Huawei P7 realizes the dream of tens of millions, and needs to climb over "three mountains"

The Huawei Ascend P6 was a success.

On June 18, 2013, the P6 was released in London, UK, priced at 2688 yuan. This is a brave exploration of Huawei’s brand road. Yu Chengdong, president of Huawei’s end point, released a bold statement that the sales target of P6 is 10 million units. In a year, P6 sales 4 million units, far from achieving the so-called goal. But this does not affect the success of P6.
Say it’s a success, because P6 is a pathfinding product. Since it’s a pathfinding, it doesn’t matter if you can reach your goal. The key is to see where the road leads. If the road is right, don’t be afraid of the distance.
Taking this road, Huawei wants profits, and related to it, there are brand premiums and reducing dependence on operators. Although thousands of people have invested in research and development and over 100 million in marketing investment, shipping 4 million at a price of about 3,000 yuan is enough to amortize these costs. According to Yu Chengdong, a certain brand premium has been formed. Huawei’s global brand recognition of consumer goods has increased from 25% in 2012 to 52%. P6 is indispensable. Xu Qinsong, vice president of Huawei’s consumer business, said that the ratio of Huawei’s intelligent end point in domestic public channels to operator channels is 1:1. It is speculated that P6 should not be delayed in reducing dependence on operations. In addition, Yu Chengdong continues to sit at the end point and continue the P6 strategy, which also reflects Huawei’s high-level recognition of the success of P6.
It is not easy for Huawei Ascend P7 to continue the P6’s dream of millions.
In recent days, Huawei Ascend P7 has held press conferences in Paris, France and Beijing, the capital. Yu Chengdong once again threatened that the sales volume of a single product will reach 10 million, and this dream of tens of millions has been transferred from P6 to P7. On the road of the brand, P6 is the way to explore, and P7 has already identified the direction and started to run. Huawei will have a sales forecast, even if it is less than 10 million, it will definitely not be a small number. The burden of P7 is really not light.
There are four advantages that can give Huawei the confidence to take the plunge on the P7:
First, the brand influence of Huawei and P6 can play a roleIt has been mentioned above, and it will not be expanded here.
Second, replication expansion can increase overseas market share.Huawei’s strength lies in getting operators. At present, most of the overseas markets are shipped through operators, which is highly reproducible. Although the situation in each country in the overseas market is different, the expansion experience can be learned. At the press conference in Paris, Yves Beyer, executive vice president of France Telecom Orange, was on the P7 platform, which can see the recognition of Huawei. This year, Huawei’s overseas marketing investment is still very large, including sponsorship marketing covering the five major European leagues. The first batch of P7 listing countries has risen from the original 8 countries to the current 33 countries. It is foreseeable that P7 will achieve good results in overseas markets.
Third, Huawei’s HiSilicon chip is a powerful backing for production capacity.The 4G end point has not seen scale, and the bottleneck is the chip. Huawei HiSilicon chip sold $2 billion in 2013, making it the largest chip solution company in China and ranking among the top 20 in the world. In the process of achieving the five-mode and ten-frequency requirements of operators, HiSilicon’s time progress is second only to Qualcomm (currently also Marvell and Ericsson have realized it, but the production capacity is limited). At present, Qualcomm accounts for more than 80% of the 4G chip, and the production capacity of general 4G end point products depends on Qualcomm. And Huawei can have no worries about production capacity with its own chips and good cooperative relations with Qualcomm.
Fourth, there is still a certain window period for the development of 4G end points.MIIT Telecom Research Institute released data show that from January to April this year, the cumulative sales volume of 4G mobile phones 16.36 million, which is far behind the sales target of the three operators totaling over 100 million. The current 4G market is still less than demand, at least from the perspective of operators. Although Huawei wants to reduce its dependence on operators, it still acknowledges that operators are the main body of its channel sales. With 4G subsidies from operators, it is relatively easy for P7 to form a certain sales scale.
However, to achieve the dream of selling tens of millions of units, it is still very difficult overall, and there are "three mountains" in front of you.
First, the operator’s channel end point subsidy will be tightened, and P7 sales will be affected.
Since the beginning of this year, the three operators have increased their investment in the construction of 4G networks; the inter-network settlement has greatly reduced the profits of Huawei P7’s largest partner. The implementation of the "business-to-business" policy after June 1 will bring pain to the operators in the short term. Overall, it will be an indisputable fact that the profits of operators will drop sharply. The SASAC, the regulatory department of the three operators, will not sit idly by and will definitely put forward requirements to reduce costs and ensure profits. The network is fundamental, and investment in it cannot be reduced. Then it must be made a fuss about end point subsidies and channel remuneration.
How big the impact on P7 will be depends on the time proposed by SASAC. The worst case scenario is that the three operators’ profits fell sharply in June and began to reduce end point subsidies in July. In a better case, it is not expected to be later than the end of the year.
The tightening of end point subsidies for operators will make the indicator orientation of mobile phone sales more prominent. The so-called indicator orientation, first, if operators want to retain or develop high-end customers, they must sell a certain amount of high-end mobile phones, such as Apple, Samsung, HTC, etc. Second, if operators want to expand the scale of users, they must sell a large number of low-end mobile phones to impact sales. Limited subsidies will flow to the high-end and low-end. The price of Huawei P7 is 2888 yuan, which is very embarrassing and may be separated from the operator’s key development models. There is not much time window left for P7. Whether it can reduce the impact depends on Huawei’s negotiating ability with operators.
The second one, the 2000-3000 yuan open market is almost monopolized, and the P7 competition has greater resistance.
The reason why the thousand-yuan machine market is in full swing is that the entry threshold for this price segment is low, the competition is fierce, and there is no monopolist. The mid-range and high-end are different. It is an indisputable fact that the high-end is monopolized by Apple and Samsung. The situation in the mid-end market is similar. There are two forces. One is the price-reduced version of foreign high-end products, such as Samsung, Apple, HTC, LG, Nokia, Sony, etc. The user base of this force is very clear. They want to buy high-end foreign brands. They only want to own them at a reasonable price, not early adopters. The other is the three major brands in the open market, Gionee, OPPO, and VIVO (among which OPPO and VIVO belong to BBK). No matter whether it is on a third-party e-commerce platform or a physical mobile phone store, the new products in this price range are basically dominated by these three companies.
From the perspective of product configuration, design and quality, P7 is not inferior in this price range, but it is not outstanding either. Four brands are on the table, each with their own strengths. In this case, it is marketing and channels that are at stake.
In terms of marketing investment, Huawei is much smaller than these three companies. Mainly because Huawei has long-term cooperation with operators, the need for marketing efforts is not large. The three open market brands are different, and they need to rely on their own strength and invest more in entertainment program titles, in-feed ads, soft advertising, etc.
In terms of channels, Huawei is in its infancy. The three open market brands are all their own fixed sales channels, which are spread all over the country. Thanks to long-term manufacturers’ profits, the channel loyalty is high. Huawei has also been expanding social channels in the past two years. Its expansion model is "4 + Top16", that is, it cooperates with agents of the four major chains of Sunny, Gome, Dixintong, and Leyu and Top16 in various provinces. This kind of cooperation has just started, and the channel support is difficult to match the three open brands. Channel construction does not happen overnight. Having channels is just the beginning. The key is the enthusiasm of the channel, which depends on the coverage rate and first push of the product in the channel.
The third block, the omni-channel layout product, poses a great challenge to P7 traders.
Generally, when a manufacturer launches a flagship product, they will choose one or several main channels for sales. This can not only cultivate channel feelings, but also improve the sales enthusiasm of the channel and invest more resources. The strategy of P7 is different. Just online, P6 has chosen 7 channels such as Huawei Mall,, Tmall, Ning, Gome, Yihaodian, and Amazon to sell at the same time. For users, this is a good thing, and products can be bought in various channels. For channel providers, they cannot reflect their own advantages, and their enthusiasm will not be very high. If you want which channel to launch P7 first or increase promotions, then most of this investment must come from Huawei.
The more channels there are, the more difficult it is to trade. It is mainly reflected in two aspects. One is price management. Each channel has its own small nine or nine, and has its own promotion strategy, so P7 will definitely form different prices in different channels. The appearance of random prices will affect the brand of P7. A shrewd channel provider will definitely require Huawei to provide a full price guarantee or a price guarantee for several months, transferring the risk to Huawei. The second is inventory management. Each channel provider forecasts market demand differently, and the sales situation is also different, so there will be a large amount of inventory spread on the channel. This is a great challenge for Huawei’s traders. Poor inventory management, even if a single product earns more profits in the early stage, it may be tied to the later clearance of tail goods.
The "three mountains" are all pressing on Huawei’s soft underbelly. If you turn over, both the P7 and Huawei’s brand strength will be greatly enhanced. If you can’t turn over, I think Huawei will continue to climb and explore on this road, and will not stop.
Author: Mei Garden Statement; WeChat official account: Statement (mhy_chenshu)

Box office increased by 252%! Has the music festival ushered in a big explosion?

  BEIJING, May 8 (Reporter Ren Siyu) Has the music festival, which is sought after by young people, ushered in a big outbreak?

  On May 6th, Barley released "Observation on the May 1st Performance in 2021". The report shows that during the May 1st holiday, there were over 3,800 professional performances offline, among which the box office of Livehouse, Talk Show and Music Festival increased by more than 250% compared with the same period in 2019.

  On social networks, topics such as "Qin Hao watched Yi Nengjing’s performance", "Faye Wong lost his hat again at Strawberry Music Festival" and "A man wearing protective clothing and dancing in Shandong Music Festival" have been on the hot search list. Music festivals, which were originally regarded as minority entertainment activities, have begun to become one of the lifestyles that everyone likes to see and hear.

  Source: Weibo screenshot.

  Music Festival becomes a holiday "new standard"

  According to the monitoring of China Performance Industry Association, during the "May 1" holiday this year, there were about 14,000 performances nationwide, with a box office income of 860 million yuan, and more than 6 million people watched performances during the holiday, of which more than 40% were tourists, and 12% were music festivals and concerts.

  From last year’s "Eleventh" holiday to this year’s "May Day" holiday, music festivals have increasingly become popular items for people to travel and entertain.

  The data shows that over 40% of users choose music festival as their first choice for holiday and leisure during the May 1 holiday this year, and 60% of users who buy music festival choose to watch performances across cities. Strawberry Music Festival, Midi Music Festival, Guochao Music Festival and Midou Music Festival were held in many places, and famous musicians and bands such as Cui Jian, Pu Shu, Xu Wei, New Pants, Mourning and Wang Jia were among the guests.

  2021 Beijing Strawberry Music Festival was held in Beijing Shiyuan Park. Source: Video screenshot.

  While the fans are busy catching up with the music festival, the musicians are even more busy. According to the public itinerary of the five-person band, they moved to Changzhou, Shanghai, Nanjing and Beijing to participate in the music festival within four days. "Performing is our labor," they sighed at the Weibo.

  According to barley data, there were 56 music festivals in the country during the five-day holiday, which was 37% higher than the same period in 2019. The box office and attendance increased by 252% and 173% respectively compared with 2019.

  Source: Barley "2021 May 1st Performance Observation".

  Generally speaking, during the holiday period, live performances recovered strongly, and various performances such as music, theater and Quyuan Zatan were abundant, the box office growth rate was obvious, and the consumption power of head projects was strong; It is becoming a trend to travel with literature, and the regional consumption preference is gradually broken; The market consumption structure tends to be younger, especially after 00.

  You can watch music festivals at home?

  Another new change that can be found from this year’s "May Day" holiday is that the music festival is opening up "new territory" on a large scale.

  Compared with 2019 and 2020, this year’s music festivals can be described as blooming everywhere. The major brand music festivals are not only concentrated in cities such as Beijing and Shanghai, but also sink to second-and third-tier cities such as Binzhou in Shandong, Changzhou in Jiangsu, Jiaozuo in Henan and Wanning in Hainan.

  Source: barley net screenshot.

  From the industry point of view, the number of vertical music festivals is also increasing, such as YOLO Music Festival in Changsha, Hunan Province and M_DSK Music Festival in Riyuewan, Wanning, Hainan Province, which focuses on rap music, Midi Music Festival in the Warring States Period in Chengdu focuses on heavy music, and Hainan Little Strawberry Parent-child Music Festival focuses on parent-child themes, providing users with different music preferences with sub-categories of music performance choices.

  Another noteworthy phenomenon is that the music festival is becoming a "hard signboard" for some cities to build cultural tourism brands and drain holidays. According to barley data, during the May Day holiday, many music festivals were held in tourist cities, such as Changzhou Taihu Bay Music Festival, Changzhou Xinlong Forest Music Festival, Wanning Riyuewan M_DSK Music Festival, Jiaozuo Yuntaishan Music Festival and so on.

  For example, the popular Midi Music Festival in Jinan, Shandong Province and the Midi Music Festival in Binzhou this year were supported by the local government in terms of policies and supporting services.

  According to media reports, before the start of Binzhou Midi Music Festival, it only took more than 20 days for the local area to complete the leveling of more than 280 mu of site, the laying of 18,000 square meters of turf, the planning of more than 7,000 parking spaces, the construction of more than 3,000 meters of enclosures, the construction of more than 140 bathrooms and the preparation and construction of various functional areas such as camping and drinking water areas. In order to cooperate with Jinan Midi Music Festival, Jinan Metro also extended the operation time of Lines 1, 2 and 3 to 24 o’clock, and adjusted the running interval to 10 minutes between 22 o’clock and 24 o’clock.

  Posters of 2021 Jinan Midi Music Festival and Binzhou Midi Music Festival.

  The consumption drainage brought by the music festival is also considerable. According to the organizer’s statistics, the fans of Jinan Midi Music Festival from outside the province account for about 65%. It is roughly estimated that the consumption related to cultural tourism during the local holidays will increase by about 20%. According to barley data, during the May Day holiday this year, Hainan Wanning Riyuewan M_DSK Music Festival also made Wanning, a county-level city, among the top ten in China.

  What kind of music festival do the audience need?

  However, under the circumstances that music festivals are blooming everywhere and tickets are rising, is the audience’s experience fully satisfied?

  From last year’s National Day to this year’s "May Day" holiday, the topic of rising ticket prices for music festivals is often mentioned. In the impression of some viewers, the single-day ticket price of music festivals in the past few years was often concentrated in 80 to 200 yuan, but during the small holiday this year, the single-day ticket price of individual music festivals has reached 500 yuan or even more than 1,000 yuan.

  Source: barley net screenshot.

  As for the reasons for the price increase of the music festival, industry analysts said that on the one hand, the number of tickets sold under the epidemic prevention and control policy is limited, and on the other hand, the production costs in all aspects are getting higher and higher, especially the appearance fees of some artists. In recent years, with the blessing of bands and rap variety shows, the value of some musicians has risen sharply. In addition, the participation of pop singers with their own popularity and fans has increased the popularity of the music festival.

  Although the consumption enthusiasm of the music festival has not diminished, the audience also has higher requirements for on-site service and viewing experience.

  Affected by the global epidemic, the homogenization of the performance lineup of the music festival has become more and more obvious. In the absence of overseas artists, New Pants, Tong Yang, Re TROS, Wu Tiao and other head musicians performed everywhere, and most of the audience saw old acquaintances rather than fresh faces at the festival. How to play new tricks in the lineup and collocation of the festival is one of the problems that the organizers need to consider.

  Music festivals are usually held outdoors, so in addition to the lineup of performances, the audio effects, security order, transportation, accommodation, water supply and toilets on the spot are also issues that the audience are very concerned about. Every year, some music festivals are met with large-scale spit by netizens after the end, and the experience of music festivals strongly affects everyone’s impression of a city.

  What kind of music festival do fans like? The Spring Tour Music Festival held in Sichuan in April this year won a good reputation. Although the scale is not huge, the atmosphere is relaxed enough. The audience can eat hot pot, play mahjong and set up tents. The on-site security guards are not in fierce confrontation with fans, but dance and sing with young people to feel the joy of music together.

  Source: screenshot of Weibo’s comments.

  With the recovery of the offline performance market, it is foreseeable that there will be more and more music festivals in the future. While the competition is becoming more and more fierce, the organizers should start from the needs of the audience and use more complete supporting services to let the fans fully feel the spiritual satisfaction of the music festival.

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: Car sales increased by 9.8% year-on-year in May, and new energy vehicles increased by 128%.

  BEIJING, June 14 (Xinhua) According to the website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the national automobile production and sales in May were 2.065 million and 2.092 million, respectively, with a decrease of 5.1% and 1.7% from the previous month and an increase of 5.0% and 9.8% respectively. Among them, new energy vehicles produced 37,000 vehicles and sold 35,000 vehicles, up 131.3% and 128.0% respectively.

  In May, China’s automobile production and marketing market decreased compared with last month, and the year-on-year growth rate continued to grow. From January to May, automobile production and sales maintained steady growth, and the growth rate of production and sales showed a slight increase over the same period of last year.

  Car sales in January and May increased by 9.8% year-on-year.

  According to the statistics of China Automobile Industry Association, the national automobile production and sales in May were 2.065 million and 2.092 million respectively, with the production and sales decreasing by 5.1% and 1.7% respectively. It increased by 5.0% and 9.8% respectively.

  From January to May, the production and sales of automobiles were 10.844 million and 10.755 million respectively, up by 5.8% and 7.0% respectively.

  (1) Passenger car sales in May increased by 11.3% year-on-year.

  In May, the production of passenger cars was 1.772 million, up 5.5% year-on-year and down 3.7% month-on-month. Sales reached 1.793 million vehicles, up 11.3% year-on-year and 0.5% quarter-on-quarter. Among them, 921,000 cars were sold, up 1.5% year-on-year; MPV sold 180,000 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 28.2%; SUV sales were 627,000 units, a year-on-year increase of 36.3%; Cross-type passenger cars sold 64,000 vehicles, a year-on-year decrease of 37.3%.

  From January to May, the production and sales of passenger cars were 9.327 million and 9.258 million respectively, up 6.6% and 7.8% respectively. Among them, car sales were 4.643 million, down 6.1% year-on-year; MPV sold 1.03 million vehicles, up 15.6% year-on-year; SUV sales reached 3.218 million units, a year-on-year increase of 45%; Cross-type passenger cars sold 368,000 vehicles, down 31.6% year-on-year.

  1.1.6 liters and below passenger car market share increased by 4.5%.

  In May, 1.283 million passenger cars of 1.6 liters or less were sold, accounting for 71.6% of the passenger car sales market, up 4.5 percentage points over the same period of last year. Sales increased by 18.8% year-on-year.

  From January to May, 6.674 million passenger cars of 1.6 liters or less were sold, accounting for 72.1% of the passenger car sales market, up 2.6 percentage points over the same period of last year. Sales increased by 11.7% year on year.

  2. The sales volume of self-owned brand passenger cars increased by 12.9% year-on-year, among which SUV increased by 40.2% year-on-year.

  In May, self-owned brand passenger cars sold 717,000 vehicles, up 12.9% year-on-year, accounting for 40% of the passenger car sales market, up 0.6 percentage points from the same period of last year. Among them, a total of 160,000 self-owned brand cars were sold, down 8.2% year-on-year, accounting for 17.4% of the total car sales, down 1.8 percentage points from the same period of last year; A total of 335,000 SUVs were sold, a year-on-year increase of 40.2%, accounting for 53.4% of the total SUV sales, an increase of 1.5 percentage points over the same period of last year.

  From January to May, a total of 4.018 million self-owned brand passenger cars were sold, up 10.9% year-on-year, accounting for 43.4% of the passenger car sales market, and the share increased by 1.2 percentage points year-on-year. Among them, self-owned brand cars sold a total of 891,000 vehicles, down 17.7% year-on-year, accounting for 19.2% of the total car sales, and the share decreased by 2.7 percentage points year-on-year; A total of 1.824 million SUVs were sold, up 56.7% year-on-year, accounting for 56.7% of the total SUV sales, up 2.1 percentage points over the same period of last year.

  (II) Commercial vehicle sales in May increased by 1.4% year-on-year.

  In May, 293,000 commercial vehicles were produced, up 2.0% year-on-year and down 12.7% month-on-month. Sales of 299,000 vehicles increased by 1.4% year-on-year and 2.3% quarter-on-quarter.

  From January to May, a total of 1.516 million commercial vehicles were produced, a cumulative increase of 0.9% year-on-year; Sales reached 1.497 million vehicles, up 2.3% year-on-year.

  Second, the rapid growth of new energy vehicles

  According to the statistics of China Automobile Industry Association, in May, 37,000 new energy vehicles were produced and 35,000 vehicles were sold, up by 131.3% and 128.0% respectively. Among them, the production and sales of pure electric vehicles were 29,000 and 26,000 respectively, up by 177.0% and 161.6% respectively. The number of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles is 0.9 million, up by 49.3% and 68.7% respectively.

  From January to May, new energy vehicles produced 132,000 vehicles and sold 126,000 vehicles, up 131.4% and 134.1% respectively over the same period of last year. Among them, the production and sales of pure electric vehicles were 99,000 and 92,000 respectively, up by 175.1% and 176.2% respectively. The production and sales of plug-in hybrid vehicles were 33,000 and 34,000 respectively, up 55.8% and 65% respectively.

  Third, the economic benefits of key enterprises in the automobile industry have increased.

  According to the statistics of China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, from January to April 2016, the accumulated operating income of key enterprise groups reached 1,100.65 billion yuan, up 8.6% year-on-year. Accumulated profits and taxes totaled 172.68 billion yuan, up 2.1% year-on-year.

  Four, the automobile import and export market continues to fall.

  According to customs statistics, in April 2016, 64,000 vehicles were exported, down 5.5% year-on-year. 85,000 vehicles were imported, down 11.5% year-on-year.

  From January to April, 212,000 vehicles were exported, a year-on-year decrease of 19.5%; The whole vehicle imported 294,000 vehicles, down 16.9% year-on-year.