Don’t blow or step, rationally analyze Lynk & Co 08 and Q & J M5

Taking advantage of the recent "far ahead" Dongfeng, in this year’s "hybrid first year", the extended range model has become popular again. The ideal naturally goes without saying, and is forging ahead towards the "BBA" team. But unfortunately, the ideal and cheapest L7 is also starting at more than 300,000 yuan, which is not friendly to most of us.

"Is there an extended range car that has no lack of luxury and is just in the 20-300,000 range?"

The market helped me answer everyone’s question. The table contains not only the most popular plug-in models, but also the extended range models we are mainly discussing this time. The second, third, and ninth-ranked models all have corresponding extended range models. But aside from the new Q M7, Lynk & Co 08 and Q M5, which are in the limelight and most of them surpass 300,000, who is better?

It is said that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, and everyone’s view of beauty is the metaphysics of the century. So it is generally not a topic of discussion, but for Lingke 08, I really have to talk about its design.

Compared with the 2023 Q M5 with basically unchanged appearance, the 1100mm Daybreak daylight and bezel-less rearview mirrors used by Lynk & Co 08 have both impact and freshness. Although your mileage may vary, it is an indisputable fact that Lynk & Co 08 is designed to be younger.

Of course, in addition to whether they have an eye, the main criterion for choosing a model still depends on their own hardcore capabilities.

Unlike the only 1-speed electric vehicle single-speed gearbox in the M5, Lynk & Co 08 uses a 3-speed DHT Evo gearbox. For extended-range models, the 3-speed gearbox allows the engine to operate at low, medium, and high speeds in a lower speed range under three driving conditions, achieving relatively low fuel consumption at high speeds, while reducing the noise caused by the extended-range engine pulling up and turning.

It is worth noting that the maximum horsepower used in the Q & J M5 is 152Ps, and the 1.5T range extension engine needs to be filled with 95 #gasoline; the maximum horsepower used in the Lynk & Co 08 is 163Ps, and the 1.5T range extension engine needs to be filled with 92 #gasoline. However, the H15RT engine of the Q & J M5 uses a cast iron cylinder, which has better heat load capacity than the Lynk & Co 08 aluminum alloy cylinder.

Entering the car, the wheelbase of the Lynk & Co 08 2848mm and the wheelbase of the Q & C M5 2880mm are just short of the length of the previous inch photo. However, the sitting position and line of sight when driving the Lynk & Co 08 can be higher than the 1625mm of the Q & C M5 thanks to the 1685mm cockpit height.

In terms of "furniture" quality, the 23-speaker, 16-channel, 1600W Harmanka audio equipped with audio algorithm, 92-inch AR-HUD and 15.4-inch central control screen with 2560 * 1600 resolution bring audio-visual enjoyment beyond the M5 (19 speakers, 75-inch HUD, 15.6-inch central control screen with 1920 * 1080 resolution) to the Lynk 08. In particular, the Lynk 08 is also equipped with a co-pilot with leg rest and a rear seat that supports massage, so the front and rear rows of the ride experience will be the next city.

However, in terms of the smart car system, the blessing of Hongmeng BUFF played a decisive role. The silky and smooth car system and the connected experience of Huawei ecological users, even if Lynk & Co 08 is equipped with the best new LYNK Flyme Auto in the same class, it cannot be surpassed.

Of course, for users who are not Huawei’s ecosystem, Lynk & Co 08’s industry-leading mobile phone interconnection will also bring a good feeling. It is worth playing with it yourself.

The multiple-choice question between Lynk & Co 08 and Q World M5 is actually not difficult to choose. If you pay attention to design and comfort, I believe that users of Lynk & Co 08 will receive good feedback.

But if you pay attention to technology and ecology, it will be more convenient to ask the world M5. As for the intelligent driving assistance that has not been mentioned, you know it.

But if I had to choose, I might be more inclined to Lynk & Co 08. After all, compared to the actual "furniture" that can be touched almost all the time, the frequency of intelligent driving is not so high, not to mention the driving assistance system of Lynk & Co 08 is also very easy to use.

Old love Xie Zhihui revealed that Edison Chen had 20 girlfriends at the same time, and they met on a dating call

  According to Hong Kong media reports, Edison Chen’s ex-girlfriend, young model Xie Zhihui, when interviewed by the media about her old relationship with Edison Chen, not only exploded the beginning and end of their relationship, but also secretly blamed Edison Chen for not being professional in love, and had as many as 20 girlfriends at the same time. According to her, after meeting Edison Chen through dating and calling software, she couldn’t help but take intimate photos and videos with sweet words. Who knew that it became a lingering nightmare, regretting that she was young and ignorant at the time, stupid and naive.

Xie Zhihui

Talk about acquaintance: We met through dating calls

  The sweet-looking 1.73-meter-tall Xie Zhihui made her debut in a modeling competition at the age of 13, but what really made her famous overnight was the exposure of intimate kissing photos with Edison Chen. According to Xie Zhihui, she and Edison Chen met through dating and calling software.

  At that time, Edison Chen took a fancy to Xie Zhihui, who was 15 years younger than him, and launched a passionate pursuit. "At that time, the two of us were really good, just a normal relationship. Like other couples, he had a trendy store at that time, so he gave me a lot of clothes and dolls from his store." It is said that Edison Chen was very generous at that time, spending at least thousands of yuan on each date, and gave Xie Zhihui very expensive dolls, even including a rare HelloKitty bra to make her happy.

Talk about dating: He has as many as 20 girlfriends at the same time

  At the beginning of their relationship, the relationship between the two was very sweet, and even when they were not dating, they had to communicate through the phone and the Internet. Who knew that soon after, the private photos of the two were exposed by the media, causing an uproar for a while. Then Edison Chen responded with "We are just starting, and at this moment I have replied to being single".

  However, Xie Zhihui revealed the inside story of the breakup in this interview: "At that time, many friends around me and his friends told me that he was very adulterous and had many girlfriends. At that time, I was also 17 or 8 years old. When I grew up, I could judge many things by myself through observation, so I felt that I was really stupid and trusted him so much in the past."

Talking about bed photos: Dedicated to Edison Chen for the first time

  According to Xie Zhihui, the intimate photos of her and Edison Chen were only available to the two of them, so she did not understand why they ended up in the hands of the media. Xie Zhihui confessed that the photos were taken at Edison Chen’s home: "It was taken by him when we were dating. At that time, I was very simple-minded and thought he was my boyfriend, and he was older than me. He said everything right, so I listened to him very much."

  Now, Xie Zhihui expresses regret: "Since that incident, I have not dared to take such photos again. I really regret listening to him and taking such photos at that time." Although it has been a long time, Xie Zhihui is still very sad when talking about this old relationship: "This incident had a great impact on me. At that time, I often lost sleep and even hid at home and dared not go out. I felt that I seemed to have matured a lot overnight. My family was also very worried about me. At that time, I had to say whatever my agent asked me to say, and I couldn’t talk nonsense."

Talk about unspoken rules: a boss bids 7 million to keep

  There have always been rumors of "unspoken rules" in the entertainment industry. Xie Zhihui confessed that she had encountered such a thing: "There used to be a magazine owner who was as old as my father, and his wife was also in the circle. She was very beautiful. At that time, he told me that he had an event to go to sea and asked me if I would go. At that time, he was only 14 years old. He thought it was fun, so he went out to play. Later, he told me privately that he would take care of me, give me 7 million for a year, and make movies, photo albums, and songs for me. But I refused him. Later, I often received some unfamiliar calls saying how much money I would pay to accompany them to eat, or to take care of me, but I did not agree."

  Now Xie Zhihui has faded out of the entertainment industry, making a living by opening an online store to sell clothes, and has a boyfriend who is very stable: "Although I don’t make a lot of money now, it is enough to live on my own. My boyfriend is also from an ordinary family, not a rich man, I am very satisfied with my current life."

Editor in charge: Wu Yajuan

Relax the car purchase restriction, light up the night economy … 20 new measures to promote more prosperous consumption.

  How to fully release the consumption potential? A few days ago, the General Office of the State Council issued the Opinions on Accelerating the Development of Circulation to Promote Commercial Consumption (hereinafter referred to as the Opinions), proposing 20 policies and measures to stabilize consumption expectations and boost consumer confidence. Experts said that these 20 measures to promote consumption from the perspective of improving the system and mechanism of consumption growth will have an important impact on consolidating the basic role of consumption in economic growth.

  Relax purchase restrictions and stabilize automobile consumption.

  "The measures to promote automobile consumption in the Opinions will help stabilize the automobile consumption market, thus supporting the stable development of the industry." According to Wang Xiaoming, a researcher at the Institute of Science and Technology Strategy Consulting, Chinese Academy of Sciences, automobiles are large consumer goods except houses, which have a great impact on consumption in the national economy. Stimulating the growth potential of automobile consumption is an important starting point for the steady growth of consumption.

  In July this year, affected by factors such as the switching of previous automobile emission standards, the retail sales of automobile products above designated size decreased by 2.6% year-on-year, and increased by 17.2% in June. "Since last year, the overall automobile market has been sluggish, and there has been the first negative growth in more than 20 years." Wang Xiaoming said.

  In view of the current downturn in the automobile market, the Opinions put forward that the potential of automobile consumption should be released, and the areas where automobile purchase restrictions are implemented should explore specific measures to gradually relax or cancel the purchase restrictions in light of the actual situation; Where conditions permit, give active support to the purchase of new energy vehicles; Promote the circulation of used cars and further implement the policy of completely canceling the restrictions on the removal of used cars.

  Zhao Ping, director of the International Trade Research Department of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, believes that the Opinions promote the growth of automobile consumption from three aspects. "From the perspective of new car consumption, it is proposed to gradually relax or cancel the purchase restriction policy, which will loosen the new car consumption." Zhao Ping said, "From the perspective of second-hand car consumption, the sales volume of second-hand cars in China was close to 14 million last year. Although this is a large scale, compared with the 240 million cars in 2018, the circulation proportion of second-hand cars is still very low. There is still huge room for growth in the consumption of used cars, so the Opinions propose to promote the circulation of used cars. "

  "From the perspective of new energy vehicle consumption, the proportion of new energy vehicles in China in 2018 is only 1.09%, and the base is still relatively small, and the future growth space is also very huge." Zhao Ping said, "Therefore, under the background of declining subsidies for new energy vehicles, it is very timely for the Opinions to give active support to the consumption of new energy vehicles in areas where conditions permit." Zhao Ping said that the "Opinions" have targeted and taken various measures to promote the steady growth of automobile consumption, turning the automobile from a drag factor of consumption growth into a traction factor, laying a solid foundation for the steady growth of consumption.

  "Night Economy" Lights up the Consumer Market

  According to the Opinions, businesses and markets at night should be enlivened, and special catering blocks such as late-night business areas, 24-hour convenience stores and "Midnight Food Store" should be opened. Where conditions permit, investment can be increased to create night consumption scenes and gathering areas, and supporting measures such as traffic, safety and environment should be improved to improve the convenience and activity of night consumption.

  The recently issued Opinions on Further Stimulating the Consumption Potential of Culture and Tourism also points out that the night cultural performance market should be enriched, night catering, shopping, performing arts and other services in cultural and tourist sites should be optimized, and the construction of 24-hour bookstores should be encouraged. By 2022, more than 200 national night travel consumption clusters will be built, and the consumption scale of night travel will continue to expand.

  Zhao Ping believes that the "Opinions" put forward that strengthening the consumption of "night economy" is an inevitable requirement for development. On the one hand, with the improvement of economic development level, the growth rate of per capita disposable income in China has basically kept pace with GDP, ensuring consumption growth. "But on the other hand, the process of urbanization is accelerating, and the pace of life of many people is getting faster and faster, so the time for consumption becomes very limited." Zhao Ping said, "Especially in the daytime, many people squeeze the time of consumption because of their tight schedules such as work, and ‘ Night economy ’ The development of the company provides an opportunity to release the accumulated consumer demand during the day. "

  Zhao Ping believes that the development of "night economy" creates conditions for people to relieve pressure and improve themselves. The purpose is to better serve the daytime economy and better promote the benign interaction between people’s production and life, so that people can find a balance between work and life and have more sense of happiness and gain.

  Let the new format innovate and develop in the norm

  Per capita disposable income’s growth rate slows down, the service sector is in short supply, the circulation link is inefficient and the cost is high … … In the final analysis, many "pain points" in the consumption field should be solved by reform.

  In Zhao Ping’s view, the Opinions issued this time has carried out the idea of expanding consumption by means of reform. By improving the long-term mechanism of consumption growth, making up the short supply of consumption through the reform of "streamline administration, delegate power, strengthen regulation and improve services", and improving the institutional environment to smooth the circulation channels, consumers can be relieved of their worries, so that they can buy and afford it, and at the same time dare to buy and are willing to buy.

  The Opinions put forward that it is necessary to promote the innovation, transformation and upgrading of traditional circulation enterprises, promote the development of new circulation formats and new models, conform to the trend of business transformation and consumption upgrading, encourage the use of modern information technologies such as big data, cloud computing and mobile Internet, and promote cross-border integration of business travel styles, forming more new circulation platforms, new formats and new models. Encourage the development of "second-hand goods in internet plus" and "resource recycling in internet plus" to promote recycling consumption. Implement inclusive and prudent supervision to promote the healthy and orderly development of new circulation formats and new models.

  Zhao Ping also pointed out that the Opinions mentioned that we should adopt an inclusive and prudent regulatory approach to deal with the regulatory issues of new formats. In fact, we should create a relatively relaxed but standardized environment for the innovation and development of new formats. "The speed of new format innovation is very fast, but the construction of our policies, regulations and standards has not kept up with the pace of new format innovation. Therefore, we need to make up shortcomings in the system, so that new formats can innovate and develop in the norms." Zhao Ping said. (Kong Dechen)