Google Maps will add offline navigation and search capabilities today

  November 11 Internet NewsThe latest report,According to foreign media reports, at the I/O conference held in May this year, one of the important things announced by Google (Weibo) was to add offline search and navigation capabilities to the Google Maps app. Now, six months after the last announcement of this plan, this feature will finally reach users. Google Maps will launch a new offline mode that allows users to navigate driving directions and searches offline. This feature is designed to integrate seamlessly with online Google Maps, so that data links can be disconnected or connected without cutting off the app itself. These new features will be available to Android users from later today. Google said that similar features for iOS systems will be available soon.

  Since 2012, Google Maps has been able to store part of the map content offline, but this is the first time Google Maps has been equipped with offline search and navigation functions. This means that if a user saves a map of the city they live in, they can search for places such as restaurants without the need for an Internet connection, and get a timely response. Due to space constraints, the new feature will only store business names, star ratings and phone numbers, not corresponding photos or user comments.

  Similarly, offline navigation will only effectively display information about ordinary traffic hours on the road, but it is difficult to upload real-time traffic data. However, once the network connection is restored, the route information will be updated in a timely manner. At present, the initial release of Google Maps offline navigation function cannot navigate offline transportation or walking routes, mainly due to the consideration of data space. However, Google claims that future updates will add more functions to the old box.

  In any case, this new feature of Google Maps will be very important for users who want to navigate without an internet connection, especially those who are in the "dead zone" or somewhere abroad that requires a new SIM card. (Yuetong)

The anchor is a frequent webcast in the second half of the year or a big reshuffle.

  Recently, the Guangzhou Metro Police reported that the anchor of a webcast website, Xiao Mou and his assistants, Yang Mou and Wang Mou, hung clothes and drank alcohol in the Guangzhou Metro for three times, and filmed videos and uploaded them to the Internet for profit. The Metro Police arrested Xiao Mou and Yang Mou on June 29th.

  This is not the first time that a "scandal" has been reported on the live broadcast platform. With the influx of capital from all walks of life, network anchors who have worked hard for "money" have begun to do everything they can in live content, and the frequently exposed "wonderful" live broadcast has repeatedly challenged the bottom line of public order and good customs.

  "At present, more than 80% of the revenue of the webcast platform is playing with the regulatory bottom line." Zhang Yi, CEO of Ai Media Consulting, said in an interview with Yangcheng Evening News that from the current positioning and profit model of the live broadcast platform, I am afraid that it is impossible to complete the supervision task only by strengthening the monitoring of the platform itself, and the supervision of webcasting still faces "pain points".

  On June 28th, the National Network Information Office issued the Regulations on the Management of Mobile Internet Application Information Services. This new regulation, which will be implemented on August 1st, aims to strengthen the standardized management of APP information services and once again lead the focus of public opinion to the overheated webcast industry.

  "The low tide of the live broadcast platform has arrived." Chao Luo, an Internet technology commentator, pointed out that as giant companies such as Weibo enter the industry one after another, bad platforms will be directly out. "There is still an unresolved regulatory measure of the government, which will also trigger the industry to reshuffle again."

  Chaos anchor is frequent for Bo eyeball.

  According to the statistics released earlier by Ai Media Consulting, in 2015, the number of online live broadcast platforms in China was close to 200, and the number of users of online live broadcast platforms had reached 200 million. The number of large-scale live broadcast platforms was close to 4 million at the same time during the daily peak hours, and the number of live broadcast rooms exceeded 3,000.

  According to the forecast of Founder Securities, the live broadcast market will reach 15 billion yuan in 2016 and 60 billion yuan in 2020.

  Known as the first year of webcasting in 2016, you can click on various live broadcast platforms at will, with similar beautiful women, noisy background music and fast flashing barrage, all of which show the excitement of this industry to onlookers. However, to some extent, the barbaric growth of live broadcast platforms has spawned a lot of vulgar and violent content.

  From live broadcast to making people, flashing dew point, to self-harm and self-abuse … … Although the cultural department has already standardized the video live broadcast platform, many anchors still frequently touch the moral bottom line in order to attract traffic, and there have been out-of-place hype means.

  On March 29th, the female anchor "Fox Benbenben" of a webcast platform mixed her camera into the girls’ dormitory of Art College of Chongqing University, and broadcast it live all the time, which was stopped by the boarding house and security guards in time. On June 21st, two men beat up the old man … …

  Supervise APP real-name registration system from next month

  In the face of the continuous emergence of "wonderful" live broadcasts, the "bottom-up" regulatory regulations have also been continuously promulgated. In the first half of 2016 alone, the webcasting platform met with policy-level supervision several times.

  In March, the National Office of "Combating Pornography and Illegal Publications" said that it would strengthen the monitoring of pornographic and vulgar situations on webcasting platforms.

  In April, the Ministry of Culture listed a number of webcasting platforms such as Betta, Tiger Tooth Live, Panda TV, Battle Flag TV, Dragon Ball Live, Liujianfang, 9158 and so on.

  On June 1, the Beijing Cultural Law Enforcement Corps announced a list of illegal anchors, and 40 anchors of 9 webcast platforms were permanently banned.

  On June 28th, the Information Office issued the Regulations on the Management of Information Services for Mobile Internet Applications, which put forward requirements for the standardization of mobile Internet applications represented by live entertainment.

  According to the requirements of the new regulations, starting from August 1st, mobile Internet application providers will have to authenticate registered users based on real identity information such as mobile phone numbers, and at the same time, establish and improve the information content audit management mechanism, and take measures such as warning, restricting functions, suspending updates and closing accounts as appropriate for those who publish illegal information content.

  "The government regulatory authorities will do both." Chao Luo pointed out that on the one hand, putting pressure on the live broadcast platform forced the live broadcast platform to increase the supervision of resources. The second is to restrict the behavior of the anchor through laws and regulations. The illegal behavior of the anchor will be punished by the platform and will also be sanctioned by law.

  For the live broadcast platform, Chao Luo believes that the first is to implement a filing system and conduct qualification review for the anchor; The second is deterrent measures, such as collecting deposits, and directly deducting penalties for anchor errors; Third, the platforms are linked. If an anchor runs amok on the live broadcast platform, all platforms can unite to completely block it.

  The Yangcheng Evening News reporter learned that at present, many well-known webcasting platforms and technical service platforms in China have announced the joint establishment of the "Webcasting Self-discipline Alliance". The platforms such as Liujianfang, Yingke, Zanthoxylum bungeanum and Xiuse have basically completed the anchor real-name authentication, watermark addition, live broadcast content storage for 15 days and other conventions, and some enterprises have permanently preserved the live broadcast content.

  Dilemma content review depends on manual work.

  "The current live broadcast platform generally adopts ‘ Patrol ’ Mechanism, found one off the shelf. " The person in charge of Huya live broadcast told the Yangcheng Evening News reporter that unlike video websites such as Youku, online video live broadcast cannot be "pre-audited", and the machine automatically grabs a part of intelligent filtering. The real-time monitoring of video content mainly relies on manual auditing.

  In the backstage of Huya live broadcast, the reporter learned that in addition to the automatic monitoring system, more than 70 auditors are divided into five groups to monitor the background content in real time 24 hours a day.

  "The automatic monitoring system completes video screenshots every 3 seconds on average. Auditors need to review as many as 60,000 pictures per hour, and they have to process 400,000 to 500,000 live screenshots a day." The relevant person in charge told the Yangcheng Evening News reporter that they kept refreshing the group pictures on the monitoring screen, picking out those that might violate the rules, entering the live broadcast room, the anchor account or the interactive window, and "processing" or "ignoring". "The audit needs to be detailed to the anchor’s clothes, body movements, verbal expressions, etc."

  On the other hand, the warning line is set by big data fluctuation. When the video stream data exceeds the normal value, the platform will check it. If the content involves violations, the video will be destroyed in the cloud at the first time. The person in charge said that the illegal content was handled in strict accordance with ABC classification, and it is now possible to control the violation within 20 seconds.

  According to some media reports, in order to supervise the live broadcast content, 300 people conducted online audit at the peak of Yingke live broadcast, about 50 people were punished for vulgar behavior in live broadcast every day, and 4,000 people were punished for smoking in live broadcast every day.

  However, a number of platform-related officials also admitted that in addition to the title, the platform has limited means to investigate the anchor. "The bottleneck of the massive content involved and the uncontrollable live broadcast does exist."

  Self-help forced the transformation of live broadcast platform.

  In fact, there have always been different voices about whether to strengthen the legislation and supervision of webcasting.

  "Online behavior, platform providers should formulate clear rules to deal with disputes. Offline behavior is handed over to all relevant departments to regulate law enforcement. " Chen Yitian, an assistant researcher at the Institute of Law of Guangdong Academy of Social Sciences, said that the current criminal law, civil law, contract law and relevant laws and regulations on network security and cultural communication are sufficient to meet the legal needs of such behaviors. "At present, government departments need to strengthen law enforcement, but there is no need to formulate laws and regulations for a behavior."

  Chen Yitian said that the rise of webcasting is short, and there are few standards that can be referenced when formulating the supervision system. Strict self-discipline in the live broadcast industry is an urgent problem to be solved. "The law can’t control immorality."

  After the inevitable barbaric growth period, most industry observers believe that the market is about to usher in the turning point of industry reshuffle, and the management of webcasting is "not as good as blocking".

  "The development of the industry will basically go through the process from non-standardization to standardization. The vulgar live broadcast became popular overnight, which caused extremely bad demonstration effect. " Zhang Yi, CEO of Ai Media Consulting, said that the crazy influx of capital has also caused the live broadcast market to fall into an atmosphere of quick success and instant benefit, and the self-discipline awareness of this industry is gradually strengthening.

  Once the money is burned out, it means either being swallowed up or dying. He said that after the rapid completion of user accumulation with the help of early capital, only by providing high-quality and differentiated content and finding other profit points besides audience rewards will the live broadcast platform be forced to focus on the transformation to vertical refinement and make innovations in the form of live broadcast content. "In this sense, the whole industry will break through the existing development bottleneck and dilemma and usher in an inflection point of industry reshuffle."

  He noticed that in the last three months, capital began to become calm. "This is a very obvious phenomenon. In addition to the angel wheel and A wheel that were put into operation in the early stage, now everyone is waiting to see who will take over. "

  "Webcast will return to content innovation." Chao Luo definitely told the Yangcheng Evening News reporter that the elimination is likely to happen in the second half of this year, leaving only four or five big platforms in the end. (Yangcheng Evening News reporter Li Meizhen)