The idol drama war is about to break out, Patty Hou Cai Jilin will PK next Sunday (photo)


Jolin Tsai plays a beautiful female spy

Patty Hou in "Delicious Love"

  Sina Entertainment September 11 News Sunday idol drama war is about to break out, ZOSE "Princess Little Sister" has a coup, please come out Jolin TsaiHou Pei Cen, these two are Jay Chou’s old loves, but under the strategic use of the TV station, they have been caught and killed, and fans of both sides have also begun to compete on the Internet.

  Wu Zun, Zhang ShaohanStarring in ZOSE’s "Princess Little Sister", and Zaizai Zhou YuminThe Chinese TV "Delicious Relationship" starring Patty Hou will officially start at 10 pm next Sunday (16th). Coincidentally, the protagonist of the "Crime Scene" unit in next week’s "Sunday 8:00 Party" happens to be Jolin Tsai. The Chinese TV had a plan yesterday to deliberately extend the broadcast of this unit to 10:15, playing Jolin Tsai and Patty Hou.

  Even if the love affair with Zhou Dong is in the past, every time Jolin Tsai and Patty Hou have the opportunity to share the stage, they will inevitably be made a big story. She recently appeared in the musical film "Agent J" to promote the new album, and "Crime Scene" is a game of looking for suspicious places in the house in the image of her "Agent J".

  "Delicious Relationship" is Patty Hou’s theatrical debut. For her performance, the staff privately praised her, and her feelings were natural and sincere. One of the crying scenes was photographed, and the staff on the sidelines later wept.

  Regarding the strategy that Zhongshi plans to use to grab the audience, Chai Zhiping, a producer of the "Beauty" drama, stressed yesterday that she never wins by tricks in filming, and the degree of care in the "Beauty" drama can be said to be unprecedented. For example, in a few minutes of VCR, Hou Pei-cen’s father celebrated her birthday, but found child stars aged 5, 10, and 12 to play Hou Pei-cen when she was a child. She said: "Every play can see how we spend money in the way of movies. Lian, Chu? Jun/Wen

Editor in charge: Li Dan

Olympic Chinese Star | From today onwards, the warmest applause goes to them!

  Tonight (August 24)

  The Tokyo Paralympic Games are about to open

  Zhou Jiamin and Wang Hao will serve as the flag bearers of the Chinese sports delegation at the opening ceremony

  The Paralympic Games, the Chinese sports delegation

  The total number of people is 437, including 251 athletes

  "One-legged Knight" Liang Guihua, "Armless Flying Fish" Zheng Tao…

  Behind every Paralympic athlete

  There is a story of struggling with fate

  We look forward to

  They told us in a state of struggle

  Life is "impossible"!

  From today onwards, applaud and cheer for every Paralympic athlete!

  Self-improvement and self-transcendence

  Come on, Chinese athletes!

  Producer: Wang Wei

  Planning: Zhao Jing, Liu Yidi

  Design: Zhang Huiling

During the peak sales season of beverages and drinking water, Wahaha is under attack

On February 25 this year, Zong Qing, founder and chairperson of Wahaha Group, passed away, and Zong Fuli took over as the new head of Wahaha. At the same time, Wahaha’s product sales exploded, and there was a shortage of goods.

But after three months, with the advent of summer, the temperature gradually rose, and beverages and drinking water gradually entered the peak sales season, Wahaha failed to continue the previous trend of explosive sales. In addition, with the launch of purified water products by Farmer Spring and the return of Robust’s classic product "Granular Fruit AD Calcium Milk", Wahaha is currently under attack.

Wahaha heat fades

Since February 25, Wahaha has become the focus of public attention, and its products have also become the target of many consumers, but Wahaha’s popularity has not lasted long.

Data show that Wahaha products in the Douyin platform sales began to soar from February 25th, rose to the peak on March 4th, sales reached 5 million – 7.50 million yuan, compared with February 25th before the increase of more than 10 times.

But since mid-March, Wahaha’s sales in Douyin have dropped to about 200,000 and have continued to this day, with a year-on-year decline of 90% at the peak.

Recent data show that Douyin platform Wahaha official flagship store live sales only reached 500,000 – 750,000 scale on June 1, and the rest remained at 100,000 – 200,000.

In order to catch this wave of skyrocketing traffic, Wahaha started the progress of the 2024 laboratory water support plan in March this year. On May 31, Wahaha disclosed through its WeChat official account that the Wahaha laboratory water support plan has supported more than 150 scientific research units.

On the other hand, Wahaha is also vigorously expanding the offline market. In addition to putting its own freezers, it has also sent its spring tea series, coffee series, and new products, such as KellyOne, to supermarket shelves.

But at present, it seems that the effect is mediocre. Some beverage merchants said that most of them will take the first-tier products, such as Wahaha’s AD calcium milk, purified water, and eight-treasure porridge, because of their low popularity. Therefore, these new products of Wahaha have great resistance in the promotion of channels.

Track competition is getting more intense

New products are struggling to support performance, and the competitive pressure on classic ace products is also increasing.

In terms of drinking water, the top five bottled water markets by volume from 2017 to 2022 were Nongfu Spring (12.2%), Yibao (8.3%), Jingtian (5.3%), Master Kong (3.2%), and Wahaha (2.2%).

Among them, Yibao and Wahaha are both deeply cultivated in the field of pure water. In 2023, Yibao’s retail sales reached 39.50 billion yuan, making it the first brand in China’s drinking pure water market.

And in April this year, Nongfu Spring, which originally only made natural water, also launched "green bottle" purified water.

In other words, in the pure water track Wahaha already has a larger and stronger opponent like Yibao, and now Nongfu Spring is also going to get a share of the market, making Wahaha’s drinking water days even more difficult.

On the other hand, Wahaha AD calcium milk is one of Wahaha’s largest single products with revenue exceeding 10 billion yuan, but Wahaha AD calcium milk has also ushered in its former rivals.

On December 28, 2023, Robust’s green bottle of bifid factor AD calcium milk and red bottle of strawberry-flavored AD calcium milk announced their return. On May 16 this year, Robust once again announced the return of "granular fruit AD calcium milk". Founded in 1989, Robust was once Wahaha’s old rival. Although it could not catch up with Wahaha’s pace in a short period of time, it would inevitably cause some pressure on Wahaha.

In addition, it is worth noting that in terms of product quality, Wahaha has received many complaints from consumers.

The black cat complaint platform shows that some consumers reported that foreign objects were found in Wahaha AD calcium milk and Wahaha nutrition express, and some consumers reported that the inner wall of Wahaha eight-treasure porridge jars was rusted. (Jia Geng)

The fastest in history! Harbin International Auto Show was stopped after only one morning.

Harbin international auto show.

Harbin international auto show.

  Cctv news(Reporter Li Wenxue) Due to the need of epidemic prevention and control, on August 3, the 24th Harbin International Auto Show in 2021, which opened only one morning, was called the fastest auto show in history.

  On the evening of August 2nd, the Harbin Municipal Command for Dealing with Pneumonia in novel coronavirus issued the 25th Announcement, temporarily closing and stopping some places and activities that are easy to cause the spread of the epidemic. Sun Zhe, mayor of Harbin, also stressed at the meeting of the leading group for the city’s response to the COVID-19 epidemic that it was unnecessary not to hold large-scale meetings, forums, trainings, performances, exhibitions and promotions.

  The Harbin Auto Show, originally scheduled to be held at Harbin International Convention and Exhibition Center from August 3 to 9, opened as scheduled.

  Harbin International Auto Show, called Harbin International Automobile Industry Exhibition, is sponsored by China Automobile Industry Association, China Automobile Engineering Association, Harbin Municipal People’s Government and Harbin Great Wall International Exhibition Co., Ltd., which brings together 892 latest models from 12 countries and regions, with an exhibition area of 125,000 square meters, divided into 2 main venues, 12 exhibition areas, 7 exhibition halls, 4 outdoor exhibition areas and 3 activity areas.

  Due to the need of epidemic prevention and control, the 24th Harbin International Auto Show in 2021 was stopped after only one morning, and will be postponed.

How to balance entertainment and connotation when cultural variety shows a new trend?

   National Treasure, if you don’t say it is a variety show, you will probably regard it as a documentary. Indeed, this is the name of a standard CCTV documentary. But this time, it subverts people’s cognition of the serious topic of national treasure with a young attitude. The platform support of CCTV and the endorsement of nine museums led by the Forbidden City make it one of the hottest variety shows at present. After the first program was broadcast, the Douban score of 9.3 pushed it to the top of the topic list.

   On the one hand, "National Treasure" has become a sharp weapon for harvesting traffic, on the other hand, it has also become a successful model for domestic cultural variety shows. In China, cultural variety is a tentative force. It seems to be a minority, but it can arouse a wide range of emotional resonance. Whether it is the vast emotions in the famous articles of The Reader or the emotional expression between the lines of Seeing Words, it has become a topic widely circulated on the Internet.

   China’s traditional culture has a long history. At present, it has been put on variety shows. In addition to the three mentioned above, there are "Cheer for China" with drama as the display point and "Go Up" with ancient poetry as the breakthrough point. Poetry has different influences, and the emergence of a large number of cultural variety shows has verified the general trend of cultural variety development.

   Although cultural variety is sought after, if you think calmly, you will find that there are not many successful cultural variety like National Treasure. Although a large number of sponsors have begun to enter the market, the development of cultural variety still faces some difficulties, and even becomes the bottleneck of the development of cultural variety.

   First of all, cultural variety needs to give consideration to both culture and entertainment. With the increasing aesthetic needs of the audience, it is difficult to satisfy them simply by entertainment, but it is inevitable that they will be particularly upright if they are too cultural. How to balance the two is a problem that all cultural variety shows should seriously consider.

   Secondly, cultural variety needs to conform to the aesthetics of young people. The success of "National Treasure" is largely due to the early preparation of two topics that are deeply loved by young people: "Taobao in the Forbidden City" and "Duan Zi in the Forbidden City". How to be close to young people without flattering them has become a proposition for the development of cultural variety.

   Thirdly, cultural variety needs to grasp the transmission of values. Society needs positive energy, and cultural variety shows have variety properties first, and need to consider entertainment and satisfy young people. However, before considering these two points, it is even more necessary to convey correct values and positive energy skillfully.

   The development of domestic variety shows, from the gathering of stars to the voices of amateurs, to the setting up of variety shows and cultural singing, highlights the pursuit of feelings in modern society. But at the same time, we should also see that the capital injected into the program has more commercial attributes, avoiding being trapped by capital and being influenced by the likes and dislikes of a few people, and always maintaining feelings from traditional culture is an important guarantee for the long-term development of cultural variety. (Wen Yang Jing)