released, and eight key points of reform and development were clarified.

On January 5th, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission held a meeting of heads of central enterprises in Beijing. The meeting pointed out that in 2023, it is necessary to take advantage of the situation and organize a new round of deepening and upgrading of state-owned enterprise reform. Actively and steadily classify and deepen the reform of mixed ownership; Promote medium and long-term incentives to expand and improve quality. It is necessary to further promote the layout optimization and structural adjustment of state-owned capital, and formulate guidelines for the adjustment of layout structure in key industries such as energy conservation and environmental protection and construction. At the same time, it is necessary to increase investment in new infrastructure construction such as 5G, artificial intelligence, data center, satellite Internet, industrial Internet platform and Internet of Things platform.

3. What is the signal that foreign capital has bought more than 12.7 billion yuan and invested heavily in leading stocks such as Maotai?

Northbound funds bought 12.753 billion yuan yesterday. Wuliangye and Maotai, liquor "Shuangxiong", topped the list with net purchases of 1.532 billion yuan and 1.402 billion yuan respectively, while China Ping An, Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited and Oriental Fortune were among the top net purchases.

It is worth noting that the data shows that since November last year, northbound funds have accumulated a net purchase of A shares of 109.06 billion yuan. In the near future, stocks including China Testing, qiaqia Food and Midea Group have been "snapped up" by foreign investors.

According to China, a brokerage firm, some analysts said that the inflow of northbound capital is often the forerunner of other capital inflows, and it does not rule out the expectation of incremental capital brought by the "spring agitation" in the market.

4. BYD "looks up" and "Easy Sifang" technology is concerned. These companies have a layout.

On January 5th, BYD held a brand-new high-end brand launch conference, and the first flagship off-road SUV and electric sports car were officially unveiled at U8 and U9. According to reports, looking up at the two models equipped with four-wheel independent wheel-side motors, BYD calls it "easy quartet" technology, which can output through four-wheel four-motor and steer without relying on steering mechanism, and can truly realize 360-degree steering in situ.

Wolong electric drive has technical reserves in related fields of wheel-side motors, and the company is developing a wheel-side motor for ZF. Hekang Xinneng has technical reserves in the field of wheel-side motors.

5. The electrolytic nickel project of Chuanqingshan Group has been officially put into operation, and the price of nickel has gone down sharply.

As of the afternoon closing of the domestic futures market on January 5, the main contract of Shanghai Nickel fell by more than 5.19% to 220,300 yuan/ton. In the past December, 2022, the monthly increase of the main contract of Shanghai Nickel was close to 17%. The price of nickel in the outer disk also dropped sharply overnight. As of the close of January 5, local time, the three-month nickel on the London Metal Exchange (LME) fell by more than 6%.

On the evening of January 4th, Beijing time, news came from the market: At present, the nickel electrowinning project of "Nickel King" Qingshan Group has been officially put into production, with a preliminary design capacity of 1,500 tons per month, which is produced by a new energy enterprise in Hubei, and some of its volume will be released in January.

6, 2499 yuan/bottle! Maotai Year of the Rabbit Zodiac Wine was officially launched, and digital collections were introduced for the first time.

7. Joint prevention and control mechanism in the State Council: On January 8th, mainland residents will resume to apply for travel and business endorsements to Hong Kong.

8. Does the IPO declaration of the main board set the industry "red and yellow lights"? Investment bankers: There are indeed new restrictions on some epidemic prevention enterprises.

9. The quotation of silicon materials dropped by nearly 40% in two months, and the organization judged that silicon wafers are expected to take the lead in stabilizing.

10. Passenger Association: It is estimated that the wholesale sales volume of new energy passenger car manufacturers in December will be 730,000.

After sorting out the investment opportunities concerned by the market, AutoBrother found that real estate, high-end innovative medical devices, and science and technology innovation board Company, a regional company in Shanghai, were highly concerned.

1. The Food and Drug Administration promotes the development and listing of high-end innovative medical devices. Many institutions are optimistic about Mindray and other stocks.

On January 5th, the National Conference on Drug Supervision and Administration was held in Beijing. The meeting pointed out that promoting the research and development of high-end innovative medical devices.

At present, China’s high-end medical devices are mainly divided into four categories: imaging equipment, therapeutic equipment, in-vitro diagnosis and implanted interventional products.


Tencent’s self-selected stocks have counted the list of medical device stocks favored by institutions in the past three months for readers’ reference only. According to the data, Mindray Medical ranked first among 29 institutions in the past three months, followed by Antu Bio, Kaijian Medical and Lepu Medical, which all received more than 12 institutional buy ratings.

2. Shanghai bancassurance industry supports Science and Technology Innovation Center institutions to favor Shanghai local science and technology innovation board companies.

After the close of trading on January 5th, Kechuang Company welcomed a positive boost: The Action Plan for Shanghai Banking and Insurance Industry to Support the Construction of Shanghai Kechuang Center (2022-2025) was issued.

According to iFinD data, among A-share bank insurance companies, Shanghai is the province of Bank of Communications, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, Shanghai Bank, Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank and China Pacific Insurance.

In addition, Tencent’s self-selected stocks have counted the list of companies that are favored by institutions in the past three months and belong to the Shanghai regional plate and are science and technology innovation board, for readers’ reference only. The data shows that in the past three months, Lanqi Technology ranked first among 22 institutions, followed by Paineng Technology, Zhongwei Company, Aohua Endoscope, Jingchen Co., Ltd. and Haoyuan Medicine, which all received more than 10 institutional buy ratings.


Source: iFinD

3. Automobile Association: It is estimated that the national sales volume of new energy passenger cars will be 730,000 in December, which is expected to hit a record high for passenger car manufacturers.

4. State-owned enterprise reform | State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission: Organize a new round of deepening and upgrading of state-owned enterprise reform.

5. Network Security | National Network Information Office: Strengthen the construction of digital China and maintain network security and data security.

6. Meta Universe | Baidu will release the world’s first heavy product on the 10th, and the meta universe will be as popular as the website of PC era in the future.

7. The upstream price of photovoltaic | photovoltaic industry chain has dropped significantly, and the demand or volume of related consumables has dropped.

8. Ophthalmology | The Science and Technology Daily published a document saying that there is probably an eye tendency in Covid-19.

Guohai Securities believes that the degree of recovery of economic fundamentals is more about the height of the stock market’s rise, but the overall recovery of the market is a foregone conclusion; Essence Securities believes that the strategic allocation of military white horses focuses on aviation, aerospace and informatization.

1. Guohai Securities: The overall recovery of the market is a foregone conclusion.

Guohai Securities said that the A-share market is currently in an upward trend from the current market volume and long-short pattern. This process may be repeated, but the short-term inertia still exists, and the strong favorable expectations in the medium term are gradually being fulfilled. In the medium and long term, the degree of recovery of economic fundamentals is more likely to affect the stock market’s rise, but the overall recovery of the market is a foregone conclusion.

2. Founder Securities: The current valuation of the banking sector is at a low level in the past decade.

Founder Securities believes that the Central Economic Work Conference in 2022 clarified the tone of "keeping the word steady and striving for progress" in 2023, and it is expected that the policy effect of subsequent steady growth will gradually emerge. At present, the valuation of the banking sector is at a low level in the past decade, and the improvement of macroeconomic expectations will further promote the repair of the valuation. In terms of individual stocks, it is suggested to grasp two main lines. The first main line is the city rural commercial banks in high-quality areas; The second main line suggests paying attention to some high-quality joint-stock banks whose valuations have dropped significantly due to the impact of real estate risks since 2022.

3. Essence Securities: strategically deploy the white horse of military industry, focusing on aviation, aerospace and informatization.

Essence Securities Research Report said that in 2022, the CSI Military Industry Index fell by 25.74%, ranking 28th. The demand for the 14th Five-Year Plan was released rapidly, and the industry changed from high-speed growth to high-quality development: from focusing on R&D to light production, R&D and production went hand in hand. During the 13th Five-Year Plan period, national defense science and technology made breakthroughs in major scientific and technological projects, core key technologies and other fields, and the intergenerational differences in weapons and equipment have been filled, and the development of the industry has entered the stage of supplementing quantity from supplementing quality. The overall growth rate of the military industry is relatively fast, and the index performance does not match the growth rate. Strategic deployment of military white horse, focusing on aviation, aerospace, informationization, unmanned, new materials and so on.

On the positive side, the self-selected brother prompted to pay attention to the positive data of Kangxinuo mRNA vaccine; In terms of negative announcements, we are concerned that Zixin Pharmaceutical was filed by the CSRC.

Positive announcement

1. Kangxinuo: novel coronavirus mRNA vaccine CS-2034 has obtained positive data in a clinical study to evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of sequential strengthening.

2. Abison: It is estimated that the net profit in 2022 will be 180-230 million yuan, with a year-on-year increase of 501.16%–668.15%.

3. Zhenhua New Materials: It is estimated that the net profit will reach 1.22 billion-1.3 billion yuan in 2022, up by 195.70%-215.09% year-on-year.

4. Chemical Engineering of Ganhua: It is estimated that the net profit will reach 90 million yuan to 125 million yuan in 2022, up by 183% to 292% year-on-year.

5. Yuntianhua: It is estimated that the net profit will reach 5.8 billion yuan to 6.1 billion yuan in 2022, with a year-on-year increase of 59.26% to 67.49%.

6. Xinhua Pharmaceutical: The subsidiary company obtained the registration certificate of ibuprofen suspension.

Negative announcement

1. Zixin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.: The company and the original actual controller Guo Chunsheng received the notice of filing a case from the China Securities Regulatory Commission because of the alleged violation of information disclosure.

2. An Naier: The company and relevant personnel received a warning letter from Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Bureau.

3. Tom Cat: Wang Jian’s insider trading company shares received an advance notice of administrative punishment.

4. Infineon replied to the letter of concern of Shenzhen Stock Exchange: the rumors of company restructuring are untrue, and there is no inter-temporal adjustment of profits in the impairment of goodwill.

5. Energy-saving Guozhen: Changjiang Environmental Protection Group and its concerted action plan to reduce the company’s shares by no more than 5%.

6. Tengjing Technology: Shareholders intend to reduce their shares by no more than 3.8%.

This article is edited from "Tencent’s stock selection"; Zhitong Financial Editor: Li Dongmin.

Online celebrity Liusha mobile phone case airport security encounter embarrassment Civil Aviation Administration: avoid carrying it.

  The mobile liquid is used in the design of the back of the mobile phone case to create a dynamic "liquid quicksand mobile phone case", which has quietly become popular in the circle of friends because of its fashion and beauty. However, the Beijing Youth Daily reporter visited and found that there are some "troubles" hidden in this kind of mobile phone case. Recently, Ms. Wang told the reporter of Beiqing Daily that when she took a flight from Chengdu to Beijing for security check, the staff asked to check her liquid quicksand mobile phone case, but what puzzled Ms. Wang was, "I carried it with me when I took flights in Beijing, Shenzhen, Anshan and other places."

  Is it necessary to check the mobile phone case with liquid quicksand? The reporter of Beiqing Daily called the security inspection department of many airports and learned that because the liquid in the mobile phone case is in a sealed state, local security inspections will be conducted on the spot according to the relevant regulations of the Civil Aviation Administration. The reporter of Beiqing Daily called the Civil Aviation Administration of China as a passenger to inquire about this matter. The staff said that in order to avoid unnecessary troubles, passengers are advised not to carry items such as mobile phone cases and iPad cases with them when taking flights, and also be careful not to spill them when checking.

  Mobile phone case carrying quicksand

  Be checked by the airport

  A few months ago, Ms. Wang bought a "liquid quicksand mobile phone case" from the Internet for about 500 yuan. The back of the mobile phone case is about 1 cm thick, and it is filled with liquid and decorations. As the liquid shakes, the decorations will fluctuate with it. But I don’t think this online celebrity mobile phone case has caused her some "troubles" recently.

  Recently, Ms. Wang and her family ended their trip and took a flight from Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport to fly back to Beijing. "During the security check, I took out my mobile phone with liquid quicksand mobile phone case and put it next to the computer. After passing the security check machine, the staff picked up my mobile phone and looked at it alone, and then told me that the mobile phone case should be checked separately."

  Ms. Wang asked the staff why she wanted to check the mobile phone case. The other party said, "There is unknown liquid in the mobile phone case." Ms. Wang explained that her quicksand mobile phone case is produced by regular manufacturers and will not be easily damaged and liquid will not leak out. However, the staff said that they had done relevant tests, and (liquid quicksand mobile phone case) could not be taken on the plane. Because there was no suitcase to be checked, Ms. Wang finally chose to send her mobile phone case back to Beijing by express delivery.

  "Why only Chengdu needs to be checked?" Ms. Wang is puzzled. She said that when she took the flight in Beijing, Shenzhen, Anshan and other places, she also carried the liquid quicksand mobile phone case, but she was not required to check it. "Isn’t the management regulations of airports in different places different?" Ms. Wang raised questions. In addition, she pointed out that she didn’t know about the problem that quicksand mobile phone case may need to be checked on the flight when purchasing the product.

  Sellers sell quicksand products

  The consignment problem was evaded.

  The reporter of Beiqing Daily randomly searched on the online shopping platform and found that many online shop merchants are selling mobile phone cases, iPad cases and satchels with liquid quicksand. Among them, quicksand mobile phone case is the best seller, and the price ranges from 19.9 yuan to several hundred yuan.

  When introducing the mobile phone case of liquid quicksand, many merchants said that the product uses "high-strength back cover panel" which can be "leak-proof". There are also many merchants who mentioned in the "Precautions for Use" that problems such as slow movement and jamming of liquid bubbles and quicksand in the mobile phone case are "normal phenomena" and "will not cause oil leakage, so you can use it with confidence". The reporter of Beiqing Daily noticed that most merchants did not remind the information such as whether the product can be brought on the plane and whether it needs to be checked.

  The reporter of Beiqing Daily randomly asked a number of merchants what the liquid used in this kind of mobile phone case is and whether it can be brought on the plane. Some merchants bluntly said that "there is mineral oil inside", so "you can’t take it on the plane". However, some merchants said that "there is no problem (taking the plane)." There are still many businesses who deliberately avoid this issue, saying only that they are "unclear" or "have not met buyers to reflect this problem".

  However, an online shop owner told the reporter of Beiqing Daily that most of the liquid quicksand mobile phone cases currently popular on the market use water and mineral oil. "Because pure quicksand can’t make the mobile phone case have a flowing effect, this liquid will be added to the quicksand mobile phone case for the sake of beauty." However, the owner said that the mobile phone case is not completely harmless when used. "The oily liquid inside may be flammable. In addition, if some products are of poor quality or improperly used, it will lead to liquid outflow, and it may burn the skin in case of high temperature." The owner speculated that this may also be the reason why some mobile phone cases with liquid quicksand could not be taken on the plane.

  Mobile phone case consignment requirements

  Different airports have different interpretations.

  According to the search by the reporter of Beiqing Daily, the Civil Aviation Administration of China stipulates that passengers on domestic flights in China can carry with them liquid articles (excluding alcohol) with a total amount of no more than 1 liter each time, and the excess must be delivered. Liquid articles must be opened for inspection before they can be carried.

  Regarding Ms. Wang’s experience and questions, Beiqing Daily reporter called several airports, such as Capital International Airport, Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport, Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport and Shenzhen Baoan International Airport.

  For the mobile phone case with liquid quicksand, the staff of Capital International Airport and Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport said that the security inspection of domestic flights is strict, and if liquid articles are involved, it needs to be judged by the security inspectors on the spot to give an accurate answer.

  The staff of the security department of Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport said that the quicksand mobile phone case contains liquid. "No matter whether it is water or mineral oil, it is not allowed to be taken on the plane and needs to be checked."

  The security staff of Shenzhen Baoan International Airport said that the quicksand mobile phone case is different from cosmetics and other liquids. "It needs on-site inspection. If it is a small amount and can’t be taken out, it may be taken on the plane."

  Regarding the fact that each airport security department has different attitudes towards the quicksand mobile phone case, Beiqing Daily reporter called the Civil Aviation Administration of China as a passenger to inquire about this matter.

  The staff explained, "According to the regulations, when passengers take a flight, liquid items such as cosmetics and medicines can be carried no more than 100 ml, and the total amount can not exceed a certain amount. Other liquids such as water, toilet water, yogurt, etc. cannot be carried with you. "

  However, the staff said that for the quicksand mobile phone case, because it is impossible to determine the nature of the liquid in the case from the appearance, "if it is flammable and explosive, it is dangerous, so generally speaking, the airport security department will strictly check and ask passengers to check it. However, because the mobile phone case is small, the liquid inside will not exceed 20 ml, and the sealed state will not be spilled. Some airports may think that there is no safety hazard after security inspection, which will allow passengers to carry it. However, the quicksand iPad shell and backpack shell are large in size and definitely need to be checked. "

  However, the staff reminded passengers that in order to avoid unnecessary troubles, it is suggested that passengers should try not to carry items such as quicksand mobile phone cases and iPad cases with them when taking flights, and be careful not to spill them when checking in.

  Text/reporter Zhang Ya Intern Tong Chuhan

Chery plays big! Starway Eta Ursae Majoris is equipped with exposure four-wheel drive as standard electromagnetic suspension.

     In terms of high-end brand building, Qiruixingtu has gradually gained a foothold in the market. Although its sales volume is not as good as that of Geely’s high-end brand, compared with the Great Wall Wei School, Xingtu has many hot-selling models such as Lanyue and Lingyun. Moreover, the brand-new model Eta Ursae Majoris is already on the way.

     A few days ago, we learned from the "online auto market" that a Star Road dealer exposed the configuration information of Eta Ursae Majoris. The new car is expected to launch 6 models, 4 two-wheel drive models and 2 four-wheel drive models, among which the four-wheel drive model comes standard with CDC electromagnetic suspension.

     It is reported that Eta Ursae Majoris is based on Starway M3X Mars Architecture 2.0, positioning a medium-sized SUV, starting with a flying fish extrasensory chassis, with an estimated price range of 170,000-220,000 yuan, and the new car will be unveiled and pre-sold in December.


     It is worth mentioning that Eta Ursae Majoris’s configuration specifications are quite high, and the comfort and technology configuration in the car are full. The four-wheel drive and the most expensive models with higher configuration are also equipped with electromagnetic active suspension, which further enhances the vehicle’s sports attributes.

     Specifically, the Eta Ursae Majoris two-wheel drive standard edition is equipped with 19-inch wheels, multi-color ambient lights, 50W wireless charging, 540-degree panoramic image, full-speed ACC/AEB, electric tailgate, 6-way electric adjustment of the main driver’s seat/4-way electric adjustment of the auxiliary driver’s seat, etc.


     The comfort version adds the configuration of whole car seat heating, front seat ventilation, main driving memory, electric release door handle, leg rest, etc. The Premium Edition has added adaptive headlights, second-row seat backrest electric adjustment, brand 14 speaker audio, leather seats and other configurations.

     The configuration of the new four-wheel drive comfort version and the premium version is expected to be the same as that of the two-wheel drive version. The comfort version additionally adds a timely four-wheel drive system and CDC adaptive electromagnetic suspension, and the premium version is also equipped with an AR HUD head-up system.

     Eta Ursae Majoris is equipped with the same 2.0T engine as Lanyue, with a maximum power of 192kW and a peak torque of 400 N m. The transmission system is matched with the 7DCT gearbox, and the new self-developed 8AT gearbox is expected to be mass-produced and matched in the second half of next year.

     Undoubtedly, compared with the models currently on the market, Chirengtu Eta Ursae Majoris belongs to the first echelon model in terms of power and configuration. Compared with joint venture models, the price advantage is obvious. After the new car goes on the market, we will wait and see whether it can become a hit like Chery Arrizo 8.


Looking forward to the new easy square concept car to improve safety redundancy

  Recently, a brand-new concept car was officially released. The new car is based on the design of steering column and brake caliper, aiming at achieving a higher level of safety redundancy. Let’s see what’s special about this car.

Looking forward to the new easy square concept car to improve safety redundancy

  It can be seen that this concept car is based on looking up at U8. But what it actually wants to convey to us is a brand-new security technology. Compared with the traditional car, it has neither steering column nor brake caliper, but it can turn, turn around and brake.

  So how does it achieve these functions?

Looking forward to the new easy square concept car to improve safety redundancy

  As we all know, the steering angle of the steering wheel is controlled by the steering gear and the tie rod when the conventional vehicle is steering, so as to realize the steering of the vehicle. Looking up at this easy-to-square concept car, the required steering angle is calculated according to the driver’s steering intention, and different torques are applied to the left and right front wheels to deflect the steering tie rod and realize wheel steering. Through the fusion control of rear axle differential and front axle differential, the vehicle stability during steering is realized.

Looking forward to the new easy square concept car to improve safety redundancy

  And at this stage, relying on the powerful motor, the average steering control error of this concept car is less than 3%, which is not much different from the traditional mechanical steering control experience. In addition, through the fusion control of rear axle differential and front axle differential, the vehicle stability during steering can be realized. Therefore, in some emergency steering situations, the stability close to the traditional steering can be achieved.

  The principle is actually very simple, but in the whole steering process, it is necessary to control the four-quadrant torque of the steering wheel more finely, so as to realize the accurate control of vehicle drive, steering wheel angle and vehicle yaw angle, and the technical difficulty is actually very high. And in order to enable users to continue the operation logic of conventional vehicles when using differential steering technology, it is also necessary to optimize the steering operation experience of the whole vehicle for many times.

Looking forward to the new easy square concept car to improve safety redundancy

  The traditional braking method is to push the friction plate to clamp the brake disc through the hydraulic cylinder to generate friction torque and realize braking. Looking up at the concept car, the braking is realized by controlling four driving motors to generate electromagnetic resistance torque by reverse dragging.

Looking forward to the new easy square concept car to improve safety redundancy

  Easy Sifang has four high-power motors with peak power of 220-240kW, which is the basis for its calipers-free braking. Relying on these four powerful and independent motors, the maximum braking deceleration of 1.0g can be achieved, and the maximum friction force between each tire and the ground can be accurately calculated, the braking torque of four wheels can be distributed in real time, and the optimal slip rate of tires can be accurately controlled to keep the vehicle with the best braking performance. In addition, the response speed of this innovative braking system only needs 20 milliseconds, far exceeding the industry level of hydraulic braking of 200 milliseconds.

  Some people may ask, what is the significance of braking and steering without relying on mechanical structure for a car? First of all, this technology can play a great role in the small probability emergency when the braking system or steering system of the vehicle fails to work, helping the driver to realize the deceleration braking and turning of the vehicle and avoid accidents. Don’t underestimate these small probability events, which may cause extremely serious consequences.

  Looking up, I think that since I want to build a high-end, I need these security redundancies. In any case, we should praise the behavior of broadening the safety boundary of the whole vehicle and pushing the safety of the vehicle to a new height. The appearance of this concept car not only gives the automobile industry a new idea in safety, but also creates a new direction of integrated control of chassis and power technology, which provides more possibilities for automobile development.

Aiming at the three major market segments, BIC Power released a new generation of 21700 all-pole ear series small power batteries.

On March 27th, Shenzhen Bike Power Battery Co., Ltd. released a new generation of all-polar-ear series small power battery products, aiming at the three market segments of smart life, power tools and micro-traffic, so as to solve the shortcomings of smart terminals such as insufficient battery life, insufficient power and slow charging, and help the user experience to upgrade in an all-round way. This new product adopts the same full-lug design as the large cylindrical battery, and explores a new path to improve the high-power performance of lithium batteries.

Bike Power has been focusing on the research and development of cylindrical lithium batteries for more than 20 years, and has successively developed three generations of small power batteries. Different from the first-generation traditional unipolar ear structure and the second-generation bipolar ear structure, BIC’s third-generation small power battery adopts full-ear design, showing six characteristics of high power, low internal resistance, low temperature rise, fast charging, long cycle and high capacity. The maximum charging current is increased to 5C, the maximum discharging current is increased to 25C, and the service temperature is widened to-40℃ ~ 80 C, which solves the pain point of high internal resistance in the traditional structure of cylindrical batteries.

The three new products released by BIC Power accurately solve the pain points of market segments with different characteristics. INR21700-40D was born to meet the most demanding application scenarios of professional-grade electric tools, with higher charge-discharge rate, reaching continuous discharge of 100A and pulse discharge of 140A, which can be fully charged in 12 minutes, with a life span of 600 weeks. Compared with the traditional 4.0Ah power tool lithium battery, the internal resistance is reduced by 80%, the discharge current is increased by 120%, and the cycle life is increased by 140%.

INR21700-45D serves consumer electronics such as intelligent cleaning tools, micro-trip application scenarios such as household electric tools and electric motorcycles, and gives consideration to high-capacity and high-power performance, thus achieving the purpose of prolonging battery life and increasing energy utilization, with a continuous discharge of 70A, an internal resistance of only 3.4mΩ, and full charge in 15 minutes, easily coping with various intelligent life scenarios.

INR21700-50D is prepared for electric motorcycles adapted to special scenes such as beaches, bushes, racing professional tracks, etc. It has a higher capacity of 5.0Ah, can discharge continuously for 60 years, and can discharge with pulses of 100A, meeting the requirements of long battery life and instantaneous high current acceleration of high-speed electric motorcycles. Support ultra-low temperature -40℃ discharge; 3.6mΩ internal resistance to achieve efficient heat dissipation, 15 minutes to charge 80%, accelerate the electrification of micro-traffic field, to achieve smooth and worry-free.

Based on the whole series of three new products, BIC battery will exert its strength in both professional and consumer markets at the same time, constantly broadening the breadth and depth of the deepening industry and bringing a continuous refreshing experience to end users.

Song Huajie, the person in charge of small power product development of BIC battery, said: BIC Power has always maintained a keen insight into market changes, and the technology-enabled lifestyle has made the terminal equipment driven by electricity enter every corner of life. In the future, mobile intelligent terminal devices with stronger computing power and richer functions will be more used in our daily life. As one of the core components, the performance of lithium-ion battery determines the "shape" of intelligent terminal products and the "boundary" of usage scenarios. The release of the new generation of all-polar-ear series small power batteries is not only a strong proof of the technical strength of Bigram batteries, but also our determination to empower more extreme scene needs with technological innovation and add more yards to market applications and terminal experience.


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Book six people and five people can’t enter the store? Online celebrity chain store is accused of overlord clause


  Have you ever had to wait in line for dinner, and people can’t go in to eat if they don’t arrive regularly? Recently, Xiaoyun, a netizen in Chengdu, encountered such a wonderful thing when friends were waiting in line for dinner. There are 6 people in the row, but because there are only 5 people present, the store said that they can’t enter the door, and they must be here to eat. Xiaoyun felt unreasonable. "This is simply the overlord clause!"

  Huaxi Dushi Bao-cover journalist found that the store’s practice is not a case. In response to this matter, lawyers believe that "this requirement of merchants is obviously unreasonable, and consumers can complain to the Consumers Association or industry and commerce."

  Netizen’s complaint: people who line up to eat can only enter the venue when they arrive.

  On March 22nd, Xiaoyun made an appointment with some friends to eat skewers after work, and the place was Xiaoyuejun liver skewers in the fifth district of the steel pipe factory in Chengdu Zongfu Road. Because she was working nearby, Xiaoyun hurried to the string store to wait in line after work, and got the "big table C2".

  "There are often many people waiting in line in this store, so I want to come early and line up first, and I can start eating immediately when several other friends arrive." Xiaoyun told the reporter, "I ordered five people when I ranked the number, and then I added one person, a total of six people. But when five of us had arrived, we were told by the staff of the store, ‘ People can’t enter the venue until they are all here ’ 。”

  Xiaoyun’s queuing receipt for reporters also clearly stated that those who take the B number must be at least 4 people, those who take the C number must be at least 6 people, and those who take the D number must be at least 8 people. But Xiaoyun felt unreasonable. "This is simply the overlord clause!"

  On-site visit: you can’t sit at a table when you have a table.

  On March 26, the reporter went to Xiaoyuejun’s liver in the fifth district of the steel pipe factory, located at 54 Huaxing main street, to string incense. At this time, it is already more than 6 o’clock in the afternoon, which is at the peak of work. The equal benches have been placed at the door of the shop, but no one has come to line up yet. In the store, there are already customers eating.

  Subsequently, the reporter asked the merchant as a customer: "Is there a place for six people to eat now?" However, I was told by the merchant that there is an empty table now, but I can’t enter the store because I am not here.

  The staff responsible for numbering at the door handed the reporter an equal receipt and said, "Let me know when everyone is here."

  The small ticket shows that there is still a table waiting in front. The staff member told the reporter: "None of them are here. The big table is too tight to occupy a seat. It takes at least four people to get in. Anyway, whoever gets here first will go first. "

  Store response: improve the utilization rate of tables and shorten the queuing time

  Why do chain stores have such regulations? A few days ago, the reporter met the person in charge of the store’s surname Xu.

  As for "people can’t enter the store until they are here", Manager Xu explained that this is to improve the utilization rate of tables and tables and the seating rate of guests, and at the same time shorten the waiting time of guests.

  "From the perspective of the catering format, the queuing time on our side is relatively concentrated, and some tables, especially middle tables and large tables, are relatively few. For example, some guests only have two guests. They occupy the table and don’t order, or their friends are not here, while other guests have already arrived, so they have to wait outside. This can’t turn the table, and the guests outside are also very anxious. "

  When the reporter asked, is such a request reasonable? Manager Xu bluntly said: "We are not the only one in this regulation, and so are some hot pot restaurants nearby."

  According to the industry, it is not a common phenomenon to avoid "occupying a table without spending"

  The reporter visited and found that it is not a case to string incense like Xiaoyuejun’s liver in the fifth district of the steel pipe factory. Through online search, it was found that netizens from Shenzhen, Hangzhou and other places also spoke out that "there has been such an experience that people can’t enter the store until they arrive."

  "This kind of situation is still rare, and it only appears in some restaurants with many people waiting in line and very hot." Yang Hang, a person in Chengdu catering industry, thinks that the requirement that "people can’t enter the venue until they are together" is actually a helpless choice for businesses. Yang Hang told reporters: "Because some very hot restaurants will have guests ‘ Placeholder ’ ‘ Occupy the table without spending ’ The phenomenon, even the equal guests will have a dispute. In the face of such a situation, the most important thing is that businesses and customers should communicate well in advance and fulfill their obligation to inform. "

  Some insiders also told reporters that the requirement of merchants is to maximize the passenger flow and income during business hours. "Sometimes there will be cases where guests and others don’t order or three or four people occupy a big table, which will reduce the turnover rate and passenger flow of restaurants." Law/teacher/view/point

  It is unreasonable for businesses to restrict consumer rights.

  "Whether it is from the consumption habits of the industry or the Consumer Protection Law, it is wrong for businesses to do so." Chen Fengfeng, a lawyer of Yingji Law Firm, told the reporter, "Even if only one of the six people comes, consumers can enter the store. And the merchant proposed ‘ You can’t enter the store until everyone is here ’ The requirements are unfair transactions agreed by themselves, which limits consumers’ consumption rights. "

  Luo Ping, a lawyer of Sichuan Xuxing Law Firm, also believes that "this requirement of merchants is obviously unreasonable, and consumers can complain." According to Article 16 of the Law on the Protection of Consumers’ Rights and Interests, operators should abide by social ethics and operate in good faith to protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers when providing commodities or services to consumers. Unfair and unreasonable trading conditions shall not be set, and trading shall not be forced.

  "If unreasonable and unfair regulations are imposed on merchants, and additional conditions are unilaterally added to normal consumption activities, which affects consumers’ normal consumption activities, you can call 12315 Consumers Association to complain or directly complain to the local industrial and commercial department." Luo Ping said.

Geely nova will be listed in seven days! Sell 147,700 4S shop discount 18,000

The online auto market learned from Geely officials that the Star Yue L Changfeng Edition will be listed on March 26th, and official website showed that the guide price of the new car is 147,700 yuan, which is 10,500 yuan more expensive than the comfort version of the entry version, adding 31 configurations. According to the sales, Xingyue L Changfeng Edition now offers a discount of 18,000 yuan, and it will be sold after the benefit of 129,700 yuan.

On the basis of comfort, Xingyue L Changfeng Edition adds quiet double-layer sound insulation glass, automatic window closing in rain, electric folding of exterior rearview mirror, IHBC intelligent high beam control, aurora dot matrix penetrating taillights, distance-sensing electric tailgate (anti-pinch), 8 speakers, 72-color stepless color-changing breathing atmosphere lights, 8-way electric adjustment of main driver’s seat, 4-way electric adjustment of lumbar support of main driver’s seat, memory of main driver’s seat, ventilation of main driver’s seat and 6-way electric adjustment of auxiliary driver’s seat.

The new car also adds a 12.3-inch full LCD instrument, a 12.3-inch HD passenger dedicated screen, a 4-tone voice recognition system for the whole car, front/rear integrated double-sided safety air curtains, front pre-tensioned safety belts, rear two-sided safety belts, front/rear safety belts not reminded, ACC S&G full-speed adaptive cruise, AEB urban pre-collision system, AEB-P pedestrian identification and protection system, LDW lane departure warning system and SLIF speed limit sign.

The new car continues to be equipped with a 2.0T turbocharged engine, with a maximum power of 160kW and a maximum torque of 325N·m, matching a 7-speed wet dual-clutch gearbox, and the fuel consumption under WLTC is 7.5L/100km.