Starting from 97,800 yuan, the commercial pickup truck of Great Wall Gun is listed in good faith.

Dahebao Dahe client reporter Jie Minggang

On October 24th, a new generation of intelligent commercial pickup truck, Great Wall Gun Commercial Pickup Truck, was officially launched, with an official suggested retail price of 97,800 ~ 128,800 yuan. The commercial pickup truck of Great Wall Gun listed this time includes gasoline/diesel engine, 8-speed automatic manual transmission /6-speed manual transmission, two-wheel drive/four-wheel drive, standard container/long container, elite type/pilot type, with 17 versions for consumers to choose from. At the listing conference, the Great Wall Gun Merchants Alliance was officially launched to realize resource sharing, mutual help and mutual benefit between users and manufacturers, and between users.

It is understood that the car has arrived at the Great Wall national dealers one after another, and you can enjoy the triple gift from the moment you buy the car:

Financial Gift: Enjoy 2 years of zero-interest financial support.

Replacement ceremony: enjoy a maximum replacement subsidy of 5,000 yuan.

Alliance ceremony: Enjoy all the service rights and interests of the Great Wall Gun Alliance (long-term value-added rights and interests).

The Great Wall gun pickup truck, commercial pickup truck and off-road pickup truck are three heavy models released in the first phase of the 3-year "5+N" product strategy. The listing of the commercial pickup truck of Great Wall Gun indicates that the product layout system of Great Wall pickup truck in commercial, passenger and off-road pickup truck segments has been initially built.

The commercial pickup truck of Great Wall Artillery is not only a right-hand man who can earn money to support his family, but also a life partner who can relax. It has the industry-leading super power, is efficient, intelligent and reliable, and helps users to have a good business and a better life.

In terms of appearance, the commercial pickup truck of the Great Wall Gun is different from the passenger pickup truck and the off-road pickup truck. The new car adopts a black honeycomb grille and a nebula-type technology net, which is fashionable and avant-garde. The commercial pickup truck of Great Wall Gun can provide two models with different sizes: long container and standard container. The axle moment of the long container (standard container) is 3470mm(3230mm), and the body length, width and height are 5602 (5362) × 1883× 1884 mm. In addition, the car has the deepest container of its class, with the container size of 1760(1520)×1520×538mm, which has super loading capacity and unlimited modification potential, and is efficiently adapted to various commercial scenes.

The interior of the commercial pickup truck of the Great Wall Artillery adopts an all-black design, with a leather steering wheel, leather seats and soft materials at your fingertips. The 9-inch touch screen can realize voice control, car phone interconnection and other functions. Great Wall Gun is sincere in configuration. The whole system comes standard with the latest generation Bosch 9.3 ESP, keyless entry, one-button start, cruise control, tire pressure monitoring, reversing image and many other advanced configurations. It has obvious cost-effective advantages and is a smart and comfortable car.

In terms of power, the commercial pickup truck of Great Wall Gun listed this time is equipped with 2.0T diesel and gasoline engines, both of which can meet the national six B emission standards. Among them, the 4D20M 2.0T four-cylinder diesel engine can output a peak torque of 400N?m at 1,500-2,500 rpm, which is the diesel power with the strongest lifting torque among all pickup trucks that meet the national sixth B emission standard at present.

GW4C20B gasoline engine, the national sixth 2.0T engine, can output the maximum torque of 360N·m in the range of 1800-3600 rpm, and it is also the gasoline pickup truck with the largest torque among the four-cylinder engines at present. The 8-speed automatic manual transmission from ZF can provide three driving modes: standard, economical and sporty. In addition, the differential lock on the rear axle, the Eaton electronic differential system on the four-wheel drive model, the minimum ground clearance of 227mm, the approach angle of 29, the departure angle of 25 and the wading depth of 500mm, etc., make the car have a strong ability to get out of trouble and meet the needs of users in various road conditions.

In terms of safety, the commercial pickup truck of Great Wall Gun is equipped with Bosch’s latest generation 9.3 ESP, which integrates the functions of brake assist, traction control, uphill assist, etc. At the same time, it is equipped with reversing images, right front blind spot monitoring, tire pressure monitoring and other configurations to prevent accidents to the maximum extent. It is a safe and reliable car.

At this conference, Great Wall Gun also officially launched the Great Wall Gun Merchants Alliance in combination with the user needs of commercial pickups, serving thousands of industries. The Great Wall Gun Merchants Alliance will change the simple and weakly related buying and selling relationship between traditional car companies and users, and become a real "partner" with users. Online, the Great Wall Gun APP is used as an aggregation platform, and offline dealers are the core. Establish a communication and service platform to truly realize resource sharing, mutual help and mutual benefit between users and manufacturers, and between users.

Great Wall Gun commercial pickup truck is a new generation of Zhilian commercial pickup truck specially built for business elites. Under the background of consumption upgrading and innovation of Internet economy, the value of pickup truck is being redefined. Great Wall Gun will give full play to the unlimited modification potential of its container, create a richer commercial format, serve thousands of industries, prosper the economy and create social value.

Source: Dahe Client Editor: Jieminggang

Looking at the mountains and rivers, going to the distance together, the documentary "Asking about the Mountains and Rivers" was launched.

On September 27th, the documentary "Wondering about Mountains and Rivers" was officially launched. The first season consists of four episodes. Zhang Chenliang (Infinitely Xiaoliang), director of chinese national geography Media Center and deputy editor of Natural History, is invited to lead the audience into the breathtaking China National Park, go deep into nobody’s land, explore novel species, and explore the stories of man and nature all the way.

Ask the way to the corner of the sea, go to the source of the Three Rivers, and visit natural creatures with Infinite Xiaoliang.

In Quest for Mountains and Rivers, Infinite Xiaoliang drives AITO Quest for M7, and invites local natural experts to walk into the two national parks at the Horn of the Sea and Tianya to visit the mystery and grandeur of life. Hainan Rainforest National Park and Sanjiangyuan National Park are located in the southeast and northwest of China respectively, with great differences in latitude and environment.

Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park, located in the corner of the sea, is the most complete and diverse continental island tropical rain forest in China, and is also an important part of the world tropical rain forest, with extremely rich animal and plant resources. In the warm and humid foggy forest, dripping water becomes rain. Infinitely bright light will lead the audience to meet ephemera, explore tree frogs, observe the mountains and rivers and listen to the sounds of apes.

Sanjiangyuan National Park is a completely different scene. Sanjiangyuan is the source catchment area of the Yangtze River, the Yellow River and the Lancang River. It is located in the hinterland of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. It is not only the "water tower of China" but also the birthplace of Chinese civilization, involving the jurisdiction of Zhiduo, Qumalai, Maduo and Zaduo counties and the Hoh Xil Nature Reserve. The Tibetan antelope jumps and the snow leopard crawls. This "China’s greatest wilderness" is full of rough and vigorous vitality in generate.

Infinite Xiaoliang used his humorous popular science style to stage a series of wonderful and interesting "forest adventures" with experts and guests in the film, visited the secluded places, and led the audience to understand the stories of exotic animals and plants and related protection measures in simple terms. Infinitely Xiaoliang said: "Each of us is faced with a lot of uncertainties and a lot of troubles and questions. At this time, when we go into nature and observe the original world, we may be able to answer many of our questions. "

Protect the environment and ecology and show the unique features of China’s national parks.

Environmental protection and ecological protection have always been China’s basic national policies. In this context, "Asking for Mountains and Rivers" took the lead in aiming at the national parks in China.

China’s unique three-step landform has created rich and diverse ecosystems and natural landscapes. The first-step Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is vast and magnificent, with continuous glaciers, scattered lakes and abundant aquatic plants. The second step plateau is interlaced with the basin, and the mountains and lakes show the beauty of the secret realm; The third step plain is intertwined with hills, and lakes and wetlands are criss-crossed with waters; There are also long coastlines and beautiful islands. Rich biodiversity, many endemic species and natural wonders make China have the natural conditions to build a world-class national park system. From the vast land in the western border of China to the southernmost plant paradise, the two first-time national parks selected by the film crew have representatively displayed the unique features of China’s ecological environment.

Ask the mountains, rivers and rivers to create the strongest nature exploration documentary IP.

In the field of domestic documentaries, there is still room for deep cultivation of nature exploration documentaries from the perspective of popular science, and the appearance of "Asking about Mountains and Rivers" is undoubtedly eye-catching. At a time when green development and biodiversity conservation have become "the bright spots in China", Tencent News shoulders the banner of social responsibility of natural science popularization, and with the innovative perspective of experts leading a team to visit national parks, it goes deep into the magnificent uninhabited land, conveys warm and in-depth humanistic ideas through strong visual impact, and shows the world the colorful natural ecological beauty of China. At the same time, lead the audience into the animistic and beautiful nature, and deeply feel the breath of the forest, the rhythm of creatures and the true nature of life-just as Infinite Xiaoliang stated in the program: "From the home next to you to the distant world; From a grass and a tree to a natural way. Some things go to nature and naturally understand. "

In recent years, the creative side has deeply laid out the content field, continuously provided users with valuable content oases, and bred a number of phenomenal depth columns, such as Thirteen Invitations, My Bronze Age and Talking to Strangers. This time, the top talents in the professional field were assembled to form the main creative team of "Quest for Mountains and Rivers". In the early stage, the main creative team completed a lot of careful and meticulous preparations. When shooting, it traveled all day and night just to capture the beautiful shots, and the frame-by-frame editing presented the necessary professionalism and interest of the documentary, combining beauty with knowledge to show the "scientific softness".

The preparatory symposium of "Media+Artificial Intelligence" Deep Integration Committee and the expert seminar of "Artificial Intelligence Editorial Department" were held in Beijing.

  CCTV News:On October 31st, the preparatory symposium of the "Media+Artificial Intelligence" Deep Integration Committee of China Artificial Intelligence Industry Development Alliance and the expert seminar of "Artificial Intelligence Editorial Department" were held in Beijing, and many well-known experts, scholars and business representatives from the industry attended the meeting. Qian Wei, chairman and general manager of CCTV, said in his speech that CCTV, and International Online, the Central Radio and Television General Station, will take the opportunity of building the "Media+Artificial Intelligence" deep integration committee of the industrial alliance to formulate the media production standard of artificial intelligence as a macro grasp; At the same time, we will continue to promote the construction of the "artificial intelligence editorial department" of the three networks as a practical starting point, and work together to vigorously promote the development of various undertakings in the field of "media+artificial intelligence".


  The artificial intelligence industry development alliance (AIIA) is guided and supported by the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Central Network Information Office and other departments, led by China Information and Communication Research Institute, and co-sponsored by China Institute of Electronic Technology Standardization and the National Research Center for Industrial Information Security Development.

  Qian Wei revealed that the "Media+Artificial Intelligence" Deep Integration Committee aims to grasp the development direction of the integration of media industry and new technologies in today’s world, actively create a good environment for the integration and development of new media technologies, and promote the development of "the application of artificial intelligence technology in the media industry" through the advantages of CCTV’s industry leadership and the alliance’s industrial research and development and integration, and create a standardized and standardized industry order. At the same time, realize the industry leading and management functions, and explore a new path for the development of media integration artificial intelligence technology.

Yin Shiming, Vice President of Baidu and General Manager of Baidu AI Cloud Business Group

Yin Shiming, Vice President of Baidu and General Manager of Baidu AI Cloud Business Group

  The guests at the meeting expressed great expectations for the establishment of the Alliance’s "Media+Artificial Intelligence" Deep Integration Committee.

  Yin Shiming, vice president of Baidu and general manager of intelligent cloud Business Group, said that the joint efforts of media and AI will surely bring new changes to the whole industry, take root and flourish. CCTV is a benchmark enterprise in the broadcasting industry. The cooperation between Baidu and CCTV will accelerate the application of "Cloud +AI", and the two parties will jointly provide a model for the intelligent upgrade of the media industry. Together, the two sides will burst into great energy and define the new future of the media. 

  Si Luo, vice president of Alibaba Group and chief scientist of natural language at Dharma Institute, said: "I am very confident that the development of China media will have explosive growth in the future. At the same time, I believe that Alibaba Dharma Institute includes Alibaba Cloud Intelligent Business Group, and I also hope to have the opportunity to make my own contribution in this process and be a better enabler of the industry." 

  Xu Yiming, vice president of Tencent and vice president of Tencent Cloud, said that we are willing to join hands with CCTV to do in-depth and continuous exploration and research on the capabilities of the media industry AI+. At present, in the field of "media +AI", we need to work together with CCTV in three aspects: intelligent creation, video perception technology and intelligent audit capability.

  Wang Chenxin, vice president of TCL Thunderbird Technology, said: "CCTV has a huge amount of content and professional experience in news media operation, as well as a wide range of operating scenarios; Like Baidu, Ali and Tencent, there are top AI technologies; Our terminal manufacturers have a large number of user portals, so I think ‘ Media+artificial intelligence ’ Deep Integration Development Committee and ‘ Artificial intelligence editorial department ’ In the process of integration of the entire industrial chain, it can play a leading role in promoting the development of integration, the formulation of industry standards, platform co-construction and content sharing. "

  Liu Canguo, the founder of the Media Tea Party, fully affirmed the construction of "artificial intelligence editorial department" in CCTV, Yangguang. com and International Online. He believed that the editorial staff of the main station had natural professional advantages in audio and video. In order to empower the content with technology, it is necessary to produce more new and high-quality content with a "sense of science and technology" and a sense of the times on the basis of ensuring the content quality.

Si Luo, Vice President of Alibaba Group and Chief Scientist of Natural Language of Dharma Institute

Si Luo, Vice President of Alibaba Group and Chief Scientist of Natural Language of Dharma Institute

  According to the deployment of the main station, CCTV, Yangguang. com and International Online implemented the strategic layout of "5G+4K/8K+AI" of the main station, and built an "artificial intelligence editorial department" to intelligently innovate and develop the unique current affairs reporting resources and high-quality video resources of the main station, and committed to providing successful examples for the whole industry. Facing the infinite possibilities of the 5G era, the media and artificial intelligence have begun to link up, and CCTV regards the construction of "artificial intelligence editorial department" as an important actual combat position.

  Silo said that the development of the media has played a very important role in promoting the development of the Internet, and the technology of the Internet is constantly feeding back the development of the media. He believes that artificial intelligence will comprehensively optimize the link between media and collection, production, distribution and feedback in a more forward-looking way.

  Liu Canguo said that the "artificial intelligence editorial department" is not "scissors+paste", but to realize the intelligence of the news editing process, that is, to apply artificial intelligence technology to the whole process of news production and communication such as news planning, gathering, processing, publishing and feedback, and constantly explore new applications of artificial intelligence technology in the form of news reports.

Xu Yiming, Vice President of Tencent and Vice President of Tencent Cloud

Xu Yiming, Vice President of Tencent and Vice President of Tencent Cloud

  Xu Yiming said that with the evolution, iteration and upgrade of deep machine learning technology, artificial intelligence has already possessed the functions of semantic analysis, audio-visual text matching, and wonderful content capture. Media people can use artificial intelligence to define writing rules and automatically generate rich article content.

  Li Min, the founder of Tiger Sniffing Network, proposed to set up an external expert review meeting to assist decision-making, and use the appeal and influence of CCTV to set up an external brain team, including but not limited to AI technical experts, AI application experts and AI product experts. It is necessary to take CCTV business as the center and AI as the business application technology to serve the business and avoid repeated investment in AI basic algorithm work.

Song Jianwu, Professor of School of Journalism, Renmin University of China and Director-General of Media Convergence Laboratory, Renmin University of China.

Song Jianwu, Professor of School of Journalism, Renmin University of China and Director-General of Media Convergence Laboratory, Renmin University of China.

  The new and the old push each other, and the day is not stagnant. Due to the development of artificial intelligence, the trend of media development will be redefined. At the meeting, the guests actively discussed the main application prospects and ethical orientation of artificial intelligence in the field of information dissemination.

  Song Jianwu, a professor at the School of Journalism of China Renmin University and director-general of the Media Convergence Laboratory of China Renmin University, introduced the future development direction of artificial intelligence in the media industry from the aspects of intelligence and digitization of information collection, information production, information distribution, information reception and information feedback. He said that the externality of information dissemination requires information producers and communication platforms to assume social responsibilities and reflect the leading role of mainstream values when developing and utilizing artificial intelligence. At the same time, the powerful ability and potential of artificial intelligence require "technology is good".

  Yin Shiming agrees with the statement that "science and technology are good". He said that technology is for people to live a better life and make people feel better, which should be kept in mind as any enterprise.

  Li Weizhong, director of the product research and development center of Zhebao Group, hopes that the "Media+Artificial Intelligence" Deep Integration Development Committee will establish a relevant effect evaluation mechanism, because "Media+Artificial Intelligence" is geared to all industries and provides a highland for the entire media industry.

  Qian Wei concluded: "Artificial intelligence is not exclusive to a certain family, ‘ Media +AI’ It is not exclusive to a certain family. Some people say that it is an opportunity to change lanes and overtake. Some people say that it is an opportunity to change lanes and survive. What we see is that artificial intelligence will open a new era. This will be an era of entrance everywhere. We are willing to unite with everyone, make good use of the new weapons of artificial intelligence, prevent artificial intelligence from being abused in the media field, and jointly meet the era when everything is on the screen and everything is imported, and there are new positions for media communication everywhere. " 

Your consumption habits are better understood by intelligent marketing.

  According to the searched keywords, quickly identify the user’s query intention and provide the buyer with the required products and corresponding suppliers; In the process of commodity query and retrieval, artificial intelligence technology can also match the required products according to their historical orders and enterprise capabilities, and improve the response accuracy of information query and retrieval.

  Although there is still more than half a month before the Double Eleven, I believe many people still buy them in buy buy in the early morning of October 21st. This year, various e-commerce platforms launched the mode of snapping up+prepaid deposit. The goods snapped up on the 21st only need to pay the deposit, and the final payment can be paid on November 11th. All kinds of goods pushed by the e-commerce platform seem to be your "good heart", which makes people unable to choose. The e-commerce platform knows you so well, how can it not make people "hands-on"?

  Behind these pushes is a precise marketing service system based on customer behavior big data. With the development of artificial intelligence technology, the era of "internet plus" has been gradually upgraded to the era of "intelligence+". Artificial intelligence has become the core driving force of the new round of scientific and technological revolution. In the fields of finance and commerce, intelligent marketing has become one of the hot spots of rapid development.

  Data is the basis of developing intelligent marketing.

  At present, the sales market is shifting from the seller’s market to the buyer’s market, and the lack of effective demand has brought many challenges to enterprises. The biggest challenge faced by traditional marketing is that the cost of obtaining customers is rising and the difficulty is increasing, and the business growth model of enterprises can not simply stay on the level of obtaining more new customers. How to enhance customer stickiness, improve "customer lifetime value" and make customer value far greater than marketing cost has become a problem that enterprises must think about.

  Yang Shanlin, an academician of China Academy of Engineering and a professor at Hefei University of Technology, said that intelligent marketing is not simply to apply existing artificial intelligence technology to marketing, but to re-create artificial intelligence on the basis of existing technology and combined with marketing needs.

  Under the traditional marketing mode, the buyer’s purchase intention can only be obtained by communicating with the marketer, which tests the marketer’s ability and familiarity with the business. In addition, the traditional offline marketing has many problems, such as large investment, high cost and difficult communication, which makes it difficult for both the supplier and the buyer to reach the transaction intention quickly. Therefore, in view of the pain point of traditional enterprise marketing, some enterprises have used artificial intelligence technology to launch a cloud intelligent marketing platform, and by aggregating the data of enterprises, products and needs in the platform, they have established capabilities and portrait models to achieve accurate matching of suppliers, marketers and buyers, insight into users’ needs and intention identification.

  At present, there are two main ways of intelligent marketing. One is technology export, and the providers are mainly cloud service providers and artificial intelligence companies. Among them, cloud service providers export standardized services based on the cloud platform to users by integrating the algorithm capabilities of artificial intelligence companies, while artificial intelligence companies deliver customized projects to users to solve their individual needs, which is also their main source of income. The second is experience export, where mature brand vendors provide solutions, trying to integrate the brand’s own years of operating experience with new technologies, export them to small and medium-sized businesses, and optimize their operating models. The starting points of the two approaches are different, but in the end, they all integrate the algorithm with the industry experience and develop in the direction of producing executable solutions. Trial and error in actual scenes is the main method to achieve this goal.

  Therefore, real and effective data is considered as the basis for the development of intelligent marketing. Jing Lei, general manager of harvest fund, divides intelligent marketing into three levels. The bottom layer is a multidimensional data, including traditional data, alternative data and their applications. With the assistance of traditional data and new technology, a more comprehensive and forward-looking data tracking can be achieved. Above the bottom, with the support of data, the breakthrough of fundamental logic and knowledge, including the depth, values and standards of people’s cognition of things, determines whether the fundamental framework is perfect and forward-looking Finally, the bottom and the top are combined, supplemented by machine learning, so that machine learning can assist people’s decision-making, achieve the effectiveness and discipline of decision-making, and prevent people’s emotions from affecting investment decisions.

  Focusing on meeting dynamic demand

  The "China Artificial Intelligence Industry Research Report 2019" released by iResearch shows that artificial intelligence has good conditions for security and financial development, and its business penetration is the fastest; Marketing, customer service and education are expected to develop rapidly. Artificial intelligence helps the intelligent upgrading of the industry, which has great commercial value. In 2019, it is expected to contribute nearly 57 billion yuan.

  Dr Cheng Xuejun from Kaiyuan Law School of Shanghai Jiaotong University said that the development of intelligent marketing is inevitable. Marketing 1.0 era is in the seller’s market, with fewer products, mainly focusing on product sales; In the era of Marketing 2.0, marketing was changed from product center to consumer center, and the background was that market rights were transferred from sellers to buyers. The era of Marketing 3.0 is mainly the era of emotional marketing, in which media innovation, content innovation and communication mode innovation are used to obtain the target audience. At this stage, the more common marketing theories are precision marketing, online marketing, word-of-mouth marketing, etc., and Internet technology is emphasized for communication. At present, intelligent marketing is in the era of marketing 4.0, mainly focusing on the personalized and fragmented needs of consumers all the time to meet the dynamic needs of consumers.

  Through artificial intelligence technology, the platform can quickly identify the user’s query intention according to the search keywords, and provide the buyer with the required products and corresponding suppliers; In the process of commodity inquiry and retrieval, artificial intelligence technology can also match the required products according to their historical orders and enterprise capabilities, so as to improve the response accuracy of information inquiry and retrieval; At the same time, according to the buyer’s historical orders, on the basis of peer-to-peer recommendation, we can intelligently recommend products that the buyer may need to enrich their experience.

  Wu Minghui, founder of Mingluo Technology Group and founder of the second hand system, said that the core of marketing is to divide demand more finely and match supply and demand more efficiently. Through the precise matching of artificial intelligence, we can reshape the relationship between consumer demand and enterprise products, create greater value for users, and achieve the goal of improving "customer lifetime value". Moreover, with the change of business paradigm, the relationship paradigm between users and enterprises will also change, that is, from the consumption relationship to the symbiotic relationship of interests, customers are no longer just "guests", but become "family members" with closer corporate relations and more consistent interests.

  5G makes intelligent marketing everywhere.

  With the advent of the 5G era, intelligent marketing will usher in a broader space. Yao Dong, co-president of Xinyi Interactive, said that in the field of mobile intelligent marketing, no country can surpass China’s development speed at present. "The landing of 5G means that every marketing tool and hardware will become the export and entrance of content, and it will also become a tool to collect customer behavior." These data behavior tools will further improve marketing efficiency through model establishment, continuous optimization and quantitative analysis of various marketing behaviors.

  "In the era of intelligent Internet, there is a large-scale e-commerce platform, and almost every marketing action can produce sales results in real time." Yao Dong emphasized that, therefore, how to build a brand while producing sales results and how to create a positive and profound impression in the hearts of consumers is the biggest challenge facing intelligent marketing.

  In the 5G era, more data will be obtained, artificial intelligence will get more training, and marketing empowered by artificial intelligence will become smarter. Wu Minghui said that the two most important words of marketing intelligence are "intelligence", and its biggest feature is its ability of self-learning, self-iteration and self-growth. In other words, by accumulating consumer data to form a clear portrait of consumers, with "foresight", we can find a way to create greater value for consumers and continuously improve the "customer lifetime value". Then, through real-time perception, global tracking, intelligent emergence, agile response and so on, marketing perception is constructed — A closed loop that responds to feedback. In these links, enterprises carefully explore and capture users’ needs, and try their best to provide services. Patience and carefulness are particularly important in this process, and a faster and more timely marketing model is also essential.