Jay Chou was accused of pretending to be disabled and obstructing military service, the prosecutor said



    On August 9, Jay Chou’s film "The Unspeakable Secret" held a thank you dinner in Beijing. Jay Chou presented the student uniform he wore in the play to the relevant cinema managers. Jay Chou’s self-directed and self-starred film "The Unspeakable Secret" won 20 million yuan at the box office 8 days after its release. China News Agency issued, Liao Pan, photo


    Jay Chou escaped Taiwan’s military service. Photo by Xu Congjun, China News Agency

    China News Service, September 7th, Taiwan artist Jay Chou was accused of obstructing the "military service case". The Taipei District Prosecutor’s Office said today that Jay Chou did suffer from stiff spondylitis and was judged to be in the C-class position, so he did not need to be a soldier. It was determined that Jay Chou did not intend to evade military service, nor did he change his position in other ways. Therefore, he was not guilty enough and did not prosecute.

    The Central News Agency reported that according to the non-prosecution order of the Taipei District Prosecutor’s Office, Jay Chou was accused of exempting himself from military service on the grounds of stiff spondylitis, but he was able to perform on the stage for several hours with normal limbs, and can play basketball, play antique cars, and do things that patients with stiff spondylitis cannot do. Obviously, Jay Chou’s exemption position is hypocritical and untrue, and he is involved in violating the "military service penalty regulations."

    The non-prosecution statement said that after investigation, Jay Chou was indeed diagnosed with stiff spondylitis by hospitals such as Shin Guang and the "Tri-Services General Hospital", and was judged to be in the C position in April 1999. Unless the entire spine adheres to the end of the stiff spondylitis, exercise can reduce the pain and stiffness of the lower back and neck. As long as Jay Chou does not maintain a fixed position for too long, he should have no difficulty performing for a few hours. Playing basketball and playing with antique cars is normal.

    According to the report, the non-prosecution order pointed out that Jay Chou did not intend to avoid the recruitment of "standing soldiers", nor did he change his posture in other ways, and there was no other positive evidence to prove that Jay Chou committed a crime of "obstructing military service". Therefore, he was not prosecuted on the grounds of insufficient guilt.

Editor in charge: Li Xingcun

Bullet comments on the film show hidden worries, expert interpretation: there are illegal remarks only pursue the audience

The bullet comment screening of "Embroidery Spring Knife" was cold
    On August 7, the organizer of bullet comment field, Yeti Film, held a bullet comment screening in cooperation with the first day of release. It also announced that 100 bullet comment version screenings will be opened nationwide. Although almost all the cinema people collected by the reporter are not optimistic about the popularity of bullet comment movies, the big screen journey of "bullet comment" continues, and the reporter also experienced the bullet comment field of "Embroidery Spring Knife" firsthand.
[Bullet comment movie exposes hidden worries]

Dirty words appear on the screen, remarks have nothing to do with the movie, affect the first round of viewing, and the show is not marked
    Before the opening, the staff at the entrance of the cinema will send a small note to each audience, detailing the use of bullet comments on the spot, the reporter connects to the wifi in the cinema with his mobile phone, logs in to the webpage set by the organizer, and publishes bullet comments during the viewing process.
    Previously, some viewers in the bullet comment field reported that there was a problem with the network connection, but this situation was well solved in the bullet comment field of "Xiuchun Knife". According to Wang Jun, the founder of Yeti Movie, the network carrying capacity of the bullet comment field of "Small Times 3" was 200 people, but there were 260 people at the scene, which exceeded the load, so they increased the carrying capacity to 400 people in the "Xiuchun Knife" field, which became more than enough. After the reporter’s experiment, the speed of publishing bullet comments was very fast, with a delay of only about 1 second, which basically allowed the audience to enjoy the pleasure of "real-time complaining".
    However, the plot of "Embroidery Spring Knife" is neat, there are not many loopholes, the clues are more complicated, and there are dazzling action scenes and clips. Many viewers and film critics think that the film is not suitable for bullet comments. From the perspective of the live effect, the film is also limited in "slot points", and the bullet comments are not dense, at most four to five lines. On the contrary, bullet comments also affect some viewers’ understanding of the plot. Some viewers sent bullet comments saying that "because of bullet comments, I watched it for 30 or 40 minutes, and I don’t know what the plot is about."
    In terms of the content of bullet comments, it is not limited to complaining about the film. Some viewers even use bullet comments as a communication platform, posting content such as "Don’t leave after a few rows of beautiful women (handsome guys) are over", taking the opportunity to confess and ask friends. Some people send uncivilized language or advertise. Therefore, the organizers will ask the administrator to type reminder subtitles, and set some sensitive words to be blocked with asterisks instead. However, there will be occasional errors and omissions in the blocking words. For example, the reporter wants to type the name of the actor Zhu Dan in the film, but the word "Zhu Dan" always shows the "**" symbol, which is unclear.
    Another problem is that the "embroidery spring knife" bullet comment field is not marked at the theater ticket office and third-party ticket exit, some viewers thought it was an ordinary show to buy tickets, but it was found that it was bullet comments, which seriously affected the viewing. Maybe because they don’t like bullet comments, a few viewers chose to leave halfway.
[Question bullet comment movie worries]
    On Aug. 7, director He Ping expressed his concerns about the bullet comment film on Weibo: "The premise of a film being screened in theaters is the complete presentation of the audiovisual work authorized by the film author, and any distribution and projection institution has no right to add or change the screen presentation without the author’s permission. If this screening is rampant, it is recommended that the director and the film authors stipulated by the copyright law explicitly stipulate that the’bullet comment ‘screening must be approved by the author when signing a contract with the producer." This view has also been agreed by Jia Zhangke and even Zhang Zhen, the star of "Embroidery Spring Knife".
    Reporters interviewed "Qin Shi Mingyue" director Shen Leping, bullet comment film organizer Yeti film company founder Wang Jun, asked them to respond to questions and explore the future development of bullet comments may also invite Beijing Dehe law firm Yao Kefeng lawyer in the legal level to interpret.
Bullet comments with the consent of the copyright owner are not infringing
    Reporter: Do bullet comments need to be approved in cinemas? Are there any copyright issues?
    Shen Leping: "Qin Shi Mingyue" bullet comment field is a model initiated by the filmmaker and cooperated with the cinema.
    Wang Jun: The bullet comment field of the snowman film is an activity entrusted or authorized by the film, and we are the organizer. Since it is still in the initial experimental stage, there is no particularly formal so-called signing process, but there must be communication in all aspects.
    Lawyer Yao’s interpretation: There is no legal prohibition of this kind of behavior. Cinemas can use their own space to conduct such screening activities. As long as the copyright owner agrees, it is legal. If there is no consent from the copyright owner, there will be a contract breach between the distributor and the theater. Because bullet comments appear on the content of the film, destroying the complete presentation of the copyrighted work.
Bullet comments have a review mechanism, and illegal remarks are only pursued by the audience
    Reporter: What should I do when there are swear words, personal attacks, or even sensitive content on bullet comments? If there is a serious situation, will it constitute disturbing social and public order?
    Shen Leping: We have the same review mechanism as general websites and Tieba forums. Our bullet comments have two content filters. The first is intelligent filtering, which uses computers to help us filter sensitive words, but computers cannot filter sensitive content with complex formats, so the second manual filtering is required, and the content editor artificially excludes sensitive words. So after the entire review mechanism is completed, the bullet comments will be delayed for five to ten seconds. Because most of our viewers are teenagers, the checks in this regard are stricter, and relevant laws have been consulted.
    Since our bullet comment field is projected by the audience sending text messages to the wall, the audience’s mobile phone number can be checked. If there are loopholes in the review and someone publishes illegal information on the wall, we can also withdraw and delete it in time, and the person responsible can also be held accountable through the mobile phone number.
    Wang Jun: We have a thesaurus of sensitive words, and this thesaurus will continue to expand. All uncivilized words, business advertisements, and personal attacks will be automatically blocked, and the administrator will remind the audience to pay attention to civilization in time. As for serious situations, we have not found them in these tests. Generally, there may be speech accidents on websites, and there will be reviews. For our automatic review, the delay of bullet comments does not exceed 1 second.
    Lawyer Yao’s interpretation: During the screening of bullet comments, if someone publishes illegal remarks, the public security organs will not investigate the organizer, but the individual who released the information. The organizer is not obliged to prevent this situation, but has the obligation to delete inappropriate remarks. As for the boundaries of illegal speech, the public security organs need to define it. Basically, if the amount is particularly large, the whole article is, or the nature is serious and causes shock at the scene, it will constitute an offence. It is not difficult to obtain evidence. First, there are many witnesses in public places. Secondly, technically, the person who sent the message can also be investigated.
    Reporter: Audiences date and make friends on bullet comments, and the content posted has nothing to do with the movie. Do you need to block it?
    Shen Leping: As long as it is a normal mood, movie reviews, complaining and reasonable social interaction, it can be released normally, and illegal speech, personal attacks and advertisements will be blocked.
    Wang Jun: The function of bullet comments is still being excavated, and some content that has nothing to do with movies, if it is social behavior, can be tolerated as long as it does not hurt the public.
Bullet comments should be specially marked when selling tickets, otherwise the rights and interests of consumers will be infringed
    Reporter: Should theaters and organizers make special notes on the bullet comment field when selling tickets? Spoilers in the bullet comment field and flashing mobile phone screens in the audience will definitely affect the viewing experience. How to solve it?
    Shen Leping: We use the form of mobile phone text messages on the wall, and the audience can still watch the movie on the big screen normally. Other bullet comment forms are derived from video websites, but most of the viewing on video websites is free and second-round. When buying tickets to watch in the cinema, the audience has time and money costs. It is impossible for us to ask the audience to watch it again and then watch bullet comment. Therefore, our form allows the audience to have two experiences at the same time, both watching the movie normally and playing real-time comments. If I do other bullet comment movies in the future, I will also choose the form of mobile phone text messages on the wall.
    Next, we will do bullet comment venues, and we will definitely communicate fully with the theater and the ticketing system to indicate which bullet comment venues are. And the ticket price of our bullet comment venues is different from that of ordinary venues, which will be slightly more expensive, so the audience has the right to choose. If the audience has requirements for the viewing experience and needs 100% investment, they can choose ordinary venues.
    Wang Jun: Spoilers and the screen of the mobile phone are bright, so it is inevitable to appear in the bullet comment field. If the audience does not like this format, they can not enter this kind of show to watch, and the audience has the right to choose. On that day, the bullet comment field of "Embroidery Spring Knife" sold tickets to the public, but it did not indicate the bullet comment field, which made some viewers have a viewing gap. I don’t know who should be held responsible for this. But in the future, we will definitely remind the organizers and cinemas to inform the audience that this kind of show is a bullet comment field.
    Lawyer Yao’s interpretation: Special sessions must be marked, otherwise it violates consumers’ right to know.

Next: Responding to bullet comments

Homework APP hides games and makes parents angry. Developer: It is a fun learning product.

  Hualong. com at 6 o’clock on October 8th (Reporter Huang Yu Zhu Ke) Recently, Ms. Lin, who lives in Baoshenghu Street, Yubei, Chongqing, told Hualong. com that her son Jia Jia is in the third grade and needs to use the "Together Primary School Students" APP to complete his homework every day. Recently, Jia Jia’s efficiency has slowed down, and she feels that something is wrong. After inspection, it was found that this homework APP embedded a variety of games, and Jiajia’s game level has ranked first. Ms. Lin is very angry: "The whole homework process is in a bunch of games, so how can this 8-year-old pupil control himself?" What the hell is going on? Hualong. com reporter conducted an investigation.

  Event "

  "Homework APP" becomes "Game App". Eight-year-old children spend one or two hundred yuan to do tasks and "contribute" ranks first.

  Ms. Lin told reporters that as early as her son was in the second grade, the teacher recommended this "Primary School Students Together" APP to parents. At 10 o’clock on the evening of September 25, Jia Jia finished her homework. When Ms. Lin got her mobile phone back, she found that it was a little hot. She didn’t check it carefully until she noticed something strange.

  Ms. Lin found that in the "A Primary School Student" App, her son ranked first in the "geocentric adventure" game with an action value of 329, and ranked 17th in the school race. Screenshot of the page Hualong Nethair

  I don’t know if I don’t see it, but I was shocked when I saw it. Ms. Lin found that there is an entrance called "Growing World" on the homepage of the APP, which contains many small games such as "geocentric adventure", among which the city level under her account has reached level 6.

  Ms. Lin started the "geocentric adventure", and her son Jia Jia and four other students are forming a team to participate. In the team, Jia Jia ranked first in "contribution" with an action value of 329, and 17th in the school race.

  "Looking through the records, I know that many tasks have to be completed by opening products," Ms. Lin said. "Up to now, my son has spent one or two hundred dollars on the game."

  Experience "

  "Growing World" is similar to Happy Farm. The teacher can’t see the game entrance.

  Is there any possibility of misleading students in this APP? Hualong. com reporter decided to experience it.

  The "A Primary School Student" App prompts that you need to enter a "teacher number" to register, and after the "A Primary School Teacher" App uses the mobile phone number to register, the "teacher number" is successfully generated. Screenshot of the page Hualong Nethair

  Searching for "A Primary School Student" in the mobile app store pops up multiple search results, including "A Primary School Student", "A Primary School Teacher" and "Parents Connect", all developed by Shanghai Hexu Information Technology Co., Ltd.

  The reporter downloaded the "A Primary School Teacher" APP and entered the mobile phone number to register. With the help of the "teacher number" generated after registration, the reporter successfully logged into the "Primary School Students Together" APP, and the three options of "Growing the World", "Practice Record" and "Parents Reward" are prominently listed at the bottom of the homepage.

  This "growing world" is similar to Happy Farm. When you enter for the first time, you will be prompted to guide the operation. Screenshot of the page Hualong Nethair

  The reporter found that this "growing world" is similar to the happy farm game. Among them, the "building center" can build farmland, dairy farms, etc. "Partner Home" can raise sika deer and camel cubs, and can also send pets to compete with opponents.

  "Partner Home" can cultivate sika deer, camel and lamb, and can also send pets to compete with opponents. Screenshot of the page Hualong Nethair

  To complete some projects, you need to open designated products, such as Chinese, mathematics, dubbing, words, etc. It takes 300 yuan to open the basic language for 365 days and 199 yuan to open the words for 365 days.

  The reporter sent math homework to the whole class through the "A Primary School Teacher" APP, and then clicked the "A Primary School Student" APP "Practice Record" to complete it.

  After the homework is finished, the reward of "Learning Bean 5" and "Building Gold Coin 50" will pop up on the end page, and the prompt of "Going to the Growing World and Getting More Rewards" will pop up in the prominent position below. Screenshot of the page Hualong Nethair

  After all the four math problems are completed correctly, the reward of "Learning Bean 5" and "Building Gold Coin 50" will pop up on the end page, and the prompt of "Go to the growing world and get more rewards" will pop up in the prominent position below.

  At the bottom of the Growing World page, there are four options, namely, geocentric adventure, naughty elf, Mid-Autumn Festival reunion, and triumphant, all of which are time-limited activities. Screenshot of the page Hualong Nethair

  On the "A Primary School Teacher" APP, the reporter did not see a similar game entrance.

  Survey "

  Most parents are not familiar with APP function, and the network evaluation is polarized.

  Open two apps, all showing the names of many primary schools. So, how did parents and teachers react? The reporter conducted an investigation.

  Ms. Chen, who lives in Jiangbei, just sent her son to the first grade in September this year. Recently, she installed the "A Primary School Student" APP under the recommendation of her teacher. Under the reporter’s reminder, she discovered that her city level has reached level 2, and it should be that her son played before she got the level, but she didn’t know it before.

  In the "growing world", there are ranking systems almost everywhere, except for class rankings, there are also school and province rankings. Screenshot of the page Hualong Nethair

  Ms. Xiao lives in Xinqiao Street, and her fourth-grade daughter Qiqi is also doing her homework with this APP. After inspection, the city level in Kiki’s "Growing World" is still level 1. However, Ms. Xiao found that many students in the class boarded the city rankings.

  The reporter found that among the 10 parents who used the "Primary School Students Together" APP to do their homework, only one parent was familiar with the APP function.

  The reporter contacted a Chinese teacher of Ms. Shanglin’s primary school. The Chinese teacher said that she knew this APP, but it was not practical for her. She said that she was "unclear" about whether the APP was used in mathematics and English subjects.

  Subsequently, the reporter contacted the English teacher of another primary school, who was using this APP to arrange homework. She told reporters that when she first started using the APP, she experienced it as a student. I remember that there was no game page at that time. So far, the parents of her classmates have not reflected the game problems to her.

  However, the English teacher provided a detail. After the APP was launched, it was updated many times. She suspected that she had "quietly" joined the game during the update process.

  Some projects need to open designated products, including Chinese, mathematics, English, dubbing, etc. It takes 300 yuan to open the basic language for 365 days. Screenshot of the page Hualong Nethair

  As of October 7th, in Huawei’s APPlication market, a total of 2,049 people rated the "One Primary School Student" app, and the evaluation was polarized, among which nearly 40% of users gave 1 star. Among the users who gave bad reviews, "Krypton", "Commercialization" and "Advertising" are the words that appear more frequently.

  Response "

  Developers deny that there are games in the APP that call "Growing World" a fun learning product.

  How does the company respond to the above situation? On September 29th, as a parent, the reporter called the developer of this series of apps and the customer service phone number of Shanghai Hexu Information Technology Co., Ltd..

  The customer service first denied the statement of "game". It said that the products such as "Growing the World" in the APP are all interesting learning products, which mainly play an incentive role. "If children only do problems, they may feel boring, so they have developed these interesting products."

  The customer service replied that parents will give away some beans, growth values, grades and virtual items when they buy some courses, but mainly let the children do the questions.

  How does the platform verify the teacher’s identity? The customer service said that if teachers and users want to open the "One Primary School Teacher" APP, they need to upload the teacher qualification certificate and other certificates. However, when the reporter experienced it before, he only needed to enter his mobile phone number to register.

  In addition, why does the tip "Go to the growing world and get more rewards" pop up on the homework end page? Does the company have a game business license, and is the game filed? For these questions, the customer service did not answer.

  Subsequently, the reporter sorted out these questions and sent an interview request to the company through the media contact email published by official website. As of press time, no reply was received.

  As of October 7th, in Huawei’s Application market, a total of 2,049 people rated the "One Primary School Student" app, and the evaluation was polarized. Screenshot of the page Hualong Nethair

  According to the national enterprise credit information publicity system, Shanghai Hexu Information Technology Co., Ltd. was established on December 3, 2012, with Liu Chang as the legal representative and a registered capital of RMB 30 million. The business scope includes technical development and technical consultation in the field of network technology.

  Its business scope stipulates that projects that are subject to approval according to law can only carry out business activities after approval by relevant departments. In its administrative licensing information, the license of "network culture business license game products and artworks" has expired on May 13th this year. As of press time, no new information about the business license of game products has been found.

  In addition, the reporter also found that on May 25 this year, the company was fined 100,000 yuan and ordered to stop publishing because it violated the Advertising Law and used minors under the age of 10 as advertising spokespersons.

  The reporter inquired about the network culture business license, game version number, game operation record, etc. through the third-party website, but did not find the relevant information of the enterprise.

  Education Commission "

  Schools will be required to strengthen the selection and management of learning apps.

  Regarding the situation found in the reporter’s investigation, the person in charge of the relevant departments of the Chongqing Municipal Education Commission said that the learning apps currently used by students are the choices made independently by schools and teachers according to the situation and characteristics, and the Municipal Education Commission has not made uniform regulations.

  The person in charge said that parents can communicate directly with the teacher if they have opinions about the problem that the APP contains games. At the same time, relevant departments will also urge schools to make a more comprehensive evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of APP, and strengthen supervision and management during the use.