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Looking at the mountains and rivers, going to the distance together, the documentary "Asking about the Mountains and Rivers" was launched.

On September 27th, the documentary "Wondering about Mountains and Rivers" was officially launched. The first season consists of four episodes. Zhang Chenliang (Infinitely Xiaoliang), director of chinese national geography Media Center and deputy editor of Natural History, is invited to lead the audience into the breathtaking China National Park, go deep into nobody’s land, explore novel species, and explore the stories of man and nature all the way.

Ask the way to the corner of the sea, go to the source of the Three Rivers, and visit natural creatures with Infinite Xiaoliang.

In Quest for Mountains and Rivers, Infinite Xiaoliang drives AITO Quest for M7, and invites local natural experts to walk into the two national parks at the Horn of the Sea and Tianya to visit the mystery and grandeur of life. Hainan Rainforest National Park and Sanjiangyuan National Park are located in the southeast and northwest of China respectively, with great differences in latitude and environment.

Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park, located in the corner of the sea, is the most complete and diverse continental island tropical rain forest in China, and is also an important part of the world tropical rain forest, with extremely rich animal and plant resources. In the warm and humid foggy forest, dripping water becomes rain. Infinitely bright light will lead the audience to meet ephemera, explore tree frogs, observe the mountains and rivers and listen to the sounds of apes.

Sanjiangyuan National Park is a completely different scene. Sanjiangyuan is the source catchment area of the Yangtze River, the Yellow River and the Lancang River. It is located in the hinterland of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. It is not only the "water tower of China" but also the birthplace of Chinese civilization, involving the jurisdiction of Zhiduo, Qumalai, Maduo and Zaduo counties and the Hoh Xil Nature Reserve. The Tibetan antelope jumps and the snow leopard crawls. This "China’s greatest wilderness" is full of rough and vigorous vitality in generate.

Infinite Xiaoliang used his humorous popular science style to stage a series of wonderful and interesting "forest adventures" with experts and guests in the film, visited the secluded places, and led the audience to understand the stories of exotic animals and plants and related protection measures in simple terms. Infinitely Xiaoliang said: "Each of us is faced with a lot of uncertainties and a lot of troubles and questions. At this time, when we go into nature and observe the original world, we may be able to answer many of our questions. "

Protect the environment and ecology and show the unique features of China’s national parks.

Environmental protection and ecological protection have always been China’s basic national policies. In this context, "Asking for Mountains and Rivers" took the lead in aiming at the national parks in China.

China’s unique three-step landform has created rich and diverse ecosystems and natural landscapes. The first-step Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is vast and magnificent, with continuous glaciers, scattered lakes and abundant aquatic plants. The second step plateau is interlaced with the basin, and the mountains and lakes show the beauty of the secret realm; The third step plain is intertwined with hills, and lakes and wetlands are criss-crossed with waters; There are also long coastlines and beautiful islands. Rich biodiversity, many endemic species and natural wonders make China have the natural conditions to build a world-class national park system. From the vast land in the western border of China to the southernmost plant paradise, the two first-time national parks selected by the film crew have representatively displayed the unique features of China’s ecological environment.

Ask the mountains, rivers and rivers to create the strongest nature exploration documentary IP.

In the field of domestic documentaries, there is still room for deep cultivation of nature exploration documentaries from the perspective of popular science, and the appearance of "Asking about Mountains and Rivers" is undoubtedly eye-catching. At a time when green development and biodiversity conservation have become "the bright spots in China", Tencent News shoulders the banner of social responsibility of natural science popularization, and with the innovative perspective of experts leading a team to visit national parks, it goes deep into the magnificent uninhabited land, conveys warm and in-depth humanistic ideas through strong visual impact, and shows the world the colorful natural ecological beauty of China. At the same time, lead the audience into the animistic and beautiful nature, and deeply feel the breath of the forest, the rhythm of creatures and the true nature of life-just as Infinite Xiaoliang stated in the program: "From the home next to you to the distant world; From a grass and a tree to a natural way. Some things go to nature and naturally understand. "

In recent years, the creative side has deeply laid out the content field, continuously provided users with valuable content oases, and bred a number of phenomenal depth columns, such as Thirteen Invitations, My Bronze Age and Talking to Strangers. This time, the top talents in the professional field were assembled to form the main creative team of "Quest for Mountains and Rivers". In the early stage, the main creative team completed a lot of careful and meticulous preparations. When shooting, it traveled all day and night just to capture the beautiful shots, and the frame-by-frame editing presented the necessary professionalism and interest of the documentary, combining beauty with knowledge to show the "scientific softness".

[Night reading] Have big dreams, but also have small goals.


  CCTV News:School begins! Have you set a goal for yourself in the new school year? To succeed, instead of talking about big dreams every day, it is better to implement "small goals" in a down-to-earth manner. Small goals are like stops in your dream journey. They are not as far away as the destination. Every time you reach one, it indicates that you are closer to success. Tonight, let’s talk about how to achieve big dreams by achieving "small goals".

  Achieving the goal by stages

  Excerpt from "Yu Minhong talks about entrepreneurship"

  Have a goal.

  You won’t hesitate, shake or get confused.

  "Why can you succeed?" He said nine words: "Have a goal, hold your horses, and do it quietly."

  A reporter once asked Lu Guanqiu, a famous entrepreneur in China and Wanxiang Group, "Why did you succeed?" He said nine words: "Have a goal, hold your horses, and do it quietly." He is an entrepreneur from a pure peasant background, and he is also the only entrepreneur of that generation who has not failed for more than 30 years. He started as a small company and later became Wanxiang Group, and he used these nine words to describe all the successful methods.

  Having a goal means having a dream in your heart and wanting to realize it. If you can’t find a job, start looking for a job tomorrow. This is happiness, because there are goals to pursue. If you have a job, you want to become a department manager, vice president and president of the company, which is also the goal; If you want to start a business and do great things by yourself, these are all goals. With a goal, you won’t hesitate, shake or get confused. Every day, you wake up and feel that you have something to do.


  Have big dreams

  There must be practical "small goals"

  Step by step

  You will succeed in the end.

  A person wants to be Bill Gates from the beginning, and a philosophy student wants to surpass Hegel from the beginning. Such a person may eventually accomplish nothing.

  In reality, the reason why people do things halfway is often not because it is difficult, but because they feel that success is too far away. Many enterprises go out of business, not because their goals are too big to be achieved, but because they don’t set phased goals for themselves.


  Divide the long-term goal into several easy-to-achieve stage goals. Every time you reach a stage goal, you will experience a "feeling of success". This "feeling" will strengthen the self-confidence of entrepreneurs and promote entrepreneurs to steadily tap their potential to achieve the next goal.

  A person’s dream is the same, it can be realized in two years or ten years, and there is no essential difference between two years and ten years. When there is such a goal there, what we have to do is to make a calculation of myself, how far I am from that goal and how long it will take me to get to … …

  However, many people’s consistency and analysis between themselves and their goals are very insufficient, and the result of this insufficiency is that this goal can never be achieved.

  A person wants to be Bill Gates from the beginning, and a philosophy student wants to surpass Hegel from the beginning. Such a person may eventually accomplish nothing.


  People should constantly create a sense of accomplishment for themselves, and they can have this sense of accomplishment by setting stage goals.

  Once you have a goal, you should achieve it in stages. If your goal is to climb Mount Everest, if you climb it now, you will fall down when you climb to 6000 meters, and you must die. You need to climb step by step. You have to go through three to four years of climbing training, starting with climbing 2000 meters, then climbing higher mountains, first climbing empty-handed, then climbing with a backpack, and finally climbing Mount Everest. Wang Shi climbed many snow-capped mountains. He climbed all the snow-capped mountains on several continents before climbing Mount Everest.

  Yu Minhong believes that people should constantly create a sense of accomplishment for themselves, and they can have this sense of accomplishment by setting phased goals. After the failure of studying abroad, Yu Minhong re-determined a realistic small goal, that is, to earn some money to support his family.


  "The goal of making money is very ordinary, but the key is to see what you think about making money. For example, some people want to make a lot of money when they come up without any ability, and they want to make a big career without any foundation. It will definitely not work and will not succeed. Therefore, it is very important to treat your ability correctly.

  My goal at that time was very simple, that is, to earn 30 yuan a day, because I had a class once a day, and a class was 30 yuan at that time. But when I reached the goal of earning 30 yuan a day, I began to think of higher goals. Later, I took classes twice a day and earned 60 yuan a day. Later, I saw someone else running a training class and earning 600 yuan a day, so I thought whether I should try it, because my ability seemed to be no worse than others, so I also started my own training class. This is the spirit of progress day by day, and this is the spirit of ants moving Mount Tai. I would be scared to death if I were allowed to start a new Oriental school at the present scale from the beginning. "


  Do anything, no matter how difficult, as long as you do it in a few steps, you will succeed.

  Any high goal can be divided into many small goals to achieve. Even if you can’t achieve the highest goal at once, you can finally achieve it by moving forward step by step. The realization of every goal is to prepare for your next higher goal.

  Do anything, no matter how difficult, as long as you do it in a few steps, you will succeed.

  Yu Minhong said: "People should have this grand ideal, but more importantly, they should know how to do every step to realize this ideal."

  "Every step I make can be realized, whether it is three years or two years. Usually, I can think clearly about these steps and do them step by step … …”


  This article is excerpted from Yu Minhong’s Talk about Entrepreneurship (author Yang Chenshuo, press: Haitian Publishing House), Part I, Breaking down Big Goals into Small Goals and Realizing Goals by Stages, with pictures from the Internet.

  Have you ever

  Have set many small goals.

  But because you are lazy, you can’t finish it?

  With the goal, how to ensure the implementation in place?


  The goal is simple and clear, and it is refined into daily fixed actions.


  A goal is more likely to become a reality if it can be transformed into a fixed action that can be completed every day.


  Don’t underestimate your laziness, find a small partner to supervise you.


  Sharing a plan with others is easier to stick to, and the degree of peer support will affect the success rate of the plan. Find a small partner to supervise or carry out the plan with you.

  Change the environment in which the plan is implemented and remove the obstacles that hinder your action.


  In order to achieve the goal, it is necessary to create a suitable environment. Adjust part of the daily environment to support the formation of new habits.

  Focus on one goal and do only one thing at a time.


  Try to concentrate on one thing, concentrate on one thing at a time, and think deeply about the solution, and you will find that things become very simple.

  Old and new habits are bound together, and new habits can be developed quickly.


  If you want to cultivate new habits, you might as well try to bind new habits with old ones, which can help new habits develop faster.


  Give the new plan a 30-day probation period to get rid of inadaptability and imperfection.


  Not all the plans made are perfect. Give yourself a 30-day probation period, try to get used to it and adjust your goals, which will make it easier to complete the plan.


  Encourage yourself with the results and imagine the moment of completion.


  If you can’t keep your motivation, focus on what you will achieve in the end. After losing weight, you will be admired for your off the charts or your guitar skills … … When you are lazy, use these beautiful results to motivate yourself to achieve your goals.

  Force yourself to remind yourself to stay away from all excuses.


  If you are afraid that you will forget your plan next week, set a message on your mobile phone to remind yourself, or write down your goal with a pen on the bathroom mirror without giving yourself any chance to make excuses or relax.

  Let’s move now!


  Set a goal, act immediately, and start working towards it now!

  (This part is entirely from the Internet, and the illustrations are from the artist Mohan Khare.)