Pony Ma is the general manager! Tencent responds to rumors of entering real estate

According to a number of media reports, recently, Tencent Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. has undergone industrial and commercial changes. In the scope of business, the licensed business projects have added real estate development and operation, and the general business projects have added non-residential real estate leasing. The company’s legal representative, chairperson and general manager are Pony Ma.

In this regard, Tencent insiders told China New Finance that Tencent’s application to supplement the business scope of real estate development and leasing is not to carry out real estate business in the general sense, but to meet the business needs during the development of the new park under construction – the Dashanwan project. The Dashanwan project is centered on Tencent’s self-use industrial park, and will also set up some public supporting facilities such as office properties, conference centers, and commercial facilities. The development and operation of these ancillary facilities involves external operations, so relevant qualifications need to be supplemented in accordance with regulations.