Have you ever cancelled an order by an online ride-hailing driver? Undercover investigation to reveal the "secret" behind it

  "Hello, I’m sorry, my car broke down, can you cancel the order?" "Hello, my car encountered a traffic accident on the road just now, and I can’t come to pick you up. Can you cancel the order?"… Are you familiar with this? Have you ever heard of it? When you cancel an order, have you ever felt like crying but not crying? The appearance of online car-hailing has greatly improved the convenience of people taking a taxi. Drivers can no longer "pick customers" and "pick orders". We no longer have to beckon for half an hour in the rain on a rainy day, but we can’t get a taxi. But then there are some small new problems. For example, a car that is easy to get, but is told by the driver that it can’t come. At this time, can you only cancel the order helplessly? Not necessarily. After a few days of undercover investigation, the Yangzi Evening News reporter will "reveal the secret" behind the cancellation of the order for you, and "advise" for you – how should we deal with such a situation. 

  Passenger complaints: Early rush to send children to school, orders are often cancelled

  Mr. Liu, a citizen, reported to his child about the kindergarten near the unit: "I can basically pick up and drop off children every day, but during this time I happened to be on a business trip for a week, so I called my mother a car and asked her to pick it up." What made Mr. Liu depressed was that it was not easy to take a taxi during the morning rush hour, but it often took about ten minutes to get a car, but it was inexplicably cancelled.

  "From Hexi to Qinhuai, the road is a bit congested, but it’s not as congested as Xinjiekou, so it won’t be cancelled so often, right?" Mr. Liu told reporters that sometimes the driver would tell him that the car was broken and there was nothing to come. "In such a situation, my heart is really broken, but I can’t help it, and people can’t come, so I can only cancel it." There are many passengers like Mr. Liu. Some waited for half an hour in the umbrella under the guard box at the entrance of the park with their children, and finally got a car, but it was cancelled; some were in a hurry to catch a meeting or a dinner, but because of a cancellation, they had to wait again. And when the order was cancelled, most people chose "forget it".

  Reporter’s visit: The driver said his car was blocked, but it wasn’t

  In the morning rush hour, the reporter took an online taxi in Hexi. The order showed that there were still 5 minutes before the reporter, but the reporter waited for 10 minutes at the boarding point. The location showed that the driver was still in place and did not drive over. The driver called to say that his car was in a certain community and was blocked by another car.

  The reporter told the driver that he could cancel, but he would report the matter to the customer service. He also asked the driver to leave evidence for the customer service to check. After the reporter cancelled the order, he reported to the platform customer service and informed the platform that he just wanted to know if the car was blocked. After a period of time, the platform informed the reporter that the car was not blocked on the road, but did not want to take the reporter’s order. The platform has punished the driver.

  Last weekend, the reporter took a taxi to Hexi at a shopping mall in Yuhuatai District, Nanjing. It stands to reason that there is no evening rush hour at 4 or 5 pm on Saturday, but after waiting for more than ten minutes, the driver said that his car had collided with another car, and he had to deal with the dispute and could not pick it up. After the reporter told the driver that he would report to the platform, the driver actually said that he could pick it up. However, the reporter later checked with the platform to see if the car had collided, but the result was that there was no situation as the driver said.

  Unannounced visit

  The driver said that there are at least five ways to cancel the order

  During the unannounced visit, many drivers told reporters that there are many ways to cancel passenger orders. An online ride-hailing driver with more than a decade of experience told reporters that there are at least five ways to cancel passenger orders.

  "The first option is for the driver to drive to the destination, wait for five minutes, and then cancel without responsibility." So the driver can drive nearby, the passenger can’t find the car, and the driver can’t "find" the passenger. After five minutes of delay, it is automatically cancelled.

  "The second is that many platforms will have free cancellation opportunities for drivers to take orders. For example, cancel once a day without responsibility, drunk passengers can not pick up, passengers who do not wear masks during the epidemic can not pick up, etc." Then after receiving an unwanted order, the driver can click on the passenger "drunk" or other options to cancel without responsibility.

  "This cancellation method requires uploading a photo. The passenger is clearly wearing a mask. How can you upload a photo to prove that he is not wearing it?" The reporter asked.

  "It’s simple, just take a few pictures of passengers who don’t wear masks on the road. Or take a few drunk people at the entrance of the hotel for backup." The driver replied.

  Then, the reporter learned that the third way is to arrive near the appointment location, the driver can turn on the mobile phone "flight mode", stop in front of the passenger, drive away directly, and turn on the mobile phone after driving for five minutes. If the passenger is late, it is not responsible for cancellation. If the platform asks, it can be said that the mobile phone has no signal or there is a problem with the platform; the fourth way is to make up some reasons why the passenger cannot refuse to tell the passenger "can’t come", such as "the car is broken", which is also the best way to use, because the passenger cancels, the driver is not responsible; the fifth way is to use some plug-ins, but this way is in case the platform finds out, there is a risk of banning the number.

  2 Drivers have "difficulties" in "picking orders", and the platform said it will strengthen supervision

  "Drivers usually pick up orders from 7:00-9:00 in the morning peak and 4:30-7:00 in the evening peak." Industry insiders told reporters that there are generally several situations for drivers to "pick up orders". "Generally, I take a taxi at the airport, and no one delivers it to Lishui and Lukou towns. Because Lishui is in the opposite direction from the urban area, once I go there, it is likely to be empty for 20 kilometers back to the airport. Drivers often wait for three or four hours at the airport. With the parking fee and waiting time, everyone wants to pick up an order to the urban area, Pukou or Xianlin."

  "In addition, the driver’s pick order is also related to the rules of the platform. For example, the platform recently stipulates that you have to run 8 orders in the morning to get a reward, so everyone will want to take some short-distance orders and collect enough 8 orders to get a reward." However, industry insiders also admit that there are also many drivers who are particularly "pick" now, and do not accept orders that are blocked a little bit, and want passengers to cancel the order for various reasons. "In fact, you will only know after working in this industry for a long time. In the end, the ones who can make money are all practical sports cars. The platform will not always push you bad orders. If you receive a bad order this time, the platform will push you a good order next time. If you have high praise, the platform will increase the chance of pushing you a good order. The more you play with those little thoughts, the more money you will find in the end. "

  The reporter learned that many platforms in Nanjing have also revised the rules in response to the problem of canceling orders, such as canceling the content that "drunk passengers" are not responsible for canceling. In addition, the platforms said in interviews that if the order needs to be cancelled, they can communicate with the platform customer service, and the platform will retrieve audio and video recordings for verification. If the driver induces the passenger to cancel the order, the platform will punish the driver and compensate the passenger. Platforms also said that they will strengthen supervision.

Google Maps will add offline navigation and search capabilities today

  November 11 Internet NewsThe latest report,According to foreign media reports, at the I/O conference held in May this year, one of the important things announced by Google (Weibo) was to add offline search and navigation capabilities to the Google Maps app. Now, six months after the last announcement of this plan, this feature will finally reach users. Google Maps will launch a new offline mode that allows users to navigate driving directions and searches offline. This feature is designed to integrate seamlessly with online Google Maps, so that data links can be disconnected or connected without cutting off the app itself. These new features will be available to Android users from later today. Google said that similar features for iOS systems will be available soon.

  Since 2012, Google Maps has been able to store part of the map content offline, but this is the first time Google Maps has been equipped with offline search and navigation functions. This means that if a user saves a map of the city they live in, they can search for places such as restaurants without the need for an Internet connection, and get a timely response. Due to space constraints, the new feature will only store business names, star ratings and phone numbers, not corresponding photos or user comments.

  Similarly, offline navigation will only effectively display information about ordinary traffic hours on the road, but it is difficult to upload real-time traffic data. However, once the network connection is restored, the route information will be updated in a timely manner. At present, the initial release of Google Maps offline navigation function cannot navigate offline transportation or walking routes, mainly due to the consideration of data space. However, Google claims that future updates will add more functions to the old box.

  In any case, this new feature of Google Maps will be very important for users who want to navigate without an internet connection, especially those who are in the "dead zone" or somewhere abroad that requires a new SIM card. (Yuetong)

The spy film "Nobody": If you have identity, you have to bear the unbearable weight.

Original title: Comments on People’s Arts: If you have an identity, you have to bear the unbearable weight.

As a spy war film mixed with suspense films and action films, The Unknown has a main narrative time of eight years (1937 -1945), with geographical space spanning Shanghai, Guangzhou and Hong Kong, and complicated characters’ identities. Taking the intelligence department of Wang puppet regime as the stage, people from all walks of life fought an invisible dark war for intelligence.

Identity has become the focus of film narration. In this spy war film with a very clear historical era, the director adopts a ring structure different from linear narrative. The opening paragraph and the closing paragraph of the film basically form a closed loop that raises suspense and finally gives the answer, and the first one is connected. This nonlinear narrative creates a chaotic and broken sense of the times in the form of image stream of consciousness — — This is also the mentality of all sentient beings in the narrative age of the story. Like many spy movies, the suspense set by Nobody is "Who is communist party?" Then it unfolds in a nonlinear narrative in a way of peeling onions. After watching the movie, we pieced together the fragments in the film and found that the central event was actually the death of the little duke who was hidden in the Japanese grass-roots team and its influence. And this is still a topic of identity.

Identity becomes an unbearable weight in the film. Director He, Mr. Ye, Miss Chen and other titles, just as the film title says, are just the identities of many hidden front-line workers working under the Wang puppet regime. Director Cheng Er has endowed people with different identities with different designs: Director He plays smooth, gentle and cautious, and carries on with heavy burdens; Mr. Zhang, who plays the role, lacks responsibility because of cowardice and fatigue in the face of great changes in the times, and therefore dies by defecting to the enemy; The dancers played represent the "Wang Jiazhi" who walked out of the mansion and were full of blood; Minister Tang, who plays the role, represents speculators and fence-sitters under the background of the great era. He thinks he is ingenious, but he is too clever … … Even the Japanese spy Watanabe, in the film, has always stressed that he is the Ishihara faction to show the difference with other Japanese troops. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, the captured Watanabe may return to Japan as a farmer because of his status. This kind of identity change is intolerable to Mr. Ye — — "I don’t agree with you to take off this military uniform and become an ordinary farmer." To cut Watanabe’s abdomen, on the one hand, is to liquidate his crimes; On the other hand, it is also a rejection of this identity transformation — — Watanabe’s identity as a spy bears too many historical memories of the invasion of China, and he must be blood out. At the same time, for underground workers, the identity is unbearable.It is often reflected in words and actions: When Director He learned that he was exposed at the dinner table, he changed his previous tact and bluntly said that there was no difference between Ishihara School and Tojo School in the eyes of China people; Mr. Ye injured the Japanese when his fiancee was humiliated and suffered from being unable to identify herself.

In Nobody, this kind of identity and its unbearable weight are based on the development of the plot and the characteristics of the actors, excavating the characteristics of the actors, arranging the role identity, and then expressing it in fluent visual language. Tony Leung Chiu Wai expertly continues his cold-hearted personality in Central mr. yi, and at the same time, he has the chic and bitterness of Mu Yun style in the movie. Miss Chen, who plays the role, continues the style of the underground party. At the same time, although there are not many scenes, it is crucial every time to promote narrative development. Mr. Ye’s plot arrangement and people’s design are just consistent with the characteristics of YiBo newcomers, which shows the green stage mixed with gloom and growth, but it is extraordinary.

It is a little regrettable that the deep excavation of the hidden front in Unknown is slightly insufficient. For example, it is not a tradition to directly assassinate enemy politicians. (Author: Li Fei)

Relax the car purchase restriction, light up the night economy … 20 new measures to promote more prosperous consumption.

  How to fully release the consumption potential? A few days ago, the General Office of the State Council issued the Opinions on Accelerating the Development of Circulation to Promote Commercial Consumption (hereinafter referred to as the Opinions), proposing 20 policies and measures to stabilize consumption expectations and boost consumer confidence. Experts said that these 20 measures to promote consumption from the perspective of improving the system and mechanism of consumption growth will have an important impact on consolidating the basic role of consumption in economic growth.

  Relax purchase restrictions and stabilize automobile consumption.

  "The measures to promote automobile consumption in the Opinions will help stabilize the automobile consumption market, thus supporting the stable development of the industry." According to Wang Xiaoming, a researcher at the Institute of Science and Technology Strategy Consulting, Chinese Academy of Sciences, automobiles are large consumer goods except houses, which have a great impact on consumption in the national economy. Stimulating the growth potential of automobile consumption is an important starting point for the steady growth of consumption.

  In July this year, affected by factors such as the switching of previous automobile emission standards, the retail sales of automobile products above designated size decreased by 2.6% year-on-year, and increased by 17.2% in June. "Since last year, the overall automobile market has been sluggish, and there has been the first negative growth in more than 20 years." Wang Xiaoming said.

  In view of the current downturn in the automobile market, the Opinions put forward that the potential of automobile consumption should be released, and the areas where automobile purchase restrictions are implemented should explore specific measures to gradually relax or cancel the purchase restrictions in light of the actual situation; Where conditions permit, give active support to the purchase of new energy vehicles; Promote the circulation of used cars and further implement the policy of completely canceling the restrictions on the removal of used cars.

  Zhao Ping, director of the International Trade Research Department of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, believes that the Opinions promote the growth of automobile consumption from three aspects. "From the perspective of new car consumption, it is proposed to gradually relax or cancel the purchase restriction policy, which will loosen the new car consumption." Zhao Ping said, "From the perspective of second-hand car consumption, the sales volume of second-hand cars in China was close to 14 million last year. Although this is a large scale, compared with the 240 million cars in 2018, the circulation proportion of second-hand cars is still very low. There is still huge room for growth in the consumption of used cars, so the Opinions propose to promote the circulation of used cars. "

  "From the perspective of new energy vehicle consumption, the proportion of new energy vehicles in China in 2018 is only 1.09%, and the base is still relatively small, and the future growth space is also very huge." Zhao Ping said, "Therefore, under the background of declining subsidies for new energy vehicles, it is very timely for the Opinions to give active support to the consumption of new energy vehicles in areas where conditions permit." Zhao Ping said that the "Opinions" have targeted and taken various measures to promote the steady growth of automobile consumption, turning the automobile from a drag factor of consumption growth into a traction factor, laying a solid foundation for the steady growth of consumption.

  "Night Economy" Lights up the Consumer Market

  According to the Opinions, businesses and markets at night should be enlivened, and special catering blocks such as late-night business areas, 24-hour convenience stores and "Midnight Food Store" should be opened. Where conditions permit, investment can be increased to create night consumption scenes and gathering areas, and supporting measures such as traffic, safety and environment should be improved to improve the convenience and activity of night consumption.

  The recently issued Opinions on Further Stimulating the Consumption Potential of Culture and Tourism also points out that the night cultural performance market should be enriched, night catering, shopping, performing arts and other services in cultural and tourist sites should be optimized, and the construction of 24-hour bookstores should be encouraged. By 2022, more than 200 national night travel consumption clusters will be built, and the consumption scale of night travel will continue to expand.

  Zhao Ping believes that the "Opinions" put forward that strengthening the consumption of "night economy" is an inevitable requirement for development. On the one hand, with the improvement of economic development level, the growth rate of per capita disposable income in China has basically kept pace with GDP, ensuring consumption growth. "But on the other hand, the process of urbanization is accelerating, and the pace of life of many people is getting faster and faster, so the time for consumption becomes very limited." Zhao Ping said, "Especially in the daytime, many people squeeze the time of consumption because of their tight schedules such as work, and ‘ Night economy ’ The development of the company provides an opportunity to release the accumulated consumer demand during the day. "

  Zhao Ping believes that the development of "night economy" creates conditions for people to relieve pressure and improve themselves. The purpose is to better serve the daytime economy and better promote the benign interaction between people’s production and life, so that people can find a balance between work and life and have more sense of happiness and gain.

  Let the new format innovate and develop in the norm

  Per capita disposable income’s growth rate slows down, the service sector is in short supply, the circulation link is inefficient and the cost is high … … In the final analysis, many "pain points" in the consumption field should be solved by reform.

  In Zhao Ping’s view, the Opinions issued this time has carried out the idea of expanding consumption by means of reform. By improving the long-term mechanism of consumption growth, making up the short supply of consumption through the reform of "streamline administration, delegate power, strengthen regulation and improve services", and improving the institutional environment to smooth the circulation channels, consumers can be relieved of their worries, so that they can buy and afford it, and at the same time dare to buy and are willing to buy.

  The Opinions put forward that it is necessary to promote the innovation, transformation and upgrading of traditional circulation enterprises, promote the development of new circulation formats and new models, conform to the trend of business transformation and consumption upgrading, encourage the use of modern information technologies such as big data, cloud computing and mobile Internet, and promote cross-border integration of business travel styles, forming more new circulation platforms, new formats and new models. Encourage the development of "second-hand goods in internet plus" and "resource recycling in internet plus" to promote recycling consumption. Implement inclusive and prudent supervision to promote the healthy and orderly development of new circulation formats and new models.

  Zhao Ping also pointed out that the Opinions mentioned that we should adopt an inclusive and prudent regulatory approach to deal with the regulatory issues of new formats. In fact, we should create a relatively relaxed but standardized environment for the innovation and development of new formats. "The speed of new format innovation is very fast, but the construction of our policies, regulations and standards has not kept up with the pace of new format innovation. Therefore, we need to make up shortcomings in the system, so that new formats can innovate and develop in the norms." Zhao Ping said. (Kong Dechen)