Wang Shouchang: Sun Tzu’s Art of War, which was ignited by "Hurricane", has a particularly high moral content

  The TV series "Hurricane" was a hit, and it brought fire to "The Art of War". The sales of "The Art of War" increased sharply and even sold out. Gao Qiqiang, the villain in the play, praised "The Art of War", which made netizens seem curious about the strategy of "The Art of War". In fact, "The Art of War" is based on Tao, and cares more about moral care and human spirit. It is difficult for people who do not read "The Art of War" to understand the essence of the book. As long as they can distinguish the difference between "The Art of War" and "Thirty-six Strategies", they can be regarded as understanding the book.

  According to Sima Qian’s "Historical Records", Sun Tzu lived in the Spring and Autumn Period, which was an era of great change in Chinese history. The most significant feature in politics was the decline of the Zhou royal family and the struggle for hegemony between the princes, which in Confucian terms was "the collapse of rites and the collapse of music" and "the Spring and Autumn Unjust War." According to incomplete statistics, in the 100 years from the first year of King Qing of Zhou (618 BC) to the first year of King Jing of Zhou (519 BC) alone, there were more than 160 recorded wars. For the sake of their own survival, development and competition for hegemony, countries competed to recruit military talents and encouraged the establishment of new military theories, which provided a broad stage for the appearance of soldiers and military letters.

  ▲ Qi State in the Spring and Autumn Period. (Image source: Tan Qixiang: "Atlas of Chinese History")

  Sun Tzu, a famous Wu, was a native of Qi State in the late Spring and Autumn Period. His birth and death years were difficult to determine, and he was in the same era or slightly later than Confucius. Qi State was the fief of Jiang Ziya, the founder of the Western Zhou Dynasty, and according to legend, military strategy books such as "Six Tao" and "Conspiracy" were related to him. During the Spring and Autumn Period, there were also famous officials who assisted Duke Huan Qi to achieve hegemony and left a very rich military legacy. Qi State jumped to become the political, economic and cultural center of the world at that time, and became a place where heroes gathered. Such a social environment also provided theoretical support for Sun Tzu’s military research, enabling him to become a learned military talent in his youth. After that, Sun Tzu and Wu Zixu jointly assisted King Wu ********* Cha and his son to defeat Chu, Yue and other countries and become the hegemon of the south. Wu Zixu was forced to commit suicide because he failed to persuade his husband, but the deeds of his grandson are not found in historical records. Later generations speculated that he may have been like Fan Li and retired to the mountains and forests when he became famous.

  To study Sun Tzu’s Art of War, one must first understand two concepts: one is "Tao"; the other is "Instrument". These two concepts are defined in the Book of Changes as follows: "The metaphysical one is called the Tao, and the metaphysical one is called the Instrument." Since the upper part of the visible is "Tao", then the "Instrument" of "the metaphysical one is called the Instrument" refers to specific things, and can also be expressed directly with "Shu". "Shu" is the specific application method of rational cognition. The relationship between "Tao" and "Instrument" is: "The Tao is in the Instrument, and the Tao controls the Instrument." This is the fundamental way of thinking in Chinese philosophy. " Tao "There are various sayings in Chinese philosophy, which are briefly summarized as the causality and regularity inherent in nature, society, and human beings, which are compared to the moral ontology and the realm of people’s transcendental understanding.In Chinese culture, it has always been believed that "Tao" is "the essence", "Shu" is "the end"; "Tao" is "the body", and "Shu" is "use". "Shu" is inseparable from "Tao", and there is no purely independent "Shu".

  ▲ Portrait of Sun Wu. (Image source: CCTV)

  Today, many people read "The Art of War" and pay attention to the art of strategy, which vulgarizes "The Art of War". This is putting the cart before the horse, and it is also the biggest misunderstanding.In the Book of Changes, it is said that "great virtue carries things", which is worthy of our deep consideration. An entrepreneur and politician who has no self-morality constraints and no national, national, and social responsibilities will inevitably go astray. The traditional Chinese cultural way of thinking and moral cultivation are closely related, such as "inner sage and outer king" and "holy wisdom", which are consistent with the "middle mean" advocating the concept that morality and wisdom go hand in hand. This is also the so-called "great virtue must have great wisdom". In the art of war, Sun Tzu places great emphasis on humanistic spirit and moral care. This issue cannot be discussed only in the "Art of War" of Sun Tzu, and there should be a comparison and contrast. Therefore, the author compares "On War" written by German military strategist Clausewitz with "The Art of War" of Sun Tzu.

  The book "Theory of War" is a classic document in modern Western military works. The first point of view of "Theory of War" is that "war is the continuation of politics". This political concept can be enlarged to include economic, geographical and other factors. For example, if there is no oil in the Persian Gulf region, Western powers will not be so interested because they want to control strategic locations and strategic resources, so there are two Gulf wars. It can be said that this view is an accurate description of the essence of war.

  So, is there such an idea in "Sun Tzu’s Art of War"? "Sun Tzu’s Art of War" says from the beginning: "Soldiers are the major events of the country, the place of life and death, and the way of survival. It is impossible to ignore." "Soldiers" refers to war. War is the most important thing for a country. Since it affects the life and death of the people and the survival of the country, every ruler cannot fail to observe, analyze, and study it carefully. It can be said that Sun Tzu 2,500 years ago has realized that war is not an independent phenomenon, but the most important thing for a country. Therefore, Sun Tzu said that the issue of war must be treated with caution, which is the idea of "careful warfare". Because war is extremely destructive and very cruel, once it fails, it often has to bear a heavy price.Sun Tzu cautioned rulers to be cautious about war, because "a subjugated country cannot survive, and the dead cannot be resurrected."

  The Theory of War.

  The second point of "On War" is that "the fundamental purpose of war is the complete annihilation of the enemy." But Sun Tzu does not believe that war is the first choice to solve the problem. Sun Tzu said: "If you go up to the army, you will attack the enemy, and then you will attack the army, and then you will attack the city. The method of siege is a last resort."In Sun Tzu’s opinion, the best military action is to use strategies to thwart the enemy’s war behavior; the second is to establish alliances and defeat the enemy by diplomatic means; the second is to defeat the enemy by force; the last resort is to attack the enemy’s city. Siege is a last resort, there is no way.Because in his opinion, the soldiers who attacked the city like ants, with one-third of the casualties, could not succeed, which was a major disaster. Therefore, Sun Tzu proposed that winning a hundred battles is not the most brilliant; the one who can subdue all the enemies without fighting is the most brilliant. Sun Tzu is not simply talking about "the method of planning an attack", but admonishing people that "those who do not know the harm of using soldiers cannot know the benefits of using them." Sun Tzu advocated "total victory" and "wisdom victory" because he saw the cruelty of war, so he put forward the idea of "careful combat".We can appreciate the love and respect for life contained in the book "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu.

  Sun Tzu’s thinking is not isolated. In the Spring and Autumn Period, Confucianism and Mohism were called "scholars" and were the most influential schools of thought at that time. Mohism had an article called "Non-Attack". Mohism hated war so much that it specifically used such articles to oppose war. Mencius criticized war for delaying agricultural time, destroying production, mutilating innocents, and plundering people into slavery. The reasons why Confucianism and Mohism oppose war are the same. Lao Tzu said that "those who are happy to kill people should not be able to aspire to the world", which means that those who enjoy killing people cannot win the world. War brings great disasters to society and the people, so Lao Tzu said: "Those who are soldiers are ominous weapons, things or evil things, so those who have the Tao are not good." Lao Tzu’s opposition to war is self-evident.

  The author believes that the concept of paying attention to and respecting life in Chinese military science is not unrelated to the emphasis on humanities and morality in Chinese cultural traditions.Let’s first understand the meaning of the concept of "China". During the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, the word "China" was once used to refer to "Huaxia". What is Huaxia? "There is great etiquette, so it is called Xia; there is the beauty of clothing, which is called Hua." Clothing is not only a simple tool used to cover shame, but also represents a culture. The "etiquette" here does not just refer to the concept of politeness, but is regarded as a system. People of every class are responsible in their respective positions and cannot do whatever they want. In daily life, "etiquette" should also be said. Since ancient times, China has had etiquette for drinking, playing, and walking, so we have the reputation of "the state of etiquette". Huaxia is a cultural concept, and "China" is regarded as a representative of "advanced" culture and civilization.

  ▲ "The Art of War" book cover. (Wang Shouchang, photo courtesy)

  In the Song Dynasty, Liao attacked the Central Plains. Shi Jie, a famous scholar in the Song Dynasty, expressed the following views in "On China": When you were still living in caves, China had buildings; when you were still wearing fur, China had clothes; when you had no writing, China had written history. If you come to study, I will teach you; if you don’t come to study, we will be safe and not disturb each other.

  In the Song Dynasty, China was one of the most powerful countries in the world at that time. In 1988, I discussed a question with a Jewish scholar in the United States. I asked him if he knew anything about ancient China, and he said he didn’t. I asked him if he knew anything about the history of Jews coming to China during World War II. He said he knew that during World War II, some Jews were persecuted by fascism and came from Vladivostok, the Soviet Union, to Shanghai, China, where they were accepted and entertained by the Chinese. He also said that one year during the Spring Festival, overseas Jews formed a Thanksgiving Group to visit China, reflecting on the living experience of their parents, and expressing their gratitude to the Chinese government and people. In fact, what he didn’t know was that Jews had come to China long before the Song Dynasty, so it can be seen that China was an open country at that time.

  A large number of documentary records show that the Central Plains region has contacts with surrounding ethnic groups and has always been a good-neighborly and friendly relationship. Although culture, economy and military are ahead of each other, they have not taken hegemonic acts such as aggression and plunder.There is an American film called "Dances with Wolves", which tells the history of European immigration to the American continent to carve out territory and massacre large numbers of indigenous people, which is in sharp contrast.Therefore, for thousands of years, China’s Central Plains and its surrounding ethnic groups have been in the process of continuous integration. The expansion of China’s territory does not rely on war and force, but on cultural identity and common belonging.

  In the Book of Changes, there is a saying that "the three talents of heaven and earth are precious". Xunzi said that people are the most precious in the world because they have qi, life, knowledge, and righteousness. The Art of War of Sun Tzu was produced under the cultural background of great respect for "people".When Sun Tzu discusses war, he always thinks from the perspective of humanities and morality."The Art of War" does not advocate solving problems through war, so it is necessary to use strategy to solve problems. Even if strategy is promoted, it always emphasizes the role of morality. The last article of the thirteen chapters of "The Art of War" is the "Use Room". This "room" is a spy, and the use room is the use of spies. But Sun Tzu talks about the use of spies on the premise that "non-sages cannot use room, and non-benevolence and righteousness cannot use room". Now many of us have forgotten this premise. War needs to be solved by strategy, and there is also a problem that runs through moral and humanistic care.

  About the author:

  Wang Shouchang, a famous scholar, professor of the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies of Peking University, former dean of the Chinese Culture Academy, and dean of the Beijing Sanzhi Culture Academy, mainly researching the history of Chinese philosophy, Buddhism, recent and modern intellectual history, etc., is an advocate and practitioner of "Sinology" education. He has served as the "Chinese Culture Editor" of "Oriental Culture Integration" and the co-editor of the famous academic magazine "Scholar" magazine, the executive director of the China Association for International Education Exchange, and the deputy secretary general of the International Confucian Federation.

  Producer | Yang Xinhua

  Coordinator | Liu Jia, Hu Jun, Kang Kunquan

  Editors | Guo Hui, Qi Zitong

  Production | Hu Qi

The movie "Hua Qiangu" released the "Stay with You" version trailer on January 20. It is difficult to choose between good and evil

A few days ago, starring Chen Turin and Li Chengbin, Mao Zijun starred in a special role, Lai Meiyun and Zhang Zining starred, Xu Muchan starred in a special friendship role, Chen Xiaodong and Zhang Li starred in a friendship role, and Jiang Yiming, Wang Xichao, Yang Yi, Xie Chengze, Xie Zichen and other co-starring Oriental fantasy film "Hua Qiangu" exposed the "Stay with You" version of the trailer. As a phenomenal hit IP, the release of many famous scenes in the trailer makes people dream back to the past, restarting the memory of this unparalleled love for the whole people. Hua Qiangu and Baizi paint immortals and demons in a special way, but they can’t love each other, and they can’t choose between good and evil. The film uses Oriental fantasy colors as a light painting style, re-presenting the strong theme of female growth, transformation and relief. After nine years of company, the audience is invited to join the long-term stay. The movie "Flower Qiangu" will be released nationwide on January 20.

Cultivating immortals and changing one’s life is fate or calamity, and it is destined to stay for a long time and rise again

The movie "Hua Qiangu" is adapted from Guoguo’s work "Hua Qiangu", which tells the story of the ancient times, when all the immortals worked together to annihilate the demon gods, and the power of the demon gods was sealed in the three major artifacts. After a thousand years, the evil thoughts of the world gathered, and the seal of the three major artifacts loosened. Once the power of the demon gods gathered, the six realms would be destroyed. The head of Changliu, Bai Zihua, summoned a group of immortal secret merchants with the intention of strengthening the seal. But all the forces of all parties competed for the artifact for their own selfish desires, which caused Bu Yuanding, the leader of the three artifacts, to erupt with deadly poison gas and slaughter the villagers. There was a girl in the village, Hua Qiangu, who had provoked the demons since she was a child, and the flowers and plants withered wherever she dripped She was the only one who survived the village slaughter, and those who didn’t know it thought that she had invited the natural disaster and chased after her. Hua Qiangu went to stay for a long time in her life, trying to change her fate through immortal cultivation. But who knew that Hua Qiangu was not only involved in the battle for the artifact, but also found out that she was the real body of the demon god. Fortunately, Bai Zihua saw that her nature was pure and kind, and taught her personally. However, in order to welcome the arrival of the demon god, the mastermind behind the scenes set up a plan to lure Hua Qiangu to gather the artifact, causing the lives to be ruined… In the face of the murder of her lover, the departure of her loved ones, and the annihilation of Hua Qiangu by pain and resentment, how should she choose this time

In the latest trailer released today (January 4), Hua Qiangu, who has the real body of the demon god, was misunderstood by the world and fled all the way to long stay, but she asked to no longer be displaced in the chaotic times and have a place to live. Bai Zi Hua accepted her as a disciple, and the destined fetters of the two have been intertwined since then. However, creation has tricked people, and Hua Qiangu’s demon god power has gradually been stimulated. In order to protect the common people and rescue his apprentice from being hurt by the demon god’s power, Bai Zi Hua decided to use his thousand-year cultivation base to give it a go. Even so, he still couldn’t get Hua Qiangu out of the fate of being pierced by the soul-destroying nail. The injustice of the world made Hua Qiangu cry unwillingly to fate, and finally woke up the demon god to return to the world. At the end of the trailer, the seriously injured white painting picked up his sword and looked at the powerful demon god with his eyes like torches. How would the ending be?

It is difficult to choose between good and evil, and join hands to go to the nine-year covenant

The identities of Hua Qiangu and Baizi Hua Fairy and Demon were born into opposition, and they couldn’t love each other. Baizi Hua knew that Hua Qiangu was burdened with too many misunderstandings from the world, and from the moment he saved Hua Qiangu, the tribulation of their love began. Love sprouted between the day and night of the master and the disciple’s relationship and thoughts, but the injustice of fate and the hatred of the world eventually pushed the two to the end of their lives. In order to save the master, Hua Qiangu was injured by an arrow, but in exchange for the sword stab of the beloved person, the sword of broken thoughts symbolizing the friendship between the master and the disciple was finally broken. Flower Qiangu, the demon god, stood proudly in the world, opened the revenge mode of divine power, and completely stimulated the conflict and broke with the world. Bai Zi painting in order to end the calamity to risk, even if he for Hua Qiangui block the anger of the world, but the opposition between good and evil they ultimately hard to choose.

As a phenomenon-level hit IP, from the novel to the drama, to the current movie, the fatalistic sadomasochism between the two has been deeply concerned by IP fans, and it can still ignite the enthusiasm of IP fans after nine years. Hua Qiangu’s love is hard to hide being deeply corroded by the pool of unfeeling water, and famous scenes such as Bai Zi’s painting of being punished by immortals to protect her life make people dream back to the past, restarting the memory of the whole people for this unparalleled love. The film’s unswerving and reckless emotional interpretation of the two is exciting. From the slender girl to the peerless demon god, from "I wish, I ask" to "I dare, I can", the film gives a hearty and colorful writing of Hua Qiangu’s fate transformation.

The entire film was filmed in Guangxi, which not only integrated the beautiful natural scenery of Guangxi into the film, but also skillfully integrated world-class cultural heritage Huashan rock paintings and national intangible cultural heritage Nuo opera into the plot at multiple levels and perspectives, enhancing the influence and dissemination of Chinese civilization in a way that "moisturizes things and is silent".

The movie "Hua Qiangu" is produced by Tang Lijun as producer, Li Jinwen as producer, Zhang Chaoli as director, Zhu Yuhan as screenwriter, Zhang Wenbao as director of photography, Guo Yongren as action director, Li Zhou as director of modeling, Wang Jingjing as art director, A Kun as music director, Lin Aner as editing director, the film will be officially released on January 20, so stay tuned for this romantic fantasy love story.

Getting started is not enough? LaVida’s new time limit is 79,900 "freezing point price", which breaks the entry threshold.

  To meet the scorching summer, LaVida Xinrui, the "new national quality family car" of SAIC Volkswagen, will launch the summer freezing point price from now on. Before August 31, 2023, it will be reduced by 20,000 yuan and 79,900 yuan within a limited time, and on the basis of the original "entry is high", the threshold will be further lowered and it will become the king of cost performance that no one in its class can match.

Getting started is not enough? LaVida's cutting-edge limited time is 79,900 "freezing point price", which breaks the entry threshold _fororder_image001

  Buy "new" and not buy the old one for less than 80 thousand, and you can have Volkswagen’s latest boutique sedan.

  In recent years, there are few new faces in the entry-level sedan market, and LaVida Xinrui, as a brand-new product, just went on the market in June this year. LaVida Xinrui is based on the brand-new MQB platform of Volkswagen Group, and adopts brand-new young design, adopting the same starry front face design of LaVida family, lattice energy star drilling lower grille and penetrating dynamic upper grille, which satisfies users’ pursuit of high value. LaVida Xinrui also launched a brand-new body color, such as "dopamine color" such as turquoise blue and cat’s eye blue. After going out of the street, the rate of turning back is extremely high, which easily captures the hearts of young people.

Getting started is not enough? LaVida's cutting-edge limited time is 79,900 "freezing point price", which breaks the entry threshold _fororder_image002

  Getting started is not enough? 79,900 "freezing point price" lowered the entry threshold again.

  In addition to the attractive appearance, LaVida’s cutting-edge entry model is also fully equipped, which can be called "entry is high", and then superimposed this time, it will drop by 20,000 yuan, which will bring users a sense of value directly.

  LaVida is not only equipped with LED headlights as standard, but also equipped with an 8-inch LCD instrument and an 8-inch central control panel, which is very scientific and technological; Users can also use wireless CarPlay to maximize the use habits of smart phones; Digital parking radar, ramp assist system, cruise control and other practical driving assistance functions make driving easier.

Getting started is not enough? LaVida's new time limit is 79,900 "freezing point price", which breaks the entry threshold _fororder_image003

  In terms of safety, LaVida Xinrui not only adopts a high-rigidity safety body, but also comes standard with 6 airbags, IQ. Drive intelligent driving butler and other active and passive safety systems. The standard AEB automatic emergency braking system can improve the overall driving safety.

Getting started is not enough? LaVida's cutting-edge limited time is 79,900 "freezing point price", which breaks the entry threshold _fororder_image004

  Superimposed high-value repurchase daily car cost is less than a cup of milk tea.

  Now, if you buy LaVida Xinrui, you can not only buy it at a price of less than 80,000 yuan, but also enjoy a high-value repurchase of 15% for two years/20% for three years *, an increase/replacement subsidy of 3,000 yuan for old customers, and a loan policy of 0 interest rate for up to two years. The average daily car cost (about 15 yuan) is less than a cup of milk tea. After three years, you can exchange it for a new SAIC Volkswagen car at an affordable price. How to calculate it is very cost-effective.

Getting started is not enough? LaVida's cutting-edge limited time is 79,900 "freezing point price", which breaks the entry threshold _fororder_image005

  LaVida Xinrui inherits the excellent DNA of the LaVida family, and has a brand-new face value, leapfrog configuration and comprehensive safety guarantee. It was originally a rare high-quality all-round family sedan in the 100,000 yuan class, but now it allows users to start with 79,900, which is really a big surprise in summer freezing point. (Photo: provided by SAIC Volkswagen)

How to balance entertainment and connotation when cultural variety shows a new trend?

   National Treasure, if you don’t say it is a variety show, you will probably regard it as a documentary. Indeed, this is the name of a standard CCTV documentary. But this time, it subverts people’s cognition of the serious topic of national treasure with a young attitude. The platform support of CCTV and the endorsement of nine museums led by the Forbidden City make it one of the hottest variety shows at present. After the first program was broadcast, the Douban score of 9.3 pushed it to the top of the topic list.

   On the one hand, "National Treasure" has become a sharp weapon for harvesting traffic, on the other hand, it has also become a successful model for domestic cultural variety shows. In China, cultural variety is a tentative force. It seems to be a minority, but it can arouse a wide range of emotional resonance. Whether it is the vast emotions in the famous articles of The Reader or the emotional expression between the lines of Seeing Words, it has become a topic widely circulated on the Internet.

   China’s traditional culture has a long history. At present, it has been put on variety shows. In addition to the three mentioned above, there are "Cheer for China" with drama as the display point and "Go Up" with ancient poetry as the breakthrough point. Poetry has different influences, and the emergence of a large number of cultural variety shows has verified the general trend of cultural variety development.

   Although cultural variety is sought after, if you think calmly, you will find that there are not many successful cultural variety like National Treasure. Although a large number of sponsors have begun to enter the market, the development of cultural variety still faces some difficulties, and even becomes the bottleneck of the development of cultural variety.

   First of all, cultural variety needs to give consideration to both culture and entertainment. With the increasing aesthetic needs of the audience, it is difficult to satisfy them simply by entertainment, but it is inevitable that they will be particularly upright if they are too cultural. How to balance the two is a problem that all cultural variety shows should seriously consider.

   Secondly, cultural variety needs to conform to the aesthetics of young people. The success of "National Treasure" is largely due to the early preparation of two topics that are deeply loved by young people: "Taobao in the Forbidden City" and "Duan Zi in the Forbidden City". How to be close to young people without flattering them has become a proposition for the development of cultural variety.

   Thirdly, cultural variety needs to grasp the transmission of values. Society needs positive energy, and cultural variety shows have variety properties first, and need to consider entertainment and satisfy young people. However, before considering these two points, it is even more necessary to convey correct values and positive energy skillfully.

   The development of domestic variety shows, from the gathering of stars to the voices of amateurs, to the setting up of variety shows and cultural singing, highlights the pursuit of feelings in modern society. But at the same time, we should also see that the capital injected into the program has more commercial attributes, avoiding being trapped by capital and being influenced by the likes and dislikes of a few people, and always maintaining feelings from traditional culture is an important guarantee for the long-term development of cultural variety. (Wen Yang Jing)