Huo Jianhua: I have worked so hard to act in a cold style

Huo Jianhua
  As the ratings of "Hua Qiangu" continue to rise, the popularity of the coldly "Honorable" Huo Jianhua (long-term immortal Baizi painting) has risen sharply. In an exclusive interview, Huo Jianhua admitted that the popularity of "Hua Qiangu" was also unexpected. Regarding the interpretation of the role of Baizi painting, Huo Jianhua responded by questioning that "in fact, Gao Leng is not easy to play". Beijing Times reporter Xu Qinghong

  High cold and faceless eyes are very important

  Since "Hua Qiangu" went LIVE, the ratings have been rising all the way, and the national network’s ratings share once reached 18%. In this regard, Huo Jianhua admitted that he was also greatly surprised. He recalled that he hesitated for half a year when he took the role, because he did not want to take this kind of fairy drama before. "When the crew found me, I thought about it for a long time, and they never gave up. They lobbied me for half a year, and this sincerity finally moved me."

  Bai Zi Hua, played by Huo Jianhua in "Hua Qiangu", can be called "God Restoration". Not only is his appearance and aura explosive, but standing there is the immortal in the hearts of the readers of the original novel. However, some viewers said that Bai Zi Hua is a cold ascetic immortal, who can be transformed into a face paralyzed and expressionless, and does not need acting skills at all. Huo Jianhua disagreed with this statement, "Gao Leng is actually very difficult to act. It is not enough to have a cold face. It is not that simple. How to convey the inner things to the audience, the eyes are very important." In Huo Jianhua’s opinion, the love of Bai Zi’s painting is completely different from ordinary love. "Without a certain age of maturity, I don’t understand how this man loves Hua Qiangu at all. The younger audience may prefer to express it more directly, but he can’t be direct. Why did I decide to take this play in the first place was actually because I took a fancy to this kind of implicit beauty. "Huo Jianhua believes that I have seen too many things about love, and love like Baizi’s painting is so subtle and so obscure, but it is more attractive." I think this is very well written, and it is also a test for my performance. How to perform, he has never eaten the world’s fireworks to know love because of Hua Qiangui’s efforts. The pain that cannot be expressed after losing it, I think it is a test of my acting skills. When filming, I can’t have big body movements, I can’t do this, I can’t do that, only my eyes can tell others what I want to say. This play is actually very hard for me to act. "

  The first taste of brain-burning drama enjoys dual characters

  In the weekly drama "He’s Coming, Please Close Your Eyes", Huo Jianhua turned into a world-renowned expert in criminal psychology, Bo Jinyan, and gained love while solving bizarre cases. Huo Jianhua admitted that this is his first time receiving a brain-burning suspense drama, and he also hopes to break through himself. "Sometimes it’s tiring to watch things too much, but some audiences like this kind of brain-burning drama, hoping to satisfy that part of the audience. This time I also broke through a scene and shot something with high intelligence, which seems to have improved me a little." Huo Jianhua said that he had to think about some of the plots in the play for a long time, "If you can’t figure it out, ask the director, and the director will explain it to me. I think young audiences are very smart now. They have watched a lot of American dramas and have very careful thinking. Our drama is also leaning in this direction."

  In "Please Close Your Eyes When He Comes," Bo Jinyan has a contrasting dual personality, and Huo Jianhua said he enjoyed the performance. "Everyone has different sides, right? Being an actor is pretty good, and you can show the evil side, but you can’t in life." Now that he plays two roles in a play, Huo Jianhua said he will be more relaxed. "I will not exaggerate the difference between the two people, but will set up very detailed things, such as eyes. In the past, I would deliberately and forcefully separate the two characters, so that the audience can know when they see it. Now it seems that the performance traces are too heavy, but it is not good. It is better to express it naturally, and to reflect the difference in some small details."

  Although Bo Jinyan is also a very cold character, Huo Jianhua said that he will not play him in the cold direction of Baizi’s painting. "After all, it is a fashion drama, unlike a fairy drama, it doesn’t matter how cold it is. It completely becomes a non-human firework, no human words, no human affairs, the audience will not be able to stand it, and Bo Jinyan will have a life side."

  Huo Jianhua once worked with Zhang Kaizhou, the director of "He’s Coming, Please Close Your Eyes" on "Battle Changsha". For this team, Huo Jianhua said that it was very comfortable to cooperate. "The director doesn’t like auditions, and he doesn’t like too many rehearsals. He hopes to shoot the real thing as soon as he comes, and he can shoot it after figuring out the location. He hopes to shoot the most realistic state. I agree with this approach. I used to shootThere have been many rehearsals for the play, but the feeling of the performance erupting is gone. "

  Don’t follow the trend and chase the IP tide to pick the script to see fate

  Whether it is "Hua Qiangu" or "Please Close Your Eyes When He Comes", they are all based on popular literary IPs, but Huo Jianhua said it was purely coincidental that he did not follow the trend and follow the IPs. "I didn’t mean to shoot these, I don’t care if it is a popular novel adaptation or an IP drama. I like to shoot original dramas, but now there are relatively few originals." Huo Jianhua said that he used to be very selective about scripts. "What kind of characters and what kind of scripts you want to choose, you always hope to find a breakthrough point. Now I choose scripts to see fate, and characters are not asked for."

  Rather than simply restoring the characters in popular novels, Huo Jianhua said that he is more willing to show his personality through characters. For example, in "He’s Coming, Please Close Your Eyes", many netizens felt that he was not tall enough, and there was a gap between him and Bo Jin Yan. "If it must be tall, do you want Yao Ming to play it? It’s really difficult to find someone who is exactly the same in the novel." Huo Jianhua admitted that the most he hoped for was, "At first, everyone thought you were completely unlike the characters in the novel, but after you played it, the audience saw it, accepted it, and thought you performed your own thing, which is the best for me. Maybe I don’t look like Bo Jin Yan, and I’m not as tall as him, but I don’t mind at all. The soul of a performer is not determined by height. Whether you can really enter this character and integrate the character with some things in your personality is the most important thing. "

  "Veteran cadre" loves old songs and no longer plays little fresh meat

  In the crew, Huo Jianhua got the title of "veteran cadre." According to Ma Sichun, the heroine of "Please Close Your Eyes When He Comes," this "veteran cadre" not only refers to Huo Jianhua’s special attention to life and diet, special health, but also often sings old songs. "He sings every day. I say it’s so old, it’s all songs I haven’t heard before. Finally, one day I heard a" Bubble "by Deng Ziqi that I can also sing, and I sang it with him." Huo Jianhua admits to having a soft spot for old songs. He sings old songs like "Night Laixiang" and "When Rijun Comes Again" every day.

  The 36-year-old Huo Jianhua did not shy away from his age at all. He admitted that in the future, he will lean in the direction of maturity. "Every role must be close to his own age, so that the audience will be comfortable and he will be comfortable. Whether it is a male god Muse, an actor or an actress, when they reach an age, they naturally have the charm of his age. For me, there is no urge to play tender, and I don’t need it, because I am too young, too young, and I have played roles in my teens and twenties. Now let me play the role of tender, I will not take it, and I can’t play Xiaoxiangmeat at all, and my eyes can’t deceive people."

  Unlike most celebrities who like to swipe Weibo and interact with fans, Huo Jianhua rarely surfs the Internet and does not read comments. "There will definitely be people who praise and scold, and it is better to know less, so I would rather not watch it, and I don’t know the best." Although the role is cold, Huo Jianhua believes that he is a very easy-going person in his life. "People think I am not easy to get close to, but in fact I am very easy-going, and I am very easy to get along with on the set. And I don’t change other people’s scripts indiscriminately, and I respect the scripts."

  After filming "He’s Coming, Please Close Your Eyes", Huo Jianhua admitted that he wanted to take a break and go out for a vacation. As for what to shoot in the next play, he admitted that he would follow fate. Asked if he planned to become a director himself, Huo Jianhua quickly hid far away, "Being a director is so tiring, I don’t want to at all."