Salary, social security, holidays … are related to your money bag in 2019!























































Box office increased by 252%! Has the music festival ushered in a big explosion?

  BEIJING, May 8 (Reporter Ren Siyu) Has the music festival, which is sought after by young people, ushered in a big outbreak?

  On May 6th, Barley released "Observation on the May 1st Performance in 2021". The report shows that during the May 1st holiday, there were over 3,800 professional performances offline, among which the box office of Livehouse, Talk Show and Music Festival increased by more than 250% compared with the same period in 2019.

  On social networks, topics such as "Qin Hao watched Yi Nengjing’s performance", "Faye Wong lost his hat again at Strawberry Music Festival" and "A man wearing protective clothing and dancing in Shandong Music Festival" have been on the hot search list. Music festivals, which were originally regarded as minority entertainment activities, have begun to become one of the lifestyles that everyone likes to see and hear.

  Source: Weibo screenshot.

  Music Festival becomes a holiday "new standard"

  According to the monitoring of China Performance Industry Association, during the "May 1" holiday this year, there were about 14,000 performances nationwide, with a box office income of 860 million yuan, and more than 6 million people watched performances during the holiday, of which more than 40% were tourists, and 12% were music festivals and concerts.

  From last year’s "Eleventh" holiday to this year’s "May Day" holiday, music festivals have increasingly become popular items for people to travel and entertain.

  The data shows that over 40% of users choose music festival as their first choice for holiday and leisure during the May 1 holiday this year, and 60% of users who buy music festival choose to watch performances across cities. Strawberry Music Festival, Midi Music Festival, Guochao Music Festival and Midou Music Festival were held in many places, and famous musicians and bands such as Cui Jian, Pu Shu, Xu Wei, New Pants, Mourning and Wang Jia were among the guests.

  2021 Beijing Strawberry Music Festival was held in Beijing Shiyuan Park. Source: Video screenshot.

  While the fans are busy catching up with the music festival, the musicians are even more busy. According to the public itinerary of the five-person band, they moved to Changzhou, Shanghai, Nanjing and Beijing to participate in the music festival within four days. "Performing is our labor," they sighed at the Weibo.

  According to barley data, there were 56 music festivals in the country during the five-day holiday, which was 37% higher than the same period in 2019. The box office and attendance increased by 252% and 173% respectively compared with 2019.

  Source: Barley "2021 May 1st Performance Observation".

  Generally speaking, during the holiday period, live performances recovered strongly, and various performances such as music, theater and Quyuan Zatan were abundant, the box office growth rate was obvious, and the consumption power of head projects was strong; It is becoming a trend to travel with literature, and the regional consumption preference is gradually broken; The market consumption structure tends to be younger, especially after 00.

  You can watch music festivals at home?

  Another new change that can be found from this year’s "May Day" holiday is that the music festival is opening up "new territory" on a large scale.

  Compared with 2019 and 2020, this year’s music festivals can be described as blooming everywhere. The major brand music festivals are not only concentrated in cities such as Beijing and Shanghai, but also sink to second-and third-tier cities such as Binzhou in Shandong, Changzhou in Jiangsu, Jiaozuo in Henan and Wanning in Hainan.

  Source: barley net screenshot.

  From the industry point of view, the number of vertical music festivals is also increasing, such as YOLO Music Festival in Changsha, Hunan Province and M_DSK Music Festival in Riyuewan, Wanning, Hainan Province, which focuses on rap music, Midi Music Festival in the Warring States Period in Chengdu focuses on heavy music, and Hainan Little Strawberry Parent-child Music Festival focuses on parent-child themes, providing users with different music preferences with sub-categories of music performance choices.

  Another noteworthy phenomenon is that the music festival is becoming a "hard signboard" for some cities to build cultural tourism brands and drain holidays. According to barley data, during the May Day holiday, many music festivals were held in tourist cities, such as Changzhou Taihu Bay Music Festival, Changzhou Xinlong Forest Music Festival, Wanning Riyuewan M_DSK Music Festival, Jiaozuo Yuntaishan Music Festival and so on.

  For example, the popular Midi Music Festival in Jinan, Shandong Province and the Midi Music Festival in Binzhou this year were supported by the local government in terms of policies and supporting services.

  According to media reports, before the start of Binzhou Midi Music Festival, it only took more than 20 days for the local area to complete the leveling of more than 280 mu of site, the laying of 18,000 square meters of turf, the planning of more than 7,000 parking spaces, the construction of more than 3,000 meters of enclosures, the construction of more than 140 bathrooms and the preparation and construction of various functional areas such as camping and drinking water areas. In order to cooperate with Jinan Midi Music Festival, Jinan Metro also extended the operation time of Lines 1, 2 and 3 to 24 o’clock, and adjusted the running interval to 10 minutes between 22 o’clock and 24 o’clock.

  Posters of 2021 Jinan Midi Music Festival and Binzhou Midi Music Festival.

  The consumption drainage brought by the music festival is also considerable. According to the organizer’s statistics, the fans of Jinan Midi Music Festival from outside the province account for about 65%. It is roughly estimated that the consumption related to cultural tourism during the local holidays will increase by about 20%. According to barley data, during the May Day holiday this year, Hainan Wanning Riyuewan M_DSK Music Festival also made Wanning, a county-level city, among the top ten in China.

  What kind of music festival do the audience need?

  However, under the circumstances that music festivals are blooming everywhere and tickets are rising, is the audience’s experience fully satisfied?

  From last year’s National Day to this year’s "May Day" holiday, the topic of rising ticket prices for music festivals is often mentioned. In the impression of some viewers, the single-day ticket price of music festivals in the past few years was often concentrated in 80 to 200 yuan, but during the small holiday this year, the single-day ticket price of individual music festivals has reached 500 yuan or even more than 1,000 yuan.

  Source: barley net screenshot.

  As for the reasons for the price increase of the music festival, industry analysts said that on the one hand, the number of tickets sold under the epidemic prevention and control policy is limited, and on the other hand, the production costs in all aspects are getting higher and higher, especially the appearance fees of some artists. In recent years, with the blessing of bands and rap variety shows, the value of some musicians has risen sharply. In addition, the participation of pop singers with their own popularity and fans has increased the popularity of the music festival.

  Although the consumption enthusiasm of the music festival has not diminished, the audience also has higher requirements for on-site service and viewing experience.

  Affected by the global epidemic, the homogenization of the performance lineup of the music festival has become more and more obvious. In the absence of overseas artists, New Pants, Tong Yang, Re TROS, Wu Tiao and other head musicians performed everywhere, and most of the audience saw old acquaintances rather than fresh faces at the festival. How to play new tricks in the lineup and collocation of the festival is one of the problems that the organizers need to consider.

  Music festivals are usually held outdoors, so in addition to the lineup of performances, the audio effects, security order, transportation, accommodation, water supply and toilets on the spot are also issues that the audience are very concerned about. Every year, some music festivals are met with large-scale spit by netizens after the end, and the experience of music festivals strongly affects everyone’s impression of a city.

  What kind of music festival do fans like? The Spring Tour Music Festival held in Sichuan in April this year won a good reputation. Although the scale is not huge, the atmosphere is relaxed enough. The audience can eat hot pot, play mahjong and set up tents. The on-site security guards are not in fierce confrontation with fans, but dance and sing with young people to feel the joy of music together.

  Source: screenshot of Weibo’s comments.

  With the recovery of the offline performance market, it is foreseeable that there will be more and more music festivals in the future. While the competition is becoming more and more fierce, the organizers should start from the needs of the audience and use more complete supporting services to let the fans fully feel the spiritual satisfaction of the music festival.

Commanding the God of War to look out to sea to see how this bombing aviation brigade forged into an air iron fist.

At the end of May 2018

A video officially released by the China Air Force.

Aroused widespread concern.

The middle of the picture is known as the "God of War"

The core force of air combat operations — —

H -6K fighter

Near the skyline behind the fighter plane

It is the central mountain range of Taiwan Province, the treasure island of the motherland.

This is the first time that the China Air Force has flown around Taitai Island at night.

However, what is unknown is that

Driving a H -6K fighter.

It is precisely to carry out this special task

The People’s Air Force was formed in the first batch and entered the war in the first batch.

First meritorious military service

A certain regiment of air force aviation flies

The pilot of the second brigade

In the history of the People’s Air Force

This heroic fighting team

Since its establishment, it has continuously made history.

In November 1951, during the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea,

They opened the People’s Air Force.

The bombing campaign style is the first of its kind.

For the next half century or so,

The Second Battalion has made outstanding achievements and brought forth many heroes.

Created one after another

New "first time"

In 2014, the Second Brigade modified H -6K.

In just three months, the modification was completed.

In just seven months, I will patrol the South China Sea.

Only ten months later.

Another arduous task of creating history

Fall on their shoulders … …

Fly between the sea and the sky

"air iron fist" defends sovereignty

In August 2015, the Air Force plans to dispatch.

Bombers, fighters and other multi-type fighters.

Go to the western Pacific for offshore training.

Different from the past,

In this mission,

H -6K fighter will fly out of the first island chain for the first time.

More than 1000 kilometers … …

Bombers have a large bomb load because of their long range.

In the process of safeguarding national interests and sovereignty

Play a more and more important role.

Dawn on August 14th.

The officers and men of the second brigade drove the H -6K to meet the morning glow.

Heading for the skyline

An hour later.

The formation of two planes came to bashi channel.

Just then, there was a report from the command post:

"There are two foreign machines approaching ahead."

The words sound just fell, and a foreign plane full of live ammunition.

Has appeared in everyone’s field of vision.

Li Rui with a sudden increase in tension

Quickly calm down your heart.

Wang Jianling took out his camera and took photos for evidence collection.

And shouted by radio:

"I am China Air Force,

Flight training is being carried out.

Don’t interfere with my action, leave immediately.

Otherwise, there will be consequences! "

Facing the layers of obstruction from foreign machines

The heading and altitude of the unit remain unchanged.

Arrive at the target airspace on time

Complete all scheduled training subjects.

On that day, the young officers and men of the second brigade

I feel it deeply.

The significance of strengthening our country and making our country proud.

On the same day, they flew over 1000 kilometers from the first island chain.

Set a record for flying out of the island chain at that time.

Zhang Chengliang, deputy commander of the Second Flying Brigade.

Once recorded with a self-portrait

His pride as a bomber pilot

At the end of 2017

It was his first mission to fly out of the island chain.

When returning home

I saw Taiwan Province, the treasure island of my motherland, through the porthole.

That was the most important thing in his life

The first time I was so close to Baodao Taiwan Province.

Looking at the rolling and looming central mountains.

Zhang Chengliang’s pride and sense of mission.

Come to life!

Mutfa Aili (Uygur) said:

"Every cruise,

As the land gets farther and farther away,

When there is only one water left in front of me.

‘ Motherland ’ It rises in my heart and becomes clearer. "

Safeguard interests and go out.

Fly out to fulfill your mission

Patrol the South China Sea, sail out of the West Pacific and cruise around the island.

In recent years, officers and men of the Second Flying Brigade have been driving.

H -6K fighters always fly in

The forefront and front line of defending the interests of the motherland;

August 2015

Fly over bashi channel after refitting H -6K.

July 2016

Cruise in the airspace near islands and reefs such as Huangyan Island.

December 2017

Fly over Ma Haixia in a system with fighter planes and reconnaissance planes.

May 2018

Complete the cruise around Feitai Island at night … …

The air iron fist becomes harder and harder.

Bloody bile flies over the foot

Taking off is fighting.

Taking off is to meet the enemy.

In the second brigade, 50 years old.

Flight instructor Wei Xiaogang once drove H -6K.

At hundreds of kilometers per hour

Flying by waves in a posture close to the sea.

It’s scary to sweep the sea at ultra-low altitude

Not to show off your skills

As Wei Xiaogang said:

Although H -6K has a wingspan of tens of meters.

A big guy weighing nearly 100 tons

But the sea-skimming ultra-low altitude flight is

One of the most effective means of penetration

quitting brave victory

Bomb aviation forces

Play a role in modern warfare

A very important role

Bomber pilots must constantly improve their skills.

Continuous innovation and breakthrough

Become an all-round talent to adapt to the modern battlefield

Can be invincible on the battlefield.

One day in the midsummer of 2018

Zhang Chengliang, a member of the Second Brigade, received it.

A special task

— — Test-fire a certain missile

in accordance with practice

A H -6K unit consists of

Two pilots and a weapons control division.

Attacking the target is usually done by the weapons control division.

But this mission

It needs to be operated by the right pilot Zhang Chengliang.

In order to improve the combat efficiency in actual combat.

How can we do this in just two weeks?

Master the weapons control division for more than ten years.

To practice the manipulation skills?

Facing a screen less than 15 cm in size

Zhang Chengliang thought of a way:

Draw a grid on the simulator screen

Quantify each operation.

Calculate the time required to press.

Two weeks passed quickly.

Zhang Chengliang’s practice has also been

From three centimeters, two centimeters

Accurate to the millimeter … …

Finally arrived at the moment when Haitian "showed his sword"

After entering the predetermined array position and forming the launch conditions,

Zhang Chengliang decisively pressed the launch button.

The missile conveniently left the plane and went straight to the target.

Between crackle and electric light.

Suddenly a piece of white light flashed on the screen.

At that time, no one was sure.

For the first time, pilots, not weapons controllers.

Is the test firing of a certain type of missile successful?

When everyone’s heart is uneasy

Operational staff broke in and shouted:

"Cheng Liang, you hit it!"

The news of success made everyone hold together excitedly.

This successful hit is of great significance.

Is the first time by a right-seat pilot

A successful example of carrying out a certain missile attack

For the future air battlefield

Greatly improved the multi-target attack capability of the unit.

The efficiency of long-range strike of troops has been improved.

Can stand up at a critical moment

Do or die has to get out.

In the summer of 2021, a sea area in Beibu Gulf

Dark clouds and smoke filled the air.

Air Force "Golden Dart -2021" assessment quietly started.

"Golden darts" represent China Air Force pilots.

The highest level of penetration and assault capability

This assessment

Put the shooting range at sea for the first time

Facing the challenge of increasing difficulty

The second brigade riveted its strength.

The target is directed at the "Golden Dart"

With the commander’s command

The first three fighters of the second brigade slipped out in turn.

But just as the fourth unit held its breath and prepared to take off.

Sudden failure warning of aircraft airborne equipment

In the face of the fact that the fourth plane may have no results.

The players have only one thought in mind.

in any case

We must let the fourth plane fly into the sky!

Everyone got busy nervously.

While checking the progress of troubleshooting

While modifying the route according to the possible late departure time.

Time passes by.

After exactly 22 minutes.

The plane fault was finally successfully eliminated!

At this time, the plane ahead has flown hundreds of kilometers.

If you want to catch up with the formation

Fighters must continue to fly at extreme speed.

This will increase the flight risk sharply.

At that time, even the assessment team thought it was hopeless to catch up.

Persuade them to give up

Military honor is above everything else.

Only go all out in the face of difficulties!

In front of the desperate situation, Wang Jianling led the crew of three.

Push the throttle to the end:


The roar of H -6K engine

Instantly flooded the entire cabin.

The three people work closely in accordance with the plan.

Repeated calculation of voyage route time

To approach the performance limit of the aircraft.

Approaching the psychological and physiological limits of pilots

Velocity and altitude approaching the cooperative limit of formation

Just chase the time back.

Before entering the bombing waypoint

Successfully rendezvous with other units.

Created the history of the team

A precedent for flying at extreme speed for a long time

However, at this time

There is only a minute left before the deadline.

Arriving at the established area is only the first step.

Whether to win the "gold" depends on it.

Can you hit it and hit it accurately?

In the process of assessment

Facing the dense targets on the sea.

Facing the unprecedented difficulty of launching

Weapons controller Zhang Jiumu

Keep your eyes fixed on the screen

Constantly revise the bombing data

When there is less than 10 seconds left.

He finally locked in on the target

Press the launch button!

“10、9、8、7… …”

The moment I saw the target blow up

All the crew members cheered excitedly.

The strength at the critical moment.

Do or die’s spirit of throwing caution to the wind.

Help the second brigade to create a miracle again!

And behind this success again and again

Are flowing in the blood of this heroic team.

The "first battle gene" that has been passed down for more than 70 years.

Born of war

Go to war

In the winter of 1951

On Yamato Island, 70km from the mouth of Yalu River.

Us and south Korean intelligence personnel

Collect our information day and night

Guide and command aircraft to carry out air strikes on our rear.

In order to remove this "nail"

On November 6, the second flight team.

Ordered to bomb the enemy intelligence command organ of Yamato Island.

This is the volunteer air force bomber unit.

First bombing mission

At that time, there was no actual bombing experience.

The average age is only 23 years old

Training in combat subjects per capita is less than 20 hours.

The second brigade rushed into the battlefield.

What they are about to face

It is equipped with advanced weapons.

American troops with rich experience in war.

However, it is this young team.

Flying nine Tu -2 bombers.

Take off from Shenyang

Break through the enemy’s defense with lightning speed.

Drop bombs accurately in the air on Yamato Island.

Played a brilliant record of "total destruction and zero war damage"

Excellent completion of the debut of the Volunteer Air Force.

More than 70 years ago

This group of young people in China

In order to defend our country

Fly to the blue sky without hesitation

Announce to the world with a rare record:

An awakened one

Dare to glory for the motherland

A nation that fought for independence and security.

Is invincible.






































为祖国而飞 为祖国而战!

"Discover the beauty of spring" Rape blossoms attract visitors! The earliest spring in Gansu has been launched.

Lanzhou, China, February 27 (Reporter Li Hongjun) After the rain, everything has recovered. Located along the Bailong River in Wenxian County, Longnan City, the southernmost part of Gansu Province, the rape flowers in the mountains and plains are blooming beautifully, layered like gold, and set off against the mountainous peaks, which is full of spring, attracting many tourists to visit the flowers in the spring.