Focusing on new productivity and building a better life, members of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference attended the second session of the 14th National Co

  The second session of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference was held in Beijing on March 4. What are the hot issues in which the members of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference are concerned? Shenzhen Business Daily reporters learned that paying attention to new productivity and building a better life are the key points for members to write proposals and participate in politics.

  Chen Qianwen, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference in Shenzhen

  It is recommended that the Sha Tau Kok Shenzhen-Hong Kong International Consumer Cooperation Zone be upgraded to a national strategy

  Chen Qianwen, a member of the Shenzhen National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and vice chairperson of the Shenzhen Municipal Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, believes that Shenzhen and Hong Kong have great potential in consumer cooperation. If we can make good use of the area of Sha Tau Kok and improve more policies, we will further strengthen the connection between Shenzhen and Hong Kong, and even between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, so that the consumption in the Greater Bay Area can be better promoted and developed. It is recommended that Sha Tau Kok Shenzhen-Hong Kong International Consumer Cooperation Zone be raised to a national strategy.

  Chen Qianwen said that Shenzhen Qianhai is a platform for Shenzhen-Hong Kong cooperation and innovation in the modern service industry. The construction of Qianhai-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone has been included in the national strategy. Last year, the Hetao area was included in the national strategy as a platform for Shenzhen-Hong Kong science and technology innovation. These two regions have played a very good role in boosting the development of Shenzhen. At present, Shenzhen-Hong Kong exchanges have become increasingly close, and interactions in the consumer field are also very frequent. In the past year, Hong Kong compatriots have been present in major business districts and cultural tourism facilities in Shenzhen, which actually shows the great potential of Shenzhen-Hong Kong consumer cooperation. As a special area for consumer cooperation with Hong Kong, Shenzhen Sha Tau Kok, if it can get a policy promotion, I believe it will play a good role in promoting consumption in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. Chen Qianwen suggested that the customs supervision measures should be improved to create a model that allows for the looser circulation of consumer goods between the two places, so as to promote the integration and exchange between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao through consumption upgrades and release consumption potential.

  He Jie, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference in Shenzhen

  Further consolidate the first-mover advantage of science and technology innovation finance and digital finance

  He Jie, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and deputy secretary-general of the Standing Committee of the Shenzhen Municipal People’s Congress, will propose this year aroundAnd financial innovation, among other topics.

  He Jie believes that while bringing social progress, there are also hidden dangers, and how to establish a corresponding standardized system is an important issue. In addition, how China participates in or dominates international governance and deeper artificial intelligence governance legislation is also worthy of consideration.

  Finance is the area he is most familiar with. He believes that the Central Financial Work Conference has proposed "five major articles" on the development of the financial industry – science and technology innovation finance, green finance, inclusive finance,Financial and digital finance, there is a lot of knowledge to be done in each major article. Guangdong has already taken the lead, and the next step is how to further consolidate Guangdong’s first-mover advantage. He Jie believes that the high-quality development of the financial industry cannot be achieved solely throughOn this, he will deepen and refine it, and then make further suggestions. His proposal this year will also involve the unification and establishment of a large financial marketPlatform to strengthen financial supervision, international digitalBridge and other topics.

  Wang Lizong, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference in Shenzhen

  Further relaxation of restrictions on cross-border movement of professionals from Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao

  Wang Lizong, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and chairperson of the Guangdong High-tech Industry Chamber of Commerce, plans to submit proposals such as "Suggestions on Accelerating the Issuance and Implementation of the Negative List for Cross-border Service Trade to Promote High-level Opening up".

  Wang Lizong suggested that the Ministry of Public Security and other departments further relax the restrictions on the cross-border movement of natural persons from Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao in the field of professional talents. He gave an example that the exhibition industry has the characteristics of high mobility of personnel. Under the background of Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Macao’s continuous deepening of "one exhibition, two places" exhibition cooperation, Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Macao tourist visas and work visas cannot meet the needs of organizers for daily round-trip between Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Macao. Issuing specific talent visas for exhibition professionals will solve the problem of cross-border professional flow in the opening and development of the exhibition industry, which will help promote the interconnection of exhibitions in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, and build a cross-border cooperation model of "one two places exhibition". At the same time, it will promote more world merchants to visit Guangdong, Hong

  Wang Lizong also suggested that the Ministry of Commerce and other departments study and accelerate the implementation of the national version and the free trade zone version of the cross-border service trade negative list, and make commitments to opening up in the field of cross-border service trade in the form of a negative list, without additional restrictions in areas outside the list, and introduce overseas investment to a greater extent to encourage the expansion of service exports.

  Wu Yihuan, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference in Shenzhen

  Promote the deep integration of physical education and empower young people to grow up healthily

  Wu Yihuan, member of the Shenzhen National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, vice chairperson of the Shenzhen Municipal Committee of the Chinese People’s League, suggested that all sectors of society innovate and promote the deep integration of physical education to empower young people to grow up healthily.

  Wu Yihuan said that in recent years, the integration of sports and education in our country has made great progress, and a series of effective measures have been launched in various places, such as Shenzhen’s promotion of "Sunshine One" activities and "See You Every Day in Physical Education Classes". However, there are still problems such as poor service quality of youth social sports organizations and insufficient protection of sports professional teachers. Wu Yihuan suggested that we should innovate support policies, mobilize social forces, standardize the development of youth social sports organizations, and at the same time unblock the channels for elite retired athletes to enter schools as sports coaches or sports teachers, and lead students to do a good job in sports competitions.

  Nie Zhuqing, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference in Shenzhen

  The system solves the problem of installing elevators in old residential areas

  Nie Zhuqing, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and chairperson of Shenzhen Pengxin Asset Appraisal Land and Real Estate Appraisal Co., Ltd., told the Shenzhen Business Daily that the topic of people’s livelihood is the focus of his duties and will submit proposals around the installation of elevators in old neighborhoods and the safety of prefabricated dishes.

  Born in rural Hubei, Nie Zhuqing has a strong sense of responsibility for promoting rural revitalization and construction in the new era. In July last year, he followed the Guangdong Provincial Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference inspection team to Lanzhou City, Gannan Prefecture, Linxia Prefecture and Zhongwei City, Yinchuan City, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, has first-hand information on ethnic areas and rural revitalization. Last year, he put forward a proposal on the construction of rural health centers, which received attention and positive responses from relevant state ministries and commissions. This year, he will vigorously enhance farmers’ enthusiasm for farming and promote the high-quality development of the homestay industryWait for a proposal.

  The elderly who live in old staircase houses choose not to go out all year round because of the inconvenience of their legs and feet. The real story I saw during the community visit has made Nie Zhuqing pay attention to this issue related to the well-being of many elderly groups for a long time. He will submit a proposal this year "on systematically solving the installation of elevators in old residential areas and improving the safety of old elevators". It is recommended to formulate and issue unified standards and norms at the national level in combination with existing local standards and industry standards, to guide the installation of elevators in existing residential buildings in old residential areas, and to promote the establishment of a long-term mechanism for follow-up care.

  Jin Li, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference in Shenzhen

  Attach importance to the elderly care industry and encourage the development of the elderly care industry

  Jin Li, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and vice president of Southern University of Science and Technology, said that he will continue to write proposals on the topic of elderly care this year. He believes that while paying attention to the elderly care cause, we must also vigorously encourage the development of the elderly care industry, and supplement market forces to stimulate and enhance the vitality and quality of the elderly care industry.

  Jin Li believes that there is a difference between the elderly care industry and the elderly care industry. The elderly care industry places more emphasis on the public welfare attribute, which is a kind of care, support and protection for disadvantaged groups. It is mainly aimed at the poor or widowed elderly in cities and the five-guarantee households in rural areas with poor living conditions. The elderly care industry needs the supplement and expansion of the elderly care industry, and the elderly care industry needs the attention and support of the whole society to generate certain and reasonable economic returns. Only in order to mobilize more social resources into the elderly care industry can we not only regard the elderly care as a public welfare.

  Jin Li believes that the elderly all hope to have cost-effective market-oriented high-quality elderly care services. At present, the investment in elderly care is too small. If this market is fully developed, its volume will be larger, and the economy of scale and scope will be formed. Through the system integration of upstream and downstream of the industrial chain, costs can be greatly reduced and efficiency can be improved. If the cost of elderly care is reduced by half or even two-thirds, it is possible to make some high-quality elderly care services benefit a wider range of ordinary peopleGroup. If the pension cost and other pension issues can be effectively solved, it can not only meet people’s growing demand for high-quality pension, but also release more economic vitality, allowing people to consume more boldly, and the relevant industrial chain will also be driven.

  Jin Li believes that elderly care provides rich and diverse application scenarios for the development of science and technology, which is a huge driving force for China’s future GDP. In the process of elderly care industrialization, it can release a large amount of demand and fully stimulate the development of various industries, especially high-end manufacturing.

Mercedes-Benz E260 E300 latest offer limited time sale.

  Recently, the highest comprehensive discount for Mercedes-Benz E-Class promotion in Beijing 4S store is 90,000 yuan. Now there are enough cars in the store, all colors are complete, and they are sold all over the country. There are no regional restrictions, complete procedures, nationwide warranty, and pick-up service. All procedures follow the car, and there are no additional conditions for buying a car in the store. Welcome riders to the store to discuss in detail!

  Tips: Call the car hotline during the event to get a (20,000) decorative gift package sponsored by the manufacturer. Considering that foreign customers have a long way to buy a car in Beijing, our store can reimburse the one-way fare to Beijing [train ticket, high-speed rail ticket and plane ticket (limited to two people)] considering that foreign customers are unfamiliar with the road conditions. There is a free shuttle bus to Beijing. Welcome to the store to buy a car.

  Gift package content: explosion-proof membrane, fender, carpet, perfume, steering wheel lock, welcome pedal, DVD navigation, reversing radar, rain shield, car clothes, headrest, pillow, seat cover, tire cleaner, etc. [check the phone number of 4S shop at the bottom of the news]

  The new generation E-Class is built on the modular platform of Mercedes-Benz MRA (rear drive/four-wheel drive), which is more family-oriented in design, closer to Mercedes-Benz S-Class in appearance, and the overall texture has been fully upgraded from the inside out. Perhaps it is a family inheritance or a doll design. The overall shape of the new generation E-class is like an enlarged version of C-class or a reduced version of S-class, which makes people silly and unclear. However, compared with the old E-class, the new car has been comprehensively improved in terms of appearance and elegance.

  The appearance of the new Mercedes-Benz E-Class is basically the same as that of the models released in the open sea, but the body size has been greatly lengthened, with the length, width and height of 5,065 * 1,860 * 1,467mm respectively, and the wheelbase has reached 3,079mm, which is increased compared with the current E-Class long-axis model, and the wheelbase has also been greatly prolonged by 65mm. At the same time, compared with the current overseas standard wheelbase version of the S-Class, which is 5,115*1,899*1,496 mm in length, 1,496 mm in height and 3,035 mm in wheelbase, the new generation of domestic E-Class has an advantage of 44 mm in wheelbase, and the rear legs and seating space will be more comfortable.

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May the "Starlight Project" of military training between Singapore and Taiwan Province end? Taiwan Affairs Office responded

According to a report by China Taiwan Province Network on September 27th, the Taiwan Province Affairs Office of the State Council held a regular press conference in the press room of the Taiwan Affairs Office at 10:00 am on the 27th. Ma Xiaoguang, director of the Information Bureau of the Taiwan Affairs Office and spokesperson, attended the press conference and answered questions from reporters.

Ma Guang Xiao, spokesman of Taiwan Affairs Office.

At the press conference, a reporter asked, recently, the proportion of classical Chinese in Chinese textbooks for senior high schools in Taiwan Province finally decided to reduce by 10%, returning to only 35% to 45%. What did the spokesman say?

Ma Xiaoguang responded that the "Taiwan independence" forces have been deliberately fiddling with the curriculum materials for a long time, which has been questioned and opposed by most conscientious educators, cultural circles and public opinion in Taiwan Province, but what the Taiwan education authorities are doing now will only make Taiwan Province’s education a victim of political manipulation.

On the topic of "constitutional reform" proposed by Tsai Ing-Wen at the "National Congress" in Democratic Progressive Party last Sunday, Ma Guang Xiao emphasized that we will pay close attention to relevant trends, the red line of cross-strait relations is very clear, and our determination to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity is unshakable. As for Lai Qingde, the new "Premier", who publicly threatened his personal "Taiwan independence" proposition, Ma Xiaoguang reiterated that engaging in "Taiwan independence" is bound to pay the consequences.

In addition, some media have asked questions. Recently, Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong reiterated his anti-Taiwan independence stance and adhered to the one-China principle after his visit to China. It is also reported that Singapore’s "Starlight Plan" of sending soldiers to Taiwan Province for training may also end?

Ma Xiaoguang replied that the relevant contents of the meeting between the leaders of China and New Zealand have been reported in the news. With the promotion of the mainland’s international status and the expansion of its influence, the pattern of the international community adhering to one China has been consolidated day by day, and there is no room for the "Taiwan independence" to split.

The full text of the press conference of the Taiwan Affairs Office is as follows:

[Ma Xiaoguang]: Good morning, friends from the media. The press conference begins now. Please ask questions.

[CCTV reporter]: Some time ago, we saw that Democratic Progressive Party held a "National Congress", and Tsai Ing-Wen proposed to form a new exposition to determine the direction and line of the party in the new era. I would like to ask the spokesperson what kind of response you have to her statement? Thank you.

[Ma Xiaoguang]: As we all know, the new cross-strait relations you mentioned are consistent and clear.Only by abandoning the "Taiwan independence" position can Democratic Progressive Party find a way out in cross-strait relations.We have also reiterated many times that the "1992 Consensus" is the common political foundation for the peaceful development of cross-strait relations. Only by adhering to the political foundation that embodies the one-China principle can we maintain the correct direction for the peaceful development of cross-strait relations.

[Shenzhen Satellite TV reporter]: It is reported that Lai Qingde, the new head of Taiwan Province’s administrative agency, said in a recent inquiry in Taiwan’s legislature that Taiwan Province is a "sovereign and independent country" and the two sides of the strait are not subordinate to each other. What is the spokesman’s comment on this? Thank you.

[Ma Xiaoguang]: Both the mainland and Taiwan Province belong to the same China. Cross-strait relations are not state-to-state relations, nor are they "one China, one Taiwan". Taiwan Province, as an inalienable part of the territory of China, has never been a country, and it will never be a country. The mainland resolutely opposes any form of "Taiwan independence" words and deeds, and will never allow the historical tragedy of national division to repeat itself. Splitting "Taiwan independence" will surely bring about consequences.

[CCTV reporter]: We saw that Tsai Ing-Wen raised the topic of "constitutional system" reform at the so-called "all-generation meeting" held in Democratic Progressive Party on the 24th, which aroused the concern of the island society. Some critics think that Tsai Ing-Wen is preparing for the legal "Taiwan independence", which is extremely dangerous to play with fire. What do you think of this issue?

[Ma Xiaoguang]: We will pay close attention to relevant trends.I would like to reiterate that the red line of cross-strait relations is very clear, and our determination to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity is unshakable.

[Xiamen Satellite TV reporter]: The recent parade of Mazu statue in Meizhou has attracted attention in Taiwan Province. Please tell us something about it. Thank you.

[Ma Xiaoguang]: In order to satisfy the strong desire of Mazu believers in Taiwan Province, at the invitation of Taiwan Province Hon Hai Group, Banqiao Cihui Palace in New Taipei City and Mazu Friendship Association in Taiwan Province, the Mazu Statue of Meizhou Ancestral Temple in Fujian launched a 17-day parade in Taiwan Province from September 23rd to October 9th. This parade is another great event for people-to-people exchanges between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits. The parade involves ten counties and cities, including Taipei, Xinbei, Keelung, Taoyuan, Hsinchu, Miaoli, Chiayi, Yunlin, Changhua and Taichung, and covers 89 temples in Taiwan Province, making it the largest parade in previous years.

[Economic Daily reporter]: Recently, the Cross-Strait Industrial Cooperation Zone was established in Guangxi. Please tell us about it. Thank you.

[Ma Xiaoguang]: On September 15th, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, together with the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Commerce, awarded a license to set up a cross-strait industrial cooperation zone in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. This cooperation zone is "one zone and three parks", including Fangchenggang Industrial Park, Chongzuo Industrial Park and Qinzhou Industrial Park. It is believed that the establishment of the cooperation zone will provide greater business opportunities for the development of Taiwan-funded enterprises in the mainland.

[Reporter of Taiwan Province Wang Bao]: The proportion of classical Chinese in senior high schools in Taiwan Province has been reversed, and it was decided that it would be reduced by 10%, and only 35% to 45% would be restored to classical Chinese. How does the spokesman comment? Thank you.

[Ma Xiaoguang]: For some time, the "Taiwan independence" forces have been deliberately manipulating the teaching materials of the curriculum, which has been questioned and opposed by most conscientious Taiwan Province educational circles, cultural circles and public opinion. The practice of Taiwan’s education authorities will only make Taiwan Province’s education a victim of political manipulation.

[Voice of the Straits Radio reporter]: In early July, the Ministry of Education announced that it would relax the criteria for Taiwan Province high school graduates to apply for mainland universities based on their academic test results. The threshold for admission was lowered from the previous standard to the average standard, and the subsequent impact included arousing concern in Taiwan Province society about whether there would be a wave of Taiwan Province students leaving. What do you think of the spokesman?

[Ma Xiaoguang]: The Ministry of Education has taken this measure to create more convenient conditions for young people from Taiwan Province to study in the mainland, in order to further promote cross-strait youth and cross-strait educational exchanges. As for saying that if someone is worried about causing a "exodus", I think it is an unnecessary worry. Maybe Lenovo is too rich, because after all, the number of students enrolled is limited.

[Reporter of Fujian Straits Herald]: We have noticed that Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong once again reiterated his opposition to the "Taiwan independence" after his recent visit to China, and adhered to the one-China principle. It is also reported that Singapore’s "Starlight Plan" for sending soldiers to Taiwan Province for training may also come to an end. What is the spokesman’s response to this?

[Ma Xiaoguang]: These two questions can be answered together. Not long ago, the leaders of China and New Zealand met, and the relevant contents have been reported in the news. I think with the promotion of the mainland’s international status and the expansion of its influence, the international community’s adherence to the one-China pattern is increasingly consolidated, and there is no room for the "Taiwan independence" to split.

[Reporter of China Radio International]: Recently, there was an earthquake in Mexico, and China’s embassy in Mexico rescued the trapped Taiwan Province compatriots. According to the analysis of Taiwanese media, the mainland has recently strengthened its emergency rescue service for Taiwan Province people abroad, and intends to implement the nationalization of Taiwan compatriots internationally. What is the spokesman’s comment?

[Ma Xiaoguang]: It is the consistent aim and policy of our embassies and consulates abroad to safeguard the rights and interests of overseas China people, including China compatriots. After the strong earthquake in Mexico, our embassy in China, when it got a call for help and learned that five Taiwan compatriots were trapped and their whereabouts were unknown, actively asked the relevant Mexican departments to do their best to rescue them. Within 72 hours of the gold rescue, the embassy closely followed up the rescue situation and visited the relatives of trapped Taiwan compatriots many times. On September 22nd, it was confirmed by relevant Mexican authorities and relatives of Taiwan compatriots that all the five trapped Taiwan compatriots were killed. Here, we express our deep condolences to the Taiwan compatriots who died and our sincere condolences to the families of the victims. Taiwan Province compatriots are our flesh and blood brothers. Our embassies abroad, including the embassy in Mexico, are willing to provide further assistance to the relatives of Taiwan compatriots concerned to properly handle the aftermath.

Reporter from China Review: A few days ago, Lee Teng-hui, the former leader of Taiwan Province, said that the United front of the mainland with Taiwan had joined Taiwan Province’s "underworld". What is the spokesman’s comment on this?

[Ma Xiaoguang]: Lee Teng-hui, the "godfather of Taiwan independence", I think he recently took the opportunity to attack the Taiwan Province unification faction and attacked those who advocate cross-strait exchanges and support reunification. His intention is nothing more than to further create green terror, and his intentions are extremely sinister. As we all know, Lee Teng-hui came to power at a time when black money politics was rampant in Taiwan Province’s political arena, and we all know who the "underworld" was.

[Taiwan Province TVBS reporter]: Mr. Lai Qingde made some clear statements about the current situation in Taiwan Province when he was questioned, but he also mentioned that if the two sides of the strait want to become brothers, couples or lovers, they must be recognized by the mainland. What is the spokesman’s comment?

[Ma Xiaoguang]: I think that in order to improve and develop cross-strait relations, we must first clearly answer the question of the nature of cross-strait relations. As I said just now, both sides of the strait belong to the same China, which is not a state-to-state relationship or "one China, one Taiwan". Therefore, only when there is a clear answer to this question, the goodwill and sincerity mentioned are not lip service, and they are not flowers in the water and the moon in the mirror.

[Global Network Reporter]: Two questions. First, Democratic Progressive Party held a "National Congress" on the 24th. In a speech, Party Chairman Tsai Ing-Wen said that Chinese mainland is very different from the period when the Party was founded, and the rise of Chinese mainland is a situation that the whole world must face cautiously now. She also said that emotional hatred or blind flattery cannot honestly face up to the development of the rise of the mainland. How does the spokesman comment on this? Second, recently, the voice of Amnesty for Chen Shui-bian has been making a lot of noise on the island. More than 90% of netizens opposed Amnesty for Chen Shui-bian in an online poll held by the Kuomintang. At the same time, we noticed that more than half of the representatives of the National Congress in Democratic Progressive Party took the opportunity to slip away, resulting in the situation that the meeting was over before the "case of pardon" was discussed. What does the spokesman think of this? Thank you.

[Ma Xiaoguang]: Let me answer the second question first. We don’t comment on judicial cases in Taiwan Province. It remains to be seen what judicial value Democratic Progressive Party and Taiwan Province authorities insist on.