Eating rabbits is risky! What deadly viruses are hidden in the "game" on the table?

  According to the latest epidemic situation of pneumonia in novel coronavirus, as of 24: 00 on January 28th, the National Health and Wellness Commission had received a total of 5,974 confirmed cases from 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities), including 1,239 severe cases, 132 cumulative deaths and 103 cumulative cured and discharged cases. There are 9239 suspected cases.

  The menacing epidemic has kept everyone in a state of panic. With the expansion of the epidemic, "wild animals" and "game" have once again become the focus of public attention. Earlier, on January 20th, in view of the current pneumonia epidemic in novel coronavirus, Zhong Nanshan, the leader of National Health Commission high-level expert group and academician of China Academy of Engineering, once pointed out that novel coronavirus is likely to come from a wild animal, and it is more likely to be wild animals like bamboo rats and badgers.

  On January 28th, Academician Zhong Nanshan accepted an exclusive interview with Xinhua News Agency, saying that in 2019, novel coronavirus first appeared on a bat, and scientists were looking for an intermediate storage owner in novel coronavirus.

  What is certain is that this epidemic has a great relationship with wild animals.

  Some researchers have done statistics. At present, 70% of new infectious diseases come from wild animals.

  SARS virus: The source of SARS has been proved to come from the Chinese bat, civet cats contact and infect them, and then transmit the virus to humans. If humans did not catch and eat civet cats, which were originally wild animals, the transmission chain of the virus from bats to civet cats and then to people would not have formed, and SARS would not have broken out that year.

  Ebola virus: The source of Ebola virus is wild animals such as orangutans, monkeys and bats. It is precisely because in Africa, people prey on these wild animals that Ebola virus has been transmitted from animals to people many times, and then it has caused outbreaks in human society.

  Nipah virus: Nipah virus also comes from bats, because humans built pig farms next to bat habitats, and the fruits bitten by bats and infected with the virus fell into the pigsty, and pigs were infected with the virus after eating them, and then infected people with the virus.

  Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) virus: In 2012, doctors in Saudi Arabia discovered a strange disease, which was later named "Middle East Respiratory Syndrome". The MERS virus that causes this disease was originally found in an African bat. Some dromedaries in North Africa accidentally contacted bats with viruses and were infected with MERS virus. With the trade from North Africa to the Middle East, dromedary caravans brought the virus to the Middle East, and the sick dromedaries infected more camels through nasal secretions, eventually infecting humans and spreading among humans.

  one-humped camel

  Influenza virus: almost everyone has had the flu, but the flu disease has nothing to do with humans. They come from birds. Moreover, the flu virus infects the digestive tract of birds, not the respiratory tract. The virus will "mutate", and the bird flu virus will mutate into a new virus that infects humans. However, the surface receptors of human respiratory cells are very close to those of birds’ digestive tract cells. When these new viruses mutated from birds are transmitted to humans, they cause respiratory diseases in humans, that is, "flu".

  HIV: There are two kinds of HIV: one is called HIV-1, and the other is called HIV-2. After research, scientists found that HIV-2 virus came from "mangabey with white top" in West Africa. This monkey carried a SIV virus and independently evolved into HIV-2 AIDS virus. Hunters in West Africa often kill this kind of monkey. When the monkey bites the hunter, or the butcher disposes of the monkey’s corpse, the monkey’s blood containing the virus enters the human body and will be infected with the virus. These viruses replicate themselves and gradually adapt to new hosts — — That is, humans. The HIV-1 virus has a completely different source. They come from another animal: chimpanzees.

  Baiding mangabey

  In addition, Hendra virus, Zika virus and so on, the sources of these deadly infectious diseases are all related to wild animals.

  The following small series is for everyone to learn about the bacteria or viruses that are at risk of infectious diseases carried by these common "game players" who have been repeatedly harassed.

  The greatest protection for wild animals is to stay away from them and leave their homes to them. Don’t go near them, don’t occupy them, and don’t overfish or eat.

  Protecting them means protecting us. I hope everyone can introspect, stop being willful and let the tragedy repeat itself.

  Finally, I hope Wuhan can tide over the difficulties and control the epidemic.

"Discover the beauty of spring" Rape blossoms attract visitors! The earliest spring in Gansu has been launched.

Lanzhou, China, February 27 (Reporter Li Hongjun) After the rain, everything has recovered. Located along the Bailong River in Wenxian County, Longnan City, the southernmost part of Gansu Province, the rape flowers in the mountains and plains are blooming beautifully, layered like gold, and set off against the mountainous peaks, which is full of spring, attracting many tourists to visit the flowers in the spring.

Which animal was bitten by and didn’t need rabies vaccine?

Domestic cats and dogs

Actually, it’s fairly safe.

But when playing with the little vagrants on the side of the road

Be careful of being bitten!

Because they are likely to carry

rabies virus

Rabies virus (a bullet-like virus)

As we all know, rabies is a disease with almost 100% mortality.

If you are scratched or bitten by an animal with rabies virus, the virus may invade our body through broken skin or mucous membrane.

There is another way to be infected, that is, to lick our broken skin by animals with rabies virus, and it may also be infected.

But while recognizing the harm of diseases, more and more people also have the following questions-

Don’t worry. We first introduce a concept, "rabies exposure"-

Refers to bites, scratches, licking mucous membranes or damaged skin by rabies, suspected rabies or uncertain healthy rabies host animals, as well as open wounds and mucous membranes contacting saliva or tissues of animals that may be infected with rabies virus.

According to the way and degree, rabies exposure is divided into three levels, and each level has corresponding prevention and treatment methods.


Need to follow rabies exposure

Animals for disposal

Carnivores such as dogs, cats, foxes, wolves, jackals, weasels and badgers, raccoons, skunks, raccoons and mongooses are the storage hosts of rabies virus, and all of them can be infected with rabies virus and become the source of infection.

Therefore, contact with the above animals should be handled according to rabies exposure.

According to reports, about 80%-90% of patients treated for animal injuries in China are caused by dogs, 7%-15% by cats, 4% by rats, followed by pigs, bats and other animals.


According to rabies level III exposure.

The animal for disposal-bat

Bats are the storage hosts of rabies virus.

Because bat exposure may be a subtle bite or injury that is extremely difficult to detect, it is suggested that bat exposure should be treated as Class III exposure.


There is usually no need to accept rabies exposure

Immunized animals

Rodents (such as chipmunks, squirrels, mice, rats, guinea pigs, gerbils, hamsters) and hares (including rabbits and hares) are rarely infected with rabies, and such animals have not been found to cause human rabies.

Therefore, such animal exposure usually does not require immunization after rabies exposure.


There is no need for rabies exposure.

Immunized animals

Non-mammalian animals such as birds, fish, insects, lizards, turtles and snakes will not infect and spread rabies, so these animals do not need to be immunized after rabies exposure and do not need to be vaccinated against rabies.


What should I do if I am scratched or bitten?

Except for the rare transmission of rabies caused by tissue and organ transplantation, the transmission of rabies from person to person has never been confirmed.

Therefore, if you are bitten or scratched by someone, you don’t need to worry about rabies virus infection and rabies vaccine.


How to get rabies vaccine?

China’s rabies vaccination procedures are mainly "2-1-1" four-needle method and "5-needle method".

However, there is no essential difference in the final effect between these two needle methods.

Compared with the 5-needle method, the 4-needle method saves 1 needle, shortens the inoculation period and produces antibodies earlier. However, the reaction after the first inoculation of 2 doses may be slightly greater.


Do you need a tetanus vaccine?

Tetanus is caused by "Tetanus Bacillus", which is an anaerobic bacterium, most of which exists in soil, feces and rust, and cannot survive when exposed to air.

Clostridium tetanus

However, too deep wounds are not easy to contact with air and form an "oxygen-free" environment, so you need to be careful.

Being bitten by an animal itself will not spread tetanus, but if the wound is too deep or contaminated, there is a risk of tetanus infection, and it is necessary to vaccinate tetanus passive immunosuppressants (tetanus antitoxin or tetanus immunoglobulin) and tetanus vaccine in time.

In addition, if children are vaccinated scientifically according to the national immunization program, children over 18 months old have been vaccinated with 4 doses of DTP vaccine, and children over 6 years old have been vaccinated with 5 doses of tetanus (4 doses of DTP +1 dose of DTP).

The protective effect of vaccination can last for 5-10 years.

Theoretically, children under the age of 16 need not be vaccinated against tetanus after being injured.


Do you need other vaccines?

■ Plague vaccine

Since 1950, the spread of plague among people in China has been basically eliminated.

There was a plague vaccine in history, but it has not been proved to be effective in preventing plague, so there is no plague vaccine available at present.

■ Hemorrhagic fever vaccine

As a reserve vaccine, ordinary citizens generally do not need to be vaccinated against epidemic hemorrhagic fever.

Soldiers and construction workers in epidemic hemorrhagic fever epidemic areas are the vaccination targets.

Therefore, bitten by rats, hamsters, rabbits and other animals generally do not need to be vaccinated.

Photo: Shenzhen Health and Health Commission

Transcription editor: Gao Shuting

Reprinted please indicate the official WeChat from Minhang today.

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Original title: "Which animals were bitten and didn’t need rabies vaccine? 》

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Running to lose weight, these new skills make you more relaxed.

Every year, many people choose running as a weapon to lose weight. However, the situation that they can’t cope with the results is everywhere, the effect is not obvious, and then they are discouraged and give up. This failure history is constantly staged.

Andrew Ka Stoll, a running coach in Lake Mamos, California, USA, gave you a new solution. He put forward the exercise plan is:Shorter time, higher intensity, five times a week, each time within 20 minutes.

This program can not only help you lose those excess weights, but also effectively reduce the risk of cholesterol and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and help maintain the elasticity of your skin.

Step out of the right running rhythm

Many people misunderstand running and regard it as a pure strength challenge, madly improving speed and running distance, but in fact,Stability and rhythm are the essence of running..

At first, we should give priority to comfort and relaxation, and every step should be strong and stable. Once you are short of breath and your heart beats rapidly, it means that you have crossed your comfort zone.

Although this kind of high-intensity running may consume more calories in a short time, it will have a negative impact on the endurance of the body in the long run, causing you to feel tired and even lose your interest and motivation in running.

The gradual rhythm can paint an ideal running picture, and the wind in your ear and the rhythm of breathing find harmony in this stable rhythm.

Beginners should be patient and not driven by short-term benefits. The correct running rhythm will take you to the other side of health.

Speed and terrain: dual elements of running

Running can’t be static. If you always run at the same speed and terrain, the human body will soon adapt to it, and the weight loss effect will gradually decrease.

Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to the change of speed and terrain to maintain running efficiency.

Through different speed training, it can help the energy in the body run smoothly like a small mountain stream.More conducive to burning fat.

Changing the choice of running terrain, such as changing from flat to climbing, can undoubtedly increase the load on the body and consume more calories.

Changing the speed and terrain can not only challenge yourself and improve running endurance, but more importantly, it can stimulate muscles, accelerate metabolism and improve the long-term weight loss effect of running.

At the same time, such changes can also improve the fun of running, break the routine and make the exercise process no longer dull.

Diet regulation: the other side of losing weight

In the process of losing weight, many people tend to have a misunderstanding, that is, they are full of determination and anxiety to lose weight, but they ignore the adjustment of diet intake.

On the contrary, in fact, scientific diet control is one of the key rules for success in the process of losing weight.

For example, after heavy running training, people often feel extremely hungry.

However, if you choose to eat too much, regardless of controlling your appetite, it is likely that all the calories you run will be replenished in the end, and your efforts to lose weight will become stillborn.

Then, in the process of running to lose weight, how should we scientifically adjust the diet?

The first thing to make sure isOn the premise of ensuring basic nutrition, formulate and adjust the diet structure in a timely manner..

For example, after tired running, our body needs rich nutrition to recover. At this time, we can choose to eat carbohydrates contained in vegetables, fruits and staple foods. These are good at helping to restore physical strength, and at the same time, we will not introduce too many extra calories.

Of course, the change of eating habits does not mean that we should deliberately suppress our appetite. After all, physical and mental pleasure is also an important factor in maintaining exercise motivation.

Secondly, we should learnGrasp the intake time of dietAvoid eating too much before running or eating immediately after running, which is likely to burden the gastrointestinal tract and affect the running effect.

Generally speaking, a good energy supply and recovery can be ensured by eating one to two hours before running, and supplementing enough protein and carbohydrates, as well as proper amount of fat, within the next day.

Therefore, when we run to lose weight, we should not only pay attention to speed and time, but also consider many factors such as terrain and food intake, so as to achieve the ideal weight loss effect.

As long as we carry out this plan persistently, I believe it is only a matter of time before we reach the goal of losing weight.

Stars hit the list and harvest fan wallets. Experts: It is illegal to brush the list.

Illustration Wang Chen Jun

  Last week, the game anchor "Her Royal Highness Qiao Biluo" was blacklisted by the Network Performance Branch of China Performance Industry Association because of malicious speculation that a beautiful woman became an aunt. Fans who thought she was sweet and beautiful could not ask the platform to return the money for brushing gifts.

  Both network anchors and idol stars are now supported by fans’ real money: spending money to buy virtual gifts, flowers and diamonds, and putting idols at the forefront of the list set by the platform, as evidence that idols are popular, explosive and worthy of advertisers — — This is the general rule in the era when fan economy and traffic are king.

  However, when fans exhausted their wallet labor to support their idols, they also walked into the rights trap created by the list setters and their upstream and downstream industries: virtual flowers that were not used because of changing the rules of the list were unable to get a refund; The automatic ranking software used to improve efficiency has been blocked, and who can I ask for the membership money in 2040? The list promises resources to idols. What if fans don’t fulfill their promises?

  In the opinion of experts, this behavior of brushing data for idols makes the entire Internet industry sink into the carnival of crazy wallet harvesting, which is not beneficial to the long-term development of the industry.

  The list was stopped and the website did not refund money.

  "The star power list is the root of all evil." A Xiao, a 29-year-old white-collar worker, is a fan of H, the star who debuted in the talent show "Creation Camp 2019". In July, in order to make H rank in the top three in the "New Star List", the fan group began to spend a lot of time and money playing the list: "Reading, forwarding, commenting and posting about Weibo can get extra points, commonly known as interaction. If you don’t have time to interact, you can spend money directly. "

  A Xiao introduced that Weibo sells virtual flowers, one in 2 yuan, and every time a flower is sent, the idol’s admiration value increases by 2 points: "It is said that flowers are sent to idols, but in fact, they have turned around and returned to Sina’s pocket, and idols can’t get a dime."

  In mid-July, Weibo was suspended from the list of July H due to the accidental exposure of the fan group through special channels.

  "It is to buy a Weibo trumpet to interact. Sina usually turns a blind eye. This time we were reported by competitors, and Weibo could not pretend to be blind." A Xiao said that in this way, the fans’ early investment has hit Shui Piao. "Forget the time, shouldn’t Sina refund the flowers bought with real money?"

  A Xiao said that at first, Sina just returned the flowers to its account: "The people who sent the flowers can’t make the list. What’s the use of flowers for us?" After that, fans began to call 12345 and 96315 to complain that Sina violated consumer rights.

  "At that time, I realized that we were actually consumers who spent money first, and then fans." A Xiao said that after the complaint lasted for a week, the Beijing Consumers Association talked about Weibo, and Weibo gradually returned the money. "Later, I went to look at it carefully. There is no explanation on the flower purchase page, and there is no regulation on whether it can be returned."

  In August, H’s qualification for the list was restored, but A Xiao no longer bought flowers: "The list is a means for websites to make money, and I won’t send money to do stupid things again."

  Software blocked, membership fee wasted

  On June 10th, the "Star Aid App", the behind-the-scenes promoter of 100 million reposts, was investigated. A few days later, super fans said that "Super Aid" could not be used: "From then on, it returned to the era of manual ranking."

  "Star Aid App" and "Super Aid" can help users to automatically perform some operations, such as commenting on Weibo who forwarded idols, sending Weibo related to idols, and automatically searching the names of idols, thus improving the rankings of idols on Sina’s "Star Power List" and Baidu Encyclopedia’s "Star Popularity List".

  "Super aid is from Sina subsidiary, and the annual membership fee for an account is 35.88 yuan. The Star Aid App is even more fierce. 20 yuan, a member for one month, can bind many trumpets with one click, and then let these trumpets automatically sign in and forward every day. " Yan Yan told reporters that the two appeared in 2018 and were very popular among fans.

  Where did these members’ money go after the service was stopped?

  "Can Star Aid App refund money?" On the second day after the Star Aid App was investigated, Xiao Ran asked questions on the Weibo, but so far he couldn’t find a way. "I heard that the illegal profit was more than 8 million, but the App was taken off the shelf and people were arrested. I don’t know who to ask for a refund."

  After the service of "Super Aid" stopped, some fans found that they could ask for a refund from the Sina subsidiary. "Send them payment voucher screenshots, Weibo nicknames and Alipay account numbers. It doesn’t matter if you have more money or less. Remember to ask Sina for a refund. " Weibo user @ honeythurts sent this Weibo on June 17th and got 718 reposts.

  Not all fans who ask for a refund can get it. "Private letter, no refund, and now I will ignore it." Fan Xiaozhen said, "There is not much money, forget it."

  Forwarding for resources, promises are hard to honor.

  A trend — has been observed in the side dishes that have been mixed with powder circles for nearly 10 years; — More and more companies have joined the ranks of harvesting fans with the list. "Click on the authentication information, some are still film and television companies, and some are simply trading companies selling hardware department stores, so let’s share a piece of it."

  Dishes told reporters that the common feature of these lists is that fans can vote for idols without spending money, but they must first complete some tasks to get tickets: "What do you need? Watching a 15-second video advertisement will give you 5 votes, and sending a Tik Tok with an idol name and a small program name will give you 15 votes. To put it bluntly, it is to use fans as advertisers, as free publicity, and as a resource for other apps. "

  What are the benefits of idols topping the list? "It’s nothing more than putting some advertisements that can reveal the idol image in some places for fans, such as airports, high-speed railway station, squares and cafes, and opening their small programs for a day, even including sending a low-end ‘ Reward ’ 。” Xiaocai said that new fans are often confused by these "rewards", and the old fritters can see the tricks at a glance. "Take the coffee shop advertisement as an example. The promise is 10 coffee shops, 10 Starbucks or 10 coffee shops that you can’t name. There is a big difference. This kind of commitment is simply vague. After the fans sold the coolies, they found that it was different from what they thought in advance, and there was no place to say it. "


  Help the stars brush the list, fans are suspected of breaking the law.

  "Internet idolize has evolved into a stage full of deception and profit-seeking, which is not the same as the idolize we used to know." Zhu Wei, deputy director of the Communication Law Research Center of China University of Political Science and Law, said in an interview with Beijing Evening News that, taking the flower incident as an example, according to the provisions of the Consumer Protection Law, online shopping goods have no reason to return within 7 days, while digital goods, such as audio-visual products and software, are generally not included. "Virtual flowers belong to what goods? There is no clear law about whether it is reasonable to return it for 7 days, or whether it is similar to software. The platform should be stated in the user agreement, and consumers should be clearly informed in advance whether they can retreat. "

  Zhu Wei thinks it is very difficult for users to get back the prepaid membership money after the automatic ranking software stops serving: "It is illegal to brush the list, not only the operator is illegal, but also the participants are illegal. In this case, the illegal income of the operator should be collected, and it is difficult for participants to claim a refund."

  As for the practice that fans use labor to exchange resources for idols, Zhu Wei bluntly said that this is no longer a normal consumption behavior, and the identity of fans is no longer a consumer, which is very risky. "This does not constitute a contract, there is no clear consideration, and it is working for others and others are not aware of it. Whether the operators have relevant abilities and qualifications is often unknown. Whether these unilateral commitments are fulfilled or not, and there is no way to measure them. Don’t do this kind of exchange under the guise of giving aid to idols. This is likely to be fraud or even fraud. "

  Quick comment

  Stars rely on marketing, which is a social disease.

  "The power of Chinese idols has made many people see the huge business opportunities, and it is easy to turn business opportunities into money." Zhu Wei said that the platform corner definitely welcomes fans to play the list. "It can not only improve the popularity of the platform, but also make a lot of money. Idols can also profit from it, because they generally have no works, and they can only increase their popularity through repeated activities. As for whether they can get the benefits of selling flowers from the platform, only fans don’t know. How many people who take the lead in crazy support are sent by idols to brainwash and circle money, and fans will not know. "

  "For the fan economy, the Internet industry is actually a contradictory attitude. On the one hand, fans can increase activity and increase income for the platform; On the other hand, intentional or unintentional, active and passive list brushing, water army and public relations behavior also make the industry hate it, because a good ecology needs a fair and equitable environment, but the reality is that a mouse has broken a pot of soup. When one person starts to brush the list, everyone starts to be forced to brush the list, and the whole ecology is broken. " Liu Xingliang, president of DCCI Internet Research Institute, believes that even at the expense of reducing the activity of the platform, such ecological destruction cannot be tolerated.

  Liu Xingliang introduced that in such a list-brushing game, many ash production companies in the industry earned a lot of money, such as selling trumpet, being a navy soldier and making automatic list-brushing software. "A large part of the money in the entire industrial chain has been earned by these companies, but what these companies do is meaningless or even harmful to the industry and society. The criteria for evaluating stars have also changed from works to well-done marketing and high energy of fans, which is the morbid state of the whole society. " (Reporter Bai Ge)