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BYD Han EV Champion Edition starts at 209,800 yuan.

  [Aika Auto Domestic New Car Original]

  (|) The Champion Edition was officially launched not long ago, and now the new car has arrived in the store. Compared with the old models, the Chinese EV Champion Edition has been upgraded in three aspects: color, chassis and experience, and the price has been lowered — — Han EV Champion Edition has launched five models with a price of 20.98-29.98 million yuan.


BYD Han EV Champion Edition

BYD Han EV Champion Edition

BYD Han EV Champion Edition


BYD Han EV Champion Edition

BYD Han EV Champion Edition

BYD Han EV Champion Edition

BYD Han EV Champion Edition

BYD Han EV Champion Edition

BYD Han EV Champion Edition

BYD Han EV Champion Edition

BYD Han EV Champion Edition

BYD Han EV Champion Edition

  Editor’s comment:In the 200,000+mid-to-high-end car market, the sales performance of BYD Han family is quite outstanding. In 2022, the Han family not only broke 30,000 sales for four consecutive months, but also won the B-class +C-class sedan market sales crown in one fell swoop. The Han EV series also won the sales crown of 200,000+mid-to-high-end pure electric cars in 2022 with monthly sales exceeding 10,000. The launch of the Chinese EV Champion Edition further enhanced the competitiveness of the products, not only increased the configuration, but also lowered the price, which made it more emboldened to face a group of competitors.

Wonderful content review:

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The preparatory symposium of "Media+Artificial Intelligence" Deep Integration Committee and the expert seminar of "Artificial Intelligence Editorial Department" were held in Beijing.

  CCTV News:On October 31st, the preparatory symposium of the "Media+Artificial Intelligence" Deep Integration Committee of China Artificial Intelligence Industry Development Alliance and the expert seminar of "Artificial Intelligence Editorial Department" were held in Beijing, and many well-known experts, scholars and business representatives from the industry attended the meeting. Qian Wei, chairman and general manager of CCTV, said in his speech that CCTV, and International Online, the Central Radio and Television General Station, will take the opportunity of building the "Media+Artificial Intelligence" deep integration committee of the industrial alliance to formulate the media production standard of artificial intelligence as a macro grasp; At the same time, we will continue to promote the construction of the "artificial intelligence editorial department" of the three networks as a practical starting point, and work together to vigorously promote the development of various undertakings in the field of "media+artificial intelligence".


  The artificial intelligence industry development alliance (AIIA) is guided and supported by the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Central Network Information Office and other departments, led by China Information and Communication Research Institute, and co-sponsored by China Institute of Electronic Technology Standardization and the National Research Center for Industrial Information Security Development.

  Qian Wei revealed that the "Media+Artificial Intelligence" Deep Integration Committee aims to grasp the development direction of the integration of media industry and new technologies in today’s world, actively create a good environment for the integration and development of new media technologies, and promote the development of "the application of artificial intelligence technology in the media industry" through the advantages of CCTV’s industry leadership and the alliance’s industrial research and development and integration, and create a standardized and standardized industry order. At the same time, realize the industry leading and management functions, and explore a new path for the development of media integration artificial intelligence technology.

Yin Shiming, Vice President of Baidu and General Manager of Baidu AI Cloud Business Group

Yin Shiming, Vice President of Baidu and General Manager of Baidu AI Cloud Business Group

  The guests at the meeting expressed great expectations for the establishment of the Alliance’s "Media+Artificial Intelligence" Deep Integration Committee.

  Yin Shiming, vice president of Baidu and general manager of intelligent cloud Business Group, said that the joint efforts of media and AI will surely bring new changes to the whole industry, take root and flourish. CCTV is a benchmark enterprise in the broadcasting industry. The cooperation between Baidu and CCTV will accelerate the application of "Cloud +AI", and the two parties will jointly provide a model for the intelligent upgrade of the media industry. Together, the two sides will burst into great energy and define the new future of the media. 

  Si Luo, vice president of Alibaba Group and chief scientist of natural language at Dharma Institute, said: "I am very confident that the development of China media will have explosive growth in the future. At the same time, I believe that Alibaba Dharma Institute includes Alibaba Cloud Intelligent Business Group, and I also hope to have the opportunity to make my own contribution in this process and be a better enabler of the industry." 

  Xu Yiming, vice president of Tencent and vice president of Tencent Cloud, said that we are willing to join hands with CCTV to do in-depth and continuous exploration and research on the capabilities of the media industry AI+. At present, in the field of "media +AI", we need to work together with CCTV in three aspects: intelligent creation, video perception technology and intelligent audit capability.

  Wang Chenxin, vice president of TCL Thunderbird Technology, said: "CCTV has a huge amount of content and professional experience in news media operation, as well as a wide range of operating scenarios; Like Baidu, Ali and Tencent, there are top AI technologies; Our terminal manufacturers have a large number of user portals, so I think ‘ Media+artificial intelligence ’ Deep Integration Development Committee and ‘ Artificial intelligence editorial department ’ In the process of integration of the entire industrial chain, it can play a leading role in promoting the development of integration, the formulation of industry standards, platform co-construction and content sharing. "

  Liu Canguo, the founder of the Media Tea Party, fully affirmed the construction of "artificial intelligence editorial department" in CCTV, Yangguang. com and International Online. He believed that the editorial staff of the main station had natural professional advantages in audio and video. In order to empower the content with technology, it is necessary to produce more new and high-quality content with a "sense of science and technology" and a sense of the times on the basis of ensuring the content quality.

Si Luo, Vice President of Alibaba Group and Chief Scientist of Natural Language of Dharma Institute

Si Luo, Vice President of Alibaba Group and Chief Scientist of Natural Language of Dharma Institute

  According to the deployment of the main station, CCTV, Yangguang. com and International Online implemented the strategic layout of "5G+4K/8K+AI" of the main station, and built an "artificial intelligence editorial department" to intelligently innovate and develop the unique current affairs reporting resources and high-quality video resources of the main station, and committed to providing successful examples for the whole industry. Facing the infinite possibilities of the 5G era, the media and artificial intelligence have begun to link up, and CCTV regards the construction of "artificial intelligence editorial department" as an important actual combat position.

  Silo said that the development of the media has played a very important role in promoting the development of the Internet, and the technology of the Internet is constantly feeding back the development of the media. He believes that artificial intelligence will comprehensively optimize the link between media and collection, production, distribution and feedback in a more forward-looking way.

  Liu Canguo said that the "artificial intelligence editorial department" is not "scissors+paste", but to realize the intelligence of the news editing process, that is, to apply artificial intelligence technology to the whole process of news production and communication such as news planning, gathering, processing, publishing and feedback, and constantly explore new applications of artificial intelligence technology in the form of news reports.

Xu Yiming, Vice President of Tencent and Vice President of Tencent Cloud

Xu Yiming, Vice President of Tencent and Vice President of Tencent Cloud

  Xu Yiming said that with the evolution, iteration and upgrade of deep machine learning technology, artificial intelligence has already possessed the functions of semantic analysis, audio-visual text matching, and wonderful content capture. Media people can use artificial intelligence to define writing rules and automatically generate rich article content.

  Li Min, the founder of Tiger Sniffing Network, proposed to set up an external expert review meeting to assist decision-making, and use the appeal and influence of CCTV to set up an external brain team, including but not limited to AI technical experts, AI application experts and AI product experts. It is necessary to take CCTV business as the center and AI as the business application technology to serve the business and avoid repeated investment in AI basic algorithm work.

Song Jianwu, Professor of School of Journalism, Renmin University of China and Director-General of Media Convergence Laboratory, Renmin University of China.

Song Jianwu, Professor of School of Journalism, Renmin University of China and Director-General of Media Convergence Laboratory, Renmin University of China.

  The new and the old push each other, and the day is not stagnant. Due to the development of artificial intelligence, the trend of media development will be redefined. At the meeting, the guests actively discussed the main application prospects and ethical orientation of artificial intelligence in the field of information dissemination.

  Song Jianwu, a professor at the School of Journalism of China Renmin University and director-general of the Media Convergence Laboratory of China Renmin University, introduced the future development direction of artificial intelligence in the media industry from the aspects of intelligence and digitization of information collection, information production, information distribution, information reception and information feedback. He said that the externality of information dissemination requires information producers and communication platforms to assume social responsibilities and reflect the leading role of mainstream values when developing and utilizing artificial intelligence. At the same time, the powerful ability and potential of artificial intelligence require "technology is good".

  Yin Shiming agrees with the statement that "science and technology are good". He said that technology is for people to live a better life and make people feel better, which should be kept in mind as any enterprise.

  Li Weizhong, director of the product research and development center of Zhebao Group, hopes that the "Media+Artificial Intelligence" Deep Integration Development Committee will establish a relevant effect evaluation mechanism, because "Media+Artificial Intelligence" is geared to all industries and provides a highland for the entire media industry.

  Qian Wei concluded: "Artificial intelligence is not exclusive to a certain family, ‘ Media +AI’ It is not exclusive to a certain family. Some people say that it is an opportunity to change lanes and overtake. Some people say that it is an opportunity to change lanes and survive. What we see is that artificial intelligence will open a new era. This will be an era of entrance everywhere. We are willing to unite with everyone, make good use of the new weapons of artificial intelligence, prevent artificial intelligence from being abused in the media field, and jointly meet the era when everything is on the screen and everything is imported, and there are new positions for media communication everywhere. "