Wang Shouchang: Sun Tzu’s Art of War, which was ignited by "Hurricane", has a particularly high moral content

  The TV series "Hurricane" was a hit, and it brought fire to "The Art of War". The sales of "The Art of War" increased sharply and even sold out. Gao Qiqiang, the villain in the play, praised "The Art of War", which made netizens seem curious about the strategy of "The Art of War". In fact, "The Art of War" is based on Tao, and cares more about moral care and human spirit. It is difficult for people who do not read "The Art of War" to understand the essence of the book. As long as they can distinguish the difference between "The Art of War" and "Thirty-six Strategies", they can be regarded as understanding the book.

  According to Sima Qian’s "Historical Records", Sun Tzu lived in the Spring and Autumn Period, which was an era of great change in Chinese history. The most significant feature in politics was the decline of the Zhou royal family and the struggle for hegemony between the princes, which in Confucian terms was "the collapse of rites and the collapse of music" and "the Spring and Autumn Unjust War." According to incomplete statistics, in the 100 years from the first year of King Qing of Zhou (618 BC) to the first year of King Jing of Zhou (519 BC) alone, there were more than 160 recorded wars. For the sake of their own survival, development and competition for hegemony, countries competed to recruit military talents and encouraged the establishment of new military theories, which provided a broad stage for the appearance of soldiers and military letters.

  ▲ Qi State in the Spring and Autumn Period. (Image source: Tan Qixiang: "Atlas of Chinese History")

  Sun Tzu, a famous Wu, was a native of Qi State in the late Spring and Autumn Period. His birth and death years were difficult to determine, and he was in the same era or slightly later than Confucius. Qi State was the fief of Jiang Ziya, the founder of the Western Zhou Dynasty, and according to legend, military strategy books such as "Six Tao" and "Conspiracy" were related to him. During the Spring and Autumn Period, there were also famous officials who assisted Duke Huan Qi to achieve hegemony and left a very rich military legacy. Qi State jumped to become the political, economic and cultural center of the world at that time, and became a place where heroes gathered. Such a social environment also provided theoretical support for Sun Tzu’s military research, enabling him to become a learned military talent in his youth. After that, Sun Tzu and Wu Zixu jointly assisted King Wu ********* Cha and his son to defeat Chu, Yue and other countries and become the hegemon of the south. Wu Zixu was forced to commit suicide because he failed to persuade his husband, but the deeds of his grandson are not found in historical records. Later generations speculated that he may have been like Fan Li and retired to the mountains and forests when he became famous.

  To study Sun Tzu’s Art of War, one must first understand two concepts: one is "Tao"; the other is "Instrument". These two concepts are defined in the Book of Changes as follows: "The metaphysical one is called the Tao, and the metaphysical one is called the Instrument." Since the upper part of the visible is "Tao", then the "Instrument" of "the metaphysical one is called the Instrument" refers to specific things, and can also be expressed directly with "Shu". "Shu" is the specific application method of rational cognition. The relationship between "Tao" and "Instrument" is: "The Tao is in the Instrument, and the Tao controls the Instrument." This is the fundamental way of thinking in Chinese philosophy. " Tao "There are various sayings in Chinese philosophy, which are briefly summarized as the causality and regularity inherent in nature, society, and human beings, which are compared to the moral ontology and the realm of people’s transcendental understanding.In Chinese culture, it has always been believed that "Tao" is "the essence", "Shu" is "the end"; "Tao" is "the body", and "Shu" is "use". "Shu" is inseparable from "Tao", and there is no purely independent "Shu".

  ▲ Portrait of Sun Wu. (Image source: CCTV)

  Today, many people read "The Art of War" and pay attention to the art of strategy, which vulgarizes "The Art of War". This is putting the cart before the horse, and it is also the biggest misunderstanding.In the Book of Changes, it is said that "great virtue carries things", which is worthy of our deep consideration. An entrepreneur and politician who has no self-morality constraints and no national, national, and social responsibilities will inevitably go astray. The traditional Chinese cultural way of thinking and moral cultivation are closely related, such as "inner sage and outer king" and "holy wisdom", which are consistent with the "middle mean" advocating the concept that morality and wisdom go hand in hand. This is also the so-called "great virtue must have great wisdom". In the art of war, Sun Tzu places great emphasis on humanistic spirit and moral care. This issue cannot be discussed only in the "Art of War" of Sun Tzu, and there should be a comparison and contrast. Therefore, the author compares "On War" written by German military strategist Clausewitz with "The Art of War" of Sun Tzu.

  The book "Theory of War" is a classic document in modern Western military works. The first point of view of "Theory of War" is that "war is the continuation of politics". This political concept can be enlarged to include economic, geographical and other factors. For example, if there is no oil in the Persian Gulf region, Western powers will not be so interested because they want to control strategic locations and strategic resources, so there are two Gulf wars. It can be said that this view is an accurate description of the essence of war.

  So, is there such an idea in "Sun Tzu’s Art of War"? "Sun Tzu’s Art of War" says from the beginning: "Soldiers are the major events of the country, the place of life and death, and the way of survival. It is impossible to ignore." "Soldiers" refers to war. War is the most important thing for a country. Since it affects the life and death of the people and the survival of the country, every ruler cannot fail to observe, analyze, and study it carefully. It can be said that Sun Tzu 2,500 years ago has realized that war is not an independent phenomenon, but the most important thing for a country. Therefore, Sun Tzu said that the issue of war must be treated with caution, which is the idea of "careful warfare". Because war is extremely destructive and very cruel, once it fails, it often has to bear a heavy price.Sun Tzu cautioned rulers to be cautious about war, because "a subjugated country cannot survive, and the dead cannot be resurrected."

  The Theory of War.

  The second point of "On War" is that "the fundamental purpose of war is the complete annihilation of the enemy." But Sun Tzu does not believe that war is the first choice to solve the problem. Sun Tzu said: "If you go up to the army, you will attack the enemy, and then you will attack the army, and then you will attack the city. The method of siege is a last resort."In Sun Tzu’s opinion, the best military action is to use strategies to thwart the enemy’s war behavior; the second is to establish alliances and defeat the enemy by diplomatic means; the second is to defeat the enemy by force; the last resort is to attack the enemy’s city. Siege is a last resort, there is no way.Because in his opinion, the soldiers who attacked the city like ants, with one-third of the casualties, could not succeed, which was a major disaster. Therefore, Sun Tzu proposed that winning a hundred battles is not the most brilliant; the one who can subdue all the enemies without fighting is the most brilliant. Sun Tzu is not simply talking about "the method of planning an attack", but admonishing people that "those who do not know the harm of using soldiers cannot know the benefits of using them." Sun Tzu advocated "total victory" and "wisdom victory" because he saw the cruelty of war, so he put forward the idea of "careful combat".We can appreciate the love and respect for life contained in the book "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu.

  Sun Tzu’s thinking is not isolated. In the Spring and Autumn Period, Confucianism and Mohism were called "scholars" and were the most influential schools of thought at that time. Mohism had an article called "Non-Attack". Mohism hated war so much that it specifically used such articles to oppose war. Mencius criticized war for delaying agricultural time, destroying production, mutilating innocents, and plundering people into slavery. The reasons why Confucianism and Mohism oppose war are the same. Lao Tzu said that "those who are happy to kill people should not be able to aspire to the world", which means that those who enjoy killing people cannot win the world. War brings great disasters to society and the people, so Lao Tzu said: "Those who are soldiers are ominous weapons, things or evil things, so those who have the Tao are not good." Lao Tzu’s opposition to war is self-evident.

  The author believes that the concept of paying attention to and respecting life in Chinese military science is not unrelated to the emphasis on humanities and morality in Chinese cultural traditions.Let’s first understand the meaning of the concept of "China". During the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, the word "China" was once used to refer to "Huaxia". What is Huaxia? "There is great etiquette, so it is called Xia; there is the beauty of clothing, which is called Hua." Clothing is not only a simple tool used to cover shame, but also represents a culture. The "etiquette" here does not just refer to the concept of politeness, but is regarded as a system. People of every class are responsible in their respective positions and cannot do whatever they want. In daily life, "etiquette" should also be said. Since ancient times, China has had etiquette for drinking, playing, and walking, so we have the reputation of "the state of etiquette". Huaxia is a cultural concept, and "China" is regarded as a representative of "advanced" culture and civilization.

  ▲ "The Art of War" book cover. (Wang Shouchang, photo courtesy)

  In the Song Dynasty, Liao attacked the Central Plains. Shi Jie, a famous scholar in the Song Dynasty, expressed the following views in "On China": When you were still living in caves, China had buildings; when you were still wearing fur, China had clothes; when you had no writing, China had written history. If you come to study, I will teach you; if you don’t come to study, we will be safe and not disturb each other.

  In the Song Dynasty, China was one of the most powerful countries in the world at that time. In 1988, I discussed a question with a Jewish scholar in the United States. I asked him if he knew anything about ancient China, and he said he didn’t. I asked him if he knew anything about the history of Jews coming to China during World War II. He said he knew that during World War II, some Jews were persecuted by fascism and came from Vladivostok, the Soviet Union, to Shanghai, China, where they were accepted and entertained by the Chinese. He also said that one year during the Spring Festival, overseas Jews formed a Thanksgiving Group to visit China, reflecting on the living experience of their parents, and expressing their gratitude to the Chinese government and people. In fact, what he didn’t know was that Jews had come to China long before the Song Dynasty, so it can be seen that China was an open country at that time.

  A large number of documentary records show that the Central Plains region has contacts with surrounding ethnic groups and has always been a good-neighborly and friendly relationship. Although culture, economy and military are ahead of each other, they have not taken hegemonic acts such as aggression and plunder.There is an American film called "Dances with Wolves", which tells the history of European immigration to the American continent to carve out territory and massacre large numbers of indigenous people, which is in sharp contrast.Therefore, for thousands of years, China’s Central Plains and its surrounding ethnic groups have been in the process of continuous integration. The expansion of China’s territory does not rely on war and force, but on cultural identity and common belonging.

  In the Book of Changes, there is a saying that "the three talents of heaven and earth are precious". Xunzi said that people are the most precious in the world because they have qi, life, knowledge, and righteousness. The Art of War of Sun Tzu was produced under the cultural background of great respect for "people".When Sun Tzu discusses war, he always thinks from the perspective of humanities and morality."The Art of War" does not advocate solving problems through war, so it is necessary to use strategy to solve problems. Even if strategy is promoted, it always emphasizes the role of morality. The last article of the thirteen chapters of "The Art of War" is the "Use Room". This "room" is a spy, and the use room is the use of spies. But Sun Tzu talks about the use of spies on the premise that "non-sages cannot use room, and non-benevolence and righteousness cannot use room". Now many of us have forgotten this premise. War needs to be solved by strategy, and there is also a problem that runs through moral and humanistic care.

  About the author:

  Wang Shouchang, a famous scholar, professor of the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies of Peking University, former dean of the Chinese Culture Academy, and dean of the Beijing Sanzhi Culture Academy, mainly researching the history of Chinese philosophy, Buddhism, recent and modern intellectual history, etc., is an advocate and practitioner of "Sinology" education. He has served as the "Chinese Culture Editor" of "Oriental Culture Integration" and the co-editor of the famous academic magazine "Scholar" magazine, the executive director of the China Association for International Education Exchange, and the deputy secretary general of the International Confucian Federation.

  Producer | Yang Xinhua

  Coordinator | Liu Jia, Hu Jun, Kang Kunquan

  Editors | Guo Hui, Qi Zitong

  Production | Hu Qi

The future will be electric: fuel vehicles bid farewell to the era, are you ready?

In the next decade, gasoline vehicles may be on the verge of marginalization. This change is driven by environmental initiatives and technological innovation, as well as by policy. At the same time, social adaptation and cultural transformation have also paved the way for electric vehicles. However, we need to prepare for this change, including government and business input and support, consumer understanding and choice, and follow-up issues after the retirement of gasoline vehicles. The environmental and economic benefits of electric vehicles are self-evident, but we also need to pay attention to the possible negative effects of their use and take a series of measures to ensure their sustainable development. This process of change requires the joint efforts of governments, businesses and consumers to build a more environmentally friendly, healthy and sustainable society. First, environmental initiatives and technological innovation "Protect the planet, starting every time you turn off your engine" is no longer an empty slogan. The reality of global warming and environmental degradation has prompted governments and environmental agencies to take unprecedented measures. The advantage of electric vehicles is not only their zero emissions, but also their ability to combine with renewable energy to move towards a greener future. And technological advancements have made batteries more durable and charging facilities more convenient.

Under this trend, are the days of traditional fuel vehicles counting down? Second, the market economy and policy-driven market economy always revolve around benefits, and fuel vehicles are gradually losing their dominant position in the future economic equation. The government’s subsidy policies for electric vehicles, restrictions and even bans on fuel vehicles are gradually changing consumers’ car purchase choices. This is not just the impact of policies, but also the shift in market demand. And companies, always keenly capturing such signals, have adjusted their strategies and turned from the mainstream. When it becomes mainstream, will follow-up services such as accessories and maintenance of fuel vehicles become less accessible due to lack of economic benefits? III. Social Adaptability and Cultural Transformation With the continuous advancement of technology and the deepening of environmental awareness, the status of fuel vehicles is being challenged as never before. Rapid social adaptation and cultural transformation are paving the way for electric vehicles, and fuel vehicles seem to be gradually being marginalized. Not only because environmental issues such as global warming have become the focus of attention, but also because the popularity of electric vehicles has begun to reshape our way of life.

In this era of change, electric vehicles have not only become synonymous with clean energy transportation, they have also gradually become a symbol of fashion and modernization. In the streets of major cities around the world, charging stations are replacing gas stations and becoming new landmark buildings. We need to prepare for this change. Governments and enterprises should increase investment and support for electric vehicles to make them more excellent and competitive in terms of technology, performance and price. Consumers should learn as much as possible about electric vehicles, including technology, performance, price, charging facilities, etc., in order to make more informed car purchase decisions. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the follow-up issues after the retirement of fuel vehicles, such as parking, scrapping, recycling, etc., so as to jointly build a more environmentally friendly and sustainable society. Although the environmental and economic benefits brought by electric vehicles are self-evident, we cannot ignore some negative effects that may be brought about during their use and charging process. For example, battery life and handling, construction and management of charging facilities, etc. Therefore, we need to take a series of measures, including strengthening technology research and development and promotion, standardizing and market behavior, to ensure the sustainable development of electric vehicles.

In short, fuel vehicles may be moving towards marginalization, and electric vehicles may be ushering in a new spring. However, this process of change will not be achieved overnight, and it will require the joint efforts of governments, enterprises and consumers to build a more environmentally friendly, healthy and sustainable society. On the road ahead, we need to move forward together to meet the challenges of change and create a better future together. Fuel vehicles are moving towards the edge, and cultural transformation is taking place. The era of fuel vehicles is gradually passing, replaced by new energy vehicles such as electric vehicles. This energy transition is not just a technological innovation, but also a profound cultural transformation. People’s consumption habits, values and other aspects are being affected and changed. Young people are gradually becoming the main consumers of electric vehicles, and the concept of green travel is affecting people’s consumption habits. However, there are still some challenges in this transition process, such as battery life and charging convenience issues, as well as the influence of retro sentiment. Everyone is a participant and witness in this cultural revolution, and we need to solve some problems to promote the process of energy transformation and cultural transformation. With the gradual withdrawal of fuel vehicles, we are ushering in a new era.

The concept of green travel affects consumption habits. In recent years, the concept of green travel has gradually affected people’s consumption habits. Young people have become the main consumer group of electric vehicles. They are attracted by the silent characteristics of electric vehicles, the trendy appearance and the combination of intelligent technology. They have gradually changed the way people expect and use cars. In addition, the education system has also begun to instill concepts in students, thus cultivating more environmentally friendly future decision makers. The popularity of the concept of green travel has prompted people to support and participate in the energy transition and cultural transformation. Battery life issues and retro complexes are still challenges. However, the exit of fuel vehicles has not been smooth sailing. Many fuel car enthusiasts have doubts about the battery life and charging convenience of electric vehicles. They are worried about the inability to charge in time during long-distance trips, and they are also worried about the inconvenience of charging facilities. In addition, the resurgence of retro sentiment has left some people still full of emotion towards those classic internal combustion engine cars. They like the roar of gasoline cars and the thrill of the throttle. These factors have led to uneven social acceptance of energy and cultural transformation, and reflect the complexity of cultural transformation.

Everyone is a participant and a witness. In this transformation process, everyone is a participant and a witness. Automakers, drivers, policy makers, consumers, and others are all experiencing this profound cultural revolution. Whether it is the development of electric vehicles with higher battery life or the construction of more convenient charging facilities, everyone is contributing to the energy transition and cultural transformation. In the next ten years, we will continue to adapt and participate in this change until one day, fuel vehicles slowly withdraw from the long river of history and become a memory of an era. Solving problems drives the transformation process. However, there are still some problems that need to be solved in this transformation process. How to solve the battery life problem and charging convenience of electric vehicles are important issues. It is also necessary to solve the confusion and dissatisfaction of fuel vehicle users, as well as increase and promote policy support. Only by solving these problems can we better promote the process of energy transformation and cultural transformation. The government, enterprises and individuals all need to work together to provide better conditions to promote greater progress in energy transformation and cultural transformation. A new era is coming. In short, fuel vehicles are moving to the edge, and energy transformation and cultural transformation are happening.

In the next ten years, we will witness a major turning point in the transformation of fuel vehicles from the mainstream to the periphery. This is not only a victory of technological innovation and environmental protection concepts, but also a microcosm of social and cultural transformation. The road of the future may no longer be paved, but full of current and data flow. When fuel vehicles become "difficult to use", we will truly enter a new era. Therefore, each of us needs to contribute to this future and create better conditions for energy transformation and cultural transformation. Have you adapted to this energy transformation and cultural transformation? What are your expectations and suggestions for future transportation? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section.

Hu Ge’s "It’s Worth It" box office was dismal, and his crazy publicity was in vain, which exposed his shortcomings

Produced by Cao Baoping and starring Hu Ge and Wu Lei, "This Trip Is Worth It" was released nationwide. The film tells the story of Wen Shan, an ordinary screenwriter who "fell behind" and accidentally began to write eulogies for a living. In his encounters with ordinary people of all kinds, Wen Shan comforted others, gained warmth, and finally found his own life direction.

He was also a good producer, a good actor, and, as a newly released movie, he should have an upward performance at the box office. However, the actual film placement and box office share were actually upside down.

During the promotion, the film took the label of the Chinese version of "The Undertaker" and tried to move everyone in the world of ordinary people by comforting and caring for each other, getting warmth, and finding their own life direction. Try to be calm but not dull. However, the box office told everyone that it can’t.

As of the evening of September 10, the cumulative box office 14.84 million, the film accounted for 11.3%, the box office accounted for 3.6%, the platform’s total forecast is 45.76 million, may be adjusted down.

Hu Ge’s 2019 literary film "The Wild Goose Lake" has also won 202 million box office. The barrier to viewing is still lower than the previous film "It’s a worthwhile trip", but the box office is even lower. This is not even Hu Ge’s repeated crazy publicity on Weibo some time ago, which caused huge waves. Everyone has been paying attention to the latest developments of this artist, as well as his cooperation with Wu Lei several times. No one expected that the movie would be so tragic.

Some fans hurriedly came forward and said that because this movie is a literary film, it is a niche, and the box office does not need to be particularly high.

The funny thing is that when Hu Ge was promoting the movie, he shouted, "Although we are not a very commercial movie! But we also need the box office! We need to let more people see what Chinese movies should look like, hoping that creators can have the opportunity to make better movies!"

Obviously, he valued the box office. And this also exposed Hu Ge’s shortcomings. That is, he is not a super strong and powerful person, but because of the time filter and chance coincidence, he has been placed in the position of an excellent actor who seems to be unworthy of human fireworks all these years.

Lucky to step on the trend Xianxia first person

No one can deny that Li Xiaoyao is the first male lead of the Chinese Xianxia. Hu Ge, who is at the peak of his age and appearance, is the best candidate for Li Xiaoyao.

It was really a beautiful time. It was still a college student’s Hu Ge. By chance, he became the male lead of "The Legend of Immortal Sword and Hero". The special effects were flashing wildly, and Li Xiaoyao still broke into the eyes of the Chinese audience. People now say that they thought it was the beginning of Xianxia dramas, but who knows that it has become the pinnacle of Xianxia dramas. Today’s Xianxia dramas can no longer find a hero who is as high-spirited as Li Xiaoyao and has a youthful and heroic appearance. There is a saying called: "No Hu Ge is no Immortal Sword." It sounds like a bit of a kill, but it has to be admitted that this is indeed the highest recognition of the masses for him.

Car accidents provoke pity, and the transformation speed is fast

It was said that God had given him the luckiest blessing, but it also deprived him of his appearance. A car accident destroyed his best-looking eyes. At the same time, it was because of this that he knew what it meant to work hard, hone his acting skills, transform as soon as possible, and not be trapped in the circle of ancient costume idols. Originally, he took the character of Shuangwen’s male lead, and he was very handsome. As soon as he debuted, he took out a work that could last a lifetime. As a result, it suddenly became realist literature. A car accident destroyed his face, and many people regretted his big eyes.

However, it was said that misfortunes and blessings depended on each other, which also made Hu Ge realize that he couldn’t go all the way to the dark and groped for the transformation works he had taken out for a few years. "The Pretender" and "Langya Ranking" were indeed successful enough, and people felt that he had really become a powerful acting school. A proud man fell to the bottom of the valley, turned his head and rose to another peak again. Everyone had to admit that this was very inspiring, which was admirable.

Suddenly giving birth to a child, the literary dress fails

In this way, Hu Ge, who seemed to have become a powerful actor in everyone’s eyes, suddenly became a father in one step. Who the mother was, everyone had no way of knowing, so they could only explore a little bit from the clues leaked by the melon-eating blogger. There is no way, after all, when you are old, you will have children.

However, the recent operation to promote this movie has really made people speechless. Pretending to be literary in the middle of the night gave people a sentence that he may not be filming. Then, he went crazy several times, was literary in the middle of the night, and was sober during the day. To put it bluntly, the propaganda of watching the movie is that while wanting the box office, he wants to be high.

The entertainment industry is a Vanity Fair, not for fame or profit, but also jumping up and down in this circle, which is obviously contradictory. Only by being practical and filming can the audience always have a filter on you.

Difficult parking gives birth to network "parking on behalf of others": 3 hours 38 yuan lost is not responsible.

  Many clients call it "helping you find a parking space". The starting price is three hours, 38 yuan.

  Many citizens who drive to the hospital for treatment or visit have encountered the trilogy of "queuing, turning around and posting tickets". Recently, the reporter found that a group of drivers holding the "parking service" brand appeared quietly around some 3A hospitals in Beijing. The reporter found that parking difficulties have spawned a variety of valet parking services, and a large number of APP clients have come to users.

  Found that parking service charges 38 yuan for three hours.

  Last Wednesday, Mr. Yan took his children to Beijing Children’s Hospital. As a result, his wife and children entered the outpatient building for almost an hour, and Mr. Yan has not found a parking space. When Mr. Yan was overwhelmed, a young man holding a sign came to introduce his company’s "parking service" business to Mr. Yan. As long as he paid attention to the company’s WeChat WeChat official account, he could place an order online. The parking agent wore a uniform with the company’s Logo printed on it. After verifying the identity of the parking agent, Mr. Yan gave the car key to the other party and received a hand card, and the vehicle was immediately driven away.

  After more than ten minutes, Mr. Yan saw a photo of his car parked in the parking space from WeChat. If you want to pick up the car, click the pick-up button 15 minutes in advance. Then take the car with the hand card you got before, pay the money in one hand and turn the key in the other. This time, Mr Yan stopped for 2 hours and 50 minutes, which cost 38 yuan.

  The reporter learned that parking on behalf of this client starts every three hours, charging 38 yuan, and charging 10 yuan every hour beyond the time limit. The customer service staff told the reporter that the company has rented many underground parking spaces and ground open-air parking spaces for a long time within two kilometers near the hospital. "They are all regular parking spaces, so you can rest assured." At present, there are five hospitals in Beijing with parking service business, including Peking University Third Hospital, Beijing Chaoyang Hospital, Beijing Children’s Hospital, Capital Institute of Pediatrics and Beijing Fuwai Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Hospital.

  Question: Is it safe to give the car keys to others?

  In addition to parking service, which charges such fees, the reporter learned that due to the shortage of parking spaces in the central city, some service industries such as restaurants and hair salons facing the street are taking free parking service as an upgraded service to attract customers. But giving the car to others, if the things in the car are lost, the guest’s car is driven out privately, and even the car is damaged and lost, these are all problems that the owner needs to face.

  Parking service, who charges at the entrance of the hospital, has been questioned the most, because the owner of the car has completely given it to a stranger. What should I do if someone pretends to be a parking attendant to cheat the owner of the car, or the parking attendant sends a parking photo and then drives away?

  The reporter called the customer service phone number of parking service Company, and the customer service staff also said that the owner must provide the vehicle with valid annual inspection and insurance, at least with compulsory insurance, car damage insurance and three kinds of insurance. If the vehicle is not insured with these three kinds of auto insurance, the parking agent will not be liable for the loss caused to the owner in the process of parking. In addition, when the vehicle is delivered, the owner needs to verify the information of the parking agent, including the work certificate and identity, and the owner can also call customer service to help verify the identity of the parking agent. The company will ask the parking attendant not to drive the owner’s car out without permission. In addition, the company will not be responsible for any accident or vehicle loss during the period if the owner does not make a private reservation for the parking agent through official channels.

  The problem is that it is not helpful to find a parking space by APP at present.

  In addition, the reporter found that many O2O projects in the smart parking industry are also in fierce competition, and a large number of smart parking apps are coming to users. These parking apps all claim that as long as the client is in hand, parking is no longer awkward. In addition to helping car owners find vacant parking spaces, they can also provide car owners with related services such as parking lot navigation, parking space reservation, non-stop entry and exit, and reverse car search.

  However, the reporter downloaded several clients and found that most of them are only limited to the integrated release of parking lot data resources, and can only provide basic services such as parking lot navigation, location inquiry and price inquiry, which can not provide substantial help for car owners. For example, I saw an empty parking space in a parking lot five minutes ago, but when I drove past, I found that this seat had just been preempted by others. (Reporter Chen Lin)


(Source: Beijing Morning Post)

The Chinese "May Day" play bill is coming! Do you think you’re over budget?

  Beijing, May 6 (Xie Yiguan) After the May 1 holiday, many people summed up their holiday life as "following the crowd" and "buying from buy buy", so that the Ministry of Culture and Tourism used "prosperity exceeding expectations" to describe the May 1 culture and tourism market. How did you spend this holiday? Did you spend more than your budget?

  195 million people!

  — — Small holidays stimulate the enthusiasm for fake travel.

  Compared with recent years, the biggest change in this year’s "May Day" is that the holiday is adjusted to four days, and the small holiday has stimulated the enthusiasm of the public to travel.

  According to the comprehensive calculation of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the total number of domestic tourist receptions during the May 1 holiday was 195 million, an increase of 13.7%. The average time for tourists to stay out is 2.25 days, an increase of 9.5% compared with Qingming holiday. At the local level, the number of tourists received by Sichuan increased by 40.35%, and that of tourists received by Jiangxi increased by 17.71%.

  In order to enjoy the holiday better, many people choose the mode of "paid annual leave+small holiday". According to the data of Tuniu, 26% of tourists travel for 5-6 days, and 29% of tourists travel for 7 days or more, and only 45% of tourists travel for 4 days or less.

  On the booking platform for flying pigs, the number of travelers on May 1 increased by 51% year-on-year. Among them, domestic tourism increased by 51%, and outbound tourism increased by 63%.

  According to Ctrip’s data, the top ten cities among the top ten tourist source cities in May Day tourism are Shanghai, Beijing, Chengdu, Guangzhou, Chongqing, Wuhan, Nanjing, Shenzhen, Hangzhou and Xi ‘an. The top ten domestic tourist cities that are most popular with tourists are Beijing, Xiamen, Chongqing, Shanghai, Xi ‘an, Chengdu, Hangzhou, Kunming, Guangzhou and Guiyang.

  Which tours are the most popular?

  — — Parent-child travel around is the hottest.

  During the "May 1" period, family travel in the form of parent-child and study became popular and became a hot spot of consumption.

  According to Ctrip data, the post-80 s and post-90 s young people who dominate the May 1 ST tourism market prefer to take their children with them. Children’s tickets account for 10% of the total bookings, among which orders from the post-80 s have the fastest growth. Parents are also more willing to spend money when traveling with their families.

  The "May 1" toll road exempts small passenger cars from tolls, which also boosts the enthusiasm of go on road trip around the family.

  The donkey mother’s report shows that the parent-child tour around "May Day" is the most popular, accounting for about 55%. From "walking around the baby" to "going on holiday with the children", punching in the popular scenic spots of parents and children during the day, staying in high-end resort hotels or parent-child hotels at night have become popular matches.

  According to the data of Tuniu, the theme scenic spots of Shanghai Disneyland, Guangzhou Chimelong Happy World, Zhuhai Chimelong Ocean Park, China Dinosaur Park, Shanghai Happy Valley, Wuhu Fangte, Wuhan Polar Ocean World, shenzhen happy valley, Changzhou Global Dinosaur City and Shanghai Wildlife Park are especially popular with the surrounding parents and children.

  — — The hit drama online celebrity scenic spot becomes a punching place

  According to Ctrip data, the post-90s generation has become the backbone of travel with a proportion of 30%, followed by the post-80s generation, accounting for 27% of the total number of people traveling. Young people have become the main force in the May Day trip, and they love to travel freely and are keen on "online celebrity Land".

  The "online celebrity Scenic Spot", which became popular in video platforms and popular TV series, is the most popular destination for young people to punch in.

  Tongcheng data shows that Yongxingfang at the foot of Xi ‘an City Wall, Xiamen Seaview Subway, Gulangyu Island, Zhangjiajie Glass Plank Road, Qinghai Chaka Salt Lake, as well as the alley, Pingjiang Road, Jinji Lake and Gongshan Island in Suzhou, where the hit TV series "Du Ting Hao" was filmed, poured in a large number of tourists.

  The "online celebrity" cities and scenic spots, such as the Forbidden City in Beijing, Hongyadong in Chongqing, Erhai Lake in Dali, Lugu Lake in Lijiang and Aden in Daocheng, Sichuan, are also among the most popular destinations.

  117.67 billion!

  — — The consumption prosperity of the cultural tourism market exceeded expectations.

  The enthusiasm of the public for traveling has driven a strong tourism consumption economy.

  “‘ May Day ’ During the holiday period, the domestic tourism revenue reached 117.67 billion yuan, an increase of 16.1% according to comparable caliber. " According to the data of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the proportion of tourists who spend between 501 and 1000 yuan is the highest, accounting for 38.0%, which is 1.2 percentage points higher than that of Qingming holiday.

  "Buy in buy buy" has become a key word for many people during the May Day holiday. According to the statistics of UnionPay, the total amount of online transactions of UnionPay reached 1.29 trillion yuan during the four-day holiday of May Day, an average daily increase of 42% compared with last year’s May Day holiday.

  According to Ctrip, the top ten cities with domestic tourism consumption power are Beijing, Hangzhou, Shanghai, Fuzhou, Shenzhen, Tianjin, Qingdao, Taiyuan, Ningbo and Nanjing. In these cities, the per capita spending on a single domestic tour of May Day tourism exceeds 2,600 yuan, of which Beijing exceeds 3,000 yuan.

  — — Where did the consumer’s money go?

  In addition to domestic tourism consumption expenditure, Ctrip data shows that bookings for overseas local entertainment (overseas tours, diving, hot springs, food coupons, etc.) increased by 114%, and overseas ticketing services increased by 73%. The per capita spending of outbound tourists in Beijing exceeds 7,000 yuan, and that of Dalian, Taiyuan, Xi ‘an and Shanghai also exceeds 6,000 yuan.

  This holiday, "left-handed durian, right-handed crayfish" has become a portrayal of many people’s eating. According to Suning’s big data, before and after May Day, Suning’s food sales increased by 347% year-on-year, and only crayfish sales increased by 246%. Among fruits, durian sales ranked first.

  Compared with last year’s "May Day", the number of take-away orders and offline consumer orders with hungry word of mouth increased rapidly. After 1995, the frequency of group take-away consumption in colleges and universities increased by 112.4% year-on-year, and the most expensive offline consumption in Shanghai, Suzhou, Hefei, Nanjing and other cities all exceeded 50,000 yuan.

  It has become a trend to have a "cultural festival" during the holiday. According to the data of Lighthouse Professional Edition, driven by "Reunion 4" and "How to Be Home", the comprehensive box office of "May 1" file increased by 15% to about 1.54 billion yuan, and the number of people watching movies exceeded 35 million.

  According to the data of the donkey mother, more than 80% of tourists have cultural experience in their journeys, and the number of tourists in scenic spots with museums, ancient towns and cultural theme activities has increased by more than 20% compared with 2018. For example, the Forbidden City in Beijing, Du Fu Caotang Museum in Chengdu, Shaanxi History Museum and Shenyang Palace Museum rank among the top ten in the regional popular scenic spots.

  As the wedding season, Suning’s report also pointed out that many consumers purchase a large number of furniture, household appliances and household items. Sales of home improvement building materials increased by 47%, sales of furniture increased by 25%, sales of household appliances increased by 49%, and sales of jewelry increased by 24%.

  What did you buy for the May Day holiday? What do you think of this consumption bill? (End)

Salary, social security, holidays … are related to your money bag in 2019!























































Homework APP hides games and makes parents angry. Developer: It is a fun learning product.

  Hualong. com at 6 o’clock on October 8th (Reporter Huang Yu Zhu Ke) Recently, Ms. Lin, who lives in Baoshenghu Street, Yubei, Chongqing, told Hualong. com that her son Jia Jia is in the third grade and needs to use the "Together Primary School Students" APP to complete his homework every day. Recently, Jia Jia’s efficiency has slowed down, and she feels that something is wrong. After inspection, it was found that this homework APP embedded a variety of games, and Jiajia’s game level has ranked first. Ms. Lin is very angry: "The whole homework process is in a bunch of games, so how can this 8-year-old pupil control himself?" What the hell is going on? Hualong. com reporter conducted an investigation.

  Event "

  "Homework APP" becomes "Game App". Eight-year-old children spend one or two hundred yuan to do tasks and "contribute" ranks first.

  Ms. Lin told reporters that as early as her son was in the second grade, the teacher recommended this "Primary School Students Together" APP to parents. At 10 o’clock on the evening of September 25, Jia Jia finished her homework. When Ms. Lin got her mobile phone back, she found that it was a little hot. She didn’t check it carefully until she noticed something strange.

  Ms. Lin found that in the "A Primary School Student" App, her son ranked first in the "geocentric adventure" game with an action value of 329, and ranked 17th in the school race. Screenshot of the page Hualong Nethair

  I don’t know if I don’t see it, but I was shocked when I saw it. Ms. Lin found that there is an entrance called "Growing World" on the homepage of the APP, which contains many small games such as "geocentric adventure", among which the city level under her account has reached level 6.

  Ms. Lin started the "geocentric adventure", and her son Jia Jia and four other students are forming a team to participate. In the team, Jia Jia ranked first in "contribution" with an action value of 329, and 17th in the school race.

  "Looking through the records, I know that many tasks have to be completed by opening products," Ms. Lin said. "Up to now, my son has spent one or two hundred dollars on the game."

  Experience "

  "Growing World" is similar to Happy Farm. The teacher can’t see the game entrance.

  Is there any possibility of misleading students in this APP? Hualong. com reporter decided to experience it.

  The "A Primary School Student" App prompts that you need to enter a "teacher number" to register, and after the "A Primary School Teacher" App uses the mobile phone number to register, the "teacher number" is successfully generated. Screenshot of the page Hualong Nethair

  Searching for "A Primary School Student" in the mobile app store pops up multiple search results, including "A Primary School Student", "A Primary School Teacher" and "Parents Connect", all developed by Shanghai Hexu Information Technology Co., Ltd.

  The reporter downloaded the "A Primary School Teacher" APP and entered the mobile phone number to register. With the help of the "teacher number" generated after registration, the reporter successfully logged into the "Primary School Students Together" APP, and the three options of "Growing the World", "Practice Record" and "Parents Reward" are prominently listed at the bottom of the homepage.

  This "growing world" is similar to Happy Farm. When you enter for the first time, you will be prompted to guide the operation. Screenshot of the page Hualong Nethair

  The reporter found that this "growing world" is similar to the happy farm game. Among them, the "building center" can build farmland, dairy farms, etc. "Partner Home" can raise sika deer and camel cubs, and can also send pets to compete with opponents.

  "Partner Home" can cultivate sika deer, camel and lamb, and can also send pets to compete with opponents. Screenshot of the page Hualong Nethair

  To complete some projects, you need to open designated products, such as Chinese, mathematics, dubbing, words, etc. It takes 300 yuan to open the basic language for 365 days and 199 yuan to open the words for 365 days.

  The reporter sent math homework to the whole class through the "A Primary School Teacher" APP, and then clicked the "A Primary School Student" APP "Practice Record" to complete it.

  After the homework is finished, the reward of "Learning Bean 5" and "Building Gold Coin 50" will pop up on the end page, and the prompt of "Going to the Growing World and Getting More Rewards" will pop up in the prominent position below. Screenshot of the page Hualong Nethair

  After all the four math problems are completed correctly, the reward of "Learning Bean 5" and "Building Gold Coin 50" will pop up on the end page, and the prompt of "Go to the growing world and get more rewards" will pop up in the prominent position below.

  At the bottom of the Growing World page, there are four options, namely, geocentric adventure, naughty elf, Mid-Autumn Festival reunion, and triumphant, all of which are time-limited activities. Screenshot of the page Hualong Nethair

  On the "A Primary School Teacher" APP, the reporter did not see a similar game entrance.

  Survey "

  Most parents are not familiar with APP function, and the network evaluation is polarized.

  Open two apps, all showing the names of many primary schools. So, how did parents and teachers react? The reporter conducted an investigation.

  Ms. Chen, who lives in Jiangbei, just sent her son to the first grade in September this year. Recently, she installed the "A Primary School Student" APP under the recommendation of her teacher. Under the reporter’s reminder, she discovered that her city level has reached level 2, and it should be that her son played before she got the level, but she didn’t know it before.

  In the "growing world", there are ranking systems almost everywhere, except for class rankings, there are also school and province rankings. Screenshot of the page Hualong Nethair

  Ms. Xiao lives in Xinqiao Street, and her fourth-grade daughter Qiqi is also doing her homework with this APP. After inspection, the city level in Kiki’s "Growing World" is still level 1. However, Ms. Xiao found that many students in the class boarded the city rankings.

  The reporter found that among the 10 parents who used the "Primary School Students Together" APP to do their homework, only one parent was familiar with the APP function.

  The reporter contacted a Chinese teacher of Ms. Shanglin’s primary school. The Chinese teacher said that she knew this APP, but it was not practical for her. She said that she was "unclear" about whether the APP was used in mathematics and English subjects.

  Subsequently, the reporter contacted the English teacher of another primary school, who was using this APP to arrange homework. She told reporters that when she first started using the APP, she experienced it as a student. I remember that there was no game page at that time. So far, the parents of her classmates have not reflected the game problems to her.

  However, the English teacher provided a detail. After the APP was launched, it was updated many times. She suspected that she had "quietly" joined the game during the update process.

  Some projects need to open designated products, including Chinese, mathematics, English, dubbing, etc. It takes 300 yuan to open the basic language for 365 days. Screenshot of the page Hualong Nethair

  As of October 7th, in Huawei’s APPlication market, a total of 2,049 people rated the "One Primary School Student" app, and the evaluation was polarized, among which nearly 40% of users gave 1 star. Among the users who gave bad reviews, "Krypton", "Commercialization" and "Advertising" are the words that appear more frequently.

  Response "

  Developers deny that there are games in the APP that call "Growing World" a fun learning product.

  How does the company respond to the above situation? On September 29th, as a parent, the reporter called the developer of this series of apps and the customer service phone number of Shanghai Hexu Information Technology Co., Ltd..

  The customer service first denied the statement of "game". It said that the products such as "Growing the World" in the APP are all interesting learning products, which mainly play an incentive role. "If children only do problems, they may feel boring, so they have developed these interesting products."

  The customer service replied that parents will give away some beans, growth values, grades and virtual items when they buy some courses, but mainly let the children do the questions.

  How does the platform verify the teacher’s identity? The customer service said that if teachers and users want to open the "One Primary School Teacher" APP, they need to upload the teacher qualification certificate and other certificates. However, when the reporter experienced it before, he only needed to enter his mobile phone number to register.

  In addition, why does the tip "Go to the growing world and get more rewards" pop up on the homework end page? Does the company have a game business license, and is the game filed? For these questions, the customer service did not answer.

  Subsequently, the reporter sorted out these questions and sent an interview request to the company through the media contact email published by official website. As of press time, no reply was received.

  As of October 7th, in Huawei’s Application market, a total of 2,049 people rated the "One Primary School Student" app, and the evaluation was polarized. Screenshot of the page Hualong Nethair

  According to the national enterprise credit information publicity system, Shanghai Hexu Information Technology Co., Ltd. was established on December 3, 2012, with Liu Chang as the legal representative and a registered capital of RMB 30 million. The business scope includes technical development and technical consultation in the field of network technology.

  Its business scope stipulates that projects that are subject to approval according to law can only carry out business activities after approval by relevant departments. In its administrative licensing information, the license of "network culture business license game products and artworks" has expired on May 13th this year. As of press time, no new information about the business license of game products has been found.

  In addition, the reporter also found that on May 25 this year, the company was fined 100,000 yuan and ordered to stop publishing because it violated the Advertising Law and used minors under the age of 10 as advertising spokespersons.

  The reporter inquired about the network culture business license, game version number, game operation record, etc. through the third-party website, but did not find the relevant information of the enterprise.

  Education Commission "

  Schools will be required to strengthen the selection and management of learning apps.

  Regarding the situation found in the reporter’s investigation, the person in charge of the relevant departments of the Chongqing Municipal Education Commission said that the learning apps currently used by students are the choices made independently by schools and teachers according to the situation and characteristics, and the Municipal Education Commission has not made uniform regulations.

  The person in charge said that parents can communicate directly with the teacher if they have opinions about the problem that the APP contains games. At the same time, relevant departments will also urge schools to make a more comprehensive evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of APP, and strengthen supervision and management during the use.