The "darkest" secret? Don’t say "darkest" to black holes and galaxies.

Roger Penrose (left), Reinhard Genzel (center), Andrea Gaetz (right). Image from the official website of the Nobel Prize

  Kant said that there are two things in the world that can shake people’s hearts: one is the high moral standards in our hearts; the other is the starry sky above us.

  In 2020, three scientists won this year’s Nobel Prize in Physics for discovering one of the universe’s strangest phenomena – black holes.

  Where all known laws fail

  An overweight monster will capture anything that enters its "hunting range," not even light can escape. This is a black hole. In many cultural forms, the word black hole has a deeper meaning, but for physicists, black holes have always been the product of the natural death of giant stars after they ran out of energy.

  In the last century, Einstein’s theory of general relativity upended all notions of space and time; Oppenheimer calculated the violent collapse of a massive star. But these were considered purely theoretical conjectures until one man, who first succeeded in finding a solution to reality, was Roger Penrose. He used clever mathematics to show that black holes are a direct prediction of Einstein’s general theory of relativity. Black holes hide incomprehensible strangeness, in which all known laws of nature stop. Published 10 years after Einstein’s death, this paper is regarded as the most important contribution to general relativity.

  There is only one answer: supermassive black holes

  Reinhard Genzel and Andrea Gaetz each led a team of astronomers that successfully mapped the orbits of the brightest stars closest to the center of the Milky Way, and both groups found that there was an invisible, but very heavy object that caused these stars to rotate around at an alarming rate.

  What is this invisible object that weighs as much as 4 million solar masses? According to the attractive force theory, there is only one possible explanation – a supermassive black hole.

  Using the world’s largest telescope to see the center of the Milky Way through giant clouds of interstellar gas and dust, Gentzel and Gates have stretched the limits of technology, perfected new techniques, compensated for distortions caused by Earth’s atmosphere, and created unique instruments that can be used for long-term studies. Their work provides the most convincing evidence yet of a supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way, as well as clues to new theoretical insights.

  If anything lasts forever, it’s the unknown.

  Penrose’s work tells us that black holes are a direct result of general relativity, and Genzel and Gaetz have done precise tests of general relativity and its predictions. But in the midst of infinitely large singular attractive forces, the theory no longer applies. Scientists are creating a new theory of quantum attractive forces. This must bring together the two pillars of physics, relativity and quantum mechanics, which will meet inside black holes.

  "It’s not just about their internal structure, but also about how to test our theory of attractive forces in the extreme conditions in the immediate vicinity of black holes," said David Havilland, chairperson of the Nobel physics committee. He believes that it is the discoveries of this year’s winners that have opened up new horizons in the study of compact and supermassive celestial bodies, but these peculiar objects still pose many questions to humanity and inspire people to come up with answers through research.

Taxi management rights reflect the disadvantages of monopoly, and government management requires wisdom and courage

  On November 27, in Caiyuanba, Yuzhong District, Chongqing, the public security and transportation management departments are jointly investigating the social vehicles staying here, in order to severely crack down on "black cars".

  Core Tip

  The latest data shows that there are more than 1 million taxis with legal operating licenses across the country, with an annual passenger volume of 11 billion to 12 billion. The interests of more than 2 million "brother" groups need to be responded to in a timely manner, but there are many "black cars", it is difficult to fill gas, heavy fines, and more "share money"… It reflects the disadvantages of monopoly from one side, that is, the monopoly of the right to operate taxis. Some experts pointed out that the urgent task of changing the status quo requires government departments to take measures as soon as possible to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of drivers, open the market door, and break the monopoly operation of the industry; in the long run, it is necessary to speed up the pace of legislation in the taxi industry, clarify management responsibilities, and scientifically restructure the distribution of

  Since November, a series of taxi strikes have taken place in Chongqing, Sanya, Hainan, and Shantou, Guangdong. Reflecting on some of the problems exposed by these incidents reflects a series of deep-seated contradictions facing the current reform and development, and further illustrates the urgency and necessity of deepening reform.

  Standing at the new starting point of reform and facing the diverse demands of the masses, only by facing the challenges head-on, putting people first, and accelerating the reform of the management system that does not conform to the scientific concept of development can we eliminate the factors of social disharmony.

  Chaos one, big trouble and big solution, small trouble and small solution, no trouble and no solution

  Enlightenment: Facing the demands of the masses and unblocking the channels for public opinion expression

  Management needs new wisdom and courage

  One after another taxi strikes have focused the attention of the whole society on the more than 2 million "brother" groups in the country. The latest data shows that there are more than 1 million taxis with legal operating licenses in the country, and the annual passenger volume is 11 billion to 12 billion.

  Freezing three feet is not a day’s cold. In the taxi strike incident in Chongqing and other places, many drivers reported that the strike was not an impulsive move, but because their interests were not responded to in a timely manner.

  Earlier this year, the Development Research Center of the State Council submitted a national taxi industry research report. The report put forward five major contradictions in the industry: first, the market access system is unreasonable; second, the management of taxi management rights is chaotic; third, the lack of "black car" supervision impacts the industry order; fourth, the relationship between companies and enterprises is unclear, the driver is overburdened and the income is low; fifth, the industry management system is not smooth.

  "It’s not that the problem can’t be solved, it’s that it wasn’t taken seriously early." Some taxi drivers in Chongqing, for example, said that after the strike, government departments took measures to quickly solve some of the long-standing problems of being left alone.

  Zhang Xiaode, a professor at the National School of Administration, believes that some departments cannot respond to the interests of the masses in a timely and serious manner, and eventually fall into the management cycle of "big trouble and big solution, small trouble and small solution, no trouble and no solution".

  After 30 years of reform and opening up, China is at an important juncture of the "golden period of development" and the "period of prominent contradictions." The trend of independence, diversity and selectivity in public thought requires further improvement of social management mechanisms.

  "Government departments need new wisdom and courage to deal with complex and diverse interests," Mr. Zhang said. If industry or social organisations, including trade unions, develop positively and healthily, the pressure on the government to resolve social conflicts can be eased. On November 13, the General Office of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions issued a notice to promote the formation of unions in taxi companies. This gave taxi drivers hope for collective rights protection in accordance with the law.

  Chaos 2: The right to operate is being sold at high prices as a scarce monopoly resource

  Revelation: Breaking the "Industry Monopoly"

  "Market Access" Expects Fairness

  The frequent occurrence of taxi strikes again reflects the disadvantages of monopoly from one side.

  Three years ago, Chongqing’s "brother" Yang Xiaoming proposed the idea of "People’s Taxi Company", but the Chongqing Municipal Transportation Administration rejected his application. In fact, what Yang Xiaoming was denied was a monopolistic public resource – the right to operate taxis.

  At present, the taxi operating rights used by taxi companies are transferred by the government in the form of "concessions". At first, they are mostly transferred for free or at a low price, but they are sold by some companies as a scarce monopoly resource, and some are even sold for millions of yuan.

  Huang Qifan, vice mayor of Chongqing, calculated an account during a discussion with taxi drivers: a taxi can earn 700 yuan a day, and the total income during the four-year contract period is more than 800,000 yuan, but the "share money", "contract fee", "advance business payment" and other expenses will have to pay about 570,000 yuan. The rest of the income, excluding the cost of gas filling, repairs and other expenses, the driver can only earn about 2,000 yuan per month.

  "It’s getting lower and lower now, and my daily income from driving a taxi is only 40 to 50 yuan," said Tan Daihua, a taxi driver in Chongqing.

  Huang Qifan said that the taxi company takes about 70% of the money. After deducting costs and taxes such as car purchases, a car makes a profit of about 40,000 yuan per year. It is not affected by cost changes such as rising prices and oil prices. The average annual income is 50%, and some even as high as 70%. It is really "the industry with the best return on investment in the world."

  Some drivers say taxi companies are simply a "rentier" class created by a monopoly. Some companies refuse to set industry revenue standards and a uniform eight-hour work quota, and refuse to buy social insurance for drivers.

  On August 1 this year, our country’s Antimonopoly Act, which has been brewing for 14 years, was finally officially implemented.

  Economist Bao Yongjiang said that every reform is an adjustment of interest relations, and the important thing is whether it is fair and whether it reflects the sharing of reform and development results by the masses. In the future, the key to testing the effect of our country’s market-oriented reform is here.

  Chaos three, it is beneficial for everyone to fight, but it is not beneficial for everyone to push

  Inspiration: Transforming departmental functions

  Clarifying the "boundary" between government and market

  A series of taxi strikes have exposed problems such as industry access, unfair distribution, and lack of supervision. At a deeper level, it reflects the offside, absence, and dislocation of the functions of relevant government departments.

  Zhang Junkuo, director of the Development Strategy and Regional Economic Research Department of the Development Research Center of the State Council, said that the core problem of the taxi industry, namely the poor regulation of taxi operation rights, highlights the urgency of accelerating the pace of reform in the new era.

  Initially, multiple government departments competed for approval and management rights. After the state banned the auction of taxi operating rights, the relevant departments neglected to manage, and there was an industry supervision situation that was "beneficial to everyone to compete, but not beneficial to everyone to push".

  According to the survey, the current demands of drivers mainly include "share money", freight rates, fines and "black cars", which involve multiple departments such as transportation, economy and trade, prices, and public security. And including reducing "share money" and solving problems such as "difficult gas filling" are not something that local government departments can solve immediately.

  The government of Sanya, a city in Hainan province, issued a document that decided to start the rectification of the industry in 2008 to reduce taxi contracting fees and reduce the burden. But until November, the decision could not be implemented, which eventually led to the strike. "Regardless of whether the contracting fee is high or low, it has long been agreed by the legal contract. How can the government change it as soon as it orders it?" said the boss of a local taxi company.

  However, the government’s withdrawal from the market does not mean weakening the government’s regulatory service function. In the taxi industry, companies that hold the right to operate leasing rights wantonly increase "share of money" and infringe on the interests of drivers; the phenomenon of reselling taxi management rights in the black market is prominent, raising operating costs; "black cars" are rampant, disrupting the taxi market… These problems are directly related to the lack of government regulatory functions.

  Resolving the "difficulty of refueling" is one of the demands of this Chongqing taxi strike. In Chongqing, it generally takes more than an hour for a taxi to fill with natural gas, and the longest wait is three hours. This not only seriously affects the operating income of taxis, but also exacerbates the "difficulty of hailing" situation, and the masses complain.

  Experts say that the contradiction between supply and demand such as the "difficulty of filling gas" also shows that the relevant departments are still far from the reform requirements of the service-oriented government.

  "Let the government belong to the government, and the market belongs to the market." Local governments and departments must step out of the multiple roles of producers, supervisors, and controllers, cut the umbilical cord of interests with market entities such as enterprises, and change to the role of safeguarding fairness and justice and providing public services in accordance with the requirements of the Scientific Outlook on Development.

  When it comes to the reform of the taxi industry, relevant experts believe that the top priority is for government departments to take measures as soon as possible to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of drivers. Such as mandatory "three insurance" protection, formulating the maximum price of "share money", and providing unified and standardized contract models. The second is to open the market door and break the monopoly of the industry.

  In the long run, it is necessary to accelerate the pace of legislation in the taxi industry, clarify the responsibilities of industry management, clarify the relationship between government departments, taxi companies, and drivers, and restructure the distribution of industry interests in accordance with the principles of fairness, transparency, and scientific development.

  According to the reporter, after the State Council identified the transportation department as the competent department of the taxi industry, the industry management functions formerly belonging to the construction department are being handed over. At present, the transportation department is starting to investigate the deep-seated problems existing in the taxi industry, and will gradually take policy measures to solve the historical legacy problems; at the same time, increase reform efforts, strive to straighten out the industry management system as soon as possible, so that the taxi industry is on the track of scientific development.

  (Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, December 1, reporters Song Zhenyuan, Chen Erhou, Zhu Liyi, Liu Kang)

Editor in charge: Zhao Xuanxuan

Fast performance Fast dual camera from 1099 yuan Meilan Note6 officially released

  On August 23rd, Meizu Technology (MEIZU) officially released the Meizu Note6, the much-anticipated Qualcomm Snapdragon mobile platform, the unique full-pixel dual-core focusing technology in the thousand-yuan machine, supplemented by the flagship dual-camera portrait background blurring, equipped with the smooth and easy-to-use Flyme6 system, injecting the trendiest configuration genes into "Youth Good Products". The listed version of Meizu Note6 is divided into full Netcom version, mobile 4G + version and full Netcom 4G + version. The whole system comes with a starting storage of 3GB as standard, and has four colors: obsidian black, peacock green, Haoyue silver and champagne gold. Among them, the 3G + 16GB version is priced at 1099 yuan, the 3G + 32GB version is priced at 1299 yuan, and the 4G + 64GB version is priced at 1699 yuan. It will be sold online and offline from September 1st.

Fast performance Fast dual camera from 1099 yuan Meilan Note6 officially released

  From 16:30 on August 23, users can make reservations at Meizu Mall, Meizu Tmall Official Flagship Store,,, Baidu Meizu/Meizu Tieba, and MOMO. At 0:00 on September 1st, the Meizu Note6 3G + 16GB version will be exclusively launched on’s "Ace Launch", and the 3G + 32GB version will be launched simultaneously on Meizu Mall, Meizu Tmall official flagship store,, and From September 2nd, in addition to the 3G + 32GB version, the 4G + 64GB version will be launched on Meizu’s offline official authorized channels, and will be launched in Meizu stores, Hang, Gome, Dixintong, Leyu stores, operator business halls, and other mobile phone stores one after another.

Fast performance Fast dual camera from 1099 yuan Meilan Note6 officially released

  The press conference also officially announced that the cumulative shipments of Meizu products reached 45 million units, but also for the majority of young people to bring a wealth of accessories, whether it is the price of 299 yuan Meizu EP52 Bluetooth sports headset, or the new Meizu Everyday light series of the first breast bag (119 yuan) and storage bag (59 yuan), all show the brand concept of Meizu will bring international trends and simple design to young people. August 23rd 16:30, Meizu EP52 Bluetooth sports headset in exclusive appointment, September 1st at 10 o’clock, Meizu official website and simultaneous sale, with Note6 to buy, can enjoy a preferential price of 269 yuan; Meizu breast bag, storage bag will also be on sale in early September.

Fast performance Fast dual camera from 1099 yuan Meilan Note6 officially released

Fast performance Fast dual camera from 1099 yuan Meilan Note6 officially released

  In terms of hardware, the Note6 adopts the unattainable Sony IMX362/Samsung 2L7 module in the mobile phone at the same price, bringing a 1200W + 500W dual-color lens combination. 1.4μm oversized single pixel, combined with the 6P customized lens with a large aperture of < unk >/1.9, has created the most luxurious camera phone at the same price. What makes the Meizu Note6 unique is that the Meizu Note6 has added Dual PD full-pixel dual-core focusing technology to the thousand-yuan mobile phone for the first time, and the focusing speed is as fast as 0.03s. It is like a human eye scanning to bid farewell to focusing and waiting, and capture the youth of the majority of young people passing by.

Fast performance Fast dual camera from 1099 yuan Meilan Note6 officially released

  In terms of software, Meilanhua has specially customized the ArcSoft optimization algorithm for the Note6, and has carried out a number of optimizations for the blurring of the portrait background and the multi-frame noise reduction function of dim light. Make the double-camera blurring more natural, and the purity of the dim-light photography is on the paper, which is fully capable of challenging SLR players.

Fast performance Fast dual camera from 1099 yuan Meilan Note6 officially released

  In terms of front lens, Meilan Note6 is not vague. Note6 is equipped with 16 million pixel front lens module, which has been continuously verified in the current multi-brand flagship mobile phone. This is a beautiful lens that pleases people’s eyes the most. It has a large aperture of/2.0, and with the ArcSoft beauty algorithm, Liangpin youth can be so confident in facing the lens.

  The highly anticipated 14nm Qualcomm Snapdragon mobile platform

  The cool blessing of Qualcomm Snapdragon 625 octa-core 64-bit processor not only brings surprises in configuration but also freshness in experience, which is a solid step for Meilan products to move towards a multi-processor platform. The 14nm LPP advanced process has set up a golden sign for the excellent power consumption of the Note6. The extraordinary image processing power of the Qualcomm Adreno 506 GPU brings rich image performance tension to the 5.5-inch screen of the Meilan Note6, and the display is more realistic and vivid. Compared with the Note5, it has a 71% improvement in graphics performance, and the image performance is smoother and smoother in the gaming experience.

Fast performance Fast dual camera from 1099 yuan Meilan Note6 officially released

  Qualcomm Snapdragon 625 also brings a smoother and more stable mobile network environment to the majority of Meiyou. In addition to the powerful 4G full Netcom function, it also supports 2.4G/5G dual-band Wi-Fi, meeting users’ various needs for networking at home and outdoors.

  The original intention is still to experience Taotie

  The essence of grinding is not against the original intention. Meilan Note6 also brings you up to 4000mAh large battery, ingenious craftsmanship avoids the sacrifice of large battery on the thickness and feel of the phone, lightweight grip, with Qualcomm Snapdragon 625 brought by ultra-low power consumption and Flyme6 system optimization, users can brush 10 hours of large-scale games, full of 34 high definition hot dramas, browse 120 news, 18W high power mCharge fast charge, 90 minutes can be fully charged, bid farewell to the delay in charging, and win the smooth experience.

Fast performance Fast dual camera from 1099 yuan Meilan Note6 officially released

  The unique "integrated design of flash antenna" of Meilan has also been passed down on the Note6. The original 4-LED flowing water flash gives Meilan products a simple and elegant design spirituality. Under the built-in intelligent LED coding chip, the Note6 still has various customized flashing functions such as incoming calls, alarm clocks, sending and receiving text messages and red envelopes.

Fast performance Fast dual camera from 1099 yuan Meilan Note6 officially released

  The sincerity of youth good products is not only reflected in the Meizu Note6, after the EP51 became a popular sports headset product, the release of the new Meizu EP52 Bluetooth sports headset, to create a truly lightweight sports significant other for the current youth.

Fast performance Fast dual camera from 1099 yuan Meilan Note6 officially released

  The memory neck brace design is tailor-made for each user. The food-grade silicone material brings a more skin-friendly softness. The weight of only 3 grams of unilateral earphones provides a comfortable listening experience. The microfiber diaphragm + Free-Edge diaphragm design outlines more layered music details for the EP52 in terms of sound quality. The Meizu EP52 has upgraded the magnetic attraction design and added the Hall control function, which can play at least 8 hours of music. It has IPX5 waterproof, allowing every sports youth to truly decompress from the body and mind. Meizu EP52 is priced at 299 yuan, and you can enjoy a package price of 269 yuan when you buy it with Note6 mobile phones. You can make an exclusive appointment in Mall at 16:30 on August 23, and go on sale simultaneously in Mall and Meizu Official Mall at 10:00 am on September 1. It is worth mentioning that the EP51 sports Bluetooth headset was also adjusted to 229 yuan across the board at 16:30 pm on August 23.

  Your good products, there is always a good way to store them.

Fast performance Fast dual camera from 1099 yuan Meilan Note6 officially released

  Meilan also included the first breast bag and storage bag of this conference into the new Meilan Everyday light clothing series, priced at 119 yuan and 59 yuan respectively, providing a truly trendy lifestyle for the majority of digital enthusiasts. Every good young person is an unruly and wise storage expert in their youth.

Chery Tiggo 8 Glory Edition went on sale from RMB 109,900.

  [car home new car listed] On October 10th, (|) Glory Edition was officially listed.The new car has launched two models.The price range is 109,900-119,900 yuan.The new car also offers a five-fold car purchase courtesy, a replacement subsidy of 20,000 yuan cash-filled red envelopes or 30,000 yuan, a free upgrade of seven-seat models (customers who buy cars before November 30, 2023, and the replacement subsidy will be one of two), and the first non-operating owner will enjoy the lifetime warranty of the whole car and lifetime free road rescue.

Chery tiggo 8 glory edition Guiding price car make and model Price (ten thousand yuan) 230TCI Manual Advanced Edition 10.99 230TCI Automatic Excellence Edition 11.99

Home of the car

Home of the car

Chery tiggo 8 2023 230TCI manual advanced edition

Chery tiggo 8 2023 230TCI manual advanced edition

Note: Some pictures are advanced version of 230TCI.

  As a new model, the overall configuration of Chery Tiggo 8 Glory Edition is basically the same as the 230TCI Advanced Edition currently on sale, except that the body color has been adjusted, and four body colors will be provided: pearl white, quantum gray, cloud trace gray and obsidian black. At the same time, the appearance has also been upgraded with new elements such as blackened headlights and black painted electroplated grille.

Chery tiggo 8 2023 230TCI manual advanced edition

Chery Automobile Tiggo 8 2022 1.5TCI automatic respect edition 7 seats

Chery Automobile Tiggo 8 2022 1.5TCI automatic respect edition 7 seats

  The car is still equipped with a 10.25-inch central control screen, equipped with mobile phone mapping and 360-degree panoramic image function. In terms of safety configuration, the whole system will be equipped with intelligent ramp start, steep slope descent, cruise control, front double airbags and side air curtains as standard.

Home of the car

  In terms of power, the new car will be equipped with a 1.5T engine with a maximum power of 156 HP and a maximum torque of 230 Nm. The transmission system will provide a 6-speed manual or 6-speed wet dual-clutch gearbox, and the chassis structure will be a front McPherson and a rear multi-link independent suspension. (Text/car home Guo Chen)

Xiaomi SU7 price forecast, 199,900 yuan is very likely?

The "Xiaomi Automobile Technology Conference" lasted for three hours, but looking back at the whole conference, it is no exaggeration to describe it as full of dry goods. At the press conference, Xiaomi took out cutting-edge technologies such as ultra-high-speed motor, inverted battery, ultra-large die casting and zoom BEV, which was a show of its own technical reserves. In addition, the highly anticipated Xiaomi SU7, the first model of Xiaomi, also appeared simultaneously, and announced various parameters, except the most critical price!

As the first model of the brand, Xiaomi’s cautious attitude towards pricing is understandable. First announce the technology and parameters of the model, then look at the market feedback, and finally combine the competing products for comprehensive pricing. This set of gameplay is actually a routine operation in the mobile phone circle. Although there is no exact price of Xiaomi SU7, it is not difficult to infer from Lei’s description of the model at the press conference that the car has a high probability of not winning with the ultimate cost performance, but taking the route of "high price and high quality".

At the press conference, Mr. Lei made it clear that "Xiaomi SU7 is a little expensive, but it is reasonably expensive". Let’s talk about the positioning of the whole vehicle first. The circumference of Xiaomi SU7 is 4997*1963*1455mm, and the wheelbase is 3000mm, which is a circle larger than the common Tesla Model 3. The official said that the car is a C-class car against the BMW 5 Series. You know, the price of BMW 5 Series is more than 400,000 yuan. Does Xiaomi SU7 want to price it at 400,000?

Judging from the current super-volume market structure, it is unlikely that Xiaomi SU7 will be priced at 400,000. In fact, by looking at the same type of new energy vehicles, we can roughly infer the price range of Xiaomi SU7. Only a little smaller in size, but the technology is not bad at all, the price is 0.2 million/200 thousand; The official starting price of Zhijie S7 with Huawei’s blessing is 249,800 yuan. It is not difficult to speculate that the reasonable pricing of Xiaomi SU7 main sales model is about 250,000 yuan, and the high-performance version will go to the range of 350,000-400,000 yuan.

However, in the mobile phone circle, Mr. Lei has always had a "tradition" of "persuading executives overnight". Since it is ok to make a mobile phone, it makes no sense to build a car. At this conference, Mr. Lei directly rejected the prices of 99,000 yuan and 149,000 yuan, but the high-pitched 199,900 yuan did not express his position. It’s not impossible to get a starting right, and it’s not impossible for the entry version to directly achieve 199,900 yuan. It’s also a tribute to the first generation of Xiaomi mobile phone and a wave of feelings!

Judging from the information published so far, Xiaomi SU7 has given enough sincerity in terms of technology, configuration and intelligence. I hope this sincerity can continue to the pricing level. If the BMW 5 Series is priced at 400,000 yuan, I can only say that my courage is commendable; However, if it is really sold at a price of 199,900 yuan, it is entirely possible to become a phenomenal model. So what do you think of Xiaomi SU7 pricing? Welcome to leave a message for discussion!

Xingyue L car machine update, Baidu Apollo blessing, what upgrades are there in the experience?

Galaxy OS, the vehicle system carried by Xingyue L, is developed by its technology company Yikatong, which integrates the navigation and small voice of Baidu Apollo. It was officially launched in July 2021, equipped with Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155 chip and three screens.

Since its release, Galaxy OS has been upgraded twice. In the latest version 1.2, a lot of simplified upgrades have been made, and AutoLab has the following highlights to share after the experience.

Lightweight application of turning machine

Our mobile phone applications have also developed towards lightweight, and WeChat applets and Alipay applets have been able to replace most APP applications. In addition, in the latest system versions of Huawei and Apple, card-type fast APPlications have been added, so that the functions in the APP can be used conveniently without opening the APP, which saves the process of opening the app.

Xingyue L’s car machine update has also made a light APPlication of the APP, such as Bilibili of the co-pilot entertainment screen. You can see the recommended video content on the homepage of the screen without opening the app.

In addition, temperature control, music switching, and common map functions can be easily completed without opening the application. For example, the temperature can be adjusted by holding down the temperature number by hand and sliding up and down, which is more convenient than the physical knob. In addition, like the shortcut bar of mobile phone, Galaxy OS can open the shortcut button of vehicle control by pulling it from top to bottom, and can also add and subtract functions that can be operated quickly.

Since the Star Yue L central control is a widescreen, the Galaxy OS1.2 version is adapted to the widescreen homepage card, and the owner can directly slide up and down the homepage and choose to display four applications: music, map, WeChat applet and weather. Moreover, compared with the hidden sliding cards of many car companies, the cards of Galaxy OS 1.2 can guide the car owners to use correctly on the UI, which is more convenient and has lower learning cost.

The cockpit experience enters the scene

"Scene" is the most frequently mentioned word in the field of autonomous driving, and now the intelligent cockpit has begun to split the scene. In the Galaxy OS 1.2 version, the thinking of "scene" has also been added.

For example, when the main driver gets on the bus, the central control panel will pop up a shortcut bar for car control for about 5 seconds. In the shortcut bar, it can be used to adjust the seat and open the trunk, which is very convenient. When we experience other smart cars, we need to operate 2 to 3 steps on the screen every time we get on the bus to find the corresponding car control shortcut bar. This function of Galaxy OS is very practical and has a good impression of MAX.

In addition, there are many scenes on the central control screen and the passenger screen, which can be activated by touch screen click or voice control. For example, there is a car wash mode on the central control panel, which automatically closes the window skylight and retracts the rearview mirror after use. The nap mode is common to everyone. You can put down the seat with one button, turn on the ventilation and set an alarm clock.

There are also unusual scenes, such as the Goddess mode. After being enabled, the passenger seat will move backwards, and the seat will move forward after closing the door. The passenger screen will show a pink dynamic effect, and at the same time, a small voice will say: Welcome to the fairy, pick up hot chicks’s skills are full.

For the co-pilot screen, there will be a movie viewing mode. The co-pilot has an independent Bluetooth module, which can connect Bluetooth headsets and enjoy the independent sound source of the co-pilot screen without interfering with the driving of the main driver.

In addition, there is a co-pilot exclusive wallpaper, which can be used by users in need to declare sovereignty.

For the driver, the car WeChat has also been upgraded. When there is no one in the car, the message will be played directly. When there are other people in the car, the message from which friend will be displayed on the central control screen. Only when the owner presses the corresponding button will WeChat broadcast.

Thanks to the powerful computing power of Qualcomm 8155 chip, the co-pilot screen, the central control screen and the instrument screen can also be linked. Through three-finger sliding, the navigation map of the central control screen can be dragged to the instrument screen, and music and movies can be dragged to the co-pilot screen. The co-pilot screen can also query the map and send it to the central control screen for use.

The experience of Galaxy OS made my eyes shine. Personally, I think the user experience is better than that of most new car brands, and it is also better than the Baidu turnkey solution used by some brands before.

Behind this is the advantage of the tripartite joint model of car companies+technology companies+Baidu. Yikatong has assumed the role of product manager, collecting feedback from the daily use of tens of thousands of users, and then integrating Baidu’s technical solutions to polish the functions better.