Wang Shouchang: Sun Tzu’s Art of War, which was ignited by "Hurricane", has a particularly high moral content

  The TV series "Hurricane" was a hit, and it brought fire to "The Art of War". The sales of "The Art of War" increased sharply and even sold out. Gao Qiqiang, the villain in the play, praised "The Art of War", which made netizens seem curious about the strategy of "The Art of War". In fact, "The Art of War" is based on Tao, and cares more about moral care and human spirit. It is difficult for people who do not read "The Art of War" to understand the essence of the book. As long as they can distinguish the difference between "The Art of War" and "Thirty-six Strategies", they can be regarded as understanding the book.

  According to Sima Qian’s "Historical Records", Sun Tzu lived in the Spring and Autumn Period, which was an era of great change in Chinese history. The most significant feature in politics was the decline of the Zhou royal family and the struggle for hegemony between the princes, which in Confucian terms was "the collapse of rites and the collapse of music" and "the Spring and Autumn Unjust War." According to incomplete statistics, in the 100 years from the first year of King Qing of Zhou (618 BC) to the first year of King Jing of Zhou (519 BC) alone, there were more than 160 recorded wars. For the sake of their own survival, development and competition for hegemony, countries competed to recruit military talents and encouraged the establishment of new military theories, which provided a broad stage for the appearance of soldiers and military letters.

  ▲ Qi State in the Spring and Autumn Period. (Image source: Tan Qixiang: "Atlas of Chinese History")

  Sun Tzu, a famous Wu, was a native of Qi State in the late Spring and Autumn Period. His birth and death years were difficult to determine, and he was in the same era or slightly later than Confucius. Qi State was the fief of Jiang Ziya, the founder of the Western Zhou Dynasty, and according to legend, military strategy books such as "Six Tao" and "Conspiracy" were related to him. During the Spring and Autumn Period, there were also famous officials who assisted Duke Huan Qi to achieve hegemony and left a very rich military legacy. Qi State jumped to become the political, economic and cultural center of the world at that time, and became a place where heroes gathered. Such a social environment also provided theoretical support for Sun Tzu’s military research, enabling him to become a learned military talent in his youth. After that, Sun Tzu and Wu Zixu jointly assisted King Wu ********* Cha and his son to defeat Chu, Yue and other countries and become the hegemon of the south. Wu Zixu was forced to commit suicide because he failed to persuade his husband, but the deeds of his grandson are not found in historical records. Later generations speculated that he may have been like Fan Li and retired to the mountains and forests when he became famous.

  To study Sun Tzu’s Art of War, one must first understand two concepts: one is "Tao"; the other is "Instrument". These two concepts are defined in the Book of Changes as follows: "The metaphysical one is called the Tao, and the metaphysical one is called the Instrument." Since the upper part of the visible is "Tao", then the "Instrument" of "the metaphysical one is called the Instrument" refers to specific things, and can also be expressed directly with "Shu". "Shu" is the specific application method of rational cognition. The relationship between "Tao" and "Instrument" is: "The Tao is in the Instrument, and the Tao controls the Instrument." This is the fundamental way of thinking in Chinese philosophy. " Tao "There are various sayings in Chinese philosophy, which are briefly summarized as the causality and regularity inherent in nature, society, and human beings, which are compared to the moral ontology and the realm of people’s transcendental understanding.In Chinese culture, it has always been believed that "Tao" is "the essence", "Shu" is "the end"; "Tao" is "the body", and "Shu" is "use". "Shu" is inseparable from "Tao", and there is no purely independent "Shu".

  ▲ Portrait of Sun Wu. (Image source: CCTV)

  Today, many people read "The Art of War" and pay attention to the art of strategy, which vulgarizes "The Art of War". This is putting the cart before the horse, and it is also the biggest misunderstanding.In the Book of Changes, it is said that "great virtue carries things", which is worthy of our deep consideration. An entrepreneur and politician who has no self-morality constraints and no national, national, and social responsibilities will inevitably go astray. The traditional Chinese cultural way of thinking and moral cultivation are closely related, such as "inner sage and outer king" and "holy wisdom", which are consistent with the "middle mean" advocating the concept that morality and wisdom go hand in hand. This is also the so-called "great virtue must have great wisdom". In the art of war, Sun Tzu places great emphasis on humanistic spirit and moral care. This issue cannot be discussed only in the "Art of War" of Sun Tzu, and there should be a comparison and contrast. Therefore, the author compares "On War" written by German military strategist Clausewitz with "The Art of War" of Sun Tzu.

  The book "Theory of War" is a classic document in modern Western military works. The first point of view of "Theory of War" is that "war is the continuation of politics". This political concept can be enlarged to include economic, geographical and other factors. For example, if there is no oil in the Persian Gulf region, Western powers will not be so interested because they want to control strategic locations and strategic resources, so there are two Gulf wars. It can be said that this view is an accurate description of the essence of war.

  So, is there such an idea in "Sun Tzu’s Art of War"? "Sun Tzu’s Art of War" says from the beginning: "Soldiers are the major events of the country, the place of life and death, and the way of survival. It is impossible to ignore." "Soldiers" refers to war. War is the most important thing for a country. Since it affects the life and death of the people and the survival of the country, every ruler cannot fail to observe, analyze, and study it carefully. It can be said that Sun Tzu 2,500 years ago has realized that war is not an independent phenomenon, but the most important thing for a country. Therefore, Sun Tzu said that the issue of war must be treated with caution, which is the idea of "careful warfare". Because war is extremely destructive and very cruel, once it fails, it often has to bear a heavy price.Sun Tzu cautioned rulers to be cautious about war, because "a subjugated country cannot survive, and the dead cannot be resurrected."

  The Theory of War.

  The second point of "On War" is that "the fundamental purpose of war is the complete annihilation of the enemy." But Sun Tzu does not believe that war is the first choice to solve the problem. Sun Tzu said: "If you go up to the army, you will attack the enemy, and then you will attack the army, and then you will attack the city. The method of siege is a last resort."In Sun Tzu’s opinion, the best military action is to use strategies to thwart the enemy’s war behavior; the second is to establish alliances and defeat the enemy by diplomatic means; the second is to defeat the enemy by force; the last resort is to attack the enemy’s city. Siege is a last resort, there is no way.Because in his opinion, the soldiers who attacked the city like ants, with one-third of the casualties, could not succeed, which was a major disaster. Therefore, Sun Tzu proposed that winning a hundred battles is not the most brilliant; the one who can subdue all the enemies without fighting is the most brilliant. Sun Tzu is not simply talking about "the method of planning an attack", but admonishing people that "those who do not know the harm of using soldiers cannot know the benefits of using them." Sun Tzu advocated "total victory" and "wisdom victory" because he saw the cruelty of war, so he put forward the idea of "careful combat".We can appreciate the love and respect for life contained in the book "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu.

  Sun Tzu’s thinking is not isolated. In the Spring and Autumn Period, Confucianism and Mohism were called "scholars" and were the most influential schools of thought at that time. Mohism had an article called "Non-Attack". Mohism hated war so much that it specifically used such articles to oppose war. Mencius criticized war for delaying agricultural time, destroying production, mutilating innocents, and plundering people into slavery. The reasons why Confucianism and Mohism oppose war are the same. Lao Tzu said that "those who are happy to kill people should not be able to aspire to the world", which means that those who enjoy killing people cannot win the world. War brings great disasters to society and the people, so Lao Tzu said: "Those who are soldiers are ominous weapons, things or evil things, so those who have the Tao are not good." Lao Tzu’s opposition to war is self-evident.

  The author believes that the concept of paying attention to and respecting life in Chinese military science is not unrelated to the emphasis on humanities and morality in Chinese cultural traditions.Let’s first understand the meaning of the concept of "China". During the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, the word "China" was once used to refer to "Huaxia". What is Huaxia? "There is great etiquette, so it is called Xia; there is the beauty of clothing, which is called Hua." Clothing is not only a simple tool used to cover shame, but also represents a culture. The "etiquette" here does not just refer to the concept of politeness, but is regarded as a system. People of every class are responsible in their respective positions and cannot do whatever they want. In daily life, "etiquette" should also be said. Since ancient times, China has had etiquette for drinking, playing, and walking, so we have the reputation of "the state of etiquette". Huaxia is a cultural concept, and "China" is regarded as a representative of "advanced" culture and civilization.

  ▲ "The Art of War" book cover. (Wang Shouchang, photo courtesy)

  In the Song Dynasty, Liao attacked the Central Plains. Shi Jie, a famous scholar in the Song Dynasty, expressed the following views in "On China": When you were still living in caves, China had buildings; when you were still wearing fur, China had clothes; when you had no writing, China had written history. If you come to study, I will teach you; if you don’t come to study, we will be safe and not disturb each other.

  In the Song Dynasty, China was one of the most powerful countries in the world at that time. In 1988, I discussed a question with a Jewish scholar in the United States. I asked him if he knew anything about ancient China, and he said he didn’t. I asked him if he knew anything about the history of Jews coming to China during World War II. He said he knew that during World War II, some Jews were persecuted by fascism and came from Vladivostok, the Soviet Union, to Shanghai, China, where they were accepted and entertained by the Chinese. He also said that one year during the Spring Festival, overseas Jews formed a Thanksgiving Group to visit China, reflecting on the living experience of their parents, and expressing their gratitude to the Chinese government and people. In fact, what he didn’t know was that Jews had come to China long before the Song Dynasty, so it can be seen that China was an open country at that time.

  A large number of documentary records show that the Central Plains region has contacts with surrounding ethnic groups and has always been a good-neighborly and friendly relationship. Although culture, economy and military are ahead of each other, they have not taken hegemonic acts such as aggression and plunder.There is an American film called "Dances with Wolves", which tells the history of European immigration to the American continent to carve out territory and massacre large numbers of indigenous people, which is in sharp contrast.Therefore, for thousands of years, China’s Central Plains and its surrounding ethnic groups have been in the process of continuous integration. The expansion of China’s territory does not rely on war and force, but on cultural identity and common belonging.

  In the Book of Changes, there is a saying that "the three talents of heaven and earth are precious". Xunzi said that people are the most precious in the world because they have qi, life, knowledge, and righteousness. The Art of War of Sun Tzu was produced under the cultural background of great respect for "people".When Sun Tzu discusses war, he always thinks from the perspective of humanities and morality."The Art of War" does not advocate solving problems through war, so it is necessary to use strategy to solve problems. Even if strategy is promoted, it always emphasizes the role of morality. The last article of the thirteen chapters of "The Art of War" is the "Use Room". This "room" is a spy, and the use room is the use of spies. But Sun Tzu talks about the use of spies on the premise that "non-sages cannot use room, and non-benevolence and righteousness cannot use room". Now many of us have forgotten this premise. War needs to be solved by strategy, and there is also a problem that runs through moral and humanistic care.

  About the author:

  Wang Shouchang, a famous scholar, professor of the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies of Peking University, former dean of the Chinese Culture Academy, and dean of the Beijing Sanzhi Culture Academy, mainly researching the history of Chinese philosophy, Buddhism, recent and modern intellectual history, etc., is an advocate and practitioner of "Sinology" education. He has served as the "Chinese Culture Editor" of "Oriental Culture Integration" and the co-editor of the famous academic magazine "Scholar" magazine, the executive director of the China Association for International Education Exchange, and the deputy secretary general of the International Confucian Federation.

  Producer | Yang Xinhua

  Coordinator | Liu Jia, Hu Jun, Kang Kunquan

  Editors | Guo Hui, Qi Zitong

  Production | Hu Qi

Geely China Star Intelligent Double Engine started from 126,700 yuan, reshaping the new benchmark of oil mixing with high value.

China Economic News Network (Liu Chenxi)On December 3rd, Geely’s "China Star Travel China Exploration Plan" was opened in Zhengzhou, and the double flagship of China Xingzhiqing was officially listed. Xingrui L Zhiqing launched three versions, namely, the nebula version, the Xinghe version and the Tiangong version, with an official guide price of 126,700 yuan — 146,700 yuan; Xingyue L Zhiqing launched two editions, the Xinghe Edition and the Tiangong Edition, with an official guide price of 167,700 yuan — 177.7 thousand yuan. At the same time, before 24: 00 on February 9, 2024, you can enjoy the New Year red envelope benefit of 3,000 yuan when you buy the China Xingzhiqing model. After the New Year red envelope subsidy, the price of Xingrui L Zhiqing’s limited New Year red envelope is 123,700 yuan — 143,700 yuan, and the limited-time New Year red envelope price of Xingyue L Zhiqing is 164,700 yuan — 174.7 thousand yuan.

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At the same time, China Xingzhiqing Double Flagship has also introduced generous gifts such as "replacement subsidy of up to 10,000 yuan and optional package of 2,999 yuan in Tiangong" for the majority of car buyers, as well as four major car purchase rights such as finance, quality assurance, maintenance and traffic. China Star Intelligent Double Engine continues to lead the value of China automobile and reshape the benchmark of hybrid value of oil and electricity with the high value of fuel vehicles and full price rights.

In terms of power, China Star Intelligent Twin Engine comes standard with the world-leading 1.5TD in-cylinder direct injection turbocharged hybrid four-cylinder engine with a thermal efficiency of 44.26%, which can release the maximum power of 120kW and the maximum torque of 255 N m.. Matching with the world’s leading 3-speed intelligent frequency conversion DHT, driven by P1+P2 dual motors, it can output power in parallel at full speed, with the maximum output torque of 4920N·m at the wheel end and the torque-to-mass ratio of 41 N m/kg, and the maximum transmission efficiency reaches the highest 97.5% in the world, with almost no energy loss.

With the help of three core technologies: 1.5TD four-cylinder hybrid engine +3-speed intelligent frequency conversion DHT+X·System intelligent control system, China Star Intelligent Double Engine subverts the traditional oil-mixing technology, leading the fuel vehicle to a generation in power performance, driving experience and ultra-low fuel consumption, and fully entering the 4-liter era with both energy saving and performance. Among them, the acceleration of Xingrui L intelligent engine is only 7.5 seconds, the fuel consumption of WLTC is as low as 4.22L per 100 kilometers, the acceleration of Xingyue L intelligent engine is 7.9 seconds, and the fuel consumption of WLTC is 4.79L per 100 kilometers, with the highest speed exceeding 200 km/h.


Xingrui L Zhiqing has a body size of 4825mm×1880mm×1469mm and a wheelbase of 2800mm, and the cabin space is ahead of its peers. The whole system comes standard with a 13.2-inch 2K high-definition central control panel and a 10.2-inch full LCD instrument. With the leading 24.3-inch giant screen AR-HUD at the same level, it is full of science and technology. There are also the leading Face ID facial recognition function, luxury electronic pocket guard, 12-speaker Yanfei Lishi luxury audio system (including headrest audio), smart car advanced fragrance system, 256-color atmosphere lights and other luxury configurations, which bring luxury technology and comfort comparable to B-class cars with more than 250,000 yuan.

The cockpit of Xingyue L Zhiqing has also jumped by one generation. The body size of 4795mm×1895mm×1689mm and the wheelbase of 2845mm bring a huge cockpit space far beyond the same level. The whole system comes standard with a 12.3-inch touch high-definition central control panel, a 12.3-inch touch high-definition passenger screen and a 12.3-inch digital LCD instrument, as well as a 25.6-inch AR-HUD augmented reality head-up display system, four-tone intelligent interaction and three-zone independent air conditioning.

In terms of intelligent driving, the only intelligent NOA navigation hardware system in the same class of Xingyue L Intelligent Engine comes standard, which integrates 26 high-performance sensors and centimeter-level high-precision maps, covering 100+ high-speed driving scenes, and can realize intelligent assisted driving according to the whole navigation process, automatically going up and down the ramp, overtaking in a lane change, slowing down in a corner, dodging in a lane change, avoiding large trucks, and automatically controlling the speed of confluence, bringing users a smart driving experience of a generation.


In order to accurately meet the daily driving needs of sedan users, the intelligent driving of Xingrui L Zhiqing has also jumped in an all-round way. The whole system comes standard with L2-level intelligent driving assistance system. Xinghe Edition and Tiangong Edition also have newly upgraded high-performance sensor matrices, integrating 15 intelligent safety AIDS such as ICC intelligent navigation, TSI traffic sign recognition, SLIF speed limit reminder, LCA lane change assistance, LDW lane departure warning and LKA lane keeping assistance, so as to easily protect users’ intelligent driving safety in the whole scene.

Thanks to the safety gene of CMA architecture, China Star Intelligent Double Engine adopts intelligent and safe body design which integrates advanced technologies such as front subframe shedding design, M-shaped stable bending of front longitudinal beam and Z-shaped stable bending of rear longitudinal beam, making it stronger and smarter, and ensuring driving safety in all directions.

At the same time, China Star Intelligent Double Engine also adopts environmentally-friendly materials such as environmentally-friendly water-based adhesive, water-based damping, foamed sound insulation pad, etc., and is equipped with G-clean air purification system which integrates CN95 high-efficiency composite air conditioning filter element, AQS intelligent air management, negative ion air purification and cockpit active cleaning to build an all-round intelligent ecological health circle.


China Xingzhiqing Double Flagship insists on value creation and scientific and technological innovation, and leads the fuel vehicle to a new generation from five aspects: power, cockpit, intelligent driving, safety and design, which completely refreshes the imagination and experience of fuel vehicle users. At the same time, the launch of China Star Intelligent Dual Engine will further strengthen the leading edge of China Star and even Geely brand in the fuel vehicle market, reshape the market structure of China fuel vehicle, and comprehensively lead China fuel vehicle to a high-value era of more energy-saving, smarter and safer.

During the peak sales season of beverages and drinking water, Wahaha is under attack

On February 25 this year, Zong Qing, founder and chairperson of Wahaha Group, passed away, and Zong Fuli took over as the new head of Wahaha. At the same time, Wahaha’s product sales exploded, and there was a shortage of goods.

But after three months, with the advent of summer, the temperature gradually rose, and beverages and drinking water gradually entered the peak sales season, Wahaha failed to continue the previous trend of explosive sales. In addition, with the launch of purified water products by Farmer Spring and the return of Robust’s classic product "Granular Fruit AD Calcium Milk", Wahaha is currently under attack.

Wahaha heat fades

Since February 25, Wahaha has become the focus of public attention, and its products have also become the target of many consumers, but Wahaha’s popularity has not lasted long.

Data show that Wahaha products in the Douyin platform sales began to soar from February 25th, rose to the peak on March 4th, sales reached 5 million – 7.50 million yuan, compared with February 25th before the increase of more than 10 times.

But since mid-March, Wahaha’s sales in Douyin have dropped to about 200,000 and have continued to this day, with a year-on-year decline of 90% at the peak.

Recent data show that Douyin platform Wahaha official flagship store live sales only reached 500,000 – 750,000 scale on June 1, and the rest remained at 100,000 – 200,000.

In order to catch this wave of skyrocketing traffic, Wahaha started the progress of the 2024 laboratory water support plan in March this year. On May 31, Wahaha disclosed through its WeChat official account that the Wahaha laboratory water support plan has supported more than 150 scientific research units.

On the other hand, Wahaha is also vigorously expanding the offline market. In addition to putting its own freezers, it has also sent its spring tea series, coffee series, and new products, such as KellyOne, to supermarket shelves.

But at present, it seems that the effect is mediocre. Some beverage merchants said that most of them will take the first-tier products, such as Wahaha’s AD calcium milk, purified water, and eight-treasure porridge, because of their low popularity. Therefore, these new products of Wahaha have great resistance in the promotion of channels.

Track competition is getting more intense

New products are struggling to support performance, and the competitive pressure on classic ace products is also increasing.

In terms of drinking water, the top five bottled water markets by volume from 2017 to 2022 were Nongfu Spring (12.2%), Yibao (8.3%), Jingtian (5.3%), Master Kong (3.2%), and Wahaha (2.2%).

Among them, Yibao and Wahaha are both deeply cultivated in the field of pure water. In 2023, Yibao’s retail sales reached 39.50 billion yuan, making it the first brand in China’s drinking pure water market.

And in April this year, Nongfu Spring, which originally only made natural water, also launched "green bottle" purified water.

In other words, in the pure water track Wahaha already has a larger and stronger opponent like Yibao, and now Nongfu Spring is also going to get a share of the market, making Wahaha’s drinking water days even more difficult.

On the other hand, Wahaha AD calcium milk is one of Wahaha’s largest single products with revenue exceeding 10 billion yuan, but Wahaha AD calcium milk has also ushered in its former rivals.

On December 28, 2023, Robust’s green bottle of bifid factor AD calcium milk and red bottle of strawberry-flavored AD calcium milk announced their return. On May 16 this year, Robust once again announced the return of "granular fruit AD calcium milk". Founded in 1989, Robust was once Wahaha’s old rival. Although it could not catch up with Wahaha’s pace in a short period of time, it would inevitably cause some pressure on Wahaha.

In addition, it is worth noting that in terms of product quality, Wahaha has received many complaints from consumers.

The black cat complaint platform shows that some consumers reported that foreign objects were found in Wahaha AD calcium milk and Wahaha nutrition express, and some consumers reported that the inner wall of Wahaha eight-treasure porridge jars was rusted. (Jia Geng)

Avita’s strength is obvious to all. Sales continued to break through in September, and the brand developed upward

  When Avita was established, it branded itself as a high-end SEV brand, hoping to become "the embodiment of wisdom that understands you". Therefore, in the process of development, Avita has been focusing on human-friendly travel technology, hoping to create an emotional and intelligent travel experience for users. In September, Avita sold 3,083 units, and such outstanding results have also handed over a satisfactory answer to everyone.

  Behind the steady growth of Avita’s sales and the sharp rise in smart driving data is the all-round leading product strength. Avita 11 is equipped with Huawei’s high-end intelligent driving assistance system as standard, which can cover urban areas, high-speed and parking scenarios, and the actual experience is unique. Up to now, Avita 11’s smart driving function has been fully trusted and used by users. The accumulated mileage of smart driving has exceeded 17 million kilometers, an increase of more than 50% month-on-month, making it the car brand with the highest proportion of smart driving mileage.

  On October 25th, the evaluation results of the third batch of models of the IVISTA China Smart Car Index in 2023 were announced. The Avita 11 won the five-star smart star rating and became the first model to receive "G" (excellent) evaluation in all five smart test items. At the same time, it also refreshed the highest score in the history of the navigation intelligent driving evaluation (NP test), scoring G + (excellent) evaluation with 96.10 points, winning the first place in the ranking.

  The navigation intelligent driving evaluation tests the scene coverage ability and emergency avoidance ability of Avita 11’s intelligent driving pilot assistance (NCA) through vehicle safety performance and functional completion. When Avita 11 activates the intelligent driving pilot assistance state, it can resolve potential crises with "accurate perception and bold decision-making" in the face of situations such as sudden cut-out of the front car, stationary car in front of the curve, and cone and barrel encroachment lane. In addition, when faced with ramp entry and exit and the reduction of lanes in front, it will select lanes in advance and choose the opportunity to change lanes with the optimal driving strategy to ensure efficient and safe traffic capacity.

  In terms of intelligent interaction, Avita 11 performs well in the experience evaluation of voice interaction, fluency and function richness; in terms of intelligent energy consumption, it is equipped with Ningde Times CTP high-density ternary lithium battery and 750V fast charging technology, and has a TMS thermal management system that operates efficiently in the full temperature range and excellent energy consumption control level of the whole vehicle. It can effectively optimize the battery life decay rate and improve the energy compensation efficiency. Under WLTC conditions, for extremely cold and high temperature environments in the range of -7 ° C to 35 ° C, Avita 11 has excellent measured battery life decay rate control, reflecting the solid battery life of "what you see is what you get".

  In the era of smart electric vehicles, the rapid iteration of products and the continuous upgrading of services are the core values of a car company, and future sales of Avita are expected to further break through.

"The power station is the gas station for electric vehicles", why did Luo Yonghao bombard the oil truck?

  Luo Yonghao has made another famous statement!

  Recently, Luo Yonghao, founder of Smartisan, said bluntly in the live stream of Make a Friend: "Electric cars can be said to be the trend of the times. Now as long as you have experienced trams, it is unlikely that the next car will choose an oil car."

  If this had been said a few years ago, it might have received a lot of criticism, but now whether it is realistic or not, ask your friends who already drive the trolley around you.

  It can only be said that the arrival of the tram era is even faster than we imagined.

  The latest weekly sales rankings of the passenger car market also confirm this point: among the top ten models sold, new energy vehicles occupy nine seats, and only one traditional fuel vehicle barely ranks among them. This data undoubtedly announces the full arrival of the era of new energy vehicles, and the market share of traditional fuel vehicles is rapidly being eroded.

  At the same time, the increase in redemption users, the favor of electric vehicles is more obvious, new energy vehicles become an important driving factor for the increase in redemption market. Data show that in 2023, individual redemption users drove new car sales to 7.48 million, accounting for 34.2% of the overall retail scale, a growth rate of 16.9%; among them, the proportion of new energy vehicles in the increase in redemption market reached 36.2%, an increase of 49.5% year-on-year, the growth rate is much higher than the overall growth rate of the increase in redemption market.

  Electricity is farther than oil

  Resolve the last trace of anxiety

  The increase in the penetration rate of electric vehicles is largely due to the easing of consumer mileage anxiety. Throughout the entire industry, many car companies are working hard to solve mileage anxiety and improve the charging experience, mainly through three ways: one is to expand battery capacity; the second is to layout replacement; the third is to layout ultra-fast charging. Among them, NIO is the car company with the most replenishment methods and the most complete replenishment experience in China. In recent years, NIO has been building up the ante charging and replacement construction.

  So far, NIO has deployed 2,400 power stations, 3,753 charging stations and 21,828 charging piles, and connected 1,000,000 + three-way charging piles, connecting 75 routes including the Chuanqing-Dian three routes to Tibet, the Silk Road, the Kanas Line, the Duku Highway, the Western Sichuan Great Ring Road, the Hulunbuir Grassland Line, the Shenzhou Arctic Line, the Huaxia East Pole Line, and the Wanli Great Wall Line, and will complete 100 routes in 2024.

  NIO has proved through long-term practice that replacing electricity is more convenient than refueling.

  "A power station is a gas station for electric vehicles," Luo Yonghao said bluntly in the live stream. NIO now has nearly 2,400 power stations across the country and nearly 800 power stations on highways. NIO users can change electricity all the way from Harbin to Sanya. "There is no anxiety about [mileage] going far, and it feels as convenient as a gasoline car." As Luo Yonghao said.

  NIO charging and swapping network layout diagram

  With national policies guiding and encouraging the development of the power swap model, more and more friends have begun to enter the power swap field, preferring to cooperate with NIO. Since November last year, Changan Automobile, Geely Holdings, Chery Automobile and () have successively reached power swap cooperation with NIO. The national team of central enterprises and private enterprise giants have chosen to join the power swap camp, which means that power swap is expected to become the mainstream energy supplement model in the industry.

  In Luo Yonghao’s opinion, NIO power exchange allows users to enjoy four core values such as "how fast and saving":

  More: There are many power stations, with nearly 2,400 power stations across the country, solving users’ mileage anxiety.

  Fast: NIO power change only takes 3 minutes, and power change is as fast as refueling;

  Good: one-click automatic power change, no need to get off the bus for power change, continuous power loss, no fear of severe cold, good user experience;

  Province: Every power change is a battery health check, allowing users to rest assured.

  In addition to "how fast and how economical", Luo Yonghao also highlighted the advantages of "flexible upgrade" of NIO power stations in the live stream. He said that NIO users can "temporarily upgrade to a 150-degree battery" by changing electricity, which can run farther than most oil cars.

  This is not to brag. On December 17 last year, Li Bin, founder, chairperson and CEO of NIO, personally tested the battery life of NIO’s 150-degree battery pack in a self-driving ET7, and finally achieved a driving range of 1,044 kilometers, which not only achieved the strongest pure electric vehicle in the industry, but also made it possible to "electric than oil".

  A good time to replace the oil truck

  On March 13, the State Council issued the "Action Plan for Promoting Large-scale Equipment Renewal and Trade-in of Consumer Goods" (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"), clearly stating that "promoting large-scale equipment renewal and trade-in of consumer goods is an important measure to accelerate the construction of a new development pattern and promote high-quality development." The "trade-in action" of automobiles as bulk consumer goods has been mentioned and paid attention to. The plan clearly states that it is necessary to "organize and carry out national automobile trade-in promotions, encourage automobile manufacturers and sales enterprises to carry out promotional activities, and guide orderly competition in the industry."

  In response to the "Trade-in Action for Consumer Goods", NIO launched a subsidy of up to 1 billion yuan for the replacement of oil vehicles in April, aiming to promote the renewal of old oil vehicles and bring real preferential benefits to consumers.

  NIO announced that it will introduce a maximum subsidy of 1 billion yuan for oil vehicle replacement. Oil vehicle users who replace NIO new cars will receive an additional 10,000 yuan in optional fund subsidies. NIO oil vehicle users who replace NIO can get up to 15,000 yuan in optional funds, a NIO Phone voucher worth 6,498 yuan, a power exchange voucher worth about 3,600 yuan, and a one-year NOP + (Global Pilot Assistance) worth 4,560 yuan.

  At the same time, if the replacement user uses the NIO battery rental plan to buy a car, he can also get a discount of 70,000/128,000 yuan on the car price, additional purchase tax reduction and battery rental service fee payment 4 get 1 free policy benefits. The minimum monthly battery rent is only 583 yuan, and the free replacement coupon will also be increased to 60 (worth about 6,000 yuan).

  According to industry insiders, as the first batch of car companies in the industry to respond to the policy call, the launch of NIO’s maximum 1 billion yuan oil vehicle replacement subsidy will further help the consumption growth of the automobile market and the market popularization of new energy vehicles.

  If you have plans to replace your gasoline car in the near future and just want to buy a high-end pure electric vehicle, NIO is a good choice.

  Smart + supplement double awesome

  BBA users accelerate their switch to NIO

  From the statistics point of view, in the high-end pure electricity market, NIO has obvious advantages. From January to February this year, NIO has a market share of 59.5% in the high-end pure electricity market above 300,000 yuan. From July to December 2023, in the market with an average transaction price of more than 300,000 yuan in Shanghai, NIO sales have surpassed BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Audi for 5 consecutive months, regardless of energy form.

  NIO’s advantage in the high-end pure electric market is mainly due to its leadership in product power and supplementary service experience. All NIO models are equipped with 4 Orin chips, with a computing power of 1016Tops, which has outstanding advantages in intelligent driving and cockpit experience. Some professionals said that the new energy automobile industry has entered the stage of intelligent arms race, which has put forward higher requirements for the intelligent hardware computing power of products. Most models with no more than 500Tops in computing power are prone to bottlenecks in intelligent driving experience.

  Based on the advantages of hardware pre-installation, NIO can bring continuous upgrades to the car experience for car owners. This year, the NIO Banyan · Rong 2.4.0 version brings more than 50 new and optimized functions, including the addition of 4D comfort pilot, GOA universal obstacle warning and assistance, omnidirectional AEB, NOMI full cabin memory, no wheat Karaoke, track mode and other blockbuster functions. In addition, NIO NOP + has covered 99% of prefecture-level cities and county-level cities, with a total of 726 cities and a usable mileage of 1.05 million kilometers. Global pilot assistance including highways, urban areas, power exchange, etc. will be fully pushed in the second quarter, and the end-side multi-modal large model NOMI GPT will also be launched soon.

  According to incomplete statistics, more than 50% of NIO’s existing users are replacement users, of which 30% are trade-in users. 48% of NIO’s replacement users are from BBA, and the proportion of some second-generation technology platform model users is as high as 56%. Combined with the current NIO subsidy policy, the proportion of BBA fuel vehicle users replacing NIO may increase.

  In fact, Luo Yonghao also had a sentence in the live broadcast, which is worth thinking about: "Send the oil trucks of the old world to the garbage heap of history!" Whether this sentence is exaggerated is unknown, but with the assistance of NIO, the best time for oil to turn to electricity may be now.

Box office increased by 252%! Has the music festival ushered in a big explosion?

  BEIJING, May 8 (Reporter Ren Siyu) Has the music festival, which is sought after by young people, ushered in a big outbreak?

  On May 6th, Barley released "Observation on the May 1st Performance in 2021". The report shows that during the May 1st holiday, there were over 3,800 professional performances offline, among which the box office of Livehouse, Talk Show and Music Festival increased by more than 250% compared with the same period in 2019.

  On social networks, topics such as "Qin Hao watched Yi Nengjing’s performance", "Faye Wong lost his hat again at Strawberry Music Festival" and "A man wearing protective clothing and dancing in Shandong Music Festival" have been on the hot search list. Music festivals, which were originally regarded as minority entertainment activities, have begun to become one of the lifestyles that everyone likes to see and hear.

  Source: Weibo screenshot.

  Music Festival becomes a holiday "new standard"

  According to the monitoring of China Performance Industry Association, during the "May 1" holiday this year, there were about 14,000 performances nationwide, with a box office income of 860 million yuan, and more than 6 million people watched performances during the holiday, of which more than 40% were tourists, and 12% were music festivals and concerts.

  From last year’s "Eleventh" holiday to this year’s "May Day" holiday, music festivals have increasingly become popular items for people to travel and entertain.

  The data shows that over 40% of users choose music festival as their first choice for holiday and leisure during the May 1 holiday this year, and 60% of users who buy music festival choose to watch performances across cities. Strawberry Music Festival, Midi Music Festival, Guochao Music Festival and Midou Music Festival were held in many places, and famous musicians and bands such as Cui Jian, Pu Shu, Xu Wei, New Pants, Mourning and Wang Jia were among the guests.

  2021 Beijing Strawberry Music Festival was held in Beijing Shiyuan Park. Source: Video screenshot.

  While the fans are busy catching up with the music festival, the musicians are even more busy. According to the public itinerary of the five-person band, they moved to Changzhou, Shanghai, Nanjing and Beijing to participate in the music festival within four days. "Performing is our labor," they sighed at the Weibo.

  According to barley data, there were 56 music festivals in the country during the five-day holiday, which was 37% higher than the same period in 2019. The box office and attendance increased by 252% and 173% respectively compared with 2019.

  Source: Barley "2021 May 1st Performance Observation".

  Generally speaking, during the holiday period, live performances recovered strongly, and various performances such as music, theater and Quyuan Zatan were abundant, the box office growth rate was obvious, and the consumption power of head projects was strong; It is becoming a trend to travel with literature, and the regional consumption preference is gradually broken; The market consumption structure tends to be younger, especially after 00.

  You can watch music festivals at home?

  Another new change that can be found from this year’s "May Day" holiday is that the music festival is opening up "new territory" on a large scale.

  Compared with 2019 and 2020, this year’s music festivals can be described as blooming everywhere. The major brand music festivals are not only concentrated in cities such as Beijing and Shanghai, but also sink to second-and third-tier cities such as Binzhou in Shandong, Changzhou in Jiangsu, Jiaozuo in Henan and Wanning in Hainan.

  Source: barley net screenshot.

  From the industry point of view, the number of vertical music festivals is also increasing, such as YOLO Music Festival in Changsha, Hunan Province and M_DSK Music Festival in Riyuewan, Wanning, Hainan Province, which focuses on rap music, Midi Music Festival in the Warring States Period in Chengdu focuses on heavy music, and Hainan Little Strawberry Parent-child Music Festival focuses on parent-child themes, providing users with different music preferences with sub-categories of music performance choices.

  Another noteworthy phenomenon is that the music festival is becoming a "hard signboard" for some cities to build cultural tourism brands and drain holidays. According to barley data, during the May Day holiday, many music festivals were held in tourist cities, such as Changzhou Taihu Bay Music Festival, Changzhou Xinlong Forest Music Festival, Wanning Riyuewan M_DSK Music Festival, Jiaozuo Yuntaishan Music Festival and so on.

  For example, the popular Midi Music Festival in Jinan, Shandong Province and the Midi Music Festival in Binzhou this year were supported by the local government in terms of policies and supporting services.

  According to media reports, before the start of Binzhou Midi Music Festival, it only took more than 20 days for the local area to complete the leveling of more than 280 mu of site, the laying of 18,000 square meters of turf, the planning of more than 7,000 parking spaces, the construction of more than 3,000 meters of enclosures, the construction of more than 140 bathrooms and the preparation and construction of various functional areas such as camping and drinking water areas. In order to cooperate with Jinan Midi Music Festival, Jinan Metro also extended the operation time of Lines 1, 2 and 3 to 24 o’clock, and adjusted the running interval to 10 minutes between 22 o’clock and 24 o’clock.

  Posters of 2021 Jinan Midi Music Festival and Binzhou Midi Music Festival.

  The consumption drainage brought by the music festival is also considerable. According to the organizer’s statistics, the fans of Jinan Midi Music Festival from outside the province account for about 65%. It is roughly estimated that the consumption related to cultural tourism during the local holidays will increase by about 20%. According to barley data, during the May Day holiday this year, Hainan Wanning Riyuewan M_DSK Music Festival also made Wanning, a county-level city, among the top ten in China.

  What kind of music festival do the audience need?

  However, under the circumstances that music festivals are blooming everywhere and tickets are rising, is the audience’s experience fully satisfied?

  From last year’s National Day to this year’s "May Day" holiday, the topic of rising ticket prices for music festivals is often mentioned. In the impression of some viewers, the single-day ticket price of music festivals in the past few years was often concentrated in 80 to 200 yuan, but during the small holiday this year, the single-day ticket price of individual music festivals has reached 500 yuan or even more than 1,000 yuan.

  Source: barley net screenshot.

  As for the reasons for the price increase of the music festival, industry analysts said that on the one hand, the number of tickets sold under the epidemic prevention and control policy is limited, and on the other hand, the production costs in all aspects are getting higher and higher, especially the appearance fees of some artists. In recent years, with the blessing of bands and rap variety shows, the value of some musicians has risen sharply. In addition, the participation of pop singers with their own popularity and fans has increased the popularity of the music festival.

  Although the consumption enthusiasm of the music festival has not diminished, the audience also has higher requirements for on-site service and viewing experience.

  Affected by the global epidemic, the homogenization of the performance lineup of the music festival has become more and more obvious. In the absence of overseas artists, New Pants, Tong Yang, Re TROS, Wu Tiao and other head musicians performed everywhere, and most of the audience saw old acquaintances rather than fresh faces at the festival. How to play new tricks in the lineup and collocation of the festival is one of the problems that the organizers need to consider.

  Music festivals are usually held outdoors, so in addition to the lineup of performances, the audio effects, security order, transportation, accommodation, water supply and toilets on the spot are also issues that the audience are very concerned about. Every year, some music festivals are met with large-scale spit by netizens after the end, and the experience of music festivals strongly affects everyone’s impression of a city.

  What kind of music festival do fans like? The Spring Tour Music Festival held in Sichuan in April this year won a good reputation. Although the scale is not huge, the atmosphere is relaxed enough. The audience can eat hot pot, play mahjong and set up tents. The on-site security guards are not in fierce confrontation with fans, but dance and sing with young people to feel the joy of music together.

  Source: screenshot of Weibo’s comments.

  With the recovery of the offline performance market, it is foreseeable that there will be more and more music festivals in the future. While the competition is becoming more and more fierce, the organizers should start from the needs of the audience and use more complete supporting services to let the fans fully feel the spiritual satisfaction of the music festival.