Mercedes-Benz E260 E300 latest offer limited time sale.

  Recently, the highest comprehensive discount for Mercedes-Benz E-Class promotion in Beijing 4S store is 90,000 yuan. Now there are enough cars in the store, all colors are complete, and they are sold all over the country. There are no regional restrictions, complete procedures, nationwide warranty, and pick-up service. All procedures follow the car, and there are no additional conditions for buying a car in the store. Welcome riders to the store to discuss in detail!

  Tips: Call the car hotline during the event to get a (20,000) decorative gift package sponsored by the manufacturer. Considering that foreign customers have a long way to buy a car in Beijing, our store can reimburse the one-way fare to Beijing [train ticket, high-speed rail ticket and plane ticket (limited to two people)] considering that foreign customers are unfamiliar with the road conditions. There is a free shuttle bus to Beijing. Welcome to the store to buy a car.

  Gift package content: explosion-proof membrane, fender, carpet, perfume, steering wheel lock, welcome pedal, DVD navigation, reversing radar, rain shield, car clothes, headrest, pillow, seat cover, tire cleaner, etc. [check the phone number of 4S shop at the bottom of the news]

  The new generation E-Class is built on the modular platform of Mercedes-Benz MRA (rear drive/four-wheel drive), which is more family-oriented in design, closer to Mercedes-Benz S-Class in appearance, and the overall texture has been fully upgraded from the inside out. Perhaps it is a family inheritance or a doll design. The overall shape of the new generation E-class is like an enlarged version of C-class or a reduced version of S-class, which makes people silly and unclear. However, compared with the old E-class, the new car has been comprehensively improved in terms of appearance and elegance.

  The appearance of the new Mercedes-Benz E-Class is basically the same as that of the models released in the open sea, but the body size has been greatly lengthened, with the length, width and height of 5,065 * 1,860 * 1,467mm respectively, and the wheelbase has reached 3,079mm, which is increased compared with the current E-Class long-axis model, and the wheelbase has also been greatly prolonged by 65mm. At the same time, compared with the current overseas standard wheelbase version of the S-Class, which is 5,115*1,899*1,496 mm in length, 1,496 mm in height and 3,035 mm in wheelbase, the new generation of domestic E-Class has an advantage of 44 mm in wheelbase, and the rear legs and seating space will be more comfortable.

  The new one is imposing in appearance. Four-eye headlights and Mercedes-Benz family-style air intake grille are matched with the atmosphere and low-key, which is more fashionable and eye-catching, full of sports atmosphere and angular front face is more aggressive.

> > Please consult the dealer for more details < <

Xiaomi SU7 price forecast, 199,900 yuan is very likely?

The "Xiaomi Automobile Technology Conference" lasted for three hours, but looking back at the whole conference, it is no exaggeration to describe it as full of dry goods. At the press conference, Xiaomi took out cutting-edge technologies such as ultra-high-speed motor, inverted battery, ultra-large die casting and zoom BEV, which was a show of its own technical reserves. In addition, the highly anticipated Xiaomi SU7, the first model of Xiaomi, also appeared simultaneously, and announced various parameters, except the most critical price!

As the first model of the brand, Xiaomi’s cautious attitude towards pricing is understandable. First announce the technology and parameters of the model, then look at the market feedback, and finally combine the competing products for comprehensive pricing. This set of gameplay is actually a routine operation in the mobile phone circle. Although there is no exact price of Xiaomi SU7, it is not difficult to infer from Lei’s description of the model at the press conference that the car has a high probability of not winning with the ultimate cost performance, but taking the route of "high price and high quality".

At the press conference, Mr. Lei made it clear that "Xiaomi SU7 is a little expensive, but it is reasonably expensive". Let’s talk about the positioning of the whole vehicle first. The circumference of Xiaomi SU7 is 4997*1963*1455mm, and the wheelbase is 3000mm, which is a circle larger than the common Tesla Model 3. The official said that the car is a C-class car against the BMW 5 Series. You know, the price of BMW 5 Series is more than 400,000 yuan. Does Xiaomi SU7 want to price it at 400,000?

Judging from the current super-volume market structure, it is unlikely that Xiaomi SU7 will be priced at 400,000. In fact, by looking at the same type of new energy vehicles, we can roughly infer the price range of Xiaomi SU7. Only a little smaller in size, but the technology is not bad at all, the price is 0.2 million/200 thousand; The official starting price of Zhijie S7 with Huawei’s blessing is 249,800 yuan. It is not difficult to speculate that the reasonable pricing of Xiaomi SU7 main sales model is about 250,000 yuan, and the high-performance version will go to the range of 350,000-400,000 yuan.

However, in the mobile phone circle, Mr. Lei has always had a "tradition" of "persuading executives overnight". Since it is ok to make a mobile phone, it makes no sense to build a car. At this conference, Mr. Lei directly rejected the prices of 99,000 yuan and 149,000 yuan, but the high-pitched 199,900 yuan did not express his position. It’s not impossible to get a starting right, and it’s not impossible for the entry version to directly achieve 199,900 yuan. It’s also a tribute to the first generation of Xiaomi mobile phone and a wave of feelings!

Judging from the information published so far, Xiaomi SU7 has given enough sincerity in terms of technology, configuration and intelligence. I hope this sincerity can continue to the pricing level. If the BMW 5 Series is priced at 400,000 yuan, I can only say that my courage is commendable; However, if it is really sold at a price of 199,900 yuan, it is entirely possible to become a phenomenal model. So what do you think of Xiaomi SU7 pricing? Welcome to leave a message for discussion!

Looking at the mountains and rivers, going to the distance together, the documentary "Asking about the Mountains and Rivers" was launched.

On September 27th, the documentary "Wondering about Mountains and Rivers" was officially launched. The first season consists of four episodes. Zhang Chenliang (Infinitely Xiaoliang), director of chinese national geography Media Center and deputy editor of Natural History, is invited to lead the audience into the breathtaking China National Park, go deep into nobody’s land, explore novel species, and explore the stories of man and nature all the way.

Ask the way to the corner of the sea, go to the source of the Three Rivers, and visit natural creatures with Infinite Xiaoliang.

In Quest for Mountains and Rivers, Infinite Xiaoliang drives AITO Quest for M7, and invites local natural experts to walk into the two national parks at the Horn of the Sea and Tianya to visit the mystery and grandeur of life. Hainan Rainforest National Park and Sanjiangyuan National Park are located in the southeast and northwest of China respectively, with great differences in latitude and environment.

Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park, located in the corner of the sea, is the most complete and diverse continental island tropical rain forest in China, and is also an important part of the world tropical rain forest, with extremely rich animal and plant resources. In the warm and humid foggy forest, dripping water becomes rain. Infinitely bright light will lead the audience to meet ephemera, explore tree frogs, observe the mountains and rivers and listen to the sounds of apes.

Sanjiangyuan National Park is a completely different scene. Sanjiangyuan is the source catchment area of the Yangtze River, the Yellow River and the Lancang River. It is located in the hinterland of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. It is not only the "water tower of China" but also the birthplace of Chinese civilization, involving the jurisdiction of Zhiduo, Qumalai, Maduo and Zaduo counties and the Hoh Xil Nature Reserve. The Tibetan antelope jumps and the snow leopard crawls. This "China’s greatest wilderness" is full of rough and vigorous vitality in generate.

Infinite Xiaoliang used his humorous popular science style to stage a series of wonderful and interesting "forest adventures" with experts and guests in the film, visited the secluded places, and led the audience to understand the stories of exotic animals and plants and related protection measures in simple terms. Infinitely Xiaoliang said: "Each of us is faced with a lot of uncertainties and a lot of troubles and questions. At this time, when we go into nature and observe the original world, we may be able to answer many of our questions. "

Protect the environment and ecology and show the unique features of China’s national parks.

Environmental protection and ecological protection have always been China’s basic national policies. In this context, "Asking for Mountains and Rivers" took the lead in aiming at the national parks in China.

China’s unique three-step landform has created rich and diverse ecosystems and natural landscapes. The first-step Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is vast and magnificent, with continuous glaciers, scattered lakes and abundant aquatic plants. The second step plateau is interlaced with the basin, and the mountains and lakes show the beauty of the secret realm; The third step plain is intertwined with hills, and lakes and wetlands are criss-crossed with waters; There are also long coastlines and beautiful islands. Rich biodiversity, many endemic species and natural wonders make China have the natural conditions to build a world-class national park system. From the vast land in the western border of China to the southernmost plant paradise, the two first-time national parks selected by the film crew have representatively displayed the unique features of China’s ecological environment.

Ask the mountains, rivers and rivers to create the strongest nature exploration documentary IP.

In the field of domestic documentaries, there is still room for deep cultivation of nature exploration documentaries from the perspective of popular science, and the appearance of "Asking about Mountains and Rivers" is undoubtedly eye-catching. At a time when green development and biodiversity conservation have become "the bright spots in China", Tencent News shoulders the banner of social responsibility of natural science popularization, and with the innovative perspective of experts leading a team to visit national parks, it goes deep into the magnificent uninhabited land, conveys warm and in-depth humanistic ideas through strong visual impact, and shows the world the colorful natural ecological beauty of China. At the same time, lead the audience into the animistic and beautiful nature, and deeply feel the breath of the forest, the rhythm of creatures and the true nature of life-just as Infinite Xiaoliang stated in the program: "From the home next to you to the distant world; From a grass and a tree to a natural way. Some things go to nature and naturally understand. "

In recent years, the creative side has deeply laid out the content field, continuously provided users with valuable content oases, and bred a number of phenomenal depth columns, such as Thirteen Invitations, My Bronze Age and Talking to Strangers. This time, the top talents in the professional field were assembled to form the main creative team of "Quest for Mountains and Rivers". In the early stage, the main creative team completed a lot of careful and meticulous preparations. When shooting, it traveled all day and night just to capture the beautiful shots, and the frame-by-frame editing presented the necessary professionalism and interest of the documentary, combining beauty with knowledge to show the "scientific softness".