Film and television sharp review: the inspiration of the TV series "Hurricane" all the way "Hurricane"

Original title:"Hurricane.The revelation of "hurtling" all the way

At the beginning of 2023, a unique cultural phenomenon appeared in society – people chased the TV series "Hurricane" without sleeping or eating. This drama not only received "Hurricane" as its name, but also set the first rating in CCTV’s eight sets in the past nine years on the TV side. The popularity of the Internet side broke the highest record of iQIYI, and the reputation was also "hurricane" all the way. More than 500,000 people gave an average rating of 8.5 on Douban.

From netizens enthusiastically discussing the plot and analyzing the details on social platforms, to the "same" "The Art of War" related to the plot being sold out and selling out, and then to many new media empowering urban cultural tourism and popularizing legal knowledge with the help of public opinion, this phenomenal work tells the story of a 20-year life-and-death struggle between the righteous forces represented by the first-line criminal police An Xin and the underworld forces represented by Gao Qiqiang. It expresses the complex and multi-faceted human nature, the arduous task of sweeping away underworld and the grimness of social reality. It not only pushes the theme of sweeping away underworld and eliminating underworld that belongs to the niche for a period of time to the center of the film and television stage again, but also sets off a public opinion upsurge in the society that pays attention to hot spots, reflects on reality, and looks forward to the future.

The realistic narrative technique depicts the true and profound social picture

The reconstruction and demolition of the old city, the battle in the sand quarry, the KTV gambling… "Hurricane" is based on the normalization of anti-crime and anti-evil in recent years, and the education and rectification of the political and legal team as the policy background. It focuses on a series of criminal cases that took place in Beijing City, and conducts a bold and in-depth discussion on sensitive topics such as collusion between officials and businesspeople, power and money transactions, underworld forces and umbrella companies. The plot is interlocking, step by step, starting from the public security and legal teams, and uncovering the dark layers, involving key issues without ambiguity and non-avoidance. Like a mirror, it reflects the real social pain points, management difficulties, and public opinion hotspots in that era.

The play selects three time nodes in 2000, 2006, and 2021, and uses the intersection of positive and flashbacks to express the social picture under the development and change of the times. With the rapid development of the economy and the progress of the political and legal system, the underworld forces rise in the human society, perish in the rule of law society, and are finally wiped out. In this process, everyone has experienced the beating of society and the examination of conscience. The creator uses a large number of detailed descriptions to tell the story of the underworld forces constantly clinging to the powerful and gradually developing, as well as the experience of generations of police officers who have worked hard and sacrificed their lives to fight against the underworld forces, explaining the people’s support and support for combating organized crime and maintaining social order, and also demonstrating the country’s determination to eliminate the underworld forces. It also shows that the grand scene of clean and upright governance has arrived, highlighting the strong practical significance.

The details rich in fireworks describe the group portraits of the people who created the plump flesh and blood of the era

The vivid and detailed characters have become an important reason why the drama is talked about by netizens. The main character, An Xin, a police officer, is brave but stubborn, Gao Qiqiang, the leader of the underworld forces, is strong and ruthless, and there are collateral characters such as Xu Zhong, who knows people and makes good use of them, and Li Xiang, who is down-to-earth and hardworking, who take turns to appear as the plot unfolds. Officials at all levels, retired cadres, police officers, Hong Kong and Macao businesspeople, villagers, unemployed homeless people, and prisoners, etc., weave a huge network of character relationships, which are then rendered with family, friendship, and love, thus extending into an intricate picture of the development of the times.

The performances of many powerful actors have given these characters a vivid vitality. They all carry their own social identity characteristics and personal traces of life. Whether it is hairstyle, clothing or behavior, they are extremely natural, fit, and representative, leaving a deep impression on the audience. Li Xiang has a dream of getting rid of violence and peace, but he walks between black and white; Lao Mo wants to be a good person for his daughter, but he becomes a killer; there are also good policeman Lu Han, the villains Crazy Donkey, Li Hongwei, Secretary Wang, these vivid and realistic images are written from the background of the times, revealing different personality characteristics and psychological states with various life details such as posture, eyes, habits, dialects, etc., thus revealing the human nature changes and destiny trends of many characters from different classes and groups in the black and white confrontation under the changes of the great era. Xu Zhong, the anti-gangster supervisor, looks back at the 20-year history in the form of a narrator, observes the fate development trajectory of different characters, and makes the audience feel the profound changes in the social environment and social mentality, and then issues a soul inquiry: Why do people who should be more beneficial to society go to the abyss of crime and seriously erode the social body? Why did those public servants who should have maintained social stability become the umbrella company of the evil forces? It can be said to be meaningful and has a strong warning effect. These ingenious settings create rich and multi-layered drama scenes, improve the audience’s sense of substitution, and provide the work with realistic dimension dramatic structure support.

Break the mold and explore the complex human nature

There are many "famous scenes" in the play that make the audience unforgettable. For example, An Xin and Gao Qiqiang determine each other’s details, and walk left and right after they decisively break up, which means that the two are completely opposite to each other; and An Xin picks up the police cordon and forces Gao Qiqiang to keep retreating, concretizing the concept of "evil does not suppress good". And these all point to the most brilliant characters in the play, An Xin and Gao Qiqiang.

Setting the main characters as the two camps of black and white is a common routine in TV dramas with the theme of anti-crime and evil. "Hurricane" integrates the plot and suspense into the origin of human nature, and restores the process of character formation and transformation. Twenty years ago, a police officer who first entered the workplace, An Xin, met Gao Qiqiang, a fish seller who was bullied by market bullies, and came to the rescue out of justice. Since then, the two have intersected. Gao Qiqiang was originally a kind and diligent low-level people. An Xin’s accidental help won him a position and living space in the market, and also allowed him to see the convenience of making friends with the police. Since then, he has embarked on the road of speculation, clinging to the powerful, and even breaking the law. The two gradually drifted apart, An Xin grew from a high-spirited teenager to a weathered white-haired middle-aged man, and Gao Qiqiang metamorphosed from a submissive fishmonger at the bottom of society to a leader of the underworld who occupies one side. How much can a person change in 20 years? The work follows the laws of art and answers the audience with delicate, natural and smooth portrayals. Gao Qiqiang’s good and evil symbiosis, affection and insidiousness, An Xin’s tolerance of humiliation, hard work, and the choice between family, friendship, love and responsibility, the multifaceted and complex nature of human nature have been heavily foreshadowed and described in the play. It is the breakthrough of realism in literary and artistic works and the expression of loyalty to life.

Now, "Hurricane" has come to an end, the evil forces in the play have been punished as they deserve, and the society has ushered in the Qingming Festival. However, Gao Qiqiang, An Xin, and large and small characters in the play have become art classics, and they will also remain in the audience’s memory, worthy of careful experience. (Author: Xie Shanshan, Distinguished Professor of Zhuhai University of Science and Technology)

Guangming Daily (February 15, 2023)

Guo Xiaoting restores Tang Yan Luojin’s romantic wedding, and finally the bridesmaid quota is given to Hu Ge

        There is a clever and cute potato spirit "Jacaranda" in "The Legend of Fairy Sword and Fairy Hero III", who often follows Xuejian and saves her life at critical moments. Guo Xiaoting [Weibo], the little potato, recently served as a bridesmaid in Tang Yan [Weibo] and the wedding. The main actors of "The Legend of Fairy Sword and Fairy Hero III" were reunited at this wedding. Recalling this drama full of memories, Guo Xiaoting also said that "Fairy Sword 3" made her decide to embark on the path of professional acting.

  And through the play, she also became Hu Ge’s junior sister [Weibo], and has since given her a lot of good guidance in her life: "It was he who suggested that I go to the theater exam, and I obeyed."

  When it comes to what impressed her most at Tang Yan’s wedding, Guo Xiaoting said that the most unexpected thing was that Luo Jin [Weibo] was nervous throughout the whole process: "He was always laughing on the stage, and when he was asked to speak, everyone was looking forward to what he said, but he would laugh first."

  This is not Guo Xiaoting’s first time as a bridesmaid, the last time was because of Liu Shishi [Weibo]. As for the statement that bridesmaids can only be three times, Guo Xiaoting laughed and said that she had reserved the remaining quota for Hu Ge: "I feel that the quota for’Immortal Sword 3 ‘is exhausted, maybe I will be his bridesmaid when Hu Ge gets married, and draw a happy end."

  Luo Jin’s wedding was always laughing, and the last bridesmaid quota was reserved for Hu Ge

  Sina Entertainment: Can you tell us about Tang Yan’s wedding?

  Guo Xiaoting: A very beautiful wedding, especially dreamy. Tang Yan is the most girly of all the people I know. She likes all kinds of pink things. She has always been looking forward to a wedding like a princess.

  Sina Entertainment: What were the more unexpected things at the wedding?

  Guo Xiaoting: What was more unexpected was that Luo Jin was nervous throughout the process. He was always laughing on the stage. When he was asked to speak, everyone was looking forward to what he would say, but he would laugh first.

  Sina Entertainment: Tang Yan’s wedding is very mysterious. Will it be hard for everyone to keep secrets?

  Guo Xiaoting: Actually not, because it was originally a friend’s wedding. Since she had this intention and did not want the outside world to disturb, we also felt very good. We did not bring our mobile phones to the scene, so we left our mobile phones at the hotel. The scene was really beautiful. Modern people have mobile phones, and they will always bury their heads in swiping their mobile phones or taking pictures and sending them out, but if not, they will do their best to feel the very romantic atmosphere at that time. I think it is very good.

  Sina Entertainment: How did Hu Ge perform at the wedding?

  Guo Xiaoting: At that time, he said to let him sing, although he was not prepared, he went up to sing directly, and everything was very face-to-face. Then he said to let Luo Jin take good care of Tang Yan, and said something very heartfelt. I feel that everyone has not changed much for so many years.

  Sina Entertainment: How do you feel about being a qualified bridesmaid?

  Guo Xiaoting: I think being a bridesmaid is a manual job. It’s very tiring, more tiring than me filming a movie, but it’s very happy because you can witness such an important day by their side, and there are many touching points. What moves me the most is that when the bride and groom exchange rings, they will talk to each other. Both of them are choked up and finished, including Liu Shishi’s time, I couldn’t control it at all. I was completely crying next to each other, and I could completely feel the feeling that both parties loved each other deeply.

  Sina Entertainment: Have you ever imagined your own wedding?

  Guo Xiaoting: I think my wedding is relatively simple. I want to invite my closest relatives to a special small area, maybe a small party of no more than 50 people. I want to be in a forest with very simple lights and music, and everyone sits together. I think this is enough. I am very afraid of too many people, and I hope everyone is very sincere.

  Sina Entertainment: Can you tell us what kind of boy you would like?

  Guo Xiaoting: I prefer those who are a little more mature and stable, and then talented, about 5 to 10 years old.

  Sina Entertainment: Do you know the saying that bridesmaids can’t be more than three times?

  Guo Xiaoting: Now it is two times, and there is still one place left. In fact, I only wanted to be Liu Shishi’s bridesmaid once before, because she is my best friend. This time I was also very surprised. Tang Yan invited me to be a bridesmaid more than a month ago, so this time she agreed. I don’t know who will be next time. I feel that the quota for "Immortal Sword 3" is exhausted, maybe I will be his bridesmaid when Hu Ge gets married, and it will be a happy end.

  Liu Shishi is like my sister, Hu Ge suggested that I go to the drama exam

  Sina Entertainment: Do you usually have a lot of private contact with Tang Yan, Liu Shishi and Yang Mi [Weibo]?

  Guo Xiaoting: I will be closer to Liu Shishi, and I will often go out to travel together. She is the closest one. She used to be in a company, and they are all girls, just like my sister. I will have less contact with Yang Mi, and Tang Yan’s words will be more intimate because they are all from Shanghai.

  Sina Entertainment: After Tang Yan got married this time, everyone said that you and Hu Ge were "immortal sword left-behind children". What are your thoughts on this title?

  Guo Xiaoting: Originally, everyone was talking about him, but I don’t know why he attracted me this time. Maybe they think I’m not too young. I’m not going to stay behind, he deserves this title. He is so much older than me, let him get rid of it first, otherwise it will be pitiful. Every time everyone urges him, he is also very helpless.

  Sina Entertainment: Did you talk to Hu Ge about anything?

  Guo Xiaoting: Yes, I was the only one flying from Beijing at first, so I was very nervous, but the moment I saw him on the plane, I felt at ease. I didn’t tell anyone before that I would be a bridesmaid this time, but when I saw him, I ran to tell him, and he said you were a bridesmaid again.

  Sina Entertainment: Will you talk about what happened during the filming of "Immortal Sword 3"?

  Guo Xiaoting: The relationship between these people is so good now, because everyone has known each other for many years, and they are all relatively simple people. At that time, after I finished filming "Immortal Sword 3", I signed Tang Dynasty, and Hu Ge became my senior brother. It was also he who suggested that I go to the theater exam, so I went obediently. He gave me a lot of good guidance. I had acted in plays before, and I also went to the same team to perform together, so I often visited each other’s classes.

  Sina Entertainment: What does the movie "Sword 3" mean to you?

  Guo Xiaoting: Maybe it was because of this drama that I decided to embark on the path of professional actors. In the past, filming was more of an extracurricular activity for me, because I was very bored, and my parents wanted me to exercise. At that time, I almost didn’t go to make "Fairy Sword 3" because my parents wanted me to study and stop filming, but I didn’t shoot ancient costumes, so I wanted to try it, and then I went on the road of professional actors.

  Sina Entertainment: Didn’t you post before that you were abused by Liu Shishi Wu Qilong [Weibo] and the two of them at the airport? Do you often encounter this situation?

  Guo Xiaoting: In fact, I am already very accustomed to it. I don’t feel "dog abuse" because I think this is their normal state. No other friends in my daily life are as loving as them.

  Wang Ju is my best friend and she is doing well now.

  Sina Entertainment: We only know that you and Wang Ju are junior high school classmates. Have you two been in touch?

  Guo Xiaoting: She is my best friend in junior high school and my best friend outside the circle. We usually contact a lot. She also told me before she went to participate in the competition. I also told her at the time that the situation might not be satisfactory, because I think a really good friend would be more direct. I said I hope she will enjoy the whole process of the competition and not think about the result. Later, everyone was unexpected about her results, and of course I was very happy for her. Both she and I felt like they were dreaming and it was amazing, but since junior high school, I have always felt that she is very suitable for this line of work. In private, she is also as energetic as on the stage.

  I used to think about whether I should give her a hand, but after she graduated, her mother wanted her to do preschool education, so she took a more traditional career path after graduation.

  Sina Entertainment: After everyone is busy with work now, will they not have as many contacts as before?

  Guo Xiaoting: I think it’s okay to contact as much as possible, and the frequency doesn’t matter, but we chat quite deeply. We are still the same as our girlfriends, exactly the same as before, without any changes.

  Sina Entertainment: How is her current state?

  Guo Xiaoting: Very good, she has done some variety shows slowly, and her mentality is relatively peaceful. She may start with some supporting roles in the movie, and gradually realize her dream step by step. I think she is in good condition, and she is also enjoying the current working state. We also thought about collaborating on a play together in the future.

  Xu Kai is very cute in reality: like a cute big boy

  Sina Entertainment: Recently, in the new drama "Once Upon a Time There Was a Spirit Sword Mountain", playing the cute-looking Kyushu No. 1 foodie Liuli Xian, introduce your role?

  Guo Xiaoting: In fact, I was a little hesitant when I first took over, because at first I felt that this character was still a bit like the role of the Jacaranda in "Immortal Sword 3", so I was more repulsive and felt that it was repeated all the time. Later, because this character has a dual personality, the first personality is a character who is particularly scheming and killing countless people, and the simple part is the second personality derived from her self-protection. Adding this part makes me feel very interesting.

  Sina Entertainment: Will the scheming personality be a little nervous?

  Guo Xiaoting: For me, this part will be easier to play, and I myself would prefer this kind of role with richer layers. On the contrary, I think it is quite challenging to play a simple personality. To play a particularly cute little girl who needs protection, both the director and I think this is the most difficult.

  Sina Entertainment: "Lingjian Mountain" is a manga adaptation. Does this bring any difficulties to your character?

  Guo Xiaoting: Yes, there will be. You have to bring the cute and ancient spirit in the manga to life, and make the audience feel that she is cute and not pretentious. I think this scale needs to be weighed. I also made some small movements and small designs in it to make the characters look more agile. For example, my character likes to eat corn cobs, and then I found about four or five different ways to eat, and I will also learn from the expressions of small animals or some cartoons.

  Sina Entertainment: The character of Liuli Xian is a foodie. In the process of playing her, did you also eat a lot of props?

  Guo Xiaoting: Yes, and I think it’s very difficult to eat something that looks good and makes people feel cute. I can’t eat it without any scruples in real life, but I have to show that I eat it very well. I think this is the hardest part of this drama for me.

  Sina Entertainment: This drama collaborates with Xu Kai. What’s your impression of him?

  Guo Xiaoting: He’s quite interesting. I had a deep impression of him when I first saw him at the press conference, because I always felt that he had been facing a lot of media recently, but he was still very nervous in the background. Then when the backstage person told him that you were going to speak later, he was very confused and said he didn’t know what to say. His expression was very similar to that of a primary school student. The contrast with his image was quite large, and he suddenly felt very cute, like a big boy.

  Sina Entertainment: When you two were filming together, did you have any memorable scenes?

  Guo Xiaoting: This play is very different from him in "Story of Yanxi Palace". He played a very lively and ruffian character. At first, it will be a little difficult for him to enter. Later, everyone will play around slowly. After playing, they will unload the package, and there will be many small surprises, such as some grimace expressions or small movements, which will make everyone’s play look very vivid.

  The role of Jacaranda is very happy to be recognized, but I want to try other types more

  Sina Entertainment: It was easy to play the Jacaranda at the time, but will it be more difficult to play this role now? Why?

  Guo Xiaoting: After all, it is much bigger now than before, and I am more inclined to interpret more complex characters. I am not a very lively person, so it will be more difficult for me to play that kind of role, and I will also worry that the audience will not believe it. I think cuteness is a difficult state to play, unless I really have the potential.

  Sina Entertainment: Now find out if your script characters tend to be cute or complex?

  Guo Xiaoting: Half and half. Before, I gave everyone the impression that I was still like a jacaranda. Later, when I was in college, I played "Shaolin Asked" with Zhou Yiwei and Guo Jingfei. It was a particularly complex role. The audience would find that I could also play a very different type, and many directors also recognized it. Therefore, I would gradually ask me to play some roles that were completely different from before. I have also been trying to break through.

  Sina Entertainment: But now that everyone mentions Guo Xiaoting, their first reaction is still to think of jacaranda. Will they be anxious about this state?

  Guo Xiaoting: I’m not in a hurry. I think it’s good to have one or two characters recognized by everyone. I’m also happy to accept this matter, and I think I’ll take my time in the future, because there’s still a long way to go. But there will be a little bit of distress. Everyone will be more ready-made, and they will think what you look like, and let you play what type of role, rather than giving you more opportunities to try other roles. So when a script that is completely different from before is handed over, I will choose that role first.

  Sina Entertainment: Do you have any work plans for the future?

  Guo Xiaoting: Finish filming "Lingjian Mountain" first, and then maybe shoot a modern drama, because I have been shooting ancient costumes recently, and I want to try some other genres.

  Sina Entertainment: How to Balance Work and Life?

  Guo Xiaoting: I am not a person who takes all work, and I even think that life will be more than work, so I arrange my life to be quite fulfilling. When I am not filming, I travel, read books, and write a lot of articles. There are many friends in the art circle around me who want to develop in that direction in the future, maybe as a curator, because I am quite interested in art, and it is also a new discovery in the past two years.

During the peak sales season of beverages and drinking water, Wahaha is under attack

On February 25 this year, Zong Qing, founder and chairperson of Wahaha Group, passed away, and Zong Fuli took over as the new head of Wahaha. At the same time, Wahaha’s product sales exploded, and there was a shortage of goods.

But after three months, with the advent of summer, the temperature gradually rose, and beverages and drinking water gradually entered the peak sales season, Wahaha failed to continue the previous trend of explosive sales. In addition, with the launch of purified water products by Farmer Spring and the return of Robust’s classic product "Granular Fruit AD Calcium Milk", Wahaha is currently under attack.

Wahaha heat fades

Since February 25, Wahaha has become the focus of public attention, and its products have also become the target of many consumers, but Wahaha’s popularity has not lasted long.

Data show that Wahaha products in the Douyin platform sales began to soar from February 25th, rose to the peak on March 4th, sales reached 5 million – 7.50 million yuan, compared with February 25th before the increase of more than 10 times.

But since mid-March, Wahaha’s sales in Douyin have dropped to about 200,000 and have continued to this day, with a year-on-year decline of 90% at the peak.

Recent data show that Douyin platform Wahaha official flagship store live sales only reached 500,000 – 750,000 scale on June 1, and the rest remained at 100,000 – 200,000.

In order to catch this wave of skyrocketing traffic, Wahaha started the progress of the 2024 laboratory water support plan in March this year. On May 31, Wahaha disclosed through its WeChat official account that the Wahaha laboratory water support plan has supported more than 150 scientific research units.

On the other hand, Wahaha is also vigorously expanding the offline market. In addition to putting its own freezers, it has also sent its spring tea series, coffee series, and new products, such as KellyOne, to supermarket shelves.

But at present, it seems that the effect is mediocre. Some beverage merchants said that most of them will take the first-tier products, such as Wahaha’s AD calcium milk, purified water, and eight-treasure porridge, because of their low popularity. Therefore, these new products of Wahaha have great resistance in the promotion of channels.

Track competition is getting more intense

New products are struggling to support performance, and the competitive pressure on classic ace products is also increasing.

In terms of drinking water, the top five bottled water markets by volume from 2017 to 2022 were Nongfu Spring (12.2%), Yibao (8.3%), Jingtian (5.3%), Master Kong (3.2%), and Wahaha (2.2%).

Among them, Yibao and Wahaha are both deeply cultivated in the field of pure water. In 2023, Yibao’s retail sales reached 39.50 billion yuan, making it the first brand in China’s drinking pure water market.

And in April this year, Nongfu Spring, which originally only made natural water, also launched "green bottle" purified water.

In other words, in the pure water track Wahaha already has a larger and stronger opponent like Yibao, and now Nongfu Spring is also going to get a share of the market, making Wahaha’s drinking water days even more difficult.

On the other hand, Wahaha AD calcium milk is one of Wahaha’s largest single products with revenue exceeding 10 billion yuan, but Wahaha AD calcium milk has also ushered in its former rivals.

On December 28, 2023, Robust’s green bottle of bifid factor AD calcium milk and red bottle of strawberry-flavored AD calcium milk announced their return. On May 16 this year, Robust once again announced the return of "granular fruit AD calcium milk". Founded in 1989, Robust was once Wahaha’s old rival. Although it could not catch up with Wahaha’s pace in a short period of time, it would inevitably cause some pressure on Wahaha.

In addition, it is worth noting that in terms of product quality, Wahaha has received many complaints from consumers.

The black cat complaint platform shows that some consumers reported that foreign objects were found in Wahaha AD calcium milk and Wahaha nutrition express, and some consumers reported that the inner wall of Wahaha eight-treasure porridge jars was rusted. (Jia Geng)

"The power station is the gas station for electric vehicles", why did Luo Yonghao bombard the oil truck?

  Luo Yonghao has made another famous statement!

  Recently, Luo Yonghao, founder of Smartisan, said bluntly in the live stream of Make a Friend: "Electric cars can be said to be the trend of the times. Now as long as you have experienced trams, it is unlikely that the next car will choose an oil car."

  If this had been said a few years ago, it might have received a lot of criticism, but now whether it is realistic or not, ask your friends who already drive the trolley around you.

  It can only be said that the arrival of the tram era is even faster than we imagined.

  The latest weekly sales rankings of the passenger car market also confirm this point: among the top ten models sold, new energy vehicles occupy nine seats, and only one traditional fuel vehicle barely ranks among them. This data undoubtedly announces the full arrival of the era of new energy vehicles, and the market share of traditional fuel vehicles is rapidly being eroded.

  At the same time, the increase in redemption users, the favor of electric vehicles is more obvious, new energy vehicles become an important driving factor for the increase in redemption market. Data show that in 2023, individual redemption users drove new car sales to 7.48 million, accounting for 34.2% of the overall retail scale, a growth rate of 16.9%; among them, the proportion of new energy vehicles in the increase in redemption market reached 36.2%, an increase of 49.5% year-on-year, the growth rate is much higher than the overall growth rate of the increase in redemption market.

  Electricity is farther than oil

  Resolve the last trace of anxiety

  The increase in the penetration rate of electric vehicles is largely due to the easing of consumer mileage anxiety. Throughout the entire industry, many car companies are working hard to solve mileage anxiety and improve the charging experience, mainly through three ways: one is to expand battery capacity; the second is to layout replacement; the third is to layout ultra-fast charging. Among them, NIO is the car company with the most replenishment methods and the most complete replenishment experience in China. In recent years, NIO has been building up the ante charging and replacement construction.

  So far, NIO has deployed 2,400 power stations, 3,753 charging stations and 21,828 charging piles, and connected 1,000,000 + three-way charging piles, connecting 75 routes including the Chuanqing-Dian three routes to Tibet, the Silk Road, the Kanas Line, the Duku Highway, the Western Sichuan Great Ring Road, the Hulunbuir Grassland Line, the Shenzhou Arctic Line, the Huaxia East Pole Line, and the Wanli Great Wall Line, and will complete 100 routes in 2024.

  NIO has proved through long-term practice that replacing electricity is more convenient than refueling.

  "A power station is a gas station for electric vehicles," Luo Yonghao said bluntly in the live stream. NIO now has nearly 2,400 power stations across the country and nearly 800 power stations on highways. NIO users can change electricity all the way from Harbin to Sanya. "There is no anxiety about [mileage] going far, and it feels as convenient as a gasoline car." As Luo Yonghao said.

  NIO charging and swapping network layout diagram

  With national policies guiding and encouraging the development of the power swap model, more and more friends have begun to enter the power swap field, preferring to cooperate with NIO. Since November last year, Changan Automobile, Geely Holdings, Chery Automobile and () have successively reached power swap cooperation with NIO. The national team of central enterprises and private enterprise giants have chosen to join the power swap camp, which means that power swap is expected to become the mainstream energy supplement model in the industry.

  In Luo Yonghao’s opinion, NIO power exchange allows users to enjoy four core values such as "how fast and saving":

  More: There are many power stations, with nearly 2,400 power stations across the country, solving users’ mileage anxiety.

  Fast: NIO power change only takes 3 minutes, and power change is as fast as refueling;

  Good: one-click automatic power change, no need to get off the bus for power change, continuous power loss, no fear of severe cold, good user experience;

  Province: Every power change is a battery health check, allowing users to rest assured.

  In addition to "how fast and how economical", Luo Yonghao also highlighted the advantages of "flexible upgrade" of NIO power stations in the live stream. He said that NIO users can "temporarily upgrade to a 150-degree battery" by changing electricity, which can run farther than most oil cars.

  This is not to brag. On December 17 last year, Li Bin, founder, chairperson and CEO of NIO, personally tested the battery life of NIO’s 150-degree battery pack in a self-driving ET7, and finally achieved a driving range of 1,044 kilometers, which not only achieved the strongest pure electric vehicle in the industry, but also made it possible to "electric than oil".

  A good time to replace the oil truck

  On March 13, the State Council issued the "Action Plan for Promoting Large-scale Equipment Renewal and Trade-in of Consumer Goods" (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"), clearly stating that "promoting large-scale equipment renewal and trade-in of consumer goods is an important measure to accelerate the construction of a new development pattern and promote high-quality development." The "trade-in action" of automobiles as bulk consumer goods has been mentioned and paid attention to. The plan clearly states that it is necessary to "organize and carry out national automobile trade-in promotions, encourage automobile manufacturers and sales enterprises to carry out promotional activities, and guide orderly competition in the industry."

  In response to the "Trade-in Action for Consumer Goods", NIO launched a subsidy of up to 1 billion yuan for the replacement of oil vehicles in April, aiming to promote the renewal of old oil vehicles and bring real preferential benefits to consumers.

  NIO announced that it will introduce a maximum subsidy of 1 billion yuan for oil vehicle replacement. Oil vehicle users who replace NIO new cars will receive an additional 10,000 yuan in optional fund subsidies. NIO oil vehicle users who replace NIO can get up to 15,000 yuan in optional funds, a NIO Phone voucher worth 6,498 yuan, a power exchange voucher worth about 3,600 yuan, and a one-year NOP + (Global Pilot Assistance) worth 4,560 yuan.

  At the same time, if the replacement user uses the NIO battery rental plan to buy a car, he can also get a discount of 70,000/128,000 yuan on the car price, additional purchase tax reduction and battery rental service fee payment 4 get 1 free policy benefits. The minimum monthly battery rent is only 583 yuan, and the free replacement coupon will also be increased to 60 (worth about 6,000 yuan).

  According to industry insiders, as the first batch of car companies in the industry to respond to the policy call, the launch of NIO’s maximum 1 billion yuan oil vehicle replacement subsidy will further help the consumption growth of the automobile market and the market popularization of new energy vehicles.

  If you have plans to replace your gasoline car in the near future and just want to buy a high-end pure electric vehicle, NIO is a good choice.

  Smart + supplement double awesome

  BBA users accelerate their switch to NIO

  From the statistics point of view, in the high-end pure electricity market, NIO has obvious advantages. From January to February this year, NIO has a market share of 59.5% in the high-end pure electricity market above 300,000 yuan. From July to December 2023, in the market with an average transaction price of more than 300,000 yuan in Shanghai, NIO sales have surpassed BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Audi for 5 consecutive months, regardless of energy form.

  NIO’s advantage in the high-end pure electric market is mainly due to its leadership in product power and supplementary service experience. All NIO models are equipped with 4 Orin chips, with a computing power of 1016Tops, which has outstanding advantages in intelligent driving and cockpit experience. Some professionals said that the new energy automobile industry has entered the stage of intelligent arms race, which has put forward higher requirements for the intelligent hardware computing power of products. Most models with no more than 500Tops in computing power are prone to bottlenecks in intelligent driving experience.

  Based on the advantages of hardware pre-installation, NIO can bring continuous upgrades to the car experience for car owners. This year, the NIO Banyan · Rong 2.4.0 version brings more than 50 new and optimized functions, including the addition of 4D comfort pilot, GOA universal obstacle warning and assistance, omnidirectional AEB, NOMI full cabin memory, no wheat Karaoke, track mode and other blockbuster functions. In addition, NIO NOP + has covered 99% of prefecture-level cities and county-level cities, with a total of 726 cities and a usable mileage of 1.05 million kilometers. Global pilot assistance including highways, urban areas, power exchange, etc. will be fully pushed in the second quarter, and the end-side multi-modal large model NOMI GPT will also be launched soon.

  According to incomplete statistics, more than 50% of NIO’s existing users are replacement users, of which 30% are trade-in users. 48% of NIO’s replacement users are from BBA, and the proportion of some second-generation technology platform model users is as high as 56%. Combined with the current NIO subsidy policy, the proportion of BBA fuel vehicle users replacing NIO may increase.

  In fact, Luo Yonghao also had a sentence in the live broadcast, which is worth thinking about: "Send the oil trucks of the old world to the garbage heap of history!" Whether this sentence is exaggerated is unknown, but with the assistance of NIO, the best time for oil to turn to electricity may be now.

Huawei’s automobile leading action! Xiaokang shares announced its name change to "Sailis"

Xiaokang, a local listed company in Chongqing, announced its name change!

Xiaokang Co., Ltd. is the first partner of Huawei’s smart car selection, and its Celestial car and Huawei have built the series of cars. On July 12th, Xiaokang shares opened slightly higher, and then remained volatile. As of press time, Xiaokang shares rose 0.26% to 74.69 yuan. On April 27 this year, the intraday low of Xiaokang shares was 32.70 yuan.

On July 11th, Xiaokang announced that in order to facilitate investors to accurately understand the current company positioning, match the company name with business and strategic planning, unify the company brand image and enhance the brand value, the company intends to change the company name and adjust the company securities abbreviation accordingly. Among them, the abbreviation of the company’s securities is planned to be changed from "Xiaokang Shares" to "Sailis".

"Well-off" represents a glorious past.

"Sailis" represents the future of transformation and development.

"Sailis" is the name of the brand of new energy vehicles under Xiaokang. In 2017, Jin Kang New Energy, a subsidiary of Xiaokang Co., Ltd., acquired AM General’s civil automobile factory in Indiana in the United States. In 2019, Jin Kang New Energy launched the new energy SUV SF5 of the Celeste brand. In May this year, Jin Kang New Energy was renamed Sailisi Automobile Co., Ltd. As a result, Cyrus has basically become synonymous with the new energy automobile sector of Xiaokang shares.

As to why the group name should be changed to "Sailis" this time, Xiaokang shares explained in the announcement that it is to facilitate investors to accurately understand the current company positioning, match the company name with business and strategic planning, unify the company brand image and enhance brand value. 

The word "Xiaokang" has been used as the enterprise name of Xiaokang shares for 15 years. The birth of Xiaokang shares can be traced back to 1986, originally called Chongqing Baxian Phoenix Electric Spring Factory, and later evolved into Yu ‘an Group. In June 2003, Yu ‘an Group and Dongfeng Company jointly established "Dongfeng Yu ‘an Vehicle Co., Ltd." to produce and sell "Dongfeng Xiaokang" brand mini-cars.

In 2007, Dongfeng Xiaokang won the endorsement of Wang Baoqiang, the star of Soldier Assault, which was quickly spread all over the country by regional brands. Together with Wuling Hongguang and Changan Star, Dongfeng Xiaokang was also called "the three giants of China mini-cars". Seeing that the name of "Dongfeng Xiaokang" is so resounding, Yu ‘an Group took the opportunity to directly change its name to Chongqing Xiaokang Automobile Group Co., Ltd. in 2007. Although it was renamed as "Xiaokang Shares" again in 2011, the word "Xiaokang" still exists.

It can be seen that the word "Xiaokang" represents the once glorious past of Xiaokang shares, while the word "Sailis" is regarded by Xiaokang shares as the future of its own transformation and development.

Rename Cyrus

Xiaokang started the third venture.

The renaming of Cyrus is also the inevitable result of Xiaokang’s third venture. In fact, Xiaokang is an enterprise with a history of 36 years. In the fierce market changes, it dares to seize the trend of the times and boldly innovate, and has gone through three ventures. In 1986, well-off people started from a spring and started their first entrepreneurial journey; In 2003, Xiaokang cooperated with Dongfeng Group to enter the field of vehicle manufacturing; Since 2016, Xiaokang has begun to enter the field of new energy, and is committed to transforming the enterprise from a traditional automobile manufacturer into a global smart car brand enterprise with international competitiveness.

Among many enterprises that claim to expand their territory in the field of new energy, Xiaokang is the one with the longest layout and the most practical actions. In the past six years, Xiaokang has invested nearly 10 billion yuan in research and development, and the annual investment in innovative research and development exceeds 10% of sales revenue. It has cultivated and formed core technologies such as electronic control and electric drive with independent intellectual property rights. At present, Xiaokang shares have nearly 3,000 patented technologies, including more than 150 invention patents. The brand-new Phoenix Smart Factory and Liangjiang Smart Factory built in accordance with the Industry 4.0 standard provide a strong guarantee for the company’s new energy vehicle delivery.

Last year, the cooperation between Xiaokang and Huawei pioneered the deep cross-border integration of smart car joint business. The two sides have empowered each other, and the cooperation in core technologies, products and channels has been deepened. The product strength and brand strength of Cyrus have been significantly improved and become a strong dark horse in the new energy vehicle market.

The sales of Wenjie series cars are hot.

Xiaokang Co., Ltd. is the first partner of Huawei’s intelligent car selection model. Sailis Automobile, a subsidiary of Xiaokang Co., Ltd., and Huawei have built AITO brand high-end smart cars, and Huawei also sells cars in stores.

As the first smart car equipped with a HarmonyOS smart cockpit, the sales volume of the M5 has been increasing since it was delivered in March this year.

On July 9, the data released by the Association showed that in June 2022, in the sales ranking of new energy SUV vehicles, the M5 ranked eighth in China with 7021 vehicles, and its sales ranking was one place behind BYD Tang.

In December 2021, the share price of Xiaokang shares fluctuated downward, all the way down to the intraday low of 32.70 yuan/share on April 27, 2022. Affected by factors such as the rising sales of M5, the share price of Xiaokang shares rose sharply in May and June, and rose to 90.5 yuan/share in intraday trading on June 28th, hitting a new high. On July 11th, the share price of Xiaokang shares closed at 74.50 yuan/share, with a total market value of 101.3 billion yuan.

Huawei recently released M7, the second smart car of AITO brand. On July 7th, at the 14th China Automotive Blue Book Forum, Yu Chengdong, managing director of Huawei and CEO of smart car solutions business group, said that the order volume of M7 has exceeded 50,000.

Soochow securities believes that the sales volume of M7 is worth looking forward to. 2022 -2025 is the golden period for the penetration rate of new energy vehicles in China to break through from 15% to over 50%, and it is also the period for business model innovation. The innovative cooperation model between Huawei and Xiaokang is in an important verification period.

AVIC Securities said that there are currently more than 5,500 offline experience stores in Huawei, much higher than other new energy vehicle companies. Huawei’s brand influence and strong channel advantages will empower car companies and help them sell good cars. It is expected that more car companies will choose Huawei’s smart car selection mode cooperation in the future.

The upstream news integrates china securities journal, Economic Observer Network and China Economic News Network.

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The road of animation, the national wind is very busy! The winter vacation film list of the movie channel was released wonderfully.

Special feature of 1905 film network The winter vacation is getting closer and closer, and the "God beast" will be released soon. Are you ready? There are resident animation stars such as Pleasant Goat, Big Big Wolf, Xiong Da and Xiong Er waiting for the Lunar New Year in the cinema, and they also need to be accompanied by animation stars at home, so that the "beasts" can have a happy and fulfilling holiday.

In recent years, animated films based on traditional cultural elements have continued to be hot. It is better to follow our topic "Animation Road, National Style is Busy" and have an open aesthetic education class with my family to reserve spiritual food for my children during the winter vacation.

At that time, a national craze was set off;Win favor with hand-drawn animation;Broaden the boundary of animation theme with alternative painting style;Break the ceiling of animated film box office;Deconstructing the story of deity with grand narrative … …

On the animation road, Guofeng is very busy. When the strong Chinese style keeps blowing into the animation lens, the dazzling chapter of the animation story of China’s national style has just begun … …

Ink age

Chinese-style animated films reflect the regional characteristics of China and are the expression style of China culture. Just a few minutes of animation has both the extension of China elements and the connotation of traditional culture.

From 1941, when China introduced the first Chinese-style animation, to the emergence of a large number of Chinese-style animation, Chinese-style animation films had a large number of excellent works in the early prosperity stage.

Make a scene in heaven

During this period, ink animation occupied a large proportion. Shanghai Animation Film Studio’s classic ink animation, such as Mu Di and Shan Shui Qing, is a famous sign in history of animation, China.

At that time, Japanese animated film director Gao Tianxun also mentioned in an interview that "China’s ink and wash cartoons amazed us. It can be said that our works with more blank space are influenced by it. "

With "Little Tadpole Looking for Mom" winning international awards (special award for short film in the 4th Angxi International Animation Festival in France, honorary award in the 4th Cannes International Film Festival, etc.), ink and wash animation, an animation type full of strong Chinese style, has gained international reputation.

In addition to ink painting, Shanghai Animation Film Studio also created many animation types such as paper-cutting, puppet and origami. Together with ink painting animation, they created a moderns in history of animation, China.

It can be seen that the Chinese style animation at that time was still in the extension stage closely combined with China elements, and the picture style of ink animation "emphasizing artistic conception and neglecting narrative" was also difficult to adapt to the rapidly developing market demand.

In the 1990s, when high-quality ink animation was lacking, many overseas animation brands such as Disney and Ghibli continued to develop, and a large number of foreign animations flooded into China, and domestic animation gradually lost its own language. This period was defined by Qian Jianping, director of the American Film Factory as "the transition period for China animation to start again".

The rise of national wind

Compared with the technical experience and talent accumulation required by live-action movies, the rise of animated movies needs more detailed and long efforts.

In 1999, animated films became the last swan song of China traditional fine arts films. This film exhausted the domestic gold lineup at that time, trying to help domestic animation turn the tide.

However, this well-made work, based on China’s classical mythology, failed to conceal the reality of the decline of the industry at that time. The box office record of "Lotus Lantern" of 20 million RMB actually lasted for ten years.It is precisely because of this that the Return of the Great Sage of Journey to the West released in 2015 rekindled the enthusiasm inside and outside the animation industry in China.

The box office of 956 million RMB, full of national flavor, not only makes the animation industry regroup, but also makes people re-examine the significance of Chinese style to animation.

After success, some business giants began to step into the strategic layout of animated film production.There are those who choose Sino-foreign joint ventures and introduce foreign advanced technology animation teams, such as Chinese enterprises and American DreamWorks Animation.eastDreamWorks launched a co-production in 2016.;

Some people choose to start their own businesses independently. For example, Wei Wang, the founder of Tudou, set up "light-chasing animation" and launched many national animation works since 2014.

Some people choose to integrate resources. For example, Light Film "Striped House" invested in many animation studios scattered all over the country to jointly create the "China Myth Series" animation film universe.

In addition, Internet giants such as Alibaba Pictures and Iqiyi Pictures have also begun to make plans for animated film production. With the change of the general environment, Chinese style animation has also begun to usher in a stage of constantly bringing surprises to the audience.The Big Fish Begonia, released in 2016, won the audience’s favor with hand-painted animation with unique Chinese style and won 560 million yuan at the box office.

In 2017, the "Great Protector" with a fierce style and a different style of painting added a unique color to Guofeng animation.

In 2019, Guofeng animation ushered in an outbreak, and Ne Zha lifted the ceiling of animated film box office to an unprecedented height.

White Snake: The Origin tells a traditional story in a modern way.

Reproduce the unique original thinking of China’s two-dimensional animation.

Most importantly, young animation creators have summed up a truth from the ensuing praise: a good story is the most important criterion to judge whether a national animation is excellent or not.

Like the stars

In 2020, the film market was greatly impacted by the sudden epidemic, and Legend of Deification changed files successively. When the film industry resumed, these two national style animations met the audience again.

Although the two films have different reputations, it is undeniable that Legend of Deification showed the super-high level of China’s animation technology with extremely exquisite painting style.

"Mr Miao" broadens the expression boundary and ideological depth of national style animation with unique painting style. China’s animated films not only show better production quality, but also gradually form a cultural character with oriental characteristics.

In the vast universe to be explored, some "stars" have already revealed their light. The unreleased film list is like a small nebula, which is the next direction of Guofeng animation.One of Legend of Deification’s ending eggsDeep seaWith the mysterious underwater world as the story background, the painting style is soft, but it is a sci-fi suspense type work;

It is a subversive remolding of Nezha’s story to take the time background after three thousand years of trouble in the sea;

Created by the original crew of The Return of the Great Sage to the Journey to the West, the story line is still a brand-new interpretation of the story of the Journey to the West before the sequel;

Also released a poster full of ink and wash style, intended to subvert the fate of the previous series … …

It can be seen that these national style animations strive for breakthroughs in both animation style exploration and technical production level. Fortunately, China animation has found a suitable way, and only needs to complete each creation with peace of mind in the passage of time.Starting from this week, WeChat official account, a movie channel, will recommend a weekly list of films for you in winter vacation. I wish you a happy winter vacation in advance!