[Sofa Butler] Take you to understand a few tips for using Xiaomi TV!

Xiaomi TV, as a smart product, the MIUI TV system that comes with Xiaomi TV has been constantly updated and optimized, adding many more user-friendly and convenient functions according to the wishes of most users. However, many new users may not be very familiar with it. Today, I will briefly introduce a few tips for using Xiaomi TV.

delayed shutdown

We know that when the TV is turned off, you can turn on the TV through the power button on the remote control. But for Xiaomi TV, when the TV is turned on normally, the power button of the remote control has two functions:

  • Short press the power button of the remote control, the TV screen is turned off, and the system enters the standby state. In fact, the TV is not really turned off, and some programs are still running in the background. Turn on the TV again to restore the TV picture before standby.

  • Long press the power button of the remote control (more than 1 second), and a function menu will pop up on the Xiaomi TV, you can choose "shutdown", "restart" and "delayed shutdown".

The functions of shutdown and restart are basically known to everyone. The "delayed shutdown" function is equivalent to the "timed shutdown" function of traditional TVs. We can choose the time period according to our needs, that is, how many minutes later the Xiaomi TV will automatically shut down, which is a very practical function.

Clear daemon

As we all know, we have usually run applications that will stay in the background despite exiting. When there are many running programs, the memory occupied by the background will become larger and larger, and it will affect the running speed of the system. At this time, by long pressing the "Home" button on the Xiaomi TV remote control, the TV will display the icon of the software running in the background and the "Clear All" option. We can choose to clear the specified application or free the random access memory space by "Clear All".

toggleinput method

"Touch and Play" feature

Many Xiaomi TV users connect to radio and television or other external set-top boxes through the "HDMI" or "AV" interface to watch TV channels. When we want to watch TV programs, we need to open the Xiaomi TV external set-top box in turn, and then select the corresponding interface to open it to see it. This is a bit complicated for users with elderly or children at home.

However, the Xiaomi TV can be solved perfectly through the "One Touch Broadcast" function. After turning on the "One Touch Broadcast" function in the "General Settings", as long as you turn on the Xiaomi TV first, and then open the external set-top box, the system will automatically switch to the corresponding interface screen.

External speaker settings

Installation and removal of third-party software

Xiaomi TV is a smart TV, so you can install popular TV applications at will, such as Watermelon Video, TV Cat, etc. We can download the software APK package to a U disk or computer on the Internet, and install these applications through "Local Installation" or "Quick Installation" in "App Store – > Users". If you want to delete unwanted applications, you can uninstall the corresponding APK software through "Installed Applications".

The easier way is to directly install "Sofa Butler". There are many applications in it, which are only launched after review. It is safe and secure! You don’t need to go online to find the APK every time… You can click to view the installation method.

Desktop third-party app arrangement

After using it for a period of time, people may install more and more third-party apps on Xiaomi TV, and the new app icons will be placed behind the desktop UI in the order of installation. Every time you want to open the software, you have to press the remote control for a long time to find it, and we don’t want to uninstall the previous app, how to solve it?

At this time, we press the "Menu" button of the remote control on the system desktop of the Xiaomi TV, select "Edit Mode" in the pop-up options, then select the software icon where you want to move, press the "Confirm" button of the remote control, and then press the "Arrow keys" of the remote control to move the software icon to the position you want.

Summarize:The MIUI TV version of Xiaomi TV continues the advantages of MIUI on mobile phones, and the overall ease of use and fluency are very good. Here are a few functions that are more commonly used and concerned by many people on Xiaomi TV, which can facilitate everyone to get familiar with and use this TV more quickly.

Smart TV/Box Information You can pay attention to the Smart TV Information Network Sofa Butler (http://www.shafa.com/), the most influential TV box and smart TV website in the country, providing information, communication and Q & A on TV boxes, smart TVs, and smart TV software.

A new force on university campus: the "post-00" schoolmasters attack.

  At present, colleges and universities have started classes one after another. This year’s freshmen are mostly children born in 1997 and 1998, and in addition, there are a few "post-00" figures. This group of "primary school tyrants" broke into the campus and took the lead in competing with the "post-90 s". Some of them entered school at the age of 4, some attended middle school at the age of 7, and some were repeat students in ideal universities. Immature face, shy smile, curious eyes … … All reveal their full expectations for future college life!

  The most independent "after 00":

  I hope to be a big tree at home

  Freshmen from the School of Chemical Engineering of Northwest University in pucheng county — — Dang Ming Fei, a 16-year-old boy, came to report for duty alone. Considering that his parents were busy taking care of the farmland, he decided to report to the school alone. "However, an elder sister from Xida University who met online and went to the same school in high school helped me a lot and took me through the first busy day of reporting."

  Dang Ming Fei’s parents couldn’t spare more time to take care of him because of the busy farming. Xiaoming Fei was sent to primary school at the age of 4. "My parents let me do farm work since I was a child, and let me taste the hard work of eating by labor." Dang Ming Fei said that it was this that inspired him to study hard, get into a good university and get out of the countryside. My brother and sister at home are also very disappointing and set an example for him — — The twin brother has just been admitted to China Shiyou University (East China) this year, and the elder sister has just graduated from university.

  Asked about his initial impression of Xida University, Dang Ming Fei described the quaint North Campus as "full of atmosphere", and he was particularly satisfied with the newly renovated dormitory.

  As one of the 16 "post-00 generation" among the 3380 freshmen of West University, Dang Ming Fei feels very lucky. In his understanding, the "advantage" of age gives him more time to work hard, grow up and become a big tree at home as soon as possible.

  Minimum "after 00":

  Become a knowledgeable person

  He is 1.7 meters tall, wears a pair of black-rimmed glasses, speaks slowly, and has a serious look … When his peers are about to face the senior high school entrance examination, Fu Yao, born in 2002, has been standing on the university playground for military training. It is understood that among the more than 5,200 freshmen of 2016 in Northwest A&F University, there are 34 "post-00" college students, the youngest of whom is Fu Yao, who is 14 years old.

  It took only one and a half years for Fuyao Primary School to pass the exam and enter junior high school at the age of seven. Last year, at the age of 13, he took the college entrance examination for the first time and scored 502 points, 22 points higher than the first line; I got 553 points in the second college entrance examination this year and was admitted to the Forestry Engineering Department of Forestry College of Northwest A&F University.

  Fu Yao’s roommate said that he only saw a 14-year-old boy go to college on the news before, but I didn’t expect to live in a dormitory with such a "prodigy" now. I really admire him. These days, everyone talked about games and cartoons together and got along very well.

  Fu Yao, who is undergoing military training, said that military training is very hard, but he will try his best to overcome the difficulties, and he will not relax his requirements because of his young age. He will also perform military boxing at the ceremony and adapt to college life from military training.

  For the university life in the next four years, Fu Yao intends to study professional courses well, strive for the number of postgraduate places in the college, continue his studies, and become a knowledgeable person.

  The most cute "after 00":

  Determined to be a high-end scientific and technological talent

  A month ago, Kang Ximeng, who had just celebrated her 15th birthday, received the admission notice from the School of Life Sciences of Northwest University as she wished. Kang Ximeng, with short hair and a cute baby face, looks very cute. Kang Ximeng said that she started primary school at the age of 4, so she finished high school at the age of 15. Knowing that he was the youngest student admitted to West University this year, Kang Ximeng said that he didn’t want to make everyone feel different because of his age.

  Kang Ximeng said that the seeds of her fate with Xida have already been planted. When she was five or six years old, her mother once took a photo of Xiao Ximeng at the gate of Taibai Campus of Xida University, which is still kept at home. Ten years later, the slim girl took another photo in the same place, but she was still watching her big brothers and sisters go in and out. This time it was her own school.

  Unlike most freshmen, she has a clear plan for her future at a young age — — Graduate school. "I like biology in middle school and dream of being a scientist. I am very lucky to be admitted to the School of Life Sciences as I wish. " Kang Ximeng said that he had known his major before, and he studied many subjects and had heavy schoolwork. If he wanted to learn English well, he had to put in a lot of energy and hard work, and he also needed to cultivate a solid spirit of research and exploration, as well as the ability to analyze and solve problems and exercise his hands-on ability. "If you want to be a senior scientific talent in this field, you must further study, so I will study hard in these four years and strive for graduate school and doctoral studies." (Reporter Jiang Wei Intern Lu Weijia)

Huawei’s automobile leading action! Xiaokang shares announced its name change to "Sailis"

Xiaokang, a local listed company in Chongqing, announced its name change!

Xiaokang Co., Ltd. is the first partner of Huawei’s smart car selection, and its Celestial car and Huawei have built the series of cars. On July 12th, Xiaokang shares opened slightly higher, and then remained volatile. As of press time, Xiaokang shares rose 0.26% to 74.69 yuan. On April 27 this year, the intraday low of Xiaokang shares was 32.70 yuan.

On July 11th, Xiaokang announced that in order to facilitate investors to accurately understand the current company positioning, match the company name with business and strategic planning, unify the company brand image and enhance the brand value, the company intends to change the company name and adjust the company securities abbreviation accordingly. Among them, the abbreviation of the company’s securities is planned to be changed from "Xiaokang Shares" to "Sailis".

"Well-off" represents a glorious past.

"Sailis" represents the future of transformation and development.

"Sailis" is the name of the brand of new energy vehicles under Xiaokang. In 2017, Jin Kang New Energy, a subsidiary of Xiaokang Co., Ltd., acquired AM General’s civil automobile factory in Indiana in the United States. In 2019, Jin Kang New Energy launched the new energy SUV SF5 of the Celeste brand. In May this year, Jin Kang New Energy was renamed Sailisi Automobile Co., Ltd. As a result, Cyrus has basically become synonymous with the new energy automobile sector of Xiaokang shares.

As to why the group name should be changed to "Sailis" this time, Xiaokang shares explained in the announcement that it is to facilitate investors to accurately understand the current company positioning, match the company name with business and strategic planning, unify the company brand image and enhance brand value. 

The word "Xiaokang" has been used as the enterprise name of Xiaokang shares for 15 years. The birth of Xiaokang shares can be traced back to 1986, originally called Chongqing Baxian Phoenix Electric Spring Factory, and later evolved into Yu ‘an Group. In June 2003, Yu ‘an Group and Dongfeng Company jointly established "Dongfeng Yu ‘an Vehicle Co., Ltd." to produce and sell "Dongfeng Xiaokang" brand mini-cars.

In 2007, Dongfeng Xiaokang won the endorsement of Wang Baoqiang, the star of Soldier Assault, which was quickly spread all over the country by regional brands. Together with Wuling Hongguang and Changan Star, Dongfeng Xiaokang was also called "the three giants of China mini-cars". Seeing that the name of "Dongfeng Xiaokang" is so resounding, Yu ‘an Group took the opportunity to directly change its name to Chongqing Xiaokang Automobile Group Co., Ltd. in 2007. Although it was renamed as "Xiaokang Shares" again in 2011, the word "Xiaokang" still exists.

It can be seen that the word "Xiaokang" represents the once glorious past of Xiaokang shares, while the word "Sailis" is regarded by Xiaokang shares as the future of its own transformation and development.

Rename Cyrus

Xiaokang started the third venture.

The renaming of Cyrus is also the inevitable result of Xiaokang’s third venture. In fact, Xiaokang is an enterprise with a history of 36 years. In the fierce market changes, it dares to seize the trend of the times and boldly innovate, and has gone through three ventures. In 1986, well-off people started from a spring and started their first entrepreneurial journey; In 2003, Xiaokang cooperated with Dongfeng Group to enter the field of vehicle manufacturing; Since 2016, Xiaokang has begun to enter the field of new energy, and is committed to transforming the enterprise from a traditional automobile manufacturer into a global smart car brand enterprise with international competitiveness.

Among many enterprises that claim to expand their territory in the field of new energy, Xiaokang is the one with the longest layout and the most practical actions. In the past six years, Xiaokang has invested nearly 10 billion yuan in research and development, and the annual investment in innovative research and development exceeds 10% of sales revenue. It has cultivated and formed core technologies such as electronic control and electric drive with independent intellectual property rights. At present, Xiaokang shares have nearly 3,000 patented technologies, including more than 150 invention patents. The brand-new Phoenix Smart Factory and Liangjiang Smart Factory built in accordance with the Industry 4.0 standard provide a strong guarantee for the company’s new energy vehicle delivery.

Last year, the cooperation between Xiaokang and Huawei pioneered the deep cross-border integration of smart car joint business. The two sides have empowered each other, and the cooperation in core technologies, products and channels has been deepened. The product strength and brand strength of Cyrus have been significantly improved and become a strong dark horse in the new energy vehicle market.

The sales of Wenjie series cars are hot.

Xiaokang Co., Ltd. is the first partner of Huawei’s intelligent car selection model. Sailis Automobile, a subsidiary of Xiaokang Co., Ltd., and Huawei have built AITO brand high-end smart cars, and Huawei also sells cars in stores.

As the first smart car equipped with a HarmonyOS smart cockpit, the sales volume of the M5 has been increasing since it was delivered in March this year.

On July 9, the data released by the Association showed that in June 2022, in the sales ranking of new energy SUV vehicles, the M5 ranked eighth in China with 7021 vehicles, and its sales ranking was one place behind BYD Tang.

In December 2021, the share price of Xiaokang shares fluctuated downward, all the way down to the intraday low of 32.70 yuan/share on April 27, 2022. Affected by factors such as the rising sales of M5, the share price of Xiaokang shares rose sharply in May and June, and rose to 90.5 yuan/share in intraday trading on June 28th, hitting a new high. On July 11th, the share price of Xiaokang shares closed at 74.50 yuan/share, with a total market value of 101.3 billion yuan.

Huawei recently released M7, the second smart car of AITO brand. On July 7th, at the 14th China Automotive Blue Book Forum, Yu Chengdong, managing director of Huawei and CEO of smart car solutions business group, said that the order volume of M7 has exceeded 50,000.

Soochow securities believes that the sales volume of M7 is worth looking forward to. 2022 -2025 is the golden period for the penetration rate of new energy vehicles in China to break through from 15% to over 50%, and it is also the period for business model innovation. The innovative cooperation model between Huawei and Xiaokang is in an important verification period.

AVIC Securities said that there are currently more than 5,500 offline experience stores in Huawei, much higher than other new energy vehicle companies. Huawei’s brand influence and strong channel advantages will empower car companies and help them sell good cars. It is expected that more car companies will choose Huawei’s smart car selection mode cooperation in the future.

The upstream news integrates china securities journal, Economic Observer Network and China Economic News Network.

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Box office increased by 252%! Has the music festival ushered in a big explosion?

  BEIJING, May 8 (Reporter Ren Siyu) Has the music festival, which is sought after by young people, ushered in a big outbreak?

  On May 6th, Barley released "Observation on the May 1st Performance in 2021". The report shows that during the May 1st holiday, there were over 3,800 professional performances offline, among which the box office of Livehouse, Talk Show and Music Festival increased by more than 250% compared with the same period in 2019.

  On social networks, topics such as "Qin Hao watched Yi Nengjing’s performance", "Faye Wong lost his hat again at Strawberry Music Festival" and "A man wearing protective clothing and dancing in Shandong Music Festival" have been on the hot search list. Music festivals, which were originally regarded as minority entertainment activities, have begun to become one of the lifestyles that everyone likes to see and hear.

  Source: Weibo screenshot.

  Music Festival becomes a holiday "new standard"

  According to the monitoring of China Performance Industry Association, during the "May 1" holiday this year, there were about 14,000 performances nationwide, with a box office income of 860 million yuan, and more than 6 million people watched performances during the holiday, of which more than 40% were tourists, and 12% were music festivals and concerts.

  From last year’s "Eleventh" holiday to this year’s "May Day" holiday, music festivals have increasingly become popular items for people to travel and entertain.

  The data shows that over 40% of users choose music festival as their first choice for holiday and leisure during the May 1 holiday this year, and 60% of users who buy music festival choose to watch performances across cities. Strawberry Music Festival, Midi Music Festival, Guochao Music Festival and Midou Music Festival were held in many places, and famous musicians and bands such as Cui Jian, Pu Shu, Xu Wei, New Pants, Mourning and Wang Jia were among the guests.

  2021 Beijing Strawberry Music Festival was held in Beijing Shiyuan Park. Source: Video screenshot.

  While the fans are busy catching up with the music festival, the musicians are even more busy. According to the public itinerary of the five-person band, they moved to Changzhou, Shanghai, Nanjing and Beijing to participate in the music festival within four days. "Performing is our labor," they sighed at the Weibo.

  According to barley data, there were 56 music festivals in the country during the five-day holiday, which was 37% higher than the same period in 2019. The box office and attendance increased by 252% and 173% respectively compared with 2019.

  Source: Barley "2021 May 1st Performance Observation".

  Generally speaking, during the holiday period, live performances recovered strongly, and various performances such as music, theater and Quyuan Zatan were abundant, the box office growth rate was obvious, and the consumption power of head projects was strong; It is becoming a trend to travel with literature, and the regional consumption preference is gradually broken; The market consumption structure tends to be younger, especially after 00.

  You can watch music festivals at home?

  Another new change that can be found from this year’s "May Day" holiday is that the music festival is opening up "new territory" on a large scale.

  Compared with 2019 and 2020, this year’s music festivals can be described as blooming everywhere. The major brand music festivals are not only concentrated in cities such as Beijing and Shanghai, but also sink to second-and third-tier cities such as Binzhou in Shandong, Changzhou in Jiangsu, Jiaozuo in Henan and Wanning in Hainan.

  Source: barley net screenshot.

  From the industry point of view, the number of vertical music festivals is also increasing, such as YOLO Music Festival in Changsha, Hunan Province and M_DSK Music Festival in Riyuewan, Wanning, Hainan Province, which focuses on rap music, Midi Music Festival in the Warring States Period in Chengdu focuses on heavy music, and Hainan Little Strawberry Parent-child Music Festival focuses on parent-child themes, providing users with different music preferences with sub-categories of music performance choices.

  Another noteworthy phenomenon is that the music festival is becoming a "hard signboard" for some cities to build cultural tourism brands and drain holidays. According to barley data, during the May Day holiday, many music festivals were held in tourist cities, such as Changzhou Taihu Bay Music Festival, Changzhou Xinlong Forest Music Festival, Wanning Riyuewan M_DSK Music Festival, Jiaozuo Yuntaishan Music Festival and so on.

  For example, the popular Midi Music Festival in Jinan, Shandong Province and the Midi Music Festival in Binzhou this year were supported by the local government in terms of policies and supporting services.

  According to media reports, before the start of Binzhou Midi Music Festival, it only took more than 20 days for the local area to complete the leveling of more than 280 mu of site, the laying of 18,000 square meters of turf, the planning of more than 7,000 parking spaces, the construction of more than 3,000 meters of enclosures, the construction of more than 140 bathrooms and the preparation and construction of various functional areas such as camping and drinking water areas. In order to cooperate with Jinan Midi Music Festival, Jinan Metro also extended the operation time of Lines 1, 2 and 3 to 24 o’clock, and adjusted the running interval to 10 minutes between 22 o’clock and 24 o’clock.

  Posters of 2021 Jinan Midi Music Festival and Binzhou Midi Music Festival.

  The consumption drainage brought by the music festival is also considerable. According to the organizer’s statistics, the fans of Jinan Midi Music Festival from outside the province account for about 65%. It is roughly estimated that the consumption related to cultural tourism during the local holidays will increase by about 20%. According to barley data, during the May Day holiday this year, Hainan Wanning Riyuewan M_DSK Music Festival also made Wanning, a county-level city, among the top ten in China.

  What kind of music festival do the audience need?

  However, under the circumstances that music festivals are blooming everywhere and tickets are rising, is the audience’s experience fully satisfied?

  From last year’s National Day to this year’s "May Day" holiday, the topic of rising ticket prices for music festivals is often mentioned. In the impression of some viewers, the single-day ticket price of music festivals in the past few years was often concentrated in 80 to 200 yuan, but during the small holiday this year, the single-day ticket price of individual music festivals has reached 500 yuan or even more than 1,000 yuan.

  Source: barley net screenshot.

  As for the reasons for the price increase of the music festival, industry analysts said that on the one hand, the number of tickets sold under the epidemic prevention and control policy is limited, and on the other hand, the production costs in all aspects are getting higher and higher, especially the appearance fees of some artists. In recent years, with the blessing of bands and rap variety shows, the value of some musicians has risen sharply. In addition, the participation of pop singers with their own popularity and fans has increased the popularity of the music festival.

  Although the consumption enthusiasm of the music festival has not diminished, the audience also has higher requirements for on-site service and viewing experience.

  Affected by the global epidemic, the homogenization of the performance lineup of the music festival has become more and more obvious. In the absence of overseas artists, New Pants, Tong Yang, Re TROS, Wu Tiao and other head musicians performed everywhere, and most of the audience saw old acquaintances rather than fresh faces at the festival. How to play new tricks in the lineup and collocation of the festival is one of the problems that the organizers need to consider.

  Music festivals are usually held outdoors, so in addition to the lineup of performances, the audio effects, security order, transportation, accommodation, water supply and toilets on the spot are also issues that the audience are very concerned about. Every year, some music festivals are met with large-scale spit by netizens after the end, and the experience of music festivals strongly affects everyone’s impression of a city.

  What kind of music festival do fans like? The Spring Tour Music Festival held in Sichuan in April this year won a good reputation. Although the scale is not huge, the atmosphere is relaxed enough. The audience can eat hot pot, play mahjong and set up tents. The on-site security guards are not in fierce confrontation with fans, but dance and sing with young people to feel the joy of music together.

  Source: screenshot of Weibo’s comments.

  With the recovery of the offline performance market, it is foreseeable that there will be more and more music festivals in the future. While the competition is becoming more and more fierce, the organizers should start from the needs of the audience and use more complete supporting services to let the fans fully feel the spiritual satisfaction of the music festival.

"Research" must be done! The postgraduate adjustment system will open this strategy on the 22nd to help you succeed.

2021 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination Adjustment Service SystemOpen today.

Candidates want to take part in the postgraduate entrance examination.

What should I pay attention to?question?

What are the postgraduate adjustments?step?

What should I do well in the second examination of postgraduate entrance examination?prepare?

This guide is for you, best wishes.success!

  Remember!Adjust the specific time

  The 2021 national postgraduate enrollment adjustment service system has been implemented inMarch 22ndOpen.

  According to the requirements of the "Regulations on the Administration of National Postgraduate Admissions in 2021", the time for candidates to adjust their volunteers is set by the admissions unit.No more than 36 hours.; Duration of each opening of the adjustment system by the enrollment unitNot less than 12 hours..

  Confirm!Basic conditions of adjustment

  Please pay attention to the qualification of postgraduate adjustment:Must meet the requirements of the national preliminary test results in the transferred areas, commonly known as "crossing the national line."

  △ Basic conditions for candidates to adjust

  Tips:Candidates can useI bind my own Xuexin account on WeChat., receive the adjustment notification reminder.

  △ Candidates can bind Xuexin.com account through WeChat.   

  Explain in detail!Operation steps of postgraduate adjustment

  I. Query the planned balance information

  Candidates are required to log in to the National Postgraduate Enrollment Adjustment Service System (https://yz.chsi.com.cn/yztj/) and inquire about the planned balance information of each enrollment unit through "accurate inquiry" or "fuzzy inquiry".


  1. Candidates applying for transfer should meet the transfer conditions determined by the regulations on enrollment management.

  2. Candidates who do not meet the requirements for transferring to professional disciplines, preliminary test subjects or transfer application conditions of enrollment units,You will not be able to fill in the corresponding volunteers.

  3. Enrollment units and majorsFill in at least one item..

  4. Candidates’ scores should meet the basic requirements of the initial test scores of candidates who participated in the national unified examination in accordance with the first and second districts formulated and announced by the Ministry of Education.

  Zone 1Including Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shanxi, Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Fujian, Jiangxi, Shandong, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Chongqing, Sichuan, Shaanxi and other 21 provinces (cities);

  Zone 2Including Inner Mongolia, Guangxi, Hainan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Tibet, Gansu, Qinghai, Ningxia, Xinjiang and other 10 provinces (regions).

  5. If there is no specific figure for the planned balance, you can consult the relevant enrollment units and departments.

  Second, apply for adjustment

  Candidates enter the application transfer page.Candidates who participate in the swap can fill in three parallel swap volunteers at a time.The submitted transfer volunteers are not allowed to be modified within the time set by the enrollment unit (no more than 36 hours) (each volunteer is timed separately). After the lock time arrives, candidates can continue to fill in other volunteers.

  △ Adjustment Volunteer Reporting Interface

  If you need to modify the adjustment volunteer,You can click the "Modify" button to enter the "Modify and Adjust Volunteer" page for modification, and then click the "Submit" button after modification.

  △ Modify the interface of voluntary adjustment.

  Third, participate in the second interview

  Please log in to the adjustment system in time after submitting the adjustment volunteer.If you receive the notice of re-examination, you should confirm the reply through the adjustment system within the time specified by the enrollment unit, and go through the relevant formalities according to the requirements of the enrollment unit.

  Candidates who fail the re-examination can still continue to fill in other adjustment volunteers.

  △ Re-examination Notice Receiving Page

  Fourth, wait for the admission notice

  After the second interview is passed, the admissions unit will send a notice of waiting for admission to the candidates through the adjustment system. Candidates who receive the "notice of waiting for admission" should log in to the adjustment system for confirmation within the time specified by the admissions unit, otherwise the admissions unit can cancel the notice of waiting for admission.

  Candidates can only accept one transfer volunteer to be admitted. Once they accept the notice to be admitted, it means that the transfer is completed, and they will no longer be able to fill in the transfer volunteer, accept the second interview or the notice to be admitted. Please choose carefully!

  TipsDue to the constant adjustment and changes in various aspects, the actual admission of candidates to departments and departments is subject to the actual admission of enrollment units.

  In case of online re-examination, pay attention to these details!

  1.Confirm in advanceVideo equipment and environment available

  2. Ensure that the power is sufficient, the storage space of the equipment is sufficient, the Wi-Fi does not delay the jam, and the alarm clock is turned off.

  3. When using the camera, don’t unplug the shooting equipment.

  4. Test the ambient light in advanceNon-backlight

  5. Sit upright during the exam.Facing the camera

  Adjust the operation of postgraduate entrance examination. Anyone who doesn’t understand can ask ↓

  01. Is the dispensing system started in the early morning of 22nd or in the morning?

  It will open in the early morning of the 22nd, but don’t wait to stay up late! It is most important to have a good rest and meet the information war with full spirit!

  02. Are the R&D network adjustment system and college adjustment started simultaneously?

  That’s not true. The official transfer system was opened on the 22nd, and the institutions decided when to open it according to the enrollment situation of their own institutions before the official transfer system was closed.

  03. When will the dispensing system be closed?

  Generally at the end of April each year.

  04. How long is the swap volunteer locked? And how long is it locked?

  When the transfer application is submitted, the transfer will be locked. Candidates’ voluntary lock-in time for adjustment shall be set by each enrollment unit independently, and the longest time shall not exceed 36 hours. After the lock-up time arrives, if the admissions unit does not clearly accept the opinions, the lock-up will be lifted, and candidates can continue to fill in other volunteers.

  05. How to fill in the three volunteer transfers? What is the difference?

  After the official opening of the dispensing system, you can fill in three parallel volunteer at the same time, and the three volunteers have no order. After filling in and submitting the transfer volunteers, all three volunteers will be locked, and the minimum locking time of the transfer volunteers will not exceed 36 hours.

  Judging from the adjustment information in previous years, the locking time varies from 7 hours, 8 hours, 12 hours, 24 hours and 36 hours. The specific time will be announced in the official adjustment announcement. If it is not found, you can only wait patiently. Once these three volunteers are locked, they are not eligible to fill in other institutions.

  Therefore, it is suggested that students fill in one or two volunteer peaks first. If they meet a favorite and qualified institution later, they will have the opportunity to fill in the report, so as not to miss the opportunity.

  06. Is the voluntary lock-in time for each swap counted separately?

  Yes The time when the volunteer is locked is determined by the institution. If the institution feels that it does not meet the adjustment conditions, it will be rejected and its adjustment volunteer will be unlocked.

  07. Will the corresponding three schools see the three volunteer transfers? Will other schools see it?

  After the application for volunteer transfer is submitted, the reporting institution and other institutions will see the progress of their three volunteers and the progress record of the previous re-examination. But don’t worry, transfer is a two-way choice. Colleges hope to have high-quality students, and students also hope to find their favorite colleges. Teachers understand.

  08. Will you remind yourself if the school transfer vacancy is full?

  Will not prompt. However, the dispensing system requires that the dispensing system of each school be open for no less than 12 hours.

  09. If you are selected by a school, but the second interview fails, or the volunteer for adjustment is rejected, can you adjust again?

  Yes, you can. No matter whether the re-examination fails or the voluntary adjustment is rejected, the adjustment can be continued. As long as three volunteers are not locked and have not accepted the admission notice, they can continue until the end of the system opening.

  10. Will there be a situation in which one person participates in the re-examination of three schools in the first transfer?

  This will happen, but it is very unlikely. As long as the second interview time is in time and there is no conflict, you can participate.

  11. Do I have to fill in the contact information when filling in the transfer volunteer?

  That’s right. When filling in the transfer volunteers, the contact information is an important way for the enrollment unit to contact the candidates actively. Please fill in the form carefully and make sure the phone is open.

  12. What should I do if my mobile phone number is wrong?

  If you fill in the wrong mobile phone number when volunteering, you need to wait until the volunteer can be modified before you can modify the filled mobile phone number. If the volunteer has been locked, please contact the admissions unit to solve it.

  13. I have confirmed the notice of waiting for admission. How to cancel it?

  If you give up the admission notice, you must obtain the permission of the unit to be admitted, and you need the enrollment unit to cancel the admission notice, and the candidates can continue to fill in the adjustment volunteer, accept the second interview or the notice to be admitted after logging in to the adjustment system for confirmation.

  14. Should the three volunteers be filled in together or one by one?

  After filling in the first volunteer, the second and third volunteers can fill in at any time. The three voluntary transfers are parallel, with no priority and no influence on each other. Three volunteers fill in the wrong peak, the first volunteer must be the school you want to go to most, and the filling time should be as early as possible. Because the earlier you fill in, the earlier it will be unlocked. If the college doesn’t send a notice, the school may unlock your application in advance. For the second and third volunteers, you can stagger the time a little.

  15. What are the contents of the application form? What do you need to prepare in advance?

  In general, it includes "candidate number, candidate’s name, gender, ID number, final education, application category, graduation institution, graduation major, entrusted training unit (to be filled in by candidates entrusted to apply for training), my contact telephone number and email address, the name of a volunteer application unit, the code and name of a volunteer application major, entrance examination results, and the code and name of the professional field to apply for adjustment" and so on.

The number of postgraduate students has reached this year.3.77 million people,

Every successful graduate student,

Have experienced many hardships that ordinary people have never experienced.

Initial test, second test and adjustment … …

We can’t give up the hope of struggle until the last moment.

I wish every postgraduate party a successful postgraduate entrance examination!

May your pen have a beautiful world,

May you write a brilliant picture,

To be no.1, thank you!

  Producer Tang Yi

  The producer is gentle.

  Planning Zheng Liheng

  Editor Chen Zhuoran

A domestic football match was scolded by a hot search. What happened?

Source: China News Network

On the 8th, a topic entry named # Match-fixing in the Final of Guangdong National Games # occupied a high position in Weibo’s hot search for a long time. As of press time, the reading volume of this topic exceeded 140 million, and nearly 9,000 people participated in the discussion.

From the perspective of competitive sports, this game is not a high-level event. If there are no special circumstances, it will not attract so much public attention to a great extent.

However, looking at the comment area, everyone has a hot discussion.

It’s the darkest hour of football in China, except for the 15-year-old boys.This is a sentence left by a netizen in the topic discussion area.

In the eyes of professional football media, there are also problems in this game. “After watching the replay of the game, there is indeed a suspicion of match-fixing, which supports a thorough investigation."

Everyone’s response is filled with the most emotions, which are helplessness and anger. In other words, today, football in China is still at a low ebb, and this game has poked a lot of people who care about football in China.

Let’s get to know the situation of this game first.

The match was held on August 7th, 2022. It was the men’s B Group A final of the 16th Guangdong Sports Games, and was played between Qingyuan team and Guangzhou team. There was no abnormal situation after the start of the game. In the second half, Qingyuan team took the lead 3-1.

But since then, the Qingyuan team seems to be like a "power outage." Goalkeepers and defenders pass the ball at will in the backcourt and are directly intercepted by opponents; When the Guangzhou team launched the attack, the Qingyuan team defender did not seem to stop the football from entering the goal; According to the camera, several Qingyuan team players started the "walking" mode on the court …

In the end, Guangzhou defeated Qingyuan 5-3 to win the championship.

After the video of this game exploded on social media, Dong Lu, a well-known football media person, used "weird 13 minutes" to describe what happened on the field.

While the outside world is discussing the game,The Chinese Football Association officially announced the launch of an investigation into the game.. The announcement said that in this competition, the performance of athletes from both sides on the field was widely questioned by public opinion, which aroused the concern of all sectors of society. China Football Association attaches great importance to this and starts the investigation procedure, and will form an investigation team with the participation of the Competition Department, the Discipline Inspection Department and other departments, and will go to Guangzhou for investigation on August 8.

It is not what China football wants to cause a heated discussion in such a way.

This year’s poor World Cup preliminaries once again put the national football team into an "infinite loop", and many fans didn’t know how to face the China football that had been in the trough for a while.

In fact, there has been a lot of news about football in China recently.

The Chinese Super League officially resumed the home and away game system. For professional teams and clubs, the home game was opened for a long time, and when familiar spectators entered the stadium again, it brought more positive signals to the team’s operation.

In the East Asia Cup competition that ended at the end of July, the China Men’s Football Team with "U23 National Team" as the main team won the third place.

Although only four teams participated in the East Asia Cup, this ranking did not satisfy the Chinese people. However, the original intention of sending young players out to increase the experience of the competition and taking this opportunity to upgrade is no problem. In the second round, the national football selection team drew with Japan. The game data still shows that there is a big strength gap between the two sides, but with courage and perseverance, the young players can gain confidence and bring some comfort to the depressed football in China.

When facing the pressure and challenges, face the difficulties and use your own efforts to resist the difficulties. Even if you fail to win the game, you will gain confidence. This may be a more realistic idea, and it is also the most needed for today’s China football.

At present, the official has been involved in the investigation of this controversial competition, but the final result has not yet been released. As for whether it is the "fake ball" mentioned by everyone, we still don’t argue.

A few days ago, the first China Youth Football League started. Wang Dengfeng, deputy director of the China Youth Football League Office and director of the Department of Sports, Health and Arts of the Ministry of Education, said, "Whether more and more children can play football is a key issue facing China football at this stage."

As the future of football in China, youth football plays an important role. Please keep it simple and away from the distractions. Only in this way can we help the development of football in China.

Stars hit the list and harvest fan wallets. Experts: It is illegal to brush the list.

Illustration Wang Chen Jun

  Last week, the game anchor "Her Royal Highness Qiao Biluo" was blacklisted by the Network Performance Branch of China Performance Industry Association because of malicious speculation that a beautiful woman became an aunt. Fans who thought she was sweet and beautiful could not ask the platform to return the money for brushing gifts.

  Both network anchors and idol stars are now supported by fans’ real money: spending money to buy virtual gifts, flowers and diamonds, and putting idols at the forefront of the list set by the platform, as evidence that idols are popular, explosive and worthy of advertisers — — This is the general rule in the era when fan economy and traffic are king.

  However, when fans exhausted their wallet labor to support their idols, they also walked into the rights trap created by the list setters and their upstream and downstream industries: virtual flowers that were not used because of changing the rules of the list were unable to get a refund; The automatic ranking software used to improve efficiency has been blocked, and who can I ask for the membership money in 2040? The list promises resources to idols. What if fans don’t fulfill their promises?

  In the opinion of experts, this behavior of brushing data for idols makes the entire Internet industry sink into the carnival of crazy wallet harvesting, which is not beneficial to the long-term development of the industry.

  The list was stopped and the website did not refund money.

  "The star power list is the root of all evil." A Xiao, a 29-year-old white-collar worker, is a fan of H, the star who debuted in the talent show "Creation Camp 2019". In July, in order to make H rank in the top three in the "New Star List", the fan group began to spend a lot of time and money playing the list: "Reading, forwarding, commenting and posting about Weibo can get extra points, commonly known as interaction. If you don’t have time to interact, you can spend money directly. "

  A Xiao introduced that Weibo sells virtual flowers, one in 2 yuan, and every time a flower is sent, the idol’s admiration value increases by 2 points: "It is said that flowers are sent to idols, but in fact, they have turned around and returned to Sina’s pocket, and idols can’t get a dime."

  In mid-July, Weibo was suspended from the list of July H due to the accidental exposure of the fan group through special channels.

  "It is to buy a Weibo trumpet to interact. Sina usually turns a blind eye. This time we were reported by competitors, and Weibo could not pretend to be blind." A Xiao said that in this way, the fans’ early investment has hit Shui Piao. "Forget the time, shouldn’t Sina refund the flowers bought with real money?"

  A Xiao said that at first, Sina just returned the flowers to its account: "The people who sent the flowers can’t make the list. What’s the use of flowers for us?" After that, fans began to call 12345 and 96315 to complain that Sina violated consumer rights.

  "At that time, I realized that we were actually consumers who spent money first, and then fans." A Xiao said that after the complaint lasted for a week, the Beijing Consumers Association talked about Weibo, and Weibo gradually returned the money. "Later, I went to look at it carefully. There is no explanation on the flower purchase page, and there is no regulation on whether it can be returned."

  In August, H’s qualification for the list was restored, but A Xiao no longer bought flowers: "The list is a means for websites to make money, and I won’t send money to do stupid things again."

  Software blocked, membership fee wasted

  On June 10th, the "Star Aid App", the behind-the-scenes promoter of 100 million reposts, was investigated. A few days later, super fans said that "Super Aid" could not be used: "From then on, it returned to the era of manual ranking."

  "Star Aid App" and "Super Aid" can help users to automatically perform some operations, such as commenting on Weibo who forwarded idols, sending Weibo related to idols, and automatically searching the names of idols, thus improving the rankings of idols on Sina’s "Star Power List" and Baidu Encyclopedia’s "Star Popularity List".

  "Super aid is from Sina subsidiary, and the annual membership fee for an account is 35.88 yuan. The Star Aid App is even more fierce. 20 yuan, a member for one month, can bind many trumpets with one click, and then let these trumpets automatically sign in and forward every day. " Yan Yan told reporters that the two appeared in 2018 and were very popular among fans.

  Where did these members’ money go after the service was stopped?

  "Can Star Aid App refund money?" On the second day after the Star Aid App was investigated, Xiao Ran asked questions on the Weibo, but so far he couldn’t find a way. "I heard that the illegal profit was more than 8 million, but the App was taken off the shelf and people were arrested. I don’t know who to ask for a refund."

  After the service of "Super Aid" stopped, some fans found that they could ask for a refund from the Sina subsidiary. "Send them payment voucher screenshots, Weibo nicknames and Alipay account numbers. It doesn’t matter if you have more money or less. Remember to ask Sina for a refund. " Weibo user @ honeythurts sent this Weibo on June 17th and got 718 reposts.

  Not all fans who ask for a refund can get it. "Private letter, no refund, and now I will ignore it." Fan Xiaozhen said, "There is not much money, forget it."

  Forwarding for resources, promises are hard to honor.

  A trend — has been observed in the side dishes that have been mixed with powder circles for nearly 10 years; — More and more companies have joined the ranks of harvesting fans with the list. "Click on the authentication information, some are still film and television companies, and some are simply trading companies selling hardware department stores, so let’s share a piece of it."

  Dishes told reporters that the common feature of these lists is that fans can vote for idols without spending money, but they must first complete some tasks to get tickets: "What do you need? Watching a 15-second video advertisement will give you 5 votes, and sending a Tik Tok with an idol name and a small program name will give you 15 votes. To put it bluntly, it is to use fans as advertisers, as free publicity, and as a resource for other apps. "

  What are the benefits of idols topping the list? "It’s nothing more than putting some advertisements that can reveal the idol image in some places for fans, such as airports, high-speed railway station, squares and cafes, and opening their small programs for a day, even including sending a low-end ‘ Reward ’ 。” Xiaocai said that new fans are often confused by these "rewards", and the old fritters can see the tricks at a glance. "Take the coffee shop advertisement as an example. The promise is 10 coffee shops, 10 Starbucks or 10 coffee shops that you can’t name. There is a big difference. This kind of commitment is simply vague. After the fans sold the coolies, they found that it was different from what they thought in advance, and there was no place to say it. "


  Help the stars brush the list, fans are suspected of breaking the law.

  "Internet idolize has evolved into a stage full of deception and profit-seeking, which is not the same as the idolize we used to know." Zhu Wei, deputy director of the Communication Law Research Center of China University of Political Science and Law, said in an interview with Beijing Evening News that, taking the flower incident as an example, according to the provisions of the Consumer Protection Law, online shopping goods have no reason to return within 7 days, while digital goods, such as audio-visual products and software, are generally not included. "Virtual flowers belong to what goods? There is no clear law about whether it is reasonable to return it for 7 days, or whether it is similar to software. The platform should be stated in the user agreement, and consumers should be clearly informed in advance whether they can retreat. "

  Zhu Wei thinks it is very difficult for users to get back the prepaid membership money after the automatic ranking software stops serving: "It is illegal to brush the list, not only the operator is illegal, but also the participants are illegal. In this case, the illegal income of the operator should be collected, and it is difficult for participants to claim a refund."

  As for the practice that fans use labor to exchange resources for idols, Zhu Wei bluntly said that this is no longer a normal consumption behavior, and the identity of fans is no longer a consumer, which is very risky. "This does not constitute a contract, there is no clear consideration, and it is working for others and others are not aware of it. Whether the operators have relevant abilities and qualifications is often unknown. Whether these unilateral commitments are fulfilled or not, and there is no way to measure them. Don’t do this kind of exchange under the guise of giving aid to idols. This is likely to be fraud or even fraud. "

  Quick comment

  Stars rely on marketing, which is a social disease.

  "The power of Chinese idols has made many people see the huge business opportunities, and it is easy to turn business opportunities into money." Zhu Wei said that the platform corner definitely welcomes fans to play the list. "It can not only improve the popularity of the platform, but also make a lot of money. Idols can also profit from it, because they generally have no works, and they can only increase their popularity through repeated activities. As for whether they can get the benefits of selling flowers from the platform, only fans don’t know. How many people who take the lead in crazy support are sent by idols to brainwash and circle money, and fans will not know. "

  "For the fan economy, the Internet industry is actually a contradictory attitude. On the one hand, fans can increase activity and increase income for the platform; On the other hand, intentional or unintentional, active and passive list brushing, water army and public relations behavior also make the industry hate it, because a good ecology needs a fair and equitable environment, but the reality is that a mouse has broken a pot of soup. When one person starts to brush the list, everyone starts to be forced to brush the list, and the whole ecology is broken. " Liu Xingliang, president of DCCI Internet Research Institute, believes that even at the expense of reducing the activity of the platform, such ecological destruction cannot be tolerated.

  Liu Xingliang introduced that in such a list-brushing game, many ash production companies in the industry earned a lot of money, such as selling trumpet, being a navy soldier and making automatic list-brushing software. "A large part of the money in the entire industrial chain has been earned by these companies, but what these companies do is meaningless or even harmful to the industry and society. The criteria for evaluating stars have also changed from works to well-done marketing and high energy of fans, which is the morbid state of the whole society. " (Reporter Bai Ge)