Guo Xiaoting restores Tang Yan Luojin’s romantic wedding, and finally the bridesmaid quota is given to Hu Ge

        There is a clever and cute potato spirit "Jacaranda" in "The Legend of Fairy Sword and Fairy Hero III", who often follows Xuejian and saves her life at critical moments. Guo Xiaoting [Weibo], the little potato, recently served as a bridesmaid in Tang Yan [Weibo] and the wedding. The main actors of "The Legend of Fairy Sword and Fairy Hero III" were reunited at this wedding. Recalling this drama full of memories, Guo Xiaoting also said that "Fairy Sword 3" made her decide to embark on the path of professional acting.

  And through the play, she also became Hu Ge’s junior sister [Weibo], and has since given her a lot of good guidance in her life: "It was he who suggested that I go to the theater exam, and I obeyed."

  When it comes to what impressed her most at Tang Yan’s wedding, Guo Xiaoting said that the most unexpected thing was that Luo Jin [Weibo] was nervous throughout the whole process: "He was always laughing on the stage, and when he was asked to speak, everyone was looking forward to what he said, but he would laugh first."

  This is not Guo Xiaoting’s first time as a bridesmaid, the last time was because of Liu Shishi [Weibo]. As for the statement that bridesmaids can only be three times, Guo Xiaoting laughed and said that she had reserved the remaining quota for Hu Ge: "I feel that the quota for’Immortal Sword 3 ‘is exhausted, maybe I will be his bridesmaid when Hu Ge gets married, and draw a happy end."

  Luo Jin’s wedding was always laughing, and the last bridesmaid quota was reserved for Hu Ge

  Sina Entertainment: Can you tell us about Tang Yan’s wedding?

  Guo Xiaoting: A very beautiful wedding, especially dreamy. Tang Yan is the most girly of all the people I know. She likes all kinds of pink things. She has always been looking forward to a wedding like a princess.

  Sina Entertainment: What were the more unexpected things at the wedding?

  Guo Xiaoting: What was more unexpected was that Luo Jin was nervous throughout the process. He was always laughing on the stage. When he was asked to speak, everyone was looking forward to what he would say, but he would laugh first.

  Sina Entertainment: Tang Yan’s wedding is very mysterious. Will it be hard for everyone to keep secrets?

  Guo Xiaoting: Actually not, because it was originally a friend’s wedding. Since she had this intention and did not want the outside world to disturb, we also felt very good. We did not bring our mobile phones to the scene, so we left our mobile phones at the hotel. The scene was really beautiful. Modern people have mobile phones, and they will always bury their heads in swiping their mobile phones or taking pictures and sending them out, but if not, they will do their best to feel the very romantic atmosphere at that time. I think it is very good.

  Sina Entertainment: How did Hu Ge perform at the wedding?

  Guo Xiaoting: At that time, he said to let him sing, although he was not prepared, he went up to sing directly, and everything was very face-to-face. Then he said to let Luo Jin take good care of Tang Yan, and said something very heartfelt. I feel that everyone has not changed much for so many years.

  Sina Entertainment: How do you feel about being a qualified bridesmaid?

  Guo Xiaoting: I think being a bridesmaid is a manual job. It’s very tiring, more tiring than me filming a movie, but it’s very happy because you can witness such an important day by their side, and there are many touching points. What moves me the most is that when the bride and groom exchange rings, they will talk to each other. Both of them are choked up and finished, including Liu Shishi’s time, I couldn’t control it at all. I was completely crying next to each other, and I could completely feel the feeling that both parties loved each other deeply.

  Sina Entertainment: Have you ever imagined your own wedding?

  Guo Xiaoting: I think my wedding is relatively simple. I want to invite my closest relatives to a special small area, maybe a small party of no more than 50 people. I want to be in a forest with very simple lights and music, and everyone sits together. I think this is enough. I am very afraid of too many people, and I hope everyone is very sincere.

  Sina Entertainment: Can you tell us what kind of boy you would like?

  Guo Xiaoting: I prefer those who are a little more mature and stable, and then talented, about 5 to 10 years old.

  Sina Entertainment: Do you know the saying that bridesmaids can’t be more than three times?

  Guo Xiaoting: Now it is two times, and there is still one place left. In fact, I only wanted to be Liu Shishi’s bridesmaid once before, because she is my best friend. This time I was also very surprised. Tang Yan invited me to be a bridesmaid more than a month ago, so this time she agreed. I don’t know who will be next time. I feel that the quota for "Immortal Sword 3" is exhausted, maybe I will be his bridesmaid when Hu Ge gets married, and it will be a happy end.

  Liu Shishi is like my sister, Hu Ge suggested that I go to the drama exam

  Sina Entertainment: Do you usually have a lot of private contact with Tang Yan, Liu Shishi and Yang Mi [Weibo]?

  Guo Xiaoting: I will be closer to Liu Shishi, and I will often go out to travel together. She is the closest one. She used to be in a company, and they are all girls, just like my sister. I will have less contact with Yang Mi, and Tang Yan’s words will be more intimate because they are all from Shanghai.

  Sina Entertainment: After Tang Yan got married this time, everyone said that you and Hu Ge were "immortal sword left-behind children". What are your thoughts on this title?

  Guo Xiaoting: Originally, everyone was talking about him, but I don’t know why he attracted me this time. Maybe they think I’m not too young. I’m not going to stay behind, he deserves this title. He is so much older than me, let him get rid of it first, otherwise it will be pitiful. Every time everyone urges him, he is also very helpless.

  Sina Entertainment: Did you talk to Hu Ge about anything?

  Guo Xiaoting: Yes, I was the only one flying from Beijing at first, so I was very nervous, but the moment I saw him on the plane, I felt at ease. I didn’t tell anyone before that I would be a bridesmaid this time, but when I saw him, I ran to tell him, and he said you were a bridesmaid again.

  Sina Entertainment: Will you talk about what happened during the filming of "Immortal Sword 3"?

  Guo Xiaoting: The relationship between these people is so good now, because everyone has known each other for many years, and they are all relatively simple people. At that time, after I finished filming "Immortal Sword 3", I signed Tang Dynasty, and Hu Ge became my senior brother. It was also he who suggested that I go to the theater exam, so I went obediently. He gave me a lot of good guidance. I had acted in plays before, and I also went to the same team to perform together, so I often visited each other’s classes.

  Sina Entertainment: What does the movie "Sword 3" mean to you?

  Guo Xiaoting: Maybe it was because of this drama that I decided to embark on the path of professional actors. In the past, filming was more of an extracurricular activity for me, because I was very bored, and my parents wanted me to exercise. At that time, I almost didn’t go to make "Fairy Sword 3" because my parents wanted me to study and stop filming, but I didn’t shoot ancient costumes, so I wanted to try it, and then I went on the road of professional actors.

  Sina Entertainment: Didn’t you post before that you were abused by Liu Shishi Wu Qilong [Weibo] and the two of them at the airport? Do you often encounter this situation?

  Guo Xiaoting: In fact, I am already very accustomed to it. I don’t feel "dog abuse" because I think this is their normal state. No other friends in my daily life are as loving as them.

  Wang Ju is my best friend and she is doing well now.

  Sina Entertainment: We only know that you and Wang Ju are junior high school classmates. Have you two been in touch?

  Guo Xiaoting: She is my best friend in junior high school and my best friend outside the circle. We usually contact a lot. She also told me before she went to participate in the competition. I also told her at the time that the situation might not be satisfactory, because I think a really good friend would be more direct. I said I hope she will enjoy the whole process of the competition and not think about the result. Later, everyone was unexpected about her results, and of course I was very happy for her. Both she and I felt like they were dreaming and it was amazing, but since junior high school, I have always felt that she is very suitable for this line of work. In private, she is also as energetic as on the stage.

  I used to think about whether I should give her a hand, but after she graduated, her mother wanted her to do preschool education, so she took a more traditional career path after graduation.

  Sina Entertainment: After everyone is busy with work now, will they not have as many contacts as before?

  Guo Xiaoting: I think it’s okay to contact as much as possible, and the frequency doesn’t matter, but we chat quite deeply. We are still the same as our girlfriends, exactly the same as before, without any changes.

  Sina Entertainment: How is her current state?

  Guo Xiaoting: Very good, she has done some variety shows slowly, and her mentality is relatively peaceful. She may start with some supporting roles in the movie, and gradually realize her dream step by step. I think she is in good condition, and she is also enjoying the current working state. We also thought about collaborating on a play together in the future.

  Xu Kai is very cute in reality: like a cute big boy

  Sina Entertainment: Recently, in the new drama "Once Upon a Time There Was a Spirit Sword Mountain", playing the cute-looking Kyushu No. 1 foodie Liuli Xian, introduce your role?

  Guo Xiaoting: In fact, I was a little hesitant when I first took over, because at first I felt that this character was still a bit like the role of the Jacaranda in "Immortal Sword 3", so I was more repulsive and felt that it was repeated all the time. Later, because this character has a dual personality, the first personality is a character who is particularly scheming and killing countless people, and the simple part is the second personality derived from her self-protection. Adding this part makes me feel very interesting.

  Sina Entertainment: Will the scheming personality be a little nervous?

  Guo Xiaoting: For me, this part will be easier to play, and I myself would prefer this kind of role with richer layers. On the contrary, I think it is quite challenging to play a simple personality. To play a particularly cute little girl who needs protection, both the director and I think this is the most difficult.

  Sina Entertainment: "Lingjian Mountain" is a manga adaptation. Does this bring any difficulties to your character?

  Guo Xiaoting: Yes, there will be. You have to bring the cute and ancient spirit in the manga to life, and make the audience feel that she is cute and not pretentious. I think this scale needs to be weighed. I also made some small movements and small designs in it to make the characters look more agile. For example, my character likes to eat corn cobs, and then I found about four or five different ways to eat, and I will also learn from the expressions of small animals or some cartoons.

  Sina Entertainment: The character of Liuli Xian is a foodie. In the process of playing her, did you also eat a lot of props?

  Guo Xiaoting: Yes, and I think it’s very difficult to eat something that looks good and makes people feel cute. I can’t eat it without any scruples in real life, but I have to show that I eat it very well. I think this is the hardest part of this drama for me.

  Sina Entertainment: This drama collaborates with Xu Kai. What’s your impression of him?

  Guo Xiaoting: He’s quite interesting. I had a deep impression of him when I first saw him at the press conference, because I always felt that he had been facing a lot of media recently, but he was still very nervous in the background. Then when the backstage person told him that you were going to speak later, he was very confused and said he didn’t know what to say. His expression was very similar to that of a primary school student. The contrast with his image was quite large, and he suddenly felt very cute, like a big boy.

  Sina Entertainment: When you two were filming together, did you have any memorable scenes?

  Guo Xiaoting: This play is very different from him in "Story of Yanxi Palace". He played a very lively and ruffian character. At first, it will be a little difficult for him to enter. Later, everyone will play around slowly. After playing, they will unload the package, and there will be many small surprises, such as some grimace expressions or small movements, which will make everyone’s play look very vivid.

  The role of Jacaranda is very happy to be recognized, but I want to try other types more

  Sina Entertainment: It was easy to play the Jacaranda at the time, but will it be more difficult to play this role now? Why?

  Guo Xiaoting: After all, it is much bigger now than before, and I am more inclined to interpret more complex characters. I am not a very lively person, so it will be more difficult for me to play that kind of role, and I will also worry that the audience will not believe it. I think cuteness is a difficult state to play, unless I really have the potential.

  Sina Entertainment: Now find out if your script characters tend to be cute or complex?

  Guo Xiaoting: Half and half. Before, I gave everyone the impression that I was still like a jacaranda. Later, when I was in college, I played "Shaolin Asked" with Zhou Yiwei and Guo Jingfei. It was a particularly complex role. The audience would find that I could also play a very different type, and many directors also recognized it. Therefore, I would gradually ask me to play some roles that were completely different from before. I have also been trying to break through.

  Sina Entertainment: But now that everyone mentions Guo Xiaoting, their first reaction is still to think of jacaranda. Will they be anxious about this state?

  Guo Xiaoting: I’m not in a hurry. I think it’s good to have one or two characters recognized by everyone. I’m also happy to accept this matter, and I think I’ll take my time in the future, because there’s still a long way to go. But there will be a little bit of distress. Everyone will be more ready-made, and they will think what you look like, and let you play what type of role, rather than giving you more opportunities to try other roles. So when a script that is completely different from before is handed over, I will choose that role first.

  Sina Entertainment: Do you have any work plans for the future?

  Guo Xiaoting: Finish filming "Lingjian Mountain" first, and then maybe shoot a modern drama, because I have been shooting ancient costumes recently, and I want to try some other genres.

  Sina Entertainment: How to Balance Work and Life?

  Guo Xiaoting: I am not a person who takes all work, and I even think that life will be more than work, so I arrange my life to be quite fulfilling. When I am not filming, I travel, read books, and write a lot of articles. There are many friends in the art circle around me who want to develop in that direction in the future, maybe as a curator, because I am quite interested in art, and it is also a new discovery in the past two years.

Have you ever cancelled an order by an online ride-hailing driver? Undercover investigation to reveal the "secret" behind it

  "Hello, I’m sorry, my car broke down, can you cancel the order?" "Hello, my car encountered a traffic accident on the road just now, and I can’t come to pick you up. Can you cancel the order?"… Are you familiar with this? Have you ever heard of it? When you cancel an order, have you ever felt like crying but not crying? The appearance of online car-hailing has greatly improved the convenience of people taking a taxi. Drivers can no longer "pick customers" and "pick orders". We no longer have to beckon for half an hour in the rain on a rainy day, but we can’t get a taxi. But then there are some small new problems. For example, a car that is easy to get, but is told by the driver that it can’t come. At this time, can you only cancel the order helplessly? Not necessarily. After a few days of undercover investigation, the Yangzi Evening News reporter will "reveal the secret" behind the cancellation of the order for you, and "advise" for you – how should we deal with such a situation. 

  Passenger complaints: Early rush to send children to school, orders are often cancelled

  Mr. Liu, a citizen, reported to his child about the kindergarten near the unit: "I can basically pick up and drop off children every day, but during this time I happened to be on a business trip for a week, so I called my mother a car and asked her to pick it up." What made Mr. Liu depressed was that it was not easy to take a taxi during the morning rush hour, but it often took about ten minutes to get a car, but it was inexplicably cancelled.

  "From Hexi to Qinhuai, the road is a bit congested, but it’s not as congested as Xinjiekou, so it won’t be cancelled so often, right?" Mr. Liu told reporters that sometimes the driver would tell him that the car was broken and there was nothing to come. "In such a situation, my heart is really broken, but I can’t help it, and people can’t come, so I can only cancel it." There are many passengers like Mr. Liu. Some waited for half an hour in the umbrella under the guard box at the entrance of the park with their children, and finally got a car, but it was cancelled; some were in a hurry to catch a meeting or a dinner, but because of a cancellation, they had to wait again. And when the order was cancelled, most people chose "forget it".

  Reporter’s visit: The driver said his car was blocked, but it wasn’t

  In the morning rush hour, the reporter took an online taxi in Hexi. The order showed that there were still 5 minutes before the reporter, but the reporter waited for 10 minutes at the boarding point. The location showed that the driver was still in place and did not drive over. The driver called to say that his car was in a certain community and was blocked by another car.

  The reporter told the driver that he could cancel, but he would report the matter to the customer service. He also asked the driver to leave evidence for the customer service to check. After the reporter cancelled the order, he reported to the platform customer service and informed the platform that he just wanted to know if the car was blocked. After a period of time, the platform informed the reporter that the car was not blocked on the road, but did not want to take the reporter’s order. The platform has punished the driver.

  Last weekend, the reporter took a taxi to Hexi at a shopping mall in Yuhuatai District, Nanjing. It stands to reason that there is no evening rush hour at 4 or 5 pm on Saturday, but after waiting for more than ten minutes, the driver said that his car had collided with another car, and he had to deal with the dispute and could not pick it up. After the reporter told the driver that he would report to the platform, the driver actually said that he could pick it up. However, the reporter later checked with the platform to see if the car had collided, but the result was that there was no situation as the driver said.

  Unannounced visit

  The driver said that there are at least five ways to cancel the order

  During the unannounced visit, many drivers told reporters that there are many ways to cancel passenger orders. An online ride-hailing driver with more than a decade of experience told reporters that there are at least five ways to cancel passenger orders.

  "The first option is for the driver to drive to the destination, wait for five minutes, and then cancel without responsibility." So the driver can drive nearby, the passenger can’t find the car, and the driver can’t "find" the passenger. After five minutes of delay, it is automatically cancelled.

  "The second is that many platforms will have free cancellation opportunities for drivers to take orders. For example, cancel once a day without responsibility, drunk passengers can not pick up, passengers who do not wear masks during the epidemic can not pick up, etc." Then after receiving an unwanted order, the driver can click on the passenger "drunk" or other options to cancel without responsibility.

  "This cancellation method requires uploading a photo. The passenger is clearly wearing a mask. How can you upload a photo to prove that he is not wearing it?" The reporter asked.

  "It’s simple, just take a few pictures of passengers who don’t wear masks on the road. Or take a few drunk people at the entrance of the hotel for backup." The driver replied.

  Then, the reporter learned that the third way is to arrive near the appointment location, the driver can turn on the mobile phone "flight mode", stop in front of the passenger, drive away directly, and turn on the mobile phone after driving for five minutes. If the passenger is late, it is not responsible for cancellation. If the platform asks, it can be said that the mobile phone has no signal or there is a problem with the platform; the fourth way is to make up some reasons why the passenger cannot refuse to tell the passenger "can’t come", such as "the car is broken", which is also the best way to use, because the passenger cancels, the driver is not responsible; the fifth way is to use some plug-ins, but this way is in case the platform finds out, there is a risk of banning the number.

  2 Drivers have "difficulties" in "picking orders", and the platform said it will strengthen supervision

  "Drivers usually pick up orders from 7:00-9:00 in the morning peak and 4:30-7:00 in the evening peak." Industry insiders told reporters that there are generally several situations for drivers to "pick up orders". "Generally, I take a taxi at the airport, and no one delivers it to Lishui and Lukou towns. Because Lishui is in the opposite direction from the urban area, once I go there, it is likely to be empty for 20 kilometers back to the airport. Drivers often wait for three or four hours at the airport. With the parking fee and waiting time, everyone wants to pick up an order to the urban area, Pukou or Xianlin."

  "In addition, the driver’s pick order is also related to the rules of the platform. For example, the platform recently stipulates that you have to run 8 orders in the morning to get a reward, so everyone will want to take some short-distance orders and collect enough 8 orders to get a reward." However, industry insiders also admit that there are also many drivers who are particularly "pick" now, and do not accept orders that are blocked a little bit, and want passengers to cancel the order for various reasons. "In fact, you will only know after working in this industry for a long time. In the end, the ones who can make money are all practical sports cars. The platform will not always push you bad orders. If you receive a bad order this time, the platform will push you a good order next time. If you have high praise, the platform will increase the chance of pushing you a good order. The more you play with those little thoughts, the more money you will find in the end. "

  The reporter learned that many platforms in Nanjing have also revised the rules in response to the problem of canceling orders, such as canceling the content that "drunk passengers" are not responsible for canceling. In addition, the platforms said in interviews that if the order needs to be cancelled, they can communicate with the platform customer service, and the platform will retrieve audio and video recordings for verification. If the driver induces the passenger to cancel the order, the platform will punish the driver and compensate the passenger. Platforms also said that they will strengthen supervision.

Chery plays big! Starway Eta Ursae Majoris is equipped with exposure four-wheel drive as standard electromagnetic suspension.

     In terms of high-end brand building, Qiruixingtu has gradually gained a foothold in the market. Although its sales volume is not as good as that of Geely’s high-end brand, compared with the Great Wall Wei School, Xingtu has many hot-selling models such as Lanyue and Lingyun. Moreover, the brand-new model Eta Ursae Majoris is already on the way.

     A few days ago, we learned from the "online auto market" that a Star Road dealer exposed the configuration information of Eta Ursae Majoris. The new car is expected to launch 6 models, 4 two-wheel drive models and 2 four-wheel drive models, among which the four-wheel drive model comes standard with CDC electromagnetic suspension.

     It is reported that Eta Ursae Majoris is based on Starway M3X Mars Architecture 2.0, positioning a medium-sized SUV, starting with a flying fish extrasensory chassis, with an estimated price range of 170,000-220,000 yuan, and the new car will be unveiled and pre-sold in December.


     It is worth mentioning that Eta Ursae Majoris’s configuration specifications are quite high, and the comfort and technology configuration in the car are full. The four-wheel drive and the most expensive models with higher configuration are also equipped with electromagnetic active suspension, which further enhances the vehicle’s sports attributes.

     Specifically, the Eta Ursae Majoris two-wheel drive standard edition is equipped with 19-inch wheels, multi-color ambient lights, 50W wireless charging, 540-degree panoramic image, full-speed ACC/AEB, electric tailgate, 6-way electric adjustment of the main driver’s seat/4-way electric adjustment of the auxiliary driver’s seat, etc.


     The comfort version adds the configuration of whole car seat heating, front seat ventilation, main driving memory, electric release door handle, leg rest, etc. The Premium Edition has added adaptive headlights, second-row seat backrest electric adjustment, brand 14 speaker audio, leather seats and other configurations.

     The configuration of the new four-wheel drive comfort version and the premium version is expected to be the same as that of the two-wheel drive version. The comfort version additionally adds a timely four-wheel drive system and CDC adaptive electromagnetic suspension, and the premium version is also equipped with an AR HUD head-up system.

     Eta Ursae Majoris is equipped with the same 2.0T engine as Lanyue, with a maximum power of 192kW and a peak torque of 400 N m. The transmission system is matched with the 7DCT gearbox, and the new self-developed 8AT gearbox is expected to be mass-produced and matched in the second half of next year.

     Undoubtedly, compared with the models currently on the market, Chirengtu Eta Ursae Majoris belongs to the first echelon model in terms of power and configuration. Compared with joint venture models, the price advantage is obvious. After the new car goes on the market, we will wait and see whether it can become a hit like Chery Arrizo 8.


Notice of the General Office of the People’s Government of Guangdong Province on the Establishment of emergency headquarters for the Prevention and Control of Major Animal Diseases in Guangdong Provin

General Office of Guangdong Provincial People’s Government on the Establishment of Guangdong Province

Notice of emergency headquarters on Prevention and Control of Major Animal Diseases

Guangdong Office Letter [2018] No.331

People’s governments at the local level and listed, people’s governments of counties (cities, districts), departments and institutions directly under the provincial government:

In order to coordinate and do a good job in the prevention and control of animal diseases in our province, the provincial people’s government decided to set up the emergency headquarters for the prevention and control of major animal diseases in Guangdong Province to implement centralized and unified command on the prevention and control and disposal of major animal diseases such as African swine fever. The members are as follows:

  Finger waving: Vice Governor Ye Zhenqin

  Deputy Commander: Deputy Secretary-General of Gu Xingwei Provincial Government

       Zheng Weiyi, Director of Provincial Department of Agriculture

  Member: Cui Chaoyang, Deputy Director of Propaganda Department of Provincial Party Committee

     Cai Muling, Deputy Director of Provincial Development and Reform Commission

     Zhang Shaoxin, Political Commissar of Public Security Bureau of Provincial Public Security Department

     Xiao Hongmei, Deputy Director of Provincial Department of Finance

     Liu Wei, Deputy Director of Housing and Urban-Rural Development Department.

     Deputy Director of Wang Fumin Provincial Department of Transportation

     Zheng Huidian, Deputy Director of the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Director of the Provincial Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Bureau

     Lin Junqin, Deputy Inspector of Forestry Department.

     Inspector of Luolianjin Provincial Department of Commerce

     Chen Zhusheng, Deputy Director of Provincial Health and Family Planning Commission

     Qian Yonghong, Deputy Director of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television Bureau.

     Deputy Director of Zhangquan Provincial Administration for Industry and Commerce

     Deputy Director of Wang Ling Provincial Food and Drug Administration

     Deputy Director of Guangdong Branch of Zhan Kairui Customs General Administration

     Huang Peijun, Deputy Inspector of Civil Aviation Central South Administration

     Deputy Director of Luodeshao Postal Administration

The headquarters office is located in the Provincial Department of Agriculture, with Comrade Zheng Huidian as the director of the office. Each member unit should specify a liaison officer.

If the members of the headquarters need to be adjusted due to changes in work, they shall be submitted to the headquarters office by the unit to which they belong, reported to the commander for approval according to the procedures, and copied to the provincial office.

Provincial general office

October 1, 2018