"Good Chinese Teammate" Li Chen: I am not a person with well-developed limbs and a simple mind

Video: Li Chen: Running Group "Big Black Bull" Practice Record





He is a "big black cow" who is as powerful as an ox, and a "good teammate of China" who is as careful as dust.

In order to record Zhejiang Satellite TV’s "Run, Brother", he gained 20 catties, ate five fitness meals and 20 eggs a day, just to have enough physical strength to face off against unknown opponents. In the team, he always gave everyone a full sense of security, and was even jokingly called Chen He by Wang Baoqiang. When he saw him, he felt like a "mother". This "good Chinese teammate" is Li Chen.

The first season of "Running Brothers" is coming to an end, and the New Year’s Eve concert of Zhejiang Satellite TV is just around the corner. The popular guest Li Chen gave an interview to the national media’s WeChat yesterday afternoon. In this searing interview, "Mr. Good" Li Chen also answered questions. When talking about "Running Brothers", he sincerely said, "The biggest harvest is that the seven of us are a very happy process together, and I also believe that this process will be a very important part of my acting career."

Big guy has big brains.

"I’m not a man with strong limbs and a simple mind"

For Li Chen, "Running Man" has a very special meaning for him this year. When he looked at the special emotions for the show, he said, "After watching the show, many people pay more attention to us running men. I think first of all, thank the program team for making a very successful platform, allowing us actors to show our real parts on this platform, and then we all work very hard. Everyone did these things at the beginning, and they were also under a lot of pressure. As we all know," Running Man "is a phenomenal show, which is very influential not only in Korea, China, and Asia. We have to work harder under a successful show, so we have to do better and better."

Since the first episode of the show, the mighty title of "Big Black Bull" has been accompanying Li Chen, and he has high hopes to be regarded as "China’s version of Jinzhongguo". Li Chen said with a smile, "The name of Big Black Bull seems to have been taken by Chen He. In the first episode, he casually said it and gave me such a nickname. He always gives other people nicknames." For the show, Li Chen gained 10 kilograms in particular and performed very well. In his opinion, everyone’s physical strength has actually improved. "I guess our physical strength is quite good now, and we can withstand it relatively well, and our endurance is also very good. It should be no problem to participate in a marathon." Many fans are going to ask, what’s the secret to having such a good figure? Li Chen said, "As for fitness, I think the secret of sharing is perseverance. There is no shortcut to this thing, only continuous training, time and sweat will definitely succeed."

In addition to his exceptional physical strength, Li Chen’s brain is also very good, and he is regarded as a "technical madman" by the "Brotherhood". He said, "After all, I am not a person with developed limbs and simple minds. I still like to analyze some problems in the program to help everyone win, which is relatively efficient. In fact, I personally prefer technical things, and I like to analyze, but in the next few episodes, they blocked my mouth and wouldn’t listen to what I said, thinking I was a Tang monk."

From an elegant man to a tough guy, will the play be different? Li Chen told the truth: "I haven’t received any plays that require a big man yet."

"Running Group" Love each other and lose each other

"Is it a joke with pets and tearing up brand names?"

The reason why "Running Brothers" has been loved by so many fans is closely related to the close and unburdened performance of the seven members of the "Brothers Group". In each interview, the members are generous and happy to break the news, and they can’t stop. In a previous interview, Li Chen was exposed by Deng Chao to playing with pets at home. In the interview yesterday (December 27), Li Chen clarified: "The matter of tearing up famous tags with pets is a joke by Chao’er, how can it be possible to stick a famous tag on the pet and tear it? No matter what we do now, we are gradually drifting away on the road of mutual damage and self-harm."

Wang Baoqiang said that Chen He saw Li Chen like he saw his mother, which became a meme in the show. Talking about this, Li Chen smiled and said, "Since the boat ride, Chen He and I will have more combinations in the show, and we will often be arranged into a group. I think this thing is still a relatively random one. Maybe everyone likes our combination better, one can be rushed and bumped, and the other is more funny."

Not long ago, a photo of Chen He playing games at the airport with his back to Li Chen sparked a heated discussion among netizens. Li Chen broke the news in particular: "Sometimes it takes 17 or 18 hours for us to record the program, and it’s already very late when we go back. Chen He sometimes has to fight games at night. I asked him if you can get up the next day.

Li Chen was really "troubled" in the show, because he was directly "smoked" by Zheng Kai’s fart. On the night of the show, a topic that "distressed Li Chen" actually appeared on Weibo’s hot topic list. Li Chen said, "Kai Kai is very popular, girls like him very much, and he is also a handsome guy in our team. I have to ask him about farts, and I am a little farther away from his position now."

In the eyes of Li Chen, who was on the show, "Everyone will show their different talents and talents in the show, and everyone is quite subversive. In fact, there are not many episodes of the show, and I am also very reluctant to give up." He added, "We are all very serious. If everyone is not serious during the game recording process, they are all joking and fooling around, I believe the show will not be good."

I’m really looking forward to Goodfellas.

I also very much hope to have a happy family like Deng Chao and Bao Qiang

Li Chen, who was very popular, was too busy, "I’m basically the same as Chen He, let alone this year, I probably didn’t have any rest time for five or six years. Basically, I have a job every day, 365 days a year, 360 days." Although there are many reality TV shows to find, he can only do a good job of "Run Brother", "Anyway, I definitely don’t have time. I think I should do one thing first, and do a good job of the show Running Man."

In Li Chen’s acting career, the most important and most unforgettable memory is actually Jianning in "Seventeen Years Old Don’t Cry", although this name is no longer his only label, "Jianning has really accompanied me for the longest time. There are still many friends around me who still call me by this name, which has become a habit, which is very good."

In addition to "Running Brothers," Li Chen and his film and television works are also excellent. He mentioned, "I played a play called" Goodfellas, "and there is a character called Shi Guang in that play. I think it is better than Dragon Crow, and I like it. I am very much looking forward to the play" Goodfellas ". At the same time, I am also a producer and star, but due to some special reasons, it has not been released for a long time. I very much hope that it can be broadcast as soon as possible. I feel that in the past two or three years, it may be difficult for me to surpass in the same type of subject matter. I really shot it well and acted it well."

With such a successful career, what are the plans for marriage and love? When it comes to the two teammates who have become husbands and fathers, Li Chen is very envious, "Chao’er is very happy, and Baoqiang is also very happy. They are all very enviable families in our team. I hope, can you have a happy family?"

[Picture] "Sword Rain" was released nationwide, Wang Xueqi changed his face, voice and body

Wang Xueqi’s stills – the lowly "ninth-grade eunuch"

Wang Xueqi stills – Jianghu Supreme "Wheel King"

  On September 28, the "five-star commercial martial arts film" landed in major theaters across the country, and this much-anticipated hardcover masterpiece finally met with fans across the country. Produced by Woo Yusen, directed by Su Zhaobin, and joined by many powerful movie stars such as Wang Xueqi, Yang Qiqiong, Zheng Yusheng, Big S, Yu Wenle, Dai Liren, etc., the ultra-luxurious production team has created a wonderful story of rivers and lakes.

  In "Sword Rain", Wang Xueqi, the powerful movie star who plays the anti-number one "Wheel King", has created too many memorable big-screen roles, from Shisanyan to Li Yutang in "October Siege". However, it is the first time to play a villain and challenge a difficult play, which can be said to be one of the biggest highlights of the whole film. The identity of "Wheel King" is quite complicated. On the one hand, it is the dark and strange "gang boss" who leads the martial arts, and on the other hand, it is the "ninth-grade eunuch" who has a low status in the deep palace. In the film, Wang Xueqi treats the voice of the voice, and most of the time he uses a very unique gloomy voice to interpret the character. He said that he came up with this treatment of the voice, because the real identity of the character is a eunuch, and he hates his own voice. At the same time, as a leader of the rivers and lakes, the tone of the eunuch is obviously inappropriate. It seems that in order to play the role well, Wang Xueqi really put in a lot of effort, and even the small details are very careful. The film’s producer, John Woo, once said that Wang Xueqi not only has good acting skills, but also has a lot of ideas and innovations, and he can put forward many constructive ideas.

  In the film, the "Wheel King" led a group of apprentices with stunts to run amok in the rivers and lakes, which was terrifying. Later, there was even internal strife within the "Blackstone" and they fought each other. However, what was the truth buried behind all this, and what was the purpose of the "Wheel King" training a magical skill to break into the rivers and lakes? "Sword Rain" has revealed its mysterious veil, the most bizarre and intricate plot, the most heart-wrenching love, and the most unexpected ending, you will all see it once in "Sword Rain"!

How much does Deng Chao, who has repeatedly challenged Chinese basketball, love this sport?

  On September 29th, Beijing time on the evening of September 26th, the Chinese women’s basketball team took revenge at the 2018 Women’s Basketball World Cup. The Japanese women’s basketball team advanced to the quarterfinals. On the evening of the 27th, the famous movie star Deng Chao posted a Weibo with hindsight. The content was simple and continued his usual funny style: "I decided to join the Chinese women’s basketball team."

  This is the 26 days after Deng Chao once again mentioned Chinese basketball on Weibo. The last time was on the evening of September 1. After Deng Chao witnessed the Chinese men’s basketball team taking revenge on the Iranian men’s basketball team at the Asian Games and regaining the Asian Games championship after a lapse of 8 years, he excitedly wrote on Weibo: "Chinese men’s basketball team, great!"

  But instead of simply praising the men’s basketball team, Deng Chao directly announced on the evening of the 27th that he would join the Chinese women’s basketball team, which is obviously impossible. Deng Chao’s decision was also "disliked" by many women’s basketball players. His short height and age made Deng Chao an unwanted uncle, but Deng Chao’s decision still shocked the basketball world. Even the official Weibo of the Chinese Basketball Association commented on Deng Chao and said: "The shooting posture is very beautiful, I am optimistic about you." Deng Chao’s good brother, CCTV sports commentator Yu Jia, joked: "Heavy! Official announcement: film and television male stars give up the promotion of new films to join the Chinese women’s basketball team!" The Weibo was also praised by Deng Chao.

  But Deng Chao’s decision to join the Chinese women’s basketball team did not seem too surprising, because Deng Chao, a crazy basketball fan, has long been unwilling to be just a fan. In the past, Deng Chao was a fan of Yao Ming, who laughed, cried, and was moved by Yao Ming’s game. After a dinner with Yao Ming, Deng Chao called everyone for almost two hours after the meal, and instantly replaced the screen saver with his and Yao Ming’s, smiling from ear to ear. Yao Ming impressed Deng Chao even more because of his humor. During the first meeting with Deng Chao, Yao Ming said to Deng Chao: "Although I will say hello to you first, I must be honest. I prefer to watch your daughter-in-law’s plays."

  At the same time, Deng Chao also invited Yao Ming to attend the wedding. In order not to embarrass Yao Ming, who refused to eat shark fin advertisements, the wedding party was specially cancelled. When Yao Ming retired, Deng Chao once said very sadly: "Sometimes I also hope that Yao Ming can get better and go on the court to play. After Yao Ming was injured, I left a more profound memory. Sometimes I really want to give him my legs and let him continue to play." However, after Yao Ming retired, Deng Chao, who lost the spiritual pillar of basketball, did not lose his love for basketball.

  In fact, Deng Chao has also been very talented since he was a child. Although he is not a basketball talent, he has a talent for sports. In primary school, Deng Chao won the first place several times in the "Miao Miao Cup", a famous sports competition for primary school students in Jiangxi Province, and became the school’s key training target. In college, NBA made Deng Chao obsessed with basketball. During his studies in Chinese opera, he liked to play basketball when he had nothing to do, and he played it for a day. However, Deng Chao’s playing style at that time was not technical. His classmates described him as "Sakuragi Blossom Road", and Deng Chao himself said: "Playing is like wrestling, but I jump faster than others, so I am usually a small forward."

  In 2008, when "Yitian Dragon Slayer" was filmed in Wudang Mountain, Deng Chao did not forget to play basketball, and Yi Jianlian and Zhu Fangyu were also "snared" by him on the friend list. After that, Deng Chao also played with the former women’s basketball national player Xu and others.

  Usually, Deng Chao likes to play basketball like every basketball enthusiast, and often appears on the wild court to play with passers-by. He has a certain level of shooting, and his good figure and training for a long time also make him have good athletic ability. In late August this year, the 39-year-old Deng Chao also posted a short video on Weibo of himself easily touching the backboard with a small run-up, and modestly said: "I’m old", as if "showing off" my sword is not old. The comment area’s "convinced" also revealed Deng Chao’s 39-year-old body and 18-year-old heart.

  Do you think Deng Chao is just "challenging" netizens? Obviously not, Deng Chao, who has a good relationship with many players and media people in the basketball circle, has had many challenges with Internet celebrity Guo Allen. In the summer of 2016, Deng Chao played on the outdoor court with excellent feel. In addition to 6 consecutive free throws, he also picked up the ball after losing the seventh free throw and hit the basket. After posting the video on Weibo, Deng Chao said proudly: "NBA inform me to participate in next year’s draft. I don’t know which team will be selected in the first place?" Unexpectedly, as soon as Weibo was posted, Guo Allen gave Deng Chao a heart-wrenching message: "You guess 16, you can’t choose before you reach the age, brother". The lie was exposed by Guo Allen, and Deng Chao also directly challenged Guo Allen: "Guo Allen, dare to go one-on-one with me?" From then on, Deng Chao also began to "challenge" Chinese basketball and even the entire basketball circle.

  In November 2016, Deng Chao pasted the book of "Dream Team" on his face as a mask, and said on Weibo: "Forward this basketball god, and Jordan will be possessed from now on. Dribble as fast as the wind, pass the ball and assist, shoot the ball, and dunk the basic skills." It has become the "god of basketball".

  A year later, Deng Chao’s hard work has been able to complete the split after the basket is lowered, and in May 2017, he posted a video of his single-handed split, and he also said that he was wearing sandals, and he only started playing basketball in his sophomore year. This is not over yet. Deng Chao once again "challenged" Guo Allen, and he said in the comment area, "What about Guo Allen?" In this regard, Guo Allen was also very afraid, "Brother Chao heard that you are looking for me to dunk, and your dunk is so strong that I am afraid to send my own. I am practicing hard now. How will we compare in ten years?" Guo Allen replied to Deng Chao like this.

  Don’t look at Deng Chao has been "challenging" Chinese basketball, but he is not on a whim, as a basketball enthusiast, Deng Chao’s favorite is playing and running, Garnett, Pierce and Ray Allen in the past to form the Celtics three giants, Deng Chao is a Celtics fan, but also specially let the United States to the front to explain the game CCTV sports commentator Yu Jia for him to bring back a Celtics giant signed jersey, now, Deng Chao’s favorite NBA stars have Harden and James.

  In normal times, Deng Chao did not care less about the game. When the Beijing team played at home in the past, Deng Chao saw Deng Chao many times. NBA China match was held, Deng Chao also went to the front court to watch the game many times. 2014-15 season’s CBA finals, Deng Chao and many stars watched the game at the home of the Beijing team. During the period, Deng Chao was also invited to play the game of dribbling during the game. Deng Chao, who ran around the huge basketball, was like a child having fun and was very happy. In the NBA China match in 2017, when the Warriors and Timberwolves played in Shanghai, Deng Chao and Sun Li brought their beloved son "etc." to watch the game. Under the influence of Deng Chao, his son also likes sports and basketball very much. In the future, has to enter the age of no confusion Deng super natural more likely to NBA, but I believe that the old heart is not old brother will also be a super fan of Chinese basketball and NBA, will always pay attention to the Chinese men’s and women’s basketball and has been concerned about the NBA, after all, basketball has also been integrated into Deng Chao’s blood.


Deep integration to fully empower Samsung Galaxy S24 series to unlock high-energy AI applications

Some people say that if you haven’t used ChatGPT to solve problems at work in 2024, or haven’t recognized AI-synthesized pictures on social platforms, you will be lagging behind the times. The rapid development of AI in recent years has indeed overwhelmed many users. For the mobile phone industry, 2024 will also be a shining moment for AI technology competition and landing. In the future, whether a mobile phone can provide a satisfactory AI experience may directly affect consumers’ purchase intention. On January 18, Samsung officially released the Galaxy S24 series to the world, bringing a new experience empowered by Galaxy AI, becoming the "AI phone" that attracted much attention at the beginning of the year.

In recent years, Samsung has invested heavily in artificial intelligence research and development. Since 2017, the Samsung Artificial Intelligence Research Center (SAIC) has been dedicated to the research and development of cutting-edge artificial intelligence technology, and Samsung has also applied for about 3,000 patents related to artificial intelligence. At the Samsung Artificial Intelligence Forum in 2023, Samsung Gauss, a self-developed artificial intelligence model, made its debut. Samsung said that the model can be used in various aspects such as mobile phone calls, imaging, security, and announced that the upcoming Galaxy flagship phone will use self-developed generative AI technology.

Just as the concept of "AI phone" was about to come out, Samsung’s low-key move attracted much attention from the industry as soon as it was announced. Less than two months later, the Samsung Galaxy S24 series came with Galaxy AI, and at the same time brought a series of mature and complete generative AI applications, which depicted for consumers what an "AI phone" should look like.

A closer look at the entire suite of applications that Galaxy AI empowers shows that Samsung is pushing generative AI into every aspect of the smartphone experience. This includes features such as real-time call translation and writing assistants that improve the communication experience, as well as productivity-enhancing tools such as note-taking assistants and transcription assistants. There are also generative editing comparable to professional retouching software, and a circle-and-search function that makes the mobile search experience fully upgraded. With Galaxy AI, the Galaxy S24 series has achieved a comprehensive reinvention of the mobile phone experience by AI.

For the vast majority of consumers, the result of this change is first and foremost more convenient conditions. Take the circle and search as an example. When users of the Galaxy S24 series see content of interest on the screen, whether it is text, pictures or videos, just press the Home button for a long time, and then circle, highlight, paint or touch the selected object on the screen, the phone can intelligently identify the corresponding content, and then display the search results. The whole process does not need to jump out of the app you are using, nor do you need to think about keywords. Everything is done naturally.

At the same time, Galaxy AI will also allow users to truly feel the power of smartphones, allowing users to make the most of the "performance monster" in their hands. For example, the generative editing function equipped with the Galaxy S24 series can bring back to life those carefully shot but not ideal photos. Users can adjust the tilted screen to level or move the position of an object in the screen according to their own wishes, and the generative editing will be responsible for intelligently filling in the blanks left by these operations, leaving no traces at all.

Providing a combined local and cloud AI experience is another reassuring feature of Galaxy AI. In the face of tasks that need to be completed with the help of the network, such as circling and searching, Galaxy AI can allow users to obtain more information through cloud AI. In other scenarios, such as real-time call translation, Galaxy AI can ensure the privacy of users’ conversations through device-based artificial intelligence.

The launch of Samsung’s Galaxy S24 series is a powerful boost to the introduction of generative AI technology into smartphones. According to market research firm Counterpoint Research, 2024 will be a key year for global AI smartphones, with the AI smartphone market growing at a compound annual growth rate of 83% between 2024 and 2027. In addition, Counterpoint researchers believe: "As it did with foldable phones, Samsung is likely to capture nearly 50% of the market share of AI smartphones in the next two years."

[Gathering Beautiful Anhui in the Net, Decisively Fighting Poverty] "The girl with the emblem of goods" brings a prosperous day.

  Zhongan Online and Zhongan News Client News In the Ming Dynasty, Wang Zhiluo, a Huizhou merchant, invested in the construction of the Shiban Road from Fucheng, Huizhou to Kaihua County, Zhejiang Province. This road is called Huikai Ancient Road. After thousands of years of rain, snow, wind and frost, the ancient road is still intact. In recent years, this charming ancient road has attracted the attention of many travelers, and with the rapid increase of the number of tourists, it has brought quiet changes to Lingjiao Village, Yucun Township, Xiuning County.

  The "prostitute" with goods is well known.

  Cheng Cailing, a villager, opened a farm house in Lingjiao in the village. Travelers who go hiking on the ancient Huikai Road usually choose this as the starting point for hiking. After a long time, the simple Cheng Cailing became friends with many donkey friends, who often asked her to help bring some authentic mountain products. Over time, Cheng Cailing became a famous "girl with a badge" in the local area. On September 24, the reporter came to Lingjiao Farmhouse, and happened to meet aunt Wang Qiaoxian and brother Wang Jiafeng, poor households, who came to the store with dried prunes and yam powder to ask Cheng Cailing to help with the goods.

  "Daughter", with a cordial address, 68-year-old Aunt Wang Qiaoxian talked with Cheng Cailing in the local dialect. After weighing, Cheng Cailing took out the account book and wrote it down. Looking through the account book, each piece of information represents each record of "taking goods". It can be said that this is a "diary of taking goods". It is understood that Aunt Wang Qiaoxian had undergone skull surgery and could not do heavy work. On weekdays, she planted some mountain products. Originally, there was no sales channel in the village, so she had to go a long way to the county to sell it, and sometimes it didn’t sell. Now, with Cheng Cailing’s help, we can not only sell it at home, but also sell it at a good price.

  The market price of ordinary vermicelli is around 7 yuan. The two kilograms of sweet potato vermicelli brought by Wang Jiafeng were sold by Cheng Cailing at the price of one kilogram of 25 yuan, and the demand was in short supply. The loofah made from three loofah vines at the door of poor households has sold for more than 800 yuan a year through Cheng Cailing. Since the delivery of goods in 2016, Cheng Cailing’s accumulated sales have reached more than 1.6 million yuan, driving poor households to increase their income by more than 200,000 yuan.

  On the first floor of Lingjiao Farmhouse, there is also a "selling point for agricultural products of poor households". On the counter, there are local specialties such as sweet potato vermicelli, dried bracken, dried bamboo shoots and ham, and on the ground, there are seasonal vegetables such as white gourd, loofah and farm pepper, which are sold to poor households for free.

  Take precautions and March into the live broadcast.

  Recently, Cheng Cailing often falls asleep at 1 o’clock at night. She told reporters that she has been learning and making progress in order to keep up with the times. "Look, this kudzu powder is brewed with 100-degree boiling water. After stirring, it will become a cool food with a little honey." A column of circular lights and three connected mobile phones, Cheng Cailing is doing a live broadcast of e-commerce.

  Guo Mibao, a sister-in-law, has been working outside the home. The year before last, she went back to her hometown to help her sister-in-law manage the agency in Wechat business. "My family opened a fan processing factory two years ago to help the villagers do OEM work." Although Cheng Cailing’s shop sells on behalf of others, everything that goes out through the shop is signed by the villagers, which is equivalent to a "quality guarantee form". If there is a quality complaint in the future, let the signer compensate the customer. "We must be responsible to the customer, and we must never be short of weight and ensure the quality."

  The things in the mountains are good, and it is even more important for the leaders to get rich to keep up with the times in time. "I am now helping my sister-in-law to do live broadcast, and also helping her to handle online orders. From June to September this year, the online e-commerce part has sales of 230,000. "

  Guo Mibao’s online order refers to the online trading platform for agricultural products built by Xiuning County itself. Li Xingbiao, the first secretary of the Party branch of Lingjiao Village and the captain of the poverty alleviation team, told the reporter, "This service center was built with 200,000 special funds for poverty alleviation in our village. If Cheng Cailing’s annual acquisition and sales can reach 1 million, it can be used free of rent." Next, Cheng Cailing plans to register her own sweet potato fan brand. "With the support of the local government, we will make our fan industry more standardized."

  Voluntary assistance to agriculture makes good people.

  Helping poor households to bring goods free of charge, strictly controlling quality and being honest, Cheng Cailing herself has successively won the honorary titles of "Top Ten Entrepreneurship Stars" in Xiuning County, "Women’s meritorious pacesetter" in Huangshan City, "Women’s meritorious pacesetter" in Anhui Province, "Good People in Huangshan Mountain", "Five Good Families in China" and "March 8th Red Flag Bearer" in Anhui Province.

  "I have a heavier responsibility on my shoulders now." Cheng Cailing told reporters that in order to improve her ability, she constantly tried new forms of e-commerce live broadcast. Due to the large amount of goods, Lingjiao Village, which was originally not available for express delivery, also settled in several express delivery sites.

  With the help of the government, Cheng Cailing expanded the scale. "The government supports me so much, and the villagers trust me so much. I can’t slack off. I must keep working hard to sell more high-quality agricultural products for the villagers." (Reporter Zhang Yizhen, Liu Yuxin, Wang Binbin)

Products sold by Cheng Cailing

Cheng Cai ling de happy farmhouse

Cheng Cailing is bringing goods live.

Three loofah vines in front of Cheng Qumin’s house

Aunt Wang Qiaoxian and Brother Wang Jiafeng, poor households, asked Cheng Cailing to help with the goods.