Second-tier high-end brand dispute: why Volvo fell to "third-tier"

In April, Volvo sold 1.04 yuan in China.
Ten thousand vehicles; Cumulative sales from January to April 3.92
Ten thousand vehicles, the lowest sales volume among the four second-tier brands, even less than half of Cadillac’s sales volume, were also thrown far by Lexus and Jaguar Land Rover.

According to industry insiders, Volvo has gradually declined in the second-tier high-end brands, mainly because the flagship model failed to establish a high-end brand image and could not be recognized by consumers; The low growth rate of Volvo is in
SUV has not formed an effective growth point, the main model XC60.
Nor did it keep up with the mainstream of the industry.

It must be said that ABB is a convention in the high-end car market, especially in the domestic market, Audi, BMW and Mercedes-Benz (
ABB) The three major brands account for more than 70% of the total, but you don’t say ABB.
No way. In fact, the share in ABB "
Head "space, often referred to as"
The high-end car camp of "second-line brand" is undergoing profound and drastic changes: the overall growth continues and gradually erodes.
ABB’s market share. Among them, some brands began to stand out and set aside other competitors; Some even after domestic production, even if there are two brands, they can’t do a single imported car brand, and the market ranking drops again; Other brands have grown compared with themselves, but they have lagged behind the overall growth of the high-end car market, and have actually fallen behind and been moved out.
"second line" …

Therefore, for the high-end car market that has maintained a high growth rate, the Economic Daily-China Economic Net auto channel is concerned about both.
An old performer like ABB also pays attention to other new performers with various possibilities. Today, let’s take a look at Volvo’s market performance, and explore why it lost its rivals in the competition of second-tier brands and even fell into the ranks of third-tier brands.

Recently, some media reported that Geely Automobile told the banks applying for the lead underwriter that only Volvo Car’s market value exceeded 30 billion US dollars would conduct an initial public offering (IPO), which was considered by some analysts as "too high expectations".

Judging from the market performance of China, Volvo’s largest single market in the world, Volvo’s IPO road may really be uneven. The data shows that in April, Volvo sold a total of 10,400 vehicles in China; From January to April, the cumulative sales volume was 39,200 vehicles. Cadillac, Lexus and Jaguar Land Rover, both second-tier high-end brands, sold 81,100 vehicles, 53,200 vehicles and 50,300 vehicles respectively in the first four months. In contrast, although Volvo achieved growth year-on-year, its sales volume was the lowest among the four second-tier brands, even less than half of Cadillac’s sales, and it was also far behind by Lexus and Jaguar Land Rover.

Compared with the above-mentioned high-end brands, Volvo’s decline has already appeared before. In 2017, the gap between second-tier high-end brands began to widen. Among them, Volvo sold a total of 114,400 vehicles, and the gap with the previous one was 18,000 vehicles, which should not be underestimated for second-tier high-end brands whose annual sales just passed the threshold of 100,000 vehicles.

  Lack of brand power
The flagship model is difficult to build a high-end image.

According to public data, Volvo’s flagship SUV model XC90 sold a total of 2,831 vehicles from January to March, while BMW X5, Audi Q7 and Mercedes-Benz GLE, as its "imaginary enemies", sold 14,201 vehicles, 13,511 vehicles and 9,203 vehicles respectively in the first quarter. This shows that Volvo XC90 is weak in competition.

  Volvo XC90

Cun Wang, Vice Minister of Investment and Marketing Department of SINOMACH, pointed out that for large and medium-sized imported SUVs, consumers are more interested in brands, while Volvo, which is in the second-tier and high-end category, is relatively weak in brand power, so it is difficult for XC90 sales to increase significantly.

As Volvo’s flagship car, the domestic S90 is highly anticipated. When S90 was unveiled at the Guangzhou Auto Show in 2016, Chen Lizhe, general manager of Volvo Car China Sales Company, once said, "The new S90 long-wheelbase luxury sedan is superior to German competitors in terms of technological leadership and luxury comfort configuration, whether it is an entry-level T4 model or a T5 model."

The reality is that the "advantage" of Volvo S90 is not reflected in the sales volume, and the new car only sold less than 1,000 vehicles in the month of listing; In 2017, S90 sold a total of 24,700 vehicles, less than 20% of Audi A6L; From January to April of 2018, S90 sold a total of 11,500 vehicles, which is only equivalent to the monthly sales of Audi A6L. Obviously, the so-called "domestic flagship" of Volvo S90 has not started, let alone enhance the brand image.

  Volvo S90

Faced with the pressure of poor sales, Volvo had to choose a strategy of sharply reducing prices to deal with it. The reporter from Economic Daily-China Economic Net learned during a visit to a Volvo 4S store in Beijing that the current Volvo XC90 has a "comprehensive discount" of 170,000-180,000 yuan from the entry model to the top model, while the official guide price of S90 entry model is 369,800 yuan, which also has a discount of nearly 90,000 yuan. The staff even said, "If you really want to buy it, the price can be discussed again."

In the eyes of the industry, Volvo has gradually declined in the second-tier high-end brands, mainly because the flagship model failed to establish a high-end brand image and could not be recognized by consumers.

"Volvo XC90 offers such a big discount, mainly because there are very few consumers looking at cars and there is basically no sales every month." The staff said helplessly, "There are group buying activities in the 90 series in the store these two days, and the discount range is even greater. For the sake of capital turnover, there is nothing we can do."

Lack of marketing power
The main models are difficult to pick the sales beam.

After being acquired by Geely Group, Volvo’s product upgrading accelerated and new models appeared constantly. Among them, XC60 and S60L are both suitable for walking. However, in product marketing, it seems to be somewhat inadequate, which has affected the market performance to a considerable extent. For example, Volvo has been committed to promoting "being the safest car" for a long time, but when "safety" has become an essential element or basic guarantee for high-end cars, and when a number of independent brands such as WEY also focus on "safety", Volvo’s almost unchanging statement has no advantage.

During the visit to the market, the reporter of Economic Daily-China Economic Net found that Volvo salespeople are still old-fashioned words: "The proportion of boron steel in Volvo body can reach 45%, far exceeding other brands"; "Preventive protection for rear-end collision, which can safely brake when the difference is 50KM/h"; "XC90′ s self-driving has reached L3 level, so far there has not been an accident" … However, when asked about other advantages, the staff only brought a product color page and said, "Look for yourself, you can ask me if you don’t understand". Can this help users’ cognition and sales promotion?

  Volvo XC60 offers a comprehensive discount of 65,000 yuan.

In addition, Volvo’s inflated price has also become a hot spot for consumers to vomit. Last December, Volvo’s new generation XC60 went on the market. However, at the moment when the price of high-end cars is generally lower, the price of new cars is further raised on the basis of high price, and the starting price has risen from 358,900 yuan to 369,800 yuan, which is not too much compared with BBA, which directly leads to its sales volume hovering around 3,000 vehicles. The data shows that from January to April, the sales volume of Volvo XC60 was 11,564 vehicles, up 9.31% year-on-year, which was based on the substantial price reduction. It is understood that the current comprehensive discount of Volvo XC60 is more than 50,000 yuan, and the Beijing area can even reach about 65,000 yuan.

  Netizen tucao Volvo XC60 price is too high.

Netizen yuken12900 said in the forum, "Volvo typically has no self-knowledge, and it will be even worse after X3 and Q5L come out! The expected price reduction of 100,000 may not be useful. By the way, I almost forgot, and GLC will soon be extended. Spend the same money and give a reason to choose Wo (Er) Wo? "

In this regard, Cui Dongshu, Secretary-General of the Association, said that the low growth rate of Volvo was mainly due to the lack of effective growth point in SUV, and the main model XC60 did not keep up with the mainstream of the industry. In addition, the price of Volvo XC60 is too high, which may be because it hopes to enhance its brand image through price and let consumers recognize the positioning of its luxury brand, but the effect remains to be seen. (Economic Daily-China Economic Net auto channel Original Reporting Group)

After the release of Xiaomi SU7, many netizens don’t understand why Xiaomi can build a car in three years! Lei Jun: Xiaomi has accumulated 14 years of experience in intellectual creation.

Fast technology news on April 18, this afternoon, Lei Jun started the live broadcast and talked with netizens about Xiaomi car.

Lei Jun said in the live broadcast that after the release of Xiaomi Automobile,Some people on the Internet don’t understand that it took Xiaomi Auto only three years to build a car, which is much faster than the industry average.

In this regard, Lei Jun introduced,Xiaomi has been established for 14 years. Behind the car built by Xiaomi Automobile for 3 years is the 14 years’ experience and technology accumulation of Xiaomi Group.

In addition, some time ago, Tamia Liu, CEO of Zhiji Automobile, also issued a document saying that Xiaomi Automobile started to produce the first complete vehicle from the platform in three years, and began to do research and development from the original platform, and it took 2-3 years to test and verify the complicated complete vehicle and parts.

It doesn’t seem to be enough to optimize it at will. Who knows how to achieve such high efficiency and speed?

Lei Jun also explained that Xiaomi has 14 years of experience and accumulation in starting a business, and has set up a very reliable R&D team.Now there are about three or four thousand engineers, of whom at least one thousand are experts. These experts help Xiaomi avoid many detours.

Moreover, the industrial chain in China has a good foundation, and it is perfect to be an intelligent electric vehicle. Therefore, if we don’t take detours and get the first car out in three years, there is a chance.

[End of this article] If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Fast Technology.

Where is the ceiling of the spy war drama? "Latency" is closely linked, and "Pretender" is hard to understand.

This year, there are endless tribute dramas, not only The Awakeing Age and Glory and Dream, but also the MV, the promotion song of the film The Pioneer, met the audience on June 22nd. Throughout these red tribute dramas, all the well-received works have made great efforts in the plot, and the same phenomenon has also appeared in the field of domestic spy films.

Sneak plot

In 2006, a spy TV series "Assassination" adapted from Mai Jia’s novel of the same name came out, which tells the little-known legendary story of a group of special intelligence workers in China.With the confusing plot, gripping, exquisitely set suspense and unexpected plot development, the domestic spy war drama-watching craze has risen instantly since the broadcast of "Assassination".

Although "Assassination" now has such a high evaluation, in fact, it was faced with the fate of being killed in the first instance. It is not easy for Liu Yunlong to become the godfather of spy war, because it has become popular in the ratings and has been widely acclaimed. Background music is essential in the atmosphere rendering and emotional promotion of a film and television drama, and the music processing of the whole plot against me is in place, especially when the Internationale rings, the emotions that have been brewing for a long time in the audience come to mind.

Before dawn

In 2009, when director Liu Jiang only saw the story outline and six episodes of the script, he made up his mind to shoot Before Dawn. The drama mainly tells the story of Liu Xinjie, the undercover of the Chinese Communist Party, working closely with the underground party organization led by Duan Haiping, a sailor, and fighting with the agents of the Kuomintang Eighth Intelligence Bureau led by Tan Zhongshu in 1948.

Different from previous spy films, this drama adds a lot of worldly plots, which magnifies the realism of the film.At the same time, "Before Dawn" multiple clues cross, the story tells the audience who is undercover at the beginning, but it is fascinating and can’t stop, and the ending is desperate.


If there is a TV series that feels afraid to breathe, it is the Latency starring Sun Honglei and Yao Chen. The story tells the story of War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression’s late period, when the Chinese Communist Party rebelled against the Kuomintang intelligence officers Yu Zecheng and Cui Ping, posing as husband and wife, secretly lurked in tianjin railway station, the Military Security Bureau.

In this work, the setting of each character has a proper beauty, and the characters are distinctive and flesh-and-blood, and a series of character behaviors under typical characteristics have grown up smoothly. The rhythm of the whole play is relaxed, and coupled with the interlocking plot, it must be said that this is a masterpiece.


"Kite" takes the life and emotional experience of "Kite" of Communist party member, which lurks inside the military junta, as the main line, and tells the story of a communist party intelligence agent who sticks to his faith.

Kite and Assassination both belong to Liu Yunlong’s works. The reputation of this drama has declined, mainly because of the obvious separation of plot. Before the founding of the People’s Republic of China, it was a spy war drama, and then it turned into a black historical drama.Fortunately, this black historical drama in the back is brilliant enough, and the operation of scheming and playing tricks conforms to the spirit of the dark times at that time.


"Red" tells the story that Xu Tian, a little person, grew up from an ordinary small accountant with color blindness to an underground party member during the war of aggression against China, and his fate has changed dramatically. "Red" is an original script. The script is powerful and long-lived, and many close-ups are very delicate. The plot absolutely crushes the domestic dramas with the same theme or various themes in the past decade.


"The Pretender" is one of the best spy films in recent years. It recreates the turbulent and war-torn era that hangs by a thread, peeps at the miniature of the times through the small windows of the four brothers and sisters of the Ming family, and is mixed with some teacher-student feelings and love, so that the work is no longer cold and has a human touch.

In the same way, the play also has some "meaning is difficult to be flat" settings, which increase the sense of reality. For example, Yi Song’s role "Yu Manli" is too tearful, and he has been sad all his life, and he has never been completely loved.


This year, Zhang Yimou’s "Above the Cliff" was released, which aroused extensive discussion among the audience. This film has too many similarities with the previous TV series "The Cliff".

In order to obtain important information, communist party sent Zhou Yi and Gu Qiuyan to pretend to be husband and wife, and sneaked into the Special Service Department of Harbin Police Department. The underground work was dangerous, and they would lose their lives if they were not careful. However, for the common ideal, they have to suppress all kinds of emotions in their hearts and work together in this dark corridor, just for the bright light ahead.

In particular, Zhang Jiayi’s interpretation of Zhou Yi is in place. When he saw his daughter Sasha before his execution, his expression was no longer calm, but full of infinite guilt for his daughter, which was moving.

Peace Hotel

The high-energy brain-burning spy war drama "Peace Hotel" starring Chen Shu, Lei Jiayin and Li Guangjie is exciting, which tells the story of a group of mysterious guests being blocked in a luxury hotel called "Peace Hotel" and playing a life-and-death game for 10 days and 240 hours, and the whole process is full of ignition.

The good thing is that the drama is not only the glory of the positive characters, but also the flash of the relatively negative characters. The characters are not one-sided and thin, which is quite interesting.

No War in Peiping

"No War in Peiping" is a spy war drama co-directed by Kong Sheng and Li Xue, starring Liu Ye, Chen Baoguo and other actors. It tells the story of Fang Meng ‘ao, an underground member of the Chinese Communist Party who was lurking in the air force of the Kuomintang in China in 1948, making a difficult choice for the peaceful liberation of Peiping and the happiness and tranquility of the people at a critical moment.

"No War in Peiping" took seven years to prepare, with an investment of over 100 million yuan, and assembled seven filmmakers to regard the emperor as the emperor, which can be described as a masterpiece.In addition to the superb acting skills of a group of powerful actors, there is also a plot of Chinese studies that permeates the whole play, all of which are the reasons for the drama’s attention.


"The Blade" tells the story of a thrilling and gripping spy war that took place in the chaotic Tianjin Concession in the 1930s.

From the beginning, I was looking for a mole, and I have been going through all kinds of thrilling temptations, as if it were a real thing. The surface was calm, and suddenly an unremarkable thing would be exposed, which would lead to fatal disaster. The drama attracts the audience’s attention with its ups and downs and complicated struggles, and the mysterious identity attached to almost every character makes the plot suspenseful.

The above ten films are masterpieces of domestic spy films in recent years. You may wish to watch the classics in your spare time and understand the charm of red film and television works.

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: Car sales increased by 9.8% year-on-year in May, and new energy vehicles increased by 128%.

  BEIJING, June 14 (Xinhua) According to the website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the national automobile production and sales in May were 2.065 million and 2.092 million, respectively, with a decrease of 5.1% and 1.7% from the previous month and an increase of 5.0% and 9.8% respectively. Among them, new energy vehicles produced 37,000 vehicles and sold 35,000 vehicles, up 131.3% and 128.0% respectively.

  In May, China’s automobile production and marketing market decreased compared with last month, and the year-on-year growth rate continued to grow. From January to May, automobile production and sales maintained steady growth, and the growth rate of production and sales showed a slight increase over the same period of last year.

  Car sales in January and May increased by 9.8% year-on-year.

  According to the statistics of China Automobile Industry Association, the national automobile production and sales in May were 2.065 million and 2.092 million respectively, with the production and sales decreasing by 5.1% and 1.7% respectively. It increased by 5.0% and 9.8% respectively.

  From January to May, the production and sales of automobiles were 10.844 million and 10.755 million respectively, up by 5.8% and 7.0% respectively.

  (1) Passenger car sales in May increased by 11.3% year-on-year.

  In May, the production of passenger cars was 1.772 million, up 5.5% year-on-year and down 3.7% month-on-month. Sales reached 1.793 million vehicles, up 11.3% year-on-year and 0.5% quarter-on-quarter. Among them, 921,000 cars were sold, up 1.5% year-on-year; MPV sold 180,000 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 28.2%; SUV sales were 627,000 units, a year-on-year increase of 36.3%; Cross-type passenger cars sold 64,000 vehicles, a year-on-year decrease of 37.3%.

  From January to May, the production and sales of passenger cars were 9.327 million and 9.258 million respectively, up 6.6% and 7.8% respectively. Among them, car sales were 4.643 million, down 6.1% year-on-year; MPV sold 1.03 million vehicles, up 15.6% year-on-year; SUV sales reached 3.218 million units, a year-on-year increase of 45%; Cross-type passenger cars sold 368,000 vehicles, down 31.6% year-on-year.

  1.1.6 liters and below passenger car market share increased by 4.5%.

  In May, 1.283 million passenger cars of 1.6 liters or less were sold, accounting for 71.6% of the passenger car sales market, up 4.5 percentage points over the same period of last year. Sales increased by 18.8% year-on-year.

  From January to May, 6.674 million passenger cars of 1.6 liters or less were sold, accounting for 72.1% of the passenger car sales market, up 2.6 percentage points over the same period of last year. Sales increased by 11.7% year on year.

  2. The sales volume of self-owned brand passenger cars increased by 12.9% year-on-year, among which SUV increased by 40.2% year-on-year.

  In May, self-owned brand passenger cars sold 717,000 vehicles, up 12.9% year-on-year, accounting for 40% of the passenger car sales market, up 0.6 percentage points from the same period of last year. Among them, a total of 160,000 self-owned brand cars were sold, down 8.2% year-on-year, accounting for 17.4% of the total car sales, down 1.8 percentage points from the same period of last year; A total of 335,000 SUVs were sold, a year-on-year increase of 40.2%, accounting for 53.4% of the total SUV sales, an increase of 1.5 percentage points over the same period of last year.

  From January to May, a total of 4.018 million self-owned brand passenger cars were sold, up 10.9% year-on-year, accounting for 43.4% of the passenger car sales market, and the share increased by 1.2 percentage points year-on-year. Among them, self-owned brand cars sold a total of 891,000 vehicles, down 17.7% year-on-year, accounting for 19.2% of the total car sales, and the share decreased by 2.7 percentage points year-on-year; A total of 1.824 million SUVs were sold, up 56.7% year-on-year, accounting for 56.7% of the total SUV sales, up 2.1 percentage points over the same period of last year.

  (II) Commercial vehicle sales in May increased by 1.4% year-on-year.

  In May, 293,000 commercial vehicles were produced, up 2.0% year-on-year and down 12.7% month-on-month. Sales of 299,000 vehicles increased by 1.4% year-on-year and 2.3% quarter-on-quarter.

  From January to May, a total of 1.516 million commercial vehicles were produced, a cumulative increase of 0.9% year-on-year; Sales reached 1.497 million vehicles, up 2.3% year-on-year.

  Second, the rapid growth of new energy vehicles

  According to the statistics of China Automobile Industry Association, in May, 37,000 new energy vehicles were produced and 35,000 vehicles were sold, up by 131.3% and 128.0% respectively. Among them, the production and sales of pure electric vehicles were 29,000 and 26,000 respectively, up by 177.0% and 161.6% respectively. The number of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles is 0.9 million, up by 49.3% and 68.7% respectively.

  From January to May, new energy vehicles produced 132,000 vehicles and sold 126,000 vehicles, up 131.4% and 134.1% respectively over the same period of last year. Among them, the production and sales of pure electric vehicles were 99,000 and 92,000 respectively, up by 175.1% and 176.2% respectively. The production and sales of plug-in hybrid vehicles were 33,000 and 34,000 respectively, up 55.8% and 65% respectively.

  Third, the economic benefits of key enterprises in the automobile industry have increased.

  According to the statistics of China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, from January to April 2016, the accumulated operating income of key enterprise groups reached 1,100.65 billion yuan, up 8.6% year-on-year. Accumulated profits and taxes totaled 172.68 billion yuan, up 2.1% year-on-year.

  Four, the automobile import and export market continues to fall.

  According to customs statistics, in April 2016, 64,000 vehicles were exported, down 5.5% year-on-year. 85,000 vehicles were imported, down 11.5% year-on-year.

  From January to April, 212,000 vehicles were exported, a year-on-year decrease of 19.5%; The whole vehicle imported 294,000 vehicles, down 16.9% year-on-year.