Box office increased by 252%! Has the music festival ushered in a big explosion?

  BEIJING, May 8 (Reporter Ren Siyu) Has the music festival, which is sought after by young people, ushered in a big outbreak?

  On May 6th, Barley released "Observation on the May 1st Performance in 2021". The report shows that during the May 1st holiday, there were over 3,800 professional performances offline, among which the box office of Livehouse, Talk Show and Music Festival increased by more than 250% compared with the same period in 2019.

  On social networks, topics such as "Qin Hao watched Yi Nengjing’s performance", "Faye Wong lost his hat again at Strawberry Music Festival" and "A man wearing protective clothing and dancing in Shandong Music Festival" have been on the hot search list. Music festivals, which were originally regarded as minority entertainment activities, have begun to become one of the lifestyles that everyone likes to see and hear.

  Source: Weibo screenshot.

  Music Festival becomes a holiday "new standard"

  According to the monitoring of China Performance Industry Association, during the "May 1" holiday this year, there were about 14,000 performances nationwide, with a box office income of 860 million yuan, and more than 6 million people watched performances during the holiday, of which more than 40% were tourists, and 12% were music festivals and concerts.

  From last year’s "Eleventh" holiday to this year’s "May Day" holiday, music festivals have increasingly become popular items for people to travel and entertain.

  The data shows that over 40% of users choose music festival as their first choice for holiday and leisure during the May 1 holiday this year, and 60% of users who buy music festival choose to watch performances across cities. Strawberry Music Festival, Midi Music Festival, Guochao Music Festival and Midou Music Festival were held in many places, and famous musicians and bands such as Cui Jian, Pu Shu, Xu Wei, New Pants, Mourning and Wang Jia were among the guests.

  2021 Beijing Strawberry Music Festival was held in Beijing Shiyuan Park. Source: Video screenshot.

  While the fans are busy catching up with the music festival, the musicians are even more busy. According to the public itinerary of the five-person band, they moved to Changzhou, Shanghai, Nanjing and Beijing to participate in the music festival within four days. "Performing is our labor," they sighed at the Weibo.

  According to barley data, there were 56 music festivals in the country during the five-day holiday, which was 37% higher than the same period in 2019. The box office and attendance increased by 252% and 173% respectively compared with 2019.

  Source: Barley "2021 May 1st Performance Observation".

  Generally speaking, during the holiday period, live performances recovered strongly, and various performances such as music, theater and Quyuan Zatan were abundant, the box office growth rate was obvious, and the consumption power of head projects was strong; It is becoming a trend to travel with literature, and the regional consumption preference is gradually broken; The market consumption structure tends to be younger, especially after 00.

  You can watch music festivals at home?

  Another new change that can be found from this year’s "May Day" holiday is that the music festival is opening up "new territory" on a large scale.

  Compared with 2019 and 2020, this year’s music festivals can be described as blooming everywhere. The major brand music festivals are not only concentrated in cities such as Beijing and Shanghai, but also sink to second-and third-tier cities such as Binzhou in Shandong, Changzhou in Jiangsu, Jiaozuo in Henan and Wanning in Hainan.

  Source: barley net screenshot.

  From the industry point of view, the number of vertical music festivals is also increasing, such as YOLO Music Festival in Changsha, Hunan Province and M_DSK Music Festival in Riyuewan, Wanning, Hainan Province, which focuses on rap music, Midi Music Festival in the Warring States Period in Chengdu focuses on heavy music, and Hainan Little Strawberry Parent-child Music Festival focuses on parent-child themes, providing users with different music preferences with sub-categories of music performance choices.

  Another noteworthy phenomenon is that the music festival is becoming a "hard signboard" for some cities to build cultural tourism brands and drain holidays. According to barley data, during the May Day holiday, many music festivals were held in tourist cities, such as Changzhou Taihu Bay Music Festival, Changzhou Xinlong Forest Music Festival, Wanning Riyuewan M_DSK Music Festival, Jiaozuo Yuntaishan Music Festival and so on.

  For example, the popular Midi Music Festival in Jinan, Shandong Province and the Midi Music Festival in Binzhou this year were supported by the local government in terms of policies and supporting services.

  According to media reports, before the start of Binzhou Midi Music Festival, it only took more than 20 days for the local area to complete the leveling of more than 280 mu of site, the laying of 18,000 square meters of turf, the planning of more than 7,000 parking spaces, the construction of more than 3,000 meters of enclosures, the construction of more than 140 bathrooms and the preparation and construction of various functional areas such as camping and drinking water areas. In order to cooperate with Jinan Midi Music Festival, Jinan Metro also extended the operation time of Lines 1, 2 and 3 to 24 o’clock, and adjusted the running interval to 10 minutes between 22 o’clock and 24 o’clock.

  Posters of 2021 Jinan Midi Music Festival and Binzhou Midi Music Festival.

  The consumption drainage brought by the music festival is also considerable. According to the organizer’s statistics, the fans of Jinan Midi Music Festival from outside the province account for about 65%. It is roughly estimated that the consumption related to cultural tourism during the local holidays will increase by about 20%. According to barley data, during the May Day holiday this year, Hainan Wanning Riyuewan M_DSK Music Festival also made Wanning, a county-level city, among the top ten in China.

  What kind of music festival do the audience need?

  However, under the circumstances that music festivals are blooming everywhere and tickets are rising, is the audience’s experience fully satisfied?

  From last year’s National Day to this year’s "May Day" holiday, the topic of rising ticket prices for music festivals is often mentioned. In the impression of some viewers, the single-day ticket price of music festivals in the past few years was often concentrated in 80 to 200 yuan, but during the small holiday this year, the single-day ticket price of individual music festivals has reached 500 yuan or even more than 1,000 yuan.

  Source: barley net screenshot.

  As for the reasons for the price increase of the music festival, industry analysts said that on the one hand, the number of tickets sold under the epidemic prevention and control policy is limited, and on the other hand, the production costs in all aspects are getting higher and higher, especially the appearance fees of some artists. In recent years, with the blessing of bands and rap variety shows, the value of some musicians has risen sharply. In addition, the participation of pop singers with their own popularity and fans has increased the popularity of the music festival.

  Although the consumption enthusiasm of the music festival has not diminished, the audience also has higher requirements for on-site service and viewing experience.

  Affected by the global epidemic, the homogenization of the performance lineup of the music festival has become more and more obvious. In the absence of overseas artists, New Pants, Tong Yang, Re TROS, Wu Tiao and other head musicians performed everywhere, and most of the audience saw old acquaintances rather than fresh faces at the festival. How to play new tricks in the lineup and collocation of the festival is one of the problems that the organizers need to consider.

  Music festivals are usually held outdoors, so in addition to the lineup of performances, the audio effects, security order, transportation, accommodation, water supply and toilets on the spot are also issues that the audience are very concerned about. Every year, some music festivals are met with large-scale spit by netizens after the end, and the experience of music festivals strongly affects everyone’s impression of a city.

  What kind of music festival do fans like? The Spring Tour Music Festival held in Sichuan in April this year won a good reputation. Although the scale is not huge, the atmosphere is relaxed enough. The audience can eat hot pot, play mahjong and set up tents. The on-site security guards are not in fierce confrontation with fans, but dance and sing with young people to feel the joy of music together.

  Source: screenshot of Weibo’s comments.

  With the recovery of the offline performance market, it is foreseeable that there will be more and more music festivals in the future. While the competition is becoming more and more fierce, the organizers should start from the needs of the audience and use more complete supporting services to let the fans fully feel the spiritual satisfaction of the music festival.

How to balance entertainment and connotation when cultural variety shows a new trend?

   National Treasure, if you don’t say it is a variety show, you will probably regard it as a documentary. Indeed, this is the name of a standard CCTV documentary. But this time, it subverts people’s cognition of the serious topic of national treasure with a young attitude. The platform support of CCTV and the endorsement of nine museums led by the Forbidden City make it one of the hottest variety shows at present. After the first program was broadcast, the Douban score of 9.3 pushed it to the top of the topic list.

   On the one hand, "National Treasure" has become a sharp weapon for harvesting traffic, on the other hand, it has also become a successful model for domestic cultural variety shows. In China, cultural variety is a tentative force. It seems to be a minority, but it can arouse a wide range of emotional resonance. Whether it is the vast emotions in the famous articles of The Reader or the emotional expression between the lines of Seeing Words, it has become a topic widely circulated on the Internet.

   China’s traditional culture has a long history. At present, it has been put on variety shows. In addition to the three mentioned above, there are "Cheer for China" with drama as the display point and "Go Up" with ancient poetry as the breakthrough point. Poetry has different influences, and the emergence of a large number of cultural variety shows has verified the general trend of cultural variety development.

   Although cultural variety is sought after, if you think calmly, you will find that there are not many successful cultural variety like National Treasure. Although a large number of sponsors have begun to enter the market, the development of cultural variety still faces some difficulties, and even becomes the bottleneck of the development of cultural variety.

   First of all, cultural variety needs to give consideration to both culture and entertainment. With the increasing aesthetic needs of the audience, it is difficult to satisfy them simply by entertainment, but it is inevitable that they will be particularly upright if they are too cultural. How to balance the two is a problem that all cultural variety shows should seriously consider.

   Secondly, cultural variety needs to conform to the aesthetics of young people. The success of "National Treasure" is largely due to the early preparation of two topics that are deeply loved by young people: "Taobao in the Forbidden City" and "Duan Zi in the Forbidden City". How to be close to young people without flattering them has become a proposition for the development of cultural variety.

   Thirdly, cultural variety needs to grasp the transmission of values. Society needs positive energy, and cultural variety shows have variety properties first, and need to consider entertainment and satisfy young people. However, before considering these two points, it is even more necessary to convey correct values and positive energy skillfully.

   The development of domestic variety shows, from the gathering of stars to the voices of amateurs, to the setting up of variety shows and cultural singing, highlights the pursuit of feelings in modern society. But at the same time, we should also see that the capital injected into the program has more commercial attributes, avoiding being trapped by capital and being influenced by the likes and dislikes of a few people, and always maintaining feelings from traditional culture is an important guarantee for the long-term development of cultural variety. (Wen Yang Jing)

City leaders investigate the holiday travel market and consumption work.

Holiday holiday is an important time node for people to spend their leisure time shopping. On October 1st and 2nd, Xu Liyi, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, and Wang Xinwei, deputy governor and mayor, respectively led a team to investigate the market operation and consumption promotion of holiday cultural tourism, and got a field understanding of market supply and safety supervision.

Xu Liyi visited the comprehensive coordination and dispatching center of the Municipal Bureau of Culture, Tourism and Tourism, Fangte Tourism Resort, Zhenghongcheng Shopping Center, etc. to observe the situation of creating consumption scenes, safety management of scenic spots and amusement facilities, and commercial services to promote consumption, and listen to relevant work reports.

Xu Liyi pointed out that it is necessary to accurately grasp the new development pattern of dual-cycle mutual promotion, take the domestic macro-cycle as the main body, base on expanding domestic demand, and take developing cultural tourism and promoting consumption growth as important tasks. It is necessary to adhere to the globalization and globalization of tourism, consider urban construction, economic development and cultural tourism as a whole, strengthen project planning, product planning, tour organization, publicity and promotion, and do a good job in integrating cultural tourism. It is necessary to adhere to the government’s leadership, accelerate the construction of Shang Dynasty Wangcheng Ruins Park, Erqi Square, Ersha Wenchuang Park, Yellow River Beach Park and other projects, actively promote the healthy development of boutique hotels and quality hotels, gather fists and plan practical things, and create new highlights of urban tourism consumption. It is necessary to study and improve the system and mechanism for the development and operation of scenic spots, further standardize services, and improve the level of safety management and health protection. It is necessary to give full play to the main role of local enterprises in the market, encourage the creation of rich and diverse consumption scenarios, improve consumption quality, and effectively promote the upgrading of urban consumption.

Xu Liyi stressed that it is necessary to pay special attention to the supervision, management and service guarantee of tourist attractions and consumer places in combination with the characteristics of festivals. Continue to strengthen safety supervision, strictly implement management measures, actively use new technologies to strengthen real-time supervision of special equipment, and make emergency preparations to ensure the safety of tourists. It is necessary to do a good job in traffic organization and security around key tourism and consumption places, so that the people can come and enjoy themselves. Departments in charge of tourism, consumption and other industries should strengthen operation and dispatch, be on duty, handle complaints from the masses in a timely manner, respond to their concerns, and constantly improve people’s sense of gain and satisfaction.

Wang Xinwei and his party inspected Zhongyuan Futa Group Auto Show in Economic Development Zone, Vivian Dawson International Textile City Fashion Week in Erqi District, Wanda Shopping Mall in Zhongyuan District, etc., and got a detailed understanding of the consumption promotion plan, market material supply and demand, fire safety emergency and other work. He stressed that it is necessary to seize the opportunity of holiday consumption, take various measures to promote consumption, make efforts to lead the innovation of consumption supply with consumption upgrading, actively promote the deep integration of "online+offline", create a number of new consumption scenes that closely meet the needs of the masses, and create a clean, tidy, orderly and convenient consumption environment for the masses, so as to effectively make the masses want to consume, be willing to consume and be able to consume. We should always tighten the string of safe production, improve the dual prevention system, do a good job in risk classification and emergency plan, increase the investigation of hidden dangers in public places, crowded places and crowded areas, and find out the hidden dangers of epidemic prevention, fire fighting and other risks in time, that is, the investigation will be changed immediately, closed-loop management will be carried out, and the responsibility will be assigned to people, and the occurrence of serious accidents will be resolutely curbed. We should make every effort to ensure the smooth operation of the market, take a highly responsible attitude towards the people, do a good job of "rice bags" and "vegetable baskets" to ensure stable supply and prices, and make efforts to keep the source, production, circulation, quality and consumption at ease through multi-channel organization of supply, deployment of government reserve materials and increased food safety supervision.

Niu Weiguo, Wan Zhengfeng, Sun Xiaohong and Wu Fumin participated in the survey.

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: Car sales increased by 9.8% year-on-year in May, and new energy vehicles increased by 128%.

  BEIJING, June 14 (Xinhua) According to the website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the national automobile production and sales in May were 2.065 million and 2.092 million, respectively, with a decrease of 5.1% and 1.7% from the previous month and an increase of 5.0% and 9.8% respectively. Among them, new energy vehicles produced 37,000 vehicles and sold 35,000 vehicles, up 131.3% and 128.0% respectively.

  In May, China’s automobile production and marketing market decreased compared with last month, and the year-on-year growth rate continued to grow. From January to May, automobile production and sales maintained steady growth, and the growth rate of production and sales showed a slight increase over the same period of last year.

  Car sales in January and May increased by 9.8% year-on-year.

  According to the statistics of China Automobile Industry Association, the national automobile production and sales in May were 2.065 million and 2.092 million respectively, with the production and sales decreasing by 5.1% and 1.7% respectively. It increased by 5.0% and 9.8% respectively.

  From January to May, the production and sales of automobiles were 10.844 million and 10.755 million respectively, up by 5.8% and 7.0% respectively.

  (1) Passenger car sales in May increased by 11.3% year-on-year.

  In May, the production of passenger cars was 1.772 million, up 5.5% year-on-year and down 3.7% month-on-month. Sales reached 1.793 million vehicles, up 11.3% year-on-year and 0.5% quarter-on-quarter. Among them, 921,000 cars were sold, up 1.5% year-on-year; MPV sold 180,000 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 28.2%; SUV sales were 627,000 units, a year-on-year increase of 36.3%; Cross-type passenger cars sold 64,000 vehicles, a year-on-year decrease of 37.3%.

  From January to May, the production and sales of passenger cars were 9.327 million and 9.258 million respectively, up 6.6% and 7.8% respectively. Among them, car sales were 4.643 million, down 6.1% year-on-year; MPV sold 1.03 million vehicles, up 15.6% year-on-year; SUV sales reached 3.218 million units, a year-on-year increase of 45%; Cross-type passenger cars sold 368,000 vehicles, down 31.6% year-on-year.

  1.1.6 liters and below passenger car market share increased by 4.5%.

  In May, 1.283 million passenger cars of 1.6 liters or less were sold, accounting for 71.6% of the passenger car sales market, up 4.5 percentage points over the same period of last year. Sales increased by 18.8% year-on-year.

  From January to May, 6.674 million passenger cars of 1.6 liters or less were sold, accounting for 72.1% of the passenger car sales market, up 2.6 percentage points over the same period of last year. Sales increased by 11.7% year on year.

  2. The sales volume of self-owned brand passenger cars increased by 12.9% year-on-year, among which SUV increased by 40.2% year-on-year.

  In May, self-owned brand passenger cars sold 717,000 vehicles, up 12.9% year-on-year, accounting for 40% of the passenger car sales market, up 0.6 percentage points from the same period of last year. Among them, a total of 160,000 self-owned brand cars were sold, down 8.2% year-on-year, accounting for 17.4% of the total car sales, down 1.8 percentage points from the same period of last year; A total of 335,000 SUVs were sold, a year-on-year increase of 40.2%, accounting for 53.4% of the total SUV sales, an increase of 1.5 percentage points over the same period of last year.

  From January to May, a total of 4.018 million self-owned brand passenger cars were sold, up 10.9% year-on-year, accounting for 43.4% of the passenger car sales market, and the share increased by 1.2 percentage points year-on-year. Among them, self-owned brand cars sold a total of 891,000 vehicles, down 17.7% year-on-year, accounting for 19.2% of the total car sales, and the share decreased by 2.7 percentage points year-on-year; A total of 1.824 million SUVs were sold, up 56.7% year-on-year, accounting for 56.7% of the total SUV sales, up 2.1 percentage points over the same period of last year.

  (II) Commercial vehicle sales in May increased by 1.4% year-on-year.

  In May, 293,000 commercial vehicles were produced, up 2.0% year-on-year and down 12.7% month-on-month. Sales of 299,000 vehicles increased by 1.4% year-on-year and 2.3% quarter-on-quarter.

  From January to May, a total of 1.516 million commercial vehicles were produced, a cumulative increase of 0.9% year-on-year; Sales reached 1.497 million vehicles, up 2.3% year-on-year.

  Second, the rapid growth of new energy vehicles

  According to the statistics of China Automobile Industry Association, in May, 37,000 new energy vehicles were produced and 35,000 vehicles were sold, up by 131.3% and 128.0% respectively. Among them, the production and sales of pure electric vehicles were 29,000 and 26,000 respectively, up by 177.0% and 161.6% respectively. The number of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles is 0.9 million, up by 49.3% and 68.7% respectively.

  From January to May, new energy vehicles produced 132,000 vehicles and sold 126,000 vehicles, up 131.4% and 134.1% respectively over the same period of last year. Among them, the production and sales of pure electric vehicles were 99,000 and 92,000 respectively, up by 175.1% and 176.2% respectively. The production and sales of plug-in hybrid vehicles were 33,000 and 34,000 respectively, up 55.8% and 65% respectively.

  Third, the economic benefits of key enterprises in the automobile industry have increased.

  According to the statistics of China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, from January to April 2016, the accumulated operating income of key enterprise groups reached 1,100.65 billion yuan, up 8.6% year-on-year. Accumulated profits and taxes totaled 172.68 billion yuan, up 2.1% year-on-year.

  Four, the automobile import and export market continues to fall.

  According to customs statistics, in April 2016, 64,000 vehicles were exported, down 5.5% year-on-year. 85,000 vehicles were imported, down 11.5% year-on-year.

  From January to April, 212,000 vehicles were exported, a year-on-year decrease of 19.5%; The whole vehicle imported 294,000 vehicles, down 16.9% year-on-year.

Commanding the God of War to look out to sea to see how this bombing aviation brigade forged into an air iron fist.

At the end of May 2018

A video officially released by the China Air Force.

Aroused widespread concern.

The middle of the picture is known as the "God of War"

The core force of air combat operations — —

H -6K fighter

Near the skyline behind the fighter plane

It is the central mountain range of Taiwan Province, the treasure island of the motherland.

This is the first time that the China Air Force has flown around Taitai Island at night.

However, what is unknown is that

Driving a H -6K fighter.

It is precisely to carry out this special task

The People’s Air Force was formed in the first batch and entered the war in the first batch.

First meritorious military service

A certain regiment of air force aviation flies

The pilot of the second brigade

In the history of the People’s Air Force

This heroic fighting team

Since its establishment, it has continuously made history.

In November 1951, during the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea,

They opened the People’s Air Force.

The bombing campaign style is the first of its kind.

For the next half century or so,

The Second Battalion has made outstanding achievements and brought forth many heroes.

Created one after another

New "first time"

In 2014, the Second Brigade modified H -6K.

In just three months, the modification was completed.

In just seven months, I will patrol the South China Sea.

Only ten months later.

Another arduous task of creating history

Fall on their shoulders … …

Fly between the sea and the sky

"air iron fist" defends sovereignty

In August 2015, the Air Force plans to dispatch.

Bombers, fighters and other multi-type fighters.

Go to the western Pacific for offshore training.

Different from the past,

In this mission,

H -6K fighter will fly out of the first island chain for the first time.

More than 1000 kilometers … …

Bombers have a large bomb load because of their long range.

In the process of safeguarding national interests and sovereignty

Play a more and more important role.

Dawn on August 14th.

The officers and men of the second brigade drove the H -6K to meet the morning glow.

Heading for the skyline

An hour later.

The formation of two planes came to bashi channel.

Just then, there was a report from the command post:

"There are two foreign machines approaching ahead."

The words sound just fell, and a foreign plane full of live ammunition.

Has appeared in everyone’s field of vision.

Li Rui with a sudden increase in tension

Quickly calm down your heart.

Wang Jianling took out his camera and took photos for evidence collection.

And shouted by radio:

"I am China Air Force,

Flight training is being carried out.

Don’t interfere with my action, leave immediately.

Otherwise, there will be consequences! "

Facing the layers of obstruction from foreign machines

The heading and altitude of the unit remain unchanged.

Arrive at the target airspace on time

Complete all scheduled training subjects.

On that day, the young officers and men of the second brigade

I feel it deeply.

The significance of strengthening our country and making our country proud.

On the same day, they flew over 1000 kilometers from the first island chain.

Set a record for flying out of the island chain at that time.

Zhang Chengliang, deputy commander of the Second Flying Brigade.

Once recorded with a self-portrait

His pride as a bomber pilot

At the end of 2017

It was his first mission to fly out of the island chain.

When returning home

I saw Taiwan Province, the treasure island of my motherland, through the porthole.

That was the most important thing in his life

The first time I was so close to Baodao Taiwan Province.

Looking at the rolling and looming central mountains.

Zhang Chengliang’s pride and sense of mission.

Come to life!

Mutfa Aili (Uygur) said:

"Every cruise,

As the land gets farther and farther away,

When there is only one water left in front of me.

‘ Motherland ’ It rises in my heart and becomes clearer. "

Safeguard interests and go out.

Fly out to fulfill your mission

Patrol the South China Sea, sail out of the West Pacific and cruise around the island.

In recent years, officers and men of the Second Flying Brigade have been driving.

H -6K fighters always fly in

The forefront and front line of defending the interests of the motherland;

August 2015

Fly over bashi channel after refitting H -6K.

July 2016

Cruise in the airspace near islands and reefs such as Huangyan Island.

December 2017

Fly over Ma Haixia in a system with fighter planes and reconnaissance planes.

May 2018

Complete the cruise around Feitai Island at night … …

The air iron fist becomes harder and harder.

Bloody bile flies over the foot

Taking off is fighting.

Taking off is to meet the enemy.

In the second brigade, 50 years old.

Flight instructor Wei Xiaogang once drove H -6K.

At hundreds of kilometers per hour

Flying by waves in a posture close to the sea.

It’s scary to sweep the sea at ultra-low altitude

Not to show off your skills

As Wei Xiaogang said:

Although H -6K has a wingspan of tens of meters.

A big guy weighing nearly 100 tons

But the sea-skimming ultra-low altitude flight is

One of the most effective means of penetration

quitting brave victory

Bomb aviation forces

Play a role in modern warfare

A very important role

Bomber pilots must constantly improve their skills.

Continuous innovation and breakthrough

Become an all-round talent to adapt to the modern battlefield

Can be invincible on the battlefield.

One day in the midsummer of 2018

Zhang Chengliang, a member of the Second Brigade, received it.

A special task

— — Test-fire a certain missile

in accordance with practice

A H -6K unit consists of

Two pilots and a weapons control division.

Attacking the target is usually done by the weapons control division.

But this mission

It needs to be operated by the right pilot Zhang Chengliang.

In order to improve the combat efficiency in actual combat.

How can we do this in just two weeks?

Master the weapons control division for more than ten years.

To practice the manipulation skills?

Facing a screen less than 15 cm in size

Zhang Chengliang thought of a way:

Draw a grid on the simulator screen

Quantify each operation.

Calculate the time required to press.

Two weeks passed quickly.

Zhang Chengliang’s practice has also been

From three centimeters, two centimeters

Accurate to the millimeter … …

Finally arrived at the moment when Haitian "showed his sword"

After entering the predetermined array position and forming the launch conditions,

Zhang Chengliang decisively pressed the launch button.

The missile conveniently left the plane and went straight to the target.

Between crackle and electric light.

Suddenly a piece of white light flashed on the screen.

At that time, no one was sure.

For the first time, pilots, not weapons controllers.

Is the test firing of a certain type of missile successful?

When everyone’s heart is uneasy

Operational staff broke in and shouted:

"Cheng Liang, you hit it!"

The news of success made everyone hold together excitedly.

This successful hit is of great significance.

Is the first time by a right-seat pilot

A successful example of carrying out a certain missile attack

For the future air battlefield

Greatly improved the multi-target attack capability of the unit.

The efficiency of long-range strike of troops has been improved.

Can stand up at a critical moment

Do or die has to get out.

In the summer of 2021, a sea area in Beibu Gulf

Dark clouds and smoke filled the air.

Air Force "Golden Dart -2021" assessment quietly started.

"Golden darts" represent China Air Force pilots.

The highest level of penetration and assault capability

This assessment

Put the shooting range at sea for the first time

Facing the challenge of increasing difficulty

The second brigade riveted its strength.

The target is directed at the "Golden Dart"

With the commander’s command

The first three fighters of the second brigade slipped out in turn.

But just as the fourth unit held its breath and prepared to take off.

Sudden failure warning of aircraft airborne equipment

In the face of the fact that the fourth plane may have no results.

The players have only one thought in mind.

in any case

We must let the fourth plane fly into the sky!

Everyone got busy nervously.

While checking the progress of troubleshooting

While modifying the route according to the possible late departure time.

Time passes by.

After exactly 22 minutes.

The plane fault was finally successfully eliminated!

At this time, the plane ahead has flown hundreds of kilometers.

If you want to catch up with the formation

Fighters must continue to fly at extreme speed.

This will increase the flight risk sharply.

At that time, even the assessment team thought it was hopeless to catch up.

Persuade them to give up

Military honor is above everything else.

Only go all out in the face of difficulties!

In front of the desperate situation, Wang Jianling led the crew of three.

Push the throttle to the end:


The roar of H -6K engine

Instantly flooded the entire cabin.

The three people work closely in accordance with the plan.

Repeated calculation of voyage route time

To approach the performance limit of the aircraft.

Approaching the psychological and physiological limits of pilots

Velocity and altitude approaching the cooperative limit of formation

Just chase the time back.

Before entering the bombing waypoint

Successfully rendezvous with other units.

Created the history of the team

A precedent for flying at extreme speed for a long time

However, at this time

There is only a minute left before the deadline.

Arriving at the established area is only the first step.

Whether to win the "gold" depends on it.

Can you hit it and hit it accurately?

In the process of assessment

Facing the dense targets on the sea.

Facing the unprecedented difficulty of launching

Weapons controller Zhang Jiumu

Keep your eyes fixed on the screen

Constantly revise the bombing data

When there is less than 10 seconds left.

He finally locked in on the target

Press the launch button!

“10、9、8、7… …”

The moment I saw the target blow up

All the crew members cheered excitedly.

The strength at the critical moment.

Do or die’s spirit of throwing caution to the wind.

Help the second brigade to create a miracle again!

And behind this success again and again

Are flowing in the blood of this heroic team.

The "first battle gene" that has been passed down for more than 70 years.

Born of war

Go to war

In the winter of 1951

On Yamato Island, 70km from the mouth of Yalu River.

Us and south Korean intelligence personnel

Collect our information day and night

Guide and command aircraft to carry out air strikes on our rear.

In order to remove this "nail"

On November 6, the second flight team.

Ordered to bomb the enemy intelligence command organ of Yamato Island.

This is the volunteer air force bomber unit.

First bombing mission

At that time, there was no actual bombing experience.

The average age is only 23 years old

Training in combat subjects per capita is less than 20 hours.

The second brigade rushed into the battlefield.

What they are about to face

It is equipped with advanced weapons.

American troops with rich experience in war.

However, it is this young team.

Flying nine Tu -2 bombers.

Take off from Shenyang

Break through the enemy’s defense with lightning speed.

Drop bombs accurately in the air on Yamato Island.

Played a brilliant record of "total destruction and zero war damage"

Excellent completion of the debut of the Volunteer Air Force.

More than 70 years ago

This group of young people in China

In order to defend our country

Fly to the blue sky without hesitation

Announce to the world with a rare record:

An awakened one

Dare to glory for the motherland

A nation that fought for independence and security.

Is invincible.






































为祖国而飞 为祖国而战!

Giant screen+long battery life can have both! Vivo X Fold did it.

Now, are you confident about your mobile phone life? I believe that most people can’t find the best solution when they encounter the battery life problem, and the author is the same, and he is a little weak when the opposite battery life is getting shorter and shorter.

So does the screen conference affect battery life? Will strong performance affect battery life? Conservatively speaking, these can be used as factors affecting battery life, but they are not the most important.

For example, in recent years, the folding screen mobile phone has exploded in the market, and all manufacturers regard it as the flagship product to show cutting-edge technology. Then, the power consumption of a mobile phone with two screens must be higher than that of one screen.

Next, the author takes the latest X Fold released by vivo as an example to discuss the relationship between big screen and battery life.

The folding screen must consume a lot of power?

First of all, we must be sure that the bigger the screen will really affect the battery life. Whether it is a large-screen mobile phone or a folding screen mobile phone, compared with a small-screen mobile phone of the same specification, the battery life performance must be unsatisfactory.

Even so, the big screen business flagship and folding screen flagship are still the key targets among manufacturers. Since the larger the screen size is, the better, it is an urgent problem for manufacturers to save electricity in the original large screen.

Giant screen+long battery life can have both! Vivo X Fold did it.

In order to extend the battery life of mobile phones, manufacturers are also racking their brains. It is precisely because of this that the LTPO technology has been promoted, so that everyone can enjoy the high screen brush and reduce the power consumption of the screen. vivo X Fold is the world’s first 120Hz internal and external adaptive refreshing E5 folding screen, which can meet the needs of most users for screen display.

Giant screen+long battery life can have both! Vivo X Fold did it.

LTPO, also known as low-temperature polysilicon and oxide hybrid TFT driving technology, is a technology applied to OLED panel driving circuit. It combines the advantages of two mainstream driving circuits IGZO and LTPS.

By reducing the energy consumption of excited pixels, it is used to reduce the power consumption of screen display. After combining the advantages of LTPS and IGZO.

LTPO retains the advantages of ultra-high electron mobility, faster reaction speed, lower power consumption, etc., and can bring a more lasting battery life experience on the basis of the current resolution of 5G, high brush and even 2K.

In addition to improving the screen function, vivo X Fold has also brought many upgrades to the battery.

Vivo X Fold is equipped with a 4600mAh large-capacity battery, which is composed of two independent batteries of 4.48V-3C system connected in series. The energy density of the system is 4.48V, and the battery capacity is larger in a smaller volume space.

According to the official introduction, vivo X Fold can realize 20.55 hours of continuous calls.The 12-hour video conference and 8-hour game play can basically meet the needs of heavy use for one day.

Measured endurance of 4600mAh

In order to give you a comprehensive understanding of the endurance of vivo X Fold, we selected seven most common scenarios and conducted a five-hour heavy endurance test. Let’s take a look.

Watch the iQiyi video: play the video with 1080P resolution for 45 minutes in full screen;

Brush vibrato short video: slide video browsing on the video interface for 50 minutes in total.

QQ chat: 20 minutes of text chat; 15 minutes of voice chat and 15 minutes of video chat, totaling 50 minutes.

Brush Weibo: Enter the list page and slide for 45 minutes.

Camera recording: record 1080P 30 frames of video for 15 minutes; By default, the main camera takes 15 minutes, totaling 30 minutes.

Play the glory of the king: The battle mode is "actual combat confrontation" and the map is King Canyon 5V5. The test lasts for 60 minutes.

Brush mobile phone Taobao: enter Taobao homepage and slide for 20 minutes. 

Giant screen+long battery life can have both! Vivo X Fold did it.

From the results, the power of vivo X Fold is 43% after 5 hours of testing, which is completely acceptable considering the influence of super-large internal screen on power consumption.

Especially in the video playback part, in the case of using the internal screen to watch, the power consumption for 45 minutes is only 6%. Combined with the full scene fast charging configuration of vivo X Fold, I believe that endurance anxiety will not be a problem that bothers you.

In addition, in view of the unique large-screen properties of vivo X Fold, we also conducted a 3-hour navigation test for it. The screen brightness was manually adjusted to the highest brightness, and 120Hz adaptive refresh was turned on.

Through the test, the remaining power of vivo X Fold is 15%, and the three-hour navigation consumes 28% of the power. It can be seen that when we turn on the GPS, the power requirements for the mobile phone are still very high.

Giant screen+long battery life can have both! Vivo X Fold did it.

During the test, we strictly classified the test items according to our daily habits, such as Tik Tok, QQ, Weibo, Taobao, etc. We used the external screen for the test, while we used the larger internal screen for the tests such as iQiyi, cameras and games.

The test results are also obvious, and the screen size has little effect on the power consumption of the mobile phone. Such a strong endurance is not only due to its excellent battery management system, but also the key to its long battery life is to strictly control the power consumption of the fuselage.

The author has something to say:

Nowadays, the big-screen mobile phone has become the flagship standard, and it is difficult to avoid problems in battery life and charging when you get the convenience brought by the big screen. What we need to do is not passively wait for the manufacturer to change the mobile phone, but we need to fully understand a product when choosing a mobile phone.

Giant screen+long battery life can have both! Vivo X Fold did it.

Through the actual test of the endurance of vivo X Fold, I believe everyone has a basic understanding of the endurance of this mobile phone. For a folding screen mobile phone, the endurance of vivo X Fold has far exceeded that of competing products at the same level, and its comprehensive endurance is excellent.

Long endurance performance can meet the needs of everyone in various scenarios. Today, the folding screen market is hot, and the long endurance performance of vivo X Fold will help it better stand out among competing products at the same level!

The preparatory symposium of "Media+Artificial Intelligence" Deep Integration Committee and the expert seminar of "Artificial Intelligence Editorial Department" were held in Beijing.

  CCTV News:On October 31st, the preparatory symposium of the "Media+Artificial Intelligence" Deep Integration Committee of China Artificial Intelligence Industry Development Alliance and the expert seminar of "Artificial Intelligence Editorial Department" were held in Beijing, and many well-known experts, scholars and business representatives from the industry attended the meeting. Qian Wei, chairman and general manager of CCTV, said in his speech that CCTV, and International Online, the Central Radio and Television General Station, will take the opportunity of building the "Media+Artificial Intelligence" deep integration committee of the industrial alliance to formulate the media production standard of artificial intelligence as a macro grasp; At the same time, we will continue to promote the construction of the "artificial intelligence editorial department" of the three networks as a practical starting point, and work together to vigorously promote the development of various undertakings in the field of "media+artificial intelligence".


  The artificial intelligence industry development alliance (AIIA) is guided and supported by the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Central Network Information Office and other departments, led by China Information and Communication Research Institute, and co-sponsored by China Institute of Electronic Technology Standardization and the National Research Center for Industrial Information Security Development.

  Qian Wei revealed that the "Media+Artificial Intelligence" Deep Integration Committee aims to grasp the development direction of the integration of media industry and new technologies in today’s world, actively create a good environment for the integration and development of new media technologies, and promote the development of "the application of artificial intelligence technology in the media industry" through the advantages of CCTV’s industry leadership and the alliance’s industrial research and development and integration, and create a standardized and standardized industry order. At the same time, realize the industry leading and management functions, and explore a new path for the development of media integration artificial intelligence technology.

Yin Shiming, Vice President of Baidu and General Manager of Baidu AI Cloud Business Group

Yin Shiming, Vice President of Baidu and General Manager of Baidu AI Cloud Business Group

  The guests at the meeting expressed great expectations for the establishment of the Alliance’s "Media+Artificial Intelligence" Deep Integration Committee.

  Yin Shiming, vice president of Baidu and general manager of intelligent cloud Business Group, said that the joint efforts of media and AI will surely bring new changes to the whole industry, take root and flourish. CCTV is a benchmark enterprise in the broadcasting industry. The cooperation between Baidu and CCTV will accelerate the application of "Cloud +AI", and the two parties will jointly provide a model for the intelligent upgrade of the media industry. Together, the two sides will burst into great energy and define the new future of the media. 

  Si Luo, vice president of Alibaba Group and chief scientist of natural language at Dharma Institute, said: "I am very confident that the development of China media will have explosive growth in the future. At the same time, I believe that Alibaba Dharma Institute includes Alibaba Cloud Intelligent Business Group, and I also hope to have the opportunity to make my own contribution in this process and be a better enabler of the industry." 

  Xu Yiming, vice president of Tencent and vice president of Tencent Cloud, said that we are willing to join hands with CCTV to do in-depth and continuous exploration and research on the capabilities of the media industry AI+. At present, in the field of "media +AI", we need to work together with CCTV in three aspects: intelligent creation, video perception technology and intelligent audit capability.

  Wang Chenxin, vice president of TCL Thunderbird Technology, said: "CCTV has a huge amount of content and professional experience in news media operation, as well as a wide range of operating scenarios; Like Baidu, Ali and Tencent, there are top AI technologies; Our terminal manufacturers have a large number of user portals, so I think ‘ Media+artificial intelligence ’ Deep Integration Development Committee and ‘ Artificial intelligence editorial department ’ In the process of integration of the entire industrial chain, it can play a leading role in promoting the development of integration, the formulation of industry standards, platform co-construction and content sharing. "

  Liu Canguo, the founder of the Media Tea Party, fully affirmed the construction of "artificial intelligence editorial department" in CCTV, Yangguang. com and International Online. He believed that the editorial staff of the main station had natural professional advantages in audio and video. In order to empower the content with technology, it is necessary to produce more new and high-quality content with a "sense of science and technology" and a sense of the times on the basis of ensuring the content quality.

Si Luo, Vice President of Alibaba Group and Chief Scientist of Natural Language of Dharma Institute

Si Luo, Vice President of Alibaba Group and Chief Scientist of Natural Language of Dharma Institute

  According to the deployment of the main station, CCTV, Yangguang. com and International Online implemented the strategic layout of "5G+4K/8K+AI" of the main station, and built an "artificial intelligence editorial department" to intelligently innovate and develop the unique current affairs reporting resources and high-quality video resources of the main station, and committed to providing successful examples for the whole industry. Facing the infinite possibilities of the 5G era, the media and artificial intelligence have begun to link up, and CCTV regards the construction of "artificial intelligence editorial department" as an important actual combat position.

  Silo said that the development of the media has played a very important role in promoting the development of the Internet, and the technology of the Internet is constantly feeding back the development of the media. He believes that artificial intelligence will comprehensively optimize the link between media and collection, production, distribution and feedback in a more forward-looking way.

  Liu Canguo said that the "artificial intelligence editorial department" is not "scissors+paste", but to realize the intelligence of the news editing process, that is, to apply artificial intelligence technology to the whole process of news production and communication such as news planning, gathering, processing, publishing and feedback, and constantly explore new applications of artificial intelligence technology in the form of news reports.

Xu Yiming, Vice President of Tencent and Vice President of Tencent Cloud

Xu Yiming, Vice President of Tencent and Vice President of Tencent Cloud

  Xu Yiming said that with the evolution, iteration and upgrade of deep machine learning technology, artificial intelligence has already possessed the functions of semantic analysis, audio-visual text matching, and wonderful content capture. Media people can use artificial intelligence to define writing rules and automatically generate rich article content.

  Li Min, the founder of Tiger Sniffing Network, proposed to set up an external expert review meeting to assist decision-making, and use the appeal and influence of CCTV to set up an external brain team, including but not limited to AI technical experts, AI application experts and AI product experts. It is necessary to take CCTV business as the center and AI as the business application technology to serve the business and avoid repeated investment in AI basic algorithm work.

Song Jianwu, Professor of School of Journalism, Renmin University of China and Director-General of Media Convergence Laboratory, Renmin University of China.

Song Jianwu, Professor of School of Journalism, Renmin University of China and Director-General of Media Convergence Laboratory, Renmin University of China.

  The new and the old push each other, and the day is not stagnant. Due to the development of artificial intelligence, the trend of media development will be redefined. At the meeting, the guests actively discussed the main application prospects and ethical orientation of artificial intelligence in the field of information dissemination.

  Song Jianwu, a professor at the School of Journalism of China Renmin University and director-general of the Media Convergence Laboratory of China Renmin University, introduced the future development direction of artificial intelligence in the media industry from the aspects of intelligence and digitization of information collection, information production, information distribution, information reception and information feedback. He said that the externality of information dissemination requires information producers and communication platforms to assume social responsibilities and reflect the leading role of mainstream values when developing and utilizing artificial intelligence. At the same time, the powerful ability and potential of artificial intelligence require "technology is good".

  Yin Shiming agrees with the statement that "science and technology are good". He said that technology is for people to live a better life and make people feel better, which should be kept in mind as any enterprise.

  Li Weizhong, director of the product research and development center of Zhebao Group, hopes that the "Media+Artificial Intelligence" Deep Integration Development Committee will establish a relevant effect evaluation mechanism, because "Media+Artificial Intelligence" is geared to all industries and provides a highland for the entire media industry.

  Qian Wei concluded: "Artificial intelligence is not exclusive to a certain family, ‘ Media +AI’ It is not exclusive to a certain family. Some people say that it is an opportunity to change lanes and overtake. Some people say that it is an opportunity to change lanes and survive. What we see is that artificial intelligence will open a new era. This will be an era of entrance everywhere. We are willing to unite with everyone, make good use of the new weapons of artificial intelligence, prevent artificial intelligence from being abused in the media field, and jointly meet the era when everything is on the screen and everything is imported, and there are new positions for media communication everywhere. " 

Salary, social security, holidays … are related to your money bag in 2019!























































Your consumption habits are better understood by intelligent marketing.

  According to the searched keywords, quickly identify the user’s query intention and provide the buyer with the required products and corresponding suppliers; In the process of commodity query and retrieval, artificial intelligence technology can also match the required products according to their historical orders and enterprise capabilities, and improve the response accuracy of information query and retrieval.

  Although there is still more than half a month before the Double Eleven, I believe many people still buy them in buy buy in the early morning of October 21st. This year, various e-commerce platforms launched the mode of snapping up+prepaid deposit. The goods snapped up on the 21st only need to pay the deposit, and the final payment can be paid on November 11th. All kinds of goods pushed by the e-commerce platform seem to be your "good heart", which makes people unable to choose. The e-commerce platform knows you so well, how can it not make people "hands-on"?

  Behind these pushes is a precise marketing service system based on customer behavior big data. With the development of artificial intelligence technology, the era of "internet plus" has been gradually upgraded to the era of "intelligence+". Artificial intelligence has become the core driving force of the new round of scientific and technological revolution. In the fields of finance and commerce, intelligent marketing has become one of the hot spots of rapid development.

  Data is the basis of developing intelligent marketing.

  At present, the sales market is shifting from the seller’s market to the buyer’s market, and the lack of effective demand has brought many challenges to enterprises. The biggest challenge faced by traditional marketing is that the cost of obtaining customers is rising and the difficulty is increasing, and the business growth model of enterprises can not simply stay on the level of obtaining more new customers. How to enhance customer stickiness, improve "customer lifetime value" and make customer value far greater than marketing cost has become a problem that enterprises must think about.

  Yang Shanlin, an academician of China Academy of Engineering and a professor at Hefei University of Technology, said that intelligent marketing is not simply to apply existing artificial intelligence technology to marketing, but to re-create artificial intelligence on the basis of existing technology and combined with marketing needs.

  Under the traditional marketing mode, the buyer’s purchase intention can only be obtained by communicating with the marketer, which tests the marketer’s ability and familiarity with the business. In addition, the traditional offline marketing has many problems, such as large investment, high cost and difficult communication, which makes it difficult for both the supplier and the buyer to reach the transaction intention quickly. Therefore, in view of the pain point of traditional enterprise marketing, some enterprises have used artificial intelligence technology to launch a cloud intelligent marketing platform, and by aggregating the data of enterprises, products and needs in the platform, they have established capabilities and portrait models to achieve accurate matching of suppliers, marketers and buyers, insight into users’ needs and intention identification.

  At present, there are two main ways of intelligent marketing. One is technology export, and the providers are mainly cloud service providers and artificial intelligence companies. Among them, cloud service providers export standardized services based on the cloud platform to users by integrating the algorithm capabilities of artificial intelligence companies, while artificial intelligence companies deliver customized projects to users to solve their individual needs, which is also their main source of income. The second is experience export, where mature brand vendors provide solutions, trying to integrate the brand’s own years of operating experience with new technologies, export them to small and medium-sized businesses, and optimize their operating models. The starting points of the two approaches are different, but in the end, they all integrate the algorithm with the industry experience and develop in the direction of producing executable solutions. Trial and error in actual scenes is the main method to achieve this goal.

  Therefore, real and effective data is considered as the basis for the development of intelligent marketing. Jing Lei, general manager of harvest fund, divides intelligent marketing into three levels. The bottom layer is a multidimensional data, including traditional data, alternative data and their applications. With the assistance of traditional data and new technology, a more comprehensive and forward-looking data tracking can be achieved. Above the bottom, with the support of data, the breakthrough of fundamental logic and knowledge, including the depth, values and standards of people’s cognition of things, determines whether the fundamental framework is perfect and forward-looking Finally, the bottom and the top are combined, supplemented by machine learning, so that machine learning can assist people’s decision-making, achieve the effectiveness and discipline of decision-making, and prevent people’s emotions from affecting investment decisions.

  Focusing on meeting dynamic demand

  The "China Artificial Intelligence Industry Research Report 2019" released by iResearch shows that artificial intelligence has good conditions for security and financial development, and its business penetration is the fastest; Marketing, customer service and education are expected to develop rapidly. Artificial intelligence helps the intelligent upgrading of the industry, which has great commercial value. In 2019, it is expected to contribute nearly 57 billion yuan.

  Dr Cheng Xuejun from Kaiyuan Law School of Shanghai Jiaotong University said that the development of intelligent marketing is inevitable. Marketing 1.0 era is in the seller’s market, with fewer products, mainly focusing on product sales; In the era of Marketing 2.0, marketing was changed from product center to consumer center, and the background was that market rights were transferred from sellers to buyers. The era of Marketing 3.0 is mainly the era of emotional marketing, in which media innovation, content innovation and communication mode innovation are used to obtain the target audience. At this stage, the more common marketing theories are precision marketing, online marketing, word-of-mouth marketing, etc., and Internet technology is emphasized for communication. At present, intelligent marketing is in the era of marketing 4.0, mainly focusing on the personalized and fragmented needs of consumers all the time to meet the dynamic needs of consumers.

  Through artificial intelligence technology, the platform can quickly identify the user’s query intention according to the search keywords, and provide the buyer with the required products and corresponding suppliers; In the process of commodity inquiry and retrieval, artificial intelligence technology can also match the required products according to their historical orders and enterprise capabilities, so as to improve the response accuracy of information inquiry and retrieval; At the same time, according to the buyer’s historical orders, on the basis of peer-to-peer recommendation, we can intelligently recommend products that the buyer may need to enrich their experience.

  Wu Minghui, founder of Mingluo Technology Group and founder of the second hand system, said that the core of marketing is to divide demand more finely and match supply and demand more efficiently. Through the precise matching of artificial intelligence, we can reshape the relationship between consumer demand and enterprise products, create greater value for users, and achieve the goal of improving "customer lifetime value". Moreover, with the change of business paradigm, the relationship paradigm between users and enterprises will also change, that is, from the consumption relationship to the symbiotic relationship of interests, customers are no longer just "guests", but become "family members" with closer corporate relations and more consistent interests.

  5G makes intelligent marketing everywhere.

  With the advent of the 5G era, intelligent marketing will usher in a broader space. Yao Dong, co-president of Xinyi Interactive, said that in the field of mobile intelligent marketing, no country can surpass China’s development speed at present. "The landing of 5G means that every marketing tool and hardware will become the export and entrance of content, and it will also become a tool to collect customer behavior." These data behavior tools will further improve marketing efficiency through model establishment, continuous optimization and quantitative analysis of various marketing behaviors.

  "In the era of intelligent Internet, there is a large-scale e-commerce platform, and almost every marketing action can produce sales results in real time." Yao Dong emphasized that, therefore, how to build a brand while producing sales results and how to create a positive and profound impression in the hearts of consumers is the biggest challenge facing intelligent marketing.

  In the 5G era, more data will be obtained, artificial intelligence will get more training, and marketing empowered by artificial intelligence will become smarter. Wu Minghui said that the two most important words of marketing intelligence are "intelligence", and its biggest feature is its ability of self-learning, self-iteration and self-growth. In other words, by accumulating consumer data to form a clear portrait of consumers, with "foresight", we can find a way to create greater value for consumers and continuously improve the "customer lifetime value". Then, through real-time perception, global tracking, intelligent emergence, agile response and so on, marketing perception is constructed — A closed loop that responds to feedback. In these links, enterprises carefully explore and capture users’ needs, and try their best to provide services. Patience and carefulness are particularly important in this process, and a faster and more timely marketing model is also essential.

"Research" must be done! The postgraduate adjustment system will open this strategy on the 22nd to help you succeed.

2021 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Adjustment Service SystemOpen today.

Candidates want to take part in the postgraduate entrance examination.

What should I pay attention to?question?

What are the postgraduate adjustments?step?

What should I do well in the second examination of postgraduate entrance examination?prepare?

This guide is for you, best wishes.success!

  Remember!Adjust the specific time

  The 2021 national postgraduate enrollment adjustment service system has been implemented inMarch 22ndOpen.

  According to the requirements of the "Regulations on the Administration of National Postgraduate Admissions in 2021", the time for candidates to adjust their volunteers is set by the admissions unit.No more than 36 hours.; Duration of each opening of the adjustment system by the enrollment unitNot less than 12 hours..

  Confirm!Basic conditions of adjustment

  Please pay attention to the qualification of postgraduate adjustment:Must meet the requirements of the national preliminary test results in the transferred areas, commonly known as "crossing the national line."

  △ Basic conditions for candidates to adjust

  Tips:Candidates can useI bind my own Xuexin account on WeChat., receive the adjustment notification reminder.

  △ Candidates can bind account through WeChat.   

  Explain in detail!Operation steps of postgraduate adjustment

  I. Query the planned balance information

  Candidates are required to log in to the National Postgraduate Enrollment Adjustment Service System ( and inquire about the planned balance information of each enrollment unit through "accurate inquiry" or "fuzzy inquiry".


  1. Candidates applying for transfer should meet the transfer conditions determined by the regulations on enrollment management.

  2. Candidates who do not meet the requirements for transferring to professional disciplines, preliminary test subjects or transfer application conditions of enrollment units,You will not be able to fill in the corresponding volunteers.

  3. Enrollment units and majorsFill in at least one item..

  4. Candidates’ scores should meet the basic requirements of the initial test scores of candidates who participated in the national unified examination in accordance with the first and second districts formulated and announced by the Ministry of Education.

  Zone 1Including Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shanxi, Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Fujian, Jiangxi, Shandong, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Chongqing, Sichuan, Shaanxi and other 21 provinces (cities);

  Zone 2Including Inner Mongolia, Guangxi, Hainan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Tibet, Gansu, Qinghai, Ningxia, Xinjiang and other 10 provinces (regions).

  5. If there is no specific figure for the planned balance, you can consult the relevant enrollment units and departments.

  Second, apply for adjustment

  Candidates enter the application transfer page.Candidates who participate in the swap can fill in three parallel swap volunteers at a time.The submitted transfer volunteers are not allowed to be modified within the time set by the enrollment unit (no more than 36 hours) (each volunteer is timed separately). After the lock time arrives, candidates can continue to fill in other volunteers.

  △ Adjustment Volunteer Reporting Interface

  If you need to modify the adjustment volunteer,You can click the "Modify" button to enter the "Modify and Adjust Volunteer" page for modification, and then click the "Submit" button after modification.

  △ Modify the interface of voluntary adjustment.

  Third, participate in the second interview

  Please log in to the adjustment system in time after submitting the adjustment volunteer.If you receive the notice of re-examination, you should confirm the reply through the adjustment system within the time specified by the enrollment unit, and go through the relevant formalities according to the requirements of the enrollment unit.

  Candidates who fail the re-examination can still continue to fill in other adjustment volunteers.

  △ Re-examination Notice Receiving Page

  Fourth, wait for the admission notice

  After the second interview is passed, the admissions unit will send a notice of waiting for admission to the candidates through the adjustment system. Candidates who receive the "notice of waiting for admission" should log in to the adjustment system for confirmation within the time specified by the admissions unit, otherwise the admissions unit can cancel the notice of waiting for admission.

  Candidates can only accept one transfer volunteer to be admitted. Once they accept the notice to be admitted, it means that the transfer is completed, and they will no longer be able to fill in the transfer volunteer, accept the second interview or the notice to be admitted. Please choose carefully!

  TipsDue to the constant adjustment and changes in various aspects, the actual admission of candidates to departments and departments is subject to the actual admission of enrollment units.

  In case of online re-examination, pay attention to these details!

  1.Confirm in advanceVideo equipment and environment available

  2. Ensure that the power is sufficient, the storage space of the equipment is sufficient, the Wi-Fi does not delay the jam, and the alarm clock is turned off.

  3. When using the camera, don’t unplug the shooting equipment.

  4. Test the ambient light in advanceNon-backlight

  5. Sit upright during the exam.Facing the camera

  Adjust the operation of postgraduate entrance examination. Anyone who doesn’t understand can ask ↓

  01. Is the dispensing system started in the early morning of 22nd or in the morning?

  It will open in the early morning of the 22nd, but don’t wait to stay up late! It is most important to have a good rest and meet the information war with full spirit!

  02. Are the R&D network adjustment system and college adjustment started simultaneously?

  That’s not true. The official transfer system was opened on the 22nd, and the institutions decided when to open it according to the enrollment situation of their own institutions before the official transfer system was closed.

  03. When will the dispensing system be closed?

  Generally at the end of April each year.

  04. How long is the swap volunteer locked? And how long is it locked?

  When the transfer application is submitted, the transfer will be locked. Candidates’ voluntary lock-in time for adjustment shall be set by each enrollment unit independently, and the longest time shall not exceed 36 hours. After the lock-up time arrives, if the admissions unit does not clearly accept the opinions, the lock-up will be lifted, and candidates can continue to fill in other volunteers.

  05. How to fill in the three volunteer transfers? What is the difference?

  After the official opening of the dispensing system, you can fill in three parallel volunteer at the same time, and the three volunteers have no order. After filling in and submitting the transfer volunteers, all three volunteers will be locked, and the minimum locking time of the transfer volunteers will not exceed 36 hours.

  Judging from the adjustment information in previous years, the locking time varies from 7 hours, 8 hours, 12 hours, 24 hours and 36 hours. The specific time will be announced in the official adjustment announcement. If it is not found, you can only wait patiently. Once these three volunteers are locked, they are not eligible to fill in other institutions.

  Therefore, it is suggested that students fill in one or two volunteer peaks first. If they meet a favorite and qualified institution later, they will have the opportunity to fill in the report, so as not to miss the opportunity.

  06. Is the voluntary lock-in time for each swap counted separately?

  Yes The time when the volunteer is locked is determined by the institution. If the institution feels that it does not meet the adjustment conditions, it will be rejected and its adjustment volunteer will be unlocked.

  07. Will the corresponding three schools see the three volunteer transfers? Will other schools see it?

  After the application for volunteer transfer is submitted, the reporting institution and other institutions will see the progress of their three volunteers and the progress record of the previous re-examination. But don’t worry, transfer is a two-way choice. Colleges hope to have high-quality students, and students also hope to find their favorite colleges. Teachers understand.

  08. Will you remind yourself if the school transfer vacancy is full?

  Will not prompt. However, the dispensing system requires that the dispensing system of each school be open for no less than 12 hours.

  09. If you are selected by a school, but the second interview fails, or the volunteer for adjustment is rejected, can you adjust again?

  Yes, you can. No matter whether the re-examination fails or the voluntary adjustment is rejected, the adjustment can be continued. As long as three volunteers are not locked and have not accepted the admission notice, they can continue until the end of the system opening.

  10. Will there be a situation in which one person participates in the re-examination of three schools in the first transfer?

  This will happen, but it is very unlikely. As long as the second interview time is in time and there is no conflict, you can participate.

  11. Do I have to fill in the contact information when filling in the transfer volunteer?

  That’s right. When filling in the transfer volunteers, the contact information is an important way for the enrollment unit to contact the candidates actively. Please fill in the form carefully and make sure the phone is open.

  12. What should I do if my mobile phone number is wrong?

  If you fill in the wrong mobile phone number when volunteering, you need to wait until the volunteer can be modified before you can modify the filled mobile phone number. If the volunteer has been locked, please contact the admissions unit to solve it.

  13. I have confirmed the notice of waiting for admission. How to cancel it?

  If you give up the admission notice, you must obtain the permission of the unit to be admitted, and you need the enrollment unit to cancel the admission notice, and the candidates can continue to fill in the adjustment volunteer, accept the second interview or the notice to be admitted after logging in to the adjustment system for confirmation.

  14. Should the three volunteers be filled in together or one by one?

  After filling in the first volunteer, the second and third volunteers can fill in at any time. The three voluntary transfers are parallel, with no priority and no influence on each other. Three volunteers fill in the wrong peak, the first volunteer must be the school you want to go to most, and the filling time should be as early as possible. Because the earlier you fill in, the earlier it will be unlocked. If the college doesn’t send a notice, the school may unlock your application in advance. For the second and third volunteers, you can stagger the time a little.

  15. What are the contents of the application form? What do you need to prepare in advance?

  In general, it includes "candidate number, candidate’s name, gender, ID number, final education, application category, graduation institution, graduation major, entrusted training unit (to be filled in by candidates entrusted to apply for training), my contact telephone number and email address, the name of a volunteer application unit, the code and name of a volunteer application major, entrance examination results, and the code and name of the professional field to apply for adjustment" and so on.

The number of postgraduate students has reached this year.3.77 million people,

Every successful graduate student,

Have experienced many hardships that ordinary people have never experienced.

Initial test, second test and adjustment … …

We can’t give up the hope of struggle until the last moment.

I wish every postgraduate party a successful postgraduate entrance examination!

May your pen have a beautiful world,

May you write a brilliant picture,

To be no.1, thank you!

  Producer Tang Yi

  The producer is gentle.

  Planning Zheng Liheng

  Editor Chen Zhuoran