Pony Ma is the general manager! Tencent responds to rumors of entering real estate

According to a number of media reports, recently, Tencent Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. has undergone industrial and commercial changes. In the scope of business, the licensed business projects have added real estate development and operation, and the general business projects have added non-residential real estate leasing. The company’s legal representative, chairperson and general manager are Pony Ma.

In this regard, Tencent insiders told China New Finance that Tencent’s application to supplement the business scope of real estate development and leasing is not to carry out real estate business in the general sense, but to meet the business needs during the development of the new park under construction – the Dashanwan project. The Dashanwan project is centered on Tencent’s self-use industrial park, and will also set up some public supporting facilities such as office properties, conference centers, and commercial facilities. The development and operation of these ancillary facilities involves external operations, so relevant qualifications need to be supplemented in accordance with regulations.


 Source: People’s Daily Online-auto channel

    On July 13th, the 5th China Changchun International Automobile Expo was held in Changchun, one of China’s old industrial bases. Ssangyong motor catered to the theme of "scientific and technological innovation, energy saving and environmental protection" of this Expo, and brought its three swordsmen, namely three fully imported SUV models-Xiangyu 08, Aiteng and Lester II, to the exhibition, which became the focus of attention.

    The core of Ssangyong booth-Xiangyu 08

    Ssangyong Motor’s booth is located in Hall G, covering an area of 400 square meters. It is understood that as it is the first time to participate in Changchun Expo, Ssangyong Motor has made great efforts to show a complete image of "world-class SUV expert" to consumers in Northeast China. The SUV "Three Musketeers" formed by young and personalized Aiteng, dynamic and passionate Enjoying Royal 08 and honorable Lester II covers the mainstream range of 200,000-400,000, providing China consumers with more diversified choices. The strength of Ssangyong’s "world-class SUV expert" was also concentrated in this Changchun Automobile Expo, which once again showed its strong strength in the high-end imported SUV market in China.

    According to insiders of Ssangyong, Aiteng, the SUV participating in this exhibition, won the honor of "Best Shape Award of SUV" selected by the organizing committee of the auto show for its stylish and personalized appearance, while Xiangyu 08, as a key model, will compete for the "Best Imported SUV" award. Xiangyu 08 is a new imported diesel SUV that was launched not long ago. Its smooth design and high-quality interior configuration perfectly explain the connotation of "Power in Style" and the SUV spirit of "challenging and surpassing yourself".

    The Ssangyong booth shows a photo of Capello and Ssangyong Lester II.

    Ssangyong staff also introduced that during the auto show, Ssangyong booth not only arranged creative performances with themes, but also arranged an award-winning question and answer presentation for Real Madrid coach Capello’s autographed T-shirt, which was recently visited in Shanghai. Ssangyong Motor also hopes to take this opportunity of the auto show to lead the new trend of SUV and bring the world’s advanced diesel power to the revitalized Northeast market.


Editor: Zhao Wei

"Research" must be done! The postgraduate adjustment system will open this strategy on the 22nd to help you succeed.

2021 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Adjustment Service SystemOpen today.

Candidates want to take part in the postgraduate entrance examination.

What should I pay attention to?question?

What are the postgraduate adjustments?step?

What should I do well in the second examination of postgraduate entrance examination?prepare?

This guide is for you, best wishes.success!

  Remember!Adjust the specific time

  The 2021 national postgraduate enrollment adjustment service system has been implemented inMarch 22ndOpen.

  According to the requirements of the "Regulations on the Administration of National Postgraduate Admissions in 2021", the time for candidates to adjust their volunteers is set by the admissions unit.No more than 36 hours.; Duration of each opening of the adjustment system by the enrollment unitNot less than 12 hours..

  Confirm!Basic conditions of adjustment

  Please pay attention to the qualification of postgraduate adjustment:Must meet the requirements of the national preliminary test results in the transferred areas, commonly known as "crossing the national line."

  △ Basic conditions for candidates to adjust

  Tips:Candidates can useI bind my own Xuexin account on WeChat., receive the adjustment notification reminder.

  △ Candidates can bind Xuexin.com account through WeChat.   

  Explain in detail!Operation steps of postgraduate adjustment

  I. Query the planned balance information

  Candidates are required to log in to the National Postgraduate Enrollment Adjustment Service System (https://yz.chsi.com.cn/yztj/) and inquire about the planned balance information of each enrollment unit through "accurate inquiry" or "fuzzy inquiry".


  1. Candidates applying for transfer should meet the transfer conditions determined by the regulations on enrollment management.

  2. Candidates who do not meet the requirements for transferring to professional disciplines, preliminary test subjects or transfer application conditions of enrollment units,You will not be able to fill in the corresponding volunteers.

  3. Enrollment units and majorsFill in at least one item..

  4. Candidates’ scores should meet the basic requirements of the initial test scores of candidates who participated in the national unified examination in accordance with the first and second districts formulated and announced by the Ministry of Education.

  Zone 1Including Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shanxi, Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Fujian, Jiangxi, Shandong, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Chongqing, Sichuan, Shaanxi and other 21 provinces (cities);

  Zone 2Including Inner Mongolia, Guangxi, Hainan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Tibet, Gansu, Qinghai, Ningxia, Xinjiang and other 10 provinces (regions).

  5. If there is no specific figure for the planned balance, you can consult the relevant enrollment units and departments.

  Second, apply for adjustment

  Candidates enter the application transfer page.Candidates who participate in the swap can fill in three parallel swap volunteers at a time.The submitted transfer volunteers are not allowed to be modified within the time set by the enrollment unit (no more than 36 hours) (each volunteer is timed separately). After the lock time arrives, candidates can continue to fill in other volunteers.

  △ Adjustment Volunteer Reporting Interface

  If you need to modify the adjustment volunteer,You can click the "Modify" button to enter the "Modify and Adjust Volunteer" page for modification, and then click the "Submit" button after modification.

  △ Modify the interface of voluntary adjustment.

  Third, participate in the second interview

  Please log in to the adjustment system in time after submitting the adjustment volunteer.If you receive the notice of re-examination, you should confirm the reply through the adjustment system within the time specified by the enrollment unit, and go through the relevant formalities according to the requirements of the enrollment unit.

  Candidates who fail the re-examination can still continue to fill in other adjustment volunteers.

  △ Re-examination Notice Receiving Page

  Fourth, wait for the admission notice

  After the second interview is passed, the admissions unit will send a notice of waiting for admission to the candidates through the adjustment system. Candidates who receive the "notice of waiting for admission" should log in to the adjustment system for confirmation within the time specified by the admissions unit, otherwise the admissions unit can cancel the notice of waiting for admission.

  Candidates can only accept one transfer volunteer to be admitted. Once they accept the notice to be admitted, it means that the transfer is completed, and they will no longer be able to fill in the transfer volunteer, accept the second interview or the notice to be admitted. Please choose carefully!

  TipsDue to the constant adjustment and changes in various aspects, the actual admission of candidates to departments and departments is subject to the actual admission of enrollment units.

  In case of online re-examination, pay attention to these details!

  1.Confirm in advanceVideo equipment and environment available

  2. Ensure that the power is sufficient, the storage space of the equipment is sufficient, the Wi-Fi does not delay the jam, and the alarm clock is turned off.

  3. When using the camera, don’t unplug the shooting equipment.

  4. Test the ambient light in advanceNon-backlight

  5. Sit upright during the exam.Facing the camera

  Adjust the operation of postgraduate entrance examination. Anyone who doesn’t understand can ask ↓

  01. Is the dispensing system started in the early morning of 22nd or in the morning?

  It will open in the early morning of the 22nd, but don’t wait to stay up late! It is most important to have a good rest and meet the information war with full spirit!

  02. Are the R&D network adjustment system and college adjustment started simultaneously?

  That’s not true. The official transfer system was opened on the 22nd, and the institutions decided when to open it according to the enrollment situation of their own institutions before the official transfer system was closed.

  03. When will the dispensing system be closed?

  Generally at the end of April each year.

  04. How long is the swap volunteer locked? And how long is it locked?

  When the transfer application is submitted, the transfer will be locked. Candidates’ voluntary lock-in time for adjustment shall be set by each enrollment unit independently, and the longest time shall not exceed 36 hours. After the lock-up time arrives, if the admissions unit does not clearly accept the opinions, the lock-up will be lifted, and candidates can continue to fill in other volunteers.

  05. How to fill in the three volunteer transfers? What is the difference?

  After the official opening of the dispensing system, you can fill in three parallel volunteer at the same time, and the three volunteers have no order. After filling in and submitting the transfer volunteers, all three volunteers will be locked, and the minimum locking time of the transfer volunteers will not exceed 36 hours.

  Judging from the adjustment information in previous years, the locking time varies from 7 hours, 8 hours, 12 hours, 24 hours and 36 hours. The specific time will be announced in the official adjustment announcement. If it is not found, you can only wait patiently. Once these three volunteers are locked, they are not eligible to fill in other institutions.

  Therefore, it is suggested that students fill in one or two volunteer peaks first. If they meet a favorite and qualified institution later, they will have the opportunity to fill in the report, so as not to miss the opportunity.

  06. Is the voluntary lock-in time for each swap counted separately?

  Yes The time when the volunteer is locked is determined by the institution. If the institution feels that it does not meet the adjustment conditions, it will be rejected and its adjustment volunteer will be unlocked.

  07. Will the corresponding three schools see the three volunteer transfers? Will other schools see it?

  After the application for volunteer transfer is submitted, the reporting institution and other institutions will see the progress of their three volunteers and the progress record of the previous re-examination. But don’t worry, transfer is a two-way choice. Colleges hope to have high-quality students, and students also hope to find their favorite colleges. Teachers understand.

  08. Will you remind yourself if the school transfer vacancy is full?

  Will not prompt. However, the dispensing system requires that the dispensing system of each school be open for no less than 12 hours.

  09. If you are selected by a school, but the second interview fails, or the volunteer for adjustment is rejected, can you adjust again?

  Yes, you can. No matter whether the re-examination fails or the voluntary adjustment is rejected, the adjustment can be continued. As long as three volunteers are not locked and have not accepted the admission notice, they can continue until the end of the system opening.

  10. Will there be a situation in which one person participates in the re-examination of three schools in the first transfer?

  This will happen, but it is very unlikely. As long as the second interview time is in time and there is no conflict, you can participate.

  11. Do I have to fill in the contact information when filling in the transfer volunteer?

  That’s right. When filling in the transfer volunteers, the contact information is an important way for the enrollment unit to contact the candidates actively. Please fill in the form carefully and make sure the phone is open.

  12. What should I do if my mobile phone number is wrong?

  If you fill in the wrong mobile phone number when volunteering, you need to wait until the volunteer can be modified before you can modify the filled mobile phone number. If the volunteer has been locked, please contact the admissions unit to solve it.

  13. I have confirmed the notice of waiting for admission. How to cancel it?

  If you give up the admission notice, you must obtain the permission of the unit to be admitted, and you need the enrollment unit to cancel the admission notice, and the candidates can continue to fill in the adjustment volunteer, accept the second interview or the notice to be admitted after logging in to the adjustment system for confirmation.

  14. Should the three volunteers be filled in together or one by one?

  After filling in the first volunteer, the second and third volunteers can fill in at any time. The three voluntary transfers are parallel, with no priority and no influence on each other. Three volunteers fill in the wrong peak, the first volunteer must be the school you want to go to most, and the filling time should be as early as possible. Because the earlier you fill in, the earlier it will be unlocked. If the college doesn’t send a notice, the school may unlock your application in advance. For the second and third volunteers, you can stagger the time a little.

  15. What are the contents of the application form? What do you need to prepare in advance?

  In general, it includes "candidate number, candidate’s name, gender, ID number, final education, application category, graduation institution, graduation major, entrusted training unit (to be filled in by candidates entrusted to apply for training), my contact telephone number and email address, the name of a volunteer application unit, the code and name of a volunteer application major, entrance examination results, and the code and name of the professional field to apply for adjustment" and so on.

The number of postgraduate students has reached this year.3.77 million people,

Every successful graduate student,

Have experienced many hardships that ordinary people have never experienced.

Initial test, second test and adjustment … …

We can’t give up the hope of struggle until the last moment.

I wish every postgraduate party a successful postgraduate entrance examination!

May your pen have a beautiful world,

May you write a brilliant picture,

To be no.1, thank you!

  Producer Tang Yi

  The producer is gentle.

  Planning Zheng Liheng

  Editor Chen Zhuoran

The activity of "Meeting Cherry Flower Sea" in Xixiang County of Hanzhong City was launched.


The spring breeze fills the garden, and it is as beautiful as snow. In the past few days, the temperature has warmed up, and the cherry blossoms in the cherry ditch scenic spot in Xixiang County of Hanzhong City are competing to bloom, attracting tourists from all walks of life to enjoy the flowers and take photos, and experience the wonderful artistic conception of "People in Traveling in a pictorial world".


On March 6th, the launching ceremony of "Meet the Cherry Flower Sea" activity in Xixiang County of Hanzhong City was held on the water stage beside the Cherry Lake in Cherry Valley Scenic Area. This year’s "Meet the Cherry Flower Sea" activity is sponsored by Xixiang County Party Committee and Xixiang County People’s Government, and will carry out activities such as wearing Hanfu to swim in the flower sea, painting and calligraphy into the scenic spot, and "walking in the garden to bask in the beautiful scenery" to commend advanced models such as county-level civilized units, civilized towns and villages, moral models, honest villagers and civilized families in 2023. The activities are rich in elements and elegant in style, allowing tourists to appreciate the beauty of ecology, nature and humanity from multiple angles in the landscape and pastoral areas.


The activity of "Meeting Cherry Flower Sea" is one of the characteristic cultural tourism brands created by Xixiang County, which has been successfully held for 15 sessions. During this activity, Xixiang County will not only carry out a variety of cultural tourism activities, but also focus on strengthening scenic route guidance, environmental improvement, food supervision and other guarantees, continuously strengthen the comprehensive improvement of the tourism market, improve the quality of tourism services, and ensure a good and comfortable tourism environment for tourists.


Cherry Valley Scenic Area is famous for its abundant cherries. After more than ten years of development and construction, it has developed and built a core area of 4 square kilometers, and has won the titles of "National Agricultural Tourism Demonstration Site", "Beautiful Garden" and "National Soil and Water Conservation Science and Technology Demonstration Park" successively. Today’s Cherry Valley Scenic Area is characterized by mountains and rivers, flowers and birds, beautiful scenery and complete infrastructure. The four seasons garden, viewing platform, cultural corridor, Zodiac Garden and other punch-in sightseeing spots are all beautiful, integrating leisure, vacation and agricultural eco-sightseeing, and have become the back garden for people’s daily leisure and entertainment.