Google Maps will add offline navigation and search capabilities today

  November 11 Internet NewsThe latest report,According to foreign media reports, at the I/O conference held in May this year, one of the important things announced by Google (Weibo) was to add offline search and navigation capabilities to the Google Maps app. Now, six months after the last announcement of this plan, this feature will finally reach users. Google Maps will launch a new offline mode that allows users to navigate driving directions and searches offline. This feature is designed to integrate seamlessly with online Google Maps, so that data links can be disconnected or connected without cutting off the app itself. These new features will be available to Android users from later today. Google said that similar features for iOS systems will be available soon.

  Since 2012, Google Maps has been able to store part of the map content offline, but this is the first time Google Maps has been equipped with offline search and navigation functions. This means that if a user saves a map of the city they live in, they can search for places such as restaurants without the need for an Internet connection, and get a timely response. Due to space constraints, the new feature will only store business names, star ratings and phone numbers, not corresponding photos or user comments.

  Similarly, offline navigation will only effectively display information about ordinary traffic hours on the road, but it is difficult to upload real-time traffic data. However, once the network connection is restored, the route information will be updated in a timely manner. At present, the initial release of Google Maps offline navigation function cannot navigate offline transportation or walking routes, mainly due to the consideration of data space. However, Google claims that future updates will add more functions to the old box.

  In any case, this new feature of Google Maps will be very important for users who want to navigate without an internet connection, especially those who are in the "dead zone" or somewhere abroad that requires a new SIM card. (Yuetong)

 Source: People’s Daily Online-auto channel

    On July 13th, the 5th China Changchun International Automobile Expo was held in Changchun, one of China’s old industrial bases. Ssangyong motor catered to the theme of "scientific and technological innovation, energy saving and environmental protection" of this Expo, and brought its three swordsmen, namely three fully imported SUV models-Xiangyu 08, Aiteng and Lester II, to the exhibition, which became the focus of attention.

    The core of Ssangyong booth-Xiangyu 08

    Ssangyong Motor’s booth is located in Hall G, covering an area of 400 square meters. It is understood that as it is the first time to participate in Changchun Expo, Ssangyong Motor has made great efforts to show a complete image of "world-class SUV expert" to consumers in Northeast China. The SUV "Three Musketeers" formed by young and personalized Aiteng, dynamic and passionate Enjoying Royal 08 and honorable Lester II covers the mainstream range of 200,000-400,000, providing China consumers with more diversified choices. The strength of Ssangyong’s "world-class SUV expert" was also concentrated in this Changchun Automobile Expo, which once again showed its strong strength in the high-end imported SUV market in China.

    According to insiders of Ssangyong, Aiteng, the SUV participating in this exhibition, won the honor of "Best Shape Award of SUV" selected by the organizing committee of the auto show for its stylish and personalized appearance, while Xiangyu 08, as a key model, will compete for the "Best Imported SUV" award. Xiangyu 08 is a new imported diesel SUV that was launched not long ago. Its smooth design and high-quality interior configuration perfectly explain the connotation of "Power in Style" and the SUV spirit of "challenging and surpassing yourself".

    The Ssangyong booth shows a photo of Capello and Ssangyong Lester II.

    Ssangyong staff also introduced that during the auto show, Ssangyong booth not only arranged creative performances with themes, but also arranged an award-winning question and answer presentation for Real Madrid coach Capello’s autographed T-shirt, which was recently visited in Shanghai. Ssangyong Motor also hopes to take this opportunity of the auto show to lead the new trend of SUV and bring the world’s advanced diesel power to the revitalized Northeast market.


Editor: Zhao Wei

[Night reading] Have big dreams, but also have small goals.


  CCTV News:School begins! Have you set a goal for yourself in the new school year? To succeed, instead of talking about big dreams every day, it is better to implement "small goals" in a down-to-earth manner. Small goals are like stops in your dream journey. They are not as far away as the destination. Every time you reach one, it indicates that you are closer to success. Tonight, let’s talk about how to achieve big dreams by achieving "small goals".

  Achieving the goal by stages

  Excerpt from "Yu Minhong talks about entrepreneurship"

  Have a goal.

  You won’t hesitate, shake or get confused.

  "Why can you succeed?" He said nine words: "Have a goal, hold your horses, and do it quietly."

  A reporter once asked Lu Guanqiu, a famous entrepreneur in China and Wanxiang Group, "Why did you succeed?" He said nine words: "Have a goal, hold your horses, and do it quietly." He is an entrepreneur from a pure peasant background, and he is also the only entrepreneur of that generation who has not failed for more than 30 years. He started as a small company and later became Wanxiang Group, and he used these nine words to describe all the successful methods.

  Having a goal means having a dream in your heart and wanting to realize it. If you can’t find a job, start looking for a job tomorrow. This is happiness, because there are goals to pursue. If you have a job, you want to become a department manager, vice president and president of the company, which is also the goal; If you want to start a business and do great things by yourself, these are all goals. With a goal, you won’t hesitate, shake or get confused. Every day, you wake up and feel that you have something to do.


  Have big dreams

  There must be practical "small goals"

  Step by step

  You will succeed in the end.

  A person wants to be Bill Gates from the beginning, and a philosophy student wants to surpass Hegel from the beginning. Such a person may eventually accomplish nothing.

  In reality, the reason why people do things halfway is often not because it is difficult, but because they feel that success is too far away. Many enterprises go out of business, not because their goals are too big to be achieved, but because they don’t set phased goals for themselves.


  Divide the long-term goal into several easy-to-achieve stage goals. Every time you reach a stage goal, you will experience a "feeling of success". This "feeling" will strengthen the self-confidence of entrepreneurs and promote entrepreneurs to steadily tap their potential to achieve the next goal.

  A person’s dream is the same, it can be realized in two years or ten years, and there is no essential difference between two years and ten years. When there is such a goal there, what we have to do is to make a calculation of myself, how far I am from that goal and how long it will take me to get to … …

  However, many people’s consistency and analysis between themselves and their goals are very insufficient, and the result of this insufficiency is that this goal can never be achieved.

  A person wants to be Bill Gates from the beginning, and a philosophy student wants to surpass Hegel from the beginning. Such a person may eventually accomplish nothing.


  People should constantly create a sense of accomplishment for themselves, and they can have this sense of accomplishment by setting stage goals.

  Once you have a goal, you should achieve it in stages. If your goal is to climb Mount Everest, if you climb it now, you will fall down when you climb to 6000 meters, and you must die. You need to climb step by step. You have to go through three to four years of climbing training, starting with climbing 2000 meters, then climbing higher mountains, first climbing empty-handed, then climbing with a backpack, and finally climbing Mount Everest. Wang Shi climbed many snow-capped mountains. He climbed all the snow-capped mountains on several continents before climbing Mount Everest.

  Yu Minhong believes that people should constantly create a sense of accomplishment for themselves, and they can have this sense of accomplishment by setting phased goals. After the failure of studying abroad, Yu Minhong re-determined a realistic small goal, that is, to earn some money to support his family.


  "The goal of making money is very ordinary, but the key is to see what you think about making money. For example, some people want to make a lot of money when they come up without any ability, and they want to make a big career without any foundation. It will definitely not work and will not succeed. Therefore, it is very important to treat your ability correctly.

  My goal at that time was very simple, that is, to earn 30 yuan a day, because I had a class once a day, and a class was 30 yuan at that time. But when I reached the goal of earning 30 yuan a day, I began to think of higher goals. Later, I took classes twice a day and earned 60 yuan a day. Later, I saw someone else running a training class and earning 600 yuan a day, so I thought whether I should try it, because my ability seemed to be no worse than others, so I also started my own training class. This is the spirit of progress day by day, and this is the spirit of ants moving Mount Tai. I would be scared to death if I were allowed to start a new Oriental school at the present scale from the beginning. "


  Do anything, no matter how difficult, as long as you do it in a few steps, you will succeed.

  Any high goal can be divided into many small goals to achieve. Even if you can’t achieve the highest goal at once, you can finally achieve it by moving forward step by step. The realization of every goal is to prepare for your next higher goal.

  Do anything, no matter how difficult, as long as you do it in a few steps, you will succeed.

  Yu Minhong said: "People should have this grand ideal, but more importantly, they should know how to do every step to realize this ideal."

  "Every step I make can be realized, whether it is three years or two years. Usually, I can think clearly about these steps and do them step by step … …”


  This article is excerpted from Yu Minhong’s Talk about Entrepreneurship (author Yang Chenshuo, press: Haitian Publishing House), Part I, Breaking down Big Goals into Small Goals and Realizing Goals by Stages, with pictures from the Internet.

  Have you ever

  Have set many small goals.

  But because you are lazy, you can’t finish it?

  With the goal, how to ensure the implementation in place?


  The goal is simple and clear, and it is refined into daily fixed actions.


  A goal is more likely to become a reality if it can be transformed into a fixed action that can be completed every day.


  Don’t underestimate your laziness, find a small partner to supervise you.


  Sharing a plan with others is easier to stick to, and the degree of peer support will affect the success rate of the plan. Find a small partner to supervise or carry out the plan with you.

  Change the environment in which the plan is implemented and remove the obstacles that hinder your action.


  In order to achieve the goal, it is necessary to create a suitable environment. Adjust part of the daily environment to support the formation of new habits.

  Focus on one goal and do only one thing at a time.


  Try to concentrate on one thing, concentrate on one thing at a time, and think deeply about the solution, and you will find that things become very simple.

  Old and new habits are bound together, and new habits can be developed quickly.


  If you want to cultivate new habits, you might as well try to bind new habits with old ones, which can help new habits develop faster.


  Give the new plan a 30-day probation period to get rid of inadaptability and imperfection.


  Not all the plans made are perfect. Give yourself a 30-day probation period, try to get used to it and adjust your goals, which will make it easier to complete the plan.


  Encourage yourself with the results and imagine the moment of completion.


  If you can’t keep your motivation, focus on what you will achieve in the end. After losing weight, you will be admired for your off the charts or your guitar skills … … When you are lazy, use these beautiful results to motivate yourself to achieve your goals.

  Force yourself to remind yourself to stay away from all excuses.


  If you are afraid that you will forget your plan next week, set a message on your mobile phone to remind yourself, or write down your goal with a pen on the bathroom mirror without giving yourself any chance to make excuses or relax.

  Let’s move now!


  Set a goal, act immediately, and start working towards it now!

  (This part is entirely from the Internet, and the illustrations are from the artist Mohan Khare.)

Eating rabbits is risky! What deadly viruses are hidden in the "game" on the table?

  According to the latest epidemic situation of pneumonia in novel coronavirus, as of 24: 00 on January 28th, the National Health and Wellness Commission had received a total of 5,974 confirmed cases from 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities), including 1,239 severe cases, 132 cumulative deaths and 103 cumulative cured and discharged cases. There are 9239 suspected cases.

  The menacing epidemic has kept everyone in a state of panic. With the expansion of the epidemic, "wild animals" and "game" have once again become the focus of public attention. Earlier, on January 20th, in view of the current pneumonia epidemic in novel coronavirus, Zhong Nanshan, the leader of National Health Commission high-level expert group and academician of China Academy of Engineering, once pointed out that novel coronavirus is likely to come from a wild animal, and it is more likely to be wild animals like bamboo rats and badgers.

  On January 28th, Academician Zhong Nanshan accepted an exclusive interview with Xinhua News Agency, saying that in 2019, novel coronavirus first appeared on a bat, and scientists were looking for an intermediate storage owner in novel coronavirus.

  What is certain is that this epidemic has a great relationship with wild animals.

  Some researchers have done statistics. At present, 70% of new infectious diseases come from wild animals.

  SARS virus: The source of SARS has been proved to come from the Chinese bat, civet cats contact and infect them, and then transmit the virus to humans. If humans did not catch and eat civet cats, which were originally wild animals, the transmission chain of the virus from bats to civet cats and then to people would not have formed, and SARS would not have broken out that year.

  Ebola virus: The source of Ebola virus is wild animals such as orangutans, monkeys and bats. It is precisely because in Africa, people prey on these wild animals that Ebola virus has been transmitted from animals to people many times, and then it has caused outbreaks in human society.

  Nipah virus: Nipah virus also comes from bats, because humans built pig farms next to bat habitats, and the fruits bitten by bats and infected with the virus fell into the pigsty, and pigs were infected with the virus after eating them, and then infected people with the virus.

  Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) virus: In 2012, doctors in Saudi Arabia discovered a strange disease, which was later named "Middle East Respiratory Syndrome". The MERS virus that causes this disease was originally found in an African bat. Some dromedaries in North Africa accidentally contacted bats with viruses and were infected with MERS virus. With the trade from North Africa to the Middle East, dromedary caravans brought the virus to the Middle East, and the sick dromedaries infected more camels through nasal secretions, eventually infecting humans and spreading among humans.

  one-humped camel

  Influenza virus: almost everyone has had the flu, but the flu disease has nothing to do with humans. They come from birds. Moreover, the flu virus infects the digestive tract of birds, not the respiratory tract. The virus will "mutate", and the bird flu virus will mutate into a new virus that infects humans. However, the surface receptors of human respiratory cells are very close to those of birds’ digestive tract cells. When these new viruses mutated from birds are transmitted to humans, they cause respiratory diseases in humans, that is, "flu".

  HIV: There are two kinds of HIV: one is called HIV-1, and the other is called HIV-2. After research, scientists found that HIV-2 virus came from "mangabey with white top" in West Africa. This monkey carried a SIV virus and independently evolved into HIV-2 AIDS virus. Hunters in West Africa often kill this kind of monkey. When the monkey bites the hunter, or the butcher disposes of the monkey’s corpse, the monkey’s blood containing the virus enters the human body and will be infected with the virus. These viruses replicate themselves and gradually adapt to new hosts — — That is, humans. The HIV-1 virus has a completely different source. They come from another animal: chimpanzees.

  Baiding mangabey

  In addition, Hendra virus, Zika virus and so on, the sources of these deadly infectious diseases are all related to wild animals.

  The following small series is for everyone to learn about the bacteria or viruses that are at risk of infectious diseases carried by these common "game players" who have been repeatedly harassed.

  The greatest protection for wild animals is to stay away from them and leave their homes to them. Don’t go near them, don’t occupy them, and don’t overfish or eat.

  Protecting them means protecting us. I hope everyone can introspect, stop being willful and let the tragedy repeat itself.

  Finally, I hope Wuhan can tide over the difficulties and control the epidemic.