Google Maps will add offline navigation and search capabilities today

  November 11 Internet NewsThe latest report,According to foreign media reports, at the I/O conference held in May this year, one of the important things announced by Google (Weibo) was to add offline search and navigation capabilities to the Google Maps app. Now, six months after the last announcement of this plan, this feature will finally reach users. Google Maps will launch a new offline mode that allows users to navigate driving directions and searches offline. This feature is designed to integrate seamlessly with online Google Maps, so that data links can be disconnected or connected without cutting off the app itself. These new features will be available to Android users from later today. Google said that similar features for iOS systems will be available soon.

  Since 2012, Google Maps has been able to store part of the map content offline, but this is the first time Google Maps has been equipped with offline search and navigation functions. This means that if a user saves a map of the city they live in, they can search for places such as restaurants without the need for an Internet connection, and get a timely response. Due to space constraints, the new feature will only store business names, star ratings and phone numbers, not corresponding photos or user comments.

  Similarly, offline navigation will only effectively display information about ordinary traffic hours on the road, but it is difficult to upload real-time traffic data. However, once the network connection is restored, the route information will be updated in a timely manner. At present, the initial release of Google Maps offline navigation function cannot navigate offline transportation or walking routes, mainly due to the consideration of data space. However, Google claims that future updates will add more functions to the old box.

  In any case, this new feature of Google Maps will be very important for users who want to navigate without an internet connection, especially those who are in the "dead zone" or somewhere abroad that requires a new SIM card. (Yuetong)

Online celebrity Liusha mobile phone case airport security encounter embarrassment Civil Aviation Administration: avoid carrying it.

  The mobile liquid is used in the design of the back of the mobile phone case to create a dynamic "liquid quicksand mobile phone case", which has quietly become popular in the circle of friends because of its fashion and beauty. However, the Beijing Youth Daily reporter visited and found that there are some "troubles" hidden in this kind of mobile phone case. Recently, Ms. Wang told the reporter of Beiqing Daily that when she took a flight from Chengdu to Beijing for security check, the staff asked to check her liquid quicksand mobile phone case, but what puzzled Ms. Wang was, "I carried it with me when I took flights in Beijing, Shenzhen, Anshan and other places."

  Is it necessary to check the mobile phone case with liquid quicksand? The reporter of Beiqing Daily called the security inspection department of many airports and learned that because the liquid in the mobile phone case is in a sealed state, local security inspections will be conducted on the spot according to the relevant regulations of the Civil Aviation Administration. The reporter of Beiqing Daily called the Civil Aviation Administration of China as a passenger to inquire about this matter. The staff said that in order to avoid unnecessary troubles, passengers are advised not to carry items such as mobile phone cases and iPad cases with them when taking flights, and also be careful not to spill them when checking.

  Mobile phone case carrying quicksand

  Be checked by the airport

  A few months ago, Ms. Wang bought a "liquid quicksand mobile phone case" from the Internet for about 500 yuan. The back of the mobile phone case is about 1 cm thick, and it is filled with liquid and decorations. As the liquid shakes, the decorations will fluctuate with it. But I don’t think this online celebrity mobile phone case has caused her some "troubles" recently.

  Recently, Ms. Wang and her family ended their trip and took a flight from Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport to fly back to Beijing. "During the security check, I took out my mobile phone with liquid quicksand mobile phone case and put it next to the computer. After passing the security check machine, the staff picked up my mobile phone and looked at it alone, and then told me that the mobile phone case should be checked separately."

  Ms. Wang asked the staff why she wanted to check the mobile phone case. The other party said, "There is unknown liquid in the mobile phone case." Ms. Wang explained that her quicksand mobile phone case is produced by regular manufacturers and will not be easily damaged and liquid will not leak out. However, the staff said that they had done relevant tests, and (liquid quicksand mobile phone case) could not be taken on the plane. Because there was no suitcase to be checked, Ms. Wang finally chose to send her mobile phone case back to Beijing by express delivery.

  "Why only Chengdu needs to be checked?" Ms. Wang is puzzled. She said that when she took the flight in Beijing, Shenzhen, Anshan and other places, she also carried the liquid quicksand mobile phone case, but she was not required to check it. "Isn’t the management regulations of airports in different places different?" Ms. Wang raised questions. In addition, she pointed out that she didn’t know about the problem that quicksand mobile phone case may need to be checked on the flight when purchasing the product.

  Sellers sell quicksand products

  The consignment problem was evaded.

  The reporter of Beiqing Daily randomly searched on the online shopping platform and found that many online shop merchants are selling mobile phone cases, iPad cases and satchels with liquid quicksand. Among them, quicksand mobile phone case is the best seller, and the price ranges from 19.9 yuan to several hundred yuan.

  When introducing the mobile phone case of liquid quicksand, many merchants said that the product uses "high-strength back cover panel" which can be "leak-proof". There are also many merchants who mentioned in the "Precautions for Use" that problems such as slow movement and jamming of liquid bubbles and quicksand in the mobile phone case are "normal phenomena" and "will not cause oil leakage, so you can use it with confidence". The reporter of Beiqing Daily noticed that most merchants did not remind the information such as whether the product can be brought on the plane and whether it needs to be checked.

  The reporter of Beiqing Daily randomly asked a number of merchants what the liquid used in this kind of mobile phone case is and whether it can be brought on the plane. Some merchants bluntly said that "there is mineral oil inside", so "you can’t take it on the plane". However, some merchants said that "there is no problem (taking the plane)." There are still many businesses who deliberately avoid this issue, saying only that they are "unclear" or "have not met buyers to reflect this problem".

  However, an online shop owner told the reporter of Beiqing Daily that most of the liquid quicksand mobile phone cases currently popular on the market use water and mineral oil. "Because pure quicksand can’t make the mobile phone case have a flowing effect, this liquid will be added to the quicksand mobile phone case for the sake of beauty." However, the owner said that the mobile phone case is not completely harmless when used. "The oily liquid inside may be flammable. In addition, if some products are of poor quality or improperly used, it will lead to liquid outflow, and it may burn the skin in case of high temperature." The owner speculated that this may also be the reason why some mobile phone cases with liquid quicksand could not be taken on the plane.

  Mobile phone case consignment requirements

  Different airports have different interpretations.

  According to the search by the reporter of Beiqing Daily, the Civil Aviation Administration of China stipulates that passengers on domestic flights in China can carry with them liquid articles (excluding alcohol) with a total amount of no more than 1 liter each time, and the excess must be delivered. Liquid articles must be opened for inspection before they can be carried.

  Regarding Ms. Wang’s experience and questions, Beiqing Daily reporter called several airports, such as Capital International Airport, Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport, Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport and Shenzhen Baoan International Airport.

  For the mobile phone case with liquid quicksand, the staff of Capital International Airport and Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport said that the security inspection of domestic flights is strict, and if liquid articles are involved, it needs to be judged by the security inspectors on the spot to give an accurate answer.

  The staff of the security department of Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport said that the quicksand mobile phone case contains liquid. "No matter whether it is water or mineral oil, it is not allowed to be taken on the plane and needs to be checked."

  The security staff of Shenzhen Baoan International Airport said that the quicksand mobile phone case is different from cosmetics and other liquids. "It needs on-site inspection. If it is a small amount and can’t be taken out, it may be taken on the plane."

  Regarding the fact that each airport security department has different attitudes towards the quicksand mobile phone case, Beiqing Daily reporter called the Civil Aviation Administration of China as a passenger to inquire about this matter.

  The staff explained, "According to the regulations, when passengers take a flight, liquid items such as cosmetics and medicines can be carried no more than 100 ml, and the total amount can not exceed a certain amount. Other liquids such as water, toilet water, yogurt, etc. cannot be carried with you. "

  However, the staff said that for the quicksand mobile phone case, because it is impossible to determine the nature of the liquid in the case from the appearance, "if it is flammable and explosive, it is dangerous, so generally speaking, the airport security department will strictly check and ask passengers to check it. However, because the mobile phone case is small, the liquid inside will not exceed 20 ml, and the sealed state will not be spilled. Some airports may think that there is no safety hazard after security inspection, which will allow passengers to carry it. However, the quicksand iPad shell and backpack shell are large in size and definitely need to be checked. "

  However, the staff reminded passengers that in order to avoid unnecessary troubles, it is suggested that passengers should try not to carry items such as quicksand mobile phone cases and iPad cases with them when taking flights, and be careful not to spill them when checking in.

  Text/reporter Zhang Ya Intern Tong Chuhan

99,000 is impossible! How much is Xiaomi car priced?

Wen | Jin Wei

On December 28th, Xiaomi Automobile finally ushered in its first conference, a technology conference with the theme of "Leaping".

Before this technical conference, the marketing rhythm of Xiaomi Automobile was a little long, and the "potential" was full, from the initial photo exposure of Xiaomi Automobile, CCTV interview, Xiaomi Automobile official micro, to iron powder letter, Lei Jun post and so on.

Especially the day before the conference, on the evening of December 27th, huge advertisements for buildings appeared in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Guangzhou at the same time, and Xiaomi lit up landmark buildings in the cities where the car companies were located to pay tribute to their peers.

BYD, Weilai, Tucki, Ideality and Huawei were honored. At the same time, Lei Jun posted many photos of each tribute in Weibo. Xpeng Motors, BYD Auto, LI and others sent a warm welcome.

For Xiaomi’s tribute, people in the circle have different voices.

For example, Yang Xueliang, vice president of Geely Automobile Group, forwarded the blog post of Xiaomi Automobile to pay tribute to BYD published by @ Lei Jun, saying that it was "too late". "If people always want to be paid tribute, it will be over, but if people always want to pay tribute to others, there is no promise."

Shen Ziyu, chairman and CEO of Xingji Meizu Group, forwarded the Xiaomi poster in the circle of friends and said: "Is this kind of emotional kidnapping interesting?"

Before the launch of Xiaomi Auto, the car circle was very lively, and there were all kinds of war of words.

Regarding the storm caused by paying tribute to the car circle, Lei Jun explained at the Xiaomi Auto Conference on 28th, "I met He Xiaopeng not long ago, and it is not easy to watch Wei Xiaoli again after building a car, so I want to pay tribute to you guys in a very formal way.

As for why not pay tribute to FAW, Erqi, Changan, SAIC, GAC, BAIC, Great Wall, Geely and Chery? Lei Jun said that everyone really misunderstood, and I have always been in awe of the entire automobile industry. When I decided to take a car, I went door-to-door at the first time and paid my respects in person.

What did Lei Jun say about "Spring Festival Gala"?

The whole venue of Xiaomi Automobile was packed, with thousands of people. Many seats were occupied by rice noodles. Some of them paid for their own money and took the train for several hours to attend the conference. The reason why these rice noodles were able to participate was the fans who were drawn in the form of a lottery. Some official media called the Xiaomi conference "Spring Festival Evening of the Car Circle".

Lei Jun put up a big FLAG before the press conference: The goal of Xiaomi Automobile is to compete with Porsche and Tesla, to build dream cars in the new era of automobile industry, to make a beautiful, easy-to-open, comfortable and safe mobile intelligent space, and to strive for the all-round rise of China automobile industry.

Lei Jun said that Xiaomi Automobile’s ultimate goal is to become the top five automobile manufacturers in the world through 15-20 years’ efforts, starting from the underlying core technology and the determination of "ten times investment".

On the day of the conference on December 28th, Lei Jun in a dark gray suit specifically released the technologies of Xiaomi Automobile in terms of motor, battery, large die casting, intelligent driving and intelligent cockpit, and finally released Xiaomi’s first car, Xiaomi SU7, positioning a C-class high-performance eco-technology car. Lei Jun spoke for two and a half hours at the conference.

The specific release content mainly includes hardware, software, ecosystem and so on.

In terms of hardware, Xiaomi released three "hard core" technologies, including Xiaomi super motor, CTB integrated battery technology and 9100 tons integrated large die-casting equipment cluster system.

In terms of motors, Xiaomi introduced three motors independently developed, including the Xiaomi super motor with a speed of 27200rpm. In terms of battery technology, Xiaomi released a Xiaomi 800V battery pack jointly developed with Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited, with a maximum battery capacity of 132kWh, which realized the CLTC battery life of a battery that can really run 1000+km.

In terms of vehicle manufacturing technology, the integrated die-casting technology with fire by Tesla appeared on Xiaomi’s new car. Lei Jun said that Xiaomi used a die casting machine with a pressure of 9,100 tons, temporarily ahead of Tesla and Wenjie.

In terms of autonomous driving, Xiaomi Automobile showed three important scenes at the press conference, including pilot, parking service and ultra-narrow mechanical garage. Xiaomi Autopilot has innovated auto-driving technologies such as zoom BEV, super-resolution network occupation and road model. At the same time, under Xiaomi’s end-to-end perception and decision-making model, it is equipped with two NVIDIA DRIVE Orin, 508 Tops computing chips and one laser radar (integrated) +11 high-definition cameras +3 millimeter-wave radars +12 ultrasonic radars.

In addition, Xiaomi’s intelligent driving system also includes high-precision lidar, which can achieve parking accuracy of 0.05 meters and dynamically adjust the perception range. The video released by Lei Jun shows that SU7 didn’t take over during the demonstration, and completed unmanned parking in the parking building on the 7th floor.

Various technical data became the theme of this conference. Lei Jun said frankly, "This is what we did in 1000 days".

Invested 3,400 engineers and invested more than 10 billion in research and development.

At the press conference, Xiaomi will also get on the OS, providing users with the same interactive experience as the mobile phone tablet, which is also the basis for Xiaomi’s smart cockpit to realize the whole ecology of people and cars. Xiaomi Automobile can realize the seamless connection between mobile phones and mobile phones, and realize the application of second-changing mobile phones.

"With the upcoming release of Xiaomi Automobile, the whole ecology of Xiaomi’s people and cars is officially closed, ushered in a’ leap’ moment." Lei Jun said, "Xiaomi has many natural advantages in making cars, because the essence of smart electric vehicles today is the integration of automobile industry and consumer electronics industry, which is a great integration. Therefore, entering the automobile industry is challenging for Xiaomi, and the overall difficulty is controllable."

At the press conference, Lei Jun also released the first model of Xiaomi, SU7, which is positioned as a medium-sized and large-sized pure electric car, with an acceleration time of 2.78s per 100 km and a top speed of 265km/h, providing three colors of bay blue, elegant gray and olive green.

It is said that Xiaomi SU7 surpasses Porsche Taycan Turbo by 2.93 seconds in acceleration, and surpasses Porsche Taycan Turbo and Tesla Model S in the highest speed.

Earlier, Lei Jun told reporters in an exclusive interview with CCTV that Xiaomi invested 3,400 engineers in the first car, and the entire R&D investment exceeded 10 billion, using more than 10 times the investment.

This car mentioned by Lei Jun is this SU7.

Lei Jun is worried that once the demand is too large, it may cause consumers to wait too long, thus affecting the brand image. "I am particularly worried that if it doesn’t catch fire, everyone won’t buy it. What’s more worrying is that if everyone comes to buy it, it will definitely be miserable if they wait for a year or two."

At the press conference that day, Xiaomi Automobile occupied half of the hot search, and the first hot search was the price of Xiaomi Automobile. However, Lei Jun has made it clear before that today is the technical conference and the price will not be discussed. He stressed: "We haven’t made a final decision on pricing. However, Xiaomi SU7 is indeed a bit expensive, but please believe that what we are doing is’ expensive for a reason’, and the experience will definitely exceed everyone’s expectations. "

The price of 99,000 is impossible, and the price is still in suspense.

At the end of the conference, under various performance comparisons, Lei Jun once again responded to the price issue: "So don’t shout 99,000 (referring to Xiaomi SU7 pricing), it’s impossible!" Lei Jun further said: "Anyone who has this kind of performance and configuration will get more than 400,000! Therefore, there is no need to talk about 149,000, but we still have to respect technology! "

Earlier, Lei Jun said that we have done a lot of research and hope to build a dream cars that can carry all our aspirations. "In terms of mechanical qualities such as drivability, we hope to be comparable to Porsche Taycan Turbo;; Intelligently, we hope to be comparable to Tesla Model S;; At the same time, there are the most advanced technologies and the richest ecology. "

In fact, before Xiaomi’s auto technology conference, various domestic new energy sources appeared one after another. Among them, Weilai launched the first executive flagship luxury car ET9 at the annual NIO Day, Huawei officially released the M9, and extremely released the 007. After that, it will usher in the first MPV Tucki X9 listed in Tucki.

From the end of 2023 to the first half of 2024, it happens to be a period when a large number of new pure electric cars are intensively launched. According to statistics, from the end of 2023 to 2024, there will be eight new cars of the same class entering the WTO, and they are expensive.

Recently, a joke has been widely circulated. The list of luxury cars with a price of 400,000 to 1 million is full of domestically produced cars. Among them, the models owned by Wenjie, Ideality, Great Wall, Geely, Weilai and BYD are on the list, occupying 500,000, 600,000, 700,000, 800,000 and 1 million, which makes car owners sigh. "If you don’t work hard, you can only drive Mercedes-Benz E, BMW 5 and Audi 6 in the future."

Xiaomi Auto has finally arrived after the launch of star players by new car-making forces and traditional car companies, but the delivery will not be until next year. However, this conference with "Spring Festival Evening" has filled the fans’ interest. As for the final sale of Xiaomi Auto, it depends on the strength.

What do you think of Xiaomi Auto? Please leave a message below.

Giant screen+long battery life can have both! Vivo X Fold did it.

Now, are you confident about your mobile phone life? I believe that most people can’t find the best solution when they encounter the battery life problem, and the author is the same, and he is a little weak when the opposite battery life is getting shorter and shorter.

So does the screen conference affect battery life? Will strong performance affect battery life? Conservatively speaking, these can be used as factors affecting battery life, but they are not the most important.

For example, in recent years, the folding screen mobile phone has exploded in the market, and all manufacturers regard it as the flagship product to show cutting-edge technology. Then, the power consumption of a mobile phone with two screens must be higher than that of one screen.

Next, the author takes the latest X Fold released by vivo as an example to discuss the relationship between big screen and battery life.

The folding screen must consume a lot of power?

First of all, we must be sure that the bigger the screen will really affect the battery life. Whether it is a large-screen mobile phone or a folding screen mobile phone, compared with a small-screen mobile phone of the same specification, the battery life performance must be unsatisfactory.

Even so, the big screen business flagship and folding screen flagship are still the key targets among manufacturers. Since the larger the screen size is, the better, it is an urgent problem for manufacturers to save electricity in the original large screen.

Giant screen+long battery life can have both! Vivo X Fold did it.

In order to extend the battery life of mobile phones, manufacturers are also racking their brains. It is precisely because of this that the LTPO technology has been promoted, so that everyone can enjoy the high screen brush and reduce the power consumption of the screen. vivo X Fold is the world’s first 120Hz internal and external adaptive refreshing E5 folding screen, which can meet the needs of most users for screen display.

Giant screen+long battery life can have both! Vivo X Fold did it.

LTPO, also known as low-temperature polysilicon and oxide hybrid TFT driving technology, is a technology applied to OLED panel driving circuit. It combines the advantages of two mainstream driving circuits IGZO and LTPS.

By reducing the energy consumption of excited pixels, it is used to reduce the power consumption of screen display. After combining the advantages of LTPS and IGZO.

LTPO retains the advantages of ultra-high electron mobility, faster reaction speed, lower power consumption, etc., and can bring a more lasting battery life experience on the basis of the current resolution of 5G, high brush and even 2K.

In addition to improving the screen function, vivo X Fold has also brought many upgrades to the battery.

Vivo X Fold is equipped with a 4600mAh large-capacity battery, which is composed of two independent batteries of 4.48V-3C system connected in series. The energy density of the system is 4.48V, and the battery capacity is larger in a smaller volume space.

According to the official introduction, vivo X Fold can realize 20.55 hours of continuous calls.The 12-hour video conference and 8-hour game play can basically meet the needs of heavy use for one day.

Measured endurance of 4600mAh

In order to give you a comprehensive understanding of the endurance of vivo X Fold, we selected seven most common scenarios and conducted a five-hour heavy endurance test. Let’s take a look.

Watch the iQiyi video: play the video with 1080P resolution for 45 minutes in full screen;

Brush vibrato short video: slide video browsing on the video interface for 50 minutes in total.

QQ chat: 20 minutes of text chat; 15 minutes of voice chat and 15 minutes of video chat, totaling 50 minutes.

Brush Weibo: Enter the list page and slide for 45 minutes.

Camera recording: record 1080P 30 frames of video for 15 minutes; By default, the main camera takes 15 minutes, totaling 30 minutes.

Play the glory of the king: The battle mode is "actual combat confrontation" and the map is King Canyon 5V5. The test lasts for 60 minutes.

Brush mobile phone Taobao: enter Taobao homepage and slide for 20 minutes. 

Giant screen+long battery life can have both! Vivo X Fold did it.

From the results, the power of vivo X Fold is 43% after 5 hours of testing, which is completely acceptable considering the influence of super-large internal screen on power consumption.

Especially in the video playback part, in the case of using the internal screen to watch, the power consumption for 45 minutes is only 6%. Combined with the full scene fast charging configuration of vivo X Fold, I believe that endurance anxiety will not be a problem that bothers you.

In addition, in view of the unique large-screen properties of vivo X Fold, we also conducted a 3-hour navigation test for it. The screen brightness was manually adjusted to the highest brightness, and 120Hz adaptive refresh was turned on.

Through the test, the remaining power of vivo X Fold is 15%, and the three-hour navigation consumes 28% of the power. It can be seen that when we turn on the GPS, the power requirements for the mobile phone are still very high.

Giant screen+long battery life can have both! Vivo X Fold did it.

During the test, we strictly classified the test items according to our daily habits, such as Tik Tok, QQ, Weibo, Taobao, etc. We used the external screen for the test, while we used the larger internal screen for the tests such as iQiyi, cameras and games.

The test results are also obvious, and the screen size has little effect on the power consumption of the mobile phone. Such a strong endurance is not only due to its excellent battery management system, but also the key to its long battery life is to strictly control the power consumption of the fuselage.

The author has something to say:

Nowadays, the big-screen mobile phone has become the flagship standard, and it is difficult to avoid problems in battery life and charging when you get the convenience brought by the big screen. What we need to do is not passively wait for the manufacturer to change the mobile phone, but we need to fully understand a product when choosing a mobile phone.

Giant screen+long battery life can have both! Vivo X Fold did it.

Through the actual test of the endurance of vivo X Fold, I believe everyone has a basic understanding of the endurance of this mobile phone. For a folding screen mobile phone, the endurance of vivo X Fold has far exceeded that of competing products at the same level, and its comprehensive endurance is excellent.

Long endurance performance can meet the needs of everyone in various scenarios. Today, the folding screen market is hot, and the long endurance performance of vivo X Fold will help it better stand out among competing products at the same level!