Huawei P7 realizes the dream of tens of millions, and needs to climb over "three mountains"

The Huawei Ascend P6 was a success.

On June 18, 2013, the P6 was released in London, UK, priced at 2688 yuan. This is a brave exploration of Huawei’s brand road. Yu Chengdong, president of Huawei’s end point, released a bold statement that the sales target of P6 is 10 million units. In a year, P6 sales 4 million units, far from achieving the so-called goal. But this does not affect the success of P6.
Say it’s a success, because P6 is a pathfinding product. Since it’s a pathfinding, it doesn’t matter if you can reach your goal. The key is to see where the road leads. If the road is right, don’t be afraid of the distance.
Taking this road, Huawei wants profits, and related to it, there are brand premiums and reducing dependence on operators. Although thousands of people have invested in research and development and over 100 million in marketing investment, shipping 4 million at a price of about 3,000 yuan is enough to amortize these costs. According to Yu Chengdong, a certain brand premium has been formed. Huawei’s global brand recognition of consumer goods has increased from 25% in 2012 to 52%. P6 is indispensable. Xu Qinsong, vice president of Huawei’s consumer business, said that the ratio of Huawei’s intelligent end point in domestic public channels to operator channels is 1:1. It is speculated that P6 should not be delayed in reducing dependence on operations. In addition, Yu Chengdong continues to sit at the end point and continue the P6 strategy, which also reflects Huawei’s high-level recognition of the success of P6.
It is not easy for Huawei Ascend P7 to continue the P6’s dream of millions.
In recent days, Huawei Ascend P7 has held press conferences in Paris, France and Beijing, the capital. Yu Chengdong once again threatened that the sales volume of a single product will reach 10 million, and this dream of tens of millions has been transferred from P6 to P7. On the road of the brand, P6 is the way to explore, and P7 has already identified the direction and started to run. Huawei will have a sales forecast, even if it is less than 10 million, it will definitely not be a small number. The burden of P7 is really not light.
There are four advantages that can give Huawei the confidence to take the plunge on the P7:
First, the brand influence of Huawei and P6 can play a roleIt has been mentioned above, and it will not be expanded here.
Second, replication expansion can increase overseas market share.Huawei’s strength lies in getting operators. At present, most of the overseas markets are shipped through operators, which is highly reproducible. Although the situation in each country in the overseas market is different, the expansion experience can be learned. At the press conference in Paris, Yves Beyer, executive vice president of France Telecom Orange, was on the P7 platform, which can see the recognition of Huawei. This year, Huawei’s overseas marketing investment is still very large, including sponsorship marketing covering the five major European leagues. The first batch of P7 listing countries has risen from the original 8 countries to the current 33 countries. It is foreseeable that P7 will achieve good results in overseas markets.
Third, Huawei’s HiSilicon chip is a powerful backing for production capacity.The 4G end point has not seen scale, and the bottleneck is the chip. Huawei HiSilicon chip sold $2 billion in 2013, making it the largest chip solution company in China and ranking among the top 20 in the world. In the process of achieving the five-mode and ten-frequency requirements of operators, HiSilicon’s time progress is second only to Qualcomm (currently also Marvell and Ericsson have realized it, but the production capacity is limited). At present, Qualcomm accounts for more than 80% of the 4G chip, and the production capacity of general 4G end point products depends on Qualcomm. And Huawei can have no worries about production capacity with its own chips and good cooperative relations with Qualcomm.
Fourth, there is still a certain window period for the development of 4G end points.MIIT Telecom Research Institute released data show that from January to April this year, the cumulative sales volume of 4G mobile phones 16.36 million, which is far behind the sales target of the three operators totaling over 100 million. The current 4G market is still less than demand, at least from the perspective of operators. Although Huawei wants to reduce its dependence on operators, it still acknowledges that operators are the main body of its channel sales. With 4G subsidies from operators, it is relatively easy for P7 to form a certain sales scale.
However, to achieve the dream of selling tens of millions of units, it is still very difficult overall, and there are "three mountains" in front of you.
First, the operator’s channel end point subsidy will be tightened, and P7 sales will be affected.
Since the beginning of this year, the three operators have increased their investment in the construction of 4G networks; the inter-network settlement has greatly reduced the profits of Huawei P7’s largest partner. The implementation of the "business-to-business" policy after June 1 will bring pain to the operators in the short term. Overall, it will be an indisputable fact that the profits of operators will drop sharply. The SASAC, the regulatory department of the three operators, will not sit idly by and will definitely put forward requirements to reduce costs and ensure profits. The network is fundamental, and investment in it cannot be reduced. Then it must be made a fuss about end point subsidies and channel remuneration.
How big the impact on P7 will be depends on the time proposed by SASAC. The worst case scenario is that the three operators’ profits fell sharply in June and began to reduce end point subsidies in July. In a better case, it is not expected to be later than the end of the year.
The tightening of end point subsidies for operators will make the indicator orientation of mobile phone sales more prominent. The so-called indicator orientation, first, if operators want to retain or develop high-end customers, they must sell a certain amount of high-end mobile phones, such as Apple, Samsung, HTC, etc. Second, if operators want to expand the scale of users, they must sell a large number of low-end mobile phones to impact sales. Limited subsidies will flow to the high-end and low-end. The price of Huawei P7 is 2888 yuan, which is very embarrassing and may be separated from the operator’s key development models. There is not much time window left for P7. Whether it can reduce the impact depends on Huawei’s negotiating ability with operators.
The second one, the 2000-3000 yuan open market is almost monopolized, and the P7 competition has greater resistance.
The reason why the thousand-yuan machine market is in full swing is that the entry threshold for this price segment is low, the competition is fierce, and there is no monopolist. The mid-range and high-end are different. It is an indisputable fact that the high-end is monopolized by Apple and Samsung. The situation in the mid-end market is similar. There are two forces. One is the price-reduced version of foreign high-end products, such as Samsung, Apple, HTC, LG, Nokia, Sony, etc. The user base of this force is very clear. They want to buy high-end foreign brands. They only want to own them at a reasonable price, not early adopters. The other is the three major brands in the open market, Gionee, OPPO, and VIVO (among which OPPO and VIVO belong to BBK). No matter whether it is on a third-party e-commerce platform or a physical mobile phone store, the new products in this price range are basically dominated by these three companies.
From the perspective of product configuration, design and quality, P7 is not inferior in this price range, but it is not outstanding either. Four brands are on the table, each with their own strengths. In this case, it is marketing and channels that are at stake.
In terms of marketing investment, Huawei is much smaller than these three companies. Mainly because Huawei has long-term cooperation with operators, the need for marketing efforts is not large. The three open market brands are different, and they need to rely on their own strength and invest more in entertainment program titles, in-feed ads, soft advertising, etc.
In terms of channels, Huawei is in its infancy. The three open market brands are all their own fixed sales channels, which are spread all over the country. Thanks to long-term manufacturers’ profits, the channel loyalty is high. Huawei has also been expanding social channels in the past two years. Its expansion model is "4 + Top16", that is, it cooperates with agents of the four major chains of Sunny, Gome, Dixintong, and Leyu and Top16 in various provinces. This kind of cooperation has just started, and the channel support is difficult to match the three open brands. Channel construction does not happen overnight. Having channels is just the beginning. The key is the enthusiasm of the channel, which depends on the coverage rate and first push of the product in the channel.
The third block, the omni-channel layout product, poses a great challenge to P7 traders.
Generally, when a manufacturer launches a flagship product, they will choose one or several main channels for sales. This can not only cultivate channel feelings, but also improve the sales enthusiasm of the channel and invest more resources. The strategy of P7 is different. Just online, P6 has chosen 7 channels such as Huawei Mall,, Tmall, Ning, Gome, Yihaodian, and Amazon to sell at the same time. For users, this is a good thing, and products can be bought in various channels. For channel providers, they cannot reflect their own advantages, and their enthusiasm will not be very high. If you want which channel to launch P7 first or increase promotions, then most of this investment must come from Huawei.
The more channels there are, the more difficult it is to trade. It is mainly reflected in two aspects. One is price management. Each channel has its own small nine or nine, and has its own promotion strategy, so P7 will definitely form different prices in different channels. The appearance of random prices will affect the brand of P7. A shrewd channel provider will definitely require Huawei to provide a full price guarantee or a price guarantee for several months, transferring the risk to Huawei. The second is inventory management. Each channel provider forecasts market demand differently, and the sales situation is also different, so there will be a large amount of inventory spread on the channel. This is a great challenge for Huawei’s traders. Poor inventory management, even if a single product earns more profits in the early stage, it may be tied to the later clearance of tail goods.
The "three mountains" are all pressing on Huawei’s soft underbelly. If you turn over, both the P7 and Huawei’s brand strength will be greatly enhanced. If you can’t turn over, I think Huawei will continue to climb and explore on this road, and will not stop.
Author: Mei Garden Statement; WeChat official account: Statement (mhy_chenshu)

I heard that the modified car was strictly investigated? The original Great Wall "wild cannon" with modification knows what you need.

Introduction: Welcome to Cheyan. Interesting and informative knowledge about automobiles is here. Welcome to pay attention. Theme of this issue: I heard that it has been strictly investigated recently? The original Great Wall "Wild Cannon" with modification knows what you need.

I believe that many people have their own dream car in their hearts, especially for many male compatriots. It is their dream to have an off-road vehicle over the mountains to see the scenery that others have never seen. But the reality is cruel, and most hard-core off-road vehicles have always been expensive, which has discouraged many people; Secondly, it is often too much to cross the original car in the field with complicated conditions, so it will involve vehicle modification, and the modified car is a "forbidden area" in China, and many reasons have finally become obstacles for friends who yearn for cross-country to put it into practice. Then the appearance of this car next should be the "gospel" of many people. The original factory will take the modification and "go wild" with you. He is.Off-road version of the Great Wall Gun is referred to as "Wild Gun"!

First of all, let’s distinguish the difference between the off-road version of the Great Wall Gun and the ordinary version. The most intuitive difference between the two is the appearance. The off-road version has more original wading throats, steel front bumpers, black wheel eyebrows, etc. In addition,Compared with the ordinary passenger version, the off-road version uses multi-link suspension instead of traditional steel plate suspension, which improves the comfort a lot.

Returning to the Great Wall "Wild Gun", friends who play cross-country know that the modification must first start from getting rid of difficulties and saving themselves, so it must involve the installation of winches, which is also the standard of the Great Wall "Wild Gun". Not only that, the original wading throat no longer makes you worry about being "choked off" when wading. The high-end version of AT tires and steel front bumper basically need to be added and modified for off-road play, and the "wild guns" are all in the original factory for you. According to related news,Three-lock winch wading throats are standard, while nitrogen shock absorption, sand accumulation cup and rear cargo box will be configured only when modified in high-equipped vehicles.

In terms of off-road hard indicators, the Great Wall "wild guns" are also available, including low-speed four-wheel drive, tank turning, crawling, three differential locks, 360-degree ring shadow, etc., which can be said to be the most advanced technology configuration of Harvard at present, and meet all your off-road needs to the greatest extent.

In the interior, the off-road version of the gun is very similar to the passenger version, but the color matching of red and black is added. Although it is a pickup truck model, the comfort is not compromised. The double electric seats and the central control are almost covered with soft leather, ACC adaptive cruise, seat addition, shift paddles, etc., which breaks the long-standing inherent impression that pickup trucks are cheap.

In terms of power, it is equipped with a 2.0T turbocharged engine code-named GW4C20B, with a maximum power of 190 HP and a peak torque of 360Nm, which is matched with ZF 8AT gearbox and four-wheel drive system.They are all the same as Haval H9.In the choice of driving mode, there are 7 items: highway, energy saving, standard, sand, rain, snow and mud.

At present, there have been many off-road test videos of the Great Wall "Wild Gun", and from its performance, it is generally excellent. As for the price that people are most concerned about, the Great Wall official hasn’t announced it yet, but the starting price of the H9 with the same big piece is 200,000, so its price will not be too high, and it is expected that the high allocation will be within 200,000. This is acceptable for people who love cross-country.

Written at the end: Judging from the various configurations of the off-road version of the Great Wall Gun, the Great Wall has once again shown full sincerity. Although the price is still opaque, the price of the Great Wall, which has always been the main cost performance, will not exceed people’s expectations. In recent years, domestic cars have made great efforts to lower the price of joint venture cars of the same level, and the achievements of independent brands are really gratifying. So what do you think will happen after the listing of Great Wall "Wild Cannon"?

Book six people and five people can’t enter the store? Online celebrity chain store is accused of overlord clause


  Have you ever had to wait in line for dinner, and people can’t go in to eat if they don’t arrive regularly? Recently, Xiaoyun, a netizen in Chengdu, encountered such a wonderful thing when friends were waiting in line for dinner. There are 6 people in the row, but because there are only 5 people present, the store said that they can’t enter the door, and they must be here to eat. Xiaoyun felt unreasonable. "This is simply the overlord clause!"

  Huaxi Dushi Bao-cover journalist found that the store’s practice is not a case. In response to this matter, lawyers believe that "this requirement of merchants is obviously unreasonable, and consumers can complain to the Consumers Association or industry and commerce."

  Netizen’s complaint: people who line up to eat can only enter the venue when they arrive.

  On March 22nd, Xiaoyun made an appointment with some friends to eat skewers after work, and the place was Xiaoyuejun liver skewers in the fifth district of the steel pipe factory in Chengdu Zongfu Road. Because she was working nearby, Xiaoyun hurried to the string store to wait in line after work, and got the "big table C2".

  "There are often many people waiting in line in this store, so I want to come early and line up first, and I can start eating immediately when several other friends arrive." Xiaoyun told the reporter, "I ordered five people when I ranked the number, and then I added one person, a total of six people. But when five of us had arrived, we were told by the staff of the store, ‘ People can’t enter the venue until they are all here ’ 。”

  Xiaoyun’s queuing receipt for reporters also clearly stated that those who take the B number must be at least 4 people, those who take the C number must be at least 6 people, and those who take the D number must be at least 8 people. But Xiaoyun felt unreasonable. "This is simply the overlord clause!"

  On-site visit: you can’t sit at a table when you have a table.

  On March 26, the reporter went to Xiaoyuejun’s liver in the fifth district of the steel pipe factory, located at 54 Huaxing main street, to string incense. At this time, it is already more than 6 o’clock in the afternoon, which is at the peak of work. The equal benches have been placed at the door of the shop, but no one has come to line up yet. In the store, there are already customers eating.

  Subsequently, the reporter asked the merchant as a customer: "Is there a place for six people to eat now?" However, I was told by the merchant that there is an empty table now, but I can’t enter the store because I am not here.

  The staff responsible for numbering at the door handed the reporter an equal receipt and said, "Let me know when everyone is here."

  The small ticket shows that there is still a table waiting in front. The staff member told the reporter: "None of them are here. The big table is too tight to occupy a seat. It takes at least four people to get in. Anyway, whoever gets here first will go first. "

  Store response: improve the utilization rate of tables and shorten the queuing time

  Why do chain stores have such regulations? A few days ago, the reporter met the person in charge of the store’s surname Xu.

  As for "people can’t enter the store until they are here", Manager Xu explained that this is to improve the utilization rate of tables and tables and the seating rate of guests, and at the same time shorten the waiting time of guests.

  "From the perspective of the catering format, the queuing time on our side is relatively concentrated, and some tables, especially middle tables and large tables, are relatively few. For example, some guests only have two guests. They occupy the table and don’t order, or their friends are not here, while other guests have already arrived, so they have to wait outside. This can’t turn the table, and the guests outside are also very anxious. "

  When the reporter asked, is such a request reasonable? Manager Xu bluntly said: "We are not the only one in this regulation, and so are some hot pot restaurants nearby."

  According to the industry, it is not a common phenomenon to avoid "occupying a table without spending"

  The reporter visited and found that it is not a case to string incense like Xiaoyuejun’s liver in the fifth district of the steel pipe factory. Through online search, it was found that netizens from Shenzhen, Hangzhou and other places also spoke out that "there has been such an experience that people can’t enter the store until they arrive."

  "This kind of situation is still rare, and it only appears in some restaurants with many people waiting in line and very hot." Yang Hang, a person in Chengdu catering industry, thinks that the requirement that "people can’t enter the venue until they are together" is actually a helpless choice for businesses. Yang Hang told reporters: "Because some very hot restaurants will have guests ‘ Placeholder ’ ‘ Occupy the table without spending ’ The phenomenon, even the equal guests will have a dispute. In the face of such a situation, the most important thing is that businesses and customers should communicate well in advance and fulfill their obligation to inform. "

  Some insiders also told reporters that the requirement of merchants is to maximize the passenger flow and income during business hours. "Sometimes there will be cases where guests and others don’t order or three or four people occupy a big table, which will reduce the turnover rate and passenger flow of restaurants." Law/teacher/view/point

  It is unreasonable for businesses to restrict consumer rights.

  "Whether it is from the consumption habits of the industry or the Consumer Protection Law, it is wrong for businesses to do so." Chen Fengfeng, a lawyer of Yingji Law Firm, told the reporter, "Even if only one of the six people comes, consumers can enter the store. And the merchant proposed ‘ You can’t enter the store until everyone is here ’ The requirements are unfair transactions agreed by themselves, which limits consumers’ consumption rights. "

  Luo Ping, a lawyer of Sichuan Xuxing Law Firm, also believes that "this requirement of merchants is obviously unreasonable, and consumers can complain." According to Article 16 of the Law on the Protection of Consumers’ Rights and Interests, operators should abide by social ethics and operate in good faith to protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers when providing commodities or services to consumers. Unfair and unreasonable trading conditions shall not be set, and trading shall not be forced.

  "If unreasonable and unfair regulations are imposed on merchants, and additional conditions are unilaterally added to normal consumption activities, which affects consumers’ normal consumption activities, you can call 12315 Consumers Association to complain or directly complain to the local industrial and commercial department." Luo Ping said.

Before the filming of zootopia 2, Disney still has n sequels waiting for you.

This article was first published in the film industry. Welcome to pay attention (WeChat search filmmore).

  1905 movie network exclusive In less than three weeks, the cumulative box office in China has exceeded RMB 1.1 billion, which directly dismounted the one who just defeated and took the champion throne, and became the most popular cartoon released in the mainland in film history.


  The influence of the film is also staggering: not only did the racial and social problems implied in the story arouse extensive thinking, but Nick the fox’s perfect pick up hot chicks skill also murdered a girl’s heart, and uncle sloth, who had a racing teenager’s heart, successfully occupied the WeChat chat record … … Many fans firmly believe that the film has been locked in the best animated feature film in 2017 Oscar in advance, and that it is a waste not to make a sequel to such a big hit.


  However, the sequel to a live-action movie may not have to wait that long, but animated movies are often huge. Although many fans want to see a sequel to zootopia, there are still many sequels planned by Disney Company, and some sequels in "legends" add a bit of mystery to Disney’s "movie universe". So before zootopia 2, we may see the sequels of these works first:


"Frozen" stills

["It’s a nail on the board"]


  Frozen, released in 2013, is a commemorative work of Disney’s 90th anniversary. The global box office of $1.276 billion ranks ninth in film history, making it the most popular animated film in history. The episode "Let it go", which won the Oscar for best original song, once became a widely sung brainwashing divine comedy. It should be said that it is impossible for a film of this size to have no sequel.


  As early as more than a year ago, Disney confirmed that it would shoot "Frozen II 2", and the original director, songwriter and main voice actors would all return. Recently, American actress kristen bell, who voiced the heroine, revealed that the reason why the sequel has kept everyone waiting for so long is because Disney, who has always been very cautious about sequels, doesn’t want to do it just for the sake of sequels, but to ensure that the story is good enough. At present, the script of the film has been completed and some adjustments are being made, and the dubbing work will begin soon this month.


"wreck-it ralph" stills


  Disney, accustomed to the story of talented people and beautiful women, actually found a bad guy as the protagonist, which is a modest pioneering work in the history of Disney animation; Pixel games, arcade game and other settings full of sense of the times in the film also earned all the feelings. Although sequel to the movie’s plan didn’t appear in the official film list of the film’s release year (2012), director Rich Moore indicated as early as 2012 that he wanted Nintendo’s classic character "Super Mario" to appear in the sequel.


  Last July, John C.Reilly, who voiced Ralph, the leading character, also announced that he had signed a contract with Disney to shoot the movie Invincible Destroyer 2. However, there is no clue about the direction of the sequel story. For such a well-received work, perhaps the most important question is not when the sequel will be released, but how to shoot it.


"big hero 6" stills


  Last year, "Dabai" was on fire for a whole year, and rumors about the sequel were flying all over the sky. Genesis rodriguez, who voiced Honey Lemon in the film, also said that "big hero 6" is Disney’s third best-selling cartoon, and it is impossible not to make a sequel. As early as last April, Stan Lee, the "father of Marvel Comics", even announced shortly after its release that there must be a sequel, and the protagonist Hiro’s brother Teddy would be the biggest villain. But before long, director don hall denied this statement.


  In March of this year, Disney finally announced the sequel plan, but like, this is also a series of animations. The sequel will tell the new adventures of the marines led by Hiro and "Dabai" immediately after the movie. The animation is expected to be officially launched in 2017.

Next page: Tangled