Visiting the filming site of "Drop and Run Love", Ren Xianqi was exposed to torturing Shu Qi

??1905电影网讯 除了唱歌、演戏,如今的任贤齐又多了一个新身份——导演,没错!他在自己导演的电影处女作《落跑吧,爱情》中自导自演,与舒淇上演了一场浪漫爱情喜剧。据悉,女神舒淇在片中还惨遭新手导演小齐的折磨,不论是落水暴晒,还是削刀削面,全部都得亲自上阵。


任贤齐成电影圈新劳模 唱歌、跳舞、浮潜……任拍任采无怨言





Second stop: the sea bridge

Necessary skills: I jump, I jump, I jump, I jump.

??On this sea-crossing bridge that spans Baisha Island and Yuweng Island, Ren Xianqi’s "tour guide" is possessed. Xiao Qi can tell all the history and short stories about this bridge. Without looking at his face, you really think he is a senior tour guide.

Ren Xianqi jumped up without saying a word. Unexpectedly, the media came to their senses, and all kinds of posture requirements emerged in an endless stream, just like "I jump, I jump, I jump".

The third stop: Baisha Township "Penghu Bay Homestay"

Necessary Skills: Play and Sing

    This white two-story building is the main scene of "Fall, Run, Love". The story of Ren Xianqi and Shu Qi starts here, and there are many ironic things that happen here. Ren Xianqi believes that no details in the movie can be sloppy, so the crew not only invested more than 4 million yuan to build a wooden house, but also hired a prop master to make the whole bed and breakfast old. Interestingly, this seemingly awesome sea view house is actually very sturdy. Ren Xianqi said, "For environmental protection, we can’t drill deep piles or pour cement, so every time the sea water ebbs, the house feels a little inclined, and of course we will quickly replenish sand to reinforce it."

??Sitting on the steps of the cabin, accompanied by the sound of the sea breeze and waves, Ren Xianqi played and sang the new songs "Falling in Love with Summer" and "Grandma’s Penghu Bay", giving people a feeling of love and nostalgia. It is reported that Ren Xianqi has tailor-made a number of new songs for his film debut "Falling in Love". The newly released "Falling in Love with Summer" MV shows movie clips in the form of dramas. Ren Xianqi performs a triple role in the MV. In addition to starring and singers, he also enjoys his own works in theaters as a director.

Fourth stop: Qimei Island Double Heart Stone Shanghai

Nirvana: snorkeling + acting cute

??The Double Heart Stone has a history of more than 700 years. It was originally a fishing tool used in the tidal zone. Due to its shape resembling two "hearts" together, it has now become a symbol of love. It is said that if a person can put a stone into the "heart", the love wish will come true. In "Drop and Run Love", there is also this scene. At that time, Shu Qi kept trying to throw a stone, but unexpectedly the stone hit Ren Xianqi who was swimming, which made people laugh.

??In Shuangxin Shihu, Ren Xianqi kept playing POSE act cute, and all kinds of gestures expressing love were used by Ren Xianqi again, which was really cute. Finally, Xiao Qi also used the strongest trump card – snorkeling. Ren Xianqi, who is proficient in water, is like a free fish in the water, which is not only handsome and pressing, but also makes people feel a kind of dynamic and casual beauty.

Shu Qi was madly tortured by Ren Xianqi, got wet and played with noodles, and was tanned in 2 colors

??It is rare to see an artist who can work so hard. How about it, did Xiao Qi’s must-kill skills also move you? Closer to home, Ren Xianqi, who has been a good tour guide in China, has returned to being a good director in China, revealing the unknown shooting story in "Drop and Run Love". You know, Muse Shu Qi was tortured by the novice director Xiao Qi in the film. What crazy exposure, climbing high and falling into the water, even cutting knives and noodles is such a dangerous job, Shu Qi himself goes into battle.

??Ren Xianqi even broke the news that Muse was tanned as "black face" in the end. Xiao Qi said, "Thank you very much Shu Qi for participating, she is a very dedicated actress, this play Shu Qi has worked very hard to shoot, because the sun in Penghu is too strong, we basically shoot at the beach again, and she has to fall into the water. I think she has been tanned at least 2 times, and even my photographer said to me, ‘Director, I can’t let Shu Qi be black anymore, it’s a little bit out of touch’!" Ren Xianqi smiled and said, "I don’t need to say it, now the skin tone is the same as black coal."

??In the play, Ren Xianqi and Shu Qi stage an adventurous love journey; outside the play, Xiao Qi has long been a son and daughter, but unfortunately the heroine Shu Qi is still alone. As a good friend and neighbor, Ren Xianqi is also anxious about Muse’s life-long affairs. He shouts to good boys all over the world, hoping that someone can quickly stand up and take good care of Shu Qi. Ren Xianqi said, "Shu Qi cultivates both inside and outside, and people are more beautiful. As for the issue of feelings, it seems that the actresses I have worked with, including Liu Ruoying, Gigi Liang, Big S, etc., have all had a good marriage after working with me. I also hope that good boys can take good care of Shu Qi."

Ren Xianqi lamented that it is not easy to be a director. The 30-minute test film turned the audience into a good laugh

??Speaking of being a director for the first time, Ren Xianqi considered himself handy, and he attributed it to the professional staff and his many years of acting experience. At the same time, Xiao Qi also lamented that it was too difficult to be a director. "My starting point for making’Drop Off Love ‘was very simple. First, the song’Grandma’s Penghu Bay’ and the story of the movie moved me; second, I wanted to fulfill a director’s dream. In fact, a director told me before that I must not be a director. I didn’t understand it at the time. I didn’t expect that being a director was so hard and had a good ability to resist pressure. Now I feel that being an actor is so happy!" Ren Xianqi said with a smile, "If I act again in the future, I will never give the director bad ideas again."

??In addition, "Love" also made a special test film in Penghu. Although the film was only screened for 30 minutes, although it was only similar to the nature of the super-long trailer, the effect was still good, and the live laughter was continuous. The style of the film is fresh, but it does not follow the traditional Taiwanese literary romance line. The feeling of "Love" is closer to "Summer Tea", with love and beauty, jokes and touching materials.

A-share opening express | Shanghai index opened flat property and real estate stocks were active.

The Shanghai Composite Index opened 0.00% lower, the Shenzhen Component Index opened 0.04% lower, the Growth Enterprise Market Index opened 0.28% lower, and the REITs, property and real estate indices were among the top gainers.

Haide Control (3 boards), the market focus stock, opened 8.26% lower, Cosco (3 boards) in the digital economy sector opened 9.29% higher, hals (3 boards) opened 8.61% higher, the photovoltaic stock Aowei Communication (3 boards in 4 days) opened 4.03% lower, the lithium battery sector Shangtai Technology (2 boards) opened 3.91% lower, and Meiliyun (2 boards in 3 days) opened 2 boards.

1. The property market is heavy! The down payment ratio and the first set of interest rates should be lowered, and the central bank and other departments will jointly make good profits.

On the evening of January 5th, the People’s Bank of China and China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission established the first dynamic adjustment mechanism of housing loan interest rate policy. In cities where the sales price of newly-built commercial housing has decreased month-on-month and year-on-year for three consecutive months, the lower limit of the local first home loan interest rate policy can be maintained, lowered or cancelled in stages.

At the same time, Ni Hong, Minister of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, pointed out that those who buy the first house should be strongly supported. The down payment ratio and the first set of interest rates should be lowered. For the purchase of a second house, we should give reasonable support. Trade-in the old for the new, trade-in the small for the big, and give policy support to families with many children. For the purchase of more than three sets of housing, it is not supported in principle, that is, it does not leave room for speculative real estate speculators to re-enter the market.

Six departments, including Shenzhen Housing and Construction Bureau, issued the Work Plan for Promoting the "Transfer with Mortgage" Mode of Second-hand Housing in Shenzhen to promote the "Transfer with Mortgage" mode of second-hand housing and reduce the transaction cost of second-hand housing.

Tencent’s stock selection statistics show that the main funds have flowed into the top real estate stocks in the past week for readers’ reference only. The data shows that in the past week, China Merchants Shekou ranked first with a net inflow of 200 million yuan, followed by Vanke A, Digital Source Technology and Binjiang Group with a net inflow of more than 100 million yuan.

2. In 2023, the "construction drawing" of state-owned enterprise reform was released, and eight key points of reform and development were clarified.

On January 5th, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission held a meeting of heads of central enterprises in Beijing. The meeting pointed out that in 2023, it is necessary to take advantage of the situation and organize a new round of deepening and upgrading of state-owned enterprise reform. Actively and steadily classify and deepen the reform of mixed ownership; Promote medium and long-term incentives to expand and improve quality. It is necessary to further promote the layout optimization and structural adjustment of state-owned capital, and formulate guidelines for the adjustment of layout structure in key industries such as energy conservation and environmental protection and construction. At the same time, it is necessary to increase investment in new infrastructure construction such as 5G, artificial intelligence, data center, satellite Internet, industrial Internet platform and Internet of Things platform.

3. What is the signal that foreign capital has bought more than 12.7 billion yuan and invested heavily in leading stocks such as Maotai?

Northbound funds bought 12.753 billion yuan yesterday. Wuliangye and Maotai, liquor "Shuangxiong", topped the list with net purchases of 1.532 billion yuan and 1.402 billion yuan respectively, while China Ping An, Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited and Oriental Fortune were among the top net purchases.

It is worth noting that the data shows that since November last year, northbound funds have accumulated a net purchase of A shares of 109.06 billion yuan. In the near future, stocks including China Testing, qiaqia Food and Midea Group have been "snapped up" by foreign investors.

According to China, a brokerage firm, some analysts said that the inflow of northbound capital is often the forerunner of other capital inflows, and it does not rule out the expectation of incremental capital brought by the "spring agitation" in the market.

4. BYD "looks up" and "Easy Sifang" technology is concerned. These companies have a layout.

On January 5th, BYD held a brand-new high-end brand launch conference, and the first flagship off-road SUV and electric sports car were officially unveiled at U8 and U9. According to reports, looking up at the two models equipped with four-wheel independent wheel-side motors, BYD calls it "easy quartet" technology, which can output through four-wheel four-motor and steer without relying on steering mechanism, and can truly realize 360-degree steering in situ.

Wolong electric drive has technical reserves in related fields of wheel-side motors, and the company is developing a wheel-side motor for ZF. Hekang Xinneng has technical reserves in the field of wheel-side motors.

5. The electrolytic nickel project of Chuanqingshan Group has been officially put into operation, and the price of nickel has gone down sharply.

As of the afternoon closing of the domestic futures market on January 5, the main contract of Shanghai Nickel fell by more than 5.19% to 220,300 yuan/ton. In the past December, 2022, the monthly increase of the main contract of Shanghai Nickel was close to 17%. The price of nickel in the outer disk also dropped sharply overnight. As of the close of January 5, local time, the three-month nickel on the London Metal Exchange (LME) fell by more than 6%.

On the evening of January 4th, Beijing time, news came from the market: At present, the nickel electrowinning project of "Nickel King" Qingshan Group has been officially put into production, with a preliminary design capacity of 1,500 tons per month, which is produced by a new energy enterprise in Hubei, and some of its volume will be released in January.

6, 2499 yuan/bottle! Maotai Year of the Rabbit Zodiac Wine was officially launched, and digital collections were introduced for the first time.

7. Joint prevention and control mechanism in the State Council: On January 8th, mainland residents will resume to apply for travel and business endorsements to Hong Kong.

8. Does the IPO declaration of the main board set the industry "red and yellow lights"? Investment bankers: There are indeed new restrictions on some epidemic prevention enterprises.

9. The quotation of silicon materials dropped by nearly 40% in two months, and the organization judged that silicon wafers are expected to take the lead in stabilizing.

10. Passenger Association: It is estimated that the wholesale sales volume of new energy passenger car manufacturers in December will be 730,000.

After sorting out the investment opportunities concerned by the market, AutoBrother found that real estate, high-end innovative medical devices, and science and technology innovation board Company, a regional company in Shanghai, were highly concerned.

1. The Food and Drug Administration promotes the development and listing of high-end innovative medical devices. Many institutions are optimistic about Mindray and other stocks.

On January 5th, the National Conference on Drug Supervision and Administration was held in Beijing. The meeting pointed out that promoting the research and development of high-end innovative medical devices.

At present, China’s high-end medical devices are mainly divided into four categories: imaging equipment, therapeutic equipment, in-vitro diagnosis and implanted interventional products.


Tencent’s self-selected stocks have counted the list of medical device stocks favored by institutions in the past three months for readers’ reference only. According to the data, Mindray Medical ranked first among 29 institutions in the past three months, followed by Antu Bio, Kaijian Medical and Lepu Medical, which all received more than 12 institutional buy ratings.

2. Shanghai bancassurance industry supports Science and Technology Innovation Center institutions to favor Shanghai local science and technology innovation board companies.

After the close of trading on January 5th, Kechuang Company welcomed a positive boost: The Action Plan for Shanghai Banking and Insurance Industry to Support the Construction of Shanghai Kechuang Center (2022-2025) was issued.

According to iFinD data, among A-share bank insurance companies, Shanghai is the province of Bank of Communications, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, Shanghai Bank, Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank and China Pacific Insurance.

In addition, Tencent’s self-selected stocks have counted the list of companies that are favored by institutions in the past three months and belong to the Shanghai regional plate and are science and technology innovation board, for readers’ reference only. The data shows that in the past three months, Lanqi Technology ranked first among 22 institutions, followed by Paineng Technology, Zhongwei Company, Aohua Endoscope, Jingchen Co., Ltd. and Haoyuan Medicine, which all received more than 10 institutional buy ratings.


Source: iFinD

3. Automobile Association: It is estimated that the national sales volume of new energy passenger cars will be 730,000 in December, which is expected to hit a record high for passenger car manufacturers.

4. State-owned enterprise reform | State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission: Organize a new round of deepening and upgrading of state-owned enterprise reform.

5. Network Security | National Network Information Office: Strengthen the construction of digital China and maintain network security and data security.

6. Meta Universe | Baidu will release the world’s first heavy product on the 10th, and the meta universe will be as popular as the website of PC era in the future.

7. The upstream price of photovoltaic | photovoltaic industry chain has dropped significantly, and the demand or volume of related consumables has dropped.

8. Ophthalmology | The Science and Technology Daily published a document saying that there is probably an eye tendency in Covid-19.

Guohai Securities believes that the degree of recovery of economic fundamentals is more about the height of the stock market’s rise, but the overall recovery of the market is a foregone conclusion; Essence Securities believes that the strategic allocation of military white horses focuses on aviation, aerospace and informatization.

1. Guohai Securities: The overall recovery of the market is a foregone conclusion.

Guohai Securities said that the A-share market is currently in an upward trend from the current market volume and long-short pattern. This process may be repeated, but the short-term inertia still exists, and the strong favorable expectations in the medium term are gradually being fulfilled. In the medium and long term, the degree of recovery of economic fundamentals is more likely to affect the stock market’s rise, but the overall recovery of the market is a foregone conclusion.

2. Founder Securities: The current valuation of the banking sector is at a low level in the past decade.

Founder Securities believes that the Central Economic Work Conference in 2022 clarified the tone of "keeping the word steady and striving for progress" in 2023, and it is expected that the policy effect of subsequent steady growth will gradually emerge. At present, the valuation of the banking sector is at a low level in the past decade, and the improvement of macroeconomic expectations will further promote the repair of the valuation. In terms of individual stocks, it is suggested to grasp two main lines. The first main line is the city rural commercial banks in high-quality areas; The second main line suggests paying attention to some high-quality joint-stock banks whose valuations have dropped significantly due to the impact of real estate risks since 2022.

3. Essence Securities: strategically deploy the white horse of military industry, focusing on aviation, aerospace and informatization.

Essence Securities Research Report said that in 2022, the CSI Military Industry Index fell by 25.74%, ranking 28th. The demand for the 14th Five-Year Plan was released rapidly, and the industry changed from high-speed growth to high-quality development: from focusing on R&D to light production, R&D and production went hand in hand. During the 13th Five-Year Plan period, national defense science and technology made breakthroughs in major scientific and technological projects, core key technologies and other fields, and the intergenerational differences in weapons and equipment have been filled, and the development of the industry has entered the stage of supplementing quantity from supplementing quality. The overall growth rate of the military industry is relatively fast, and the index performance does not match the growth rate. Strategic deployment of military white horse, focusing on aviation, aerospace, informationization, unmanned, new materials and so on.

On the positive side, the self-selected brother prompted to pay attention to the positive data of Kangxinuo mRNA vaccine; In terms of negative announcements, we are concerned that Zixin Pharmaceutical was filed by the CSRC.

Positive announcement

1. Kangxinuo: novel coronavirus mRNA vaccine CS-2034 has obtained positive data in a clinical study to evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of sequential strengthening.

2. Abison: It is estimated that the net profit in 2022 will be 180-230 million yuan, with a year-on-year increase of 501.16%–668.15%.

3. Zhenhua New Materials: It is estimated that the net profit will reach 1.22 billion-1.3 billion yuan in 2022, up by 195.70%-215.09% year-on-year.

4. Chemical Engineering of Ganhua: It is estimated that the net profit will reach 90 million yuan to 125 million yuan in 2022, up by 183% to 292% year-on-year.

5. Yuntianhua: It is estimated that the net profit will reach 5.8 billion yuan to 6.1 billion yuan in 2022, with a year-on-year increase of 59.26% to 67.49%.

6. Xinhua Pharmaceutical: The subsidiary company obtained the registration certificate of ibuprofen suspension.

Negative announcement

1. Zixin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.: The company and the original actual controller Guo Chunsheng received the notice of filing a case from the China Securities Regulatory Commission because of the alleged violation of information disclosure.

2. An Naier: The company and relevant personnel received a warning letter from Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Bureau.

3. Tom Cat: Wang Jian’s insider trading company shares received an advance notice of administrative punishment.

4. Infineon replied to the letter of concern of Shenzhen Stock Exchange: the rumors of company restructuring are untrue, and there is no inter-temporal adjustment of profits in the impairment of goodwill.

5. Energy-saving Guozhen: Changjiang Environmental Protection Group and its concerted action plan to reduce the company’s shares by no more than 5%.

6. Tengjing Technology: Shareholders intend to reduce their shares by no more than 3.8%.

This article is edited from "Tencent’s stock selection"; Zhitong Financial Editor: Li Dongmin.

The sales volume of the new M7 in the world has delivered a double harvest, showing strong market competitiveness.

  At the moment when the new energy vehicle market is booming, major brands have launched new models to compete for market share. As a leader in the market, Wenjie brand has always attracted much attention for its excellent product strength. And the new M7 model of its "three-intelligence ceiling" has attracted the attention of countless consumers with its super-high intelligent price ratio and sincere car purchase rights since its listing. The outstanding performance of this model not only shows the forward-looking vision and innovative ability of the brand, but also injects fresh vitality into the whole new energy vehicle market.

  The sales volume of the new M7 in Wenjie increased greatly, and the market heat continued to rise.

  In the spring tide of the new energy automobile market, the new M7 in Wenjie has become the new favorite of consumers with its excellent performance and intelligent price ratio. Recently, the official data released by the media confirmed this point. According to the data, the delivery volume of the new M7 in Wenjie reached an astonishing 20,611 vehicles in December, which not only set a new monthly delivery record for the new M7 in Wenjie, but also created a sales myth in the industry.

  In addition to the amazing delivery volume, the cumulative delivery volume of the new M7 has reached 48,552 vehicles, and the cumulative sales volume has exceeded the 120,000-vehicle mark. Behind these figures are consumers’ high recognition and trust in the new M7. As a star model of the brand, the new M7 has won wide acclaim in the market for its excellent quality, intelligent configuration and humanized service.

  It is worth mentioning that the industry has been constantly improving its delivery capacity to meet the strong demand of the market. According to the official, from 2024, the monthly delivery capacity of the industry is expected to exceed 30,000 vehicles. The realization of this goal will provide consumers with more choices of car purchase, and at the same time, it will further consolidate the leading position of the world in the new energy vehicle market.

  Ask the new M7 to lead the market trend, and upgrade the rights and interests of car purchase.

  Obviously, the sales and delivery data of the new M7 have far exceeded everyone’s expectations. At the same time, in order to give back to the love of consumers, the industry has brought brand-new car purchase rights to consumers, making the experience of buying cars in the New Year more colorful.

  During the period from January 1 to January 31, 2024, consumers who purchase the new M7 designated models in Wenjie will enjoy a car purchase right of up to 40,000 yuan. The rights and interests include giving the maximum value of 12,000 yuan for interior and exterior decoration matching rights, 3,000 yuan for Spring Festival red envelopes, and the equal amount of rights and interests to deduct ADS smart driving bags and technology enjoyment bags. These tangible benefits not only show the sincere concern of the consumer, but also make them truly feel the sincerity of the consumer.

  According to different models and consumer needs, the industry has also formulated personalized rights and interests programs. Consumers who purchase the new M7 Max rear-drive intelligent driving version and the new M7 Max four-wheel drive intelligent driving version can enjoy up to 40,000 yuan; Consumers who purchase the new M7 Plus rear-drive version can enjoy up to RMB 30,000. These well-designed differentiated rights schemes are customized by the international community with full consideration of the actual needs and budget constraints of different consumers, which will enable more consumers to enjoy their quality products and caring services.

  Huawei’s deep empowerment has played a crucial role in the reason why the new M7 has such brilliant sales results. As a 250,000-class large-scale new energy SUV, the new M7 has outstanding performance in terms of space comfort, intelligent interaction and safety performance. Its core competitiveness of "big space, great wisdom and super safety" can better meet consumers’ multiple requirements for comfort and practicality. Huawei’s various black technologies have greatly improved consumers’ experience, while the new M7 in the field of intelligent safety and intelligent cockpit. Therefore, it is reasonable for the sales volume of the new M7 to surge.

  Ask about the new M7, write a legend with sales volume and delivery volume, and warm people’s hearts with brand-new car purchase rights. Looking ahead, we have reason to believe that the new M7 will continue to lead the market trend and bring more surprises to consumers. Let’s look forward to seeing that the new M7 will continue to write a new brilliant chapter in the future and inject more vitality and possibilities into the new energy vehicle market.

Xingyue L car machine update, Baidu Apollo blessing, what upgrades are there in the experience?

Galaxy OS, the vehicle system carried by Xingyue L, is developed by its technology company Yikatong, which integrates the navigation and small voice of Baidu Apollo. It was officially launched in July 2021, equipped with Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155 chip and three screens.

Since its release, Galaxy OS has been upgraded twice. In the latest version 1.2, a lot of simplified upgrades have been made, and AutoLab has the following highlights to share after the experience.

Lightweight application of turning machine

Our mobile phone applications have also developed towards lightweight, and WeChat applets and Alipay applets have been able to replace most APP applications. In addition, in the latest system versions of Huawei and Apple, card-type fast APPlications have been added, so that the functions in the APP can be used conveniently without opening the APP, which saves the process of opening the app.

Xingyue L’s car machine update has also made a light APPlication of the APP, such as Bilibili of the co-pilot entertainment screen. You can see the recommended video content on the homepage of the screen without opening the app.

In addition, temperature control, music switching, and common map functions can be easily completed without opening the application. For example, the temperature can be adjusted by holding down the temperature number by hand and sliding up and down, which is more convenient than the physical knob. In addition, like the shortcut bar of mobile phone, Galaxy OS can open the shortcut button of vehicle control by pulling it from top to bottom, and can also add and subtract functions that can be operated quickly.

Since the Star Yue L central control is a widescreen, the Galaxy OS1.2 version is adapted to the widescreen homepage card, and the owner can directly slide up and down the homepage and choose to display four applications: music, map, WeChat applet and weather. Moreover, compared with the hidden sliding cards of many car companies, the cards of Galaxy OS 1.2 can guide the car owners to use correctly on the UI, which is more convenient and has lower learning cost.

The cockpit experience enters the scene

"Scene" is the most frequently mentioned word in the field of autonomous driving, and now the intelligent cockpit has begun to split the scene. In the Galaxy OS 1.2 version, the thinking of "scene" has also been added.

For example, when the main driver gets on the bus, the central control panel will pop up a shortcut bar for car control for about 5 seconds. In the shortcut bar, it can be used to adjust the seat and open the trunk, which is very convenient. When we experience other smart cars, we need to operate 2 to 3 steps on the screen every time we get on the bus to find the corresponding car control shortcut bar. This function of Galaxy OS is very practical and has a good impression of MAX.

In addition, there are many scenes on the central control screen and the passenger screen, which can be activated by touch screen click or voice control. For example, there is a car wash mode on the central control panel, which automatically closes the window skylight and retracts the rearview mirror after use. The nap mode is common to everyone. You can put down the seat with one button, turn on the ventilation and set an alarm clock.

There are also unusual scenes, such as the Goddess mode. After being enabled, the passenger seat will move backwards, and the seat will move forward after closing the door. The passenger screen will show a pink dynamic effect, and at the same time, a small voice will say: Welcome to the fairy, pick up hot chicks’s skills are full.

For the co-pilot screen, there will be a movie viewing mode. The co-pilot has an independent Bluetooth module, which can connect Bluetooth headsets and enjoy the independent sound source of the co-pilot screen without interfering with the driving of the main driver.

In addition, there is a co-pilot exclusive wallpaper, which can be used by users in need to declare sovereignty.

For the driver, the car WeChat has also been upgraded. When there is no one in the car, the message will be played directly. When there are other people in the car, the message from which friend will be displayed on the central control screen. Only when the owner presses the corresponding button will WeChat broadcast.

Thanks to the powerful computing power of Qualcomm 8155 chip, the co-pilot screen, the central control screen and the instrument screen can also be linked. Through three-finger sliding, the navigation map of the central control screen can be dragged to the instrument screen, and music and movies can be dragged to the co-pilot screen. The co-pilot screen can also query the map and send it to the central control screen for use.

The experience of Galaxy OS made my eyes shine. Personally, I think the user experience is better than that of most new car brands, and it is also better than the Baidu turnkey solution used by some brands before.

Behind this is the advantage of the tripartite joint model of car companies+technology companies+Baidu. Yikatong has assumed the role of product manager, collecting feedback from the daily use of tens of thousands of users, and then integrating Baidu’s technical solutions to polish the functions better.

Direct hit recovery pain point lead battery utilization has a target responsibility system.

  China is a big producer and user of lead-acid batteries, and the output of lead-acid batteries accounts for more than 40% of the world’s total output. At present, despite the rapid development of lithium batteries and hydrogen batteries, lead-acid batteries are still widely used in transportation, communication, energy storage, logistics and other industries because of their stable performance, safe use and high cost performance. Zhang Tianren, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Tianneng Group, told the Science and Technology Daily reporter that with the improvement of environmental protection and industry access, at present, the pollution source of lead-acid batteries has shifted from production to recycling and regeneration.

  The Interim Measures for the Management of Lead-acid Battery Recycling (Draft for Comment) (hereinafter referred to as the "Measures") drafted by the National Development and Reform Commission, etc., is precisely to grasp the weakest link in the prevention and control of lead-acid battery pollution throughout its life cycle, and requires that the standardized recovery rate should reach over 60% by the end of 2025.

  "Underground industrial chain" recycling accounts for 70%

  With the continuous exploitation of lead ore resources in China, there are not many primary lead reserves, which can no longer meet the domestic industrial demand for lead. The data shows that in 2018, China’s refined lead production was about 5.25 million tons, accounting for about 44% of the global lead production. Among them, there are about 3 million tons of primary lead and 2.25 million tons of recycled lead. At this development rate, China’s lead ore resources will be basically mined after 10 years. If the recycling of waste lead-acid batteries and lead-containing wastes is not accelerated, there will be a serious shortage of lead resources in China.

  Zhang Tianren said that the environmental pollution of lead-acid batteries in the manufacturing process can be prevented, cured and controlled, but the pollution situation in illegal recycling and disposal is serious. Some small business hawkers buy illegally in the streets and lanes. After simple crushing, they sell lead plates to unqualified small workshops and small smelters. Small smelters lack or even have no environmental protection facilities, and they can be smelted with just one pot; Batteries are disassembled at will, acid liquid is dumped at will, lead dust is discharged at will, and lead slag is disposed at will.

  According to incomplete statistics, about 198 million lead-acid batteries weighing more than 5 million tons are scrapped every year, of which only 30% are recycled through formal channels and standardized smelting, while 70% are recycled through "underground industrial chain". In China, more than 300,000 tons of lead-containing waste acid are directly dumped due to illegal recycling every year, which seriously pollutes the environment.

  In order to solve the problem of illegal purchase by small traders and hawkers, the Measures put forward the "ledger system and big data management", that is, the electronic ledger system for key nodes in the whole life cycle of lead-acid batteries is implemented, and lead-acid battery production (import), sales, collection, storage, transportation and resource utilization enterprises should establish ledgers as required to record the types, quantities, flow directions and other information of waste lead-acid batteries; Enterprises such as lead battery production (import), sales and resource utilization record electronic ledger information, and upload the last quarter ledger information to the lead battery life cycle management information system within the first 15 days of each quarter.

  Zheng Qiuhua, general manager of Guangdong Lvxun Energy Technology Co., Ltd., said that this enables the collection of each waste lead-acid battery to achieve the purpose of "traceability, quantity and responsibility", thus improving the standardized recovery rate of waste lead-acid batteries and reducing the risk of environmental pollution.

  Solve "difficulties" such as trans-provincial transshipment and network construction.

  "Supporting large-scale backbone lead-acid battery manufacturers to establish a standardized recycling system and bringing the recycling and disposal of used batteries into a standardized track will help protect the ecological environment." Zhang Tianren explained that there are three main difficulties in building a recycling system. First of all, it is difficult to transport lead-acid batteries across provinces. As waste lead-acid batteries are classified as hazardous waste, a hazardous waste transfer form must be filled in when transferring them across provinces. Generally speaking, even if the approval procedures are smooth, it will take about 3 months; Secondly, it is difficult to build outlets. According to the requirements of relevant national laws and regulations, it takes more than half a year to engage in the recycling business of used lead-acid batteries, and the procedures are complicated. It is also necessary to build a standardized recycling company in each prefecture-level city, which is costly. There is also a shortcoming in finance and taxation. Recycling enterprises disperse recycling from individuals or outlets. It is impossible for individuals to issue VAT invoices to recycling enterprises. However, when selling waste batteries to regular recycling enterprises, 17% VAT invoices are required, which is too expensive. Small business hawkers sell to small smelters through invoice-free transactions, and the cost is greatly reduced. "This is the main reason why regular enterprises can’t collect used batteries or buy them at a loss."

  The "Measures" propose that the undamaged waste lead batteries with intact tamper-proof labels should be conditionally exempted from hazardous waste management in collection, temporary storage, storage and transportation; If there is no tamper-proof mark, the tamper-proof mark is incomplete or damaged, it shall be managed as hazardous waste.

  "In the past, even the waste lead-acid batteries with complete packaging and no damage had to be transported by special vehicles for hazardous chemicals logistics, and the price of special vehicles for hazardous chemicals logistics was more than twice that of ordinary logistics transport vehicles." Zhang Tianren said that the differentiated management of the Measures has greatly reduced various procedures for formal recycling enterprises, reduced their operating costs and improved their market competitiveness.

  The Measures also put forward "joint recycling", that is, encourage lead battery manufacturers, sales enterprises, standardized recycling enterprises, resource utilization enterprises and harmless disposal enterprises to strengthen cooperation and jointly build a recycling network system for waste lead batteries; Encourage production enterprises to establish a reverse recovery network system of used lead batteries by relying on motor vehicle maintenance outlets and battery sales networks, and encourage production enterprises to adopt business strategies such as "trade-in" and "sell one for another" to improve the reverse recovery rate.

  Zheng Qiuhua said that countries such as Europe and the United States have started collecting and utilizing waste lead-acid batteries earlier, and have more standardized recycling systems and policies. If the United States implements the deposit system, users need to add a high recovery deposit when purchasing lead-acid batteries, forcing users to hand over scrapped lead-acid batteries to designated recovery points for recycling, otherwise the deposit will not be refunded; German law requires manufacturers of lead-acid batteries to sell and collect waste lead-acid batteries in a "one-for-one" way, otherwise the sales of lead-acid batteries will be prohibited. The "Measures" also absorbed foreign advanced experience and narrowed the gap between domestic and foreign countries in regulating recycling and recycling.

  Improve the punishment mechanism to prevent "resurgence"

  Waste lead batteries contain 65% lead plate, 20% sulfuric acid, 15% plastic and other auxiliary materials. The lead recovery rate of waste lead storage batteries in developed countries is over 98%, and that of large-scale recycled lead enterprises in China is generally over 90%, and some recycled lead enterprises adopting international technology and equipment even reach 99.9%. However, the process of small workshops and smelters is backward, and the lead recovery rate is less than 70%. Even if the recovery rate is 90%, the annual lead loss caused by small smelters is about 700,000 tons. Moreover, the cost of obtaining resources through regeneration is much lower than the cost of obtaining resources directly from smelting and processing of ores and raw materials.

  In order to combat and put an end to illegal recycling and recycling, the Measures stipulate that units and individuals engaged in the sale, collection, storage, transportation and resource utilization of lead-acid batteries without obtaining industrial and commercial business licenses shall be punished; Those who sell waste lead-acid batteries to non-compliant enterprises shall be ordered to make rectification within a time limit and other relatively perfect "punishment mechanisms".

  In this regard, Zhang Tianren said that small recycled lead refineries built without environmental protection approval should be resolutely banned, joint law enforcement should be strengthened, a high-pressure situation should be maintained, and a long-term mechanism should be established to prevent "resurgence"; Those responsible for causing environmental pollution shall be severely punished and held jointly and severally liable; Give play to the role of public supervision, set up a reward mechanism for reporting, and investigate and deal with reports together; Increase consumer education, so that the whole people can establish the concept of saving resources and protecting the environment, and consciously resist the pollution in the process of disposal and regeneration of waste lead batteries.

  Including the planning and tightening of lead storage battery recycling management, the threshold of lead storage battery industry is being further improved. For example, at the beginning of July this year, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology punished seven lead battery manufacturers, including Jiangsu Jinchangxing Power Supply Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen Xiongtao Power Technology Co., Ltd., which did not meet the "Lead Battery Industry Specification Conditions (2015 Edition)" and "Lead Battery Industry Announcement Management Measures (2015 Edition)". (Reporter Li He)