"Students" and "mothers" became new protest forces, and Abe’s security bill was denounced by the whole people.

Among the protesters, the "mothers" and "students" are the most concerned. Oriental IC diagram

In the drizzle in Tokyo, mothers hold their children’s hands and stand on the street in front of the National Assembly.

On August 30, 2015, about 120,000 people in Tokyo, the capital of Japan, gathered in front of the National Assembly Hall to oppose Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and his security bill.

This demonstration included all Japanese citizens of all ages, from babies in the arms of their mothers, students in school uniforms to white-haired old people, and there were also family forms of dragging their children with their daughters. Among the protesters, the "mothers" and "students" are the most concerned. These two groups of people, who usually pay little attention to politics, have now become emerging forces against Shinzo Abe and the security bill.

In addition to ordinary Japanese nationals, men, women and children, there are also many voices of opposition in Japanese politics. Five former prime ministers have collectively voiced their voices a few days ago, criticizing Abe and its security law. Representatives of the four major opposition parties also strongly condemned the Abe government in the protests on the 30 th.

It is reported that the protest on the 30th spread over more than 300 places in Japan, which was the largest organized and planned civil street protest against the government in Japanese history.

The Awakening of "Mother Family" and "Student Family"

On August 30, in the drizzle in Tokyo, mothers stood on the street in front of the National Assembly holding their children’s hands to protest against the security bill that may be passed by the Senate in September. According to this bill, the constitution will be reinterpreted to expand the role of the Japanese Self-Defense Force.

Some of the demonstrators held anti-war slogans in their hands, while young students chanted slogans against Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and his national defense policy along with the drums. In addition to holding the usual slogans such as "opposing the war", "protecting the Constitution" and "no collective self-defense" and shouting slogans, they also appeared the big-character theme slogan "Abe steps down".

According to the Associated Press, in the past, most people who participated in protests in Japan were trade union members or white-haired leftists. But many new faces have appeared in the recent protests. Among the Tokyo citizens who participated in the "Great Action of Surrounding the National Assembly" on the 30th, many were ethnic groups who had not participated in the protests in the past.

The Associated Press said that Japanese people usually do not express their political positions in public places. As early as 1960s, Japanese college students held many demonstrations, some of which turned into violent incidents. Since then, the street rally protests of Japanese students have been greatly reduced.

After the Fukushima nuclear accident in 2011, a large number of people took to the streets in Japan to oppose nuclear weapons, including many "mothers". The Associated Press said that at least some of these anti-nuclear demonstrators now seem to have turned their focus to the debate on the security law.

Japan’s "Anti-war Mothers" organization was established last month, which quickly attracted many supporters through international social networking sites. At present, 20,000 people have jointly signed against the security law. On August 28, the organization tried to hand over the joint signature to Abe’s office, but failed.

Etsuko Matsuda, a 40-year-old member of "Anti-war Mothers", told the Associated Press without any worries that she had seen too many things going in the wrong direction, including the Fukushima nuclear disaster and the recent restart of nuclear power plants in Japan.

"I think there are more and more people like me, and we know that under the administration of Abe’s government, our life will only get worse." "I hope more people are interested in politics and can stand up and speak freely."

Japanese "mothers" and "students" who are usually not interested in politics have now taken to the streets. With the addition of new groups and the help of online social media, the street political movement in Japan has gradually changed more.

However, it is still unknown whether these growing and expanding demonstration groups can lead to significant social changes. A few days ago, the anti-nuclear demonstrations have gradually subsided, and once the security bill is formally passed by the Senate in September, whether the demonstrations and assemblies against the security law will also suffer the same fate has attracted a lot of attention.

Former Japanese Prime Minister and opposition party collectively voiced Abe.

Japan’s "Daily News" reported on August 30th that five former Japanese Prime Ministers, Hosokawa Morihiro, Tsutomu Hata, Tomiichi Murayama, Yukio Hatoyama and Naoto Kan, voiced their voices one after another a few days ago, criticizing Abe for ignoring national demands, undermining Japanese constitutionalism and amending the "right to collective self-defense" and demanding that he immediately withdraw the security bill.

A group of 50 old Japanese journalists held a press conference to publicize the suggestions made by five former Japanese prime ministers to Shinzo Abe.

Hosokawa Morihiro, the former prime minister, said that Abe’s government’s lifting of the ban on collective self-defense by amending the constitutional interpretation showed its "lack of respect for constitutionalism" and demanded the withdrawal of the security bill.

Former Prime Minister Tsutomu Hata said, "The right of collective self-defense is absolutely not allowed, and Article 9 of the Constitution is a promise made by Japan to the international community that it will not go the wrong way again".

Former Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama criticized Abe, saying that "it is necessary to strengthen the provisions limiting the implementation of the right of collective self-defense in the Constitution". Lushan also asked Abe to make a correct decision, from "building a war country" to "building a peaceful country."

Tomiichi Murayama, the former prime minister, criticized Abe for "unforgivable attitude of forcibly passing the bill by dint of large numbers and despising the people" and called for "saving Japan from Abe".

Naoto Kan, the former Prime Minister of the Democratic Party, criticized Abe for giving priority to the future of Japanese nationals in realizing his grandfather’s will, accusing Abe of "violating constitutionalism and being unqualified to be the prime minister of a democratic country" and demanding Abe’s resignation.

According to South Korea’s "Chosun Ilbo" report, in addition to the five former prime ministers, Japan’s four major opposition parties also collectively voiced their condemnation of Abe and its security laws.

At the rally on 30th, Katsuya Okada, representative of the Democratic Party of Japan, shii kazuo, chairman of communist party, Tadashi Yoshida, leader of the Social Democratic Party, Ichiro Ozawa, representative of Life Party and Tar? Yamamoto and their partners, delivered speeches at the rally respectively. Four opposition party representatives once again criticized the security bill and called for unity to overthrow the Abe regime and withdraw the security bill.

In addition, Ryuichi Sakamoto, a Japanese composer, and other famous people also delivered speeches saying, "This is an important period to regain democracy" and encouraged the demonstration team.

The demonstration participant, 73-year-old Masanobu Matsuda, said loudly, "The government should know the anger of the people."

According to the BBC report, the "Great Action of Surrounding the National Assembly" on the 30th attracted about 120,000 people to gather in front of the Tokyo National Assembly Hall, exceeding their original target of 100,000 people. More than 300 places in major cities such as Osaka, Nagoya and Fukuoka also held rallies at the same time. However, the number of people counted by the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department is "more than 30,000".

With regard to future planning, the General Action Implementation Committee, which is in charge of demonstrations, told BBC reporters that "in the future, not only protests will last until September 25th every weekend, but also lectures, concerts, photo exhibitions and other activities will be held in various places. We also hope to take advantage of the public’s awareness that it is an important political choice period after the war, and continue to advocate peace, anti-nuclear and other related activities."

According to a survey conducted by Asahi TV on August 22nd and 23rd, 22% of the respondents were in favor of the security bill and 55% were against it, while 60% of the respondents thought it was unnecessary to set it up in this session of Congress. With the rise of public opinion against the security bill, the major Japanese polls have one thing in common: the support rate of the Abe regime continues to fall.

Press conference of TV series "Foreign Aid Doctors" showing the feelings of great doctors was held in Beijing.

  Cctv news(Reporter Zhang Xiaolin Li Yinan) On January 19th, a TV series "Foreign Aid Doctors" was held in Beijing to let more people know about the kindness of foreign aid doctors and feel the essence of China culture and China values.

Launching ceremony site

Launching ceremony site

  The year 2020 marks the 57th anniversary of China’s dispatch of foreign aid medical teams. China Foreign Aid Medical Team is an international cooperation organization of the Ministry of Health of China. In April 1963, China dispatched the first batch of foreign aid medical teams. The great spirit and touching deeds of China’s foreign aid medical team and foreign aid doctors have enabled China to gain the support of all recipient countries and people in the process of stepping onto the world stage and win international reputation and prestige.

  Based on the real experiences and events of China’s foreign aid medical team in Africa, The Doctor for Foreign Aid fills the gaps in the related topics in the domestic TV drama field, truly restores the lives of foreign aid medical staff and their selfless and fearless spirit for the broad audience, shows the hard experience unknown to the world in the process of medical aid, and fully reflects the major events that have crossed the medical front in China for more than half a century and the international humanitarian spirit that it reflects to heal the wounded and rescue the dying.

  Hu Kun, a screenwriter, said in his speech that the actions of the China Foreign Aid Medical Team perfectly explained the sixteen words of "not afraid of hardships, willing to contribute, saving lives and saving lives, and having boundless love". Every time they rescue and help, they plant one friendly seed after another in the hearts of those who have been rescued, in that distant land, and those friendly seeds will grow friendship flowers day by day. He said, "Foreign Aid Doctors" aims to let more people know about the kindness of foreign aid doctors, the essence of China culture and China’s values, and also let other brotherly countries know about the goodwill and beauty released by China to the whole world in the new era.

  The film was produced by China Population and Culture Promotion Association, and was produced by Beijing Chinese Film and Television Culture Co., Ltd.. Relevant leaders of China Population and Culture Promotion Association, National Health and Wellness Committee, China Foreign Aid Medical Team and other units attended the launching ceremony.

The wonderful activities of 2024 Yantai Spring Auto Show will take you to see it first.

  Public Network Reporter Zhou Mi Trainee Reporter Hei Yuqing Yantai Report

  Wonderful activities, take you to see it first.

  In the vibrant April, the 2024 Yantai Spring Auto Show will be grandly opened on April 11-15. As the organizer, it will also create a variety of interactive activities with rich content, which will closely combine automobile consumption with cultural life.

  Qilu Cup Female Style Show


  Breaking the restrictions of the regular model contest is not limited to a certain age group. As long as you can walk on the runway, be confident and bold, and fully display the unique charm and style of models of all ages in Jiaodong, this stage needs you!

  Activity time: 4-12 9:30-15:00.

  Located in the indoor hall stage


  to show themselves


  Youth networking activities


  Co-sponsored by the Communist Youth League Committee, the Working Committee of the Municipal Government, Qilu Evening News, Qilu Yidian Yantai Media Center and Yantai Family Planning Association, and co-organized by Yantai Automobile Chamber of Commerce, the youth networking activity of "Qing Xin Yantai Yidian Heart" will be held in Yantai International Expo Center, and registration will begin from now on! Guests who successfully sign up for this fraternity canFree auto show tickets.

  This networking event not only does not charge any fees, but the organizers also prepare a variety of exquisite gifts, pot throwing and other interactive games for the guests.

  Activity time: April 13th, 9: 30-11: 30.

  Located in the indoor hall stage

  Scan the code and sign up.


  International car model competition


  Fashion has never been defined by others. You have your own style. As long as you dare to show your "beauty", you can provide a stage to show yourself for every boy and girl who shines with youthful charm. Break out of the cocoon and redefine the unique charm of self with the casualness revealed by nature.

  (The QR code in the identification map can be registered)

  Activity time: April 13th, 13: 00-16: 00 (Semifinal)

  4.14 9:00-12:00 (Finals)

  Located in the indoor hall stage



  ICE animation game carnival


  The sparks of different dimensions collide, and the little brothers and sisters of cos’s favorite anime mobile game characters can be seen everywhere, entering the second-dimensional world that young people like. There are also animation show, theme live, house dance contest, interactive games, many activities waiting for you to participate, and even a thousand yuan bonus waiting for you to take.

  Activity time: 4.13-4.14 (tickets are required)

  Located in indoor hall D.


  Tik Tok Million COSER


  Qihuan forest pet carnival


  It is a combination of popular science education, parent-child entertainment and fashion play, and mainly focuses on professional popular science exhibitions, so that children can understand the real nature and fall in love with natural science and cute and magical animals. There are even mysterious guests at the scene. Once they enter, they can’t help but feel that different magical animals live in each area.

  Activity time: 4.11-4.15 (tickets are required)

  Located on the east side of the exit on the first floor of the exhibition hall.

  Interesting popular science interaction



  Wonderful performance of Xian Yi, old and young


  Yang Jinming, a well-known crosstalk performer in China and a crosstalk performer in Deyun Society, studied under Hou Yaowen, a well-known crosstalk performer in China, and a fellow brother in Degang Guo for nearly 60 years. In the early years, Yang Jinming and Yang Yi’s crosstalk group spread all over the country, and won the first prize in the first CCTV National TV Crosstalk Competition in 2002.

  Yang Jinming boarded the CCTV Lantern Festival in 2011 and performed the work "Model". In 2018, he boarded Beijing Satellite TV Spring Festival, participated in Tianjin Satellite TV Spring Festival Evening in 2021, was the fifth guest of CCTV’s "New Year Crosstalk Conference" in 2021, and performed "Selling Map" in Tianjin Satellite TV Spring Festival Evening in 2023 with Degang Guo and Shaobing.

  This special cross talk of Deyun Society is also the first time for Mr. Yang Jianming to perform in Yantai.

  Performance time: 4-13 19:30




  The global phenomenal cartoon, the princess of children’s world, the smooth plot rhythm, the gorgeous visual feast, and the ice and snow magic to recreate the stage classic. Walk into the fantasy world of Frozen and feel the sincere feelings about love, courage and affection with Princess Aisha. Exquisite dance, gorgeous costumes and moving music will take you to appreciate the charm of Disney classics.

  Performance time: 4-13 10:30




  Every song will take you back to the most beautiful time, from the flowery "Stealing Heart" and "Kissing Goodbye" to "A Thousand Sad Reasons" and then to "The Legend of the Hungry Wolf". This is not only a concert, but also a review of the times and the reappearance of a legend. We have a top music production team, and even more singers who are full of love for Hong Kong music songs. With their voices, they will once again awaken that era in your heart.

  Hong Kong Music is an indelible memory.

  Those classic melodies and lyrics that are deeply rooted in people’s hearts are worth remembering again.

  Performance time: 4-13 15:00.



The official response is that the football field is used for the fair: the temporary use damage during the Spring Festival has been repaired.

  BEIJING, Feb. 20 (Bian Liqun) On the 20th, a news that a football field in duyun city, Guizhou Province was damaged due to being used for the fair triggered a heated discussion among netizens. In response, the duyun city Municipal Bureau of Culture, Sports, Radio, Film and Television and Tourism responded on the evening of 20th that in order to meet the needs of the masses during the Spring Festival, this area was temporarily used as a fair area with restrictions. At present, the damaged artificial lawn in the football field has been repaired, and it is clear that this area will no longer be used as a fair area.

  Some netizens said through social platforms on the 20th that a professional football field in duyun city was used for the fair. According to the videos and photos circulating on the Internet, there are many sheds for selling goods on the court, and the venue is also damaged to some extent.

  In this regard, many netizens expressed their incomprehension: "We can’t find a stadium or the stadium is expensive, so you can take it to the market! Will there be hope for China football? " "China can’t play football well, and this kind of thing is the root cause."

  Screenshot of social media

  In response to outside questions, the duyun city Municipal Bureau of Culture, Sports, Radio, Film and Television and Tourism issued an announcement on the evening of the 20th, saying: "The people in Maojian Town where the football field is located have the habit of going to the market before and after the Spring Festival. In order to alleviate the intensive pressure on farmers’ markets during the epidemic and meet the needs of people going to the market during the Spring Festival, this area is temporarily used as a market area with restrictions."

  The stadium after the shed was removed. Photo courtesy of duyun city Sports, Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism Bureau

  The announcement also said that at present, the damaged artificial lawn in the football field has been repaired, and it is clear that the area will no longer be used as a market area for special use.

  Official response screenshot

  The reporter from Zhongxin. com learned from the relevant personnel of duyun city Municipal Bureau of Culture, Sports, Radio, Film and Television that the five-a-side football stadium was included in the first batch of central budget investment plans for the popularization of public sports in Guizhou Province in 2020. It was completed in October last year and opened to the public free of charge after it was put into use in January this year. (End)

Running to lose weight, these new skills make you more relaxed.

Every year, many people choose running as a weapon to lose weight. However, the situation that they can’t cope with the results is everywhere, the effect is not obvious, and then they are discouraged and give up. This failure history is constantly staged.

Andrew Ka Stoll, a running coach in Lake Mamos, California, USA, gave you a new solution. He put forward the exercise plan is:Shorter time, higher intensity, five times a week, each time within 20 minutes.

This program can not only help you lose those excess weights, but also effectively reduce the risk of cholesterol and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and help maintain the elasticity of your skin.

Step out of the right running rhythm

Many people misunderstand running and regard it as a pure strength challenge, madly improving speed and running distance, but in fact,Stability and rhythm are the essence of running..

At first, we should give priority to comfort and relaxation, and every step should be strong and stable. Once you are short of breath and your heart beats rapidly, it means that you have crossed your comfort zone.

Although this kind of high-intensity running may consume more calories in a short time, it will have a negative impact on the endurance of the body in the long run, causing you to feel tired and even lose your interest and motivation in running.

The gradual rhythm can paint an ideal running picture, and the wind in your ear and the rhythm of breathing find harmony in this stable rhythm.

Beginners should be patient and not driven by short-term benefits. The correct running rhythm will take you to the other side of health.

Speed and terrain: dual elements of running

Running can’t be static. If you always run at the same speed and terrain, the human body will soon adapt to it, and the weight loss effect will gradually decrease.

Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to the change of speed and terrain to maintain running efficiency.

Through different speed training, it can help the energy in the body run smoothly like a small mountain stream.More conducive to burning fat.

Changing the choice of running terrain, such as changing from flat to climbing, can undoubtedly increase the load on the body and consume more calories.

Changing the speed and terrain can not only challenge yourself and improve running endurance, but more importantly, it can stimulate muscles, accelerate metabolism and improve the long-term weight loss effect of running.

At the same time, such changes can also improve the fun of running, break the routine and make the exercise process no longer dull.

Diet regulation: the other side of losing weight

In the process of losing weight, many people tend to have a misunderstanding, that is, they are full of determination and anxiety to lose weight, but they ignore the adjustment of diet intake.

On the contrary, in fact, scientific diet control is one of the key rules for success in the process of losing weight.

For example, after heavy running training, people often feel extremely hungry.

However, if you choose to eat too much, regardless of controlling your appetite, it is likely that all the calories you run will be replenished in the end, and your efforts to lose weight will become stillborn.

Then, in the process of running to lose weight, how should we scientifically adjust the diet?

The first thing to make sure isOn the premise of ensuring basic nutrition, formulate and adjust the diet structure in a timely manner..

For example, after tired running, our body needs rich nutrition to recover. At this time, we can choose to eat carbohydrates contained in vegetables, fruits and staple foods. These are good at helping to restore physical strength, and at the same time, we will not introduce too many extra calories.

Of course, the change of eating habits does not mean that we should deliberately suppress our appetite. After all, physical and mental pleasure is also an important factor in maintaining exercise motivation.

Secondly, we should learnGrasp the intake time of dietAvoid eating too much before running or eating immediately after running, which is likely to burden the gastrointestinal tract and affect the running effect.

Generally speaking, a good energy supply and recovery can be ensured by eating one to two hours before running, and supplementing enough protein and carbohydrates, as well as proper amount of fat, within the next day.

Therefore, when we run to lose weight, we should not only pay attention to speed and time, but also consider many factors such as terrain and food intake, so as to achieve the ideal weight loss effect.

As long as we carry out this plan persistently, I believe it is only a matter of time before we reach the goal of losing weight.