Since the beginning of this year, 19 deputy ministerial-level central enterprises have changed coaches, and most of them have been adjusted because of their working age.

Figure/vision china

Up to now, at least 19 central enterprises supervised by SASAC have undergone executive adjustment, all of which are "key state-owned enterprises" at the vice ministerial level.

In 2023, many senior executives of central enterprises started intensive personnel adjustment. In April alone, three central enterprises, namely China Merchants Group, China Grain Reserve Management Group and China Aluminum Group, completed the coaching change. According to the reporter’s incomplete statistics of China Economic Weekly, up to now, at least 19 central enterprises supervised by SASAC have undergone executive adjustment, all of which are "key state-owned enterprises" at the vice ministerial level.

Dongfang Electric ushered in "from official to business" executives

Recently, the leadership of China Dongfang Electric Group has been updated, with a new deputy general manager and member of the party group Sun Guojun, and the number of members of the leadership team has also increased from 7 to 8.

According to public information, Sun Guojun graduated from Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, majoring in material management. He was a member of the Party Group of the Research Office of the State Council and the director of the First Division of Comprehensive Research (Development Strategy Research Division). He participated in the drafting of the the State Council government work report many times, which is a typical "from official to business".

Xu Baoli, a former researcher at the Research Center of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, gave a positive evaluation of this. He told the reporter of China Economic Weekly: "No matter whether businessmen enter the business or officials enter the business, the flow of talents between businessmen and officials has broken the restrictions of units and blocks, opened a channel for talent exchange between institutions and enterprises, and changed talent resources from’ internal circulation’ to’ internal circulation’.

In fact, the flow of talents between institutions and enterprises has been stipulated in China’s civil service law.

Article 69 of the Civil Servant Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC) stipulates: The state practices the civil servant exchange system. Civil servants can communicate within the civil servants and the staff managed with reference to this Law, and they can also communicate with personnel engaged in public affairs in state-owned enterprises and institutions not managed with reference to this Law.

The "Regulations on the Exchange of Party and Government Leading Cadres" also emphasizes the exchange of cadres between party and government organs and state-owned enterprises and institutions. Article 16 stipulates that only the leaders of state-owned enterprises and institutions are selected to serve in the party and government organs, and party and government leading cadres are recommended to serve in state-owned enterprises and institutions.

"Some cadres exchange positions between central enterprises and government departments, whether they are’ from business to official’ or’ from official to business’, as long as they meet the relevant regulations, it is a normal rational flow and rational allocation of human resources." Xu Baoli told the reporter of China Economic Weekly.

After being transferred to the position of Deputy General Manager of China Dongfang Electric Group, Sun Guojun has started intensive research in subordinate enterprises. On April 12th, the official WeChat of Dongfang Wind Power, a subsidiary of China Dongfang Electric Group, reported that Sun Guojun went to Dongfang Wind Power for investigation.

This is not the first time that China Dongfang Electric Group executives have adjusted this year. Before Sun Guojun took up his new job, at the beginning of this year, China Dongfang Electric Group had personnel changes. On February 1, 2023, the central government announced that Xu Peng, general manager and deputy secretary of the Party Group of China Dongfang Electric, was appointed as the director, general manager and deputy secretary of the Party Committee of China Yizhong.

China Dongfang Electric Group ranks 33rd in the list of central enterprises of SASAC, and it is an important state-owned key enterprise at the vice ministerial level.

China Star Network welcomes the new general manager.

As a vice-ministerial-level central enterprise that has just been established for two years and settled in Xiong ‘an, the senior management adjustment of China Satellite Network Group has attracted special attention.

According to a message on the website of the State Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection on April 8, Gao Fei, the leader of the 14th patrol team of the Central Committee, met with Zhang Dongchen, secretary and chairman of the Party Group of China Star Network, and Zhang Hongtai, deputy secretary, director and general manager of the Party Group, and informed about the relevant arrangements for the patrol work.

According to the above information, Zhang Hongtai has been appointed as deputy secretary, director and general manager of China Star Network Party Group.

According to public information, Zhang Hongtai, born in November 1965, is a graduate student and researcher. He used to be the deputy director, director, deputy director and director of the research and production department of Xi ‘an Institute of Space Radio Technology, and the vice president and dean of the Fifth Research Institute of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation.

On May 24th, 2021, the Fifth Research Institute of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation held a meeting of leading cadres, announcing that due to work adjustment, Comrade Zhang Hongtai would no longer serve as the president and deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the Fifth Research Institute.

On April 29th, 2021, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council issued an announcement to establish China Satellite Network Group Co., Ltd. and put it on the list of central enterprises. Wang Yong, then State Councilor, pointed out at the inaugural meeting that the establishment of China Satellite Network Group Co., Ltd. was an important measure based on the overall national strategy and conforming to the general trend of scientific and technological industry reform. After the establishment of the company, Zhang Hongtai became the deputy general manager, and this adjustment was made.

The post of general manager of China Satellite Network Group Co., Ltd. was previously held by Yang Baohua, a former deputy general manager of China Aerospace Science and Technology Group Co., Ltd.

Since the beginning of this year, at least 19 central enterprise executives have adjusted.

China Satellite Network Group and Dongfang Electric Group are not the only central enterprises that have experienced executive adjustment this year. The reporter of China Economic Weekly found that up to now, at least 19 central enterprises have made adjustments, namely: China Aviation Industry Corporation, China Electronics Technology Group, Dongfeng Motor Group, China Commercial Aircraft Group, China Aerospace Science and Industry Group, State Grid, China Electronics and Information Industry Group, China Southern Airlines Group, China Construction Group, China Sinochem Group, China Aluminum Group, China Grain Reserve Management Group, China Merchants Group, China Shipbuilding Group and China. These 19 central enterprises are all deputy ministerial level.

Xu Baoli analyzed with the reporter of China Economic Weekly. Accurately speaking, central enterprises can be divided into three categories, namely, enterprises that are funded by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, enterprises that are funded by the Ministry of Finance, and enterprises that are funded by relevant central units. They are also collectively referred to as central enterprises in a broad sense. Generally speaking, the central enterprises we usually refer to are enterprises that are funded by SASAC.

Xu Baoli further pointed out that in the list of central enterprises of SASAC, the 1st to 54th central enterprises are important state-owned backbone enterprises, and their team members are managed by the Central Organization Department, with the chairman and general manager at the deputy ministerial level and other team members at the departmental level, such as Sinopec, State Grid and China Southern Airlines.

For the 55th to 98th central enterprises, the team members are managed by the Party Committee of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, with the chairman and general manager at the main department level, and other team members at the deputy department level, such as CRRC and China Poly.

Most of them are adjusted because of "working age"

"Leaders of key state-owned enterprises managed by the Central Organization Department generally retire at the age of 63, and some are adjusted at the age of 61 and 62. The leaders of enterprises managed by the Party Committee of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission generally retire at the age of 60, but the leaders of large-scale Fortune 500 central enterprises can also retire at the age of 63. " Xu Baoli said.

China Building Materials Group is an enterprise managed by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission. Song Zhiping was the chairman of the group and retired at the age of 63. Brand Finance, a British brand finance consultancy, released the "Top 500 Global Brand Values in 2023" on January 18th, showing that China Building Materials Group has been shortlisted for five years in a row, and this year, on the basis of upgrading 20 places last year, it has steadily upgraded 16 places to the 233rd place.

Although China Building Materials ranks 63rd in the list of enterprises of SASAC, and it is not a central enterprise at the deputy ministerial level, China Building Materials has been listed among the top 500 in the world since 2018. Born in Song Zhiping in October 1956, he will be 63 years old when he retires in November 2019.

The reporter of China Economic Weekly found that some of the senior executives of central enterprises mentioned the "working age" this year.

For example, China Aviation Industry Corporation. On March 1, 2023, the central government announced the decision to remove the chairman and party secretary of China Aviation Industry Corporation: according to the needs of work and the relevant regulations on the age of the leaders of central enterprises, Comrade Tan Ruisong was removed from the post of chairman and party secretary of China Aviation Industry Corporation.

According to public information, Tan Ruisong was born in February 1962, and he was 61 years old when he was removed from office in March.

A similar situation exists in China Electronics Technology Group. According to the news from WeChat official account, China Electric Power Branch, at the recent meeting of the Central Committee on the leadership of China Electronics Technology Group, the Central Committee announced the decision to adjust the company’s chairman and party secretary: according to the needs of work and the relevant regulations on the age of the leaders of central enterprises, Comrade Chen Zhaoxiong was removed from the post of chairman and party secretary of China Electronics Technology Group Co., Ltd.

Chen Zhaoxiong was born in September, 1961. Since then, he has been dismissed, and he is nearly 62 years old.

Similarly, Zhu Yanfeng, the former chairman of Dongfeng Motor Group, was born in March 1961 and was 62 years old when the central government announced his dismissal in March.

The above three dismissed cadres are all middle-ranking cadres, all over 60 years old. In addition, the reporter of China Economic Weekly combed and found that in the recent adjustment of senior executives of central enterprises, "working age" was also mentioned, and some senior executives just turned 60. For example, Chi Jingtao, the former general manager of China Grain Storage, who was dismissed in April this year, was born in January 1963. When the central government announced his dismissal, he was 60 years old.

In addition, in the adjustment of senior executives of central enterprises this year, there were also cases of announcing dismissal and proposing "another appointment".

On February 1st, 2023, the Central Committee announced that Wen Gang was removed from the post of Chairman and Party Secretary of China Rongtong Asset Management Group Co., Ltd. and was appointed separately.

At the same time, at the meeting of middle-level and above managers of China Shipping Group Co., Ltd. held on the same day, the central government announced that Wen Gang was appointed as the chairman and party secretary of China Shipping Group Co., Ltd.

The senior executives of central enterprises adjusted this year also have post adjustments within the same central enterprise. The Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China recently issued a notice appointing Comrade Wang Jiezhi as the director and deputy secretary of the party group of China National Nuclear Corporation, and removing him from the post of head of the discipline inspection and supervision team of China National Nuclear Corporation.

"There are a variety of situations in the adjustment of the positions of leaders of central enterprises, but we must adhere to the principle of party management of cadres when adjusting. According to the Regulations on the Management of Leaders of Central Enterprises, we should select good cadres who are loyal to the party, brave in innovation, well-managed enterprises, promising enterprises, and honest and clean. These are also the concretization of good cadre standards in state-owned enterprises. " Xu Baoli said.

Source | China Economic Weekly Wang Hongru 

Original title "19 deputy ministerial-level central enterprises have changed their" heads ""

The vegetable market is open in the mobile phone. Where is the community group buying going?

On December 19, Tianjin, several citizens walked into a community to buy and raise their own points.

On December 9, Tianjin, a citizen walked by the poster of community group purchase.

On December 19th, in Tianjin, a citizen with a mobile phone walked by the community group purchase poster in front of the supermarket.

On December 9, Tianjin, a citizen of Heping District was reading a poster of community group purchase.

  The battle for Internet companies and vegetable markets continues. When the Internet giants began to enter the community group purchase, the advertisements in the community WeChat group and the coupons in the mobile App replaced the familiar shouts and bargains in the vegetable market. People only need to pre-order on their mobile phones in advance, and the goods will arrive at the pick-up point selected by customers the next day.

  In the first month when some Internet companies started to do community group buying, the number of Kaesong companies reached 120. At the end of November, an Internet giant announced that its community group buying has covered 200 cities, and opened stores in 36 cities on the most day.

  Here, some people found that the barbecue grill with the original price of tens of yuan can be bought for only two yuan, and some people once bought hawthorn at a penny a catty, eggs at fifty cents a catty, and oranges at a dollar a catty.

  After the rise of community group buying, some customers reduced the frequency of going to vegetable markets and supermarkets. However, the low-priced goods on the community group buying platform have also aroused many people’s vigilance. Many brands, such as Wei Long, Xiangpiaopiao, and Radar Battery, issued notices prohibiting dealers from supplying to community group buying platforms. Some wholesalers are worried about losing traditional supermarket users and are unwilling to supply hot-selling products to community group buying platforms. Some netizens are also worried that the Internet will attract customers with low-priced goods, which will take away the livelihood of vegetable sellers.

  On December 22nd, the General Administration of Market Supervision and the Ministry of Commerce held an administrative guidance meeting to regulate the order of community group buying. This meeting, attended by six Internet platform companies, including Ali, Tencent, JD.COM, Meituan, Pinduoduo and Didi, requires Internet platform companies to strictly abide by the "Nine No’s". Including, Internet platforms must not be dumped at low prices, abuse their independent pricing power, predatory pricing without justifiable reasons, use data advantages to "kill", and sell fake and shoddy goods.


  The battle for the entrance of the vegetable market began in the second half of 2020.

  A full-time "team leader" (sponsor of community group buying) in Chengdu has participated in at least 6 community group buying platforms. He observed that whenever a new platform enters, large subsidies will always be distributed, and some even send fruits, salt and napkins for free. He studies coupons regularly distributed by various platforms and recommends the most economical platform to customers every day. His highest sales record is that more than 500 people place orders a day.

  After the customer places an order, the Internet platform transports the goods to his own pick-up point. He wants to inform customers and get the goods in time. For each order, the head of the team can get a commission of 10%. On the day of the most sales, the full-time head got a commission of 1500 yuan.

  Since bike-sharing, take-out and online car rental, community group buying has become a new round of "price war" battlefield. In addition to the price, the head of the team who is good at managing interpersonal relationships is a "weapon" that Internet companies must compete for.

  There is a residential building in Jinan City, Shandong Province, and there are 10 heads. The owner teases that "everyone can buy according to the floor". On Red Scarf Road, Shantou City, Guangdong Province, when customers opened a community group-buying App on December 14th, they automatically matched one self-promotion point. Four days later, 28 self-promotion points appeared on this 1.2km long road.

  A community supermarket owner in Baotou, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, said that at one time he had to greet four or five salesmen from different platforms every day and persuade him to become the head of the team. He didn’t join three of the Internet platforms — — He is worried that customers will flow to the other two supermarkets.

  The rural market has also become a battleground for Internet companies. As of December 21st, the preferred business coverage of the community group buying platform includes 15 provinces, 175 prefecture-level cities, more than 1,400 counties and cities, more than 5,100 townships and more than 42,000 villages.

  A villager who opened a grocery store in the Dragon Boat Community of Miluo City, Yueyang City, Hunan Province for more than 20 years told the reporter of Zhongqingbao Zhongqingwang that before 2018, she went out at six or seven every morning, went to the vegetable market to buy food and brought it back to the grocery store for sale. The vegetable market in the town is 26 minutes’ walk from the Dragon Boat Community. She recalled that the old people who cook at home in the village can’t walk long distances and can’t ride motorcycles. They have to ask their relatives and friends to go to the vegetable market once a week and store all the dishes in the refrigerator.

  After the son-in-law taught her to use the community group buying platform, she became the head of the team. During the epidemic, she can receive more than 200 orders every day. Nowadays, an elderly person who lives alone asks her to place an order to buy fresh fruits and vegetables every day, and she delivers them to the door. She also bought some northern fruit on the platform, which has never appeared in the vegetable market in Miluo city.

  An old couple in Shantou city didn’t even understand the commission of the head of the delegation. The advertisement selected by the US delegation has been posted at the door of their grocery store. The son offered to help them apply to be the head of the team. Since then, this "no business" grocery store has welcomed more guests.


  When the Internet comes, business comes. Mayang Miao Autonomous County, Huaihua City, Hunan Province, which is rich in candied oranges and yellow peaches, once had unsalable fruits due to traffic jams. The person in charge of a local agricultural product sales company said that after the community group buying platform purchased goods from their company, the sales volume of the company’s sugar orange was three times that of the previous one, which became an explosion on the platform.

  But the Internet brings more than just traffic. Changsha, Hunan Province is an important city in the community group buying war. This city, with long-term development and high penetration rate of community group buying, has attracted many Internet platforms to enter and rob customers. In Jinshang Fresh Market in Yuelu District, Changsha City, a vegetable vendor told the reporter of Zhongqingbao Zhongqingwang that the "price war" on multiple Internet platforms obviously affected her business. In the past month, her daily turnover has been reduced from 2000 yuan to 300 yuan.

  Previously, there were few community group buying platforms in Changsha, and the platform pricing was high, which had little impact on her business. But now, a customer told her that she had bought a catty of potatoes and a catty of carrots from 0.9 yuan on the Internet. But the wholesale price she bought back from the wholesale market, the lowest price of potatoes is 1.6 yuan per catty, and carrots are 1.3 yuan per catty. Due to the decrease in passenger flow, her collection time was extended from 5 pm to 9 pm, but the sales volume still did not increase.

  The vegetable vendor runs a 6-square-meter food stall in the market and provides vegetables to restaurants for a long time. Once, a restaurant owner complained that the epidemic had hit the restaurant business. He hopes to reduce costs and buy ingredients from the Internet platform. "I will buy your goods when you are about the same price as the platform." Previously, she supplied more than a dozen restaurants. After the "price war" of the group buying platform began, only six restaurants continued to cooperate with her.

  There used to be traffic jams in the wholesale market where she often went, but now the traffic is smooth. When the wholesaler saw her coming to purchase goods, she was more enthusiastic than before and hoped that she would buy more. But in order to reduce the loss of inventory, she began to choose storage-resistant vegetables such as potatoes and radishes when purchasing goods. At her food stall, there used to be nearly 100 kinds of single items for customers to choose from, but now there are only more than 30 kinds left.

  While waiting for customers to come to the door, she sat with the vendors next to her and sighed. She didn’t tell her son who went to college and her parents who lived in her hometown about these situations. In order to continue to support the elderly and small families, this woman with junior high school education decided that after the Spring Festival next year, her husband would deliver takeout food and she would work as a cleaner in a restaurant.

  It is difficult to count how many people’s livelihood will be affected by internet companies in this battle. In some areas where community group buying has just developed, there are vendors selling fresh pork. Seeing that only frozen pork is on the platform, and only pork belly and pork belly are available for selection, they think that community group buying will take a long time to develop, which will affect his livelihood. Others insist that customers who buy fruit in their own shops know more about quality and do not overlap with Internet users.

  Comparatively speaking, supermarket owners are more sensitive to community group buying than vegetable vendors. The owner of a community supermarket in Baotou believes that the quality, type and place of origin of fresh food affect the final price, while the prices of goods sold in supermarkets are more transparent and unified, which is more disadvantageous in the "price war".

  The supermarket owner told the reporter of China Youth Daily and China Youth Network to take a box of milk of a certain brand as an example. The purchase price of the supermarket is 51 yuan, and the lowest promotion price of the supermarket is 53 yuan, but the group purchase price of the community group purchase platform is 44 yuan. Half a year ago, the supermarket could sell almost 10 cases of this milk every day. Now, it only sells four or five cases a week.

  Potato chips have a similar experience. The ex-factory price of a certain brand of potato chips in 5 yuan is a barrel in 8 yuan, and the dealers and supermarkets each earn 1.5 yuan. But on the community group buying platform, this potato chip is only sold in 3 yuan. The supermarket owner explained, "If the snacks expire, the dealers need to transfer the goods and recycle the snacks from the supermarket, and the group buying platform directly connects with consumers, so there is no need to worry about the risk of expiration."

  This husband-and-wife community supermarket has witnessed a decline in the number of customers, the number of new customers and the operating income for six consecutive months. The boss chose to take off non-staple food and fruit.


  More and more people realize that abnormally low-priced goods will bring new problems.

  A factory that produces spices prohibits distributors from supplying to the community group buying platform. The person in charge said in an interview with Zhongqing Daily and that in the past six months, the factory has received complaints from partners all over the country, saying that the pricing of spices sold by the community group buying platform is too low, which disrupts the original market and leads to chaotic supply.

  When a snack wholesaler in Baotou met with his peers, the topic could not be avoided by group buying in the community. He believes that every wholesaler who supplies the platform can make money, but this way of making money is not sustainable. After the platform grows, it will directly bypass the wholesaler and pick up the goods from the production factory.

  He supplies six small supermarkets near a school in Baotou. These six small supermarkets are going to boycott the community group buying platform and refuse to be the head of the group. The reason is that although the head of the team can get 10% of the sales, it affects the normal sales of the supermarket. If customers buy goods in the supermarket, the supermarket can earn 15%, which is more than the head of the team. The wholesaler persuaded the supermarket to follow the crowd. He was worried that if the stationery store and washing shop near the supermarket became self-promotion points, it would distract the people in the supermarket.

  Due to the different development of community group buying in different places, the quality of low-priced goods on the platform is different. In rural Hunan, users can buy fresh fish in vacuum packaging, while in Baotou city, where the development of community group buying is slow, some users have bought fruits and vegetables that are not heavy enough.

  A customer in Baotou once spent 5.68 yuan to buy three crisp, sweet and juicy Xinjiang Aksu rock candy apples, which were called "sweeter than first love". The apple that can actually be reached is only the size of an ordinary lemon, and the user asks for a refund. The head of the team felt it was a pity to throw it away. After eating a few mouthfuls, he found that it was not a rock candy apple promoted by the platform.

  Almost all participants realize that the subsidy war of community group buying will not last long. In mid-December, several heads of Chengdu received the price adjustment notice issued by Orange Heart, a community group buying platform under Didi, saying that the commodity prices would be adjusted to ensure the sound development of the community group buying industry.

  Nearly 70 Chengdu heads analyzed the latest policies and trends of each Internet platform in the WeChat group. What the heads of delegations are most concerned about is "de-delegation". According to the analysis of the team leader, if the community group buying platform starts to arrange delivery for riders or open physical stores in the future, the usefulness of the team leader will become smaller and smaller.

  He has a deep sense of urgency: "We have no initiative, and everything is in the hands of the platform." The way out of his plan is to find good quality fresh food from major platforms and put it on the group buying platform he set up.

  However, community group buying has not slowed down the pace of development because of being questioned and criticized. On the contrary, more companies are interested in testing the water on this track. A senior head of Chengdu said that two new Internet giants are preparing to start community group buying business, and their salesmen recently invited him to join the platform.

  Community group buying first appeared in 2015. In 2019, a number of community group buying platforms encountered business crisis, some platforms withdrew their stations and laid off employees in many places, and some platforms chose to merge. The consensus in the industry is that the epidemic has boosted the development of community group buying. According to media reports, during the epidemic, the orders of Xingsheng Preferred in Wuhan increased by dozens of times; Some platforms cover thousands of communities in Wuhan, with more than 350,000 active users. To this end, the Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Commerce also coordinated buses and postal vehicles to transport goods purchased by the community.

  A company developing community group buying said that the epidemic in 2020 prompted the company to make up its mind to develop community e-commerce. The company found the potential of community group buying model from multiple dimensions: agricultural products are unsalable, farmers can’t buy cheap and good things; Some urban residents’ demand for food has not been met; It is difficult to travel in extreme weather, and the vegetable market is far from residential areas.

  In the summer of 2020, a number of Internet platforms entered the community for group purchase. In June, the orange heart optimization applet was officially put into operation. In July, Meituan launched Meituan Optimization, focusing on the sinking market. In August, Pinduoduo’s buy more food applet was put into trial operation.

  It is foreseeable that this silent vegetable market will continue to be noisy. Encouraged by the salesman, the group of stay-at-home mothers also joined the team leader. New users are trying to place orders on the Internet. New cities appear on the map of community group buying.

  At the same time, relevant rules have been introduced one after another. On the 22nd, a new regulation of "Nine No’s" for community group buying was introduced. Prior to this, on November 10th, the State Administration of Market Supervision published the Anti-monopoly Guide on Platform Economy (Draft for Comment), which mentioned that the restrictions imposed by platform operators through incentives such as subsidies, discounts, concessions and traffic resources support may affect the interests of platform operators, consumers and society.

  According to media reports, on December 9, Nanjing Municipal Market Supervision Administration took the lead in issuing the Notice on Compliance Management of E-commerce "Community Group Purchase of Dishes", requiring the head of the group purchase of dishes in the community to register the corresponding market subject as appropriate, and the platform operator shall not dump at a low price below the cost, crowding out competitors to monopolize the market and disrupting the normal business order.

  In an interview with the reporter of China Youth Daily and China Youth Network, a staff member of the community group buying platform also believed that the development of community group buying should be gradual, which would not seriously affect the livelihood of small business hawkers, but also create many jobs at the same time. The ongoing price war has destroyed the balance of the ecological chain. He can’t predict when this price war will end, "short is half a year, medium is one year, and long may be three years."

  (The pictures in this article are all courtesy of vision china. Zhongqing Daily, Zhongqing Net Trainee Reporter Wei Wei)